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The Influence of the Strain and Stress Gradient in
Determining Strain Fatigue Characteristics for
Oscillatory Bending
Andrzej Kurek * , Justyna Koziarska and Tadeusz Łagoda
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Opole University of Technology, 45-271 Opole, Poland;
justyna.koziarska@wp.pl (J.K.); t.lagoda@po.edu.pl (T.L.)
* Correspondence: a.kurek@po.edu.pl

Received: 7 December 2019; Accepted: 26 December 2019; Published: 1 January 2020 

Abstract: In this study, we created a new model to determine strain fatigue characteristics obtained
from a bending test. The developed model consists of comparing the stress and strain gradient
surface ratio for bending and tensile elements. For model verification, seven different materials
were examined based on fatigue tests we conducted, or data available in the literature: 30CrNiMo8,
10HNAP, SM45C, 16Mo3 steel, MO58 brass, and 2017A-T4 and 6082-T6 aluminum alloys. As a result,
we confirmed that the proposed method can be used to determine strain fatigue characteristics that
agree with the values determined on the basis of a tensile compression test.

Keywords: fatigue characteristics; bending; tension–compression; stress gradient; strain gradient

1. Introduction
Almost every type of industry has been considered in research on the analysis and, ultimately, the
prevention of risk, especially in terms of occupational safety. As such, estimating the fatigue limit is one
of the most important aspects of strength analysis of structural components. To examine the fatigue
limit of various materials, tests must be performed under tension–compression or oscillatory bending,
and the test results for the specimens of the occurrence of stresses and strains must be subsequently
analyzed. However, the origin of these stresses is not usually considered, although the terms normal
or shear stress appears in the analysis of fatigue life. The amplitude of the normal stress σa can be
derived, for example, from tension–compression, oscillatory bending with restraint, three-point and
four-point bending, or rotary bending.
It is important to note that in the case of bending, we always have a linear distribution of the
strain gradient, which in the case of elasticity corresponds to the same stress distribution. The situation
changes dramatically in the event of plastic deformations. Here, even if the sheet is rolled, the stress
distribution is not linear due to various elastic and plastic deformations in the cross-section [1].
Therefore, the problem is much more complicated for bent elements. Plastic deformations appear on
the surface, which disappear as they approach the bending plane. The greater these deformations, the
more the stress distribution has a gradient that is more and more perpendicular to the surface. In the
extreme case of a plastic joint, this distribution approaches the rectangular one in the tension and
compression parts, respectively. In addition, in the case of the mesoscopic scale, the plastic deformation
gradient significantly affects the corresponding stress gradient [2].
Few studies have paid attention to differences in fatigue resulting from the load [3–12]. A different
fatigue life may correspond, as a result, to the same strain or stress curve. Dorr T. et al. [12] proved
that changing the bending plane during tests by π/2 changes the fatigue life as well. None of the
cited works have thoroughly analyzed this phenomenon. Although there are theories that consider

Materials 2020, 13, 173; doi:10.3390/ma13010173 www.mdpi.com/journal/materials

Materials 2020, 13, 173 2 of 15

stress and strain gradients in material fatigue in general, for example, of Gil-Sevillano et al. [13], there
are none that use it to better predict fatigue life according to the oscillatory bending tests. Therefore,
determining the characteristics using tests at different loads for the same materials is required.
The effect of the stress gradient, and thus the strain gradient, is rarely directly included in fatigue
life estimation models. The gradient method is one of the methods of forecasting fatigue limit discussed
in the literature [14], where, when using a gradient method, the stress is modified with a relative or
absolute stress gradient.
Few attempts have been made to discuss or use the gradient in the literature. In one of the latest
publications [15], a strain gradient was used to predict the influence of the microstructure on the
initiation of failure, in addition to initial works considering the stress gradient [16–18]. The reported
results can be used to calculate stress for failures with sharp notches and to assess the fatigue limit of
notched components. These works showed that fatigue is significantly influenced by both the load
method and geometry, e.g., the notch, where these relationships can be described based on the stress
gradient using a dimensionless coefficient, given by:

1 ∂σ y
x= (1)
σmax ∂x

where x is the distance from the bending plane, σmax is the maximum stress. The gradient changes
with the change in the specimen size. This model was used in previous studies [19].
In this study, seven different materials were used based on selected fatigue tests available in the
literature, along with tests conducted by us: 10HNAP, 30CrNiMo8, SM45C, 16Mo3 steel, MO58 brass,
and 2017A-T4 and 6082-T6 aluminum alloys.
Fatigue life determined from fatigue tensile–compressing tests indicates lower or comparable
values for fatigue life obtained under oscillatory bending [20]. Therefore, let us assume the theory
that when using the tensile–compressing model for calculations of fatigue life for oscillatory bending,
correct and safe results can be expected [21–23].
The results obtained under oscillatory bending conditions represented by the determined secant
modulus based on the ratio of the stress gradient and the strain gradient at the critical location, i.e.,
on the surface, are significantly similar to the results obtained during tension–compression.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Stress and Strain Gradient

Basquin [24] proposed a fatigue graph depicting the dependence ofthenumber of cycles to failure
from the stress amplitude in a double logarithmic system log(σa ) − log N f and a formula expression
for tension–compression in exponential notation can be represented as [6]:
σa = σ f 2N f (2)

or in the form of:

log N f = A + m log σa , (3)

where Nf is the fatigue life in cycles, σa is the stress amplitude for tension–compression or bending,
and a and m are constants in the regression model.
The basic fatigue characteristic for tension–compression is the Manson–Coffin–Basquin modulus
(MCB) [24,25]:
σ0 f  b  c
εa,t = εa,e + εa,p = 2N f + ε0 f 2N f (4)
where εa,t is the amplitude of the total strain expressed by the sum of the amplitudes of the elastic εa,e
and plastic εa,p strain; 2Nf is the number of loading reversals (semi-cycles); E is Young’s modulus; σ’f
Materials 2020, 13, 173 3 of 15

Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 14

and c are the coefficient and exponent
Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
of the fatigue limit, respectively; and ε’f and c are the coefficient
3 of 14
and exponent of the plastic fatigue strain.
For tension–compression, the uniaxial distribution of strains and stresses is as presented in
Figure tension–compression, the
1. tension–compression, the uniaxial
uniaxial distribution
distribution of
of strains
strains and
and stresses
stresses isis as
as presented
presented in
Figure 1.
Figure 1.

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 1. The distribution of (a) 𝜀 strains and (b) σ stresses under tension–compression.
Thedistribution (a)𝜀ε strains and (b) σ stresses under tension–compression.
In the case of an elastic body model for bending, the distribution of strains and corresponding
In the
stresses the case
arecase of an
linear, anpresented
as elastic body
elastic body model for
in Figure for bending,
2. bending, the
the distribution
distribution of
of strains
strains and
and corresponding
stresses are
stresses are linear,
linear, as presented in Figure 2.

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
distributionof (a) 𝜀ε strains and (b) σ stresses under bending.
of(a) bending.
Figure 2. The distribution of (a) 𝜀 strains and (b) σ stresses under bending.
In the literature, no simple model exists for determining
In determining strains
strains and
and stresses
stresses according
according to the
model In ofthethe
of literature,
the no simple
elastoplastic bodyfor
body model exists for
specimens determining
without notches
notches strains
when and stresses
bending. according
For For small
small to the
strains, the
model of
distribution the
the distribution elastoplastic
of normal
of normal body
strains for specimens
in the
in the without
cross-section forfor notches when
bending bending.
linear[21], For
[21],and small
andwe strains,
assumed thatthe
distribution of normal
this is aa geometric
geometric strainsthat
condition in the
that must
must cross-section
be met
be firstfor
met first bending
to obtain
to obtain was linear
fatigue values[21],
values under
underand we assumed
bending that
this is aelastoplastic
in the geometric condition
model. that must be met first to obtain fatigue values under bending conditions
in the elastoplastic model. X
εa (x) = εa max 𝑋 (5)
𝜀 (𝑥) = 𝜀 R
𝑋 (5)
𝜀 (𝑥) and 𝑅
= 𝜀 R is the maximum height. (5)
where x is the distance from the bending plane, 𝑅
where x is the distance from the bending plane, and R is the maximum height.
The second condition to be met is a physical condition, i.e., a bending moment that must be
where x is the distance fromtothe bebending
met is aplane, and condition,
R is the maximum height.moment that must be
balanced second
The condition
by the normal stresses: physical i.e., a bending
The second condition
balanced by the normal stresses: to be met is a physical
Z condition, i.e., a bending moment that must be
balanced by the normal stresses: Mb = σ(x, y)xdS (6)
𝑀 = 𝜎 (𝑥, 𝑦)𝑥𝑑𝑆 (6)
The Ramberg–Osgood equation combines 𝑀 = the 𝜎 (𝑥, 𝑦)𝑥𝑑𝑆
stress amplitude with the strain amplitude and (6)is
described as [26]:
The Ramberg–Osgood equation combines the stress amplitude   10 with the strain amplitude and is
The Ramberg–Osgood
described as [26]: equation combines the stress σa amplitude
σa n with the strain amplitude and is
εa,t = εa,e + εa,p = + 0 (7)
described as [26]: E K
𝜎 𝜎 ′ (7)
𝜀 , = 𝜀 , +𝜀 , =𝜎 + 𝜎 ′
𝜀 , = 𝜀 , + 𝜀 , = 𝐸 + 𝐾′ (7)
𝐸 𝐾′
where 𝜀 is the stress amplitude, K’ is the coefficient of cyclic strength, and n’ is the exponent of
where 𝜀 is the stress amplitude, K’ is the coefficient of cyclic strength, and n’ is the exponent of
cyclic strengthening.
cyclic strengthening.
Materials 2020, 13, 173 4 of 15

Materials ε is12,
where 2019,
a thex FOR PEER
stress REVIEW
amplitude, 4 of 14
K’ is the coefficient of cyclic strength, and n’ is the exponent of
cyclic strengthening.
In total, the system of equations consisting of conditions in Equations (5)–(7) must be met; on
In total, the system of equations consisting of conditions in Equations (5)–(7) must be met; on
this basis, the elastoplastic strains and appropriate stresses can be determined. The distribution of
this basis, the elastoplastic strains and appropriate stresses can be determined. The distribution of
strains and stresses was shaped as presented in Figure 3. The linear strain gradient corresponded to
strains and stresses was shaped as presented in Figure 3. The linear strain gradient corresponded to a
a non-linear stress gradient.
non-linear stress gradient.

(a) (b)

Thedistribution (a)𝜀εstrains
distributionofof(a) strainsand (b)σσ elastoplastic
and(b) elastoplastic stresses
stresses under
under bending.

Using thestrain
strainderivative afterxxfrom
derivativeafter fromEquation
we obtained
obtained aa derivative
derivative for
for strains:
dε = 𝜀εamax
= 𝑅 (8)(8)
dx R
In the elastic range, the stress derivative after x for bending has the form:
In the elastic range, the stress derivative after x for bending has the form:
𝑑𝜎 𝜎
dσ = σ𝑅
𝑑𝑥 amax
= (9)
dx R
By using the assumptions in Equations (7) and (8), we obtained the ratio of stress and strain
By using the assumptions in Equations (7) and (8), we obtained the ratio of stress and strain
derivatives: 𝑑𝜎 𝜎
σa max

dx 𝑅R 𝜎σ
𝑑𝜀  == 𝜀 = amax =
 = =𝐸
E (10)
dε εa max 𝜀εamax
𝑑𝑥dx 𝑅R
which ineffect,
effect, corresponds
corresponds toto Young’s
Young’s modulus
modulus of
of elasticity.
According to Equations (3) and (4), for a model
According to Equations (3) and (4), for a model of ofthe
! / ′0
𝜀(𝑥) = 𝜀 x𝑥 = 𝜎σa(𝑥)
(x) + 𝜎σa(𝑥)
(x) 1/n (11)
ε(x) = εamax 𝑅 = 𝐸 + 𝐾′0 (11)
Counting the derivative on both sides after x from Equation (10), we obtained:
Counting the derivative on both sides after x from Equation (10), we obtained:
𝜀 1 𝑑𝜎 (𝑥) 1 / ′ 1 𝑑𝜎 (𝑥)
= +  1/n0  𝜎  (𝑥) / ′ 0 (12)
𝑅 𝐸1 dσ
𝑑𝑥 𝐾′1 𝑛′1 𝑑(𝑥)
a (x) 1/n −1 dσ a (x)
= + 0 σa (x) (12)
R E dx K n0 d(x)
and after transformation, we obtained:
and after transformation, we
𝜀 obtained:
1 1 / 1 𝑑𝜎 (𝑥)
= "+ 𝜎 (𝑥) / ⋅# (13)
𝑅 𝐸 𝐾′
 1/n 𝑛′
0 𝑑(𝑥)
εamax 1 1 1 dσa (x)
1/n0 −1
= + 0 0
σa ( x ) · (13)
In other words, R E K n d(x)
In other words, 𝑑𝜎(𝑥) ε𝑅
dσ(x) =
𝑑(𝑥) /
= 1 + 1 1/n0R1 𝜎(𝑥) / (14)
d(x) 𝐸1 + 𝐾′10 0
𝑛′10 σ(x)1/n −1
E K n
Assuming that the secant modulus at a given point includes plastic strains, it is defined as:
Materials 2020, 13, 173 5 of 15

Assuming that the secant modulus at a given point includes plastic strains, it is defined as:

Ep = d

by introducing Equations (8) and (14) into (15), we obtained:

Ep =  10 (16)
n0 σ ( x )
1 1 n 1 n0
E + K0

Eventually, by dividing the sides of Equations (10) and (16), we obtained:

E 1 1 0
= 1+E 0 0
σa (x)1/n −1 (17)
Ep K n

where K’ is the coefficient of cyclic strength and n’ is the exponent of cyclic strengthening.
We proposed the following relationship between the amplitude for oscillatory bending according
to the elastoplastic model and the amplitude including the gradient:

σa,grad = σa,e−p (18)

where E is Young’s modulus, a is the exponent of fatigue stress, and σa,e−p is the stress amplitude for
bending according to the full elastic model.
In the proposed model, we assume that a in Equation (18) is:

a= (19)
Eventually, by substituting Equation (17) into Equation (18), we obtained:

   n10  5n1 0
1 1 1 −1 
σa,grad = σa,e−p 1 + E 0 σa (x) n 
 0

K n0

We obtained the maximum stress on the surface; in other words, for x = R, σa (x) = σa,e−p or:

   n10  5n1 0
1 1 1 −1 
σa,grad = σa,e−p 1 + E 0 σa,e−p n0 

K n0

Calculating the maximum stress provided the basis for calculating the strain gradient:

σ  σ  n10
a,grad a,grad
εa,grad = + (22)
E K0

Eventually, after introducing Equation (21) into Equation (22), we obtained:

 " 1#   " # 10  n10

  10 0   10
 1 −1 5n   1 −1 5n 
 σ
n0 σ
  σ
n0 σa,e−p
1 n 1 1 n 1
 a,e−p 1 + E K0 a,e−p n
  a,e−p 1 + E K0 n0 
  
=   +  (23)
E K0
  
 
   
   
Materials 2020, 13, 173 6 of 15

2.2. Experimental Tests

The analysis was conducted on 7 materials from different material groups. A part of the
research data was obtained from the available literature, and some data were obtained from our
own research. The analyzed and tested materials were 10HNAP, based on our research under
tension–compression [27] and under bending [28]; 16Mo3, based on data from the literature for
tension–compression [29] and on the basis of our own tests for bending [30]; 30CrNiMo3, based on
data from the literature for bending [30] and tension–compression [31]; MO58, on the basis of our own
tests for bending [32] and for tension–compression [33]; SM45, based on data from the literature for
bending [34] and for tension–compression [29]; 2017A-T4, based on our own tests under bending [35]
and tension–compression [36]; and 6082-T6, also on the basis of our own tests under bending [37] and
tension–compression [38]. Table 1 presents the chemical composition of tested materials, and Table 2
presents the mechanical properties of these materials.

Table 1. Chemical composition of the tested materials (%).

Chemical Composition
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Fe Mg Zn Zr + Ti Pb Sn Al
10HNAP 0.115 0.41 0.71 0.082 0.028 0.81 1.90 0.30 - - - - - - -
30CrNiMo8 0.3 0.27 0.49 0.019 0.009 3.89 1.90 0.30 - - - - - - -
SM45C 0.45 0.35 0.64 0.011 0.012 - - - - - - - - - -
16Mo3 0.19 0.28 0.69 0.019 0.024 - - 0.33 - - - - - - -
Max Max The Max Max
MO58 - - - - - - - 56–60 - - 1–3.5
0.2 0.5 rest 0.5 1
2017(A) - 0.2–0.8 0.4–1.0 - - <0.10 - - 3.5–4.5 <0.7 0.4–1.0 <0.25 <0.25 - -
6082 - 0.7–1.3 0.4–1.0 - - <0.25 - - <0.1 <0.5 0.6–1.2 <0.2 <0.1 - -

Table 2. Mechanical properties of the tested and analyzed materials, such as offset yield point (Rp0.2 ),
ultimate tensile strength (Rm ), relative elongation (A5), and Poisson’s ratio (ν).

Material Rp0.2 (MPa) Rm (MPa) A5 (%) ν

10HNAP 464 566 32 0.29
30CrNiMo8 795 1014 6.3 0.29
SM45C 430 680 15 0.29
16Mo3 335 481 24 0.30
MO58 399 484 - 0.32
2017-T6 395 545 21 0.32
6082-T4 365 385 27.2 0.32

Tensile–compression tests were performed under standard conditions on solid round specimens.
In fatigue tests, diabolo-type cylindrical specimens with no geometric notch were used, as presented in
Figure 4. The tests under cyclic bending conditions at the controlled moment (Figure 5a) were conducted
for 10HNAP steel, Mo58 brass, and 2017(A)-T4 and 6082-T6 aluminum alloys. However, cyclic bending
tests with controlled strains (Figure 5b) were conducted for 16Mo3 steel and 6082-T6 aluminum.
specimens. In fatigue tests, diabolo-type cylindrical specimens with no geometric notch were used,
as presented in Figure 4. The tests under cyclic bending conditions at the controlled moment (Figure
5a) were conducted for 10HNAP steel, Mo58 brass, and 2017(A)-T4 and 6082-T6 aluminum alloys.
However, cyclic bending tests with controlled strains (Figure 5b) were conducted for 16Mo3 steel and
6082-T6 2020, 13, 173
aluminum. 7 of 15

Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER 4. The specimen’s geometry for fatigue testing, in mm.
REVIEW 7 of 14
Figure 4. The specimen’s geometry for fatigue testing, in mm.

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Research
Research stands for fatigue tests with (a) controlled moment and (b) controlled strain.

2.3. Analysis
2.3. Analysis
For oscillatory
oscillatory bending,
bending, in in the first stage,
the first stage, the
the stress
stress amplitudes
amplitudes from from the elastic body
the elastic body model
model were
converted into the elastoplastic body model according to the description and Equations
converted into the elastoplastic body model according to the description and Equations (5)–(7). Then, (5)–(7). Then,
the calculated
amplitudes were converted
were into into
converted the model proposed
the model in this paper,
proposed in thiswhich
the stress gradient, according to Equation
included the stress gradient, according to Equation (21) σ , which was the basis for calculating
(21) σa,grad, which was the basis for calculating
a,grad the strain
gradient using Equation
strain gradient (23). (23).
using Equation
We interpreted
interpreted thethe results
results by
by analyzing
analyzing the
the fatigue
fatigue life life scatter,
scatter, which
which was
was used
used with
with the
the help
help of
the logarithm [39]:
the logarithm [39]:
E = f log 𝜀 (24)
𝐸 = 𝑓 logεcal (24)
where εcal , with the use of the MCB in Equation (4).
where 𝜀 , with the use of the MCB in Equation (4).
The literature [25] suggested determining MSE as:
The literature [25] suggested determining MSE as:
2 ε𝜀a
𝑙𝑜𝑔 εcal
E𝐸RMS = 𝜀 (25)
Eventually, to
to determine
determine the
the mean
mean scatter,

= 10
10ERMS (26)
In the available literature, the subject of scattering has been discussed [14]. We used scattering
as oneInof
methods literature, the subject
for comparing of scattering
models assessinghas beenlife.
fatigue discussed [14]. We used scattering as
one of the methods for comparing models assessing fatigue life.
The scattering was counted in the first stage for tension–compression, then for bending, as
The wasamplitude
by the strain counted according
in the first
to stage for tension–compression,
the elastoplastic model 𝜀 a,e-p, and then for including
then by bending,
as described by the strain amplitude according to the elastoplastic model ε , and then
strain gradients 𝜀 a,grad in relation to the base characteristic determined for tension–compression.
a,e-p by including
gradients εa,grad
6–13 in relation
depict to thestrain
the nominal base characteristic
amplitudes, determined
amplitudes for tension–compression.
determined according to the
elastoplastic body model, and, according to the proposed model, the strain gradient against the
amplitudes obtained for tension–compression. The inclusion of the elastoplastic model resulted in
the reduction of curves, illustrating the results obtained from tests under cyclic bending conditions
and the approximation to the curves obtained from tensile–compression testing. On the other hand,
considering the gradient effect for most of the analyzed materials led to cyclic bending and to
For 16Mo3
obtained under steel (Figure 9), the strain
tension–compression, andamplitude
were almost was parallel.
located below the amplitude
For MO58 of the10),
brass (Figure results
amplitudeunder tension–compression,
according to the new modeland waswere
also almost
below that parallel.
of theFor MO58
results brass (Figure
obtained 10), the
under bending
according to according to the new
the elastoplastic model
model. was also
However, below
when that of the
analyzing MO58 results obtained
(Figure 10) asunder
well asbending
T4 aluminum to the elastoplastic
alloy (Figure 11), model. However,
comparing when analyzing
the amplitudes MO58
obtained (Figure
under 10)bending
cyclic as well as 2017A-
T4 aluminum
to all the models alloy
with (Figure 11), comparing theamplitude
the tensile–compression amplitudes wasobtained
as thecyclic bending
results were inaccording
Materials 2020, 13, 173 8 of 15
to all the
cycle models
ranges. Thewith the for
results tensile–compression
2017-T4 aluminum amplitude was difficult,
alloy overlapped each as the results
other, both forwere
thosein different
bending Theaccording
results forto2017-T4 aluminumand
the elastoplastic alloy overlapped
nominal model, each
as other,
well asboth for those
according toobtained
the new
model bending
Figures 6–13according
Equation to the
the (21) elastoplastic
nominal 𝜀 nominal
strainasamplitudes, . model, as well
amplitudes as according
determined to thetonew
according the
model For proposed
elastoplastic body
6082-T6 in Equation
aluminum (21)according
we analyzed 𝜀 the
as the
to .
strain model, the
performed forstrain gradient
the results against
obtained the
bending at aobtained
For 6082-T6 controlled for tension–compression.
aluminum alloy,
strain (Figure 12) and The
we analyzed a inclusion
atthe ofmoment
the elastoplastic
strain performed
controlled for model
the results
(Figure 13). resulted
both in the
cases, the
bending atofacurves,
strain amplitude controlledillustrating
that the
the results
strain (Figure
included new12) obtained
and at was
solution from testsboth
a controlled
below underthecyclic
moment bending
results 13).conditions
obtainedIn under and the
both cases,
and underamplitude to the
thatcurves obtained
tension–compression. from
the new tensile–compression
solution was below both testing. On theobtained
the results other hand, considering
under bending
andgradient effect for most of the analyzed materials led to cyclic bending and to tension–compression.
under tension–compression.

10HNAP Bending (elasto-plastic)

Bending MCB
Bending (elasto-plastic)
aep Tension-compression
Bending MCB
Tension-compression MCB
10-2 atc
Tension-compression MCB

104 105 106 107 108
10-3 Nf cycle
104 105 106
107 108
Nf cycle
Figure 6. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 10HNAP steel.
Figure6.6. Dependency
Figure Dependency chart
thestrain amplitudeε𝜀a == ff(𝑁
strainamplitude (N f)) for
for 10HNAP
10HNAP steel.


30CrNiMo8 Bending
Bending MCB
aep Tension-compression
Bending MCB
Tension-compression MCB
10-2 atc
Tension-compression MCB
10-2 agrad

102 103 104 105 106 107
10-3 N f cycle
102 10 3
10 4
10 5
10 6
N f cycle
Figure Dependencychart
thestrain amplitudeσσaa == f(N
strainamplitude f(Nff)) for
for 30CrNiMo8
30CrNiMo8 steel.
Figure 7. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude σa = f(Nf) for 30CrNiMo8 steel.
Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 14
Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 14
Materials 2020, 13, 173 9 of 15
Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
10-3 SM45 9 of 14
10-3 SM45 Bending (elasto-plastic)
5 aep

SM45 Bending
4.554 10-3 aep
Bending (elasto-plastic)
4.5 Tension-compression
Bending (elasto-plastic)
3.5 aep Tension-compression
atc Bending
3.54 Tension-compression
3 atc
3.5 Bending
3 Bending





104 105 106
1 Nf cycle
104 105
1 Nf cycle
104 5
10 106
Figure 8. Dependency chart for the strain
Nf cycleamplitude εa = f(Nf) for SM45 steel.

Figure 8. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude εa = f(Nf) for SM45 steel.
Figure Dependencychart
thestrain amplitudeεεaa== f(N
strainamplitude f(Nff)) for
for SM45
SM45 steel.
16Mo3 Tension-compression
16Mo3 Tension-compresion
Bending (elasto-plastic)
10-2 Tension-compresion
atc Bending(elasto-plastic)
Bending (elasto-plastic)
10-2 agrad
Bending (elasto-plastic)
Bending (elasto-plastic)
10-2 agrad
Bending (elasto-plastic)

a aa

102 103 104 105 106
102 10 3 N 10cycle
10 5
102 10 3 N cycle
104 10 5

amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 16Mo3 steel.

N cycle
Figure 9. Dependency chart for the strain
Figure 9. Dependency chart for the strainf amplitude εa = f (N f ) for 16Mo3 steel.
Figure 9. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 16Mo3 steel.
Figure 9. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 16Mo3 steel.
MO58 Bending
MO58 aep
10-2 Tension-compression
10-2 Tension-compression
Bending (elasto-plastic)
aep Tension-compression
10-2 Tension-compression
Bending (elasto-plastic)

a a

102 103 104 105 106 107
N f cycle
102 103 104 105 106 107
10-3 N f cycle
102 103 104 105 106 107
Figure 10.Dependency
Figure10. Dependencychart
strain amplitudeεa𝜀==f f(𝑁
N f cycle (N f ) for MO58 steel.
Figure 10. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for MO58 steel.
Figure 10. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for MO58 steel.
Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 14
Materials 2020,
Materials 2019, 13,
12, 173
10 of 14
of 15
Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 14

a a a

Figure 11. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 2017A-T4 aluminum alloy.
Figure 11. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 2017A-T4 aluminum alloy.
Figure 11.Dependency
Figure11. Dependencychart
thestrain amplitudeεa𝜀==f f(𝑁
strainamplitude (N f )) for
for 2017A-T4
2017A-T4 aluminum
aluminum alloy.
a a

Figure 12. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 6082-T4 steel.
Figure 12.Dependency
thestrain amplitudeεa𝜀 == ff(𝑁
strainamplitude (N f )) for
for 6082-T4
6082-T4 steel.
Figure 12. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 6082-T4 steel.

Figure 13.Dependency
Figure13. Dependencychart
thestrain amplitudeεa𝜀 ==ff(𝑁
strainamplitude (N f )) for
for 6082-T4
6082-T4 steel.
Figure 13. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 6082-T4 steel.
Figure 13. Dependency chart for the strain amplitude 𝜀 = f(𝑁 ) for 6082-T4 steel.
Materials 2020, 13, 173 11 of 15

For 10HNAP steel (Figure 6), the strain amplitude gradient for the results for bending was
below the amplitude for the results obtained under bending according to the elastoplastic model.
The amplitude of the strain almost coincided with that under tension–compression.
The tests and calculations for 30CrNiMo8 (Figure 7) and SM45C steel (Figure 8) were similar.
For 16Mo3 steel (Figure 9), the strain amplitude was located below the amplitude of the results
obtained under tension–compression, and were almost parallel. For MO58 brass (Figure 10), the
amplitude according to the new model was also below that of the results obtained under bending
according to the elastoplastic model. However, when analyzing MO58 (Figure 10) as well as 2017A-T4
aluminum alloy (Figure 11), comparing the amplitudes obtained under cyclic bending according to all
the models with the tensile–compression amplitude was difficult, as the results were in different cycle
ranges. The results for 2017-T4 aluminum alloy overlapped each other, both for those obtained under
bending according to the elastoplastic and nominal model, as well as according to the new model
proposed in Equation (21) presented as εagrad .
For 6082-T6 aluminum alloy, we analyzed the strain performed for the results obtained under
bending at a controlled strain (Figure 12) and at a controlled moment (Figure 13). In both cases, the
strain amplitude that included the new solution was below both the results obtained under bending
and under tension–compression.

3. Discussion
When comparing different models, in order to select the one closest to reality, the fatigue life
scatter was analyzed for each of the examined materials. The results are presented in Tables 3–9. The
scatter for 10HNAP steel was the largest for the results obtained under bending. By comparing bending
according to the elastoplastic model (e-p) and by including the strain gradient (grad), we found that
the smallest scatter, and the closest to the tension–compression, were the results produced by the
model that included the gradients. When analyzing subsequent materials, we found that this was the
same situation for all steel and brass. Thus, for all analyzed steel and brass, satisfactory results were
obtained according to the proposed model. For aluminum alloys, no improvement in the scattering
was achieved, but the obtained results were acceptable. Scattering for 6082-T4 aluminum alloy also
remained in the trend as 2017A-T6 aluminum, but the difference was even smaller, especially between
bending under controlled strain and bending with the gradient.

Table 3. The cyclic properties of 10HNAP steel.

Material Constant

Testing Conditions E Ramberg–Osgood Basquin Manson–Coffin–Basquin (MCB)

(GPa) K’ (MPa) n’ A m σ’f (MPa) ε’f b c
Bending - - 35.96 11.39 - - - - -
Bending (e–p) - - 46.64 16.24 675 0.239 −0.052 −0.340 1.616
Tension–compression 853 0.156 29.07 9.57 685 0.245 −0.063 −0.399 1.114
Bending (grad) 58.51 21.41 501 0.0349 −0.039 −2569 1.152

Table 4. Cyclic properties of 30CrNiMo3 steel.

Material Constant
Testing Conditions E Ramberg–Osgood Basquin MCB
(GPa) K’ (MPa) n’ A m σ’f (MPa) ε’f b c
Bending - - 25.57 7.35 - - - -
Bending (e–p) - - 52.07 17.30 911 0.602 −0.045 −0.548 1.229
Tension–compression 972 0.085 49.79 16.64 851 0.471 −0.043 −0.597 1.123
Bending (grad) - - 84.25 29.38 693 0.041 −0.027 −0.384 1.159
Materials 2020, 13, 173 12 of 15

Table 5. Cyclic properties of SM45C.

Material Constant
Testing Conditions E Ramberg–Osgood Basquin MCB
(GPa) K’ (MPa) n’ A m σ’f (MPa) ε’f b c
Bending - - 31.13 10.29 - - - -
Bending (e–p) - - 37.78 13.38 671 0.035 −0.071 −0.298 1.246
Tension–compression 1414 0.231 23.69 7.76 1140 0.406 −0.122 −0.53 1.067
Bending (grad) 44.02 16.18 527 0.009 −0.058 −0.224 1.168

Table 6. Cyclic properties of 16Mo3 steel.

Material Constant
Testing Conditions E Ramberg–Osgood Basquin MCB
(GPa) K’ (MPa) n’ A m σ’f (MPa) ε’f b c
Bending - - 21.07 6.80 - - - -
Bending (e–p) - - 24.91 8.40 980 0.769 −0.116 −0.580 1.250
Tension–compression 1038 0.133 27.94 9.67 780 0.233 −0.096 −0.473 1.106
Bending (grad) 26.47 9.05 884 0.071 −0.107 −0.635 1.244

Table 7. Cyclic properties of MO58 steel.

Material Constant
Testing Conditions E Ramberg–Osgood Basquin MCB
(GPa) K’ (MPa) n’ A m σ’f (MPa) ε’f b c
Bending - - 19.98 5.86 - - - -
Bending (e–p) - - 25.06 8.04 1175 4.71 −0.110 −0.717 1.169
Tension–compression 723.3 0.121 50.92 18.59 549 0.11 −0.049 −0.434 1.091
Bending (grad) - - 25.76 8.3380 936 0.01 −0.095 −0.265 1.155

Table 8. Cyclic properties of 2017A-T4 aluminum alloy.

Material Constant
Testing Conditions E Ramberg–Osgood Basquin MCB
(GPa) K’ (MPa) n’ A m σ’f (MPa) ε’f b c
Bending at the
- - 25.59 8.65 738 1 −0.095 0 1.498
controlled moment
Tension–compression 617 0.066 35.55 12.54 553 0.193 −0.044 −0.678 1.158
Bending (grad) - - 25.59 8.65 738 1 −0.095 0 1.498
Materials 2020, 13, 173 13 of 15

Table 9. Cyclic properties of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy.

Material Constant
Testing Conditions E Ramberg–Osgood Basquin MCB
(MPa) K’ (MPa) n’ A m σ’f (MPa) ε’f b c
Bending at the controlled
- - 23.7053 7.9930 905 0.0530 −0.116 −0.610 1.179
Bending at the controlled
76.998 - - - - 687 0.0419 −0.096 −0.516 1.183
moment (grad)
Bending at the controlled
- - 25.1731 8.6950 768 0.2836 −0.105 0.649 1.150
Bending at the controlled
- - 26.47 9.28 696 0.0835 −0.098 −0.548 1.153
strain (grad)
Tension–compression 616 0.099 37.5945 13.7902 533 0.185 −0.065 −0.634 1.050

4. Conclusions
This paper proposes a model that enables the conversion of strain fatigue characteristics obtained
on the basis of a cyclic bending test into equivalents, which coincides with the characteristics obtained
in the tensile–compression test. The proposed model is based on the ratio of the stress and strain
gradient at a critical location, i.e., on the surface.
From the analyzed materials, we found that the strain amplitudes obtained on the basis of the
oscillatory bending test with restraint for a given fatigue life were greater than or equal to those
obtained in the tensile–compression test.
For the analyzed materials, we concluded that the strain amplitudes obtained on the basis of
the proposed model during the oscillatory bending test with restraint for a given fatigue life were
comparable to those obtained from the tensile–compression test, with the exception of 16Mo3 steel.
From the use of scattering, we found that the most reliable calculation results for the oscillatory
bending were obtained when including the secant modulus considering plasticity, i.e., the ratio of the
stress gradient and the strain gradient.

Author Contributions: Formal analysis, A.K.; investigation, A.K. and J.K.; methodology, A.K. and T.Ł.; supervision,
T.Ł.; Writing—review and editing, A.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was conducted under the grant of the National Science Centre (Poland) no. 2015/19/B/ST8/01115
and also this research was funded by the project financially co-supported by the Minister of Science and Higher
Education in the range of the program entitled “Regional Initiative of Excellence” for the years 2019–2022, Project
No. 017/RID/2018/19, amount of funding 12.000.000 PLN.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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