Syllabus For B. Pharm. (Honours) Session: 2013-2014: Examination-2017
Syllabus For B. Pharm. (Honours) Session: 2013-2014: Examination-2017
Syllabus For B. Pharm. (Honours) Session: 2013-2014: Examination-2017
Session: 2013-2014
Examination- 2017
1. Structure of Atoms: Fundamental particles, origin of spectral lines and elementary treatment of
theories of atomic structure, quantum numbers, De-broglies relationship, Heisenburg uncertainty
principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule, Aufbau principle, shapes of s, p, d, f orbitals.
2. Classification of Elements: Electronic structure of atoms, modern periodic table and periodic law,
variation of periodic properties within periods and groups, ionization potential, electron affinity,
electronegativity, usefulness and limitation of periodic table.
3. The Chemical Bonds: Electronic concept of valency, different types and formation of chemical
bonds, e.g., ionic, covalent, co-ordinate covalent, metallic, hydrophobic, Vander Waal's force,
hydrogen bond, etc., concept of atomic orbital, theories of covalent bonding and hybridization.
4. Oxidation Reduction Reactions: Definition, oxidation number, equivalent weight of oxidant and
reductant, decomposition of drugs by redox reaction, ion electron method of balancing equation,
importance and determination of redox potential.
6. Alkali, Alkaline earth metals and Halogen: Electronic configuration, Physical and chemical
properties of alkali, alkaline earth metals and halogens including their pharmaceutical applications.
7. Basic concept on acids, bases, salts and pH : Definitions, various theories of acids & bases,
classification of acids, bases & salts, strength of acids & bases, determination of strength gradient of
acids & bases.
Recommended Books:
I. S. Z. Haider : Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry
II. Satya Prakash, Tuli, Basu and Madan : Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
III. R.D. Madan : Modern Inorganic Chemistry
IV. B.R. Puri and L.R. Sharma : Principles of Inorganic Chemistry
1. General Concepts: Methods of purification, tests of purity, acids, bases, polarity of bonds,
carbonium and carbanions, hydride, protons, free-radicals, hydrogen bonding, etc.
4. Carbohydrates:
a) Monosaccharides and Disaccharides: Nomenclature, classifications, general reactions,
configurations and pharmaceutical importance of monosaccharides and disaccharides.
b) Polysaccharides: Composition, structure, properties and pharmaceutical importance of starch and
Recommended Books:
I. B.S. Bahl and Arun Bahl : Advanced Organic Chemistry
II. R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd : Organic Chemistry
III. I.L. Finar : Organic Chemistry Vol. I & II
IV. Ashutosh Kar : Medicinal Chemistry
1. Properties of Gases: Gas laws, diffusion of gases, kinetic theory of gases, Van der Waal’s
equation, critical phenomena, continuity of state, principle of corresponding states and the reduced
equation of states, liquefaction of gases, uses of liquefied gas.
2. a) Thermodynamics: System, state and state functions, first law of thermodynamics, reversible,
irreversible, isothermal and adiabatic changes, enthalpy, internal energy, molar heat capacity,
second law of thermodynamics, Carnot’s cycle, entropy, Free energy, Gibb’s free energy, Gibbs-
Helmholtz equation, third law of thermodynamics.
b) Thermo chemistry: Exothermic and endothermic reactions, thermochemical equation, heat of
reaction, Laplac’s and Hess’s laws and its applications, bond energies.
3. Solutions: Units of concentration, Henry’s law and distribution law and colligative properties.
4. Phase rule: Phase, component and degree of freedom, one component system (water and sulfur),
two component systems (liquid-liquid, liquid–vapor) eutectic systems and dilution of completely
immiscible systems.
5. Ionic Equilibria : Definition, Ostwald’s dilution law, dissociation theory, ionization of water,
common-ion effect, ionization constants of acid and bases, ionization of polyprotic electrolytes,
solubility products and its application in pharmacy.
6. pH, Buffer and salt hydrolysis: Relative strengths of acids and bases, pH scale and its limitations,
pH of weak acids and bases, degree of hydrolysis and hydrolysis constant, buffer equation, buffer
capacity, buffer in pharmaceutical and biological systems, buffered isotonic solutions, methods of
adjusting tonicity and pH, application of pH, buffer and salt hydrolysis in pharmacy.
7. Chemical Equilibria: Law of mass action, criteria of chemical equilibrium, application of law of
mass action to homogenous and heterogeneous equilibrium, factors affecting equilibrium, Gibb’s
free energy change for chemical equilibria, Le-Chatelier principle and its industrial application.
Recommended Books:
I. M. M. Haque and M. A. Nawab : Principles of Physical Chemistry
II. A. Martin and J. Swarbrick : Physical Pharmacy
III. P.W. Atkins : Physical Chemistry
IV. K.K. Sharma and L.K. Sharma : A Textbook of Physical Chemistry
V. B.S. Bahl, D.G. Tuli and Arun Bahl : Essentials of Physical Chemistry
VI. N. Kundu and S.K. Jain : Physical Chemistry
VII. S. H. Maron and C.F. Prutton : Principles of Physical Chemistry
Recommended Books:
I. E. P. Claus and V.E. Tylor : Pharmacognosy
II. V.E. Tylor, L.R. Brady & J.E.Robbers : Pharmacognosy
III. W.C. Evans : Trease and Evan’s Pharmacognosy
IV. Mohammed Ali : Textbook of Pharmacognosy
V. K. Raghunathan and Roma Mitra : Pharmacognosy of Indigenous Drugs Vol. I & II
Recommended Books:
I. C.C. Chatterjee : Human Physiology Vol. I & II
II. Guyton : A Textbook of Medical Physiology
III. Chakrabarti, Ghosh and Sahana : Human Physiology
IV. W. F. Ganong : Review of Medical Physiology
V. Selim Reza : The Essentials of Human Physiology
VI. K. Meftun Ahmed : Physiology of Blood
7. Immunology
a) Introduction to immune response: Innate and acquired immunity, complement, self and non-self
discrimination and source and chemistry of antigen.
b) Cells involved in immune system: Macrophage and other antigen presenting cells, T cells, B cells, etc.
c) Antibody: Classification, chemistry and function.
d) Hypersensitivity: Immediate and delayed type hypersensitivity reactions.
Recommended Books:
1. M.J. Pelczar, E.C.G. Chan and N.R. Kreig : Microbiology
2. Stainer : General Microbiology
3. R. Ananthanarayan and C. K. J. Paniker : Textbook of Microbiology
4. M. R. Choudhury : Modern Medical Microbiology
5. Ivan Roitt, J. Brostoff and David Male : Immunology
6. Abul K. Abbas, A.H. Lichtman and J.S. Pober : Cellular and Molecular Immunology
7. W.H. Elliott and D.C. Elliott : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
8. S. J. Carter : Cooper and Gunn’s Tutorial Pharmacy
* Other Books will be indicated by respective teachers
1. A brief introduction on the popular English language tests and implications of these tests for
higher studies. Importance of learning English.
2. IELTS and TOEFL: Practice of the different modules: Listening, Reading, Writing and
4. Functional English:
Parts of Speech, Articles, Sentence Structures, Verb, Tense, Punctuations, Structure of simple,
compound and complex sentences; Voice; Narrations; Modal verbs; Phrasal verbs; Translations.
Recommended Books:
• Raymond Murphy : Intermediate English Grammar
• Cambridge University press :Cambridge IELTS
• E Van Bemmel : IELTS to Success
• S. Ahmed : Learning English, The Easy Way
• A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet : A Practical English Grammar.
• J. Swales : Writing Scientific English
• Wren and Martin : English Grammar and Composition
• G.H. Vallins : Good English
• A.S. Hornby : The Teaching of Structural Words and Sentences
Recommended Books:
(i) A. R. Gennaro : Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
(ii) Block, Roche, Soine and Wilson : Inorganic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(iii) L. M. Atherden : Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(iv) H. S. Storker and S. L. Seager : Environmental Chemistry, Air and Water Pollution
(v) A. K. De : Environmental Chemistry
(vi) Colin Baird : Environmental Chemistry
Recommended Books:
(i) B.S. Bahl and Arun Bahl : Advanced Organic Chemistry
(ii) R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd : Organic Chemistry
(iii) I.L. Finar : Organic Chemistry Vol. I & II
(iv) O.P. Agarwal : Chemistry of Organic Natural Products Vol I & II
(v) Raj K. Bansal : Organic Reaction Mechanisms
(vi) N. Evers and D. Caldwell : The Chemistry of Drugs
(vii) Norman and Coxon : Principles of Organic Synthesis
1. Properties of liquids:
a) Vaporization and vapor pressure, measurement of vapor pressure.
b) Surface tension, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, measurement, application in pharmacy;
c) Viscosity, Poiseuillies’s equation and measurement of viscosity, application in pharmacy.
2. Properties of Solids: Types of solid, band theory of solids, conductors, semiconductors,
superconductors and insulators, crystals, types of crystal including according to type of bonding,
mechnical properties of crystals, lattice energy of ionic crystals, Madelung constant and energy,
Born-Lande equation and Born-Haber cycle, space lattice, unit cells, Weiss and Miller indices,
crystal of symmetry, polymorphism and dilatometric analysis of compounds, isomorphism, crystal
defects, liquid crystal.
3. Chemical Kinetics: Rate laws and rate constants, order and molecularity, order of reactions and its
determination, integrated rate laws, half lives and shelf lives, theories of reaction rates, factors
affecting reaction rates; catalysis : types, characteristics of catalysts, promoters and catalytic
poisoning, theory of catalysis, enzyme catalysis.
4. Rheology: Newtonian and non-Newtonian systems, yield value, plastic, pseudoplastic and dilatant
flow, thixotropy. Determination of rheologic properties, viscoelasticity, psychorheology, rheologic
properties of suspension and emulsions, application in pharmacy.
5. Adsorption and Interface: Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm, BET isotherm, electrical properties
of interfaces, characteristics of adsorption, electrical double layer, Nernst and zeta potential, Gibb’s
equation, spreading, surfactants, emulgents, detergents and antifoaming agents and their uses in
pharmacy. Application of adsorption in pharmacy.
6. Electrochemistry:
a) Conductance of electrolytes, concept of E. M. F and its measurements, electrode, various types of
electrochemical cells, relation between electrical and chemical energies, oxidation-reduction systems,
solutions of electrolytes.
b) Electrochemical cells and cell reactions, Electrode and cell potentials, energies involved in
electrode processes; reference electrodes, concentration cell, stoichiometry of electrolysis.
7. Colloid: Classification, preparation, electrical and optical properties, sedimentation, Stoke’s law,
stability of colloidal dispersion, protective colloid, sensitization, dialysis, Donnan membrane
equilibrium, application and uses of colloidal preparation in pharmacy.
Recommended Books:
(i) M. M. Haque and M. A. Nawab : Principles of Physical Chemistry
(ii) A. Martin and J. Swarbrick : Physical Pharmacy
(iii) Gordon M. Barrow : Physical Chemistry
(iv) C.V.S. Subrahmanyam : Textbook of Physical Pharmaceuticals
(v) S. P. Agarwal and Rajesh Khanna : Physical Pharmacy
(vi) S. Glasstone and D. Lewis : Elements of Physical Chemistry
(vii) N. Kundu and S.K. Jain : Physical Chemistry
(viii) K. J. laidler : Chemical Kinetics
Recommended Books:
(i) E. P. Claus and V.E. Tyler : Pharmacognosy
(ii) V.E. Tylor, L.R. Brady & J.E.Robbers : Pharmacognosy
(iii) W.C. Evans : Trease and Evan’s Pharmacognosy
(iv) Mohammed Ali : Textbook of Pharmacognosy
(v) K. Raghunathan and Roma Mitra : Pharmacognosy of Indigenous Drugs Vol. I & II
* Other Books will be indicated by respective teachers
1. Nervous System: Properties of nerve cells, nerve impulses and their transmission. Reflex action,
principal afferent and efferent paths of CNS. Functions of spinal cord and brain. The autonomic
nervous system. Properties of synapses and synaptic transmission.
2. Metabolism: Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, protein and nucleoprotein. Vitamins and minerals,
their physiological properties and functions.
3. Excretory System: Structure and function of kidney, composition and formation of urine, renal
circulation, renal regulation of acid base balance, renal diseases and kidney function tests,
physiology of micturition. Artificial kidney: basic principles, method and applications.
4. Temperature Control: Heat production and heat dissipation, hypothalamus and nervous factors
involved in body temperature regulation, function of skin.
5. Endocrine Glands: Structure and function of pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, suprarenal and
pancreas glands. Functions and regulation of secretion of hormone, disorders of abnormal hormone
6. Reproduction: Structure and function of testis, ovary, uterus and placenta. Male and female sex
hormones and their functions. Spermatogenesis and its hormonal regulation. Menstruation cycle,
different phases and its regulation. Ovogenesis & ovulation and its control. Pregnancy and lactation
and their hormonal control.
7. Enzymes & Coenzymes :
a) Enzymes: Chemical nature, classification, enzyme kinetics, enzyme specificity, characteristics of
active sites, factors affecting enzyme activity, enzyme activation, enzyme inhibition, irreversible
inhibition of poisons and toxins, enzyme catalyst and chemotherapy.
b) Coenzymes: Thiamine pyrophosphate, flavin coenzyme, TH4, pentothenic acid, NAD ,
NADPH+ pyridoxal pyrophosphate, biotin, vitamin B12 coenzyme, etc.
Recommended Books:
(i) C.C. Chatterjee : Human Physiology Vol. I & II
(ii) Guyton : A Textbook of Medical Physiology
(iii) Chakrabarti, Ghosh and Sahana : Human Physiology
(iv) W. F. Ganong : Review of Medical Physiology
(v) S. Wright : Applied Physiology
(vi) Selim Reza : The Essentials of Human Physiology
(vii) Stryer : Biochemistry
(viii) Lehninger, Nelson and Coxs : Principles of Biochemistry
(ix) A.C. Dev : Fundamental of Biochemistry
Recommended Books:
(i) H. P. Rang, M. M. Dale and J. M. Ritter : Pharmacology
(ii) A. Goodman Gilman, T. W. Rall, A. S. Nies and P. Taylor : Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Vol. – I & II
(iii) R. S. Satoskar and S. D. Bhandarkar : Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics Vol. I & II
(iv) K. D. Tripathi : Essentials of Medical Pharmacology
(v) Andres Goth : Medical Pharmacology
(vi) R. A. Harvey and P. C. Champe : Lipponcott’s Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology
(vii) B. G. Katzung : Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
* Other Books will be indicated by respective teachers
1. Pharmaceutical Calculations: Different systems weights & measures used in pharmacy and their
conversions, weighing and measuring for large and small quantities, density & specific gravity,
strength and its units, mathematical principles and their rules (significant figures, fractions,
exponents, power and roots, logarithms and anti-logarithms), percentage preparations, dilution and
concentrations, isotonic solutions, dosage calculation for children and adult, reducing and enlarging
formulas, parts per million, milliequivalents.
2. Basic Principles of Compounding and Dispensing: Fundamental operation in compounding,
current good pharmaceutical practices in compounding and dispensing, containers and closures for
dispensed products, responding to the prescription and labeling of dispensed medications.
3. Micromeritics: Importance of particle size determination, different means of expressing particle
size, methods of particle size determination: Optical and electron microscope studies, Coulter
counter methods, laser beam technique, sieve analysis, sedimentation methods; particle shape and
surface area. Measurement of particle surface area.
4. Pharmaceutical Excipients: Chemistry, physical properties and uses of antimicrobial
preservatives, antioxidants, buffering agents, coloring agents, complexing agents, suspending
agents, emulsifying agents, flavoring agents, humectants, ointment bases, solvents and co-solvents
stiffening agents, wetting and solubilizing agents.
5. Liquid Dosage Forms: Solution and elixirs, theory of solution, different factors affecting solution
process, advantages and disadvantages, formulation and manufacturing considerations, packaging
of liquids, preservation and stability aspects and quality control systems of liquids.
6. Dispersed System
a) Properties of dispersed systems: Theoretical aspects of suspension, emulsion and colloids, surface
characteristics and zeta potential, inter-particle force, crystal growth, wetting, adsorption at solid-liquid
interface, surface and interfacial tension, flocculation and coalescence.
b) Suspension: Definition and application, advantage and disadvantages, aggregated and dispersed system,
formulation, manufacturing and stability, evaluation, rheological consideration, illustrative examples.
c) Emulsion: Definitions and applications, advantage and disadvantages, theory of emulsion, formation of
emulsion, classification of emulsifying agents, HLB values of surface active agents, formulation
manufacturing, stability and evaluation, rheological considerations.
6. Semisolids (ointments, paste, gels, etc.): Structure of skin, percutaneous absorption of drugs,
definition and classification of semisolid, classification of ointment bases, formulation and
manufacturing, rheological considerations, evaluation and quality analysis.
7. Drug Decomposition: Decomposition of drugs and pharmaceutical product, stabilization of
pharmaceutical products, accelerated stability testing.
8. Sterilization: Principle of sterilization, classification, factors affecting thermal sterilization,
sterilization by heat, gas, radiation and filtration, aseptic technique and sterility testing.
Recommended Books:
(i) A. Martin and J. Swarbrick : Physical Pharmacy
(ii) E. W. Martin : Husa’s Pharmaceutical Dispensing
(iii) E. A. Rawlins : Bentley’s Textbook of Pharmaceutics
(iv) L. Lachman, H.A. Liebernan, J.L. Kanig : The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy
(v) S. J. Carter : Cooper and Gunn’s Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Students
(vi) M. E. Aulton : Pharmaceutics, the Science of Dosage Form Design
(vii) H. C. Ansel and N. G. Popovich : Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
(viii) A. R. Gennaro : Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
* Other Books will be indicated by respective teachers
Recommended Books:
(i) A.H. Beckett, and J. B. Stenlake : Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol. I & II
(ii) K. A. Connors : A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis
(iii) L.G. Chatten : Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol. I & II
(iv) A.M. Knevel and F.E. DiGangi : Jenkins Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(v) T. Higuchi and E. Brockman-Hanssen : Pharmaceutical Analysis
(vi) A. I. Vogel : Textbook of Quantitative Analysis
(vii) V. Alexeyev : Quantitative Analysis
(viii) Douglas A Skoog : Principles of Instrumental Analysis
(ix) B.K. Sharma : Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
(x) R.M. Verma : Analytical Chemistry, Theory and Practice
* Other Books will be indicated by respective teachers
Recommended Books:
(i) B.S. Bahl and Arun Bahl : Advanced Organic Chemistry
(ii) I.L. Finar : Organic Chemistry Vol. I & II
(iii) O.P. Agarwal : Chemistry of Organic Natural Products Vol. I & II
(iv) Raj K. Bansal : Organic Reaction Mechanisms
(v) Lehninger, Nelson and Coxs : Principles of Biochemistry
(vi) Alfred Burger : Medicinal Chemistry Vol. I & II
Recommended Books:
(i) H. P. Rang, M. M. Dale and J. M. Ritter : Pharmacology
(ii) A. Goodman Gilman, T. W. Rall, A. S. Nies and P. Taylor : Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Vol. – I & II
(iii) R. S. Satoskar and S. D. Bhandarkar : Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics Vol. I & II
(iv) A. Goldstein, L. Aronow and S.M. Kalman : Principles of Drug Action, The Basis of Pharmacology
(v) M. Misbahuddin and M.R. Islam : General Principles of Pharmacology
(vi) B. G. Katzung : Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
(vii) F..H. Meyers, E. jawelz and A. Goldfien : Review of Medical Pharmacology
Recommended Books:
(i) Leon Shargel and Andrew B.C. Yu : Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
(ii) Milo Gibaldi : Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics
(iii) Donald E. Cadwallader : Biopharmaceutics and Drug action
(iv) Bourne, Triggs and Eadie : Pharmacokinetics for the Non-mathematical
(v) CVS Subrahmanyam : Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics
* Other Books will be indicated by respective teachers
B. Pharm. (Honours) Part-III
Course: 305 (Unit -1)
Course Title: Pharmaceutical Engineering
Full marks- 100
1. Drying: Definition, importance of drying, terminology, theory & fundamental concepts, periods of drying, constant
rate period, falling rate period, critical moisture content. equilibrium moisture content, classification : direct,
indirect, radiation, dielectric, batch and continuous, dryers, types of beds: static, moving, fluidized, pneumatic bed
systems, different drying equipments(construction, operation, merits, demerits): tray dryer, through-circulation
dryer, pneumatic conveying dryer, rotary dryer, spray dryer, tunnel dryer, steam tube rotary dryer, agitated pan
dryer, vacuum rotary dryer and freeze dryer, selection of drying equipment, preliminary dryer selection, drying
tests, final selection.
2. Filtration: Definition, importance of filtration, difference with expression, sedimentation and drying.
Classification of filters, theory of filtration, filter media, filter aids, filter thickeners, different filtration equipment
:(construction, operation, merits and demerits) the gravity nutsche, delpark industrial filter, bag filters, sand filters,
plate and frame press, recessed plate filter press, Eimco-Burwell plates and frames, Readco short cycle filter,
vertical pressure leaf filter, horizontal plate filter, industrial tubular filter, Rodney Hunt pressure filter, Moore
filter, vacu-flow suction leaf filter, string discharge filter, clarifying filters, selection of filtration equipment.
3. Centrifuges: General principles, magnitude of centrifugal force, materials of construction, critical speed.
sedimentation centrifuges, filtering centrifugal, centrifuge auxiliaries, drive mechanisms, feed and discharge lines,
feed treatment, selection of centrifugal separators.
4. Mixing:
a) Solid-Solid Mixing: Importance, fundamentals, batch homogeneity, types of solids-mixing machines: (mixing
mechanisms and operations) double cone, twin shell, horizontal drum, double-cone revolving around long axis,
ribbon, vertical screw, batch muller, continuous muller, twin rotor. Performance, characteristics, selection of
b) Paste Mixing: Definition, importance, simple blending, dispersion operations and general equipment design.
Standard types of equipment and operations, change-can mixer, change-can mixer with planetary motion,
change-can mixer with rotating turntable, troy angular mixer, duplex mixer, stationary-tank mixer, kneader,
mullers, three-roll mill, selection of process and mixer.
c) Liquid Mixing: Definition, importance, mixing equipment, axial and radial flow impellers, mechanisms, flow
patterns, impellers, flat-blade and curved blade turbines, spiral turbines, paddles, gate impellers, anchor
impellers, different fixed-mounted and portable positions, shaft lengths, baffled and unbaffled tanks, vortex
formation and its control, selection of impeller.
5. Milling: Definition, application and limitations, factors affecting milling operation, mechanisms of size reduction
process, methods of size reduction by cutter mill, roller mill, hammer mill, ball mill, vibration mill, edge runner
mill, end runner mill, fluid energy mill, hand mill, colloid mill (principle, design, operation and advantages) and
selection of a mill.
6. Air conditioning, Refrigeration & Humidity Control:
a) Air conditioning: Definition, importance, pharmaceutical application, differences between air conditioner &
air cooler, comfort zone, different types of air conditioners, selection of an air conditioner, design of an air
conditioned room, pharmaceuticals needing air conditioning.
b) Refrigeration: Definition, pharmaceutical application, refrigerators design, mechanism of cooling, refrigerants,
brine selection, pharmaceuticals needing refrigerated storage.
c) Humidity control: Terminology (psychometry, absolute humidity, relative humidity, dew point, humid heat,
humid volume, wet bulb temperature and adiabatic saturation temperature), relationship between wet bulb and
adiabatic saturation temperatures, humidifier, dehumidifier, uses of psychometric charts, measurement of
humidity and applications of humidity control.
Recommended Books :
(i) E. A. Rawlins : Bentley’s Textbook of Pharmaceutics
(ii) L. Lachman, H.A. Liebernan, J.L. Kanig : The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy
(iii) S. J. Carter : Cooper and Gunn’s Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Students
(iv) M. E. Aulton : Pharmaceutics, the Science of Dosage Form Design
(v) H. C. Ansel and N. G. Popovich : Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
(vi) A. R. Gennaro : Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
* Other Books will be indicated by respective teachers
B. Pharm. (Honours) Part-III
Course: 306 (Unit-1)
Course Title: Pharmaceutical Technology-II
Full marks- 100
1. Formulation & Manufacturing of Tablets: Manufacturing of tablets by wet granulation, dry
granulation & direct compression. Granulation of powders for tableting. Advantages and
disadvantages of different processes, processes and machineries used in tablet manufacturing.
2. Common Tableting Problems and Evaluation of Tablets: Hardness measurement, weight
variation tests, thickness and diameter, friability, disintegration time, dissolution time, mechanism of
tablet disintegration and dissolution. In-process quality control, study of common tableting
3. Tablet Coating: Definitions and classification of coating methods, advantages and disadvantages of
coated tablets. Different methods of coating: Sugar coating: different stages of sugar coating,
problems of sugar coating. Film coating: Theory of film coating, film formers, plasticizer, solvents.
Enteric coating: Enteric coating polymers, formulations of enteric coating. Dry coating
(compression coating). Comparison between sugar coating and film coating. Aqueous film coating
techniques. Modern film coating materials and coating formulations. Problems of organic and
aqueous film coating. Coating machines: Conventional coating machines, perforated coating
machines, fluidized coating machines.
4. Capsules:
a) Hard Gelatin Capsules: Definition and classification, advantages and limitations of capsule
dosage form, gelatin and its manufacture, manufacture of hard capsule shells, properties of
capsules, formulation of capsules, capsule filling machines, tooling and accessories. Problems in
capsule manufacturing, quality control methods of capsules, packaging of capsules.
b) Soft Gelatin Capsules: Definitions and classifications, advantages and limitations, properties,
formulation, manufacturing, quality control and packaging of soft capsules. Problems and remedy of
soft capsule manufacturing.
5 Microencapsulation Technology: Purpose, methods of preparation, evaluation, pharmaceutical
and biological applications of microencapsulation process.
6 Suppositories: Definition, advantages & disadvantages, Classification of suppositories,
Suppository bases, formulation of suppositories, manufacturing of suppositories, Displacement
value of testing of suppositories, Mechanism of absorption of medicaments from suppositories.
Recommended Books :
(i) E. A. Rawlins : Bentley’s Textbook of Pharmaceutics
(ii) L. Lachman, H.A. Liebernan, J.L. Kanig : The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy
(iii) S. J. Carter : Cooper and Gunn’s Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Students
(iv) M. E. Aulton : Pharmaceutics, the Science of Dosage Form Design
(v) H. C. Ansel and N. G. Popovich : Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
(vi) A. R. Gennaro : Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
(vii) L.W. Dittert : Sprowl’s American Pharmacy
1. The skin and skin creams: (A) Introduction, epidermis and keratinizing system, pigmentary
system, exocrine sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, common disorders
of the skin. (B) Skin creams: Introduction, classification of skin creams, cold cream, vanishing
creams, emollient cream & lotion.
2. Hair Preparations:
(A) Hair products: Introduction, shampoos; hair setting lotions, hair tonic, conditioners.
(B) Shaving preparations: Introduction, lather shaving cream, brushless or non-lathering
cream, aerosol shaving foams, after shave preparations.
(C) Depilatories: Introduction, formulation and manufacture of chemical depilatories: perfuming,
packaging, assay and toxicities of depilatories.
3. Teeth and dental products: Physiology and common diseases of teeth; introduction, formulation
and manufacture of dentifrices, quality control of dentifrices, toothpastes, tooth powder,
mouthwash and gargles.
4. (A) Lip-products: Introduction, Lip skin, Characteristics of an ideal lip sticks, colors, pigments,
bases, perfumes antioxidants used in lipsticks, formulations, manufactures, toxicities, analysis and
quality control of lipsticks. (B) Brief study on deodorant: Introduction, perspiration and its
control, formulation, manufacture, labeling of antiperspirants, deodorants, Talcum powder,
perfume, etc.
5. Eye makeup: Introduction, formulation, manufacture and evaluations of eye shadow, mascara, eye
brow pencils, eye liners etc.
6. Nail lacquers and removers: Introduction, raw materials, formulations, manufactures and
evaluations of nail lacquers and nail lacquer removers.
7. Herbal preparations
Recommended Books:
(i) M. S. Balsam and E. Sagarin : Cosmetics, Science and Technology Vol. I & II
(ii) Pulok K. Mukherjee : Quality control of herbal drugs
(iii) M. Vimaladevi : Text book of Cosmetics
(iv) J.B. Wilkinson : Harry's cosmetology
R.J. Moore
1. Hospital Pharmacy:
A) Introduction: Goals, minimum standards, abilities required for a hospital pharmacist. Hospital as
an organization, classification, organizational patterns, management and administration, different
departments and services, role of a pharmacist in the hospital. Hospital pharmacy, organizational
and personnel, supportive personnel, pharmacy education, job descriptions.
B) Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee: Description and purpose, membership and functions.
Hospital formulary, guiding principles, legal basis, principles for admission or deletion of drugs,
selection of text.
C) Investigational Use of Drugs: Description, principles involved, classification, control,
identification, role of hospital pharmacist, advisory committee.
D) Purchasing and Inventory Control: Purchasing agent, purchasing procedure, control on
purchases, storage, perishable inventory, physical inventory, perpetual inventory.
E) Control of Special Classes of Drugs: Use of samples, in-patient drug orders, out-patient
prescriptions, ward stock drugs, label symbols. Narcotics and their control, classes, procurement
and execution of order forms, dispensing, hospital narcotic regulations, new systems. Floor stock
drugs, selection, charge and non-charge, labeling, regulations concerning narcotics, inspection of
nursing drug cabinets.
F) Dispensing to In-and Out Patients: Drug distribution systems, dispensing of charge, non- floor
stock drugs, mobile dispensing unit, unit dose dispensing, new concepts. Dispensing to out patients,
locality of out-patient dispensing area, dispensing routine, record keeping. Dispensing during off-
hours, use of nursing supervisors, emergency boxes and night drug cabinets, pharmacist-on-call.
Drug charges in hospitals, pricing, break- even point pricing.
G) Manufacturing-Bulk and Sterile: Control and budget, manufacturing facility and capacity,
operating costs, quality control.
H) Drug Information Centre and Library: Physical facilities, selection of contents, methods of
dissemination, role in educational and training programmes, professional education, internal
teaching programmes, external teaching programmes.
2. Community Pharmacy:
Concept of community health care, health needs of the community, different levels of health care,
elements of primary health care. Principles of primary health care: Equitable distribution,
community participation, intersectoral coordination, appropriate technology, health manpower,
health care delivery at different levels, community pharmacy in dealing with communicable diseases
problem, nutritional problems, environmental sanitation problems and indigenous systems of
medicine, development of community pharmacy infrastructure, participation of non-governmental
voluntary health agencies.
Recommended Books:
(i) W.E. Hassan : Hospital Pharmacy
(ii) Pratibha Nand and R.K. Khar : A Textbook of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
(iii) Anees Ahmed Siddiqul and M. Ali : Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
(iv) Rashid, Khabiruddin and Hyder : Textbook of Community Medicine and Public Health
(v) Selim Reza : The Essentials of Community Medicine
(vi) K. Park : Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine
(vii) A. R. Gennaro : Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
Recommended Books
(i) M. Shah Nawaz Khan : Assurance of Quality Pharmaceuticals
(ii) Pulok K. Mukherjee : Quality control of herbal drugs
1. Conductometry: Principle, important laws, definition & relations, mobility of ions governing
forces, applications. kohlrausch’s Law, apparatus and measurements, experimental details of
conductometric titration, high frequency titration, application and limitations.
2. Potentiometry: Terminology, potentiometer, principle, various half cells & electrodes, relation pH
to potential, types and curves of potentiometric titration, methods, applications and advantages.
3. Amperometry: Definition, classification, theory, technique and applications of amperometric
titration, titration curve shapes, factor affection current flow during analysis.
4. Polarographic Analysis: Principle, component of polarogram, Ilkovic equation, diffusion current,
factor affecting diffusion current and half wave potential, quantitative analysis and applications.
plarographic maxima supprissor, oxygen wave, supporting electrolyte.
5. Coulometry: Definition, principle, coulometers, current efficiency, background current, various
types of coulometric analysis, detection of end-points , advantages, applications and
6. Gas Chromatography: Introduction and principles GLC & GSC, theoretical consideration,
component of instruments, column technology, detectors, analytical application of gas
7. X-ray Crystallography: Generation and properties of X-ray, diffraction of X-ray by crystals,
Bragg's equation, X-ray diffraction methods, powder diffraction patterns, methods of
measurement, analysis, indexing of X-ray reflections and determination of space groups, Fourier
and Patterson syntheses and application of X-ray analysis in pharmacy.
8. Radiochemical Methods of Analysis: Origin and nature of radioactive isotopes, natural and
induced radioactivity, radioactive decay, different type of radiation, radiation detection and their
measurement, principles of Geiger-Muller, Scintillation and proportion counters, radio- activation
analysis, isotope dilution analysis, characterization, methodology and use of radiometric titrations
in pharmaceutical research.
9. a) Bioassay: Prerequisites and development, errors in bioassay and how to overcome them.
Statistical design of bioassay.
b) Principles of Microbiological Analysis (diffusion method) of the Following Drugs:
(i) Microbiological Assay: Antibiotics, vitamins, sulfa drugs
(ii) Microbial counts: Antacids and water.
Recommended Books:
(i) Gurdeep R. Chatwal and Sham K. Anand : Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
(ii) A.H. Beckett, and J. B. Stenlake : Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol. I & II
(iii) K. A. Connors : A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis
(iv) L.G. Chatten : Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol. I & II
(v) Douglas A Skoog : Principles of Instrumental Analysis
(vi) B.K. Sharma : Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
Recommended Books:
i. Wilson and Gisvolds : Textbook of Organic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
ii. Ashutosh Kar : Medicinal Chemistry
iii. Graham L. Patrick : An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
iv. Alfred Burger : Medicinal Chemistry Vol. I & II
v. E. J. Ariens : Drug Designs Vol. I, II & III
vi. O.P. Agarwal : Chemistry of Organic Natural Products Vol. I & II
vii. W.O. Foye : Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
1. Molecular Mechanism of Drug Action: Signaling mechanisms and drug action: Regulation of
gene expression by intracellular receptors, Ligand regulated transmembrane enzymes, Ligand gated
channels, G-proteins and secondary messengers, such as cyclic-AMP, calcium and
phosphoinositides and cyclic-GMP interplay among signaling mechanisms.
2. Drug Metabolism: Various pathway of drug metabolism, metabolism of various group of drugs,
factors affecting drug metabolism with special emphasis on aging, methods of studying drug
metabolism, new aspects of drug metabolism.cytochrome p-450, induction and inhibition
3. Psychotropic Drugs: Theories of psychosis, Classification, mode of action, SAR, pharmacological
actions, indications, toxicities and contraindications of chlorpromazine, TCA, MAO inhibitors, etc.
4. Hormonal Drugs: Biochemistry and mode of action of hormones. Hormones as drugs. Selective
serotonic uprke inhibitor. Types of chemical signal, Rule of hormone, mechanism of hormone
action, Interaction between hormones, hormone therapy. bioidentical hormones, hormones
replacement therapy, Risk, benefits and alternative of hormone replacement therapy.
5. Enzymes in Therapy: General properties of enzymes and their mode of actions, activators,
inhibitors and cofactors, enzymatic basis of drug action. Enzymes of pharmaceutical importance,
their production, preparation, formation, use and assay methods. fibrinolytic drugs, LHD.
6. Anticancer Agents: (a) Alkylating agents: Nitrogen mustard, alkyl sulphonates and nitrosoureas.
(b) Anti-metabolites: (i) Folic acid analog (ii) Pyrimidine analog (iii) Purine analog and related
inhibitors. (c) Natural products: (i) Vinca alkaloids (ii) Antibiotics (iii) Miscellaneous agents (metal
complexes, radioisotopes, hormones, etc.)
7. Pharmacological Studies of Various Groups of Drugs:
I. Drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis: (a) Chemotherapeutics: INH, para-aminosalicylic
acid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide, etc. (b) Antibiotics: gentamicin, rifampicin, streptomycin, etc.
II. Antidiarrhoeal agents: ORS, tetracycline, streptomycin, sulfonamide, loperamide and spasmodic
drugs, etc.
III. Anti-fertility drugs: Oral contraceptives, mechanical barriers, implants, foams, etc.
IV. Drugs used in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
8. Toxicology:
a) Principles, evaluation in animals, determination of LD10, LD50, ED50, therapeutic index, etc.
b) Adverse drug reactions, causes of adverse reactions, factors affecting side effects of drugs.
c) Drug allergy, tests for prediction of drug allergy.
Recommended Books:
(i) Wilson and Gisvolds : Textbook of Organic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(ii) A. Goldstein and L. Aronow : Principles of Drug Action, The Basis of Pharmacology
(iii) R. A. Harvey and P. C. Champe : Lipponcott’s Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology
(iv) R. S. Satoskar and S. D. Bhandarkar : Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics Vol. I & II
(v) Craig and Stitzel : Modern Pharmacology
(vi) Laurence and Bennett : Clinical Pharmacology
(vii) Davidson : Principles and Practice of Medicine
(viii) S. Vincent, T. Devita, S. Hellman and S.A. Rosenberg : Cancer, Principles and Practices of Oncology
(ix) Pratti : Anticancer Drugs
Recommended Books:
(i) Leon Shargel and Andrew B.C. Yu : Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
(ii) Milo Gibaldi : Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics
(iii) Donald E. Cadwallader : Biopharmaceutics and Drug action
(iv) Bourne, Triggs and Eadie : Pharmacokinetics for the Non-mathematical
(v) CVS Subrahmanyam : Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics
Recommended Books :
(i) E. A. Rawlins : Bentley’s Textbook of Pharmaceutics
(ii) L. Lachman, H.A. Liebernan, J.L. Kanig : The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy
(iii) S. J. Carter : Cooper and Gunn’s Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Students
(iv) M. E. Aulton : Pharmaceutics, the Science of Dosage Form Design
(v) H. C. Ansel and N. G. Popovich : Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
(vi) A. R. Gennaro : Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
1. Ultra violet and visible spectroscopy: Definition, Lambert’s law, Beer’s Law, Instrument,
Electronic Transition, Transition probability, Chromophore concept, Auxochrome, Absorption &
Intensity shift, Absorption bands, Solvent effects, Absorption maxima calculation using Woodward-
Fieser rules, Importance in structure determination and application of ultra-violet and visible
2. Infra-red spectroscopy: Molecular vibration and their types, Hook’s law of vibrational frequency,
Fundamental vibration, Number of fundamental vibration, Overtone, Factors influencing vibrational
frequency, Instrument, Sampling techniques, Precautions in running IR spectra, Finger point region,
Importance of Finger point region and IR spectra in structure determination and application of IR
Recommended Books:
(i) D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman and G.S. Kriz : Introduction to Spectroscopy
(ii) Y. R. Sharma : Elementary Organic Spectroscopy
(iii) Douglas A Skoog : Principles of Instrumental Analysis
(iv) B.K. Sharma : Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
(v) Gurdeep R. Chatwal and Sham K. Anand : Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
(vi) L.G. Chatten : Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol. I & II
(vii) Willard, Merritt, Dean and Scattle : Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Clinical Pharmacy:
1. Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy Practice: Functions and scope. Status of clinical pharmacy in
2. Modern Dispensing aspects: Patient compliance, reasons and importance of non-compliance. Role
of pharmacists in improving patient compliance and instructions for the use of some common drugs.
3. Drug abuse, drug addiction, drug habituation, drug dependence, drug over-dose and draw back of
4. a) Diagnosis and routine tests for diagnosis, common sources of laboratory errors and role of
b) Physiological parameters and interpretation of clinical laboratory tests:
(i) Blood chemistry, (ii) Hematology (iii) Urinalysis (iv) Stool, Sputum and CSF examination
5. Manifestations and pathophysiology of the following diseases:
(a) Essential hypertension, (b) Diabetes, (c) Asthma, (d) Osteoporosis, (e) Hepatitis, (f) Anemia,
(g) Rheumatoid arthritis (h) Osteoporosis.
6. Drug Interaction: Introduction, mechanism of drug interaction, drug-drug interaction with reference
to analgesics, diuretics, cardiovascular drugs, gastrointestinal agents, vitamins and hypoglycemic
agents. Drug-food interaction.
7. Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs): Definition, importance, drug-induced diseases and teratogenicity.
8. Clinical Toxicity: Poisons, toxins of animal origin, role of poison centers, poisoning incidence,
analysis of poisoning situation, sources and assessment of poison exposure, general treatment of
poisoning. Symptoms and management of poisoning cases with pesticides, fumigants, solvents,
vapors, food toxins and heavy metal poison. Snake poisons, venoms.
Recommended Books:
(i) Pratibha Nand and R.K. Khar : A Textbook of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
(ii) Anees Ahmed Siddiqul and M. Ali : Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
(iii) J. Marshal and K. Bangert : Clinical Biochemistry
(iv) A. R. Gennaro : Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
(v) Lloyd Y. Young and M.A. Koda : Applied Therapeutics
(vi) S.C. Sahajan and J. B. K. Narang : Forensic Pharmacy and Ethics
(vii) B. M. Mithal : Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy
4. Materials Management:
a) Purchasing: Formulating effective buying policies, determination of needs and desires of patrons, selecting
the sources of supply, determination the terms of purchase, receiving, marketing and stocking goods.
b) Inventory control: Methods of inventory control, selection of optimum method, effect of
inventory control.
5. Risks Management
6. Pharmaceutical Marketing:
a) Promotion: Objectives, classification, developing a promotional plan, promotion strategy, budget
and executing the program. Steps of implantation of advertising, types (display, direct mail, etc.)
and preparation of advertisement. Personal selling and evaluation of promotion (general and
specialized method).
b) Pricing: General consideration, pricing method, prescription pricing and professional fees.
c) Channel of distribution
d) Forecasing of sales
Recommended Books:
(i) R. M. Mehta : Pharmaceutical Industrial Management
(ii) Kotler Armstrong : Principles of Marketing
(iii) V.S. Ramaswamy : Marketing Management
(iv) F.D. Sturdivant and L.W. Stern : Managerial Analysis in Marketing
(v) Robert E. Stevens : Strategic Marketing Plan Master Guide
3. Pharmacology-III: (Marks-30)
Estimation of glucose in blood in normal condition and after administration of insulin; biological assay
of digitalis, histamine and insulin; microbiological assay of antibiotics and vitamins; spectrophotometric
estimation of blood pigments; toxicity test of some selected drugs like, phenobarbitone, nikethamide,
some antineoplastic drugs, pilocarpine, etc.
4. Biopharmaceutics-II: (Marks-35)
Evaluation of drugs and drug products (pharmacokinetics); measurement of viscosity of emulsion;
quality control of sterile medicaments such as ophthalmic solution.