July Sem 2020 / Scca1023 / Pair Assignment Rubric: 1 Below Basic 2 Basic 3 Proficient 4 Advance Marks
July Sem 2020 / Scca1023 / Pair Assignment Rubric: 1 Below Basic 2 Basic 3 Proficient 4 Advance Marks
July Sem 2020 / Scca1023 / Pair Assignment Rubric: 1 Below Basic 2 Basic 3 Proficient 4 Advance Marks
Errors are frequent and Enough errors in style Writing is generally Writing is free of errors
distracting; therefore it or grammar occur that error free, but some in grammar,
3) Mechanics / is hard to determine they become errors in language or punctuation, sentence
meaning distracting. grammar may occur structure, capitalization
and spelling.
References are not Few references are Most references are Complete references in
cited in text, and no cited in text and cited in text and text and references list.
references list is incomplete reference appropriately provided 4
6) References provided. list. in references list.
Style/format is Many references use Most references use References are in the
incorrect. incorrect style/format. correct style/format. correct style/format.
NET MARKS (25%) 25