My name is Laura Ortiz, and teaching Spanish has been fun. I graduated from Texas State
University with a degree in Spanish and a minor in International Studies. My teaching
philosophy is to provide a positive and engaging learning environment, so that all students
may be successful in the steps to acquiring the Spanish language. I believe learning a
foreign language is important. Research shows that it increases mental focus, reading and
writing skills, critical thinking, and broadens perspectives about a multi-faceted world.
Basic Information
Teacher: Ms. Laura Ortiz
Conference Time: Parents please email me to set an appointment.
<<Estar preparado es la mitad de la victoria.>> -Cervantes
Required Materials
● Composition notebook
● Black/Blue- ink pens, if you prefer pencil- please write dark.
Course Description
Spanish is a four skills course, which emphasizes speaking, listening, reading and writing in
the Spanish language. The teacher understands that students may be nervous. With that
said, daily class activities are conducted primarily in the target language, and active
participation from all students is REQUIRED to be successful in the class.
Novice-level-Spanish-speakers should not worry about making mistakes, as mistakes are a
vital part of the learning process. We are all here to learn!
1| Attendance Check: As you enter the room, please take your assigned seat. When the bell
rings everyone should be quiet and be working on their warm-up activity.
2 | Tardy Students: Any student who is not in the classroom when the bell rings will be
considered tardy. If you are late, please go to the office for a tardy slip.
3 | Leaving the Room: Please ask me for permission first, and then sign your name and
destination on the exit slip sheet. Be sure to take the hall pass with you.
4 | Finishing Early: If you finish your work early, read your book or work on any other
school work.
5 | Seating Charts: You must sit in your assigned seat. We will change seating arrangements
every four weeks.
6 | Ending the Period: Please listen to class announcements /reminders for the next class.
Additionally, I will let you know when to start putting away your materials. You may leave
when the school bell rings.
1 | Respect and be polite to all people.
In my classroom, this means listening and staying seated when someone is talking. As well
as respecting others property, such as keeping the room neat, using equipment carefully,
and getting permission when borrowing an item or leaving the room. Any ridiculing or
otherwise bullying behavior of any students will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances.
If a student fails to obey the class rules, the consequences will occur in the following order:
1. Verbal warnings
2. Think Sheet Reflection Sheet
3. Parent/Guardian will be contacted.
4. Lunch detention.
5. Referral to the principal's office.
The course grade for each grading period will be calculated based on the following
components, each of which will be weighed as indicated:
Formative grades (in-progress)………………………..………………………………..40%
● Such as Daily Assessments
● Such as Journal grades
Summative grades(conclusion of specific- instructional period)………...60%
● Such as Tests/ Projects/ Skits
● Such as Quizzes
Your grades will be based on the categories as explained below.
Category What it measures.
Attendance means coming to school on time, being present in every class period, and
remaining in class until the school day is officially over.
Parents must call the school attendance office if his or her student is not going to be in
What is Truancy? Absences from school not authorized by the parents of the student will be
considered TRUANCY and are subject to disciplinary consequences.
Truancy is:
● Not showing up to school
● Showing up late
● Skipping class, detention, ISIS, etc.
● Cutting class
● Missing classes without a valid excuse
● Being in an unauthorized area instead of class
● Leaving campus without permission
* more information about Truancy is available in the front office
Academic Honesty
All work turned in for this course should be the original work of the student. Cheating of
any kind, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated. The first instance of cheating will be
handled by the teacher, repeated instances of cheating will be referred to the office.
We all know the equation:
Please read the attached pages that contains the behavioral expectations, grading procedures, and course
content for your child’s world language class. Once you have reviewed these pages with your child, please
sign and have your child return this form. Feel free to contact your child’s teacher with any questions or
comments you may have.
________________________________________ _________________________________________
(student signature) (parent/guardian signature)
What is the best way to contact you on SchoolStatus? Please indicate those that you prefer.
Email: _______________________________________________
Text: _______________________________________________
You may also use this page to indicate any questions or comments that you may have. I am especially
interested in hearing your thoughts on how I can best support your child as a learner in my classroom.