Aging, Exercise, and Muscle Protein Metabolism

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J Appl Physiol 106: 2040 –2048, 2009.

Review First published January 8, 2009; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.91551.2008.

HIGHLIGHTED TOPIC Regulation of Protein Metabolism in Exercise and Recovery

Aging, exercise, and muscle protein metabolism

René Koopman1,2 and Luc J. C. van Loon1
Department of Human Movement Sciences, Nutrition, and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht, Maastricht University,
Maastricht, The Netherlands; and 2Basic and Clinical Myology Laboratory, Department of Physiology, The University
of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Koopman R, van Loon LJ. Aging, exercise, and muscle protein metabolism.
J Appl Physiol 106: 2040 –2048, 2009. First published January 8, 2009;
doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.91551.2008.—Aging is accompanied by a progressive
loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, leading to the loss of functional capacity
and an increased risk of developing chronic metabolic disease. The age-related loss
of skeletal muscle mass is attributed to a disruption in the regulation of skeletal
muscle protein turnover, resulting in an imbalance between muscle protein synthe-
sis and degradation. As basal (fasting) muscle protein synthesis rates do not seem
to differ substantially between the young and elderly, many research groups have
started to focus on the muscle protein synthetic response to the main anabolic
stimuli, i.e., food intake and physical activity. Recent studies suggest that the
muscle protein synthetic response to food intake is blunted in the elderly. The latter
is now believed to represent a key factor responsible for the age-related decline in
skeletal muscle mass. Physical activity and/or exercise stimulate postexercise
muscle protein accretion in both the young and elderly. However, the latter largely
depends on the timed administration of amino acids and/or protein before, during,
and/or after exercise. Prolonged resistance type exercise training represents an
effective therapeutic strategy to augment skeletal muscle mass and improve
functional performance in the elderly. The latter shows that the ability of the muscle
protein synthetic machinery to respond to anabolic stimuli is preserved up to very
old age. Research is warranted to elucidate the interaction between nutrition,
exercise, and the skeletal muscle adaptive response. The latter is needed to define
more effective strategies that will maximize the therapeutic benefits of lifestyle
intervention in the elderly.
sarcopenia; nutrition; exercise training; muscle hypertrophy

AT PRESENT, MANY DISCUSSIONS focus on the public health impli- a healthy, active lifestyle is the progressive loss of skeletal
cations of global aging. The latter should not be a surprise, as muscle mass with aging, or sarcopenia (7, 42, 85) (see Fig. 1).
demographics show that the world’s population aged 60 yr and Lean muscle mass generally contributes up to ⬃50% of total
over will triple within 50 yr, from 600 million in the year 2000 body weight in young adults but declines with aging to 25%
to more than 2 billion by 2050. Two-thirds of the elderly when reaching an age of 75– 80 yr (108, 109). The loss of
people are presently living in the developed world, and this muscle mass is typically offset by gains in fat mass. The loss
will continue to rise up to 75%. Due to greater longevity, the of muscle mass is most notable in the lower limb muscle
subpopulation of elderly people aged 80 yr and over is pres- groups, with the cross-sectional area of the vastus lateralis
ently the fastest growing subpopulation in the developed world being reduced by as much as 40% between the age of 20 and
(130). This global aging will have a major impact on our 80 yr (79). On a muscle fiber level, sarcopenia is characterized
healthcare system due to increased morbidity and greater need by specific type II muscle fiber atrophy, fiber necrosis, fiber-
for hospitalization and/or institutionalization. Good health is type grouping, and a reduction in type II muscle fiber satellite
essential for older people to remain independent and to con- cell content (62, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 117, 119). The loss of
tinue to actively take part in family and community life. skeletal muscle mass is accompanied by the loss of muscle
Life-long health promotion is warranted to prevent or delay the strength, a decline in functional capacity (6, 21, 45, 75, 77, 83,
onset of noncommunicable and chronic metabolic diseases, 94, 134), and a reduction in whole body and skeletal muscle
like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. oxidative capacity (89, 90, 108). The absolute decline in
One of the factors that plays an important role in the loss of muscle mass and muscle oxidative capacity, in combination
functional performance and, as such, the capacity to maintain with a greater fat mass, contributes to the greater risk of
developing insulin resistance and/or type 2 diabetes due to the
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: L. J. C. van Loon,
reduced capacity for blood glucose disposal and a greater
Dept. of Human Movement Sciences, Maastricht Univ., PO Box 616, 6200 likelihood of excess lipid deposition in liver and skeletal
MD Maastricht, The Netherlands (e-mail: muscle tissue. The latter will also lead to hyperlipidemia,
2040 8750-7587/09 $8.00 Copyright © 2009 the American Physiological Society http://www.
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the regulation of skeletal muscle protein turnover, leading to a
structural imbalance between muscle protein synthesis and
degradation. In an attempt to unravel the proposed impairments
in muscle protein metabolism in the elderly, many research
groups first assessed basal muscle protein synthesis and/or
protein breakdown rates in both young and elderly subjects (4,
29, 58, 63, 64, 93, 105, 109, 124 –128, 135, 136). Some groups
observed substantially lower basal mixed, myofibrillar, and/or
mitochondrial muscle protein synthesis rates in the elderly vs.
the young (4, 58, 105, 109, 127, 128, 135, 136). However,
more recent studies have failed to reproduce these findings and
generally show little or no differences in basal muscle protein
synthesis rates between the young and old (29, 63, 64, 93,
124 –126). The apparent discrepancy in the reported basal
muscle protein synthesis rates in the young vs. the elderly
might, at least partly, be attributed to differences in health
status, habitual physical activity, and/or dietary habits between
the selected young and elderly subjects. Furthermore, it should
be noted that the assessment of fractional muscle protein
synthetic rate in vivo in humans has its methodological limi-
tations. The sensitivity of the measurement and large intersub-
ject variance in basal muscle protein synthesis rates limit the
ability to detect small, but physiologically relevant differences
between groups. In contrast, a 30 – 40% lower basal protein
synthesis rate, as observed previously in the elderly (4, 58, 105,
109, 127, 128, 135, 136), is unlikely representative of a normal
physiological condition. Without a similar, concomitant de-
cline in muscle protein breakdown rate, such protein synthesis
rates would be accompanied by rapid muscle wasting. There-
fore, the hypothesis that basal fasting protein synthesis and/or
breakdown rates are not (substantially) impaired with aging
generally receives more support (126). Nonetheless, it should
be noted that even minor differences in basal muscle protein
synthesis and/or breakdown rate (⬍10%) would be clinically
relevant when calculating their impact over one or more
decades before sarcopenia becomes evident. Therefore, more
sensitive methods should be developed to assess both basal
muscle protein synthesis and breakdown rates in vivo in
humans. In particular, more work is needed to develop valid
methods to assess muscle protein breakdown rates in various
settings. Due to methodological limitations, the regulation of
muscle protein breakdown, as opposed to protein synthesis, has
received relatively little attention. Nonetheless, as basal (fast-
ing) muscle protein synthesis rates do not seem to differ
Fig. 1. Computed tomography (CT) scan of the upper leg (midthigh level) in substantially between the young and elderly, many research
a young and old subject, matched for body mass and height. Note the reduced groups have since refocused on the proposed disturbances in
muscle area, increased subcutaneous fat, and increased fat and connective the muscle protein synthetic response to the main anabolic
tissue infiltration into the muscle in the elderly subject.
stimuli, i.e., food intake and physical activity.


hypertension, and cardiovascular comorbidities. Therefore, it is
evident that preventing, attenuating, and/or reversing the de- It has been well established that protein turnover in skeletal
cline in skeletal muscle mass should form a main target in muscle tissue is highly responsive to nutrient intake (102).
interventional strategies to promote healthy aging. Ingestion of amino acids and/or protein strongly stimulates
muscle protein synthesis and inhibits protein breakdown, re-
sulting in a positive net protein balance in both the young and
The age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass is facilitated by elderly (92, 93, 102, 121, 125). Interestingly, data from recent
a combination of factors, which include a less than optimal diet studies suggest that the muscle protein synthetic response to
(23, 25, 27) and a sedentary lifestyle (89). The decline in the ingestion of smaller, meal-like amounts of amino acids (29,
muscle tissue with aging must be attributed to a disruption in 64) is attenuated in the elderly compared with young controls.
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The latter is now believed to represent one of the key factors labeled free amino acids to a protein-containing drink does not
responsible for the age-related decline in skeletal muscle mass. provide an accurate measure of the digestion and absorption
The mechanisms that might be responsible for the proposed kinetics of the ingested dietary protein (15). To accurately
anabolic resistance to protein and/or amino acid administration assess the appearance rate of amino acids derived from dietary
in the elderly remain to be elucidated. In addition, it is unclear protein, the labeled amino acids need to be incorporated in the
whether the blunted muscle protein synthetic response to food dietary protein source (8, 17, 31). A series of studies that have
intake is also accompanied by an attenuated postprandial de- applied, specifically produced, intrinsically labeled protein
cline in muscle protein breakdown in the elderly (56). Cuth- have been instrumental in the development of the fast vs. slow
bertson et al. (29) reported that signaling protein concentra- protein concept (8, 14, 30 –32). These studies show that inges-
tions differ between old and young muscle and showed an tion of a slowly digested protein (casein) leads to a more
attenuated rise in the activation of key signaling proteins in the positive protein balance compared with the ingestion of a fast
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway after ingest- digestible protein (whey) or a mixture of free amino acids in
ing 10-g essential amino acids (EAAs) in the elderly vs. the healthy, young subjects (30). However, in the elderly, the
young. These findings seem to be in line with previous obser- postprandial protein anabolic response turned out to be the
vations by Guillet et al. (55) and suggest that an anabolic signal opposite. Ingestion of a fast protein (whey) was shown to result
might not be sensed and/or transduced as well in muscle tissue in greater net protein retention compared with a slow protein
of elderly compared with younger subjects (13, 29). The EAAs (casein) when provided in healthy, elderly men (8, 14, 31, 32).
(114, 122), and leucine in particular (91, 111), seem to repre- The latter might be attributed to the proposed anabolic resis-
sent the main anabolic signal responsible for the postprandial tance of the muscle protein synthetic machinery to become
increase in muscle protein synthesis. In accordance, recent activated in elderly muscle. In accordance, it has been reported
studies demonstrate that the attenuated muscle protein syn- that protein pulse feeding (providing up to 80% of daily protein
thetic response to food intake in the elderly can, at least partly, intake in one meal) leads to greater protein retention than
be compensated for by increasing the leucine content of a meal ingesting the same amount of protein provided over four meals
(63, 103). Leucine has been shown to stimulate net protein throughout the day (spread-feeding) in elderly women (2, 3). In
accretion via insulin-dependent as well as -independent path- agreement, pulse feeding did not lead to greater protein reten-
ways. There is still considerable controversy regarding the tion than spread feeding when applied in young females (2).
proposed role of insulin in regulating the postprandial muscle All of these findings agree with the concept that the post-
protein anabolic response (29, 51, 56, 95, 98, 123, 124). Some prandial muscle protein synthetic response is set off by a
propose that insulin is rather permissive instead of modulatory, specific nutritional signal, most likely the postprandial rise in
and that plasma insulin levels of ⬃10 –15 ␮U/ml are sufficient plasma availability of one or more specific EAAs and/or the
to allow a maximal muscle protein synthetic response (13, 29). concomitant insulin response, allowing the amino acids to
However, evidence has been provided suggesting that muscle reach the extracellular matrix of the target tissue, and that the
protein synthesis is resistant to the anabolic action of insulin in sensitivity and/or capacity of this signaling process is impaired
the elderly (98, 124). The latter seems to be attributed to a less with aging. Much effort is presently being directed toward the
responsive impact of physiological hyperinsulinemia on the discovery of such an extracellular amino acid sensing mecha-
increase in skeletal muscle blood flow and subsequent amino nism in skeletal muscle tissue. The latter will further our
acid availability in aged muscle (50, 98). The latter would also understanding of the proposed impact of the anabolic response
agree with a reduced activation of the mTOR signaling path- to food intake in the etiology of sarcopenia.
way and with the lesser increase in the muscle protein synthetic
rate following amino acid/protein ingestion in the elderly (29). EXERCISE AND MUSCLE PROTEIN METABOLISM
Furthermore, the presence of impairments in dietary protein
digestion and/or amino acid absorption might also be (partly) Physical activity, in particular resistance-type exercise, is a
responsible for a blunted muscle protein synthetic response to powerful stimulus to promote net muscle protein anabolism,
amino acid/protein ingestion in the elderly (16). It has been resulting in specific metabolic and morphological adaptations
proposed that the digestion rate of protein is an independent in skeletal muscle tissue. Resistance-type exercise training can
regulating factor of postprandial protein anabolism (30). Im- effectively increase muscle strength, muscle mass and, as such,
paired protein digestion and/or absorption might attenuate improve physical performance and functional capacity (37).
and/or reduce the appearance rate of dietary amino acids in the Following a single bout of resistance-type exercise, muscle
circulation, thereby lowering the postprandial muscle protein IGF-I gene expression is temporally increased (28), whereas
synthetic rate. Furthermore, amino acid uptake in the splanch- myostatin expression is reduced (89). As a result, mRNA
nic area has been shown to be elevated in the elderly (16, 125), translation is enhanced (104), and DNA transcription is in-
which implies that less of the ingested amino acids are avail- creased, via activation of transcription factors like MyoD and
able for muscle protein synthesis (14). Evidence to support the myogenin (133) (see Fig. 2).
existence of differences in digestion and absorption kinetics A single bout of resistance-type exercise accelerates muscle
and the subsequent muscle protein synthetic response to dietary protein synthesis rates within 2– 4 h (96). Increased protein
protein intake between young and elderly humans remains synthesis rates have been reported to persist for up to 16 h in
lacking. The latter is largely due to the restrictions set by the trained (112) and 24 – 48 h in untrained individuals (28, 96,
methodology that has been used to assess the appearance rate 112) following a single bout of exercise. The increase in mixed
of amino acids from the gut into the circulation. As free amino muscle protein synthesis rates following resistance-type exer-
acids and protein-derived amino acids exhibit a different tim- cise is largely attributed to an increase in myofibrillar protein
ing and efficiency of intestinal absorption (17), simply adding synthesis (127, 131, 136). Interestingly, muscle protein break-
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in protein degradation (12). In a more practical, physiological
setting, oral administration of repeated boluses of a protein
and/or amino acid mixture ingested following resistance-type
exercise also substantially increases muscle protein synthesis
rates (70, 72). Furthermore, ingestion of a large, single bolus of
protein and/or amino acids (30 – 40 g) following exercise also
effectively accelerates postexercise muscle protein synthesis
rates (113). Moreover, ingestion of smaller amounts of EAAs
or intact protein with and without carbohydrate have all been
shown to augment postexercise protein synthesis rates and
improve net protein balance (19, 33, 34, 87, 99, 112, 132). In
short, it has been well established that postexercise amino
acid/protein ingestion represents an effective strategy to aug-
ment the anabolic response to exercise.
It has been suggested that the timing of amino acid/protein
Fig. 2. Scatterplot of the correlation between total thigh muscle cross-sectional intake is instrumental to further optimize the anabolic response
area (CSA) measured by CT scan and one-repetition maximum (1 RM) leg to exercise (9, 36, 115). As a result, several research groups
press strength. Data were measured in 60 elderly men, aged 65– 86 yr. r ⫽ have studied the efficacy of protein/amino acid ingestion be-
0.70; P ⬍ 0.001 (Verdijk LB, Beelen M, Snijders T, Kuipers H, van Loon LJC, fore and/or during exercise to further augment muscle protein
unpublished observations).
synthesis. Recently, we reported that protein ingestion before
and during endurance- (68) and resistance-type (9) exercise
down is also stimulated following exercise, albeit to a lesser stimulates whole body (9, 68) and mixed muscle protein
extent than protein synthesis (11, 96). The latter results in an synthesis (9) during exercise. The latter is in agreement with
improved net muscle protein balance that persists up to 48 h in the observation that protein intake before exercise augments
untrained individuals (96). Although a single bout of resis- activation of the mTOR pathway during subsequent postexer-
tance-type exercise stimulates muscle protein synthesis to a cise recovery (69). Protein ingestion before and/or during
greater extend than protein degradation, net muscle protein exercise may further enhance muscle protein anabolism by
balance remains negative in the absence of nutrient intake (96). blunting the exercise-induced increase in protein breakdown.
Consequently, both exercise and nutrition are required to Interestingly, a recent study by Fujita et al. (48) showed no
obtain a positive protein balance and, as such, allow muscle additional benefits of the ingestion of small amounts of EAAs
hypertrophy. Carbohydrate and protein/amino acid ingestion before resistance-type exercise on postexercise muscle protein
during recovery from exercise forms an effective strategy to synthesis rates, despite significantly elevated phosphorylation
stimulate muscle protein synthesis, inhibit protein degradation, of S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) and 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1). In
and, as such, to enable net muscle protein accretion. Ingestion addition, a recent study from our laboratory showed no effect
of carbohydrate during postexercise recovery has been shown of protein ingestion before, during, and after exercise on
to improve net leg amino acid balance (18), which has been muscle protein synthesis measured during subsequent over-
attributed to the concomitant increase in circulating plasma night recovery (10). The latter might be attributed to the fact
insulin concentrations (106). In accordance, the elevation of that subjects were studied in the fed state, performing exercise
plasma insulin levels has been shown to increase net muscle in the evening after receiving a standardized diet throughout
protein anabolism in vivo in humans (53, 60). However, insulin the day. Clearly, more research is warranted to assess the
should not be regarded as a primary regulator of muscle protein impact of timing of food intake on the skeletal muscle adaptive
synthesis, as insulin exerts only a modest effect on muscle response to exercise.
protein synthesis in the absence of elevated amino acid con- As discussed previously, the increase in extracellular leucine
centrations (29). In rodent models, it has been reported that an concentration has been proposed to represent an important
increase in circulating plasma insulin concentrations does not nutritional signal that drives the postprandial increase in mus-
further enhance mRNA translation initiation during postexer- cle protein synthesis (66). Therefore, it has been suggested that
cise recovery (38, 52, 65). In a recent attempt to assess whether ingestion of additional leucine during postexercise recovery
carbohydrate coingestion is required to maximize postexercise could further accelerate postexercise muscle protein synthesis
muscle protein synthesis, we observed no surplus effect of rates. Recently, Dreyer et al. (33) reported that ingestion of a
carbohydrate coingestion on postexercise muscle protein syn- leucine-enriched EAA and carbohydrate mixture following
thesis under conditions in which ample protein is ingested (67). resistance-type exercise enhances mTOR signaling and muscle
Although carbohydrate coingestion does not seem to be re- protein synthesis in vivo in humans. However, previous obser-
quired to maximize postexercise muscle protein synthesis vations in our laboratory showed no surplus value of additional
rates, it is likely that carbohydrate coingestion can further leucine supplementation in either young or old subjects when
inhibit the postexercise increase in muscle protein breakdown a substantial amount of protein was being ingested during
(18), thereby improving net protein balance (18, 106). postexercise recovery (70, 71).
There is a substantial amount of evidence showing that
protein/amino acid administration effectively stimulates mus- AGING AND THE ANABOLIC RESPONSE TO EXERCISE
cle protein synthesis. Hyperaminoacidemia, following intrave-
nous amino acid infusion, increases postexercise muscle pro- There is substantial evidence that muscle protein synthesis is
tein synthesis rates and prevents the exercise-induced increase responsive to exercise in both the young and elderly. In studies
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performed in young and elderly individuals, resistance- and in the elderly naturally resides in the long-term impact on
endurance-type exercise have been shown to stimulate mixed skeletal muscle mass and strength, and the implications for
muscle protein synthesis (35, 49, 74, 107, 128, 136). Both functional capacity and the risk of developing chronic meta-
young and elderly humans show a substantial increase in bolic disease. In accordance with the previously discussed
MyoD and myogenic regulatory factor 4 and a reduction in work, it has been well established that the ability of the muscle
myostatin gene expression following exercise (100). Although protein synthetic machinery to respond to anabolic stimuli is
some studies have reported subtle differences in changes in preserved until very old age (40, 47). Resistance-type exercise
gene expression and anabolic signaling (57), early studies interventions have been shown to be effective in augmenting
indicate that the protein synthetic response to resistance-type skeletal muscle mass, increasing muscle strength, and/or im-
exercise does not differ considerably between the young and proving functional capacity in the elderly (1, 5, 20, 39 – 41, 44,
elderly (58, 136). In contrast, a more recent study shows 46, 47, 54, 59, 61, 73, 80, 84, 117, 118, 120). In addition,
anabolic resistance of anabolic signaling (i.e., 4E-BP1 and endurance-type exercise activities have been shown to enhance
S6K1) and muscle protein synthesis to resistance-type exercise skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, resulting in greater endur-
in elderly men compared with young controls, with measure- ance capacity (109, 110).
ments being performed in the postabsorptive state (74). In Despite numerous studies addressing the need for protein
addition, it has recently been suggested that gene expression of and/or carbohydrate ingestion before, during, and/or after ex-
proteolytic regulators, such as atrogin-1, are elevated in old ercise to allow net muscle protein accretion, there is remark-
compared with young muscle at rest, and gene expression ably little evidence that dietary cointerventions can further
increased even further in response to resistance-type exercise augment the adaptive response to prolonged exercise training
in the elderly (101). These findings suggest that the regulation in the elderly. Even the proposed importance of ample dietary
of ubiquitin proteasome-related genes involved with muscle protein intake in the long-term adaptive response to resistance
atrophy might be altered in the elderly. More work is needed to training in the elderly has been a topic of intense debate (23,
assess the impact of exercise and specific exercise modalities 25, 88). The current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
on postexercise muscle protein synthesis and breakdown rates for habitual protein intake of 0.8 g䡠kg⫺1 䡠day⫺1 (97, 116) has
and associated myocellular signaling in the young and elderly. been suggested to be marginal to allow lean mass accretion
We have previously shown that muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise training in the elderly (26). More-
rates tend to be lower in elderly (⬃75 yr) compared with young over, it has been suggested that the RDA is even insufficient
controls under conditions in which resistance-type exercise is for long-term maintenance of skeletal muscle mass in seden-
followed by food intake (70). However, combined ingestion of tary elderly (27). However, more recent work by the same
carbohydrate and protein during recovery from physical activ- group indicates that dietary protein requirements do not in-
ity resulted in similar increases in mixed muscle protein syn- crease with age, and that a dietary protein allowance of 0.85
thesis rates in young and elderly men (70). In line with these g 䡠kg⫺1 䡠day⫺1 is adequate (24).
findings, Drummond et al. (35) recently reported similar post- In accordance, when habitual dietary protein intake is stan-
exercise muscle protein synthesis rates over a 5-h recovery dardized at 0.9 g䡠kg⫺1 䡠day⫺1, exercise-induced increases in
period in young vs. elderly subjects following ingestion of muscle mass become apparent, and a further increase in protein
carbohydrate with an EAA mixture. However, their data indi- intake does not seem to have any additional effect (61). The
cated that the anabolic response to exercise and food intake latter might explain why most studies fail to observe any
was delayed in the elderly. During the first 3 h of postexercise additional benefit of nutritional cointervention on the skeletal
recovery, the young subjects showed a substantial increase in muscle adaptive response to prolonged resistance-type exercise
muscle protein synthesis rate, which was not observed in the training in the elderly (22, 40, 41, 43, 47, 54, 59, 61, 86, 118,
elderly. The latter may be attributed to a more pronounced 129). However, the absence of any benefits of nutritional
activation of AMP-activated protein kinase and/or reduced cointervention may well be attributed to a less than optimal
extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 activation during exercise, timing of amino acid and/or protein supplementation that was
which seems to be in line with the recently reported attenuated applied in these studies. Esmarck et al. (36) concluded that an
rise in 4E-BP1 phosphorylation following resistance-type ex- early intake of a protein-containing supplement immediately
ercise in the elderly (74). The mechanisms responsible for the after each bout of resistance-type exercise, as opposed to 2 h
delayed intramyocellular activation of the mTOR pathway later, is required for skeletal muscle hypertrophy to occur
remain unclear, but might include differences in muscle re- following 12 wk of intervention in the elderly. However, the
cruitment, muscle fiber-type composition, capacity, and/or sen- absence of any hypertrophy in the control group receiving the
sitivity of the muscle protein synthetic machinery, the presence same supplement 2 h after cessation of each exercise bout
of an inflammatory state, and/or the impact of stress on the seems to be in conflict with previous studies that show muscle
cellular energy status of the cell between the young and the hypertrophy following resistance training without any dietary
elderly. intervention. Nevertheless, the proposed importance of nutrient
timing is supported by more recent studies investigating the
EXERCISE TRAINING IN THE ELDERLY impact of amino acid or protein coingestion before, during,
and/or after exercise on the acute muscle protein synthetic
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gating the mechanisms responsible for the muscle protein protein supplementation during prolonged exercise interven-
anabolic response to food intake and/or exercise generally tion, we recently compared increases in skeletal muscle mass
focus on the acute skeletal muscle adaptive response. However, and strength following 3 mo of resistance-type exercise train-
the clinical relevance of nutritional and/or exercise intervention ing, with or without protein ingestion before and immediately
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J Appl Physiol • VOL 106 • JUNE 2009 •

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