There Are Few Pros and Cons Associated With It Which Are Discussed Below
There Are Few Pros and Cons Associated With It Which Are Discussed Below
There Are Few Pros and Cons Associated With It Which Are Discussed Below
Cons- Though Nike is trying to make its company eco-friendly, it is not promoting its efforts. Also Nike’s
executives agree that promoting an eco-friendly message would distract from its slick high tech images, so efforts
like recycling old shoes into new shoes are kept quiet. Also, Nike’s products are quite expensive than its
competitor’s product (adidas, under armor, etc.) so customers often opt for other brand’s product. According to the
marketing strategy of Nike, it endorses high profile athletes for promoting its brand. This have both positive and
negative influence on its customers. For instance, if Nike is endorsing a high-profile athlete to promotes its product,
it will attract its idolater to purchase that product but if the athlete is caught as a drug addict or in any conspiracy it
will not only affect athletes image but also hamper Nike’s brand image.
• I would decrease the price of my products without compromising the quality of my products.
• Next thing would be investing heavily in advertisements and paying more to the athletes than what
Nike is paying.
• I would also do market segmentation according to age, gender, demographic etc. I would target
students and women. : 02