FJ 201701403RRR
FJ 201701403RRR
FJ 201701403RRR
ABSTRACT: Skeletal muscle regeneration after disuse is essential for muscle maintenance and involves the regulation
of both mass- and metabolic plasticity–related processes. However, the relation between these processes during
recovery from disuse remains unclear. In this study, we explored the potential interrelationship between the
molecular regulation of muscle mass and oxidative metabolism during recovery from disuse. Molecular profiles
were measured in biopsies from the vastus lateralis of healthy men after 1-leg cast immobilization and after 1 wk
reloading, and in mouse gastrocnemius obtained before and after hindlimb suspension and during reloading (RL-1,
-2, -3, -5, and -8 d). Cluster analysis of the human recovery response revealed correlations between myogenesis and
autophagy markers in 2 clusters, which were distinguished by the presence of markers of early myogenesis,
autophagosome formation, and mitochondrial turnover vs. markers of late myogenesis, autophagy initiation, and
mitochondrial mass. In line with these findings, an early transient increase in B-cell lymphoma-2 interacting protein-
3 and sequestosome-1 protein, and GABA type A receptor-associated protein like-1 protein and mRNA and a late
increase in myomaker and myosin heavy chain-8 mRNA, microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-II:I ratio,
and FUN14 domain-containing-1 mRNA and protein were observed in mice. In summary, the regulatory profiles of
protein, mitochondrial, and myonuclear turnover are correlated and temporally associated, suggesting a coordinated
regulation of muscle mass– and oxidative metabolism–related processes during recovery from disuse.—Kneppers,
A., Leermakers, P., Pansters, N., Backx, E., Gosker, H., van Loon, L., Schols, A., Langen, R., Verdijk, L. Coordinated
regulation of skeletal muscle mass and metabolic plasticity during recovery from disuse. FASEB J. 33, 1288–1298 (2019).
KEY WORDS: remobilization • remodeling • protein turnover • myogenesis • mitophagy
Skeletal muscles are essential to generate the forces for makeup, which are tightly regulated and can rapidly adapt
postural support and physical function. Furthermore, to alterations in mechanical and metabolic demands—
representing half of the body mass and being highly referred to as skeletal muscle plasticity.
metabolically active, skeletal muscle tissue is an important Muscle disuse results from low skeletal muscle me-
site for control of metabolism (1). These functions are chanical loading, such as occurs with bed rest during
supported by the muscles’ biochemical and morphologic hospitalization after surgery or acute illness, with immo-
bilization after a fracture, and with certain chronic dis-
eases. It is well established that disuse leads to a reduction
ABBREVIATIONS: 1-RM, one-repetition maximum; BECN, beclin; BL,
of skeletal muscle strength (2) and mass (2, 3), which re-
baseline; BNIP3, BCL2 interacting protein 3; CSA, cross-sectional area;
FUNDC1, FUN14 domain containing 1; GABARAPL1, GABA type A re- sults from a negative balance in muscle protein turnover
ceptor associated protein like 1; MAP1LC3B, microtubule associated (2, 4). In addition, disuse affects muscle quality, including a
protein 1 light chain 3 b; MSTN, myostatin; MYH, myosin heavy chain; transition from a slow to fast fiber type (5–7), a shift from
MYMK, myomaker; MYOG, myogenin; OPTN, optineurin; PAX, paired
box; PINK1, PTEN-induced putative kinase 1; PRKN, parkin RBR E3
fat oxidation toward glycolysis (8), a decrease in mito-
ubiquitin protein ligase; RL, reloading; SC, satellite cell; SQSTM1, chondrial mass and function (9–12), and a reduction in
sequestosome 1; TBST, Tris-buffered saline with Tween 20; UL, unloading; vascularization (13).
ULK1, unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 1 The above-mentioned qualitative alterations in re-
These authors contributed equally to this work. sponse to disuse collectively reduce the capacity for oxi-
Correspondence: Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, dative metabolism. It has been suggested that these
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. E-mail: lex.verdijk@ metabolic alterations represent an adaptation to a de-
creased energy requirement resulting from a reduction in
doi: 10.1096/fj.201701403RRR
This article includes supplemental data. Please visit to the level of protein turnover upon disuse (8). On the other
obtain this information. hand, a study showed that the inhibition of disuse-induced
1290 Vol. 33 January 2019 The FASEB Journal x KNEPPERS ET AL.
The RL response per parameter of paired data (human bi- myogenesis (i.e., proliferation). Moreover, most of the
opsies) was tested by paired-samples t test. The time-dependent autophagy markers in cluster 3 [i.e., optineurin (OPTN)
RL response (mouse muscle) was tested by 1-way ANOVA with mRNA, and microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3
Dunnett’s post hoc test, using UL as a reference group. Data are
b (MAP1LC3B)-II, MAP1LC3B-I, and beclin (BECN)-1
expressed as means 6 SEM, unless indicated otherwise. Statistical
analyses were performed with SPSS Statistics (v.22.0; IBM, protein] are indicators of autophagosome formation,
Armonk, NY, USA). whereas most of the autophagy markers in cluster 4 [i.e.,
phosphorylated unc-51–like autophagy-activating kinase
1 (ULK1) ser556, pULK1ser556:ULK1 ratio, pULK1ser758,
RESULTS pULK1ser758:ULK1 ratio, GABA type A receptor–
associated protein-like 1 (GABARAPL1), and sequestosome
One week of remobilization after leg immobilization–
1 (SQSTM1) protein] are indicators of autophagy initiation.
induced atrophy tended to increase quadriceps CSA
(Table 1). However, neither quadriceps CSA nor muscle
force measured by 1-RM had returned to preimmobilization Induction of late myogenic markers after
baseline levels, indicating that recovery was still ongoing. 5 d of RL in mice
Regulators and mediators of myogenesis, The distinct clustering of early (cluster 4) and late (cluster
autophagy, and mitochondrial mass and 3) myogenesis markers upon remobilization in human
dynamics correlate during recovery from subjects may reflect a time-dependent expression pattern
muscle disuse in humans of these markers, as previously observed for early myo-
genesis markers by Pansters et al. (30). This RL time-course
To address whether there is a correlation between alterations mouse study was therefore used to address those time-
in skeletal muscle mass– and oxidative metabolism– dependent expression patterns. In this study, UL de-
related processes during RL after disuse, we measured creased the myofiber CSA, myonuclear domain, and
the protein and mRNA expression of several regulators number of nuclei per fiber (Fig. 2A–C). Ongoing recovery
and mediators of protein turnover, mitochondrial turn- was indicated by an incomplete normalization of CSA and
over, and myonuclear turnover, before and after 7 d of myonuclear domain up to RL-8, and the number of nuclei
RL in humans and clustered the correlations between per fiber was significantly restored at RL-3 and -8. This
relative RL responses based on similarity. From this, 4 restoration of the myonuclei was paralleled by a tendency
clusters of parameters were identified (Fig. 1). toward an increased number of SCs at RL-3 (Fig. 2D, E).
Cluster 1 appeared enriched in markers of protein To assess whether late myogenesis markers indeed
turnover signaling, whereas cluster 2 seemed to be display a distinct temporal expression pattern, we mea-
enriched in markers of muscle mass and function (Sup- sured markers of SC fusion and early myofiber re-
plemental Table S3). Furthermore, two major clusters (3, 4) generation in mouse gastrocnemius at 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 d of
occurred in which markers of myogenesis and autophagy RL after hindlimb suspension. At RL-1 and -2, Myh9 was
were strongly represented (Supplemental Table S3). This transiently increased and gradually normalized at RL-5
strong representation of myogenesis and autophagy and -8 (Fig. 3). The expression of another, novel fusion
markers was accompanied by a high percentage of marker, myomaker (Mymk), was strongly but transiently
markers of mitochondrial turnover and mitochondrial induced at RL-5. Furthermore, Myh8 was induced at RL-5
dynamics in cluster 3, whereas cluster 4 was concomi- and -8. Expression of the muscle-specific gene creatine
tantly enriched in markers of mitochondrial mass and kinase (Ckm) was reduced upon UL, and was transiently
appeared enriched in markers of mitochondrial dynamics, further reduced at RL-1, -2, and -3, whereas expression of
and to some extent, protein turnover (Supplemental Table the negative regulator of muscle mass Mstn was reduced at
S3). Furthermore, most of the myogenesis markers repre- RL-5 and -8.
sented in cluster 3 [i.e., myogenic factor (MYF)-5, myosin
heavy chain (MYH)-8, myogenin (MYOG), and MYH9 Parallel modulation of autophagy and
mRNA] are associated with late stages of myogenesis (i.e., myogenesis in mice
differentiation and fusion), whereas most of the myo-
genesis regulators and markers represented in cluster 4 To address whether the temporal expression patterns of
[i.e., myostatin (MSTN) protein, and cyclin D1, PAX7, and early and late myogenesis markers coincide with a tem-
cadherin 15 mRNA] are associated with early stages of poral regulation of autophagy (as suggested from clusters
Data are expressed as means 6 SEM. *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01, ***P , 0.001 vs. preimmobilization,
P , 0.1 vs. postimmobilization.
3 and 4), mRNA and protein levels of indicators of auto- but transient increase at RL-1 compared to UL, although
phagosome formation and markers of autophagy capacity Gabarapl1 mRNA was initially reduced upon UL (Figs. 4
and autophagy initiation were measured. and 5). The mRNA expression of Optn, Becn1, and auto-
The relative protein expression of Map1lc3b-I displayed phagy related-7 were unaltered during RL (Fig. 5).
an acute but transient increase at RL-1, -2, and -3, whereas To further address a main regulatory step in the con-
Map1lc3b-II levels remained largely unaltered (Fig. 4). The version of changes in autophagy capacity into flux, the
Map1lc3b-II:I ratio was decreased at RL-1, but sub- activating and inhibiting phosphorylation of Ulk1 was
sequently normalized, and even increased at RL-8. Fur- assessed. Both absolute and relative activating Ulk1
thermore, the relative mRNA expression of Map1lc3b was phosphorylation (ser555) were increased during RL, up to
decreased at RL-2, -3, and -5, and seemed to be partially RL-3 (Fig. 6). However, in parallel, both absolute and rel-
normalized at RL-8 (Fig. 5). In contrast, Gabarapl1 and ative inhibiting Ulk1 phosphorylation (ser757) were in-
Sqstm1 protein and mRNA expression displayed an acute creased during RL, up to RL-5.
1292 Vol. 33 January 2019 The FASEB Journal x KNEPPERS ET AL.
Figure 2. Changes in myofiber
CSA, myonuclear domain (MD),
and the number of myonuclei
and SCs during muscle disuse and
recovery in mice. A–D) Gastroc-
nemius muscles were collected at
baseline (BL), after 14 d of UL, or
after 1, 3, or 8 d of RL, for
immunohistochemical determi-
nation of mean muscle fiber
CSA (A); MD (B); mean number
of myonuclei (C); and mean
number of PAX7+ SCs per mus-
cle fiber (D). E) Representation
of immunohistochemical detec-
tion of laminin (red) and PAX7
(green), and nuclei stained with
DAPI (blue). Arrowheads: PAX7+
SCs, arrows: myofiber nuclei. #P
, 0.1, *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01, vs.
BL, and $P , 0.05 vs. UL.
1294 Vol. 33 January 2019 The FASEB Journal x KNEPPERS ET AL.
Despite our comprehensive analysis of autophagy
regulation, we did not measure autophagy flux and
therefore cannot draw an unambiguous conclusion re-
garding the net effect of RL on the autophagy flux itself.
Furthermore, alterations in expression levels of several
autophagy regulators and mediators seem contradictory,
which emphasizes the complexity of autophagy regula-
tion during recovery after disuse. We speculate that this
complexity reflects the degradation of specific targets (e.g.,
mitochondria), which is in accordance with a possible in-
volvement of autophagy in skeletal muscle metabolic
plasticity in addition to its classic role in muscle mass
regulation (67, 68). Recent papers suggest a crucial role for
autophagy, and more specifically, mitophagy, in skeletal
muscle functional regeneration (69, 70).
During recovery after disuse in mice, the gene expres-
sion of the mitochondrial damage-related mitophagy
Figure 6. Temporal changes in protein expression of markers of regulator Pink1 tends to be decreased, whereas Prkn is
autophagy initiation upon recovery from muscle disuse in mice. unaltered. In addition, Prkn protein expression is un-
Protein expression of ULK1, p-ULK1(ser555), p-ULK1(ser555): altered during remobilization, although it should be noted
ULK1 ratio, p-ULK1(ser757), and p-ULK1(ser757):ULK1 ratio was
that this mitophagy pathway is also modulated by post-
assessed in gastrocnemius upon recovery from 14 d hindlimb
suspension. *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01, ***P , 0.001 vs. UL. translational modifications (71), which were not assessed
in this study. Receptor-mediated mitophagy via BNIP3L,
BNIP3, and FUNDC1 can be induced by both hypoxia and
the previously observed acute and sustained increase in increased oxidative stress (72), of which an increase during
protein synthesis signaling (30, 58–60) and increased pro- RL has been documented (73, 74). Bnip3 protein expression
tein synthesis rates upon RL (61). This anabolic state pre- transiently increased, and subsequently decreased during
cedes myonuclear accretion, which supports the notion recovery, which parallels the previously reported alter-
that hypertrophy can occur to some extent independent of ations in Bnip3 mRNA expression in this mouse study (30),
SCs (62). Furthermore, previous studies have consistently and the increase in Bnip3 protein expression reported by
shown a suppression of mediators of the UPS during re- Kang and Ji (74). In contrast, Bnip3l protein expression is
covery from disuse (27, 30, 44, 52, 59, 60, 63–65), whereas a unaltered upon recovery after disuse, whereas Bnip3l
transient increase in proteasome activity (27, 61) and mRNA expression displays a persistent decrease up to RL-
ubiquitin-conjugated proteins (60) have been observed 5. The mRNA and protein expression of Fundc1 is specif-
simultaneously. ically induced at RL-8, suggesting a late-phase response.
In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis These molecular alterations point toward a temporal
of markers of autophagosome formation, autophagy ca- induction of mitophagy both acutely and after 8 d of re-
pacity, and autophagy initiation. From this, we conclude covery after disuse. Nevertheless, previous data suggest
that autophagy is actively regulated both acutely, as well a normalization of mitochondrial content upon several
as after 5 and 8 d of RL, which appears to parallel the days of RL (34, 73–75), likely driven by an increase in
temporal regulation of myonuclear accretion. We showed
an acute but transient increase in the autophagosome
formation markers Map1lc3b-I, Gabarapl1, and Sqstm1
protein, and a decrease and subsequent increase in the
Map1lc3b-II:I ratio that parallels the regulation of late
stages of myogenesis. In line with our data, previous
studies showed an increase in Sqstm1 protein expression
(27) and an increase in Map1lc3b-II:I ratio (31). In addition,
White et al. (63) reported an unaltered Map1lc3b-II:I ratio
after 14 d of RL, potentially reflecting a normalization of
autophagy signaling upon completed recovery. Further-
more, in line with previous studies (59, 66), we showed a
transient decrease in the mRNA expression of the auto-
phagy capacity indicator Map1lc3b and a transient increase
in the mRNA expression of Gabarapl1 relative to UL. In
addition to the reported increase in Ulk1 inhibiting phos-
phorylation (27, 29), we report a concomitant induction Figure 7. Temporal changes in protein expression of
mitophagy regulators and mediators upon recovery from
of Ulk1 inhibiting and activating phosphorylation. This muscle disuse in mice. Protein expression of BNIP3L, BNIP3,
temporal regulation of autophagy initiation resembles the FUNDC1, and PRKN was assessed in gastrocnemius upon
expression pattern of early myogenesis markers observed recovery from 14 d hindlimb suspension. #P , 0.1, *P , 0.05,
by Pansters et al. (30). ***P , 0.001 vs. UL.
Figure 8. Temporal changes in mRNA expression of mitoph-
agy-related genes upon recovery from muscle disuse in mice. A. Kneppers, P. Leermakers, H. Gosker, L. van
mRNA expression of BNIP3L, BNIP3, FUNDC1, PINK1, and Loon, A. Schols, R. Langen, and L. Verdijk designed the
PRKN was assessed in gastrocnemius upon recovery from 14 d research; A. Kneppers, P. Leermakers, E. Backx, and N.
hindlimb suspension. #P , 0.1, *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01, ***P , Pansters performed the research; A. Kneppers analyzed
0.001 vs. UL. the data; A. Kneppers, P. Leermakers, R. Langen, and L.
Verdijk wrote the manuscript; and all authors read and
mitochondrial biogenesis (34, 73). The induction of approved the final manuscript.
mitophagy in the presence of a recovery of mitochondrial
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1298 Vol. 33 January 2019 The FASEB Journal x KNEPPERS ET AL.