This document provides details about the 1st IEEE Workshop on Advanced Security and Privacy in Internet of Vehicles (ASP-IoV). It discusses the timely need to discuss solutions that provide authentication and secure data in Internet of Vehicles systems given new vulnerabilities introduced by vehicle sensor data and communications. The workshop will address emerging security and privacy issues in distributed sensor networks and IoV. It lists potential topic areas and identifies the organizers, including their backgrounds and accomplishments in the field. Potential program committee members and invited speakers are also named.
This document provides details about the 1st IEEE Workshop on Advanced Security and Privacy in Internet of Vehicles (ASP-IoV). It discusses the timely need to discuss solutions that provide authentication and secure data in Internet of Vehicles systems given new vulnerabilities introduced by vehicle sensor data and communications. The workshop will address emerging security and privacy issues in distributed sensor networks and IoV. It lists potential topic areas and identifies the organizers, including their backgrounds and accomplishments in the field. Potential program committee members and invited speakers are also named.
This document provides details about the 1st IEEE Workshop on Advanced Security and Privacy in Internet of Vehicles (ASP-IoV). It discusses the timely need to discuss solutions that provide authentication and secure data in Internet of Vehicles systems given new vulnerabilities introduced by vehicle sensor data and communications. The workshop will address emerging security and privacy issues in distributed sensor networks and IoV. It lists potential topic areas and identifies the organizers, including their backgrounds and accomplishments in the field. Potential program committee members and invited speakers are also named.
This document provides details about the 1st IEEE Workshop on Advanced Security and Privacy in Internet of Vehicles (ASP-IoV). It discusses the timely need to discuss solutions that provide authentication and secure data in Internet of Vehicles systems given new vulnerabilities introduced by vehicle sensor data and communications. The workshop will address emerging security and privacy issues in distributed sensor networks and IoV. It lists potential topic areas and identifies the organizers, including their backgrounds and accomplishments in the field. Potential program committee members and invited speakers are also named.
1st IEEE Workshop on Advanced Security and Privacy in Internet of Vehicles (ASP-IoV)
2. Description of the technical issues covered, emphasizing the timeliness of the proposed workshop Since last few years, we are witnessing a revolution in mobile communication and computation technologies. The Internet of Things evolution have given birth to several new groundbreaking applications, such as Internet of Vehicles, smart cities, and cyber physical systems. In Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the vehicles include several sensors and cameras to obtain and communicate information from surroundings. This information can be helpful in safe navigation, detecting hurdles, optimizing routes, and in traffic management. For efficient decision making, in IoVs, we use Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication to compliment on-board sensors inputs and provide better services. A key concern when relying on sensor data is vulnerability to data. Malicious actors tend to inject false or alter the communication among normal vehicles. Therefore, the need is to discuss the solutions that provide authentication to both communicating entities and secure data from malicious entities. This workshop will collect state-of-the-art approaches to secure the IoV infrastructure.
Specifically, ASP-IoV workshop will provide a high-quality forum for participants across research labs, academia and industry. We aim to attract contributions from both academic and industrial organizations addressing emerging security and privacy issues in distributed sensor networks and IoV. This is to publish consolidated research results focusing on analyzing security and privacy threats, applying cutting-edge technologies to provide secure and privacy-preserving communications in the relevant fields. Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of the area. Papers that shed new light on past or informally known results by means of sound formal theory or through empirical analysis will also be welcomed.
Suggested contribution topics include (but are not limited to) empirical and theoretical studies of:
• Efficient secure data dissemination mechanisms for IoV • Intrusion detection technologies for IoV • New Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and services based on IoV • Context aware Security and Privacy method for IoV • Secure and privacy preserving V2V and V2X communications • Secure communication architecture for GPS system, unmanned traffic management (UTM) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in IoV • Secure routing in IoV • Secure vehicular fog computing • Security and privacy for resource-constrained devices in IoV • Security framework of cloud based IoV • Sustainable security solutions for electric/hybrid vehicles • QoS solutions for IoV • AI/ML based security solutions for IoV • Blockchain enabled security solutions for IoV • Designing green-oriented protocols, techniques and services for IoV • Trust and reputation in IoV • SDN and NFV for IoV
3. Workshop Organizers
General Chair: Joel J. P. C Rodrigues, Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Brazil; Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal;
Organizing Co-Chairs: Ali Kashif Bashir, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Zhaolong Ning, Dalian University of Technology, China, Uttam Ghosh, Vanderbilt University, USA,
Joel J.P.C Rodrigues Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues [S’01, M’06, SM’06, F’20] is a professor at the Federal University of Piauí, Brazil; senior researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal; and collaborator of the Post- Graduation Program on Teleinformatics Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil. Prof. Rodrigues is the leader of the Next Generation Networks and Applications (NetGNA) research group (CNPq), an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Member Representative of the IEEE Communications Society on the IEEE Biometrics Council, and the President of the scientific council at ParkUrbis – Covilhã Science and Technology Park. He was Director for Conference Development - IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors, Technical Activities Committee Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Latin America Region Board, a Past-Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on eHealth, a Past-chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications Software, a Steering Committee member of the IEEE Life Sciences Technical Community and Publications co-Chair He is the editor-in-chief of an international journal and editorial board member of several journals. He has been general chair and TPC Chair of many international conferences, including IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE HEALTHCOM, and IEEE LatinCom. He has authored or coauthored over 850 papers in refereed international journals and conferences, 3 books, 2 patents, and 1 ITU-T Recommendation.
Ali Kashif Bashir Ali Kashif Bashir is associated with Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. He is a senior member of IEEE and Distinguished Speaker of ACM. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Korea University, South Korea. He is the author of over 130 peer-reviewed articles. He is serving as the Editor-in-chief of the IEEE FUTURE DIRECTIONS NEWSLETTER. He is the editor of several journals and has served as a guest editor on several special issues in journals of IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer. He has served as chair (program, publicity, and track) chair on several conferences and workshops. He has delivered several invited and keynote talks, and reviewed articles for IEEE Communication Magazine & LETTERS, INFOCOM, and ICC.
Zhaolong Ning Zhaolong Ning is currently an associate professor in Dalian University of Technology, China. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in communication and information system from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 2011 and 2014, respectively. He was a research assistant at Kyushu University, Japan, from 2013 to 2014. From 2019 to 2020, he is a research fellow with The University of Hong Kong. His research interests include vehicular networks, mobile edge computing, 5G communications and machine learning. He has published 5 books, and over 120 scientific papers in leading international journals and conferences. Among them, 5 papers are ESI 0.1% hot papers, and 25 papers are ESI 1% highly cited papers. One of his journal papers received the best paper award of IEEE Systems Journal 2018 (2/650), another three papers received the best paper award of IEEE conferences. One of his paper wins the Top 100 most influential international academic papers in China 2018. Three of his papers received the first class of natural science academic achievement award in Liaoning province, China. Around 20 published papers are listed as the Top 50 popular papers by IEEE journals. He also holds 6 patents. He serves as an associate editor or guest editor of several journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, The Computer Journal, WCMC, IEEE Access, China Communications and so on. He is the general chair, TPC chair or publicity chair of several international conferences, such as IEEE HealthCom, IEEE CITS, IEEE HPCC, IEEE GreenCom, IEEE SocialCom and so on.
Uttam Ghosh Uttam Ghosh is an Assistant Professor of the Practice of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vanderbilt University. Dr. Ghosh obtained his PhD in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India in 2013, and has Postdoctoral experience at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Fordham University, and Tennessee State University. He is serving as Associate Editor of International Journal of Computers & Applications (Taylor & Francis) and co-editing books with reputed publishers. He is serving as technical committee member of several top tier conferences also organizing special session and workshops in several IEEE conferences (IEEE SECON 2019-2020, IEEE CPSCOM 2019, IEEE IEMCON). Apart from that he has been co-editing special issues in ACM, Wiley and IEEE journals and regularly review peer reviewed journals. Dr. Ghosh is a Senior Member of the IEEE, IEEE Young Professional and member of Sigma Xi, AAAS, ASEE and ACM. His main research interests include Cybersecurity, Computer Networks, Wireless Networks, Information Centric Networking and Software-Defined Networking, machine intelligence.
5. Names of potential participants, such as program committee members and invited speakers
Program Committee Members • Deepak Tosh, UTEP, USA • Suman Bhunia, Texas A&M University, USA • Kapal Dev, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland • Muhammad Hammoudeh, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK • Neeraj Kumar, Thapar University, India • Soumalya Ghosh, Galgotias University, India • S. Mini, NIT Goa, India • Nitin Gupta, NIT Hamirpur • Gunasekaran Raja, Anna University, Chennai, India • Chinmay Chakraborty, BIT Mesra • Gagangeet Singh Aujla, Newcastle University, UK • Sahil Garg, École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada • Nawab Muhammad Faseeh Qureshi, Sunkyukwan University, South Korea • Varun G. Menon (IoT), SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India • Shahid Mumtaz, Institute de telecommunications, Portugal • Jun Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China • Zhigao Zheng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China • Zeeshan Pervez, University of the West of Scotland, UK • Mohamed Elhoseny, Mansoura University, Egypt
Invited Keynote Speaker: (Tentative) Prof. M. Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, USA Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Vehicular Communications, Elsevier
6. Planned format of the workshop Duration of the workshop: Half-day • Preferred day of workshop: Any of dates is fine. • Number of refereed papers: 25 • Hot topic sessions: Birds of the Feather discussion on 5G/6G and IoV • Keynote: One 20-25minute Keynote by renowned Researcher • Panels: a panel will be organized.
Plan for the review of the refereed papers according to the ComSoc's academic best-practices We will abide by the manuscript submission and review method and Due Dates set by IEEE GLOBECOM 2020. Three independent reviews of each paper by researchers of the respective field having no conflict of interests with the authors. The workshop will also include: • Keynote speech given by a renowned researcher (Mentioned Above) • Birds-of-a-feather discussions, in groups aligned with the workshop themes • Poster/Work-in-progress papers • Journal Publication: A selected set of top-quality papers may be invited to submit full papers to a special issue. • Best Paper: All the regular papers will be considered for the BEST PAPER AWARD.
7. Draft Call for Papers In the recent years, we are witnessing a revolution in mobile communication and computation technologies. The Internet of Things evolution has given birth to several new groundbreaking applications, such as Internet of Vehicles (IoV), smart cities, and cyber physical systems (CPS). The proliferation of IoV-based applications magnifies the importance and irreplaceability of IoV. Considering the dynamic nature of entities in the IoV, there are a series of challenges including the security, privacy, decentralization, trust management and so on. For efficient decision making, in IoVs, we use Vehicle to Vehicle/Others (V2V/V2X) communication to compliment on-board sensor inputs and provide better services. A key concern when relying on sensor data is vulnerability to data. Malicious actors tend to inject false data or alter the communication among normal vehicles.
We aim to attract contributions from both academic and industrial organizations addressing emerging security and privacy issues in distributed sensor networks and IoV. We want to collate and publish consolidated research results focusing on analyzing security and privacy threats, applying cutting-edge technologies to provide secure and privacy-preserving communications in the relevant fields. Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of the area. Papers that shed new light on past or informally known results by means of sound formal theory or through empirical analysis will also be welcomed. Suggested contribution topics include (but are not limited to) empirical and theoretical studies of: • Secure end-to-end communication protocols in IoVs • Machine Learning and Deep learning techniques for vehicular communication security • Advanced secure architectures for IoVs • Accountability in IoV • Big data management, data processing and analytics in IoV • Blockchain enabled-security solutions for IoV • Designing green-oriented protocols, techniques and services for IoV • Efficient secure data dissemination mechanisms for IoV • Energy-aware secure routing solutions for IoV • Energy-efficient and secure management/control of IoV resources • Intrusion detection technologies for IoV • Leveraging cloud/fog/edge computing in IoV • New Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and services based on IoV • Optimization techniques for sustainable security solutions • Privacy-preserving data aggregation for IoV • Secure and privacy preserving V2V and V2X communications • Security in cloud based IoV • Sustainable security solutions for electric/hybrid vehicles • Trust and reputation in IoV • SDN/NFV based security solutions for IoV.
8. A description of the publicity and promotion plan
We aim to promote the call of our workshop through diverse strategies; • Mailing List: Includes key IEEE, ComSoc, ACM lists. Also, all the members associated with the workshop will share the call within their networks such as Research Centers, Departments, Institution. (such as,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,tci,, ). • Social Media, Blogs, Personal Websites: All the respective members attached with this workshop will share CFP through social media, blogs and Wiki to obtain maximum visibility of the conference and soliciting good papers. • Publicity Chair: We have a dedicated publicity chair appointed to do the wider publicity of the workshop.
9. The workshop potential website address
10. If appropriate, a description of past versions of the workshop, including number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc. The proposed workshop would be first in its series, but organizers have past experiences of conducting a number of successful workshops, symposia and special sessions in flagship conferences like IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE HEALTHCOM, IEEE SECON, IEEE CPSCOM, IEEE IEMCON, etc.
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