Area of Interest:
Email ID:
Research Interest:
Academic Qualification:
1. Ph.D. (Physics), Brookhaven National Laboratory, St. John's University, New York.
(Thesis submitted – 1973, Degree awarded – 1974)
2. M.Sc. (Physics), Calcutta University, 1967
3. B.Sc.(Physics Honours), Calcutta University, 1965
Professional Honours
104 Dephasing of a Qubit due to Quantum and Classical Noise, E. K. Anil & S. Dattagupta,
(Intl. Jour. of Physics – submitted)
102 Phase Ordering, Dynamics of Ferroelectric Domains in Thin Films, Prasenjit Ghosh,
Manas K Roy, Sanjay Puri and Sushanta Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. E (To be submitted)
101 Retrieving qubit information despite decoherence; Amnon Aharony, Shmuel Gurvitz,
Ora Entin-Wohlman, and Sushanta Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 82, 245417 (2010).
100 Modeling of ferroelectric domain imaging by atomic force microscopy; Manas K. Roy,
Jaita Paul, and Sushanta Dattagupta, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064102 (2010).
99 Domain dynamics and fractal growth analysis in thin ferroelectric films; Manas K. Roy,
Jaita Paul, and Sushanta Dattagupta, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 014108 (2010).
98 Glucose induced fractal colony pattern of Bacillus thuringiensis; Manas K. Roy,
Paromita Banerjee, Tapas K. Sengupta, and Sushanta Dattagupta, J. Theoretical Biology
265, 389 (2010).
97 Role of quantum heat bath and confinement in the low-temperature thermodynamics of
cyclotron motion; M. Bandopadhyay and S. Dattagupta, Phy. Rev. E 81, 042102 (2010).
96 Dissipative quantum systems and the heat capacity; Sushanta Dattagupta, Jishad Kumar,
S. Sinha, and P.A. Sreeram, Phy. Rev. E 81, 031136 (2010).
95 Evolution of 180°, 90°, and vortex domains in ferroelectric films; Manas Kumar Roy,
Shamik Sarkar, and Sushanta Dattagupta, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 192905 ( 2009).
94 Low-temperature thermodynamics in the context of dissipative diamagnetism; Jishad
Kumar, P.A. Sreeram, and Sushanta Dattagupta, Phy. Rev. E 79, 021130 (2009).
93 Magnetism in the ordered metallic perovskite compound GdPd3BxC1-x; Abhishek
Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar, R. Ranganathan and S. Dattagupta, J. Magnetism and
Magnetic Materials 321, 2311 (2009).
92 Transverse vibrations driven negative thermal expansion in a metallic compound
GdPd3B0.25C0.75; Abhishek Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar, R. Ranganathan, S. Tripathi,
D. Pandey, and S. Dattagupta, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 261913 (2008).
91 Negative temperature coefficient of resistance in a crystalline compound; Abhishek
Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar, R. Ranganathan, Molly de Raychaudhury, T. Saha-
Dasgupta, Saurabh Tripathi, Dhananjai Pandey, and S. Dattagupta, Europhysics Letters
84, 47007 (2008).
90 Quantum Mechanics under rapidly varying external perturbations; M. Bandopadhyay and
S. Dattagupta, Pramana 70, 382 (2008).
89 Probing Single Jumps of Surface Atoms; G. Vogl, M. Sladecek and S. Dattagupta, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 99, 155902 (2007).
88 Memory in nanomagnetic systems: Superparamagnetism versus spin-glass behavior; M.
Bandopadhyay and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 74, 214410 (2006).
87 Diffusion Enhancement in a Periodic Potential under High-Frequency Space-Dependent
Forcing; M.Bandopadhyay, S. Dattagupta and M. Sanyal, Phys. Rev. E 73, 051108
86 Dissipative Diamagnetism - A Case Study for Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium
Statistical Mechanics; M. Bandyopadhyay and S. Dattagupta, J. Stat. Phys. 123, 1273
85 Landau-Drude Diamagnetism: Fluctuation, Dissipation and Decoherence; M.
Bandopadhyay and S. Dattagupta, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 18, 10029 (2006).
84 Spin Dynamics in a Dissipative Environment: from Quantal to Classical; J.L. Garcia-
Palacios and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 190401 (2005).
83 Memory in a magnetic nanoparticle system: Polydispersity and interaction effects; S.
Chakraverty, M. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chatterjee, S. Dattagupta, A. Frydman, S. Sengupta,
and P. A. Sreeram, Phys. Rev. B 71, 054401 (2005).
82 Line shape of beam deflection of magnetic nanoparticles in a Stern-Gerlach setup; Rajib
Kumar Das and Aniruddha Konar and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 71, 014442 (2005).
81 Quantum Treatment of the Anderson-Hasegawa Model in the presence of
Superexchange; P.A. Sreeram and M. Mitra and S. Dattagupta, Pramana 61, 601-609
80 Dielectric Relaxation in a Deuteron Glass; V. Banerjee and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B
68, 054202-8 (2003).
79 Polaronic Heat Capacity in the Anderson-Hasegawa Model; M. Mitra and P.A. Sreeram
and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 67,132406-4 (2003).
78 Model Quantum Magnet – II. Calculation of NMR Lineshapes; V. Banerjee and S.
Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 66, 064418 – 064427 (2002).
77 Escape rates in the presence of high frequency perturbations; S. Sarkar and s. Dattagupta,
J. Mod.Phys. B 16, 1247 – 1254 (2002).
76 Zeno Blocking of Interplanar Tunneling by Intraplane Inelastic Scattering in Layered
Superconductors: A Generalized Spin-Boson Analysis; M. Sanjay Kumar S. Dattagupta
and N. Kumar, Physical Review B 65, 134501 – 134508 (2002).
75 Effect of Charge Ordering/Disordering on Raman Line Shape in Manganites; S.
Dattagupta and A.K. Sood, Physical Review B 65, 064405 – 064417 (2002).
74 Magneto-Optic Drift of Ions; R. Ghosh S. Dattagupta and J. Singh, Physical Review A
64, 063403 – 063411 (2001).
73 Dissipationless Decoherence; G. Gangopadhyay, M. Sanjay Kumar and S. Dattagupta, J.
Phys.A: Math & Gen. 34, 5487 – 5495 (2001).
72 Model Quantum Magnet I. Effect of Hyperfine Interactions on Phase Diagram and
Dynamic Susceptibility; Varsha Banerjee and S. Dattagupta, Physical Review B 64,
024427 – 024437 (2001).
71 Landau Diamagnetism Revisited; S. Dattagupta, A.M. Jayannavar and N. Kumar,
Current Science 80, 861 – 863 (2001).
70 Optical Hall effect; J. Singh, R. Ghosh and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. A 61, No.2,
025402 - 025404 (2000).
69 Magneto-optic piston effect; S. Dattagupta, R. Ghosh and J. Singh, Physical Review
Letters 83, 710 - 713 (1999).
68 3d model of strain ordering in steel: II. Relaxational effects; S.K. Ghoshal and S.
Dattagupta, Pramana 51, 519 - 538 (1998).
67 3d model of strain ordering in steel: I. Static effects; S.K. Ghoshal and S. Dattagupta,
Pramana 51, 519 - 538 (1998).
66 Dynamic susceptibility of a model quantum glass; V. Banerjee and S. Dattagupta, J.
Phys. C 10, 8351-8364(1998).
65 Theory of relaxation of magnetic clusters in a Stern-Gerlach set up; S. Dattagupta and
S.D. Mahanti, Phys. Rev. B 57, 10244 - 10247 (1998).
64 Phonon-assisted asymmetric tunneling in a double well potential - consequences for
neutron scattering and diffusion; S. Dattagupta and H.R. Schober, Phys. Rev. B 57, 7606
- 7612 (1998).
63 Landau diamagnetism in a dissipative and confined system; S. Dattagupta and J. Singh,
Physical Review letters 79, 961 - 965 (1997).
62 Dielectric relaxation in a proton glass; V. Banerjee and S. Dattagupta, Phase Transitions
62, 233 - 243 (1997).
61 Stochastic motion of charged particle in a magnetic field II. Quantum Brownian
treatment; S. Dattagupta and J. Singh, Pramana 47, 211 - 224 (1996).
60 Stochastic motion of charged particle in a magnetic field I. Classical treatment; J. Singh
and S. Dattagupta, Pramana 47, 199 - 210 (1996).
59 Ferroelasticity in Y-Ba-Cu-O. II. Relaxation effects; S.K. Ghoshal and S. Dattagupta,
Phase Transitions 54, 181 - 191 (1995).
58 Hysteresis in a quantum spin model; V. Banerjee, S. Dattagupta and P. Sen, Phys. Rev. E
52, 1436 - 1446 (1995).
57 Ferroelasticity in Y-Ba-Cu-O; S. Dattagupta and S.K. Ghoshal, Phase Transitions 54, 95
- 108 (1995).
56 Analysis of AC susceptibility data in a quantum spin glass; V. Banerjee and S.
Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 50, 9942 - 9950 (1994).
55 A stochastic model for transient magnetic fields as observed by perturbed angular
distribution of gamma rays; T. Qureshi and S. Dattagupta, Z. Phys. D 31, 135 - 142
54 Analysis of spectroscopic data in Kondo systems; T. Qureshi and S. Dattagupta, Phys.
Rev. B 49, 12848 - 12859 (1994).
53 Phase ordering dynamics in a gravitational field; S. Puri, N. Parekh and S. Dattagupta, J.
Stat. Phys. 75, 839 - 857 (1994).
52 Spring-defect model of structural phase transition in YBa_2 Cu_3 O_(7−δ); S.
Dattagupta and S.K. Ghoshal, Solid State Commns. 88, 547 - 551 (1993).
51 Relaxational dynamics of quantum spin glases; S. Dattagupta, B. Tadic, R. Pirc, and R.
Blinc, Phys. Rev. B 47, 8801 - 8808 (1993).
50 Interplay of orientational order and viscoelasticity in supercooled liquids near the glass
transition; S. Dattagupta and L.A. Turski, Phys. Rev. E 47, 1222 - 1229 (1993).
49 Quantum diffusion of muons in metals; T. Qureshi and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 47,
1092 - 1095 (1993).
48 Dynamical scaling in anisotropic phase separating systems in a gravitational field; S.
Puri, K. Binder and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 46, 98 - 107 (1992).
47 The Langevin dynamics of vibrated powders; A. Mehta, R.J. Needs and S. Dattagupta, J.
Statistical Physics 68, 1131 - 1141 (1992).
46 Kinetic rate law for a Ø4-model in the order-disorder limit; S. Padlewski and S.
Dattagupta, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 4, 4373 - 4386 (1992).
45 Tunneling in proton glasses: stochastic theory of lineshape; S. Dattagupta, B. Tadic, R.
Pirc and R. Blinc, Phys. Rev. B 44, 4387 - 4396 (1991).
44 Rate equation for atomic ordering in meanfield Theory II. general considerations; S.
Dattagupta, V. Heine, S. Marais and E. Salje, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 3, 2963 - 2984
43 Rate equation for atomic ordering in meanfield theory I. uniform case; S. Dattagupta, V.
Heine, S. Marais, and E. Salje, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 3, 2963-2984 (1991).
42 Dynamics of an impurity spin coupled to a spin-boson dissipative system; T. Qureshi and
S. Dattagupta, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 3, 1079-1087 (1991).
41 Relaxation behaviour of biased two-level systems, in metals in the weak-damping limit;
T. Qureshi, nd S. Dattagupta, Pramana 35, 579-591 (1990).
40 The structure factor for neutron scattering from a two-state system in metals; S.
Dattagupta, H. Grabert and R. Jung, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 1, 1405 - 1422 (1989).
39 Mössbauer spectrum for diffusing atoms including fluctuating hyperfine interactions; S.
Dattagupta and K. Schroeder, Phys. Rev. B 35, 1525-1546 (1987).
38 Structure factor for neutron scattering from tunneling systems in metals; H.G. Grabert, S.
Linkwitz, S. Dattagupta, and U. Weiss, Europhys. Lett. 2, 631-638 (1986).
37 Monte-Carlo calculations of switching statistics of a two-mode laser; K.P.N. Murthy
with S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. A 32, 3481-3489 (1985).
36 Orientational order in liquids - a possible scenario of freezing; S. Dattagupta and L.A.
Turski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 2359-2362 (1985).
35 The Boltzmann-Lorentz model of collisional broadening of spectra; S. Dattagupta and
L.A. Turski, Phys. Rev. A 32, 1439-1446 (1985).
34 Neutron scattering from a quantum oscillator subject to noise; S. Dattagupta and G.
Reiter, Phys. Rev. A 31, 1034-1039 (1985).
33 Nonequilibrium response of a disordered Ising chain; S. Dattagupta, R. Vaidyanathan
and R. Indira, Zeit. Phys., B 57, 319-328 (1984).
32 Relaxation behaviour of single domain magnetic particles; G.S. Agarwal, S. Dattagupta
and K.P.N. Murthy, J. Phys. C 17, 6869-6876 (1984).
31 Brownian motion of a quantum system; S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. A 30, 1525-1527
30 Linear response analysis of Gorsky relaxation of light interstitials in the presence of
ordering; S. Dattagupta and R. Ranganathan, J. Phys. F 14, 1417-1429 (1984).
29 Non-equilibrium susceptibility of superparamagnetic particles; Deepak Kumar and
S.Dattagupta, Phys C. 16, 3779-3794 (1983).
28 Strain ordering in b.c.c. metals and the associated anelasticity II. Effect of random
interstitial arrangement; S. Dattagupta, J. Phys. F 12, 1363-1368 (1982).
27 Strain ordering in b.c.c. metals and the associated anelasticity; S. Dattagupta, Radha
Balakrishnan and Radha Ranganathan, J. Phys. F 12, 1345-1362 (1982).
26 Stochastic model of muon diffusion in the presence of traps: nonsecular effects on spin
depolarization; S. Dattagupta and B. Purniah, Zeit, Phys. B 46, 331-339 (1982).
25 Higher order phase transitions in systems far from equilibrium-bicriticality and
tetracriticality in two-mode lasers; G.S. Agarwal and S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. A 26,
880-887 (1982).
24 Model for vibrational relaxation: pure dephasing and depopulation; A.K. Sood and S.
Dattagupta, Pramana 17, 315-326 (1981).
23 Generalized M-diffusion model of molecular rotation, calculation of dipole correlation
function; S. Dattagupta and A.K. Sood, Zeit. Phys. B 44, 85-89 (1981).
22 Raman study of orientational disorder in potash alum; A.K. Sood, A.K. Arora, S.
Dattagupta, and G. Venkataraman, J. Phys. C 14, 5215-5224 (1981).
21 Gorsky relaxation in the presence of traps; V. Balakrishnan and S. Dattagupta, Zeit.
Phys. B 42, 13-21 (1981).
20 Signal-to-noise enhancement of lock-in amplifiers; K. Neelakantan, S. Dattagupta and
K.P. Rajappan, Rev. Sci. Instn. 51, 250-251 (1980).
19 Analysis of ultrasonic anomaly in V3 Si; S. Dattagupta and G. Venkataraman, Pramana
13, 205-218 (1979).
18 Theory of ultrasonic scattering by grains in polycrystals; R. Ranganathan and S.
Dattagupta, Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 54, 537-548 (1979).
17 Model for infrared and Raman Studies of molecular rotations in liquids and gases; S.
Dattagupta and A.K. Sood, Pramana 13, 423-445 (1979).
16 Analysis of signal-to-noise enhancement of box-car averagers; S. Dattagupta and K.
Neelakantan, Pramana 11, 295-306 (1978).
15 A Stochastic theory of anelastic creep; V. Balakrishnan, S. Dattagupta and G.
Venkataraman, Phil. Mag. 37, 65-84 (1978).
14 Breakdown of the 'white-noise approximation' in the Mössbauer relaxation spectra: the
case of Cs2 NaYbCl8; S. Dattagupta, G.K. Shenoy, B.D. Dunlap, and L. Asch, Phys.
Rev. B 16, 3893-3902 (1977).
13 Effect of collisions on spectral lines in gases; S. Dattagupta, Pramana 9, 203-221 (1977).
12 Stochastic model of classical bath variables and its influence on lineshape expressions; S.
Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 16, 158-163 (1977).
11 Global phase diagram for a three-component model; D. Furman, S. Dattagupta and R.B.
Griffiths, Phys. Rev. 15, 441-464 (1977).
10 Self-Interstitials trapped at Co impurities in electron - irradiated Al: theoretical study of
the static and dynamic quadrupolar interactions on Mössbauer lineshape; S. Dattagupta,
Sol. St. Commns. 24, 19-22 (1977).
9 Calculating Mössbauer-paramagnetic relaxation spectra without the "White-noise
approximation"; G.K. Shenoy, B.D. Dunlap, S. Dattagupta, and L. Asch, Phys. Rev. Lett.
37, 539-542 (1976).
8 Spin-relaxation spectra of Γ4 quartet; G.K. Shenoy, B.D. Dunlap, S. Dattagupta, and L.
Asch, Jour. de Phys. Colloq. C 6, 85-87 (1976).
7 Effect of molecular motions in liquids on Mössbauer relaxation spectra; S. Dattagupta,
Phys. Rev. B 14, 1329-1332 (1976).
6 Stochastic theory of spin relaxations in liquids; S. Dattagupta and M. Blume, Phys. Rev.
A 14, 480-494 (1976).
5 Study by Mössbauer effect of diffusion of interstitials (C or N) in austenite, a theoretical
treatment; S. Dattagupta, Phil. Mag. 33, 59 (1976).
4 Effects of off-diagonal hyperfine interaction on Mössbauer relaxation spectra; S.
Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B 12, 3584 - 3595 (1975).
3 Effect of nuclear motion on Mössbauer relaxation spectra; S. Dattagupta, Phys. Rev. B
12, 47-57 (1975).
2 Stochastic theory of lineshape, II. Nonsecular effects in the EPR spectrum of CO2- in
calcite; S. Dattagupta and M. Blume, Phys. Rev. B 10, 4551-4559 (1974).
1 Stochastic theory of line shape, I. Nonsecular effects in the strong collision model; S.
Dattagupta and M. Blume, Phys. Rev. B 10, 4540-4550 (1974).
In addition to the international conferences listed above Dattagupta has given invited
talks in several places, including Argonne National Lab, Brookhaven National Lab,
Carnegie-Mellon University, Cavendish Lab of Cambridge University, Forschungs
Zentrum Jülich, Free University of Berlin, International Centre for Theoretical Physics
at Trieste, Institute Jozeph Stefan in Ljubljana, Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenobole,
Jagellonian University, Krakow, Max Planck Institute of Stuttgart, Michigan State
University, Northwestern University of Illinois, Pennsylvania State University, Pierre
Curie University at Paris, Technical University of Chemnitz, Technical University of
Munich, Theoretical Physics Institute of Beijing, Changshu Institute of Technology,
University of California, Los Angeles, University of California at Riverside, Chicago
University University of Düsseldorf, University of Essen, University of Freiburg,
University of Munich, Universtity of Oxford, University of Paris at Gif Sur Yvette,
Warsaw University, Warsaw, University of Sao Paulo and Brazilian Academy of
Sciences, Rio-de-Janeiro.
Foreign Secretary (1998 – 2000) and Vice President (2001) of the Indian National Science
Academy, New Delhi.
Council Member, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi (1998 – 2001).
Convener, Sectional Committee on Physical Sciences of the Indian Academy of Sciences,
Bangalore (1999-2003).
Council Member and Vice President, Indian Academy of Sciences (2004- 2009).
Member, Scrutinee Committee for Fellowship in Physical Sciences, National Academy of
Sciences, Allahabad (1999 - )
Council Member, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad (2001- 2007).
Member, Commission C 10: Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter, International
Union of Pure and Applied Physics (2000 – 2005).
Member, Membership Committee in the field of Physics & Astronomy for the Third
World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) (2004-2006).
Convener, Membership Committee in Physics, Academy of Sciences for the Developing
World (TWAS), (2005-2007).
Chairman, National Committee of the Indian National Science Academy for International
Council of Science (ICSU) (2005 - 2007).
Chairman, CSIR Committee for SRF, RA’s, etc. (2003 -)
Member, CSIR Emeritus Scientists Committee (2002-2004).
Member, Research Council of the National Physical Laboratory (2001-2006).
Member, Reserach Council of CSIR, RAB (2007-2009).
Vice Chair, STATPHYS 22, International Conference on Statistical Physics, Bangalore -
(July 2004).
Convener, Experts' Committee, Indian Institute for Science Education and Research
Member, Council, West Bengal University of Technology (2004 - 2005).
Member, Executive Council, Burdwan University (2005 - ).
Member, Executive Council, Kalyani University (2009-2012).
Chairman, Board of Governors, National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training &
Research (NITTTR), Kolkata (2007 - 2011).
Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, B and E, Europhys. Letters,
Solid State Communications and J. Physics C (Condensed Matter Physics).
Member, Executive Council, Bengal Engineering Sibpur University (2009-2012).
Member, Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Pune
Member, Court, Central University of Manipur, Imphal (2010-2013 ).
Member, Executive Council, Central University of Arunachal Pradesh (2010-2013).
Books written:
Books Published
Books Edited
Conference Proceedings:
Defect-induced structural phase transitions (with S.K. Ghoshal), Bull Mat. Sc. 20, 481 - 489 (1997).
The effect of disorder on the relaxational properties of a quantum spin glass (with V. Banerjee),
Physica A, 224, 226 - 231 (1996).
Kinetics of structural phase transitions (with S.K. Ghoshal) in Advances in Physical Metallurgy,
(1996), Eds. S. Banerjee and R.V. Ramanujan, Gordon & Breach, 162 - 169.
A dynamical model of supercooled liquids, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 172, 197 - 200 (1994).
Relaxation in quantum spin glasses (with B. Tadic, R. Pirc and R. Blinc), J. Non- Crystalline Solids
172, 449 - 451 (1994).
Landau theory revisited (with V. Heine, X, Chen, M.T. Dove, A. Evans, A.P. Giddy, S. Marais, S.
Padlewski, E. Salje and F.S. Tautz), Ferroelectrics, 128, 255 - 264 (1992).
Anisotropic segregation in a gravitational field, (with K. Binder and S. Puri), in From Phase
Transitions to Chaos, ed. G. Gyorgyi et al, World Scientific, Singapore (1992).
Dynamics of an impurity spin coupled to a dissipative bath (with T. Qureshi), Ber. Bunsenges, Phys.
Chem., 95, 433 - 437 (1991).
Dissipative two-state system, in Path-Integral methods and their applications, eds. D.C. Khandekar
and S.V. Lawande, IPA publication, Bombay, 52 - 58, (1990).
Time windows of various nuclear methods for the observation of spin dynamical processes,
Hyperfine Interactions, 49, 253 - 266 (1989).
Random strain ordering of quenched-in interstitials in b.c.c. metals: non-Debye anelastic response,
in Non-Debye relaxation in condensed matter, ed. T.V. Ramakrishnan and M. Raj Lakshmi, World
Scientific, 371 - 380 (1987).
Role of friction in tunneling motion, Hyperfine Interactions 35, 787 - 798 (1987).
Muon diffusion in the presence of traps: Some recent results on the zero-field spin depolarization,
Journal of Madras University, B45, 266 - 273 (1982).
Muon diffusion in the presence of traps: Some recent results on the zero-field spin depolarization,
Journal of Madras University, B45, 266 - 273 (1982).
Orientational dynamics of sulphate ions in potash alum (with A.K. Sood, A.K. Arora and G.
Venkataraman), Jour. de Physique 42 - 66, 572 - 574 (1981).
Hyperfine spectra in the presence of relaxation, Hyperfine Intns. 4, 942 - 944 (1978).
Paramagnetic Spin relaxation in Cs2 NaYbCl8 (with B.D. Dunlap, G.K. Shenoy and L. Asch), Physica
86-88B 1267 - 1269 (1977).
Spin-relaxation spectra of Gamma_4 quartet (with G.K. Shenoy, B.D. Dunlap and L. Asch), Jour. de
Phys. Colloq. C6, 85 - 87 (1976).