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The International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN) is an effective medium to interchange high quality theoretical and applied research in the field of computer networks from theoretical research to application development. This is the third issue of volume second of IJCN. The Journal is published bi-monthly, with papers being peer reviewed to high international standards. IJCN emphasizes on efficient and effective image technologies, and provides a central for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of computer networks. Some of the important topics are ad-hoc wireless networks, congestion and flow control, cooperative networks, delay tolerant networks, mobile satellite networks, multicast and broadcast networks, multimedia networks, network architectures and protocols etc. The initial efforts helped to shape the editorial policy and to sharpen the focus of the journal. Starting with volume 3, 2011, IJCN appears in more focused issues. Besides normal publications, IJCN intend to organized special issues on more focused topics. Each special issue will have a designated editor (editors) either member of the editorial board or another recognized specialist in the respective field. IJCN give an opportunity to scientists, researchers, engineers and vendors to share the ideas, identify problems, investigate relevant issues, share common interests, explore new approaches, and initiate possible collaborative research and system development. This journal is helpful for the researchers and R&D engineers, scientists all those persons who are involve in computer networks in any shape. Highly professional scholars give their efforts, valuable time, expertise and motivation to IJCN as Editorial board members. All submissions are evaluated by the International Editorial Board. The International Editorial Board ensures that significant developments in computer networks from around the world are reflected in the IJCN publications. IJCN editors understand that how much it is important for authors and researchers to have their work published with a minimum delay after submission of their papers. They also strongly believe that the direct communication between the editors and authors are important for the welfare, quality and wellbeing of the journal and its readers. Therefore, all activities from paper submission to paper publication are controlled through electronic systems that include electronic submission, editorial panel and review system that ensures rapid decision with least delays in the publication processes. To build its international reputation, we are disseminating the publication information through Google Books, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open J Gate, ScientificCommons, Docstoc and many more. Our International Editors are working on establishing ISI listing and a good impact factor for IJCN. We would like to remind you that the success of our journal depends directly on the number of quality articles submitted for review. Accordingly, we would like to request your participation by submitting quality manuscripts for review and encouraging your colleagues to submit quality manuscripts for review. One of the great benefits we can provide to our prospective authors is the mentoring nature of our review process. IJCN provides authors with high quality, helpful reviews that are shaped to assist authors in improving their manuscripts. Editorial Board Members International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN)
EDITOR-in-CHIEF (EiC) Dr. Min Song Old Dominion University (United States of America)
ASSOCIATE EDITORS (AEiCs) Dr. Qun Li The College of William and Mary United States of America Dr. Sachin Shetty Tennessee State University United States of America Dr. Liran Ma Michigan Technological University United States of America
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247 - 255 Cloud Computing Security Issues and Challenges Kuyoro 'Shade O., Ibikunle Frank, Awodele Oludele 256 - 262 Further Analysis Of A Framework To Analyze Network Performance Based On Information Quality Art Kazmierczak
International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
Ibikunle F.
Department of Computer Science Covenant University Otta, 240001, Nigeria
Awodele O.
Department of Computer Science Babcock University Ilishan-Remo, 240001, Nigeria
Abstract Cloud computing is a set of IT services that are provided to a customer over a network on a leased basis and with the ability to scale up or down their service requirements. Usually cloud computing services are delivered by a third party provider who owns the infrastructure. It advantages to mention but a few include scalability, resilience, flexibility, efficiency and outsourcing non-core activities. Cloud computing offers an innovative business model for organizations to adopt IT services without upfront investment. Despite the potential gains achieved from the cloud computing, the organizations are slow in accepting it due to security issues and challenges associated with it. Security is one of the major issues which hamper the growth of cloud. The idea of handing over important data to another company is worrisome; such that the consumers need to be vigilant in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new environment. This paper introduces a detailed analysis of the cloud computing security issues and challenges focusing on the cloud computing types and the service delivery types. Keywords: Cloud Computing, Scalability, Infrastructure, IT.
For years the Internet has been represented on network diagrams by a cloud symbol until 2008 when a variety of new services started to emerge that permitted computing resources to be accessed over the Internet termed cloud computing. Cloud computing encompasses activities such as the use of social networking sites and other forms of interpersonal computing; however, most of the time cloud computing is concerned with accessing online software applications, data storage and processing power. Cloud computing is a way to increase the capacity or add capabilities dynamically without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. It extends Information Technologys (IT) existing capabilities. In the last few years, cloud computing has grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fast growing segments of the IT industry. But as more and more information on individuals and companies are placed in the cloud, concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe an environment it is. Despite of all the hype surrounding the cloud, customers are still reluctant to deploy their business in the cloud. Security issues in cloud computing has played a major role in slowing down its acceptance, in fact security ranked first as the greatest challenge issue of cloud computing as depicted in figure 1.
International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
From one point of view, security could improve due to centralization of data and increased security-focused resources. On the other hand concerns persist about loss of control over certain sensitive data, and the lack of security for stored kernels entrusted to cloud providers. If those providers have not done good jobs securing their own environments, the consumers could be in trouble. Measuring the quality of cloud providers approach to security is difficult because many cloud providers will not expose their infrastructure to customers. This work is a survey more specific to the different security issues and the associated challenges that has emanated in the cloud computing system. The following section highlights a brief review of literature on security issues in cloud computing and the remaining sections are organized as follows. Section 3.0 discusses security issues in cloud computing laying emphasis on SaaS, PaaS and IaaS; and cloud computing deployment methods. Section 4.0 deliberates on associated cloud computing challenges; and Section 5.0 presents the conclusion.
Gartner 2008 identified seven security issues that need to be addressed before enterprises consider switching to the cloud computing model. They are as follows: (1) privileged user access - information transmitted from the client through the Internet poses a certain degree of risk, because of issues of data ownership; enterprises should spend time getting to know their providers and their regulations as much as possible before assigning some trivial applications first to test the water, (2) regulatory compliance - clients are accountable for the security of their solution, as they can choose between providers that allow to be audited by 3rd party organizations that check levels of security and providers that don't (3) data location - depending on contracts, some clients might never know what country or what jurisdiction their data is located (4) data segregation - encrypted information from multiple companies may be stored on the same hard disk, so a mechanism to separate data should be deployed by the provider. (5) recovery every provider should have a disaster recovery protocol to protect user data (6) investigative support - if a client suspects faulty activity from the provider, it may not have many legal ways pursue an investigation (7) long-term viability - refers to the ability to retract a contract and all data if the current provider is bought out by another firm.[2] The Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group discusses the different Use Case scenarios and related requirements that may
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exist in the cloud model. They consider use cases from different perspectives including customers, developers and security engineers.[3] ENISA investigated the different security risks related to adopting cloud computing along with the affected assets, the risks likelihood, impacts, and vulnerabilities in the cloud computing may lead to such risks.[4] Balachandra et al, 2009 discussed the security SLAs specification and objectives related to data locations, segregation and data recovery.[5] Kresimir et al, 2010 discussed high level security concerns in the cloud computing model such as data integrity, payment and privacy of sensitive information.[6] Bernd et al, 2010 discuss the security vulnerabilities existing in the cloud platform. The authors grouped the possible vulnerabilities into technology-related, cloud characteristics-related, security controls related.[7] Subashini et al discuss the security challenges of the cloud service delivery model, focusing on the SaaS model.[8] Ragovind et al, (2010) discussed the management of security in Cloud computing focusing on Gartners list on cloud security issues and the findings from the International Data Corporation enterprise.[9] Morsy et al, 2010 investigated cloud computing problems from the cloud architecture, cloud offered characteristics, cloud stakeholders, and cloud service delivery models perspectives.[10] A recent survey by Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)&IEEE indicates that enterprises across sectors are eager to adopt cloud computing but that security are needed both to accelerate cloud adoption on a wide scale and to respond to regulatory drivers. It also details that cloud computing is shaping the future of IT but the absence of a compliance environment is having dramatic impact on cloud computing growth.[11] Several studies have been carried out relating to security issues in cloud computing but this work presents a detailed analysis of the cloud computing security issues and challenges focusing on the cloud computing deployment types and the service delivery types.
International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
control of the data and applications and allows various parties to access information over the Internet. It also has an open architecture that allows interfaces with other management systems. Hybrid cloud can describe configuration combining a local device, such as a Plug computer with cloud services. It can also describe configurations combining virtual and physical, collocated assets -for example, a mostly virtualized environment that requires physical servers, routers, or other hardware such as a network appliance acting as a firewall or spam filter.
3.2 Cloud Computing Service Delivery Models Following on the cloud deployment models, the next security consideration relates to the various cloud computing service delivery models. The three main cloud service delivery models are: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). 3.2.1 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service is a single tenant cloud layer where the Cloud computing vendors dedicated resources are only shared with contracted clients at a pay-per-use fee. This greatly minimizes the need for huge initial investment in computing hardware such as servers, networking devices and processing power. They also allow varying degrees of financial and functional flexibility not found in internal data centers or with collocation services, because computing resources can be added or released much more quickly and cost-effectively than in an internal data center or with a collocation service [2]. IaaS and other associated services have enabled startups and other businesses focus on their core competencies without worrying much about the provisioning and management of infrastructure. IaaS completely abstracted the hardware beneath it and allowed users to consume infrastructure as a service without bothering anything about the underlying complexities. The cloud has a compelling value proposition in terms of cost, but out of the box IaaS only provides basic security (perimeter firewall, load balancing, etc.) and applications moving into the cloud will need higher levels of security provided at the host. 3.2.2. Platform as a service (PaaS) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a set of software and development tools hosted on the provider's servers. It is one layer above IaaS on the stack and abstracts away everything up to OS,
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middleware, etc. This offers an integrated set of developer environment that a developer can tap to build their applications without having any clue about what is going on underneath the service. It offers developers a service that provides a complete software development life cycle management, from planning to design to building applications to deployment to testing to maintenance. Everything else is abstracted away from the view of the developers. Platform as a service cloud layer works like IaaS but it provides an additional level of rented functionality. Clients using PaaS services transfer even more costs from capital investment to operational expenses but must acknowledge the additional constraints and possibly some degree of lock-in posed by the additional functionality layers [14]. The use of virtual machines act as a catalyst in the PaaS layer in Cloud computing. Virtual machines must be protected against malicious attacks such as cloud malware. Therefore maintaining the integrity of applications and well enforcing accurate authentication checks during the transfer of data across the entire networking channels is fundamental. 3.2.3 Software as a Service Software-as-a-Service is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, typically the Internet. SaaS is becoming an increasingly prevalent delivery model as underlying technologies that support web services and service-oriented architecture (SOA) mature and new developmental approaches become popular. SaaS is also often associated with a pay-as-you-go subscription licensing model. Meanwhile, broadband service has become increasingly available to support user access from more areas around the world. SaaS is most often implemented to provide business software functionality to enterprise customers at a low cost while allowing those customers to obtain the same benefits of commercially licensed, internally operated software without the associated complexity of installation, management, support, licensing, and high initial cost. The architecture of SaaS-based applications is specifically designed to support many concurrent users (multitenancy) at once. Software as a service applications are accessed using web browsers over the Internet therefore web browser security is vitally important. Information security officers will need to consider various methods of securing SaaS applications. Web Services (WS) security, Extendable Markup Language (XML) encryption, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and available options which are used in enforcing data protection transmitted over the Internet.[8]
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Combining the three types of clouds with the delivery models we get a holistic cloud illustration as seen in Figure 3, surrounded by connectivity devices coupled with information security themes. Virtualized physical resources, virtualized infrastructure, as well as virtualized middleware platforms and business applications are being provided and consumed as services in the Cloud [15]. Cloud vendors and clients need to maintain Cloud computing security at all interfaces. The next section of the paper introduces challenges faced in the Cloud computing domain.
International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
resource allocation mechanism on the cloud. In addition, different cloud offerings (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) will need to define different SLA metaspecifications. This also raises a number of implementation problems for the cloud providers. Furthermore, advanced SLA mechanisms need to constantly incorporate user feedback and customization features into the SLA evaluation framework.[16] E. What to migrate: Based on a survey (Sample size = 244) conducted by IDC in 2008, the seven IT systems/applications being migrated to the cloud are: IT Management Applications (26.2%), Collaborative Applications (25.4%), Personal Applications (25%), Business Applications (23.4%), Applications Development and Deployment (16.8%), Server Capacity (15.6%), and Storage Capacity (15.5%). This result reveals that organizations still have security/privacy concerns in moving their data on to the Cloud. Currently, peripheral functions such as IT management and personal applications are the easiest IT systems to move. Organizations are conservative in employing IaaS compared to SaaS. This is partly because marginal functions are often outsourced to the Cloud, and core activities are kept in-house. The survey also shows that in three years time, 31.5% of the organization will move their Storage Capacity to the cloud. However this number is still relatively low compared to Collaborative Applications (46.3%) at that time.[1] F. Cloud Interoperability Issue: Currently, each cloud offering has its own way on how cloud clients/applications/users interact with the cloud, leading to the "Hazy Cloud" phenomenon. This severely hinders the development of cloud ecosystems by forcing vendor locking, which prohibits the ability of users to choose from alternative vendors/offering simultaneously in order to optimize resources at different levels within an organization. More importantly, proprietary cloud APIs makes it very difficult to integrate cloud services with an organization's own existing legacy systems (e.g. an on-premise data centre for highly interactive modeling applications in a pharmaceutical company).The primary goal of interoperability is to realize the seamless fluid data across clouds and between cloud and local applications. There are a number of levels that interoperability is essential for cloud computing. First, to optimize the IT asset and computing resources, an organization often needs to keep in-house IT assets and capabilities associated with their core competencies while outsourcing marginal functions and activities (e.g. the human resource system) on to the cloud. Second, more often than not, for the purpose of optimization, an organization may need to outsource a number of marginal functions to cloud services offered by different vendors. Standardization appears to be a good solution to address the interoperability issue. However, as cloud computing just starts to take off, the interoperability problem has not appeared on the pressing agenda of major industry cloud vendors. [9]
Although Cloud computing can be seen as a new phenomenon which is set to revolutionise the way we use the Internet, there is much to be cautious about. There are many new technologies emerging at a rapid rate, each with technological advancements and with the potential of making humans lives easier. However, one must be very careful to understand the security risks and challenges posed in utilizing these technologies. Cloud computing is no exception. In this paper key security considerations and challenges which are currently faced in the Cloud computing are highlighted. Cloud computing has the potential to become a frontrunner in promoting a secure, virtual and economically viable IT solution in the future.
[1] [2] F. Gens. (2009, Feb.). New IDC IT Cloud Services Survey: Top Benefits and Challenges, IDC eXchange, Available: <http://blogs.idc.com/ie/?p=730> [Feb. 18, 2010]. J. Brodkin. (2008, Jun.). Gartner: Seven cloud-computing security risks. Infoworld, Available: <http://www.infoworld.com/d/security-central/gartner-seven-cloudcomputingsecurity-risks-853?page=0,1> [Mar. 13, 2009].
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[3] [4]
Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group. "Cloud Computing UseCases Version 3.0," 2010. ENISA. (2009, Feb) "Cloud computing: benefits, risks and recommendations for information security." Available: http://www.enisa.europa.eu/act/rm/files/deliverables/cloud-computingrisk-assessment [Jul. 10, 2010]. R. K. Balachandra, P. V. Ramakrishna and A. Rakshit. Cloud Security Issues. In PROC 09 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2009, pp 517-520. P. Kresimir and H. Zeljko "Cloud computing security issues and challenges." In PROC Third International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services, 2010, pp. 344-349. B. Grobauer, T. Walloschek and E. Stcker, "Understanding Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities," IEEE Security and Privacy, vol. 99, 2010. S. Subashini, and V. Kavitha. (2010) A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing. J Network Comput Appl doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2010.07.006. Jul., 2010. S. Ramgovind, M. M. Eloff, E. Smith. The Management of Security in Cloud Computing In PROC 2010 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 2010. M. A. Morsy, J. Grundy and Mller I. An Analysis of the Cloud Computing Security Problem In PROC APSEC 2010 Cloud Workshop. 2010. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). Available: http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org [Mar.19, 2010] S. Arnold (2009, Jul.). Cloud computing and the issue of privacy. KM World, pp14-22. Available: www.kmworld.com [Aug. 19, 2009]. A Platform Computing Whitepaper. Enterprise Cloud Computing: Transforming IT. Platform Computing, pp6, 2010. Global Netoptex Incorporated. Demystifying the cloud. Important opportunities, crucial choices. pp4-14. Available: http://www.gni.com [Dec. 13, 2009]. M. Klems, A. Lenk, J. Nimis, T. Sandholm and S. Tai. Whats Inside the Cloud? An Architectural Map of the Cloud Landscape. IEEE Xplore, pp 23-31, Jun. 2009. C. Weinhardt, A. Anandasivam, B. Blau, and J. Stosser. Business Models in the Service World. IT Professional, vol. 11, pp. 28-33, 2009. N. Gruschka, L. L. Iancono, M. Jensen and J. Schwenk. On Technical Security Issues in Cloud Computing In PROC 09 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2009 pp 110-112. N. Leavitt. Is Cloud Computing Really Ready for Prime Time? Computer, vol. 42, pp. 1520, 2009. M. Jensen, J. Schwenk, N. Gruschka and L. L. Iacono, "On Technical Security Issues in Cloud Computing." in PROC IEEE ICCC, Bangalore 2009, pp. 109-116.
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C. Soghoian. Caught in the Cloud: Privacy, Encryption, and Government Back Doors in the Web 2.0 Era The Berkman Center for Internet & Society Research Publication Series. Available: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/publications [Aug.22, 2009].
International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
A Kazmierczak
A Kazmierczak
Computer Information Systems Northwest Arkansas Community College One College Dr. Bentonville, AR 72712 USA Phone; 001.479.619.3126 FAX: 001.479.619.2670
In [1], Geng and Li presented a framework to analyze network performance based on information quality. In that paper, the authors based their framework on the flow of information from a Base Station (BS) to clients. The theory they established can, and needs, to be extended to accommodate for the flow of information from the clients to the BS. In this work, we use that framework and study the case of client to BS data transmission. Our work closely parallels the work of Geng and Li, we use the same notation and liberally reference their work.
Keywords: Information Theory, Information Quality, Network Protocols, Network Performance
The major contribution of Geng and Lis work was a framework that introduced information quality (IQ) as an additional attribute of information and further showed that information quality has an effect on network performance parameters, particularly system throughput. IQ reflects the degree of importance of information to the target network performance metric. The authors apply IQ to the quantitative analysis and design of network protocols. To quantitatively measure the information efficiency (IE) of network protocols, the authors also present information efficiency and provide an approach to improve the information efficiency of protocols. Information efficiency (IE) is defined as improvement of a performance metric per bit od information as a metric as a metric of IE of network protocols [1] In their work, they study the effects of IQ and IE on network performance and show that using both IQ and IE the performance of a network can be improved. The authors base their analysis on the flow of information from a base station BS to a group of clients. In this work, we apply the concepts of IQ and IE to the analysis of the flow of information from a group of clients to the base station BS. Our results are the same as the authors and thus provides further validation to their framework.
The disciplines of information theory and networking have promised interesting connections and has received a great deal of attention from researches in both fields. One of the important early contributions by information theory was in the area of routing. Gallagher [2] provided an information theoretical analysis of minimum delay routing in packet-switched, store-and-forward networks. There have also been information theoretical analysis of multi-access communication [3], timing channel [4] and others. A summarization of this early work appears in a survey paper [5].Network information theory [6] deals with information capacity in multi-hop wireless networks and focuses on coding and channel information. Another very active research topic is network coding [7], a research field of information theory and coding theory. Network coding is an approach derived from information theory. In [8], Chiang, et al, attempt to develop a uniform framework for network protocols.
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A Kazmierczak
By multiplying information quantity by quality, where I( xi ) is the quantity of information source xi. Effective information quality is really the original information weighted by the quality of the information. This particular parameter describes the effectiveness of the amount of information on the improvement in performance. 3.2 Fundamental Principles The following theorems are proven in [1]. They are repeated here without proof. Theorem 3.1: Marginal information change drives performance variation. Comments: Given a performance metric U that is to be maximized, Z = {z1, z2, . . . zN} the set of information sources used by Q and x an additional source, then U( Q( Z, x) ) U( Q( Z ) ) which means that additional information cannot increase uncertainty. This result is because, with the current information, any additional information cannot increase uncertainty. If the added information is favorable, it can be used to enhance performance. If the added information is not favorable, it can simply be discarded. Similarly, U( Q (Z-i ) ) U( Q( Z ) ) Where Z-I means that source Zi is removed from the set. Theorem 3.2:Increasing total information quantity does not necessarily mean better performance. Comments: Even though I( Z ) > I( Y ) does not mean (5) (4) (3)
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A Kazmierczak
U( Q( Z ) ) > U( Q( Y ) )
Theorem 3.3: Information should be utilized as directly as possible to achieve better system performance. Comments: Given the system performance function U, and available information sources X and Y and the relationship X -> Y -> U exists, which means Y is a more direct information source. Then, according to [9] I( Y; U ) I( X: U ) and further U( Q( Y ) ) U( Q( X ) ) (8) (7)
This means that indirect information from source X reveals less about performance, U, than direct information from source Y. The system senses less uncertainty from X than from Y and consequently performs better. Theorem 3.4: Performance variations due to marginal change of information of different qualities will differ. Comment: Using higher quality information helps increase performance more effectively than using information of lower quality. Theorem 3.5: Using different information jointly is at least as good as using them individually. Comment: Given a performance function U = U1 + U2 and information source x with two sub-information sources x1 and x2 U1( Q( x1, x2 ) U1( Q ( x1 ) ) U2( Q ( x1, x2 ) U2( Q ( x2 ) ) Then U1( Q( x1, x2 ) + U2( Q( x1 ) U1(Q( x1 ) ) + U2( Q ( x2 ) ) (10) (9)
The performance, U, may not be the sum of U1 and U2. However, if we want to improve performance, using information jointly contributes more to improving performance using information singly. 3.3 Information Efficiency Of Network Protocols In [1], the authors define Information Efficiency (IE) as the improvement of a performance metric per bit of information as a metric of information efficiency of protocols:
U( Q ( Z ) IE( Q( Z ) ) = -------------------i=1N I( zi) where Z = { z1, z2, . . . zN} is the set of information sources. IE can be used to evaluate how efficiently performance with an opportunistic protocol compared to the original protocol. This last equation can be used to calculate information efficiency of a protocol. A useful application is to compare different opportunistic protocols for information efficiency. We can use IE in the next equation to (11)
International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
A Kazmierczak
evaluate how the system performance efficiency has been improved with an opportunistically designed protocol. U( Q ( X+, Z ) ) U( Q( Z ) ) IE ( Q( X , Z ) ) = -------------------------------------------i=1N I( xi ) where Z is the set of information sources, Q is the original protocol and X+ = { x1, x2, . . . xn } are the additional information sources used by the opportunistic protocol Q.
In [1], the authors look at two opportunistic protocols. They look at the functionality of their framework and the impact of information quality on performance and they look at how to analyze and improve the information efficiency of the protocols using IE. 4.1 Information Quality The network scenario used consistsof a base station (BS) serving four clients C1, C2, C3, and C4 in each time slot. Each client can have one of N discrete channel conditions. For simplicity, presume that each node is equally likely to have a good channel condition or a bad channel condition. Transmission rates on each channel are TG = 1 Mb/slot and TB = 0.5 Mb/slot, respectively. Each client contains a transmission buffer of size k for outgoing messages. Its message availability is measured by dividing the message length by the empty buffer size k. If the message availability is greater than or equal 50%, its transmission success probability is PH, otherwise its transmission success probability is PL. As the authors in [1], we set PH = 0.8 and PL = 0.2. Each client is equally likely to have high or low message availability. The performance metric under consideration is the average system throughput per slot. 4.2 Channel Condition Information If the BS has no information about each clients channel condition, the BS serves the clients in random order. The entropy of channel condition information, the number of bits necessary to encode channel condition information for four clients is: Grand = (1 / 4) ( TGPH + TGPL + TB PH + TBPL ) = 0.375 Mb/slot Now presume the BS gets channel condition information from only one of its clients while the others remain unknown. This single bit may indicate either good or bad with equal probability. If the bit indicates good, the BS will schedule a transmission from this client. If the bit indicates bad, the BS will select one of the other clients for transmission. In this case, the expected average throughput becomes: G = (1 / 2) ( (1 / 2)PH + (1 / 2)PL ) + (1 / 2)Grand = 0.4375 Mb/slot Presume the BS gets channel condition information from two clients. These two bits can be one of four combinations with equal probability 1 / 4. The expected average throughput becomes G = 0.4688 Mb/slot. System throughput can also be calculated with three and four bits of channel condition information. 4.3 Message Availability Information We also consider message availability information and its effect on performance. We follow the same logic used previously and derive results and the quantitative performance variations with message availability information. The results are shown in Table I. (14) (13)
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A Kazmierczak
G (channel) 0.375 MB/slot 0.4375 Mb/slot 0.4688 MB/slot 0.4844 Mb/slot 0.4844 Mb/slot
G (message) 0.375 Mb/slot 0.4875 Mb/slot 0.5438 Mb/slot 0.5719 Mb/slot 0.5719 Mb/slot
TABLE: IPerformance Variation Due to Information Availability Looking at columns three and four, it is apparent that with more information available, performance is improved. A close examination shows that less information, as indicated by entropy, generates better performance. This is counterintuitive and is due to the fact that higher quality information is used to more efficiently improve performance. We note that different information does have a different affect on performance, In particular, message availability information has a more significant impact on performance than channel condition information. Message availability information has higher information quality. We compare our results for client to BS communication to the results obtained by Geng and Li [1] for BS to client communication. The results obtained by Geng and Li are shown in Table 2 [1]. Info Nil 1 bit 2 bits 3 bits 4 bits Entropy 4 bits 3 bits 2 bits 1 bit Nil G (channel) 0.375 MB/slot 0.4375 Mb/slot 0.4688 MB/slot 0.4844 Mb/slot 0.4844 Mb/slot G (message) 0.375 Mb/slot 0.4875 Mb/slot 0.5438 Mb/slot 0.5719 Mb/slot 0.5719 Mb/slot
TABLE 2 Results of Geng and Li A close comparison shows that our results for client to BS communication exactly mathes the results of Geng and Li for BS to client communication. This serves to show that communication in both directions show equal performance improvements by applying the concepts of information quality and information efficiency 4.4 Information Efficiency In this scenario we consider time slotted opportunistic scheduling. The network scenario of a BS serving three clients. Each client has two possible channel conditions, s1 and s2, and performance values, throughput G1 and G2 with G1> G2. In any slot, each client is equally likely to be in states s1 or s2. As the authors in [1], we look at the temporal fairness requirement in [9] and set r1 = r2 = r3 = 1 / 3, each user should be allocated one-third of the transmission time. Using non-opportunistic scheduling, with no channel condition information, the average performance is: E[ UQ(u)] = i=1 ri E[ Ui ] = ( G1 + G2 ) / 2 where Q( U ) is a non-opportunistic schedule and E[ Ui ] is the expected performance of client i, and E[ UQ( U ) ] is the average performance. With no channel condition information, the BS chooses clients randomly. Now, with opportunistic scheduling used with channel condition information available from each client, the BS can choose the most favorable client and the average system performance becomes: E[ UQ( s1, s2 u)] = i=13 ri E[ Ui ] (16)
International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
A Kazmierczak
E[ UQ( s1, s2, U) ] E[ UQ(U)] IE( Q( s1, s2, U ) ) = -----------------------------------------3 bits per slot = ( G1 G2 ) / 8 We also ask if all possible information is necessary. We presume that only clients with good channel condition information report their channel condition s1. Indeed, using only s1 as the information available, the IE improves to: E[ UQ( s1, s2, U ) ] E[ UQ( U ) ] IE( Q( s1, U ) = ---------------------------------------- (18) 1.5 bits/slot = ( G1 G2 ) / 4 (17)
Geng and Li [1] presented an information theoretic framework to analyze network performance. In that work, the authors considered only the transmission from the BS to the clients. In this paper, we used the framework to analyze network performance when transmitting from the clients to the BS. Using the same scenarios as used in [1], we generate the same results. The quality of information available does affect system performance for the better. Our results provide further validation to the theory of an information theoretic framework for analyzing protocols and network performance.
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International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), Volume (3) : Issue (5) : 2011
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