All India Council For Technical Education: Approval Process Handbook (2012 - 2013)
All India Council For Technical Education: Approval Process Handbook (2012 - 2013)
All India Council For Technical Education: Approval Process Handbook (2012 - 2013)
(2012 – 2013)
The aim of any country’s higher education system is sustainable development and achieving
higher growth rates. It is enabled through creation, transmission and dissemination of
knowledge. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has been in existence
since November 1945 as a national level Apex Advisory Body with its mission of developing
and promoting quality technical education in the country in a coordinated and integrated
manner. The Council is constantly endeavoring to encourage a meaningful association
between the technical education system and research and development activities in a
concerted effort aimed at nation-building.
Technical education at all levels in the country is witnessing a consistent growth pattern
marked by the setting up of new Institutions and the improvement of the existing ones in tune
with the quality assurance norms set by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The
Council believes in providing a proper impetus to Institutions in generating competent
engineers and scientists and encourages them to think beyond the curriculum while imparting
training for the advancement of knowledge.
The Council has put in place several initiatives in the last two years to bring out changes in
the Approval Process by introducing greater transparency and accountability through the e-
governance. The emphasis this year is to put in place simplified procedures and greater ease
in the approval process. “From access to quality” will be the slogan for the year 2012-13 to
give more impetus to quality in technical education and to be the best in the world. The role
of AICTE as a regulator will be further geared up to weed out the institutions not fulfilling
the norms and standards.
This manual is an attempt to provide comprehensive information on the fair and rational
system of administration as well as other necessary information on the processes and
Institutions under the aegis of the AICTE. The emphasis on e-governance to ensure
transparency, accountability, implementing a tech-savvy approach to enable faster processing
and clearly defining the infrastructural norms in Institutions are just a few pointers towards
AICTE’s efforts at fostering a technical education system which is on par with the best
institutions in the world.
In keeping with these objectives, AICTE would strive to be a true facilitator in addition to
fulfilling the regulatory provisions.
All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of
empires depend on the education of youth. – Aristotle
Dr. S. S. Mantha
Chairman, (actg), AICTE
Closure of Institute
Closure of Institute
1 Format of the affidavit to be submitted by the applicant on a 176
non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100 duly sworn before a First
Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary or an Oath Commissioner
2 Format of the affidavit to be submitted by the applicant on a 178
non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100 duly sworn before a First
Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner
along with Deposit of requisite amount
3 Format to be submitted by the Collaborating Foreign University 180
/ Institution with a partnering AICTE approved Indian
4 Format of the affidavit to be submitted by the applicant on a 181
non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100 duly sworn before a First
Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner
stating that the applicant follows all requirements of IInd Shift
Programs. (if applicable)
5 Format of the affidavit to be submitted by the applicant on a 183
non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100 duly sworn before a First
Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner
stating that the applicant follows all requirements of Part Time
Programs. (if applicable)
1 Certificate of Advocate 185
2 Certificate of an Architect registered with Council of 187
1.1 Background
The beginning of formal Technical Education in India can be dated back to the mid 19th century. The
major policy initiatives in the pre-independence period included appointment of the Indian
Universities Commission in 1902, issue of the Indian Education policy resolution in 1904 and the
Governor General’s policy statement of 1913 stressing the importance of Technical Education, the
establishment of II Sc. in Bangalore, Institution for Sugar, Textile and Leather Technology in Kanpur,
N.C.E. in Bengal in 1905 and Industrial schools in several provinces. Significant developments
The AICTE was set up in November 1945 based on the recommendations of CABE to stimulate,
coordinate and control the provisions of educational facilities and industrial development of the post
war period. At that time, mandate of AICTE basically covered only programs in Engineering and
The growth of industries in the Country, just after independence, also demanded the need for qualified
professionals in other fields, such as Business Management, Architecture, Hotel Management,
Pharmacy etc. Although the diverse elements of Management such as Commerce, Economics,
Finance, Psychology and Industrial Sociology were being taught for a long time, the need for
Management Education in a formal way was felt in India only in the fifties. The Government of India
decided in 1954 to set up a Board of Management Studies under AICTE to formulate standards and
promote Management Education. Other major initiatives taken in Management Education include:
setting up of the Administrative Staff College of India at Hyderabad in the late fifties, National
Productivity Council and Indian Institution of Management in the early sixties. Architecture was
covered under the Architects’ Act, 1972. Subsequently, for better coordination of the Professional
Courses, Architecture Education was also placed under the purview of AICTE.
Education in other professional fields such as, Pharmacy, Applied Arts & Crafts has also undergone
similar developments during the post-independence period. Programs for Technical Education, during
the first three Five Year Plans, were devoted to expansion of Technical Education to meet the growing
demand for technical personnel at Diploma, Degree and Post-Graduate Levels. From the fourth Five
Year Plan onwards, the emphasis was shifted to the improvement of quality and standard of Technical
Education. This was done through implementation of the Quality Improvement Program consisting of
three major components that provided for M.E. / M. Tech and Ph. D Programs, Establishment of
Curriculum Design and Development Cells, and Short Term Training Programs.
Meanwhile, expansion of Institutions and intake remained at a low level in the Government, Private-
aided and University sectors. The policy shift during eighties towards involvement of Private and
Voluntary Organizations in the setting up of Technical and Management Institutions on self-financing
basis ushered in an era of unprecedented expansion of the Technical Education System, a trend which
has continued during successive Five Year Plans.
It was in this context that AICTE was given statutory powers by the AICTE Act of Parliament in
1987, with a view to ensure the proper planning and coordinated development of Technical Education
System throughout the Country. Technical Education in this context includes fields of Engineering
and Technology, Architecture, Town Planning, Management, Pharmacy and Applied Arts & Crafts.
The growth of Technical Education before independence in the Country has been very slow. The
number of Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics (including Pharmacy and Architecture Institutions)
in 1947 was 44 and 43 respectively with an intake capacity of 3200 and 3400 respectively.
Due to efforts and initiatives taken during successive Five Year Plans and particularly due to policy
changes in the eighties to allow participation of Private and Voluntary Organizations in the setting up
of Technical Institutions on self-financing basis, the growth of Technical Education has been
No. of Undergraduate and Post graduate Institutions / Programs
6000 2007-08
5000 2008-09
2000 2010-11
0 2006-07
Engg Mgmt MCA Phar Arch HMCT Total Added
in Year
1000000 2006-07
400000 2008-09
200000 2010-11 2009-10
0 2008-09 2010-11
The AICTE Act, 1987 was passed by the Parliament, to provide for the establishment of the
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with a view to ensure proper planning
and coordinated development of the Technical Education System throughout the Country,
qualitative improvement of such education in relation to planned quantitative growth and the
regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the Technical Education
System and for matters connected therewith.
1.4 Important Provisions of the AICTE Act on Approval Process
1.4.1 Clause 10(g) Evolve suitable performance appraisal system for Technical
Institutions and Universities imparting Technical Education,
incorporating Norms and Mechanisms for enforcing accountability.
1.4.2 Clause 10(i) Lay down norms and standards for course curriculum, physical and
instructional facilities, staff patterns, staff qualifications, quality
instructions, assessment and examination.
1.4.3 Clause 10(k) Grant approval for starting new Technical Institutions and for
introduction of new Courses or Programs in consultation with the
Agencies concerned.
1.4.4 Clause 10(n) Take all necessary steps to prevent commercialization of Technical
1.4.5 Clause 10(p) Inspect or cause to inspect any technical Institution.
1.4.6 Clause 11(1) For the purposes of ascertaining the financial needs of technical
Institution or a University or its standards of teaching, examination
and research, the Council may cause an inspection of any
department or departments of such technical Institution or
University to be made in such manner as may be prescribed and by
such person or persons as it may direct.
1.4.7 Clause 11(2) The Council shall communicate to the technical Institution or
University the date on which any inspection under sub-section (1) is
to be made and the technical Institution or University shall be
1.5.1 Vision
Be a world class organization leading technological and socioeconomic development of the Country
by enhancing the global competitiveness of technical manpower, by ensuring high quality technical
education to all sections of the society.
1.5.2 Mission
1.5.3 Objectives
1.5.4 Responsibilities
• Approval of Diploma / Degree / Post Graduate Degree / Post Graduation / Post Diploma /
Post Graduate Diploma Level programs in Technical Institutions.
• Approval of variation / increase in intake, additional programs in technical Institutions
• Quality Assurance through Accreditation.
• Participation in the process of granting Deemed University status by MHRD.
• Approval for Foreign Collaborations / Twinning Programs.
• Promotion of Industry-Institution Interaction.
• Development of Model Curricula through All India Boards of Studies.
• Faculty Development Programs in Technical Institutions.
• Research and Institutional Development through Modernisation and Removal of
Obsolescence (MODROBS) / Research Promotion Schemes (RPS)
• Post Graduate Grants and GATE Scholarship
• Networking of Technical Institutions.
• Assessment of National Technical Manpower through National Technical Manpower
Information System (NTMIS)
• Promotion of Autonomy in Technical Institutions.
• Connecting Technical Institutions through EDUSAT Network-Live transmission of M.E.
/ M. Tech programs
• Providing facilities under INDEST
• Steps for Stopping Commercialization of Technical Education.
1 Definitions
1.1 “1st Shift” means activities conducted in 1st spell of time wherever two shift working
1.2 “2nd Shift” means activities conducted in 2nd spell of time wherever two shift working
1.3 “Architect” means an Architect registered with the Council of Architecture established
under the Architect Act 1972.
1.4 “Autonomous Institution”, means an Institution, to which autonomy is granted and is
designated to be so by the Statutes of affiliating University / Board.
1.5 “Bandwidth Contention” means the contention ratio, ratio of the potential maximum
demand to the actual bandwidth.
1.6 “Build Operate Transfer” (BOT)” means a project financing, wherein a private entity
receives a concession from the public sector to finance, design, construct, and operate a
facility stated in the concession contract.
1.7 “Co-Ed Institute” means the Institute admitting male and female students.
1.8 “Commission” means University Grants Commission established under section 4 of the
University Grants Commission Act, 1956
1.9 “Compliance Report” shall mean the report submitted by Technical Institution
complying with requirements as set in Appendix 12, Prevention and prohibition of
ragging, in the format prescribed by AICTE from time to time.
1.10 “Deemed University” means an Institution declared as deemed to be University under
section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
1.11 “Foreign Student” means, the student who possesses a foreign passport.
1.12 “Fresher” means a student who has been admitted to an Institution and who is
undergoing his/her first year of study in such Institution.
1.14 “Metro City” means a Metropolitan area as declared by Ministry of Urban
Development, New Delhi or concerned State Government authority.
1.15 “Minority Educational Institution” or “Minority Institution” means a college or
Institution established or maintained by a person or group of persons belonging to a
minority, recognized as such by the concerned State Government/UT Administration.
1.16 “NBA Web-Portal ” means a web site at URL
1.17 “NBA” means National Board of Accreditation set up by AICTE, under Society
Registration Act 1860.
1.18 “.pdf file” means document in Portable Document Format.
1.19 “Prescribed” means as prescribed under these Regulations.
1.20 “Public Private Partnership (PPP)” means a partnership based on a contract or
concession agreement, between a Government or statutory entity on the one side and a
private sector enterprise on the other side.
1.21 “Shift” means spell of time in which educational activities of the technical Institution
are conducted.
1.22 “Single Shift working” means where, educational activities of the technical Institution
are generally conducted between 9 am to 5 pm.
Closure of Institute
1.0 Introduction
A new Technical Campus can be created by establishing a campus with one or
more programs housed in separate buildings
1.1 Existing Institutions can be converted into a Technical Campus by, combining
two or more existing technical Institutions offering courses in same or different
• that all existing Institutes under consideration belong to the same parent
orgnisation, such as trust/society, etc.
• that all the infrastructural facilities used by the Institutions under
consideration are on the same/contiguous plot/s of land.
• that instructional area requirements are fulfilled for each Program with
provision of separate housing for academic activities of each Program.
Computer Centre
Library and Reading Hall
Administrative area: Principal/Director’s office, Board Room, Institute office,
Central Stores, Maintenance office, Security office,
Housekeeping office, Pantry for staff, Examination Control
office and Placement office
Amenities area: Toilets, Boys and Girl Common rooms, Cafeteria,
Stationery stores/Reprography centre, First aid cum sick
25 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
A Diploma level course can be run in a degree institution only in the second shift.
1.2 Technical campus shall be approved when it is on one continuous plot of land
except for those in North Eastern states where it can spread into 3 pieces of land
not far from each other by more than 1 Km.
1.3 New Technical Campus offering technical education shall not be established and /
or started without prior approval of the Council
1.4 New Technical program shall not be started in existing Technical Campus without
prior approval of the Council.
1.5 Existing Technical Institutions shall not be converted to a Technical Campus
without prior approval of the Council.
1.6 Admission authority / body / Institution shall not permit admissions of students to
a Technical Program which is not approved by the Council
1.7 Applicants are advised to apply only if the Building for the purpose of
application is complete as per the Infrastructure requirements without
any deficiency at the time of filling the application form on the AICTE
2.0 Seeking approval of the Council for
2.1 a Setting up new Technical Campus offering one or more Technical Program at
Degree, Post Graduate Degree, Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma and Post
Diploma Level
b Converting Existing Technical Institutions into a technical campus and / or
adding new Technical Program/s at Degree, Post Graduate Degree, Diploma,
Post Graduate Diploma and Post Diploma Level in existing Technical
c Change of Site / Location
d Closure of Institute
e Conversion of Women’s Institution into Co-Ed Institution
2.2 Requirements and Eligibility
a A Society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 through the
Chairman or Secretary of society or
b A Trust registered under the Charitable Trusts Act 1950 or any other relevant
Acts through the Chairman or Secretary of the trust or
c A company established under Section 25 of Companies Act 1956.
d Central or State Government / UT Administration or by a Society or a Trust
registered by them.
2.3 The above bodies as mentioned in a, b, c may be a body formed under Public
Private Partnership (PPP) or under BOT mode through an officer authorized by
Central or State Government / UT Administration.
26 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
However, applications as specified above in 2.1 under PPP or BOT received shall
be considered only if the proposed Technical Campus is located in the districts as
listed in the Appendix 16
2.4 The applicants fulfilling the following conditions on or before the last date
prescribed for receipt of application by the Council shall be eligible to apply.
a The promoter society / trust / A company established under Section 25 of
Companies Act 1956, of a new technical Education Institution shall have the land
as required and prescribed in its lawful possession with clear title in the name of
the promoter society / trust / A company established under Section 25 of
Companies Act 1956, on or before the date of submission of application.
Provided that it shall be open for the promoter society / trust / A company
established under Section 25 of Companies Act 1956, proposed Institution to
mortgage the land only after the receipt of letter of approval, only for raising the
recourses for the purpose of development of the Technical Education institute
situated on that land
b Land requirement for Technical campus shall be as mentioned in Appendix 4.1
Further that where sufficient FSI / FAR is available, Minimum land requirement
being determined by the program which requires maximum land among all
programs offered in the Technical campus, in addition to MBA program and
MCA Program, Arts and Crafts Program as an Institute shall be allowed to be
built on an existing Architecture Institute provided sufficient FSI / FAR is
available along with other Norms and Standards being met.
Land use certificate shall be obtained from the Competent Authority as designated
by concerned State Government / UT.
When number of program in the Technical Campus is more than one, minimum
area requirement would be 400 sq m. When 1st shift / single shift intake
considering all program-courses is more than 420, minimum area requirement
would be 600 sq m.
(ii) Computer Centre
2.5 The fund position of the applicant in the form of FDRs and / or Bank
accounts in ationalised Bank or Scheduled Commercial Banks recognised by
Reserve Bank of India shall be as under on the date of Scrutiny.
Program proposed (Degree, Post Total minimum funds required, Rupees
Graduate Degree, Diploma and Post in Lakhs as proof of operational
Diploma ) expenses.
a Engineering & Technology 100
Using this USER ID, the application in the prescribed format shall be uploaded on
the AICTE Web-Portal By using this USER ID, the applicant
will be able to track the status of the application at various stages of processing the
3.1 b The processing fee shall be paid through the AICTE payment gateway on the
Portal, through Corporate Internet banking failing which, the application shall not
be considered.
Setting up new Technical Campus offering one or more Technical Program at Degree / Post
Graduate Degree , Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma and Post Diploma Level
Adding new Technical Program/s at Degree / Post Graduate Degree , Diploma, Post Graduate
Diploma and Post Diploma Level in existing Technical Institutions
3.2 f
Processing Fees in Rs. Lakhs for Change in Site / Location, Closure of Institute and conversion of
Women only Institute to Co-Ed Institute
Type of Institution Change in Site / Closure of conversion of
Location Institute Women only
Institute to Co-Ed
Minority Institution 2.0 2.0 2.0
Institution set up in Hilly Area in North Eastern
States other than Government / Government aided 2.0 2.0 2.0
/ Central University / State University
Institution set up exclusively for women other than
Government / Government aided / Central 2.0 2.0 2.0
University / State University
All other Institutions except Government /
Government aided / Central University / State 3.0 3.0 3.0
Government / Government aided / Central
Nil Nil Nil
University / State University
In the absence of receipt of views from the State Government / UT and / or the
affiliating University / Board, the Council will proceed for completion of approval
In the event of approval by the council for change of site / location, the
equipment’s, library and other movable property in the existing Institute may be
shifted to new site/location and the approval for activities on existing location
shall seize.
Any violation in this respect may lead to withdrawal of approval and Institute
shall not be allowed to continue its activities in either locations.
Applicant shall need to submit all documents as required for approval of new
Institution. Following additional documents shall be necessary while seeking
approval for change of site / location of the existing Institute;
• There shall be no Charge sheet filed or Pending court case/s against the
The closure of the Institute shall be effected only on receipt of approval of the
The applicant shall be required to make arrangements for video recording of visit
and make available internet ready computer, printer and scanner.
The conversion from Women only to Co-Ed Institution shall be effected only
after accord of approval in respect of conversion.
Applicants shall produce original documents along with attested copies at the
time of scrutiny
4.4 Based on the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee, the deficiencies, if
any, shall be communicated to the applicant Society / Trust / A company
established under Section 25 of Companies Act 1956, through web portal.
The amount deposited by the Institution shall remain with the Council for at least
10 years which may be extended as per the regulations.
The interest accrued on this deposited amount shall be credited to the Council.
6.5 The Principle amount shall be returned to the Society / Trust / A company
established under Section 25 of Companies Act 1956, on expiry of the term.
However, the term of the deposited amount could be extended for a further period
as may be decided on case to case basis and / or forfeited in case of any violation
of norms, conditions, and requirements and / or non-performance by the
Institution and / or complaints against the Institution.
6.6 Regional Officer concerned, while forwarding the recommendations of the
Regional Committee for further process of issuance of LOA or otherwise to
AICTE head quarters, for placing before the Executive Committee shall verify
that the processes and parameters prescribed under these regulations and approval
process hand book are followed by the Scrutiny Committee and the Regional
6.7 The bureau concerned at AICTE head quarters shall also verify that the processes
and parameters prescribed under these regulations and approval process hand
book are followed.
7 Grant of approval
7.1 The recommendations of the Regional Committee for further process of issuance
of LOA or otherwise shall be placed before the Executive Committee of AICTE.
Validity of the letter of approval, if issued, shall be for two academic years from
date of issue of letter.
8 Appointment of Principal / Director and teaching staff in newly
approved Institution / Program
8.1 New Institutions granted Letter of Approval and the existing Institutions granted
approval for introduction of new Program/s, shall comply with appointment of
teaching staff and Principal/Director as the case may be, as per policy regarding
minimum qualifications pay scale etc, and other technical supporting staff &
administrative staff as per the schedule prescribed in the approval process hand
Institutions shall appoint teaching staff / Principal / Director and other technical
supporting staff and administrative staff strictly in accordance with the methods
and procedures of the concerned affiliating University, State Governments and
Hon. Court directions if any and as applicable in the case of selection procedures
and selection committees.
The information about these appointments of staff in the prescribed format shall
also be uploaded on the Web-Portal of AICTE.
Provided further that for the purpose of this provision, the date of
communication, in case of signed hardcopy of the letter, shall be the date of
receipt of such communication sent by AICTE and in case of communication of
decision through e-mail, or short messaging service (SMS) or fax, the date of
communication shall be the date of dispatch of the communication by AICTE.
The Appeal of the institution will be considered by the Standing Appeal
Committee ordinarily within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the
Appeal and for the purpose of consideration of the Appeal, the Standing Appeal
Committee may devise its own procedure.
The decision of the Standing Appeal Committee shall be communicated within a
If the applicant remains absent for Appeal, then in no circumstances what so ever,
their applications / proposal shall be taken up by the Standing Appeal Committee
and such Institutions if they so desire may apply afresh for the next academic
Such Institutions remaining absent for any reason whatsoever shall not be entitled
for any further appeal.
9.3 An officer of the Council shall place the records before the Standing Appeal
Committee. A representative of the Institute shall be invited to place the point of
view of the Institute before the Standing Appeal Committee for consideration.
9.4 The Standing Appeal Committee at its discretion may recommend a Re-Scrutiny
for verification of the claims made by the applicant Society / Trust / A company
established under Section 25 of Companies Act 1956.
9.5 The Scrutiny Committee during re-scrutiny shall verify only the deficiencies
pointed out by the Scrutiny Committee as per the norms and standards.
9.6 Applications which are found to be in order in all respects by the re-scrutiny
Committee will be processed further as per Clause 5.0 of Chapter I
9.7 The report of the re-scrutiny Committee if not found in order, shall be placed
along with the views of the Advisor Approvals, before the Standing Appeal
Committee for review and then placed before the Council for consideration.
9.8 The letter of rejection shall be issued by the Member Secretary or an officer
authorised by him, AICTE.
9.9 In case of rejection of the proposal, it shall be open for the applicant to make a
fresh application as stated in Chapter 1 of this handbook
Provided further that for the purpose of this provision, the date of
communication, in case of signed hardcopy of the letter, shall be the date of
receipt of such communication sent by AICTE and in case of communication of
decision through e-mail, or short messaging service (SMS) or fax, the date of
communication shall be the date of dispatch of the communication by AICTE.
10.2 The Appeal of the institution will be considered by the Standing Appeal
Committee ordinarily within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the
Appeal and for the purpose of consideration of the Appeal, the Standing Appeal
39 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
Committee may devise its own procedure.
10.3 The decision of the Standing Appeal Committee shall be communicated within a
period of 10 days from the date of decision of the Standing Appeal Committee.
If the applicant remains absent for Appeal, then in no circumstances what so ever,
their applications / proposal shall be taken up by the Standing Appeal Committee
in view of constraint of time for the given academic year and such Institutions if
they so desire may apply afresh for the next academic session.
Such Institutions remaining absent for any reason whatsoever shall not be entitled
for any further appeal.
10.6 An officer of the Council shall place the records before the Standing Appeal
Committee. A representative of the Institute shall be invited to place the point of
view of the Institute before the Standing Appeal Committee for consideration.
10.7 The Standing Appeal Committee at its discretion may recommend an Expert
Committee visit for verification of the claims made by the applicant Society /
Trust / A company established under Section 25 of Companies Act 1956 after the
Visit stage or reject the appeal, as the case may be.
10.8 The expert Visit committee, if recommended by the Standing Appeal Committee,
shall verify all the requirements of setting up a new Institute / Program as per the
existing norms.
This report shall prevail on all the earlier expert committee reports that may have
been submitted earlier.
10.9 The report of the Expert Committee shall be placed along with the views of the
Advisor Approvals, before the Standing Appeal Committee for review and then
placed before the Council for consideration.
10.10 However, If differences exist in the Expert Visit committee reports, they shall be
deliberated in the Council and the decision of the Council shall be final and
binding on the Institute.
10.11 Based on the deliberations, the Council may recommend issue of Letter of
Approval or letter of rejection to be issued by the Member Secretary or an officer
authorisd by him, AICTE.
10.12 In case of rejection of the proposal, it shall be open for the applicant to make a
fresh application as stated in Chapter 1 of this handbook
11 Time Schedule for processing of applications
AICTE shall notify through a public Notice published in the leading news papers
and through uploading on the AICTE Web-Portal regarding cut off dates for
various purposes including receipt of applications and processing thereof from
time to time. The time schedule mentioned in the Public Notice shall be final and
1 Introduction
1.1 Technical Institution / Technical Campus offering technical education shall not
continue technical courses or programs beyond the specified period of approval
given by the Council.
1.2 Each Institution offering Post Graduate and / or Under Graduate Technical
Program at Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma
and Post Diploma Level shall submit an application to the Council, every year,
for extension of approval of courses offered by the Institution
Provided that, in case/s of accredited course/s, the period of approval for such
course/s shall be for the complete period of accreditation unless the period of
approval is determined early or curtailed by the Council after issuing appropriate
show cause notice in this regard
Provided further that approval is granted for the complete period of accreditation,
the Institution shall submit application annually for Extension of Approval online
at AICTE Web-Portal It may be further noted that though
extension of approval is granted, the Council shall monitor for fulfillment of all
norms by the Institute and in the event of non–fulfillment, the Council shall initiate
penal action as per regulations, framed by the Council.
2.0 Submission of application
2.1 The Existing Institutions shall use the USER ID’s allotted to them previously.
If the Institution has misplaced / forgotten the password, it will be sent to the user
on payment of Rs. 5000/- (Five Thousand Only), through the payment gateway on
42 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
the AICTE Web-Portal
The processing fee shall be paid through the AICTE payment gateway on the
Portal, through Corporate Internet banking failing which, the application shall not
be considered.
In case of rejection, the applicants shall apply for appeal and such applications
shall be placed before the standing appeal committee for further process.
3.2 Grant of approvals are based on self disclosure of required facilities and
infrastructure availability as submitted on line on AICTE Web Portal.
3.3 Processing Fees in Rs. Lakhs for various applications of (Degree, Post Graduate Degree, Post
Graduate Diploma, Diploma and Post Diploma Institutions)
Type of Institution Extension of approval Introduc Introduct Reducti
Increase ion or Introduc
tion of on in
in intake / continua tion or Change
2nd Shift, intake /
Extensio additional tion of continua of name
Amount of Part Closure
n of course in PIO tion of of
Late Fee Time of
approval 1st and, or seats NRI Institute
Program course /
2nd shift seats
s program
Minority Institution 0.75 2.0 0.75 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.75 0.75
Institution set up in Hilly
Area in North Eastern 0.75 2.0 0.75 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.75 0.75
Institution set up
0.75 2.0 0.75 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.75 0.75
exclusively for women
All other Institutions 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0
Government /
Government aided /
Nil 2.0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Central University / State
3.4 a Above fees is applicable irrespective of number of divisions / courses applied for
Increase / Closure
b The payment options available is only through Corporate Internet banking
The Institute shall have zero Deficiency as per the report generated through Web
6.0 Separate division in 2nd year of Engineering / Technology courses for
admitting Diploma and B.Sc. Degree holders shall be allowed with
following conditions,
1. This division considered as a part of sub clause 3.1 (a) shall be allowed in
the courses already available in the Engineering / Technology Institutions.
2. Provision for Foreign Nationals / Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Children
of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries shall not apply to this division.
3. Lateral entry supernumerary seats for as per (Grant of approvals for
Technical Institutions, Regulations, 2011), clause 4.35 shall not apply to
this division.
4. Admission procedure for these seats shall be decided by concerned State
Government / UT authorities.
5. The Institute shall have zero Deficiency as per the report generated through
Web Portal
7.0 Document verification in case of Change of ame, Reduction in intake /
Closure of Course
Applicants shall submit the following to Regional office (RO) along with the
application form.
The Institute shall have zero Deficiency as per the report generated on the Web
The total intake of UG & PG and Diploma/Post Diploma, in the 2nd shift shall be
governed by the following conditions.
One Division or variation in any of the existing Courses at the Under Graduate
And / or
Two divisions or variations in any of the existing Courses at the Post Graduate
And / or
Two divisions or variations in any of the existing Courses at the Diploma/Post
diploma level.
+otwithstanding the above, in the second shift no Institute shall be eligible for
more than 50% of total intake in first / general shift.
8.2 1. 2nd shift working shall necessarily require exclusive teaching staff as per
norms specified in Appendix 7 and appendix 8. It shall also have separate
technical, administrative and supporting staff at required positions.
4. The allotment shall be considered on the basis of Table 10.0. However the
course of a program in the second shift shall be approved subject to the
same being run in the first / general shift.
9.2 Objective
9.3 eed
1. The syllabus (course work) shall be the same as that used for a Full time
Program and as prescribed by the affiliating University
2. Additionally, there shall be an industry based live orientation at an
appropriate level of at least 45 days, for industry-skill enhancement.
3. There shall also be a major project leading to mini dissertation with a span
of requirement of at least seventy man-hours of work.
9.6 Procedure for approval and allotment of intake in Part time Programs
Notwithstanding the above, in the Part Time no Institute shall be eligible for more
than 50% of total intake in first / general shift.
HMCT Degree
(UG and PG)
Post Diploma
Post Diploma
running in First /
General shift)
2nd Yr
Engineering /
Technology Degree
Engineering /
Technology Diploma
and Post Diploma
Pharmacy Degree
Pharmacy Diploma and
Post Diploma
Arch & Town Planning
Arch & Town Planning
Diploma and Post
Applied Arts & Crafts
Applied Arts & Crafts
Diploma and Post
HMCT Degree
HMCT Diploma and
Post Diploma
The Institute shall have zero Deficiency as per the report generated.
12.2 Grant of Approval for PIO
No Institute shall fill in excess of 15 % of intake seats per Course under this
Fifteen percent (15%) Course seats in all the AICTE approved Institutions and
University Departments, approved by the Council, offering technical courses
leading to Diploma and Post Diploma, Degree and Post-Graduate Degree in
Engineering & Technology, Architecture & Town Planning, Pharmacy, Applied
Arts, MBA & MCA, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, shall be allowed
on supernumerary basis from amongst Foreign Nationals / Persons of Indian Origin
(PIOs) / Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries, over and above the
approved intake, provided that 1/3rd of the 15% shall be reserved across different
disciplines in the educational Institution, for the Children of Indian Workers in the
Gulf Countries. However, any vacant seats out of 1/3rd category shall be reverted to
the quota of 2/3rd meant for PIO / Foreign Nationals.
Applications shall exercise utmost caution before pressing the submit tab.
14.5 If there are no deficiencies then the system shall allot the intake applied for, as
per clause 3.0 of Chapter II
14.6 The consolidated list of all Institutes with the approved intake shall be placed
before the Executive Committee for approval or otherwise. The same shall be
notified on the web portal. Further the Institute may print the Extension of
approval letter along with approved intake through the institute login.
14.7 No appeal shall be allowed on this procedure since an applicant is allowed
corrections multiple times, in the application form along with generation of
online deficiency / status report before submission of the application.
1.1 o Institution shall offer Technical program or course without approval of the
Provided further that any Institution offering Technical Program without approval of
the Council, shall be termed as unapproved if
a It is started without prior approval by the Council
b It is working in temporary location / at location not approved by the Council
c It is declared as “Unapproved” by the Council
2.0 The Council shall maintain a list of un approved Institutions based on the
information received by the Council and shall also inform the general public
about the same from time to time
Provided further that any Technical Institution, which has already started without
following AICTE approval procedure, wishes to submit an application / proposal shall
be considered as new Technical Institution. For such purpose, they shall apply as per
the provisions of Chapter I.
Its legal date of starting will be from the date of issue of the Letter of Approval.
Students, who are admitted prior to approval by the Council, will not have any right
for re-admission and will have to fulfill all the requirements for admission as
prescribed by the competent admission authority..
3.0 The Institutions conducting courses / Programs in technical education, in temporary
location or at location not approved by the Council, shall be liable for action for
closure and other appropriate action as per Regulations against defaulting Societies /
Trusts / Companies/ associated Individuals as the case may be.
4.0 No course other than those specifically approved by the Council shall run in the same
premises sharing the same facilities.
5.0 The Council shall initiate appropriate penal, civil and / or criminal action against such
defaulting Institutions / Societies / Trusts / Companies / Associated Individuals as the
case may be and the following action shall also be taken
5.1 No admission status for approved Program / Courses
5.2 Withdrawal of approval of the Institution
Provide further that in case of such a withdrawal, the operations of the said Technical
Institution / Program / Course shall not be started again before completion of two
academic years from the date of such a withdrawal.
Such institution where the approval has been withdrawn, the restoration is as per the
procedure for setting up a new Institute as defined in Chapter I
2.0 on submission / Incomplete submission of application for extension of
The Technical Institutions shall submit the application for extension of approval in the
prescribed format along with the enclosures to the concerned Regional Office of
AICTE each year for extension of approval by the Council, even in cases where the
approval to the Program / Course was granted for more than one year. The last date for
receipt of such application with or without Late Fee shall be as mentioned in the
1. Suspension of approval for supernumerary seats, if any for one academic year
2. No admission status in respective courses for one academic year
3. Withdrawal of approval in the respective course
4. Withdrawal of approval of the Institution
6.0 on fulfillment in Computer, Software, Internet, Printers, Laboratory
Equipments, Books, Journals, Library facilities requirements
6.1 Institutions not maintaining prescribed Computer, Software, Internet, Printers,
Laboratory Equipments and Books, Journals, Library facilities shall be liable to
following punitive action from any one or more of the following by the council.
1. Suspension of approval for supernumerary seats, if any for one academic year
2. No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year
3. Withdrawal of approval for Program / course
4. Withdrawal of approval of the Institution
7.0 on fulfillment in additional Essential requirements for Technical
7.1 Institutions not maintaining prescribed requirements shall be liable to following
punitive action from any one or more of the following by the council.
1. Suspension of approval for supernumerary seats, if any for one academic year
2. No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year
8.0 on fulfillment in Built up Area
8.1 Institutions not fulfilling prescribed built up area requirements shall be liable to
following punitive action from any one or more of the following by the council.
1. Suspension of approval for supernumerary seats, if any for one academic year
2. No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year
58 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
3. Withdrawal of approval for Program/course
4. Withdrawal of approval of the Institution
1 Fine for non compliance of refund of fees levied against each case shall be
twice the total fees collected per student.
2 No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year
3 Withdrawal of approval for Program / Course
4 Suspension of approval for supernumerary seats, if any for one academic year
10.0 Amount in respect of Fine for non compliance of refund of fees shall be remitted to
“Member Secretary, AICTE” as per instructions issued by the council.
11.0 Procedure for restoration against punitive actions
11.1 Applicant makes an application for restoration on the Web Portal along with the
application for extension of approval of the next academic year.
11.2 The restoration is subject to Expert visit
11.3 The expert Visit Committee shall verify all the requirements as per the approval
process hand book.
11.4 Decision on the expert Visit Committee report after deliberation by Executive
Committee which may issue approval for restoration or may recommend status quo.
11.5 The institute may appeal as per the procedure of appeal in Chapter I if the status quo
on punitive action is maintained.
1.1 Objectives
1. To facilitate collaboration and partnerships between Indian and Foreign
University / Institutions in the field of Technical education, Research and
2. To systematize the operation of Foreign Universities / Institutions
providing training and other educational services, in India leading to award
of Degree / Post Graduate Degree , Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma and
Post Diploma Level in technical education on their own, under any mode
of delivery system such as conventional / formal, non-formal and distance
3. To systematize the operation of Foreign Universities / Institutions
providing training and other educational services, in India leading to award
of Degree / Post Graduate Degree , Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma and
Post Diploma in technical education in collaboration with an Indian
educational Institution, under any mode of delivery system such as
conventional / formal, non-formal and distance mode.
4. To safeguard the interest of students’ community in India and ensure
uniform maintenance of Norms and Standards as prescribed by various
Statutory Bodies.
5. To ensure accountability for all such educational activities by Foreign
Universities / Institutions in India.
6. To safeguard against entry of non-accredited Universities / Institutions in
the Country of origin to impart technical education in India.
7. To safeguard the nation’s interest and take punitive measures, whenever
necessary, against the erring Institutions, on case-to-case basis.
2.0 Eligibility
1. Foreign Universities / Institutions interested in imparting technical
education on their own in India leading to award of Diploma and Post
Diploma and Degrees including post graduate and doctoral programs.
2. Indian University / Institution which is already in existence and is duly
approved by the Council, interested in imparting technical education
leading to award of Degree / Post Graduate Degree , Diploma, Post
Graduate Diploma and Post Diploma including post graduate and doctoral
Programs of a Foreign University through collaborative / twining
3. Offshore Campus of Indian AICTE approved Institutions offering Indian
4. Any other educational activity carried out in India, in any manner by the
Foreign University / Institutions.
In case such equivalence has already been established by AIU or any recognized
Government body, the same may be accepted by the Council for the purpose
provided the same are not in dispute.
3.8 It shall be the responsibility of the concerned Foreign University / Institution to
provide for and ensure that all facilities are available the academic requirements are
laid down and announced prior to starting of the Program.
3.9 Any course / Program which jeopardizes the National interest of the Country shall
not be allowed to be offered in India.
3.10 It shall be the responsibility of the concerned Foreign University / Institution
offering Program in India to get their AICTE approved centres, accredited by NBA
soon after two batches have passed out from such centres. The study centres /
Institutions of collaborating private educational service providers which impart
technical education leading to the award of a Degree / Post Graduate Degree ,
Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma and Post Diploma of a Foreign University shall
be considered as a center of the Foreign University / Institution, even though the
management may be provided by the Indian educational Institution.
For this purpose the Foreign University / Institution, the Indian partner Institution
and the concerned affiliating University or Board of Technical Education in the
respective States, shall enter in to a tripartite agreement / MOU for the purpose.
The Indian partner Institution shall be affiliated to the University under whose
jurisdiction it is located or Board of Technical Education in the respective States in
which the Institute is located as applicable.
For Courses where University approval is not mandatory, the Foreign University /
Institution, the Indian partner Institution shall enter in to a bipartite agreement /
MOU for the purpose.
For Courses where Board of Technical Education in the respective State, approval
is not mandatory, the Foreign University / Institution, the Indian partner Institution
shall enter in to a bipartite agreement / MOU for the purpose
5.3 The Degree should be awarded by the Foreign University / Institution only in its
parent Country
The processing fee shall be paid through the AICTE payment gateway on the
Portal, through Corporate Internet banking failing which, the application shall not
be considered.
Visit Charges shall be paid by the applicant Institution as per demand raised by the
Council prior to the visit of the proposed offshore Campus.
The applicant institution shall deposit an amount of Rs. 2.0 Cr with the Council for
the purpose as provided in clause 6.3 of Chapter I.
9.0 Punitive Measures and Conditions for Withdrawal
9.1 If a Foreign University / Institutions fails to comply with any of the conditions as
contained in the above regulations and/or consistently refrains from taking
corrective actions contrary to the advice of the Council, the Council may after
giving reasonable opportunity to the concerned University / Institution through
hearing or after making such inquiry at the Council may consider necessary,
withdraw the registration granted to such University/Institution to offer their Degree
/ Post Graduate Degree , Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma and Post Diplomas in
India and forbid such Foreign University / Institution to offer their registration
granted to such University / Institution to offer their Degree / Post Graduate Degree
s, Diploma and Post Diploma in India and forbid such Foreign
University/Institution to either open Centres or enter into any collaborative
arrangement with any University / Institution in India.
9.2 The Council shall also inform the concerned agencies including Ministry of
External Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, RBI of such decisions and advise these
agencies to take any or all of the following measures
a Refusal / withdrawal for grant of visa to employees / teachers of the said Foreign
University / Institution.
b Stop repatriation of funds from India to home Country.
c Informing the public about the withdrawal of the Registration of such Foreign
University/Institution and the consequence thereof
9.3 In case it comes to the notice of the Council, that a Foreign University is running
Diploma and Post Diploma or / and Degree at undergraduate, post-graduate and
research level in technical education in India directly or in collaboration with an
The Foreign University / Institution in such cases, shall have to return the entire fee
collected from such students to the Institutions in which such students, are
Such Foreign Institutions shall not be allowed to open any other Centre / Institution
or enter into a collaborative arrangement in India for at least 3 years.
10.0 The Foreign University / Institution shall submit an annual report giving details of
the number of students admitted, Programs conducted, total fee collected, amount
transferred to parent Country, investment made, number of students awarded
Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Diploma, Post Diploma and Post graduate Diploma
and any such information that the Council may ask for.
11.0 The Council may cause an inspection, whenever necessary, with or without prior
notice, to assess the infrastructural and other facilities available and / or to verify
the compliance of conditions, norms, standards etc. prescribed by the Council from
time to time.
1.1 The Duration and Entry Level Qualifications for the Technical Program such as
Under Graduate Degree Program, Post Graduate Degree Program, Diploma
Programs, Post Diploma Programs and Post Graduate Diploma Programs shall be as
provided in the Appendix 1
1.2 The list of approved nomenclature of courses at Under Graduate Degree Program,
Post Graduate Degree Program, Diploma Programs, Post Diploma Programs and
Post Graduate Diploma Programs in Engineering & Technology / Management /
Pharmacy / Architecture / Town Planning / Hotel Management & Catering
Technology and Applied Arts & Crafts is provided in the Appendix 2.
Provided that if any Institution wishes to propose any new Course, prior
concurrence, as the case may be, by the Council for the same shall be necessary.
Provided further that, students who have completed Diploma course in Pharmacy
66 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
shall be eligible for admission to second year Pharmacy degree courses up to a
maximum of 20% of sanctioned intake, which will be over and above (30% for
Institutions in Andaman, Nicobar, Lakhshadweep, Diu and Daman), supernumerary
to the approved intake.
S1 = Sanctioned Intake
C* = No. of cancellations at the first year level
F* = No. of students not eligible for admission to second year as per rules/rules by
affiliating University
B* = No. of students who belong to earlier batches who have become eligible for
admission to second year as per rules / rules by affiliating University
*Students admitted against any type of supernumerary seat/s shall not be considered
in C, F or B.
The concerned State Admission Authority shall decide modalities for these
1.11 Students who have completed Diploma and Post Diploma course in Architectural
Assistantship & Town Planning shall be eligible for admission to the first year
Architecture Degree course
The concerned State Admission Authority shall decide modalities for these
1.12 Provided further that Students who have completed Diploma and Post Diploma
course in Pharmacy shall be eligible for admission to the first year Pharmacy Degree
The concerned State Admission Authority shall decide modalities for these
1.13 Norms for PGDM Programs are as per Appendix 9
1.14 Subscription of E-Journals – Appendix 10
1.15 Format for Detailed Project Report for establishment of a new technical institution is
at Appendix 11
1.16 Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging – Appendix 12
1.17 Structure of various Committees – Appendix 13
1.18 Regional Offices of the Council – Appendix 14
1.19 Abbreviations – Appendix 15
1.20 List of Districts where no AICTE approved UG / PG Institution exists – appendix 16
1.21 Documents to be submitted for Setting up new Technical Campus etc as in chapter I
– Appendix 17
1.22 Documents to be submitted for Change in intake etc as in Chapter II – Appendix 18
1.23 Composition of Board of Governors – Appendix 19
1.1 a The candidates as in 1.1, except 1.1-2, 1.1-7, will, however, be required to qualify at the
Entrance Test conducted by the competent Authority
1.2 a The candidates as in 1.2, will, however, be required to qualify at the Entrance Test conducted by the
competent Authority
2.9 Program: Applied Arts and Crafts Level: Post Graduate Diploma
2.14 Program: Hotel Management and Catering Technology Level: Post Graduate
orms for Intake & umber of Courses / Divisions in the Technical Campus /
3.1 a New Technical Campus in Engineering & Technology shall necessarily opt for
courses from group ‘C’ of courses. Minimum number of courses to be selected from
group ‘C’ with respect to total number of courses opted is given in following table.
Total number
Number of
of courses
courses to be
opted by New Courses listed in group ‘C’
selected from
group ‘C’
5 3 or more Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
4 3 or more Chemical Engineering/Technology
3 2 or more Civil Engineering/Technology, Construction Engineering
2 1 or more Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer
1 1 Science & Information Technology,
Computer Technology
Electrical Engineering or Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Information Technology
Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering
3.2 b New Technical Campus in Engineering & Technology shall necessarily opt for
courses from group ‘C’ of courses. Minimum number of courses to be selected from
group ‘C’ with respect to total number of courses opted is given in following table.
Total number
Number of
of courses
courses to be
opted by New Courses listed in group ‘C’
selected from
group ‘C’
5 3 or more Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
4 3 or more Chemical Engineering / Technology
3 2 or more Civil Engineering / Technology, Construction Engineering
2 1 or more Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer
1 1 Science & Information Technology,
Computer Technology
Electrical Engineering or Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Information Technology
Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering
orms for Land requirement and Building Space for Technical Institution
4.2 a The Institution area is divided in, Instructional area (INA, carpet area in sq. m.),
Administrative area (ADA, carpet area in sq. m.), Amenities area (AMA, carpet area in sq.
b Circulation area (CIA) is equal to 0.25 × (INA+ADA+AMA).
c Total built up area in sq. m. is equal to (INA+ADA+AMA) + (CIA).
(including additional
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
Reading Room
(for all courses)
Seminar Halls
Drawing Hall
Work Shop
Library &
Area in
66 33 66 66 200 200 150 132 400 132
sqm per
of rooms
required A 4 C=A D=C/4 02/Course - 1 - 1 1 1 1
for new
A 4 C=Ax4 D=C/4 10/Course# -
of rooms 2/Cour
(UG) se 1/Cours
1 1 1 1
Total (Maximu e
Number 1/Special m4)
F 2 – H=Fx2 ialisatio
of rooms isation
(including additional
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Additional WS/Labs
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
for Category “X”
Reading Room
(for all courses)
Seminar Halls
(Class of 60)
“X” courses)
Drawing Hall
Work Shop
Library &
Carpet Area Yrs
in sqm per 66 33 66 200 200 100 132 300 132
Number of
A Y C=A D=C/4 02/Course 1 - 1 1 1 -
required for
new Institution
Total Number
A Y C=AxY D=C/4 06/Course# 1 (Maximum 4 1 1 1 1
of rooms
Research Laboratory
Instrumentation room)
Laboratory (includes
Duration of course in
Number of Divisions
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
PG (Class of 18)
Tutorial Rooms
Reading Room
Class Rooms
Animal House
Seminar Hall
Library &
Carpet Area Yrs
in sqm per 66 33 75 75 75 75 150 132
Number of
required for A 4 C=A D=C/4 4 - 1 1 1 1
Number of A 4 C=Ax4 D=C/4 12 -
rooms (UG)
Total 1 1 1 1
Number 1/Specialis 1/Specialisat
F 2 – H=Fx2
of rooms ation ion
Instrumentation room)
Laboratory (includes
Duration of course in
Number of Divisions
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
Machine room &
Reading Room
Animal House
(Class of 60)
Seminar Hall
Library &
Carpet Area in Yrs
66 33 75 75 75 150 132
sqm per room
Number of
A Y C=A D=C/4 4 1 1 1 -
required for
new Institution
Total Number
A Y C=AxY D=C/4 9 1 1 1 1
of rooms
Computer Laboratory
Research Laboratory
Laboratory including
PG Class rooms (H)
Number of Divisions
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
PG (Class of 18)
Reading Room
Seminar Halls
Library &
Area in
66 33 66 66 200 132 75 150 132
sqm per
Number of
required A 5 C=A D=A/4 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
for new
Number of
A 5 C=Ax5 D=C/4 5 -
Total 1 5 1 1 1
Number 1/Specialis 1/Specia
F 2 – H=Fx2
of rooms ation lisation
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year may be added
progressively (1+1+1+1) to achieve total number as stated. UG laboratories if shared for PG
courses shall be upgraded to meet requirements of PG curriculum.
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Computer Laboratory
Laboratory including
Number of Divisions
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
Reading Room
Seminar Halls
(Class of 60)
Library &
Carpet Area in
66 33 66 200 132 75 150 132
sqm per room
Number of
A Y C=A D=A/4 1 1 1 1 1 -
required for
new Institution
Total Number
A Y C=AxY D=C/4 5 1 5 1 1 1
of rooms
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year may be added
progressively (1+1+1+1) to achieve total number as stated. UG laboratories if shared for PG
courses shall be upgraded to meet requirements of PG curriculum.
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Research Laboratory
Laboratory including
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
PG (Class of 18)
eading Room
Seminar Halls
Work shop
Library &
Area in 20 13 13
66 33 66 66 75 150
sqm per 0 2 2
of rooms
A 5 C=A D=A/4 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
for new
A 5 C=Ax5 D=C/4 3 -
of rooms
Total 1 1 1 1 1
1/Specialisat 1/Specialisa
r of F G – H=FxG
ion tion
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year may be added
progressively (1+1+1) to achieve total number as stated. UG laboratories if shared for PG
courses, shall be upgraded to meet requirements of PG curriculum
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Computer Laboratory
Laboratory including
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Photography and
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
eading Room
Seminar Halls
(Class of 60)
Work shop
Library &
Carpet Area in
66 33 66 200 132 75 150 132
sqm per room
Number of
A Y C=A D=A/4 1 1 1 1 1 -
required for
new Institution
Total Number
A Y C=AxY D=C/4 3 1 1 1 1 1
of rooms
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year may be added
progressively (1+1+1) to achieve total number as stated. UG laboratories if shared for PG
courses shall be upgraded to meet requirements of PG curriculum.
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Laboratory / Guest
Number of Divisions
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
PG (Class of 18)
Reading Room
Seminar Hall
Library &
Area in
66 33 66 132 66 75 150 132
sqm per
Number of
required for A 4 C=A D=C/4 3 1 1 1 1 1
Number of A 4 C=Ax4 D=C/4 10 2
rooms (UG)
Total 2 1 1 1
F G – H=FxG 1/Specialisation 1/Specialisation
of rooms
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year may be added
progressively (3+2+2) to achieve total number as stated. UG laboratories if shared for PG
courses, shall be upgraded to meet requirements of PG curriculum
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Laboratory / Guest
Number of Divisions
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Class Rooms(C)
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
PG (Class of 18)
Reading Room
Seminar Hall
Library &
Carpet Area in
66 33 66 132 66 75 150 132
sqm per room
Number of
A Y C=A D=C/4 3 1 1 1 1 -
required for
new Institution
Total Number
A Y C=AxY D=C/4 6 1 1 1 1 1
of rooms
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd and 3rd year may be added
progressively (3+3) to achieve total number as stated. UG laboratories if shared for PG courses,
shall be upgraded to meet requirements of PG curriculum
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
Reading Room
Library &
Carpet Area in
66 33 150 100 132
sqm per room
Number of
A Y C=A D=C/4 1 1 1
required for
new Institution
Total Number
A Y C=AxY D=C/4 1 1 E=C/4
of rooms
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd (and 3rd) year may be added
progressively to achieve total number as stated
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Computer Laboratories
Number of Divisions
Tutorial Rooms(D)
Computer Centre
UG (Class of 60)
Reading Room
Library &
Carpet Area in
66 33 66 150 100 132
sqm per room
Number of
A 3 C=A D=C/4 2 1 1 1
required for
new Institution
Total Number
A 3 C=Ax3 D=C/4 4 1 1 E=C/4
of rooms
1 Classrooms, Tutorial rooms and Laboratories required for 2nd, 3rd year may be added
progressively (1+1) to achieve total number as stated
2 Round off fraction in calculation to the next integer
Principal/Director Office
Examinations Control
Department Offices
Placement office
Faculty Rooms
Board Room
Carpet Area in 150*
30 20 20 10 5 30 10 10 10 10 30 30
sqm per room 300$
Number of
rooms required First Year
for New 1 1 1 - - Student 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
Technical intake/15
One per
Total Number of
1 1 1 1/Dept 1/Dept faculty (as per 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
norms) in the
1 Technical Campus having more than one Program
2 * Technical Campus having one Program
Auditorium / Amphi
Principal ‘s quarter
Stationery Store &
Guest House
Sports Club /
Boys Hostel
Girls Hostel
Carpet Area in
sqm per room
for Technical
Campus 350* 100 100 150 10 10 150 30 200 400
having more
than one
Program Adequate Adequate
Carpet Area in
sqm per room
for Technical
150$ 75 75 150 10 10 150 30 100 250
having one
Number of
rooms required
for New Adequate 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - -
Total Number
Adequate 1 1 1 1 1
of rooms
1 Estimated total area for Technical Campus having more than one Program
2 $
Estimated total area for Technical Campus having one Program
4.2.4 a Circulation area of 25% of sum of Instructional, Administrative and Amenities area is
desired covering common walk ways, staircases, entrance lobby
orms for Books, Journals, Library facilities, Computer, Software, Internet, Printers
and Laboratory Equipments for Technical Institution
Mbps /
Number of intake of 240
PCs to students
Legal Legal Mail including
students LAN & with
System Application Server & Color Printer
ratio Internet Bandwidth
Software@ Software* Client (% of total
(Min 20 Contention
no of PC’s)
PCs) of 1:1
(Min 1 Mbps)
Dip 1:6
Engineering /
03 20 All Desired 02 10%
Technology UG 1:4
PG 1:2
Dip 1:6
Pharmacy 01 10 All Desired 01 5%
UG 1:6
PG 1:6
Dip 1:6
Architecture &
UG 1:5 01 10 All Desired 01 5%
Town Planning
PG 1:5
Dip 1:5
Applied Arts &
01 10 All Desired 01 5%
Crafts UG 1:5
PG 1:5
Dip 1:6
HMCT 01 10 All Desired 01 5%
UG 1:6
Management PG 1:2 01 10 All Desired 02 10%
5.2 a The laboratories shall have equipments as appropriate for experiments as stated /
suitable for the requirements of the affiliating University / Board’s curriculum. It is
desired that number of experiment set up be so arranged that maximum four students
shall work on one set.
E Journals
% of
% of total
Number total
100 500xB
Engineering /
B 250 per 6xB
Technology(UG) 50 per
course -
15 % (Max 150)
100 500xB
Pharmacy(UG) B 6xB
50 500xB
Architecture & 100 400xB
Town Planning B 6xB
As per appendix 10
50 400xB
1 % (Max 10)
Pharmacy /
Architecture & B 5xB
Town Planning / As
Applied Arts & Required
Crafts (PG)
required for UG course
Diploma in
in the same Program
15 % (Max 150)
Engineering / Tech
1 % (Max 10)
/ Pharmacy /
Architecture & B -
Town Planning
Applied Arts &
Crafts, HMCT
Book titles and volumes required at the time of starting new Institution.
Yearly increment.
Component for additional division / course.
Hard Copy International Journals is desirable to procure. However subscription to E-Journals
and National Journals as per Appendix 10 is essential.
Journals and Books may also include subjects of Science & Humanities.
Digital Library facility with multimedia facility is essential.
Reprographic facility in the library is essential.
Document scanning facility in the library is essential.
Document printing facility in the library is essential.
Library books/non books classification as per standard classification methods is essential.
Availability of NPTEL facility at the library is essential.
Computerized indexing with bar coded / RF tagged book handling is desired.
orms for Essential and Desired requirements for Technical Campus (Marked as
essential need to be made available at the time of the Expert committee visit)
1. Language Laboratory
The Language Laboratory is used for language tutorials. These are attended by
students who voluntarily opt for Remedial English classes. Lessons and
exercises are recorded on a weekly basis so that the students are exposed to a
variety of listening and speaking drills. This especially benefits students who are
deficient in English and also aims at confidence-building for interviews and Essential
competitive examinations. The Language Laboratory sessions also include word
games, quizzes, extemporary speaking, debates, skits etc. These sessions are
complemented by online learning sessions which take place in the Multi-
Purpose Computer Lab. This Lab shall have 25 Computers For every 1000
2. Potable Water supply and outlets for drinking water at strategic locations Essential
3. Electric Supply Essential
4. Backup Electric Supply Desirable
5. Sewage Disposal Essential
6. Telephone and FAX Essential
7. Vehicle Parking Essential
8. Institution web site Essential
9. Barrier Free Built Environment for disabled and elderly persons including
availability of specially designed toilets for ladies and gents separately. Refer
guidelines and space standards for Barrier Free Built Environment for disabled
and elderly persons by CPWD, Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment, India.
10. Safety provisions including fire and other calamities Essential
11. General Insurance provided for assets against fire, burglary and other calamities Essential
12. All weather approach road Essential
13. General Notice Board and Departmental Notice Boards Essential
14. First aid, Medical and Counseling Facilities Essential
15. Public announcement system at strategic locations for general
announcements/paging and announcements in emergency.
16. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software for Student-Institution-Parent
17. Transport Desirable
18. Post, Banking Facility / ATM Desirable
19. CCTV Security System Desirable
20. LCD (or similar) projectors in classrooms Desirable
21. Group Insurance to be provided for the employees Desirable
22. Insurance for students Desirable
23. Staff Quarters Desirable
orms for Faculty requirements and Cadre Ratio for Technical campus
Faculty :
Principal / Head of the
Student Lecturer Total
Director Department
Engineering / Tech /
Pharmacy /
Architecture &
1:20 1 1 per Department S / 20 A+B+C
Town Planning
Applied Arts &
Crafts, HMCT
7.1 a S = Sum of number of students as per Approved Student Strength at all years
7.2 a S = Sum of number of students as per Approved Student Strength at all years, R = (1+2+6)
7.3 a S = Sum of number of students as per Approved Student Strength at all years
*R = (1+2), #R = (1+2+6)
8.1 Diploma
In case of research
experience, good academic
record and books/research
record shall be required as
deemed fit by the expert
members in Selection
If the experience in industry
is considered, the same shall
be at managerial level
equivalent to Associate
Professor with active
participation record in
planning, executing,
analyzing, quality control,
innovating, training,
technical books/research
121 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
etc. as deemed fit by the
expert members in Selection
In case of Architecture,
Professional Practice of 10
years as certified by the
Council of Architecture
shall also be considered
All Program Principal / Qualifications as above that is for the Minimum of 10 years
Director post of Professor, as applicable teaching and/or research
and/or industrial experience
Post PhD publications and guiding PhD of which at least 5 years
students is highly desirable should be at the level of
Associate Professor or
minimum of 13 years
experience in teaching and/
or Research and/or Industry.
In case of research
experience, good academic
record and books / research
paper publications / IPR /
patents record shall be
required as deemed fit by
the expert members in
Selection committee.
If the experience in industry
is considered, the same shall
be at managerial level
equivalent to Professor with
active participation record in
devising / designing,
developing, planning,
executing, analyzing, quality
control, innovating, training,
technical books / research
paper publications / IPR /
patents, etc. as deemed fit
by the expert members in
Selection committee.
In case of Architecture,
Professional Practice of 10
years as certified by the
Council of Architecture
shall also be considered
9.1 a All Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) shall be of duration not less than
24 Months / 2 Years
b All Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM) of duration more than 12 Months
/ 1 year, and less than 24 Months / 2 years shall be termed Post Graduate Certificate in
Management (PGCM)
c Executive PGDM shall be of duration of 15 Months / 1 ½ years
d Admission to all PGDM Courses and PGCM courses shall be done through common
entrance test such as CAT / MAT / Examinations conducted by the respective State
Governments for all Institutions other than Minority Institutions.
e The Admissions to PGDM, PGDM (Executive) and PGCM shall not start before 1st
April of the Academic Year.
f Model Curriculum / Syllabus for PGDM, PGDM (Executive) and PGCM shall be issued
by the Council
g Admissions to PGDM Programs shall be conducted by the respective State
Governments through their competent authority designated for such purpose.
h The fees to be charged for the PGDM, PGDM (Executive) and PGCM Programs shall
be approved by the State Level Fee Committee of respective State Governments.
i Rules for matters relating to examinations / arbitration on matters of examinations shall
be decided by the All India Board of Management, AICTE
j The academic session shall normally be from June 1st to May 31st of the succeeding
Notwithstanding the above the Institutes shall observe the following as per the interim order of the
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in respect of W.P (c) No (s) 89 of 2011 and the interim order of the
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 26th July 2011, wherever applicable.
Admission criteria:
Institutes offering Post Graduate Diploma in Management shall admits students who have valid score
of CAT, MAT,XAT, ATMA, JMET and common entrance CMAT of AICTE.
The institute shall inform the state government and clearly display on the Institute web site the
eligibility criteria, selection procedure and the merit list of the students who have applied for the
program. The selection of students shall be strictly on the basis of merit.
The institute shall charge fees as notified by the Fees fixation Committee in the respective State and
shall be notified to AICTE and published on the Institute web site.
S. Subscription
Publisher Subjects E-Content
o. Rate for AICTE
IEEE- All Society
Computer Engineering + Periodicals
Computer Science + E Package
Electrical & Electronics (ASPP) US$4980
IEEE Engineering + (145 e-Journals)
Telecommunications & (2011)
related disciplines (Backfile Access
– since 2000)
ASME e journals
(25 e-journals) (
2 US$2156
ASME Mechanical Engineering 2011 )
(Backfile Access
– since 2000)
ASCE e journals
(33 e-Journals)
3 US$2520
ASCE Civil Engineering (2011 )
(Backfile Access
– since 1983 )
Mc Graw General Engineering &
4 Engineering US$1969
Hill Reference
Engineering + Computer
(Electrical + Electronics +
Mechanical + Civil & Sciencedirect
Structural + Aerospace + US$6500
5 Biomedical + Industrial &
ELSEVIER 275 Journals
Manufacturing + Ocean
Engineering + (Back File Access
Computational Mechanical From 2000
& Safety Risk, Reliability Onwards)
& Quality+ Computer
1. Institutions having only 1st & 2nd Year UG Students and Institutions being
established need to subscribe to Elsevier & ASTM Digital Library Packages Only
(At S. o.5 & 6 of the table above)
2. All Institutions other than 1 of note shall subscribe to all the Packages from S. o. 1
to 6 given of the table above.
3. Institutions not offering Civil Engineering Courses need not Subscribe To ASCE
5. Institutions who already subscribe to IEL Online need not subscribe To IEEE –
ASPP Package until the subscription of the same is valid.
Publisher Subjects E-Content Subscription Price
Per Institute
Business Source Elite e-journal
EBSCO Management Collection US$ 3500
( 1802 e-journals & magazines )(2011)
Publisher Subjects E-Content Subscription Price
Per Institute
Pharmacy Collection
BE THAM Pharmacy (23 e-journals) ( 2011) US$1000
( Backfile Access – since 2000)
Publisher Subjects E-Content Subscription Price
Per Institute
Art & Architecture Complete
(1081 e-journals, Magazines
Architecture & Trade Publications) US$3800
Publisher Subjects E-Content Subscription Price
Per Institute
Hospitality & Tourism Complete
EBSCO (761 e-journals, Magazines &
Management US$3500
Trade Publications) (2011)
All Institutions running program / course in engineering and management should subscribe
for engineering as well as management package. Similarly if the institution is running
management, architecture, pharmacy and engineering then the institution should subscribe to
all the packages of relevant discipline/s.
Publisher Subjects E-Content
Price Per
CHF 2300
CHF – Swiss
ISO Information Technology ( 2630) Standards
& Electronics and
Subscription period: Calendar Year subscription i.e. 1st January 2012 – 31st December 2012.
Payment: Institutions to make 100% advance payment along with a confirmed subscription
order to the publisher or its authorized representative.
Subscription prices to be paid in Indian rupees (foreign currency price converted to INR as
per the goods office committee / GOC conversion rate prevailing of the ordering month).
Access: Campus wide online access will be activated on IP authentication to the subscribing
institutions. Any number of simultaneous users can access, browse and download the
subscribed e-journals within the institution campus.
A This Chapter is expected to cover the genesis of the proposal with respect
to the background of the technical education and industry scenario of the
State where the proposed Institution is being located and the credentials
of the Consultants, if any, engaged by the promoters for preparation of
the DPR
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of the Consultants
1.3 Technical Education & Industry Scenario
This Chapter is expected to cover the status of the Promoting Body, its legal
standing with respect to registration formalities, nature of the Body viz.
Charitable Trust, Family Trust, Co-operative Society, Public Society etc., its
activities since its inception with specific emphasis on its Social, Charitable,
Educational activities along with a list of major activities undertaken to date,
its mission and vision.
a Introduction to its Genesis including its Registration Status
b Details of its Promoters including their Background
c Activities of the Promoting Body including a listing of major educational
d Promotion activities undertaken by it in the past
e Mission of the Promoting Body
f Vision of the Promoting Body
This Chapter is expected to cover the goal of the proposed Institution, Scope
and Justification of its establishment in the light of the prevailing technical
education and industry scenario in the State, Availability of students for
admission, particularly the number of students passing the qualifying
examination viz.+2 Science in First Class and the number of seats already
available in the particular course (B. E. / B. Pharm / B. Arch. / BHMCT /
MBA / MCA etc.) in the State, and the genesis of the proposal with respect to
the technical manpower requirement of the State, if available
a Objectives of the Institution
b General and Technical Education Scenario of the State
c Status at Entry Level
d Status of Technical Level manpower
e Industrial Scenario of the State
f Scope of the College vis-à-vis the Industrial Scenario and Educational
Facilities already available in the State.
(Rs. In Lakhs) (IV)
(Rs. In Lakhs) (III)
(Sqmt / Rs.) (II)
be made
11.18 Details for mobilization / source of funds (capital & recurring) (At the time
of establishment and next five years) (Rs. in Lacs)
Year Professor Asst. Professor Lecturer Total
11.20 Recruitment of non-teaching staff (at the time of establishment and next five years)
11.23 Industry Linkages (at the time of establishment, and next five years)
I / We, on behalf of “...........................” hereby confirm that this Detailed Project Report has been
prepared for its proposed Technical Institution under the name and style of ”
………………………………….”. It is hereby confirmed that all the information furnished above is
true to the best of my / our knowledge and belief and if any information is found to be false, the
proposal may be rejected.
12.1 Objectives
In view of the directions of the Honorable Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-
2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit, prevent and eliminate
the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or
written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any
other student, or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which
causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension
thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will
not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or
torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any
other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or
superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student, in all higher education institutions in
the country, and thereby, to provide for the healthy development, physically and psychologically, of
all students, the All India Council for Technical Education,(AICTE) brings forth these Regulations.
1. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act
which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other
3. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and
which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment
so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student;
4. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of
any other student or a fresher;
5. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks
assigned to an individual or a group of students.
6. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other
student by students;
7. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults,
stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to
health or person;
8. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults which would also include
deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating
in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student;
137 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
9. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student
with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or
superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.
3. The ‘Prospectus’ and other admission related documents shall contain directions of the
Supreme Court Affiliating University / Board / admission Authority / State Government. /
Central Government. shall make it mandatory for the institutions under their jurisdiction to
compulsorily incorporate such information in their ‘Prospectus’. These Regulations shall be
printed in the brochure of admission/instruction booklet for candidates.
4. The application form for admission / enrolment shall have a printed affidavit, preferably both
in English and Hindi and / or in one of the regional languages. The affidavit should be filled
up and signed by the candidate to the effect that he / she is aware of the law regarding
prohibition of ragging as well as the punishments, and that he/she, if found guilty of the
offence of ragging and / or abetting ragging, is liable to be punished appropriately.
5. The application form shall also contain a printed affidavit, preferably both in English and
Hindi and/or in one of the regional languages and the affidavit should be signed by the
parent/guardian of the applicant to the effect that he/she is also aware of the law in this regard
and agrees to abide by the punishment meted out to his/her ward in case the latter is found
guilty of ragging and / or abetting ragging.
6. The application for admission shall be accompanied by a document along with the School
Leaving Certificate / Character Certificate which shall include a report on the behavioral
patter of the applicant, so that the institution can thereafter keep intense watch upon the
student who has a negative entry in this regard.
7. A student seeking admission to the hostel shall have to submit another affidavit along with
his/her application for hostel accommodation that he / she is also aware of the law in this
regard and agrees to abide by the punishments meted out if he / she is found guilty of ragging
and / or abetting ragging.
9. The Council or an Agency identified/nominated for the purpose and affiliating Universities
and Directorate of Technical Education of the concerned State Government. / UT shall
maintain an appropriate data base of the affidavits in the digital form obtained from every
10. Each batch of first year students should be divided into small groups and each such group
shall be assigned to a member of staff. Such staff member should interact individually with
each member of the group on daily basis to ascertain the problems / difficulties, if any faced
by the first year students in the Institution and extend necessary help.
11. In case of first year students admitted to a Hostel it shall be the responsibility of the teacher
in-charge of the group to co-ordinate with the warden of the Hostel and to make surprise visits
to the rooms in the hostel where the members of the group are lodged. First year students
should be lodged in a separate hostel block wherever possible and where such facilities are
not available, the college/institution shall ensure that seniors’ access to first year students’
accommodation is strictly monitored by wardens, Security Guards and Staff.
12. Every institution should engage or seek the assistance of professional counselors at the time
of admissions to counsel ‘first year students’ in order to prepare them for the life ahead,
particularly for adjusting to the life in hostels. At the commencement of the academic session
the Head of the technical Institution, University including Deemed to be University imparting
technical education shall convene and address a meeting of various functionaries/agencies,
like Wardens, representatives of students, parents/guardians, faculty, district administration
including police, to discuss the measures to be taken to prevent ragging and steps to be taken
to identify the offenders and punish them suitably.
13. Every fresher admitted to the technical Institution, University including Deemed to be
University imparting technical education shall be given a printed information booklet
detailing when and whom he / she has to turn to for help and guidance for various purposes
(including Wardens, Head of the institution, members of the anti–ragging committee, relevant
district and police authorities), addresses and telephone numbers of such persons/authorities,
14. The technical institutions, University including Deemed to be University imparting technical
education through the information booklet mentioned above shall explain to the new entrants
the arrangements for their induction and orientation which promote efficient and effective
means of integrating them fully as students.
15. The information booklet mentioned above shall also tell the first year students about their
rights as bona fide students and clearly instructing them that they should desist from doing
anything against their will even if ordered by the seniors, and that they have nothing to fear as
the institution cares for them and shall not tolerate any atrocities against them.
16. The information booklet mentioned above shall contain a calendar of events and activities laid
down by the institution to facilitate and complement familiarization of juniors with the
academic environment of the institution.
17. To make the community at large and the students in particular aware of the dehumanizing
effect of ragging, and the approach of the institution towards those indulging in ragging, big
posters (preferably with different colors for the provisions of law, punishments, etc.) shall be
prominently displayed on all Notice Boards of all departments, hostels and other buildings as
well as at vulnerable places Some of such posters shall be of permanent nature in certain
vulnerable places.
19. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be University imparting technical
education shall identify, properly illuminate and man all vulnerable locations.
20. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be University imparting technical
education shall tighten security in its premises, especially at the vulnerable places. If
necessary, intense policing shall be resorted to at such points at odd hours during the early
months of the academic session.
21. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be University imparting technical
education shall utilize the vacation period before the start of the new academic year to launch
wide publicity campaign against ragging through posters, information booklets, seminars,
street plays, etc.
22. The faculties / departments/units of the technical Institution, University including Deemed to
be University imparting technical education shall have induction arrangements (including
those which anticipate, identify and plan to meet any special needs of any specific section of
students) in place well in advance of the beginning of the academic year with a clear sense of
the main aims and objectives of the induction process.
23. Mobile Phones and other communication devices may be permitted in residential areas
including hostels to provide access to the students particularly first year students, to reach out
for help from teachers, parents and Institution authorities.
2. It shall be the duty of the Anti-Ragging Committee to ensure compliance with the provisions
of these Regulations as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force
concerning ragging; and also to monitor and oversee the performance of the Anti-Ragging
Squad in prevention of ragging in the institution.
5. It shall also be the duty of the Anti-Ragging Squad to conduct an on-the-spot enquiry into any
incidents of ragging referred to it by the Head of the institution or any member of the faculty
or any member of the staff or any student or any parent or guardian or any employee of a
service provider or by any other person, as the case may be; and the enquiry report along with
recommendations shall be submitted to the Anti-Ragging Committee for action. Provided that
the Anti-Ragging Squad shall conduct such enquiry observing a fair and transparent
procedure and the principles of natural justice and after giving adequate opportunity to the
student or students accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before it the facts,
documents and views concerning the incidents of ragging, and considerations such other
relevant information as may be required.
6. Mentoring Cell: Every institution shall, at the end of each academic year, in order to promote
the objectives of these Regulations, constitute a Mentoring Cell consisting of students
volunteering to be Mentors for first year students, in the succeeding academic year; and there
shall be as many levels or tiers of Mentors as the number of batches in the institution, at the
rate of one Mentor for six first year students and one Mentor of a higher level for six Mentors
of the lower level.
7. Monitoring Cell on Ragging: The State Government. / UT and the affiliating University /
Board shall set up a Monitoring Cell on Ragging to coordinate with the institutions to monitor
the activities of the Anti-Ragging Committees, Squads , and Mentoring Cells, regarding
compliance with the instructions on conducting orientation Programs, counseling sessions,
etc., and regarding the incidents of ragging, the problem faced by wardens and other officials,
etc. This Cell shall also review the efforts made by such institutions to publicize anti-ragging
measures, cross-verify the receipt of affidavits from candidates/students and their parents /
guardians every year, and shall be the prime mover for initiating action by the University
authorities to suitably amend the Statutes or Ordinances or Bye-laws to facilitate the
implementation of anti ragging measures at the level of the institution.
8. The Monitoring Cell shall coordinate with the institutions, universities including deemed to be
universities imparting technical education to achieve the objectives of these Regulations; and
the Monitoring Cell shall call for reports from the Heads of institutions in regard to the
activities of the Anti-Ragging Committees, Anti-Ragging Squads, and the Mentoring Cells at
the institutions, and it shall also keep itself abreast of the decisions of the Anti-Ragging
Committees etc.
9. The Monitoring Cell shall also review the efforts made by institutions to publicize anti-ragging
measures, soliciting of affidavits from parents / guardians and from students, each academic
year, to abstain from ragging activities or willingness to be penalized for violation; and shall
function as the prime mover for initiating action for amending the Statues or Ordinances or
Bye-laws to facilitate the implementation of anti-ragging measures at the level of the
1. The Head of the Institution along with other administrative authorities should take adequate
measures for prevention of ragging. Any lapse on the part of these authorities shall make them
liable for criminal action for negligence of duty. The technical Institution, University
including Deemed to be University imparting technical education should incorporate a clause
in their letter of appointment that the Director, Faculty and other administrative Heads should
ensure all possible steps for prevention of ragging in the premises of the educational
institutions, and that they are liable for action, in case of non-compliance.
2. The Principal or Head of the Institution / Department shall obtain an affidavit from every
employee of the Institution including teaching/non-teaching staff, contract labor employed in
the premises either for running canteen or as watch and ward staff or for cleaning or
maintenance of the building, lawns etc. that he/she would report promptly any case of ragging
which comes to his/her notice. A provision shall be made in the service rules for issuing
certificates of appreciation to such members of the staff who report ragging which will form
part of their service records.
4. The Principal or the Head of the Institution / Faculty Members / Non-Teaching staff, if found
negligent in taking necessary measures for ensuring safety of students and preventing the
ragging would be declared unfit for holding any post in any technical institution, University
including Deemed to be University imparting technical education.
12.6 Actions to be taken against students for indulging and abetting ragging in technical
institutions Universities including Deemed to be University imparting technical
1. The punishment to be meted out to the persons indulged in ragging has to be exemplary and
justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent against recurrence of such incidents.
2. Every single incident of ragging a First Information Report (FIR) must be filed without
exception by the institutional authorities with the local police authorities.
3. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, with regard
to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and
gravity of the incident of ragging.
4. Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established the possible punishments
for those found guilty of ragging at the institution level shall be any one or any combination
of the following,
• Cancellation of admission
• Suspension from attending classes
• Withholding / withdrawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits
• Debarring from appearing in any test / examination or other evaluation process
• Withholding results
142 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
• Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet,
tournament, youth festival, etc.
• Suspension / expulsion from the hostel
• Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters
• Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other
• Collective punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not
identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure
community pressure on the potential raggers.
An appeal against the order of punishment by the Anti-Ragging Committee shall lie,
12.7 Action to be taken against the technical Institution, University including Deemed to be
University imparting technical education which fail to take measures for prevention of
3. All Letters of Approval issued by the Council such as extension of approval letters, letters
issued for additional courses/increase in intake and letters issued for new technical
institutions, release of grants, letters of approval issued to Technical Campus, second shift etc.
shall contain a specific clause of prevention of ragging.
4. The Council shall, in respect of any institution that fails to take adequate steps to prevent
ragging or fails to act in accordance with these Regulations or fails to punish perpetrators or
incidents of ragging suitably, take one of more of the following measures, namely;
As regards the Universities including Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education the
actions proposed to be taken such as stopping release of grants, withdrawal of approval / recognition
will be sent to University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Human Resource Development
(MHRD), Government. of India and the concerned State Government./UT. The UGC, MHRD
Government. of India, and the State Government. / UT concerned shall initiate immediate action on
the recommendations of the Council.
12.8 Duties and Responsibilities of the All India Council for technical Education
1. All India Council for technical Education, or the Central Government or the agency
authorized for the purpose shall establish, fund and operate, a toll-free Anti-Ragging Helpline,
operational round the clock, which could be accessed by students in distress owing to ragging
related incidents.
2. Any distress message received at the Anti-Ragging Helpline shall be simultaneously relayed
to the Head of the Institution, the Warden of the Hostels, the Nodal Officer of the affiliating
University / Board , if the incident reported has taken place in an institution affiliated to a
University, the concerned District authorities and if so required, the District Magistrate, and
the Superintendent of Police, and shall also be web enabled so as to be in the public domain
simultaneously for the media and citizens to access it.
3. The Head of the institution shall be obliged to act immediately in response to the information
received from the Anti-Ragging Helpline as at sub-clause (b) of this clause.
4. The telephone numbers of the Anti-Ragging Helpline and all the important functionaries in
every institution Heads of institutions, faculty members, members of the anti-ragging
committees and anti- ragging squads, district and sub-divisional authorities and state
authorities, Wardens of hostels, and other functionaries or authorities where relevant, shall be
widely disseminated for access or to seek help in emergencies.
5. The All India Council for technical Education, the Central Government or the agency
authorized for the purpose shall maintain an appropriate data base to be created out of
affidavits, affirmed by each student and his / her parents/guardians and stored electronically
by the institution; and such database shall also function as a record of ragging complaints
received, and the status of the action taken thereon.
6. The All India Council for technical Education, the Central Government or the agency
authorized for the purpose shall make available the database to a non government agency to
be nominated by the Central Government, to build confidence in the public and also to
provide information of non compliance with these Regulations to the Councils and to such
bodies as may be authorized by the All India Council for technical Education / Central
1. The All India Council for technical Education shall make it mandatory for the institutions to
incorporate in their prospectus, the directions of the Central Government or the State Level
Monitoring Committee with regard to prohibition and consequences of ragging, and that non-
compliance with these Regulations and directions so provided, shall be considered as
lowering of academic standards by the institution, therefore making it liable for appropriate
2. The All India Council for technical Education shall verify that the institutions strictly comply
with the requirement of getting the affidavits from the students and their parents/guardians as
envisaged under these Regulations.
3. The All India Council for technical Education shall include a specific condition in the
Utilization Certificate, in respect of any financial assistance or grants-in-aid to any institution
under any of the general or special schemes of the All India Council for technical education,
that the institution has complied with the anti-ragging measures.
4. Any incident of ragging in an institution shall adversely affect its accreditation, ranking or
grading by National Board of Accreditation or by any other authorised accreditation agencies
while assessing the institution for accreditation, ranking or grading purposes.
5. The All India Council for technical Education shall constitute an Inter-Council Committee,
consisting of representatives of the various Councils, the Non-Governmental agency
responsible for monitoring the database maintained by the All India Council for technical
Education / Central Government and such other bodies in higher education, to coordinate and
monitor the anti-ragging measures in institutions across the country and to make
recommendations from time to time; and shall meet at least once in six months each year.
6. The All India Council for technical Education shall institute an Anti-Ragging Cell within the
Council as an institutional mechanism to provide secretarial support for collection of
information and monitoring, and to coordinate with the State Level Monitoring Cells and
University Level Committees for effective implementation of anti-ragging measures, and the
Cell shall also coordinate with the Non-Governmental agency responsible for monitoring the
database maintained by the All India Council for technical Education/central Government.
Composition Quorum
S.O.1165(E).- In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) and (4) of Section 3 1/3 members
of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), the Central
Government hereby appoints the following members to the All India Council for
Technical Education for a period of three years from the date of publication in the
official Gazette, namely
The Chairman, All India board of Vocational Education of the AICTE, New Delhi,
Ex officio Member
The Chairman, All India board of Technical Education of the AICTE, New Delhi, Ex
officio Member
The Chairman, All India Board of Under Graduate Studies in Engineering and
Technology of the AICTE, New Delhi. Ex-officio Member
The Chairman, All India Board of Post Graduate Education and Research in
Engineering and Technology of the AICTE, New Delhi. Ex-officio Member
The Chairman, All India Board of Management Studies of the AICTE, New Delhi.
Ex-officio Member
President, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), 23, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003, Member
Secretary, Indian Society for Technical Education , New Mehrauli Road, New
Delhi-110016, Member
Vice-President, Council of Architecture, India Habitat Centre, Core 6 –A, 1st Floor,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Member
President, All India Management Association, 14, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003, Member
Chairman, Indian Banks Association, 6th Floor, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai-400005, Member
Director, National council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Library
Avenue, Pusa Complex, New Delhi-110012, Member
Dr. Ram Chandra Singh Deo, Former Minster, Government of Chhattisgarh, Member
Shri Vishvajit Patang Rao Kadam, Secretary, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Lal Bahadur
Shastri Marg, Pune-411030, Member
Composition Quorum
The Chairman, AICTE 1/3 members
Secretary to the GOI in Ministry of the Central Government dealing with Education
(Ex Officio)
(Four out of eight members of the Council representing the States and Union
Territories on rotation)
Composition Quorum
A retired High Court Judge or an Educationist / academician of eminence not below Chairman
the level of Vice-Chancellor of a University (Retired or in position) or Director
(Retired or in position) of IIT / NIT / IIM as Chairman
Two expert members not below the level of Associate Professor in the field of
One Member
Technical Education from IITs or IIMs or Government or Government Aided
Institution or Institutions of National Importance.
An Officer not below the rank of deputy director of the revenue department or an One Member
Architect registered with Council of Architecture or an expert who is well versed
with land and revenue matters to be nominated by the Chairman, AICTE
Composition Quorum
Chairman to be nominated by the Chairman, AICTE 1/3 members
Four eminent persons in the field of industry, labor, commerce and Professional
representatives from Pharmacy Council of India, Council of Architecture,
Confederation of Indian Industries and Professional Societies to be nominated by
the Chairman, AICTE
One Vice Chancellor or his nominee not below the level of Dean / Principal) of the
University / Deemed University dealing with Technical Education by rotation in
alphabetical order of the State, UT in the region.
One officer of Bureau of Technical Education, not below the rank of Deputy
Secretary, Department of Education, GOI (Ex officio)
Composition Quorum
Professor of IIT / IIM / Government / One Professor / Associate Professor as Chairman
Government Aided Institutions.
An advocate registered with Bar Council
Two Associate Professors of IIT / IIM /
Government / Government Aided Institutions
An Officer not below the rank of deputy director of
An advocate registered with Bar Council the revenue department of the concerned State
Government to be nominated by the concerned
An architect registered with Council of State Government / UT or an Architect registered
Architecture with Council of Architecture.
Composition Quorum
Professor of IIT / IIM / Government / One Professor / Associate Professor as Chairman
Government Aided Institutions.
One Professor / Associate Professor of Civil
One Professor / Associate Professors of Civil Engineering
Engineering and one Professor / Associate
Professor of any Engineering
Composition Quorum
An academician not below the level of Professor in a field of Professor as Chairman
technical education as Chairman
One Expert member
Two Expert members, not below the level of Associate
Professor / Assistant Professor to be selected from the panel
An Officer not below the rank of
of Experts approved by the Executive Committee, AICTE. deputy director of the revenue
department of the concerned State
An Officer not below the rank of deputy director of the Government to be nominated by the
revenue department of the concerned State Government to be concerned State Government / UT or
nominated by the concerned State Government / UT or an an Architect registered with Council
Architect registered with Council of Architecture to be of Architecture to be nominated by
nominated by the Chairman, Regional Committee or an the Chairman, Regional Committee or
expert who is well versed with land and revenue matters to an expert who is well versed with land
be nominated by the Chairman, Regional Committee. and revenue matters to be nominated
by the Chairman, Regional
An expert member not below the level of Associate Professor Committee.
/ Reader to be nominated by the concerned State Government
/ UT
Composition Quorum
A retired High Court Judge or an Educationist / academician of eminence not Chairman
below the level of Vice-Chancellor of a University (Retired or in position) or
Director (Retired or in position) of IIT / NIT / IIM as Chairman
Two expert members not below the level of Associate Professor in the field of
One Member
Technical Education from IITs or IIMs or Government or Government Aided
Institution or Institutions of National Importance.
An Officer not below the rank of deputy director of the revenue department or an One Member
Architect registered with Council of Architecture or an expert who is well versed
with land and revenue matters to be nominated by the Chairman, AICTE
15 Abbreviations
16 List of Districts where PPP and BOT Models are applicable: (Currently no AICTE
approved Institution at either UG or PG level exists)
PRADESH ANJAW 18,428 3,234 6
PRADESH CHANGLANG 1,24,994 4,662 27
PRADESH DIBANG VALLEY 2,57,543 23,029 4
PRADESH EAST KAMENG 57,065 4,134 14
PRADESH EAST SIANG 87,430 4,005 22
PRADESH LOHIT 1,43,478 2,402 13
PRADESH PAPUM PARE 1,67,750 2,875 42
PRADESH TAWANG 38,924 2,085 19
PRADESH TIRAP 1,00,227 2,362 42
PRADESH UPPER SIANG 33,146 6,188 5
PRADESH WEST KAMENG 74,595 7,422 10
PRADESH WEST SIANG 1,03,575 8,325 12
ASSAM BAKSA 8,52,560 2,400
ASSAM BARPETA 16,42,420 3,245 506
ASSAM BONGAIGAON 9,06,315 2,510 361
ASSAM CACHAR 14,42,141 3,786 381
ASSAM CHIRANG 6,36,130 1,750
ASSAM DARRANG 15,03,943 3,481 432
ASSAM DHEMAJI 5,69,468 3,237 176
ASSAM DHUBRI 16,34,589 2,838 576
ASSAM DIBRUGARH 11,72,056 3,381 347
ASSAM GOALPARA 8,22,306 1,824 451
ASSAM GOLAGHAT 9,45,781 3,502 270
ASSAM HAILAKANDI 5,42,978 1,327 409
ASSAM KARIMGANJ 10,03,678 1,809 555
ASSAM KOKRAJHAR 9,30,404 3,129 297
ASSAM LAKHIMPUR 8,89,325 2,277 391
ASSAM MARIGAON 7,75,874 1,704 455
ASSAM NAGAON 23,15,387 3,831 604
ASSAM NALBARI 11,38,184 2,257 504
Closure of institute
17.1 ew Institute
Applicant shall present following supporting documents in original along with one
copy, duly attested by a gazetted officer or a first class Judicial Magistrate or
Notary or an Oath Commissioner and other necessary information to the Scrutiny
17.7 1 Encumbrance Certificate of the land for the last 30 Years issued by the Competent
10 Certificate by the Head of The Institution to the effect that all Faculty and all non
teaching staff data and all student data of all years and all courses, has been entered
as per the prescribed format on the Web Portal
18 List giving numbers and details for major Equipment, computers, software, and
19 Last three pages of Accession Register for Library Books.
29 a Copy of the Receipt of Joint FDR, and copy of the FDR, that the Institute opened at
the time of inception of the Institute.
b In case the FDR has been enchased on completion of the eight year term, the copy
of the FDR release letter issued by AICTE to the Institution.
30 A Video (Compatible with “Windows Media Player”) of maximum five minutes
duration with date and time of shooting indicating the complete physical
infrastructure / facilities and highlighting following:
31 a Front & Back side of the entire building
b Internal portion of the classrooms, tutorial rooms, laboratories, workshop, drawing
hall, computer centre, library, reading room, seminar hall and all other rooms as
mentioned in program-wise Instructional area requirements in Appendix 4.
c Internal portion of the principal’s room, Board room, main office, departmental
offices, faculty cabins/seating arrangement and all other rooms as mentioned in
Administrative area requirements in Appendix 4.
d Internal portion of toilet facilities, boys and girls common rooms, cafeteria and all
other rooms as mentioned in Amenities area requirements in Appendix 4.
e Circulation area details highlighting entrance lobby, passages, escalators, staircases
and other common area.
18.3 Additional documents to be submitted for approval of Increase in
intake in Existing Programs
Additional documents shall be necessary while seeking approval for increase in
intake in existing program
1 Resolution by the applicant orgnisation, pertaining to starting additional courses /
divisions in existing program and allocation of land / building / funds to proposed
activities in the format 2 prescribed on the Web-Portal.
2 Building plans approved by competent authority mentioning additional carpet area
fulfillment for additional intake applied.
3 Certificate from an architect registered with Council of architecture regarding
additional built up area of the building and carpet area of each room.
18.4 Additional documents to be submitted for closure of Programs /
Courses in Existing Institutions
1 Resolution by the applicant Institution, pertaining to application for reduction in
intake or closure of course / program in the format2 as prescribed on the web portal.
18.6 Additional documents required for seeking approval for seats for
sons/daughters of RIs
1 Resolution by the applicant Institution, pertaining to application for Introducing
seats for sons / daughters of NRIs in the format2 as prescribed on the web portal.
18.7 Additional documents required for seeking approval for change of
ame of the Institute
1 Resolution by Governing Board Members approving change in name, duly signed
by the Chairman of the Society / Trust.
2 No objection certificate from Concerned State Government
3 No objection certificate from Affiliating University / Board
19.1 a The Governing Body shall have at least eleven members including the Chairman
and the Member-Secretary. The Registered Society / Trust shall nominate six
members including the Chairman and the Member-Secretary, and the remaining
five members shall be nominated as indicated below
b Chairman to be nominated by the Registered Society / Trust.
The Chairman of the Governing Body shall preferably be a technical person either
entrepreneur of an industrialist or an educationist of repute who is interested in
development of technical education and has demonstrated an interest in promotion
of quality education.
c Two to five Members to be nominated by the Registered Society / Trust
d Nominee of the All India Council for Technical Education-Regional Officer (Ex-
e An Industrialist / technologist / educationist from the Region to be nominated by
the concerned Regional Committee as nominee of the Council, out of the panel
approved by the Chairman of the Council.
f Nominee of the Affiliating Body/University/State Board off Technical Education
g Nominee of the State Government – Director of Technical Education (ex-officio).
h An Industrialist / technologist / educationist from the Region nominated by the
State Government.
i Principal / Director of the concerned technical institution (as nominee of the
Society / Trust) – Member Secretary.
j Two Faculty members to be nominated from amongst the regular staff one at the
level of Professor and one at the level of Assistant Professor.
k The number of members can be increased equally by adding nominees of the
registered Society and by adding an equal number of educationists from the Region
keeping in view the interest of the Technical Institution. The total number of
members of a Governing Body shall, however, not exceed 21
Rs.100/- duly sworn before a First Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath
in connection with our application dated ………… made to AICTE for, (retain items
in the list below as applicable)
2. That the information given by <name/s> in the application made to AICTE is true and
complete. Nothing is false and nothing material has been concealed.
5. That the facts stated in this affidavit are true to my / our knowledge. No part of the
same is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.
<Reproduce only appropriate section/s related to application in the table below>
I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the facts stated in the above
affidavit are true to my knowledge. No part of the same is false and nothing material has
been concealed there from.
1. That in accordance with the norms, procedures and conditions prescribed by the
AICTE, an amount of Rs. ………………shall be required to be deposited by the
<name of the Trust/Society> in AICTE’s account , for a period of 10 years.
3. That the AICTE in its discretion may extend the term of the deposit for a further
period and / or forfeit the amount for violation of norms, conditions and requirements
prescribed by the AICTE and / or non-performance by the institution and / or closure
of the institution due to withdrawal of AICTE approval or for any other reason. In an
event of forfeiture, the proceeds of the fixed deposit shall be utilized for meeting the
expenditure towards refunds to the students and others.
4. That all remaining requirements as mentioned under the regulations and the approval
process hand book 2010, applicable <name and address of proposed Institution> will
be complied within one month from the date of issuance of the approval letter.
5. That the land measuring …………. acres, on which <name of the proposed
Institution> is located was not mortgaged for any purpose to any institution on the
date of filing the application and that status is continuing till date and will continue till
the date of issuance of the letter of approval.
7. That the facts stated in this affidavit are true to my / our knowledge. No part of the
same is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.
Name of the authorized person executing the undertaking along with his / her official
position) with (SEAL)
178 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the facts stated in the above
affidavit are true to my knowledge. No part of the same is false and nothing material has
been concealed there from.
I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the facts stated in the above affidavit are true to my
knowledge. No part of the same is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.
180 | Approval Process Hand Book: 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
1. I will abide by all terms and conditions as laid down in the approval process hand
2. That the AICTE in its discretion may extend the term of the deposit for a further
period and / or forfeit the amount for violation of norms, conditions and requirements
prescribed by the AICTE and / or non-performance by the institution and / or closure
of the institution due to withdrawal of AICTE approval or for any other reason. In an
event of forfeiture, the proceeds of the fixed deposit shall be utilized for meeting the
expenditure towards refunds to the students and others.
3. That all remaining requirements as mentioned under the regulations and the approval
process hand book 2010, applicable <name and address of Institution> will be
complied within one month from the date of issuance of the approval letter.
5. That the facts stated in this affidavit are true to my / our knowledge. No part of the
same is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.
Name of the authorized person executing the undertaking along with his / her official
position) with (SEAL)
I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the facts stated in the above
affidavit are true to my knowledge. No part of the same is false and nothing material has
been concealed there from.
1. I will abide by all terms and conditions as laid down in the approval process hand
2. That the AICTE in its discretion may extend the term of the deposit for a further
period and / or forfeit the amount for violation of norms, conditions and requirements
prescribed by the AICTE and / or non-performance by the institution and / or closure
of the institution due to withdrawal of AICTE approval or for any other reason. In an
event of forfeiture, the proceeds of the fixed deposit shall be utilized for meeting the
expenditure towards refunds to the students and others.
3. That all remaining requirements as mentioned under the regulations and the approval
process hand book 2010, applicable <name and address of Institution> will be
complied within one month from the date of issuance of the approval letter.
5. That the facts stated in this affidavit are true to my / our knowledge. No part of the
same is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.
Name of the authorized person executing the undertaking along with his / her official
position) with (SEAL)
I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the facts stated in the above
affidavit are true to my knowledge. No part of the same is false and nothing material has
been concealed there from.
The copies of <Trust/Society> registration documents, land documents, land use certificate,
land conversion certificate in respect of application submitted by <name & address of the
applicant> who is an applicant for establishment of new technical institution / Technical
Campus offering technical education programs / converting existing technical institutions into
an Technical Campus namely, <name of the Institutions> at <address> were provided to me
by <name & address of the applicant> for verification regarding their authenticity and
Registration Certificate
Date of Registration
Registered at
Registered under act
B. Land Documents:
Sr. Document Survey No. Registration No. and Date Land Area in
No. No. acres
1. The competent Authority to issue the Land Use Certificate respect of Land under
reference and for the proposed institution mentioned above is ………………..
2. It has / has not been approved by the competent authority.
3. I verified the above-mentioned land use certificate from the Office of
<Competent Authority>.
4. The above-mentioned land use certificate is / is not authentic.
5. It has been / not been issued for the full extent of Land.
Letter No.
Letter dated
Issued by
Extent of Land
The copies of approved site plan & building plans in respect of application submitted by
<name & address of the applicant> who is an applicant for establishment of new technical
institution <name of the Institutions> at <address> were provided to me by <name & address
of the applicant> for verification regarding their authenticity and appropriateness.
Plans approved by
Approval Number
Date of Approval
3. The above-mentioned site plan & building plans have/have not been approved by the
competent authority.
4. The above-mentioned site plan & building plans are /are not authentic.
5. Construction of building admeasuring with the following details has been completed in all
respects as per the approved building plan.
The copies documents pertaining to the funds position i.e. the bank statement and/or Fixed
Deposit Receipts in respect of application submitted by <Name & address of the applicant>
who is an applicant for establishment of new technical institution <Name of the Institution>
at <address>) were provided to me by <name & address of the applicant>for verification
regarding their authenticity and appropriateness.
A. Bank Statement
Name of the Account
Account Number
Name & Address of the
It is certified that,
1. I verified the above-mentioned bank account from <name & address of bank>.
2. The above-mentioned bank account is in the name of …………………………...
3. The above-mentioned bank account is /is not authentic.
4. The balance in the above-mentioned bank account as on today, i.e. <dd/mm/yyyy>
is Rs. ……………..
B. Fixed Deposits
Sr. No. FDR Number Date of Date of Amount Name & Address
Deposit Maturity of Bank
Total Amount
It is certified that,
1. I have verified the above-mentioned FDRs from our Branch / Bank.
2. The above-mentioned FDRs are / are not in the name of the applicant under
reference mentioned above.
3. The above-mentioned FDRs are / are not authentic.
That the Trust / Society vide its executive meeting held on ………….at …………. vide item
no. …………. have resolved that, <name of the trust / society> shall apply to AICTE for
approval to start <name of the Institution> to offer technical education in <Program> and
shall allocate,
land at <complete address with survey numbers, plot numbers> measuring ………… acres,
earmarked for the proposed <name of the technical Institution> at <full address>
required funds for creation of carpet and built up area in <name of the Institution> at
<address>, as required for proposed Technical Campus namely, <name of the Institution>,
and shall allocate required funds for procurement of equipments, furniture and other required
entities for smooth functioning of the same.
That the Trust / Society vide its executive meeting held on ………….at …………. vide item
no. …………. have resolved that, <name of the trust / society> shall allocate required funds
for creation of additional carpet and built up area in <name of the Institution> at <address>,
as required for <additional Program> / <additional course> / <additional intake in … course>
in <name of the Institution>, and shall allocate required funds for procurement of
equipments, furniture and other required entities for smooth functioning of the same.
That the Trust / Society vide its executive meeting held on ………….at …………. vide item
no. …………. have resolved that,
<name of the trust / society> shall allocate required funds for creation of additional carpet
and built up area in <name of the Institution> at <address>, as required for <additional
program> / <additional course> / <additional intake in … course> in <name of the
Institution>, and shall allocate required funds for procurement of equipments, furniture and
other required entities for smooth functioning of the same.
<name of the Institution> shall apply for approval for introduction of supernumerary
seats for PIO from <academic year>.
<name of the Institution> shall apply for approval for introduction of seats for
sons/daughters of NRIs
<name of the Institution> shall apply for approval for change of name of the Institute
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at ………….
vide item no. …………. have resolved to close
2. Current staff strength, re-arrangements and dues, if any shall be settled as per existing
norms and regulations on that behalf.
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
<state / UT>
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at ………….
vide item no. …………. have resolved to Closure of Courses / Programs / reduction in Intake
4. Current staff strength, re-arrangements and dues, if any shall be settled as per existing
norms and regulations on that behalf.
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at
…………. vide item no. …………. have passed a resolution for Conversion of Women Only
Institute to Co-Ed Institute
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
Authorised Signatory
<State Government>
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at
…………. vide item no. …………. have resolved to Convert existing Women Only Institute
to Co-Ed Institute.
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at
…………. vide item no. …………. have resolved to Change of Name of the Institute.
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
Authorised Signatory
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at …………...
vide item no. …………. have resolved to Change of Name of the Institute
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at
…………. vide item no. …………. have resolved to Change of Site / Location of the
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
Authorised Signatory
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at …………...
vide item no. …………. have resolved to Change of Name of Site / Location of the Institute
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at …………...
vide item no. …………. have resolved to Change of Name of Site / Location of the Institute
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable
The <name of the trust / society> vide its executive meeting held on ………….at …………...
vide item no. …………. have resolved to Change of Name of Site / Location of the Institute
Liabilities if any on this count shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant of the Society /
Trust and shall be settled as per the rules and regulations as applicable