Instruction For Essay Assignment
Instruction For Essay Assignment
Instruction For Essay Assignment
An essay is a piece of writing where you will discuss the given topic from different
perspectives, presenting a critical view and using versatile legal argumentation, leaning also on
the required and relevant reference material. You should be able to convince the law
professor of what and how you learned from the topic. Most course assignments are essays.
An essay is less restricted than a scientific article both in style and structure. However, the text
should proceed in a systematic manner, placing emphasis on different entities. An essay is
outlined in sections that are headed. The following division is the most common way to
structure an essay:
1. Introduction, which introduces the subject or the problem, briefly puts the subject in
context, demonstrates the viewpoint, and defines the boundaries of the discussion
2. Discussion, the structure of which depends on the chosen viewpoint (e.g. comparative
structure, thesis statement and argumentation, moving from broad scale phenomena to
narrow, or from theory to practice)
3. Conclusion, in which you can draw together the central concepts of the text, further
develop their thoughts, deliberate on the (practical) implications of the results, etc. A
conclusion also gives you the opportunity to reflect on what they learned during the
writing process.
Be aware that essays should have a clear and coherent structure. They should be written in
proper academic language, the references should be marked in the text and on the last page, if
there is more than one, should be a list of references.
When writing an essay one should consider the three general categories, namely ideas,
argumentation, structure and style:
Do you answer the assignment given?
Do you understand the reading materials?
Does your explanations of concepts, ideas and examples demonstrate an ability to gather
the main points, paraphrase them and apply them?
Do you have original interpretations?
Does your writing demonstrate an understanding of the subject, or does it wander from
one subject to the next offering only superficial remarks?
Can the law professor easily see what your main point is?
Does your essay provide a series of points that add up to an argumentation supporting
the main point?
Does your essay continue logically from point to point?
Do you give examples and explanations to support his/her generalizations?
Does your essay contain contradictions?
Layout of an essay
On the top of the cover page of your essay you should mark:
o name of the author
o title of the essay
o name and code of the course
o date
Use font size 12 and spacing 1.5 in between paragraphs and single space between
sentences. Use font style Book Antiqua and A4 size paper with 1 inch margin on all
Words matters:
there is a relationship between our language use and our social reality. This course
should be an occasion to learn to use non-discriminatory expressions and a gender-sensitive
language. Please, avoid using masculine nouns and pronouns in situations where the gender of
their subject(s) is unclear or variable, or when the group to which you are referring contains
members of both sexes; alternate gendered pronouns and/or include both pronouns in each
sentence by writing “her/his” or “her/him;” use gender-neutral nouns (e.g. "persons" instead
of "men", "police officer" instead of "policeman" etc.). You might also want to use gender-neutral
pronouns that do not specify whether the subject of the sentence is female or male. 'They', for
instance, is a third-person pronoun that is gender neutral. Other gender-neutral pronouns
include 'them', 'this person', 'everyone'. If you're not sure which pronoun to use, you can also
use that person's name.