According to Decenzo and Robbins, “Human Resource Management is concerned with the
people dimension” in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring
their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and
ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization is essential to
achieve organsational objectives. This is true, regardless of the type of organization –
government, business, education, health or social action”.
“The greatest tragedy in America is not the destruction of our natural resources,
though that tragedy is great. The truly great tragedy is the destruction of our human
resources by our failure to fully utilize our abilities, which means that most men and
women go to their graves with their music still in them.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes.
"I emphasize this - no matter how good or successful you are or how clever or crafty,
your business and its future are in the hands of the people you hire". --- Akio Morita
(Late) (Businessman and co-founder of Sony Corporation. Japan) Ref: The Book : MADE IN
JAPAN. Page.No.145
HRM is a part of management discipline. It is not a discipline in itself but is only a field of study.
HRM, being a part of management process, draws heavily from management concepts,
principles and techniques and apply these in the management of human resources.
2. Universal Existence:
HRM is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups. It tries to put people on
assigned job in order to produce goods results. The resultant gains are used to reward people
and motivate them towards further improvement is productivity.
4. Action oriented:
HRM focuses attention on action, rather than on record keeping, written procedures or rules.
The problems of employees are solved through rational policies.
6. Integrating Mechanism:
HRM tries to build and maintain cordial relation between people working at different levels in the
organisation. It tries to integrate human assets in the best possible manner for achieving
organisational goals.
7. Development Oriented:
HRM intends to develop the full potential of employees. The reward structure is turned to the
needs of employees. Training is provided to improve the skill of employees. Every attempt is
made to use their talents fully in the service of organisational goals.
8. Continuous Process:
HRM is not a one short deal. It cannot be practised only one hour each day or one day a week.
It requires constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in every
day operations.
9. Comprehensive Function:
HRM is concerned with managing people at work. It covers all types of people at all levels in the
organisation. It applies to workers, supervisors, officers, manager and other types of personnel.
Evolution of HRM
Period before industrial revolution – The society was primarily an agriculture economy with
limited production. Number of specialized crafts was limited and was usually carried out within
a village or community with apprentices assisting the master craftsmen. Communication channel
were limited.
Period of industrial revolution (1750 to 1850) – Industrial revolution marked the conversion of
economy from agriculture based to industry based. Modernization and increased means if
communication gave way to industrial setup. A department was set up to look into workers
wages, welfare and other related issues. This led to emergence of personnel management with
the major task as
An important event in industrial revolution was growth of Labour Union (1790) – The works
working in the industries or factories were subjected to long working hours and very less wages.
With growing unrest , workers across the world started protest and this led to the establishment
of Labour unions. To deal with labour issues at one end and management at the other Personnel
Management department had to be capable of politics and diplomacy , thus the industrial
relation department emerged.
Post Industrial revolution – The term Human resource Management saw a major evolution
after 1850. Various studies were released and many experiments were conducted during this
period which gave HRM altogether a new meaning and importance.
A brief overview of major theories release during this period is presented below
Frederick W. Taylor gave principles of scientific management (1857 o 1911) led to the
evolution of scientific human resource management approach which was involved in
– Worker’s training
Hawthorne studies, conducted by Elton Mayo & Fritz Roethlisberger (1927 to 1940). –
Observations and findings of Hawthrone experiment shifted the focus of Human resource from
increasing worker’s productivity to increasing worker’s efficiency through greater work
Douglas McGregor Theory X and Theory Y (1960) and Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of
needs ( 1954) – These studies and observations led to the transition from the administrative and
passive Personnel Management approach to a more dynamic Human Resource
Management approach which considered workers as a valuable resource.
As a result of these principles and studies , Human resource management became increasingly
line management function , linked to core business operations. Some of the major activities of
HR department are listed as-
With increase in technology and knowledge base industries and as a result of global
competition , Human Resource Management is assuming more critical role today . Its major
accomplishment is aligning individual goals and objectives with corporate goals and objectives.
Strategic HRM focuses on actions that differentiate the organization from its competitors and
aims to make long term impact on the success of organization.
What is the purpose of Human resource management?
The purpose of the Human resource management is to make the job and deal with the job holder
(employee). So as to perform a job in an organisation, one needs to be identified. In order to
identify right person for a particular job, notification should be issued which contains job
description ( duties and responsibilities) and specifications ( academic qualifications and
physical qualifications). So as to verify the correctness of the candidates invited, they should be
tested by the suitable selection methods for picking-up right person. Subsequently selected
candidates should be provided with the proper training for performing his duties &
responsibilities mentioned in the notification. Later, assessment of employees' performance
should be done to know whether employees are performing to the desired standards set by the
management. Accordingly employees should be rewarded or paid for the job they did in the
organisation and their safety in the job is the responsibility of Hr manager or safety officer who
should instruct safety measures for the employees and see that they are scrupulously followed.
Healthy and welfare measures are so-so important to keep employees happy and motivated
which has direct impact on their productivity. Doing so all, maintaining proper and healthy
relationships between employees and management avoids conflicts which will effect the overall
performance of the organisation. Most important thing is adherence and not to ignore
employment and labour laws which govern all the above said activities for a job. Contravenes of
employment laws will cost to the organisation and its branding. Hence the Human resource
management is like a guardian angel for the organisation to sail smoothly and long-live.
The ten "Cs" of human resources management are: cost effectiveness, competitive, coherence,
credibility, communication, creativity, competitive advantage, competence, change, and
commitment. The ten "Cs" framework was developed by Alan Price in his book "Human
Resource Management in a Business Context".
Why Is Human Resource Management Important to All
Why are these concepts and techniques important to all managers? ' Perhaps it's easier to
answer this by listing some of the personnel mistakes you don't want to make while man-
aging. For example, you don't want to:
Basic (Managerial) function of Human Resource
Planning is the first and basic function of the management and everything depends upon
planning as it is a process of thinking about things before they happen and to make preparations
in-advance to deal with them. Poor planning results in failure and effects overall system.
Therefore HR Mangers should be aware of when is right time to do things, when things should
be done and when things should not be done in order to achieve goals and objectives of the
Most small to medium-sized business owners know the frustration of spending more time than
they want on non-revenue generating activities from payroll to human resource management to
benefits and compensation.The answer for many businesses maybe to outsource part of their HR
functions to third party providers so that they can focus on their core business and also has
following benefits-
1. Save money and reduce operating costs
2. Allow the company to focus on its core business
3. Reduce the number of HR staff and related staff expenses
4. Allow HR staff to focus more on strategy
5. Avoid the costs of major investment in technology
6. Improve metrics/measurement
HR managers should be well aware of organizing everything related to human resource and
organisation as organizing is the process of making and arranging everything in the proper
manner in order to avoid any confusion and conflicts.
Giving each member a specific tasks to finish overall objectives of the job given to an
employee is the duty of the Human Resource Manager, besides it also to the duty of
Human resource manager to define task clearly before entrusting job to an employee. HR
managers should keep in mind that task entrusted to employees should be matched with
their skill set and abilities and It is also lookout of HR managers to give training to
employees in the area or subject which is going to be entrusted to employees, otherwise
the task entrusted to employees gets failed and defeated.
Delegating authority to the members for a good cause and to make employees more
responsible towards their job and organisation is a part of employee development.
Delegating authority to employees makes them to be more responsible towards
organisation as there is a principle called authority equals to responsibility,vice versa
when you load an employee with responsibilities, he should be given authority so as to
fulfill the responsibilities casted upon employee. Authority without responsibility and
responsibility without authority defeats its purpose. Therefore when employees feels
responsible and accepts responsibilities, it is a good sign as it makes employees to be
engaged in the job.
Staffing is one of the key functions of human resource management as staffing is the process of
employing right people, providing suitable training and placing them in the right job by paying
them accordingly and satisfactorily.
Compensating the employees is one of the core functions of the human resource
management. Among all the motivating factors money is the very important primary
motivating factor for any employee. Providing right compensation for the work done by
the employee will not only make employee feel happy, it will also make the organisation
in complainance with employment laws of the land, if not it is unjustified and amounts to
exploitation of employees which is against law.
Recruiting prospective employees and selecting the best ones from them is one of the
primary functions of human resource management. Recruiting is the process of inviting
the people who were willing to join the organisation and selecting best out of them is the
crucial process in which various selection tests are conducted. Having best people in the
organisation will make that organisation is best in all the ways which would create
employer brand that will help to attract talented people and also make them to retain in
the organisation long period of time.
Core HR issues where HR metrics can be applied are Time to fill an employee, Cost per hire of
an employee, Employee absenteeism rate, Employee training others, Turnover cost, Turnover
rate, annual Turnover of an employee, Workers compensation cost for an employee, Revenue per
employee, Return on Investment (ROI) and Yield ratio.
Absence Rate
[(Number of days absent in month) ÷ (Average number of employees during mo.) × (number of
workdays)] × 100
(Advertising + Agency Fees + Employee Referrals + Travel cost of applicants and staff +
Relocation costs + Recruiter pay and benefits) ÷ Number of Hires
Revenue − (Operating Expense − ([Compensation cost + Benefit Cost]) ÷ Total Number of FTE
Revenue Factor
Time to fill
Turnover Costs
Cost to terminate + Cost per hire + Vacancy Cost + Learning curve loss
Turnover Rate
[Number of separations during month ÷ Average number of employees during month] × 100
Directing is a knowledge, discipline and formal way of communicating to others that what you
are expecting from them to do for you or to an organization. Unless a HR manager has capability
of directing, he / she can't be said as full-fledged HR manager. when a HR manager has right
directing capabilities, it is gives clarity for employees what they are expected to perform,
removes confusion in employees and gives clarity of what results are expected by the
management from employees.
Getting work done through subordinates so as to meet the organisation's goals and
objectives. Indeed getting work done to others is an art which every Human resource
manager should possess, for which employee motivation by the Human Resource
Management influences and matters a lot.
Maintaining the group morale by way of fair treatment among employees, being ethical
and generous towards employees, management being loyal to its employees and giving
priority to employee concerns. It is the responsibility of human Resource Manager to
guide always to its employees, otherwise lack of guidance often kills the morale of
employees. Training and development programmes not only improve the skills of
employees but also boost their morale, thereby making them happy and leading to longer
tenures. Apart from breaking the monotony in the workplace, training programmes offer
employees a learning platform where they are able to master new skills and become more
HR managers should have the knowledge of controlling all HR related matters, as they should be
able to think and decide what should be done and what should not be done and which should be
done and which should not be done while dealing with employees.
Comparison of actual performance with the standard one to find the deviation for
initiation of corrective actions, if there are any deviations. Corrective actions include
giving proper and suitable training to such employees or withholding of increments in
payments until performance gaps are none. Demotion of employee, suspension and
discharge from job is initiated when serious deviations are identified
Job design is the process of deciding on the content of a job in terms of its duties and
responsibilities; on the methods to be used in carrying out the job, in terms of techniques,
systems and procedures and on the relationships that should exist between the job holder
and the superiors, subordinates and colleagues. Job enlargement, job enrichment, job
rotation, and job simplification are the various techniques used in a job design exercise.
Job design goal is to minimize physical strain on the worker by structuring physical work
environment around the way the human body works.
Subsequently, selection of right person form the pool of candidates by administering various
selection tests like preliminarily screening, written tests, oral tests and interviews etc.
Career planning and Career development; process of establishing personal career
objectives by employees and acting in a manner intended to bring them about. HR
managers should help their employees in knowing their strengths for placing them in
suitable job, guide employees what skills and knowledge should be acquired for attaining
higher positions, planning for suitable training for polishing existing skill set and
providing good work-life-balance to make balance between career and personal life,
after all, every one work for their personal life . Career development according
to Schuler, "It is an activity to identify the individual needs, abilities and goals and the
organization’s job demands and job rewards and then through well designed programmes
of career development matching abilities with demands and rewards". Career
development does not guarantee success but without it employees would not be ready for
a job when the opportunity arises. HR managers should encourage their employees by
providing them suitable opportunities to grow for promoting them to higher jobs
according to their skills and knowledge, identify and provide opportunities to employees
to learn new skills in the job and compensate accordingly and guiding employees in right
career path to develop in their career.
To make this point clear, Human resource department's failure to maintain employee safety,
welfare and healthy measures acccording to The Factories Act 1948 or failure to have an ICC
(Internal Complaints Committee) according to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 will sometimes lead to closure or
cancellation of business. Like that there are other employment laws which makes organisation to
be in compliance with it for smooth running of organisation, if not it will invite unnecessary
troubles to an organisation.
Job evaluation; analyzing and assessing various jobs systematically to ascertain their
relative worth in an organization.
Performance evaluation is also called as performance appraisal of employees. Human
Resource Managers can adopt various methods for assessing the performance of the
employees So as to take decisions with regard to compensating and rewarding
employees, training of employees if performance is poor and it would take corrective
actions on employees whose performance is poor. In order to evaluate the performance of
employees, HR managers first have to set up performance standards for comparing with
actual performance of employees to find out gaps of employee performance. Performance
evaluation or appraising performance of employees is the core and major task when
compared with other human resource management functions.
Create Goals
Wages or salary administration as prescribed by the labour laws, Wages for workers or
salary for employees is the basic and primary thing for which employee's work for an
organisation. It's administration of salaries by HR managers is very crucial function as
financial implications and legal complaince is involved. Any deviations in payment of
salaries will lead to immediate dissatisfaction of employees and effects their moral and
any failure in payment of salaries, statutory contributions by employee and statutory
deductions from salary of an employee in accordance with the employment laws will
invite unnecessary complications and will be liable for penal action by the court of law.
Hence it is lookout of the Human resource management department to avoid such costly
mistake which also effects the organisation's reputation (Employer branding). wages
are classifieds as
Employee benefits
Employees State insurance provides following benefits to the employees whoever got covered
under employees State insurance scheme.
o Bickness benefit: ESIC provides 70% of average daily wages in cash during
medical leave, upto 91 days in two consecutive benefit periods.
o Medical benefit: ESIC provides reasonable Medical Care for self and family from
day one of entering into insurable employment.
o Disablement benefit: ESIC provides continuous monthly payment till injury lasts
for temporary disablement and for whole life for permanent disablement.
o Maternity benefit: ESIC provides 100% of average daily wages in cash up to 26
weeks in confinement and 6 week in case of miscarriage, during maternity leave
and 12 weeks for commissioning mother and adopting mother.
o Unemployment allowance: ESIC Provides monthly cash allowance for a duration
of maximum 24 months in case of involuntary loss of employment or permanent
invalidity due to non-employment injury.
Voluntary employee benefits: Payment for time not worked, paid vacations, Surrogacy leave,
Adoption leave, Menstrual leave, Health and security benefits.
Employee well-being; Providing good working conditions at workplace is the
fundamental duty of Human Resource Management department. Treating employees
inhumane is against to the Constitution of India according to [Article 42 under Chapter
XXXIV of Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution of India].
It is also the duty of Human Resource Management to provide welfare measures like Pure water
drinking facilities, restrooms, lunchroom in an organisation having more than 150 employees,
minimum medical aid facility for 150 employees, maintenance of an ambulance in an
organisation having more than 500 employees, canteen in an organisation having more than 250
employees, crèches for children in the organisation having more than 30 women employees and
sitting facilities for employees wherever it is required and possible.as prescribed under The
Factories act 1948.
Job rotation is the human resource management technique in which employee is moved
between two or more jobs in a systematic and planned manner. The objective is to expose
an employee to different experiences and wider variety of skills to enhance job
satisfaction and to cross-train them.
Human Resource information system implementation lets you keep track of all your
employees and all information about them. It is usually done in a database or, more often,
in a series of inter-related databases.
Industrial relations is the process of management dealing with one or more unions with
a view to negotiate and subsequently administer collective bargaining agreement or
labour contract. Maintaining proper industrial relationships is the core activity of Human
Resource Management so as to avoid industrial disputes.
Now recently in the year 2010, a new chapter II-B is inserted in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
by way of amendment w.e.f 15th September, 2010, and a new section 9-C is added for having
grievance redressal committee.
The Encyclopedia Americana states that the American Federation of labour “insists upon the
equity of workers in their right to bargain collectively with employers through representatives of
their own choosing”.
Being a spokesman of employees and organization: It is the responsibility of human
resource manager to be as, spokesman, negotiator and middlemen between management
and employees for smoothening the flow of communication of management decisions
from top-level to bottom level and vice versa, for cushioning conflicts if any by
misunderstandings or misinterpretation and to establish healthy relations and good culture
within the organisation. In sometimes HR manager should take the responsibility of a
spokesman of organization when representing or dealing with other stakeholders.
Any woman employee who has faced sexual harassment at the workplace, or any person
authorized by the Internal or Local Complaints Committee can file a complaint with the
Magistrate. Repeated non-compliance of this provision can result in the punishment being
doubled or even cancellation of the organisation's business license by the concern
government or local authority.
For the above said offences the punishment shall be for a period of one to three years of
imprisonment or fine, or both
Roles & Responsibilities of HR Managers in Organizations
1. Hiring from within and from outside / Recruitment
2. Attraction and selection
3. Employment testing
4. Formal performance appraisal
5. Compensation and contingent pay
6. Employee benefit management
7. Promotion rules
8. Problem-solving groups (also called quality circles)
9. Total Quality Management
10. Information sharing
11. Job analysis and job design
12. Job rotation
13. Attitude survey
14. Grievance procedure
15. Conflict resolution
• Set objectives for the HR team and track progress
• Design and implement company policies that promote a healthy work
• Develop compensation and benefits plans
• Support and suggest improvements to the entire recruitment process
• Host in-house recruitment events
• Discuss employees’ career development paths with managers
• Monitor HR metrics (e.g. turnover rates and cost-per-hire)
• Review departmental budgets
• Organize learning and development programs
• Ensure HR staff addresses employees’ requests and grievances in a timely
• Maintain HR procedures that comply with labor regulations
Important Qualities for Human Resources Managers:
Skillfulness and knowledge In HR
The sense of work ethics
Good presentation skill
Conflict management
Leadership abilities
Multitasking abilities
Ability to motivate others
Efficiency to deal with ‘GRAY’
Effective Communication
Courage and confidence to handle complex matters
Human Resources Managers Skills:
Decision-making skills
Teamwork and collaboration
Interpersonal skills
Performance management
Leadership skills
Organizational skills
Employee relations.
Speaking skills
Human Resources Information Software (HRIS)
Worker’s compensation
Scheduling and managing
Customer service
Project management
Difference Between Personnel Management and Human
Resource Management
The main difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management lies in
their scope and orientation. While the scope of personnel management is limited and has an
inverted approach, wherein workers are viewed as tool. Here the behavior of the worker can be
manipulated as per the core competencies of the organization and are replaced when they are worn-
On the other hand, human resource management has a wider scope and considers employees as
the asset to the organization. It promotes mutuality in terms of goals, responsibility, reward etc. that
will help in enhancing the economic performance and high level of human resource development.
In early centuries, when Human Resource Management (HRM) was not prevalent, then the staffing
and payroll of the employees were taken care of, by the Personnel Management (PM). It is popularly
known as Traditional Personnel Management. Human Resource Management have emerged as an
extension over the Traditional Personnel Management. So, in this article, we are going to throw light
on the meaning and differences between Personnel Management and Human Resource
Comparison Chart
The aspect of management that is The branch of management that focuses on the
concerned with the work force and their most effective use of the manpower of an entity, to
relationship with the entity is known as achieve the organizational goals is known as
Personnel Management. Human Resource Management.
Approach Traditional Modern
Treatment of manpower Machines or Tools Asset
Type of function Routine function Strategic function
Basis of Pay Job Evaluation Performance Evaluation
Management Role Transactional Transformational
Communication Indirect Direct
Labor Management Collective Bargaining Contracts Individual Contracts
Initiatives Piecemeal Integrated
Management Actions Procedure Business needs
Decision Making Slow Fast
Job Design Division of Labor Groups/Teams
Primarily on mundane activities like
Treat manpower of the organization as valued
Focus employee hiring, remunerating, training,
assets, to be valued, used and preserved.
and harmony.
Operative Functions: The activities that are concerned with procurement, development,
compensation, job evaluation, employee welfare, utilization, maintenance and collective
Managerial Function: Planning, Organizing, Directing, Motivation, Control, and Coordination
are the basic managerial activities performed by Personnel Management.
From the last two decades, as the development of technology has taken place and the humans are
replaced by machines. Similarly, this branch of management has also been superseded by Human
Resource Management.
Human Resource Management is a continuous process of ensuring the availability of eligible and
willing workforce i.e. putting the right man at the right job. In a nutshell, it is an art of utilizing the
human resources of an organization, in the most efficient and effective way. HRM covers a broad
spectrum of activities which includes:
Recruitment and Selection
Training and Development
Employee Services
Salary and Wages
Industrial Relations
Health and safety
Working conditions
Appraisal and Assessment
1. The part of management that deals with the workforce within the enterprise is known as
Personnel Management. The branch of management, which focuses on the best possible
use of the enterprise’s manpower is known as Human Resource Management.
2. Personnel Management treats workers as tools or machines whereas Human Resource
Management treats it as an important asset of the organization.
3. Human Resource Management is the advanced version of Personnel Management.
4. Decision Making is slow in Personnel Management, but the same is comparatively fast in
Human Resource Management.
5. In Personnel Management there is a piecemeal distribution of initiatives. However, integrated
distribution of initiatives is there in Human Resource Management.
6. In Personnel Management, the basis of job design is the division of work while, in the case of
Human Resource Management, employees are divided into groups or teams for performing
any task.
7. In PM, the negotiations are based on collective bargaining with the union leader. Conversely,
in HRM, there is no need for collective bargaining as individual contracts exist with each
8. In PM, the pay is based on job evaluation. Unlike HRM, where the basis of pay is
performance evaluation.
9. Personnel management primarily focuses on ordinary activities, such as employee hiring,
remunerating, training, and harmony. On the contrary, human resource management
focuses on treating employees as valued assets, which are to be valued, used and
Today HRIS is computer based information system. Manager as a decision maker is a processor of
information. He must possess the ability to obtain the information, store the information, process and
retrieve the information and use it for the right decision.
Today’s computer languages are user friendly that allow manager to learn enough skills in a short time
ranging from a day or two to have an access to the most of their demand for immediate and ad hoc
information provided data are properly collected, organized and stored in a computer. Management must
insist on economic quality the quality which is cost effective. It should establish quality standards that
reflect needs of the organization. It can be easily done through “Quality Circles’. They should focus their
attention on programming techniques, documentations, new technology use etc. Computer is a time saver
Management Information System:
Management information system or MIS is the old concept. The computerized MIS is new.
Executives used MIS for planning and control. Computerized MIS added new dimensions by
way of increased speed and accuracy. The use of computer has made the management
information system feasible. It is not necessary that management information system should be
computerized. There are host of tasks that are performed perfectly by employees and executives
but there are certain tasks that can be speedily and accurately performed by this electronic
machine” computer.
The modern technology has brought in sea changes and transformed the organisational structure,
working and culture. Computers and computer programmes have flooded into the organisations
of all kinds and types giving no chance to escape from their influence. They are widely used in
human resource management.
External recruitment also made easy with the help of computerized information’s maintained by
the organisations by way of keeping a track record of unsolicited applicants and at times taking
the help from private employment agencies who maintain databases regarding various types of
human resources available in different organisations and or other persons in search of jobs.
The acquisitions of human resources by way of selection are quite lengthy and complicated
procedure is adopted. All these complications are made easy by way of using computerized
information. Test and scanning of applications are accurately performed through computers
hence saving a lot of time and cost.
Training and Development:
In the area of training and development the computer has been used to a greater extent. There are
computer assisted instructions that are widely used training techniques. Computer assisted
instructions (C.A.I.) are the programmed learning methods.
Earliest in 1924 the use of rudimentary teaching machines were made but with the advent and
availability of computers the programmed training is in vogue now. The computerized training
system is utilized for hosts of job holders that include mechanics, clerks, pilots etc. Computer
simulation of real job situation is of particular importance. It is on the job training method. It
helps trainee to gain practical experience.
Under computer managed instructions the trainees’ competence is assessed by the computer
before start of the training. The assessment continues till the end of the training. The assessment
makes the trainer to modify training contents to suit the trainee’s needs.
Under computer based training, the facilities of computer aided instructions and computer
managed instructions are combined together. Being comprehensive it provides many advantages
to the trainee through effective learning. Computer -based training (CBT) provides immediate
feedback. A commoner gets more knowledge through CBT than in classroom training. The
training through CBT can be provided at the place of working or where the trainees assemble. It
is cost effective.
No costs are incurred on trainer as it is the programmed-based training. There is an improvement
in CBT with the addition of video which is high tech training technique and is known as
interactive video training. CD-ROM is also used for executive development. It is up to the
organisation to make a choice of appropriate computerized training technique depending upon
the availability of funds and the type of employees and executives undergoing training.
The high tech training methods have high initial investment but once purchased it is very cost
effective. The evaluation of trainees and training programme can be immediately available which
is not possible under other traditional training techniques.
Computer can store the information relating to trainees, their performance and their needs for
further training. Up to date information in this respect can be made available as and when
required by the human resource manager or any executive for that matter.
HRIS modules can be used to record the training received and cost of training can be monitored.
There is a constant need to update the skills and knowledge of the employees and executives to
meet the growing needs of the organisation. The computerised training programmes fulfill these
needs of the organisation.
The organisation can keep track of such ambitious employees and executives. Such personnel’s
are very conscious of their career and career path. They do not hesitate in leaving the
organisation if an opportunity in their career path is denied to them.
One can say that career planning and computer applications are made for each other. The
detailed inventory in respect of human resources of the organisation and the job details can be
stored in a computer. Succession system is another area where computer play an important role
in suggesting a suitable person to succeed a retired one at a position. This can be easily
maintained for employees and executives both.
Compensation is yet another area where computer applications can be made. The compensation
includes salary, wages and other benefits. The information required in this system is payroll and
financial records. Human resource information system aids in wage and salary administration.
Several software packages are available in this respect to maintain and monitor the compensation
administration. The employee gets the information relating to the salary drawn by him and
compulsory deductions from the salary along with his leave records till date every month.
It saves manual labour of maintaining the large and heavy ledgers. The details regarding
employees’ contribution to provided fund, the interest thereon is also maintained and at regular
interval the employees are handed over the details.
Performance Appraisal:
If merit or performance is rated by an individual may be superior in rank and hierarchy, there is a
scope for biased attitude. Computer can provide unbiased solution to the problem. Modules are
available to help in evaluating performance. There are several software’s available in evaluating
the performance of the employees and executives having several rating scales in critical areas of
performance. The organisation can make use of the relevant scales of evaluating the performance
of its employees of various grades and ranks by varying the rating scale provided by the
Safety and Health:
Safety and health at workplace is very essential. Healthy employees free from any disease having
all the parts of body intact and safe are the assets of the organisation. The organization having
such human resources should boast upon itself. It deserves credit for excellent provisions in
respect of safety and health of its employees.
It is a dream away from facts. But organisation can take utmost care of its employees keeping the
records of occupational diseases, injuries and make the employees aware of them from time to
time and also draw attention of the employees towards hazardous chemicals and other such
materials and their use.
Human resource information system can develop a software and maintain the records of various
categories of occupational diseases, their dangers, how people suffer from them, medical
treatment available, methods of prevention, safety measures at the workplace, the cares to be
taken etc.
The employees can be, through computer network at regular intervals or daily, made aware of all
these and warn of the hazardous after effects. Computer in this respect can provide a healthiest
system for safety and health of the human resources of the organisation. The computers aid in
respect of maintaining health, cope up with stress, change in lifestyle and adopting the one that
suits to his or her health, dieting etc.
Human Relations:
Maintaining better human relations is a problem faced by many organisations. Every organisation expects
better human relations and smooth functioning. The relations between union and management should be
smooth and of cooperation. The computers can help in keeping the records of negotiations between
unions and management, the agreements reached between the two.
Computer network helps in reminding the executives of the agreements and agreed terms between the
management and unions. Executive’s personal computer can be connected to an on line information
search and retrieval system human relations information network. Employees can also have the access to
the system knowing fully well what their leaders agree or disagree to. This promotes complete
transparency in human relations or industrial relations in the organisation.
Strategic HRM refers to HR that is co-ordinated and consistent with the overall
business objectives in order to improve business performance. According to Purcell
(1999), SHRM focuses on actions that differentiate the business from its competitors.
Strategic HRM emphasizes the importance of HR – and the people in the business – to
the success of an organisation. Businesses with an emphasis on strategic HRM may
have an HR representative in the boardroom or advising/feeding back to senior
executives, and may also make use of HR business partners.
Critics of strategic human resource management say that it is a good idea in theory but
often hard to implement at the organisational level. Translating the organisation’s
objectives and values into tangible initiatives that can be driven by the HR department
is a complex problem underlying strategic HRM.
In order for strategic human resource management to be effective, human resources (HR) must
play a vital role as a strategic partner when company policies are created and implemented.
Strategic HR can be demonstrated throughout different activities, such as hiring, training,
and rewarding employees.
Why is strategic human resource management important?
Companies are more likely to be successful when all teams are working towards the
same objectives. Strategic HR carries out analysis of employees and determines the
actions required to increase their value to the company. Strategic human resource
management also uses the results of this analysis to develop HR techniques to address
employee weaknesses.
Strategic human resource management is key for the retention and development of
quality staff. It’s likely that employees will feel valued and want to stay with a company
that places a premium on employee retention and engagement. Before you implement
strategic human resource management, you will need to create a strategic HR planning
process using the steps below: