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Section 3 Timber and Bamboo: 3B Bamboo


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1 SCOPE … 5


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National Building Code Sectional Committee, CED 46

This Code (Part 6/Subsection 3B) covers the general principles involved in the design of structural bamboo in
buildings with regard to mechanical resistance and durability of structures. Design of both bamboo (round bamboo,
split bamboo, glued laminated bamboo) and bamboo-based panels joined together with adhesives or mechanical
fasteners are covered in this Subsection. It also covers minimum strength data, dimensional stability, grading
requirements and traditional bamboo joints for quality assurance. Constructional aspects using bamboo, such as,
work on site, fabrication of components off-site and their erection on site is also covered to the extent necessary
to indicate and ensure the quality of material and standard of workmanship to comply with the assumptions of the
design rules and the limitations.
Bamboo is a versatile resource possessing high strength-to-weight ratio and cost ratio and offers considerable
ease in working with simpler tools. It has a long and well established tradition as a building material. The application
of bamboo as a constructional material is largely based on established traditions and intuitions of forefathers
throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Resilience coupled with light weight makes bamboo an ideal material for housing in disaster prone/earthquake
prone areas. It has the capacity to withstand repetitive loadings and absorb more energy and show larger deflections
before collapse and as such is safer under earth tremors. As the design guidelines were inadequate, the application
of bamboo as an engineering material was largely based on practical and engineering experience. A need was
therefore felt to develop a Code for design and construction with bamboo so as to cater to a number of social and
trade advantages, engineering recognition and the improved status of bamboo as an engineering material. This
was achieved by adding a new chapter in the last revision of the Code, covering structural design with bamboo.
Forest Research Institute, Dehradun and some other organizations were engaged in bamboo research to establish
its silviculture, botanical, entomological and pathological aspects besides creating a utilization base. All these
works were utilized in the preparation of the last version of this Subsection of the Code.
Some of the suitable species grown in India and neighbouring countries are enlisted in Annex A along with their
local names and source, for general information.
The bamboo culm has a tubular structure consisting essentially of nodes and inter-nodes. In the inter-nodes the
cells are axially oriented while the nodes provide the transverse inter-connection. The disposition of the nodes
and the wall thickness are significant in imparting strength to bamboo against bending and crushing. In a circular
cross-section, bamboo is generally hollow and for structural purposes this form is quite effective and advantageous.
Each of the species of bamboo has widely different characteristics affecting its usefulness as constructional material.
The strength of bamboo culms, their straightness, lightness combined with hardness, range and size of hollowness
make them potentially suitable for a variety of applications both structural and non-structural. With good physical
and mechanical properties, low shrinkage and good average density, bamboo is well suited to replace wood in
several applications, especially in slats and panel form. Mass production of bamboo components, if required, may
be integrated with treatment facilities near to the site of plantation or site of construction, for speed and economy
in construction.
The Section on structural design with bamboo was first published in 2005 as Subsection 3B of Part 6. In the 1983
version of the Code, timber was covered under Section 3 of Part 6 ‘Structural Design’ under the title ‘Wood’,
which did not cover bamboo. In the last version of 2005, the scope of Section 3 was enlarged as Section 3 ‘Timber
and Bamboo’, which was subdivided into Subsection 3A ‘Timber’ and Subsection 3B ‘Bamboo’. This Subsection
pertains to ‘Bamboo’.
As a result of experience gained in implementation of 2005 version of this Code and further research work done
and feedback received as well as formulation of new standards in the field and revision/updation of some of the
existing standards, a need to revise this Subsection was felt. This revision has, therefore, been brought out to take
care of these aspects.


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Supplied by Book Supply Bureau Under the License from BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 08:57:36 ( valid upto31-12-2017
The significant changes incorporated in this revision include the following:
a) This Subsection now also covers construction practices with bamboo which were earlier covered in Part 7
‘Construction Management, Practices and Safety’ of the Code.
b) Definitions of some existing terms have been modified as per the prevailing engineering practice and
new terms relating to bamboo based panel products have been added.
c) Provisions on bamboo trusses have been further updated.
d) Some details about bamboo foundations have been included.
e) Use of bamboo as reinforcement in concrete has been included.
f) Provisions for use of bamboo based materials/panel products as walling, flooring and roofing, and in
in-fill panels for wall and common roof covering/cladding materials, have been included. Some provisions
for reconstituted wood from destructured bamboo have also been included.
g) References to all the concerned Indian Standards have been updated.
With the standardization on design and construction aspects of bamboo in this Subsection of the Code, it is
expected to ensure durable structures, however, some specific guidelines are required in the event of tropical
cyclones in the sub-continent and the traditional non-engineered structures generally constructed. Keeping this in
view, some recommendations are given in Annex B which may be followed in addition to provisions given in the
main text of this Subsection.
The information contained in this Subsection is largely based on the works carried out at Forest Research Institute,
Dehradun, Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute, Bangalore, International Network for Bamboo
and Rattan (INBAR) documents and Indian Standards given below. Assistance has also been derived from
ISO 22156 : 2004 ‘Bamboo-Structural design’.
IS 9096 : 2006 Code of practice for preservation of bamboo for structural purpose (first revision)
IS 15912 : 2012 Code of practice for structural design using bamboo
All standards, whether given herein above or cross-referred to in the main text of this Subsection, are subject to
revision. The parties to agreement based on this Subsection are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
the most recent editions of the standards.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this Subsection is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this Subsection.


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Supplied by Book Supply Bureau Under the License from BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 08:57:36 ( valid upto31-12-2017
Section 3 Timber and Bamboo: 3B Bamboo

1 SCOPE 2.1.5 Cell — A fundamental structural unit of plant

and animal life, consisting of cytoplasm and usually
1.1 This Code (Part 6/Subsection 3B) covers the
enclosing a central nucleus and being surrounded by a
general principles involved in the design of structural
membrane (animal) or a rigid cell wall (plant).
bamboo in buildings with regard to mechanical
resistance and durability of structures. Design of both 2.1.6 Cross Wall — A wall at the node closing the whole
bamboo (round bamboo, split bamboo, glued laminated inside circumference and completely separating the
bamboo) and bamboo-based panels joined together with hollow cavity below from that above (Syn. Diaphragm,
adhesives or mechanical fasteners are covered in this that is, horizontal partition in a standing culm) (see
Subsection. It also covers minimum strength data, also 2.2.17 and 2.2.30).
dimensional stability, grading requirements and
2.1.7 Hemi Cellulose — The polysaccharides
traditional bamboo joints for quality assurance.
consisting of only 150 to 200 sugar molecules, also
Constructional aspects using bamboo, such as, work
much less than the 10 000 of cellulose.
on site, fabrication of components off-site and their
erection on site are also covered to the extent necessary 2.1.8 Lignin — A polymer of phenyl propane units, in
to indicate and ensure the quality of material and its simple form (C6H5CH3CH2CH3).
standard of workmanship to comply with the
2.1.9 Sliver — Thin strips of bamboo processed from
assumptions of the design rules and the limitations.
bamboo culm.
1.2 This Subsection also covers precautions and design
2.1.10 Tissue — Group of cells, which in higher plants
limitations on bamboo. The provisions relating to
consist of (a) Parenchyma — a soft cell of higher plants
proper procurement and storage of bamboo are covered
as found in stem pith or fruit pulp, (b) Epidermis —
in Part 7 ‘Construction Management, Practices and
the outermost layer of cells covering the surface of a
Safety’ of the Code.
plant, when there are several layers of tissue.
1.3 The following aspects are not covered in this
Subsection: 2.2 Structural Purpose Definitions

a) Limit state design and performance of 2.2.1 Bamboo Mat Board — A board made of two or
structures; and more bamboo mats bonded with an adhesive.
b) Scientific designing of bamboo joints and their 2.2.2 Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheet — A sheet made
fastenings. up of adhesive soaked and coated mats assembled and
pressed under specified temperature and pressure to
2 TERMINOLOGY obtain sinusoidal or other suitable corrugations.
For the purpose of this Subsection, the following 2.2.3 Bamboo Mat Veneer Composite — Panel
definitions shall apply. manufactured with a combination of bamboo mat and
veneer. Bamboo mat can be either as outer skins or as
2.1 Anatomical Purpose Definitions
core/cross-bands. However, the composite panel shall
2.1.1 Bamboo — Tall perennial grasses found in be balanced construction on either side of central ply.
tropical and sub-tropical regions. They belong to the
2.2.4 Beam — A structural member which supports
family Poaceae and sub-family Bambusoideae.
load primarily by its internal resistance to bending.
2.1.2 Bamboo Culm — A single shoot of bamboo
2.2.5 Breaking Strength — A term loosely applied to
usually hollow except at nodes which are often
a given structural member with respect to the ultimate
load it can sustain under a given set of conditions.
2.1.3 Bamboo Clump — A cluster of bamboo culms
2.2.6 Bundle-Column — A column consisting of three
emanating from two or more rhizomes in the same
or more number of culms bound as integrated unit with
wire or strap type of fastenings.
2.1.4 Cellulose — A carbohydrate, forming the
NOTE — During bunching of beams/columns, binders (5 mm
fundamental material of all plants and a main source tie bar/wire and 15 mm bamboo dowel pins) may be carefully
of the mechanical properties of biological materials. inserted after proper pre-drilling the holes throughout the
assembly as per the requirements of structural design.


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Supplied by Book Supply Bureau Under the License from BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 08:57:36 ( valid upto31-12-2017
2.2.7 Centre Internode — A test specimen having its 2.2.23 Joist — A small beam directly supporting floor,
centre between two nodes. ceiling or roof of a structure.
2.2.8 Characteristic Load — The value of load which 2.2.24 Length of Internode — Distance between
has a 95 percent probability of not exceeding during adjacent nodes.
the life of the structure.
2.2.25 Loaded End or Compression End Distance —
2.2.9 Characteristic Strength — The strength of the The distance measured from the centre of the fastener
material below which not more than 5 percent of the to the end towards which the load induced by the
test results are expected to fall. fastener acts.
2.2.10 Cleavability — The ease with which bamboo 2.2.26 Machete — A light cutting and slashing tool in
can be split along the longitudinal axis. The action of the form of a large knife.
splitting is known as cleavage.
2.2.27 Mat — A woven sheet made using thin slivers.
2.2.11 Column — A structural member which supports
2.2.28 Mortise and Tenon — A joint in which the
axial load primarily by inducing compressive stress
reduced end (tenon) of one member fits into the
along the fibres.
corresponding slot (mortise) of the other.
2.2.12 Common Rafter — A roof member which
2.2.29 Net Section — Section obtained by deducting
supports roof battens and roof coverings, such as
from the gross cross-section (A), the projected areas of
boarding and sheeting.
all materials removed by boring, grooving or other
2.2.13 Curvature — The deviation from the means.
straightness of the culm.
2.2.30 Node — The place in a bamboo culm where
2.2.14 Delamination — Separation of mats through branches sprout and a diaphragm is inside the culm
failure of glue. and the walls on both sides of node are thicker.
2.2.15 De-Structured bamboo — Raw material (green 2.2.31 Outer Diameter — Diameter of a cross-section
bamboo) reduced partially to a condition, as far as of a piece of bamboo measured from two opposite
practicable, in which the element fibres remain points on the outer surface.
interlocked and in their highly aligned state and which Mean outer diameter — The diameter taken
with the help of binder can be reconstituted into a
twice on the outer surface, in direction perpendicular to
valuable product of a desirable size.
each other at each cross-section on both the ends. Thus
2.2.16 End Distance — The distance measured parallel resulting in mean of four readings for the middle of culm.
to the fibres of the bamboo from the centre of the
2.2.32 Outside Location — Position in building in
fastener to the closest end of the member.
which bamboos are occasionally subjected to wetting
2.2.17 Flattened Bamboo — Bamboo consisting of and drying as in case of open sheds; and outdoor
culms that have been cut and unfolded till it is flat. The exposed structures.
culm thus is finally spread open, the diaphragms (cross
2.2.33 Permissible Stress — Stress obtained after
walls) at nodes removed and pressed flat.
applying factor of safety to the ultimate stress. This is
2.2.18 Full Culm — The naturally available circular also the working stress unless adjusted to the particular
section/shape. structural form in design.
2.2.19 Fundamental or Ultimate Stress — The stress 2.2.34 Principal Rafter — A roof member which
which is determined on a specified type/size of culms supports purlins.
of bamboo, in accordance with standard practice and
2.2.35 Purlins — A roof member directly supporting
does not take into account the effects of naturally
roof covering or common rafter and roof battens.
occurring characteristics and other factors.
2.2.36 Roof Battens — A roof member directly
2.2.20 Inner Diameter — Diameter of internal cavity
supporting tiles, corrugated sheets, slates or other
of a hollow piece of bamboo.
roofing materials.
2.2.21 Inside Location — Position in buildings in
2.2.37 Roof Skeleton — The skeleton consisting of
which bamboo remains continuously dry or protected
bamboo truss or rafter over which solid bamboo purlins
from weather.
are laid and lashed to the rafter or top chord of a truss
2.2.22 Joint — A connection between two or more by means of galvanized iron wire, cane, grass, bamboo
bamboo structural elements. leaves, etc.


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2.2.38 Slenderness Ratio — The ratio of the length of 2.4.4 Wrinkled and Deformed Surface — Deformation
member to the least radius of gyration is known as in cross-section, during drying, which occurs in
slenderness ratio of member (the length of the member immature round bamboos of most species; in thick
is the equivalent length due to end conditions). walled pieces, besides this deformation the outer
surface becomes uneven and wrinkled. Very often the
2.2.39 Splits — The pieces made from quarters by
interior wall develops a crack below these wrinkles,
dividing the quarters radially and cutting longitudinally.
running parallel to the axis.
2.2.40 Taper — The ratio of difference between
minimum and maximum outer diameter to length. 3 SYMBOLS

2.2.41 Unloaded End Distance — The end distance For the purpose of this Subsection, the following letter
opposite to the loaded end. symbols shall have the meaning indicated against each,
unless otherwise stated:
2.2.42 Wall Thickness — Half the difference between
outer diameter and inner diameter of the piece at any A = cross-sectional area of bamboo
cross-section. (perpendicular to the direction of the
principal fibres and vessels), mm 2 Mean wall thickness — The wall thickness
taken four times in the same points as the diameter has =
D − ( D − 2w )  ;
π 2
been measured. Thus resulting in mean of eight values 4 
for the middle of culm. AB = area of reinforcement in bamboo reinforced
2.2.43 Wet Location — Position in buildings in which cement concrete, mm2;
the bamboos are almost continuously damp, wet or in D = mean outer diameter of bamboo culm, mm;
contact with earth or water, such as piles and bamboo d = inner diameter, mm = (D – 2w);
foundations. E = modulus of elasticity (MOE) in bending,
2.3 Definitions Relating to Defects
fc = calculated stress in axial compression,
2.3.1 Bamboo Bore/Ghoon Hole — The defect caused N/ m2;
by bamboo ghoon beetle (Dinoderus spp. fcp = permissible stress in compression along the
Bostrichidae), which attacks felled culms. fibres, N/mm2;
2.3.2 Crookedness — A localized deviation from the I = moment of inertia (the second moment of
straightness in a piece of bamboo. area) of culm section, mm4
2.3.3 Discolouration — A change from the normal π  4 4
= D − (D − 2w )  ;
colour of the bamboo which does not impair the strength 64  
of bamboo or bamboo composite products. l = unsupported length of column, mm;
2.4 Definition Relating to Drying Degrades m = moisture content, percent;
r = radius of gyration, mm
2.4.1 Collapse — The defect occurring on account of
excessive shrinkage, particularly in thick walled I
immature bamboo. When the bamboo wall shrinks, the = ;
outer layers containing a larger concentration of strong
fibro-vascular bundles set the weaker interior portion R = modulus of rupture (MOR), N/mm2;
embedded in parenchyma in tension, causing the latter w = mean of wall thickness of bamboo culm, mm;
to develop cracks. The interior crack develops into a Z = section modulus, mm3
wide split resulting in a depression on the outer surface.
4 4
This defect also reduces the structural strength of round π  D − ( D − 2w ) 
bamboo. =   ; and
32  D 

2.4.2 End Splitting — A split at the end of a bamboo.
= deflection or deformation, mm.
This is not so common a defect as drying occurs both
from outer and interior wall surfaces of bamboo as well 4 MATERIALS
as the end at the open ends.
The requirements shall be met by the choice of suitable
2.4.3 Surface Cracking — Fine surface cracks not materials, by appropriate design and detailing and by
detrimental to strength. However, the cracking which specifying control procedures for production,
occurs at the nodes reduces the structural strength. construction and use.


ook Supply Bureau Under the License from BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 08:57:36 ( valid up

Supplied by Book Supply Bureau Under the License from BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 08:57:36 ( valid upto31-12-2017
4.1 Species of Bamboo With decrease of moisture content, the strength of
bamboo increases exponentially and bamboo has an
More than 100 species of bamboo are native to India
intersection point (fibre saturation point) at around
and a few of them are solid but most of them are hollow
25 percent moisture content depending upon the
in structure. In all 20 species have been systematically
species. A typical moisture strength relationship is given
tested so far. Sixteen species of bamboo are
at Fig. 1. The moisture content of bamboo shall be
recommended for structural usages in round form.
determined in accordance with method given in the
Some physical and mechanical properties of the same
accepted standard [6-3B(2)]. Matured culms shall be
are given in Table 1 both for air-dry conditions and
seasoned to about 20 percent moisture content before
green conditions.
4.1.1 Matured bamboo of at least 4 years of age shall
Freshly felled bamboo with shoots and leaves intact,
be used. The bamboo shall be used after at least six
dry fairly well in the open sun with lesser surface
weeks of felling period.
cracking, etc, and reduced starch contents. Rapid drying
4.1.2 Bamboo shall be properly treated in accordance in the open can control degrades.
with the good practice [6-3B(1)].
4.4 Grading of Structural Bamboo
4.1.3 Solid bamboos or bamboos whose wall thickness
is comparatively more and which are generally having 4.4.1 Bamboo shall be graded to ensure that the
nodes very closer are often considered good for properties of bamboo are satisfactory for use
structural purposes. particularly the strength and stiffness properties. Grading is sorting out bamboo on the basis of
4.1.4 Broken, damaged or collapsed bamboo shall be
characteristics important for structural utilization as
rejected. Dead and immature bamboos, bore/Ghoon
holes, decay, collapse, checks more than 3 mm in depth,
shall be avoided. a) Diameter and length of culm;
b) Taper of culm;
4.2 Grouping
c) Straightness of culm;
4.2.1 Sixteen species of bamboo recommended for d) Inter nodal length and distribution of nodes;
structural applications are classified in three groups on
e) Wall thickness;
the basis of their strength properties, namely, modulus
f) Density and strength; and
of elasticity (E) in bending in green condition and
modulus of rupture (R) (extreme fibre stress in g) Durability and seasoning.
bending). For structural use in piles and mines’ One of the above characteristics or sometimes
components, an additional criterion of compressive combination of two or three characteristics form the basis
strength is considered in classification. The limits in of grading. The culms shall be segregated species-wise.
ultimate strength values of these groups shall be as
given in Table 2 (these are corresponding to the spread 4.4.2 Diameter and Length
of properties in structural timber). Gradation according to the mean outer
4.2.2 Bamboo species may be identified using suitable diameter
methods. For structural Group A and Group B species, culms
NOTE — Methods of identification of bamboo through shall be segregated in steps of 10 mm of mean outer
anatomical characters have not been perfected so far. diameter as follows:
Identification through morphological characters could be done
only on full standing culm by experienced sorters. a) Special grade : 70 mm < Diameter ≤ 100 mm
4.2.3 Species of bamboo other than those listed in the b) Grade I : 50 mm < Diameter ≤ 70 mm
Table 3 may be used, provided their strength c) Grade II : 30 mm < Diameter ≤ 50 mm
characteristics are determined and found more than the d) Grade III : Diameter ≤ 30 mm
limits specified in Table 2.
For structural Group C species culms shall be
4.3 Moisture Content in Bamboo segregated in steps of 20 mm of mean outer diameter
as follows:
Normally only dry or seasoned bamboo shall be used
otherwise special attention shall be given to dimensional 1) Grade I : 80 mm < Diameter ≤ 100 mm
changes occurring during the drying process in the 2) Grade II : 60 mm < Diameter ≤ 80 mm
joints, assemblies. 3) Grade III : Diameter ≤ 60 mm


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F IG. 1 MOISTURE S TRENGTH RELATIONSHIP BAMBUSA NUTANS (BAMBOO) The minimum length of culms shall be preferably b) Cut longer bamboo components with less curvature out
of taller bamboo and use cambered ones for shorter
6 m for facilitating close fittings at joints, etc.
length components.
4.4.3 Taper
4.4.5 Wall Thickness
The taper shall not be more than 5.8 mm per metre Preferably minimum wall thickness of 8 mm shall be
length (or 0.58 percent) (1 in 170) of bamboo in any used for load bearing members unless calculations and
grade of bamboo. the availability dictate otherwise.
4.4.4 Curvature 4.5 Durability and Treatability
The maximum curvature should not be more than 4.5.1 Durability
75 mm in a length of 6 m of any grade of bamboo.
The natural durability of bamboo is low and varies
NOTE — Due to the constraint of preferential selection of between 12 months and 36 months depending on the
straighter material out of a lot, more bent material may be
species and climatic conditions. In tropical countries
accommodated to avoid high cost. Following remedial options
may be helpful: the bio-deterioration is very severe. Bamboos are
generally destroyed in about one to two years’ time
a) Adopt component assembly method to take care of some
degree of curvature (bunching done after holding
when used in the open and in contact with ground; while
components straight). a service life of two to five years can be expected from


ook Supply Bureau Under the License from BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 08:57:36 ( valid up

Supplied by Book Supply Bureau Under the License from BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 08:57:36 ( valid upto31-12-2017
bamboo when used under cover and out of contact with the accepted standard [6-3B(2)]. These values shall then
ground. The mechanical strength of bamboo be divided by appropriate factors of safety to obtain
deteriorates rapidly with the onset of fungal decay in permissible stresses to cover the effects of variability,
the sclerenchymatous fibres. Split bamboo is more long term loading, grade, location of use and expected
rapidly destroyed than round bamboo. For making dynamic loading.
bamboo durable, suitable treatment for preserving NOTE — As an information, it may be noted that the method
bamboo shall be given in accordance with the good of test for split bamboos is covered in the accepted standard
practice [6-3B(3)]. However, special attention shall be [6-3B(4)].
given to environmental impact and to the health aspects 5.1.1 The strength factors for deriving safe working
of labour and the users. stresses of bamboo shall be as under :
4.5.2 To ensure an adequately durable structure, Extreme fibre stress in beams : 4
bamboo shall be treated in accordance with the good
Modulus of elasticity : 4.5
practice [6-3B(1)] and the following inter-related
factors shall be considered: Maximum compressive stress parallel to : 3.5
a) Expected service life of the bamboo;
b) Use of the structure and expected 5.2 The available data for the safe working stresses
environmental conditions; for 16 species of bamboos are given in Table 3.
c) Required performance criteria; and 5.3 For change in duration of load other than
d) Quality of workmanship. continuous (long-term), the permissible stresses given
in Table 3 shall be multiplied by the modification
4.5.3 Fire safety of bamboo structures shall be ensured, factors given below:
for which the treatment prescribed in 7.3.4 may be
followed. For permanent loads : 1.0
For imposed or medium term loading : 1.25
5 PERMISSIBLE STRESSES (permanent + temporary load)
5.1 Ultimate stress values of different species and For short term loading (permanent + : 1.50
groups of bamboo shall be determined according to temporary load + wind load)

Table 1 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Indian Bamboos (in Round Form)
(Clause 4.1)

Sl Species Properties
In Green Condition In Air Dry Conditions
Density Modulus Modulus of Maximum Density Modulus Modulus of Maximum
kg/m3 of Rupture Elasticity Compressive kg/m3 of Elasticity Compressive
N/mm2 × 103 N/mm2 Strength Rupture × 103 N/mm2 Strength
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
i) Bambusa auriculata 594 65.1 15.01 36.7 670 89.1 21.41 54.3
ii) B. balcooa 783 65.4 7.31 46.7 — — — 60.6
iii) B. bambos (Syn. B. 559 58.3 5.95 35.3 663 80.1 8.96 53.4
iv) B. burmanica 570 59.7 11.01 39.9 672 105.0 17.81 65.2
v) B. glancescens (Syn. B. 691 82.8 14.77 53.9 — — — —
vi) B. nutans 603 52.9 6.62 45.6 673 52.4 10.72 47.9
vii) B. pallida 731 55.2 12.90 54.0 — — — —
viii) B. tulda 658 51.1 7.98 40.7 722 66.7 10.07 68.0
ix) B. ventricosa 626 34.1 3.38 36.1 — — — —
x) B. vulgaris 626 41.5 2.87 38.6 — — — —
xi) Cephalostachyum pergracile 601 52.6 11.16 36.7 640 71.3 19.22 49.4
xii) Dendrocalamus 711 33.1 5.51 42.1 684 47.8 6.06 61.1
xiii) D. strictus 631 73.4 11.98 35.9 728 119.1 15.00 69.1
xiv) Melocanna baccifera 817 53.2 11.39 53.8 751 57.6 12.93 69.9
xv) Oxytenanthera abyssinicia 688 83.6 14.96 46.6 — — — —
xvi) Thyrsostachys oliveri 733 61.9 9.72 46.9 758 90.0 12.15 58.0

NOTE — The values of stress in N/mm2 have been obtained by converting the values in kgf/cm 2 by dividing the same by 10.


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Table 2 Properties of Structural Bamboo regard to its intended life and costs;
(Clause 4.2.1) b) with appropriate degree of reliability, it will
sustain all forces and effects likely to occur
Sl Group Modulus of Modulus of Maximum during execution and use and have adequate
No. Rupture (R) Elasticity in Compressive
Bending (E) Strength durability in relation to maintenance costs;
(fc, max) c) the structure will be adequately maintained;
N/mm2 × 103 N/mm2 N/mm2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
d) the structure will be used in accordance with
design limit briefs;
i) A R > 70 E>9 MCS > 35
ii) B 70 ³ R > 50 9³E>6 35 > MCS > 30 e) all structural members, assemblies or
iii) C 50 ³ R > 30 6³E>3 30 > MCS > 25 framework in a building shall be capable of
sustaining, without exceeding the limits of
relevant stress specified, the worst
Table 3 Safe Permissible Stresses of Bamboos for
combination of all loadings;
Structural Designing1)
(Clauses 4.2.3, 5.2 and 5.3) f) a fundamental aspect of design will be to
determine the forces to which the structure/
Sl Species Extreme Modulus Allow- structural element might be subjected to,
No. Fibre Stress of able starting from the roof and working down to
in Bending Elasti- Compres-
city sive
the soil by transferring the forces through
× 103 Stress various components and connections;
N/mm2 N/mm2 g) accepted principles of mechanics for analysis
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) and specified design procedures shall be
i) Group A: applied (or) the design requirements may be
a) Bambusa glancescens 20.7 3.28 15.4 satisfied by prototype testing;
b) Dendrocalamus 18.4 2.66 10.3 h) loads shall be in accordance with Part 6
strictus ‘Structural Design, Section 1 Loads, Forces
c) Oxytenanthera 20.9 3.31 13.3 and Effects’ of the Code, keeping into
abyssinicia consideration that permeability of walls, floors
ii) Group B:
a) Bambusa balcooa 16.4 1.62 13.3 and roof made from bamboo cause internal
b) B.pallida 13.8 2.87 15.4 pressure and can therefore affect the wind load
c) B.nutans 13.2 1.47 13.0 factor; and
d) B.tulda 12.8 1.77 11.6
e) B.auriculata 16.3 3.34 10.5
j) The worst combination and location of loads
f) B.burmanica 14.9 2.45 11.4 shall be considered for design. Also, wind and
g) Cephalostachyum 13.2 2.48 10.5 seismic forces shall not be considered to act
pergracile simultaneously.
h) Melocanna baccifera 13.3 2.53 15.4
(Syn.M.bambusoides) 6.2 Unlike timber, bamboo properties do not relate
j) Thyrsotachys oliveri 15.5 2.16 13.4 well to species, being dependent among other factors,
iii) Group C:
a) Bambusa arundinacea 14.6 1.32 10.1 on position of the culm, geographic location and age.
(Syn.B.bambos) The practice in timber engineering is to base designs
b) B.ventricosa 8.5 0.75 10.3 on safe working stresses (see Note) and the same may
c) B.vulgaris 10.4 0 .64 11.0 be adopted to bamboo with the limitations that
d) Dendrocalamus 8.3 1.22 12.0
longispathus traditional experience rather than precise calculations
NOTE — The values of stress in N/mm2 have been obtained by generally govern the detailing.
converting the values in kgf/cm 2 by dividing the same by 10.
NOTE — Limit states are states beyond which the structure no
The values given pertain to testing of bamboo in green condition. longer satisfies the design performance requirements. Limit
states are classified into ultimate limit state relating to collapse
mode and serviceability limit states associated with
6 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS deformations, vibrations, etc. Design is usually based on
ultimate stages with partial factors of safety.
6.1 Basic Requirements
6.3 Age old traditional experience of construction with
A structure shall be designed and constructed by bamboo is to be well preserved as non-standard
personnel having the appropriate skill and experience practices for similar situations considered as an
in such a way that, informal based on general social pattern and wisdom.
a) with acceptable probability, it will remain fit Confirmation of such structures be based on reports
for the use for which it is required, having due after they have sustained the severity of earthquakes,


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hurricanes, etc, as criteria for recommendations by the follows:
evaluation by competent engineer/builder with adequate
a) Outside diameter and the wall thickness shall
experience in the field.
be measured at both ends, correct up to 1 mm
6.4 Net Section for diameter of culm and 0.1 mm for the wall
It is determined by passing a plane or a series of
b) With these values the mean diameter and the
connected planes transversely through the members.
mean thickness for the middle of the beam
Least net sectional area is used for calculating load
shall be calculated and moment of inertia
carrying capacity of a member. In the design of an
intermediate or a long column, gross section shall be
used in calculating load carrying capacity of column. 6.6.3 The maximum bending stress shall be calculated
and should be within the allowable stress.
6.5 Structural Components
6.6.4 The deflection shall be within the prescribed
6.5.1 Main structural applications in bamboo may limits. The initial curvature shall also be considered in
include roofing and flooring, shear walls, wall paneling, the calculation of the deflection.
beams, piles, columns, arches, etc. Both from the point
of view of capacity and deformation, trusses and framed 6.6.5 The shear stress in the neutral layer at the small
skeletons are much better options in bamboo. end shall be checked, if the length of the beam is less
than 25 times the diameter at that end.
6.5.2 Peculiarity of Bamboo as a Design Material
6.6.6 Forces acting on a beam, being loads or reaction
This shall be based on the principles of applied forces at supports, shall act in nodes or as near to nodes
mechanics involving the following assumptions: as by any means possible.
a) Elastic behaviour of bamboo, until failure
6.7 Columns (Predominantly Loaded in Axial
(plastic behaviour being considered to be not
b) Bamboo culms are analysed as hollow-tube 6.7.1 Columns and struts are essential components
structures (not perfectly straight) member on sustaining compressive forces in a structure. They
mean diameter and mean wall thickness basis. transfer load to the supporting media.
Designing as a variable thickness hollow-tube 6.7.2 Design of columns shall be based on one of the
structure is a bit complex; following two criteria:
c) Nodes do not occur at constant intervals;
a) Full scale buckling tests on the same species,
d) Structural elements of bamboo shall be
size and other relevant variables.
appropriately supported near the nodes of
b) Calculations, based on the following:
culm as and where the structural system
demands. The joints in the design shall be 1) Moment of inertia shall be determined as
located near nodes; per 6.6.2.
e) Bamboo structures are designed like any other 2) For bamboo columns the best available
conventional structural analysis taking care of straight bamboo culms shall be selected.
details with regards to supports and joints; and 3) Bending stresses due to initial curvature,
the diameter, wall thickness and initial eccentricities and induced deflection shall
curvature; and be taken into account, in addition to those
f) Joints shall be considered to generally act as due to any lateral load.
a hinge or as pinned, unless substantiating data NOTE — Unlike timber, MOE has already been provided
a factor of safety in case of bamboo. This is on the basis
justify a fixed joint. of studies on variability of MOR and MOE. In the case
of timber, no factor of safety for MOE was used because
6.6 Flexural Members there has been an understanding that there is no variability
in MOE. Subsequently it was confirmed that MOE varies
6.6.1 All flexural members may be designed using the as the MOR and there is very strong, highly significant
principles of beam theory. correlation between the two. In fact this correlation has
formed the basis of development of machine grading of
NOTE — The tendency of bamboo beams to acquire larger
timber world-over. However, somehow the practice of not
deflections under long continual loading (including creep) has
giving factor of safety to MOE continued in Indian
to be taken care of either by giving a factor of safety to E or by
Standard. Later on when the standard on structural use
considering double the design dead loading in calculation of
of bamboo was formulated, factor of safety was given
both in MOR and MOE on the basis of latest variability
6.6.2 The moment of inertia, I shall be determined as studies on strength of bamboo.


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6.7.3 Buckling calculation shall be according to Euler,
with a reduction to 90 percent of moment of inertia, to
take into account the effect of the taper which shall be
less than 1:170.
6.7.4 For strength and stability, larger diameter thick
walled sections of bamboo with closely spaced nodes
shall be used. Alternatively, smaller sections may be
tied together as a bundle-column.
6.8 A single bamboo culm is not an optimum
component to structurally design different load bearing
members. Bunching of bamboo is inevitable to fabricate
beams, columns, etc. There is no end to the number of
culmns in bunching. However, different components
pose manufacturing problems during assembly, which
should be appropriately taken care of (see also Fig. 9D
and Fig. 9E).
6.8.1 Following precautions shall be taken to avoid
possible split/crack in walling of bamboo:
a) Maintaining a minimum 100 mm distance of
the drills from the end of the main bamboo 2A PIN ENDED JOINT TRUSSES
culms drilled.
b) Choosing drilling points preferably within
30 mm from node.
c) Maintaining the interference fit between
bamboo body and binders as under:
1) For wall thickness ! 8 mm : 0.25-0.30
mm, and
2) For wall thickness < 8 mm : 0.20-0.25
d) The inserting ends of the dowel pins may be
dressed as tapered (conical).
6.9 Assemblies and Roof Trusses
6.9.1 Elements in structure are generally built-up in
the form of assembled members for which a triangle is FIG. 2 SOME TYPICAL CONFIGURATIONS FOR SMALL AND
a simple figure of stability. Besides sloped chords, LARGE TRUSSES IN BAMBOO
parallel chord construction is also appropriate as
external profile. 6.9.4 The truss height shall exceed 0.15 times the span
6.9.2 A truss is essentially a plane structure which is in case of a triangular truss (pitched roofing) and 0.10
very stiff in the plane of the members, that is the plane times the span in case of a rectangular (parallel) truss.
in which it is expected to carry load, but very flexible
6.9.5 For members in compression, the effective length
in every other direction. Roof truss generally consists
for in-plane strength verification shall be taken as the
of a number of triangulated frames, the members of
distance between two adjacent points of contraflexure.
which are fastened at ends and the nature of stresses at
For fully triangulated trusses, effective length for simple
joints is either tensile or compressive and designed as
span members without especially rigid end-connection
pin-ended joints (see Fig. 2A). Bamboo trusses may
shall be taken as the span length.
also be formed using bamboo mat board or bamboo
mat-veneer composite or plywood gusset (see Fig. 2B). 6.9.6 The spacing of trusses shall be consistent with
use of bamboo purlins.
6.9.3 Trusses shall be analysed for the determination
of axial forces in members and the deformation of 6.9.7 The ends in open beams, joists, rafters, purlins
joints. For the influence of eccentricities, due allowance shall be suitably plugged. Bamboo roof coverings shall
shall be made in design. be considered as non-structural in function.


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6.9.8 Bamboo trusses with wire bound joints using
bamboo pins and/or wooden splice plates fastened with
bamboo pins when tested at load for factor of safety of
at least 5, result in deflection within permissible range
at design load; good recovery but abnormal deflection
beyond ultimate load without collapse was observed.
NOTE — This is based on the work done on prototypes of a
few bamboo trusses (span 4 m) tested at Forest Research
Institute, Dehradun.


7.1 Connecting the load-bearing elements together for 3A FULL LAPPED JOINT
effective transfer of stress and to achieve continuity
between elements with controlled displacements is one
of the serious problem. As joints are a source of
weakness in any bamboo structure, they have to be
made as strong and rigid as possible. Joints are quite
critical in assemblies, and these should be stable in
relation to time. For general information, the diagrams
of typical joints given in Figs. 3 to 7 may be used based
on tests for adequacy of strength.

7.2 Bamboo Joints

Susceptibility to crushing at the open ends, splitting
tendency, variation in diameter, wall thickness and
straightness are some of the associated issues which
have to be taken care of while designing and detailing
the connections with bamboo.
Joints shall be designed to include force transmissions
in a required manner, predictable deformations to be
within prescribed limits and specific geometry/load 3B HALF LAPPED JOINT
direction. (REBATED/SPLAYED)
Tests on full scale joints or on components shall be
carried out in accordance with the good practice
[6-3B(5)] and the accepted standards [6-3B(6)] for
nailed jointed timber structures.
7.2.1 Traditional Practices
Such joining methods revolve around lashing or tying
by rope or string with or without pegs or dowels. Such
joints lack stiffness and have low efficiency but have
served the mankind for long in traditional bamboo
construction. Lengthening joints (end jointing) (see Fig. 3) Lap joint
End of one piece of bamboo is made to lap over that of
the other in line and the whole is suitably fastened. It
may be full lapping or half lapping. Full section culms 3C SPLICED JOINTS
are overlapped by at least one internode and tied
together in two or three places. Efficiency could be FIG . 3 SPLICED JOINTS
improved by using bamboo or hardwood dowels.


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FIG. 6 GUSSET PLATED JOINTS Butt joints Saddle joints

Culms of similar diameter are butted end to end, inter- The simplest form consists of a horizontal member
connected by means of side plates made of quarter- supported directly on top of a vertical member. The top
round culm of slightly large diameter bamboo, for two of the post may be cut to form a saddle to ensure proper
or more internode lengths. Assembly shall be fixed and seating of beam for good load transfer. The saddle should
tied preferably with dowel pins. be close to a node to reduce risk of splitting. Sleeves and inserts Angled joints
Short length of bamboo of appropriate diameter may When two or more members meet or cross other than
be used either externally or internally to join two culms at right angles, angled joints are formed.
7.2.2 Improved Practices in Bamboo Jointing Scarf joints
a) Plywood or solid timber gusset plates may be
A scarf joint is formed by cutting a sloping plane used at joint assemblies of web and chord
1 in 4 to 6 on opposite sides from the ends of two similar connection in a truss and fixed with bamboo
diameter bamboo culms to be joined. They shall be pins or MS (mild steel) bolts. Hollow cavities
lapped to form a continuous piece and the assembly of bamboo need to be stuffed with wooden
suitably fastened by means of lashings or glued. plugs or otherwise by suitable means. Bearing joints (see Fig. 4) b) Use of wooden inserts to reinforce the ends
of the bamboo before forming the joints.
For members which either bear against the other or cross Alternatively, steel bands clamps with integral
each other and transfer the loads at an angle other than bolt/eye may be fitted around bamboo sections
parallel to the axis, bearing joints are formed. for jointing.


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7.2.3 Fixing Methods and Fastening Devices 7.3.2 The following sound construction practices shall
be taken into account:
In case of butt joints the tie-wire may be passed through
a pre-drilled hole or around hardwood or bamboo pegs a) Use of air dry bamboo; and ensure that
or dowels inserted into preformed holes to act as horns. bamboo in building remains air dry; and in
Pegs are driven from one side, usually at an angle to case the bamboo has become wet, shall
increase strength and dowels pass right through the provide it the opportunity to dry again before
member, usually at right angles. Normally 1.60 mm the it deteriorates due to moisture.
(16 SWG) diameter galvanized iron wire may be used b) Permeability of walls, floors and roofs made
for tight lashing. from bamboo, cause internal pressure and can
NOTE — Drill size needs to be specified in order to avoid therefore change the net wind-load acting on
possible split/crack in walling of bamboo. the roof, wall and floor. Wire bound joints with or without pins c) Check whether the workmanship of the labour
force is according to the assumptions.
Usually 2.00 mm (14 SWG) diameter galvanized iron
wire is tightened around the joints by binding the 7.3.3 Working Finishing
respective pieces together. At least two holes are drilled Bamboo can be cut and split easily with very
in each piece and wire is passed through them for good simple hand tools. Immature bamboos are soft, pliable
results. Generally 10-12 mm diameter bamboo pins are and can be moulded to desired shape. It takes polish
driven and fastened to culms. and paint well. Fish plates/gusset plated joints (see Fig. 6) While it is possible to work with bamboo
At least 25 mm thick hardwood splice plate or 12 mm simply using a machete, a few basic tools such as,
thick structural grade plywood are used. Solid bamboo machete, hack saw, axe, hatchet, sharpening tools, adze,
pins help in fastening the assembly. chisel (20 mm), drill, wood rasps, steel rod, and pliers,
will greatly increase the effectiveness of the
7.2.4 For any complete joint alternative for a given construction process.
load and geometry, description of all fastening-
elements, their sizes and location shall be indicated. 7.3.4 For providing safety to the structure against fire,
Data shall be based on full scale tests. bamboo may be given fire retardant treatment using
following chemicals; a few drops of concentrated HCl
7.2.5 Tests on full scale joints or on components shall shall be added to the solution to dissolve the
be carried out in a recognized laboratory. precipitated salts:
7.2.6 In case of high wind and seismic areas, good Ammonium phosphate : 3 parts
construction practices shall be followed taking care of Boric acid : 3 parts
joints, their damping and possible ductility. Bracings
Copper sulphate : 1 part
in walls shall be taken care of in bamboo structures.
Zinc chloride : 5 parts
7.2.7 Metal fasteners and other structural joints shall Sodium dichromate : 3 parts
be made inherently corrosion resistant or be protected
Water : 100 parts
against corrosion, thereby making the joints more
durable. 7.3.5 Foundations

7.3 Construction Practices Bamboo in direct contact with ground, bamboo on rock
or preformed concrete footing, bamboo incorporated
7.3.1 Bamboo being a versatile resource characterized into concrete, may form the foundation structure
by high strength, low mass and ease of working with (see Fig. 8). Also, arrangements with use of metallic
simple tools, it is desirable to increasingly make strap, C-clamp and bunched bamboo columns
appropriate use of this material. Design of structures embedded in concrete may be used for foundation of
using bamboo shall be done in accordance with 6. It bamboo structures (see Fig. 9).
shall be ensured that the elements of structure satisfy
the appropriate fire resistance requirements as specified 7.3.6 Floors
in Part 4 ‘Fire and Life Safety’ of the Code, and quality The floor of bamboo may be at ground level with
of building materials/components used shall be in covering of bamboo matting, etc. In elevated floors,
accordance with Part 5 ‘Building Materials’ of the bamboo members become an integral part of
Code. For construction using bamboo, some of the structural framework of building. The floor will
important constructional provisions given in 7.3.2 comprise structural bamboo elements and bamboo
to 7.3.7 shall be followed. decking.


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7.3.7 Jointing Techniques Table 4 Strength Characteristics of Mild Steel,

Bamboo and Concrete
The jointing techniques in construction using bamboo
(For Reinforcement Purposes)
shall be in accordance with 7.2.
(Clause 8.1)
Sl Related Strength Characteristics
CONCRETE No. kgf/cm2

8.1 Due to its fibrous texture, bamboo possesses high Stress Mild Bamboo (Green) Mass
tensile strength. This can act as an alternate material Steel Concrete
for reinforcement in concrete within the limitations of (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
design and construction. The ultimate strength of some i) Modulus of 2.1× 10 6
175 750 to 196 640 —
of the species of bamboo in direct tension is nearly the elasticity (for all locations)
same as that of steel at its yield point. On an average it ii) Tensile stress 1 265.5 158, Bending- —
varies from 1 400 to 2 000 kg/cm2. The principles to 1 400 tension
(all locations)
adopted for design of concrete structure with steel is
iii) Compressive — 105 50
also applicable for the concrete member with bamboo. stress (D. strictus)
Strength characteristics of steel, concrete and bamboo iv) Bond stress — 3.5 (green) to 5.6 4 - 10
are indicated in Table 4 and the design data for balanced (dry) reported
section in beams/slabs reinforcement is given in (likely to increase
up to 10)
Table 5.
v) Shear stress — 115-180 5


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(OF 2 TO 3 mm THICK



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bitumen 80/100 grade, followed by a liberal
coating of coarse sand. Water inhibitor will
also help maintain dimensional stability of
8.4 Techniques in Placing the Reinforcement (see
also Fig. 10)
Reinforcement shall be placed in the following manner:
a) Laid edge wise in sets of twin strips for main
b) Laid flatwise with smooth surface and rough
surface alternating as distribution or
subsidiary reinforcement (wedge effects
increased bond).
c) For negative moments, bamboo strips of
length equivalent to laid flatwise in
alternate rows of slab reinforcement.
8.2 The whole bamboo culms are halved longitudinally d) For beams and lintels, twin strips are arranged
and again splitted into four and strips of the size of 20 in tiers, placed one above the other depending
to 25 mm width and 9 mm thickness are prepared for upon requirement and held in position with
use as reinforcement. Bamboo strips with triangular the help of vertical strips.
lugs (formed at nodes) due to conversion of bamboo e) Split bamboo strip or preferably steel rod be
into strips improve the bond strength because of the used for diagonal tension to resist shear in
protruding lugs beings gripped firmly in concrete. beams, etc.
Strength properties of split bamboo out of a few species f) Bind the reinforcement with the help of
are given in Table 6. galvanized iron binding wire (or nylon thread/
8.3 Bamboo has a tendency to absorb water from bamboo-cane string).
concrete which results in initial swelling and subsequent
shrinkage leading to cracks in concrete. Following 9 WALLING, FLOORING, ROOFING, AND
processes are thus recommended as mandatory: IN-FILL PANELS FOR WALL, AND COMMON
a) Chemical treatment with preference for
pressure impregnation (full cell treatment with 9.1 Materials
warm coal tar creosote is likely to preserve and
at the same time act as water repellent). 9.1.1 Bamboo Based Panel Products
b) Treated strips be further given a water The common roof covering and in-fill materials shall
repellent treatment with a coating of very hot include bamboo mat board, bamboo mat veneer

Table 6 Strength Properties of Split Bamboo in Green Condition1)

(Clause 8.2)

Sl Species Static Bending Compression Parallel Shear

No. (Without Node) Parallel
Fibre Stress at Modulus of Modulus of Maximum Crushing Maximum
Elastic Limit Rupture Elasticity Stress Shearing Stress
kg/cm2 kg/cm2 × 103 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
i) Bambusa pallida2) 378 605 32.5 595 97.7
ii) B. Vulgaris 464 885 52.3 403 94.4
iii) Dendrocalamus hamiltonii 301 524 37.7 414 77.7
iv) D. giganteus 472 848 50.7 360 88.5
v) Oxytenanthera abyssinica2) 450 831 33.6 377 112.0

average of bottom, middle and top portions of culms.
average of bottom and middle portions only.


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All dimensions in millimetres.

composite, bamboo mat corrugated sheet, bamboo tiles, from destructured bamboo are given in Table 7. The
plastered bamboo reeds, thatch, corrugated galvanized reconstituted product from bamboo can be sawn, nailed,
iron sheeting, asphaltic sheets, plain clay tiles, etc. The moulded, bored, screwed, polished and painted. Thus
respective materials shall conform to the following: it offers a good substitute of solid wood for structural
a) Bamboo mat board — These shall conform to
the accepted standard [6-3B(7)]. NOTE — Reconstituted boards/wood from destructured
bamboo when tested for physical and mechanical properties in
b) Bamboo mat veneer composite — These shall accordance with the accepted standards [6-3B(11)] and
conform to the accepted standard [6-3B(8)]. [6-3B(12)] yielded encouraging results. Gist of mechanical
c) Bamboo mat corrugated sheet and bamboo properties of these boards is excellent when compared with
Dendrocalamus strictus (bamboo), teak and sal.
mat ridge cap — These shall conform to the
accepted standard [6-3B(9)]. 9.1.3 Other Panel Products/Infill Materials
d) Bamboo-jute composite corrugated and semi- Other panel products/infill materials shall be in
corrugated sheets — These shall conform to accordance with relevant Indian standards. These shall
the accepted standard [6-3B(10)]. be such that they maintain their integrity and strength
9.1.2 Reconstituted Wood from Destructured Bamboo in the assigned service class throughout the expected
life of the structure.
After lopping, bamboos are cross-cut into small lengths
in the round and then split along the axis. The small 9.1.4 Adhesives
cross-section strips are then passed between the counter
Adhesive shall maintain their integrity in accordance
revolving rollers till the material is fully destructured.
with the accepted standard [6-3B(13)].
This is then air dried and resin treated and suitably
pressed without much disturbing the natural alignment 9.2 Structural Usage of Bamboo Based Products
of fibres thus retaining the directional properties of
bamboo. 9.2.1 General
Some typical strength properties of reconstituted wood Bamboo mat board (BMB) and bamboo mat veneer


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Table 7 Gist of Mechanical Properties of Reconstituted Wood from Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Strictus)
(Clause 9.1.2)

Sl Board Material Density Modulus Tensile Compressive Izod Shear Modulus Screw
No. of Strength Strength Impact Strength of Holding
Rupture Parallel to Parallel to Elasticity Power
Set Resin Pressure Grain Grain
Contents × 103
Percent kgf/cm2 g/cm3 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

i) I 6 to 29 56 0.99 to 1 769 to 1 049 to 1 057 to 343 to 202 to 278 to 398 to

1.25 2 255 2 024 1 596 281 364 308 508
In the increasing order of resin percentage.
ii) II 9 21 to 28 0.62 to 1 062 to 6 99 to 675 to 1 030 186 to 128 to 155 to 361 to
0.93 1 615 1 210 202 247 232 486

iii) Shorea robusta 0.749 1 249 — 685 124 110 152.8 369
(at 12 percent dry moisture
iv) Tectona grandis 0.596 959 — 532 68 102 119.6 326
(at 12 percent dry moisture
v) Dendrocalamus strictus 0.757 1 310 — 624 — — 180.3 —

composite (BMVC) have high in-plane rigidity and

hence high racking strength and are more flexible than
equivalent plywood. This property of BMB and BMVC
can be advantageously used in many engineering
applications such as wall paneling, composite beams,
composite floor deck and stress skinned panels.
Bamboo mat corrugated sheet (BMCS) is water proof TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION OF WEB BEAMS
and resistant to decay, termites/insects and fire. These
sheets may be used as roofing material. Precast bamboo
reinforced cement concrete and reconstituted wood
from destructured bamboo can also be used in structural
9.2.2 Bamboo Composites
Along with bamboo, bamboo composites such as
bamboo mat board, bamboo mat veneer composite, may
also be successfully used in combination with timber
for making efficient structural components like web
because where high shear strength of bamboo mat board
and bamboo mat veneer composite can be utilized as
web and timber flanges for transmitting tensile and
compressive stress. PF, PRF adhesives are commonly
used for gluing web and flanges as shown in Fig. 11.
Beams can be straight, single tapered, double tapered,
haunched, as shown.
Bamboo mat board and bamboo mat veneer composite
can also be used for roof and wall sheathing (shear
walls) and diaphragms, gussets, arch panels, barrel
vaults, etc. It can also be used as skin material in
sandwich construction. All dimension in millimetres.
Permissible safe working stresses are given in Table 8.


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Table 8 Permissible Safe Working Stresses for of split bamboo (19 mm × 9 mm) tied together with
Bamboo Mat Board and Bamboo MS binding wire to form a 150 mm × 150 mm grid.
Mat Veneer Composite The grid is tied to steel dowels passing through the
(Clause 9.2.2) columns. Chicken wire mesh is fixed on the outside
face of the grid. Cement mortar (in the proportion 1 : 3)
Sl Properties Bamboo Bamboo Mat Veneer is applied to both sides of the grid to a finished thickness
No. Mat Board Composite of about 50 mm. Fly ash can be utilized as part
Along Across replacement of cement up to 35 percent by mass. This
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 is similar to conventional ferrocement-type
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) construction. The same principle is extended to the
i) Tensile strength 8.5 10 10 construction of gable walls. Alternatively, gable walls
ii) Compressive strength 10.80 13 6.5 may be formed with bamboo mat board. Figure 12
iii) Modulus of rupture 19.00 19 10.5 shows the typical cross-section of the infill wall panel.
iv) Modulus of elasticity 3 200 4 600 —
v) Modulus of rigidity 4 970 1 930 — Foundation detail
The columns pierced by steel dowels at 150 mm
9.2.3 Precast Bamboo Reinforced Cement Concrete
centre-to-centre provide connection to the bamboo grid
Precast bamboo reinforced cement concrete panels of infill. Fix 8 mm diameter MS rod of 400 mm length at
dimensions 600 mm × 300 mm × 40 mm can serve for 100 mm from one end of the column which has
walling, when laid one above the other in a suitability undergone treatment. For anchoring, fix two more MS
located wall in low cost construction, etc. Bamboo rods of same diameter at 100 mm centre-to-centre
strips 20 mm × 8 mm splits duly processed should be starting from the first hole (see Fig. 13). Pour the
placed at 90 mm centre-to-centre both ways in form concrete by giving temporary support. Foundation is
work and concreted. limited to individual footings of size 400 mm ×
400 mm × 600 mm deep for each bamboo column
9.2.4 Wall Infill Panel
placed at 1 200 mm apart and two coarse concrete
The wall is considered non-load bearing although blocks or stone or other locally available material for
connected to the framing elements. It comprises a grid infill wall foundation.

All dimensions in millimetres.



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All dimensions in millimetres.
material of sufficient sectional area to sustain shear
force. The gaps are generated by inserting a small
All dimensions in millimetres. wedge of bamboo strip and pulling it out after a part
FIG. 13 DETAILS OF BOTTOM OF BAMBOO COLUMN of the gap is filled by plaster. Such gaps have to be
FOR A NCHORING IN CONCRETE FOR F OUNDATION discontinuous, to retain the character of a wire-net.
About 25 percent width of the flat bamboo is assumed
9.2.5 Bamboo Concrete Flooring Using Round to be gaps, part of it is the organized gap of 5 mm
Bamboo width as described, at an interval of about 50 mm
Technology of such a flooring (for situations needing width, to sustain shear force and the balance gap
raised flooring) is based on the method of rigidly fixing remains to be natural to flat bamboo. Minimum
round bamboo, where 30 mm thick M 20 grade PCC thickness of the flat bamboo is assumed to be 6 mm.
(with 6 mm down coarse aggregate) is placed over 6 Bamboo with thicker wall would be stronger.
to 8 mm thick culm, that are arranged side by side to Expected strength (using Bambusa balcooa) may be
form bamboo flooring. considered as follows:
The rigid fixing is achieved by using shear connectors a) Walling of 6 mm bamboo with 18 mm thick
in the form of 1.5 mm dia. 20 mm long MS nails cement sand plaster in 1:3 would be able to
partially inserted into the bamboo flooring and balance withstand wind pressure of 112 kgf/m2 if used
length with the heads of the nails embedded in the PCC as wall, either supported continuously 1.5 m
layer, holding the two components together. The apart, or supported simply 1.25 m apart.
sectional properties of the combination are calculated
b) As a roof, the wind suction load would be
based on the concept of flitched beams for design
partly compensated by the dead load of the
(see Fig. 14).
roof. The imposed load of a mason sitting at
9.2.6 Bamboo Concrete Walling Using Flat Bamboo the centre of span needs to be considered. This
load can be accommodated by use of 18 mm
Loads on walls and roof do not generally justify use
M 20 PCC with 6 mm flat bamboo, supported
of round bamboo as such. So, flat or split bamboo is
1.0 m apart; neatly finished.
preferred for use in these cases. The flat bamboo works
like a wire-net used conventionally to hold cement The engineered houses for application of the above
plaster in critical applications. Partial plastering is bamboo concrete walling are designed with stiffeners
done during the first day ensuring entry of plastering and diagonals in all the three planes, keeping the
material in the gaps of flat bamboo. This provides the deformation of walls along plane of walls almost nil
base for cement plastering or PCC laying next day. and deflection of columns across the plane of wall at a
About 5 mm gap is essential for entry of plastering minimum.


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Sl Species Source/Local Names

(1) (2) (3)

i) Bambusa auriculata Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar; introduced in Calcutta

Botanical Garden (now Acharya Jagadish Chandra
Bose Indian Botanic Garden).
ii) B. balcooa Asm — Baluka;
Ben — Balku bans;
Duars — Bora bans;
Garo — Wamnah, beru;
Tripura — Barak.
iii) B. bambos (Syn.B.arundinacea) Asm — Kotoba;
Ben — Baroowa, behor, ketuas, ketwa;
Manip — Saneibi;
Mah — Katang bamboo, oowga;
Oriya — Daba, katuig;
Tel — Mulkas veduru, Mullu vedurn;
English — Spiny bamboo.
iv) B. burmanica Asm — Thaikawa.
v) B. multiplex Syn. B. glancescens Sans — keu-fa;
(Syn. B. nana) Burmese — Pa-lau-pinan-wa;
Malay — Bamboo tjeenah;
China — Bamboo hower tjeenah.
vi) B. nutans Asm — Deobans, jotia-makal;
Asm — Bidhuli, mukial;
Ben — Makia;
Bhutia — Jiu;
Hin — Malabans;
Kangra — Nal;
Khasi — Seringjai;
Kuki — Wa malang;
Lepcha — Malubans, mahlu, mallo;
Oriya — Badia bansa;
Sylhet (Bangladesh) — Peechli;
Tripura — Kali.
vii) B. pallida Asm — Bijli, jowa, makal, walkthai;
Cachar — Bakhal, burwal;
Khasi — Seskien, skhen, ineng, usker;
Lepcha — Pashipo, pshi, pushee;
Mikir — Loto;
Naga — Tesero, watoi;
Tripura — Makal.


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(1) (2) (3)
viii) B. polymorpha Asm — Jama betwa, betwa;
Ben — Batua, jaibarouwa, jama;
Burma — Kyathaung-wa;
MP-Korku — Narangi bhas;
Tripura — Basi.
ix) B. tulda Asm — Wamunna, wagi, nal-bans;
Ben — Tulda, jowa;
Duars — Karanti, matela;
Garo — Watti;
Hin — Peka;
Kamrup — Bijuli, jati, joo, ghora;
Tripura — Mirtinga.
x) B. vulgaris Ben and Manip — Bakal;
Oriya — Sunarkania bans.
xi) B. Wamin Syn. B.ventricosa Common name — Pitcher bamboo.
(Syn. B. Vulgaris var. Wamin)
xii) Cephalostachyum pergracile MP — Bhalan bans;
Manip — Wootang;
Naga — Latang;
Oriya — Darrgi.
xiii) Dendrocalamus giganteous English — Giant Bamboo;
Asm — Worra;
Manip — Maroobeb.
xiv) D. hamiltonii Nep — Tamo;
Asm — Kokwa;
Tripura — Pecha.
xv) D. longispathus Tripura — Rupai.
xvi) D. membranaceus Native of Myanmar; introduced in Kerala.
xvii) D. strictus English — Male bamboo;
Ben — Karail;
Guj — Nakur bans;
Kan — Kiri bidiru;
Mah — Male bamboo, nanvel;
Oriya — Salia;
Tam — Kalmungil;
Tel — Sadanapa vedur;
Tripura — Lathi bans;
Hin — Bans kaban, Nav bans;
xviii) Melocanna baccifera Asm — Tarai;
Ben — Muli;
Cachar — Wati;
Garo — Watrai;
Manip — Moubi;
Mikir — Artem;
Naga — Turiah.
xix) Oxytenanthera abyssinicia Native of tropical Africa; cultivated at FRI, Dehradun.


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(1) (2) (3)
xx) Thyrsostachys oliveri Native of Myanmar;
Planted in Haldwani (Uttaranchal),
Arunachal Pradesh, Kerala and Tamilnadu.
1 The following abbreviations have been used in the above table:
Asm Assam
Ben Bengali
Guj Gujarati
Hin Hindi
Kan Kannada
Mah Maharashtra
Manip Manipur
MP Madhya Pradesh
Nep Nepali
Sans Sanskrit
Tam Tamil
Tel Telugu
2 The above table does not provide an exhaustive list. It only attempts to enlist some of the information readily available in regard to
species of bamboo from India and some of the neighbouring countries, and some connected information.


B-1 Given below are some recommendations for overhangs should be properly tied back to wall
bamboo structures in high wind/cyclone prone areas, frame-work.
which are based on Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) of e) Roof structure shall be properly secured with
the damages of past events: vertical load-bearing members (wooden or
a) Prefer a square plan of the building bamboo columns, brick piers or walling) for
symmetrical to the arrangement of partitions eliminating the chances of being blown away
and openings for balanced distribution of from the building. A continuous beam
forces within the structure. Window connecting all the columns would increase the
positioning be planned in such a way that wind framing action.
entering through window could pass through f) Roof cladding (G. I. sheets, clay tiles or thatch)
similar opening on opposite wall in order to be properly connected with holding down
reduce built-up pressure, and incorporate ridge U-bolts, or sturdy anchorages to ensure safety.
vents. Thatch roof be tied by nylon ropes in diagonal
b) A hip-shaped, pyramidal or a conical roofing pattern.
be preferred to gable end or mono-pitch ones g) Sufficient depth for anchorage be provided;
for least wind resistance. columns be embedded in pits within the
c) Wide mono-pitched Verandas abutting the foundation and secured by poured concrete.
entrance to residence should be structurally Wetting of column base be checked by raising
separated from the main building. it from the floor level.
d) Roof overhangs be limited to 450 mm as they h) Highest importance be given to strengthening
contribute to higher negative suction. Large the junctions between structural elements at


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different levels, that is, foundation, eaves and connecting bolts with reference to loads
roof. Walls be linked together suitably by a direction and the centre of stiffness. This will
continued collar beam at floor, sill, lintel and increase the moment-resisting capacity of the
roof level. joint and prevent hinge formation. A minimum
j) Fastening any two mutually perpendicular of two bolts be provided to prevent rotation
load bearing members should be done in of members at a joint.
accordance with good practice of spacing the


The following list records those standards which are IS No. Title
acceptable as ‘good practice’ and ‘accepted standards’ (6) 4924 Method of test for nail-jointed
in the fulfillment of the requirements of this Code. The timber trusses
latest version of the standard shall be adopted at the (Part 1) : 1968 Destructive test
time of enforcement of the Code. The standards listed (Part 2) : 1968 Proof test
may be used by the Authority for conformance with (7) 13958 : 1994 Specification for bamboo mat
the requirements of the referred clauses in the Code. board for general purposes
(8) 14588 : 1999 Specification for bamboo mat
In the following list, the number appearing in the first
veneer composite for general
column within parantheses indicates the number of the
reference in this Subsection.
(9) 15476 : 2004 Specification for bamboo mat
IS No. Title corrugated sheets
(1) 9096 : 2006 Code of practice for preservation (10) 15972 : 2012 Specification for bamboo-jute
of bamboo for structural purposes composite corrugated and semi-
(first revision) corrugated sheets
(2) 6874 : 2008 Method of tests for bamboo (first (11) 1734 (Parts 1 Methods of test for plywood
revision) to 20) : 1983 (second revision)
(3) 1902 : 2006 Code of practice for preservation (12) 1708 (Parts 1 Methods of testing of small clear
of bamboo and cane for non- to 18) : 1986 specimens of timber (second
structural purposes (second revision)
revision) (13) 848 : 2006 Specification for synthetic resin
(4) 8242 : 1976 Method of tests for split bamboo adhesives for plywood (phenolic
(5) 2366 : 1983 Code of practice for nail-jointed and aminoplastic) (second
timber construction (first revision) revision)


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