HRM Lecture 1
HRM Lecture 1
HRM Lecture 1
Notes by Ms Mobushra
To achieve a company’s goals we need human’s (employees). So by human we need people working in a
Resources means financial resources, human resources, stock (material), and technological resources
etc. which are required to achieve a company’s goals.
Management could be defined as all the tasks that we control to achieve company’s goals. It means that
management is an activity to plan, lead, and control.
Human resources management (HRM) is a management function concerned with hiring, motivating and
maintaining people in an organization. It focuses on people in organizations. Human resource
management is designing management systems to ensure that human talent is used effectively and
efficiently to accomplish organizational goals.
According to the Invancevich and Glueck“HRM is concerned with the most effective use of people to
achieve organizational and individual goals. It is the way of managing people at work, so that they give
their best to the organization”.
According to Dessler (2008) the policies and practices involved in carrying out the “people” or human
resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and
appraising comprises of HRM.
In short Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as the art of procuring, developing and
maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient
History of HRM
Period before industrial revolution – The society was primarily an agriculture economy with limited
production. Number of specialized crafts was limited and was usually carried out within a village or
community with apprentices assisting the master craftsmen. Communication channel were limited.
Period of industrial revolution (1750 to 1850) – Industrial revolution marked the conversion of
economy from agriculture based to industry based. Modernization and increased means if
communication gave way to industrial setup. A department was set up to look into workers’ wages,
welfare and other related issues. This led to emergence of personnel management with the major task
An important event in industrial revolution was growth of Labour Union (1790) – The works working in
the industries or factories were subjected to long working hours and very less wages. With growing
unrest, workers across the world started protest and this led to the establishment of Labour unions. To
deal with labour issues at one end and management at the other Personnel Management department
had to be capable of politics and diplomacy, thus the industrial relation department emerged.
Post Industrial revolution – The term Human resource Management saw a major evolution after 1850.
Various studies were released and many experiments were conducted during this period which gave
HRM altogether a new meaning and importance.
A brief overview of major theories release during this period is presented below
Frederick W. Taylor gave principles of scientific management (1857 o 1911) led to the evolution of
scientific human resource management approach which was involved in
– Worker’s training
Hawthorne studies, conducted by Elton Mayo & Fritz Roethlisberger (1927 to 1940).
– Observations and findings of Hawthrone experiment shifted the focus of Human resource from
increasing worker’s productivity to increasing worker’s efficiency through greater work satisfaction.
Douglas McGregor Theory X and Theory Y (1960) and Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (1954)
– These studies and observations led to the transition from the administrative and passive Personnel
Management approach to a more dynamic Human Resource Management approach which considered
workers as a valuable resource.
As a result of these principles and studies, Human resource management became increasingly line
management function, linked to core business operations. Some the major activities of HR department
are listed as-
The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker – from the time of
his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves the organizations comes under the purview of
HRM. The major HRM activities include HR planning, job analysis, job design, employee hiring, employee
and executive remuneration, employee motivation, employee maintenance, industrial relations and
prospects of HRM. The scope of Human Resources Management extends to:
All the decisions, strategies, factors, principles, operations, practices, functions, activities and methods
related to the management of people as employees in any type of organization.
All the dimensions related to people in their employment relationships, and all the dynamics that flow
from it.
The scope of HRM is really vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker – from the time of his
or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves it comes under the purview of HRM. American
Society for Training and Development (ASTD) conducted fairly an exhaustive study in this field and
identified nine broad areas of activities of HRM.
Organizational Development
Employee Assistance
Union/Labor Relations
b) Design of Organization and Job: This is the task of laying down organization structure, authority,
relationship and responsibilities. This will also mean definition of work contents for each position in the
organization. This is done by “job description”. Another important step is “Job specification”. Job
specification identifies the attributes of persons who will be most suitable for each job which is defined
by job description.
c) Selection and Staffing: This is the process of recruitment and selection of staff. This involves matching
people and their expectations with which the job specifications and career path available within the
d) Training and Development: This involves an organized attempt to find out training needs of the
individuals to meet the knowledge and skill which is needed not only to perform current job but also to
fulfil the future needs of the organization.
f) Compensation and Benefits: This is the area of wages and salaries administration where wages and
compensations are fixed scientifically to meet fairness and equity criteria. In addition labor welfare
measures are involved which include benefits and services.
h) Union-Labor Relations: Healthy Industrial and Labor relations are very important for enhancing peace
and productivity in an organization. This is one of the areas of HRM.
i) Personnel Research and Information System: Knowledge on behavioral science and industrial
psychology throws better insight into the workers expectations, aspirations and behavior. Advancement
of technology of product and production methods have created working environment which are much
different from the past. Globalization of economy has increased competition many fold. Science of
ergonomics gives better ideas of doing a work more conveniently by an employee. Thus, continuous
research in HR areas is an unavoidable requirement. It must also take special care for improving
exchange of information through effective communication systems on a continuous basis especially on
moral and motivation.