Pallari Et Al 2010
Pallari Et Al 2010
Pallari Et Al 2010
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3 authors, including:
James Woodburn
Glasgow Caledonian University
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Abstract—Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease Custom orthoses have traditionally been made using craft
that can lead to pain, stiffness, and deformity, often with marked techniques [5], often based on plaster casting an impression
involvement of the small joints of the foot and ankle. Orthotic of the patients’ foot or lower leg, using this “negative” mold
devices are commonly prescribed for this condition to lessen symp-
toms and improve function and mobility, and customized devices to create a “positive,” and then, casting or molding from that
are most effective. The work reported in this paper has examined to create an orthosis. Current state of the art is moving to-
the feasibility of using an additive manufacturing-based approach ward computer-aided design and computer-aided manufactur-
to manufacture customized orthoses. In order to test feasibility, ing (CAD/CAM)-based systems [6] with various centralized
orthoses have been manufactured using the additive manufactur- and distributed models ranging from complete office-based
ing technology of selective laser sintering, and have been evaluated
through a small-scale patient trial (n = 7). The trial indicated that solutions to factory-based manufacturing. These approaches
these orthoses performed as well as the patients’ current prescribed are attempts to move from craft-based customization to mass
customized devices in terms of the observed gait and subjective customization—customization processes, which are systematic
evaluation of fit and comfort. It is concluded that the feasibility and aimed at large markets [7]. However, CAD/CAM is consid-
of the additive manufacturing approach has been demonstrated, ered to raise significant training issues in its application in the
and further development of a mass customization system to deliver
orthoses, together with exploitation of the design freedom offered industry [8], with additional concerns that the design software is
by the manufacturing method, will give the overall approach sig- often basic and the product range is limited by the geometries; it
nificant clinical potential. is possible to create using milling. The aim of this study was to
Index Terms—Additive layer manufacturing, mass customiza- evaluate the potential for an automated and entirely digital mass
tion, orthotics, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), selective laser sintering customization process based on geometry capture using a digital
(SLS). 3-D scanner and manufacture using the additive manufacturing
process of selective laser sintering (SLS). Additive manufac-
I. INTRODUCTION turing processes have been available to produce low volumes
of components with low lead times since the early 1980s [9],
HEUMATOID arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory joint
R disease with an estimated prevalence between 0.3% and
1% [1]. Inflammation causes joint destruction, leading to painful
and have more recently been exploited in the production of
medical devices, including the manufacture of customized in-
the-ear hearing aid shells [10] and the creation of drill guides
and deformed foot joints and orthotics are commonly prescribed for dental surgery [11], and have also been evaluated for their
to redistribute load, restrict or alter motion, or compensate for potential in creating ankle–foot orthoses [12]. One significant
a deformity or muscle weakness. Orthoses have been shown to advantage of additive manufacturing approaches over and above
reduce pain [2], delay the progress of deformity [3] and disabil- the low lead times they operate with is that they offer “design
ity [2], and improve joint function in the foot [4]. Custom-made freedom” [13], with few manufacturing constraints on geome-
orthoses, tailored to the needs of a particular patient, have been try. In order to evaluate the potential for a mass customization
shown to offer improved fit and comfort over mass-produced process based on 3-D scanning and SLS, we have developed a
orthoses [2]. simple rule-based mass customization process. A key element
of any mass customization system is that a customized specifi-
cation can be quickly translated to create a customized product
Manuscript received October 8, 2009; revised November 24, 2009 and design. Typically, this will be based on some modular design
January 25, 2010; accepted February 6, 2010. Date of publication March 4, principles: adding, combining, or adapting different elements of
2010; date of current version June 16, 2010. This work was supported by the a design to create one-off functionality, and the development of
Arthritis Research Campaign under Award W0630 and the European Com-
mission Framework VII Programme under Award CP-PT 228893-2. Asterisk the design rules to support the mass customization approach has
indicates corresponding author. been central to the research. This simple rule-based mass cus-
J. H. P. Pallari is with Materialise NV, Leuven 3001, Belgium (e-mail: tomization process has been then used to create orthoses, which
*K. W. Dalgarno is with the School of Mechanical and Systems Engineer- were evaluated by a small sample of patients who have orthoses
ing, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K. (e-mail: proscribed for them as a result of RA: with the goal of under- standing whether or not these orthoses could match the per-
J. Woodburn is with the School of Health, Glasgow Caledonian University,
Glasgow, G4 0BA, U.K. (e-mail: formance of the patients’ existing orthoses. To our knowledge,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBME.2010.2044178 this is the first time that a patient trial has been reported with
foot orthoses manufactured using an additive manufacturing foot relative to the rest of the foot. Table I summarizes the
process. rules developed for the development of rearfoot wedges
on a particular orthosis.
3) Metatarsal pads, bars, and cut outs. These come in a va-
II. METHODS riety of shapes and sizes and are used to redistribute the
A. Design Rule Development plantar pressure in the forefoot. Table II summarizes the
rules developed for the development of metatarsal sup-
The approach taken in the development of the design rules has
ports on a particular orthosis.
been to use a scan of the patients’ foot to define a “shell,” and
Tables I and II present the outcome of a large and systematic
then, to adapt that basic shell in light of the orthosis prescription.
literature review in order to develop the rules. Full details of the
There were three main features to consider, which are as follows.
process and logic applied can be found in [14].
1) Heel and arch supports. These define a “cup” in which the
heel will be positioned and the arch support, which nor-
B. Mass Customization Process
mally prevents the foot arch from collapsing. Heel sup-
ports are used to deepen posterior support and increase The simple mass customization process used as an exemplar
the effectiveness of arch support, prevent the collapse of in the study is outlined in Fig. 1. Clinical assessment of the
the heel fat pad, and increase the control during the early patient (based on physical examination and gait analysis) was
stages of the gait cycle and reduce pain. Arch supports can used to develop an orthosis specification. In parallel with this, a
also realign the foot and increase the arch contact area in scan of the patients’ foot was taken to give the basic geometry,
order to take pressure from other painful areas of the foot. which an orthosis would be adapted to.
Table I summarizes the rules developed for the develop- Weight and nonweight-bearing scans were taken using a
ment of heel and arch supports on a particular orthosis. hand-held Cobra 3-D scanner (Polhemus, Colchester, VT).
2) Rearfoot wedges. The function of a rearfoot wedge is to Whether to use a weight or nonweight-bearing scan was de-
realign the foot during the gait cycle by rotating the rear- termined by the podiatrist, on the basis of whether the arch
Fig. 5. Development of rearfoot wedge. (a) Rotation. (b) Slicing. (c) Final
B. Patient Trial
Table III shows the results velocity, cadence, cycle time, and
stride length measured (using the Gaitrite walkway) on the seven
patients for both orthotic treatment conditions. Results showed
only small numerical differences in spatial and temporal gait pa-
Fig. 8. Subjective evaluation of fit of orthoses. Translated directly from
rameters between the orthotic treatment conditions. The mean 100-mm long VAS.
[standard deviation (SD)] walking velocity for the standard cus-
tomized (SC) foot orthoses was 115.1 (19.3) and 113.6 (16.7)
cm/s for the SLS foot orthoses. Cadence was 103.7 (10.2) and for the SC foot orthoses were 79.4 (8.2) mm compared to 77.0
101.7 (9.4) steps per minute for the SC foot orthoses and the (11.1) mm for the SLS foot orthoses. The comfort ratings for the
SLS foot orthoses, respectively. The left and right cycle times SC foot orthoses were 65.7 (19.7) mm compared to 60.6 (21.6)
were 1.16 (0.12) and 1.17 (0.11) s, respectively, for the SC foot mm for the SLS foot orthoses. A simple paired t-test, shown in
orthoses and 1.19 (0.11) and 1.18 (0.11) s, respectively, for the Table V, indicated no statistically significant difference between
SLS foot orthoses. The left and right stride lengths were 133.5 the two sets of results at the p < 0.05 significance level [14].
(17.5) and 134.4 (17.5) m, respectively, for the SC foot orthoses
and 134.7 (14.3) and 134.5 (13.6), respectively, for the SLS foot IV. DISCUSSION
orthoses. Table IV shows the results of a one-way ANOVA test,
which indicates no difference in walking performance of the A. Patient Trial Results
patients using the two orthoses [14]. The main conclusion from the patient trials was that the pro-
Figs. 8 and 9 summarize the subjective responses of the pa- cess had shown that the SLS foot orthoses, manufactured using
tients regarding the fit and comfort of the two sets of orthoses, the process outlined in Fig. 1, had performed as well as the cur-
determined using VAS scales. While there is some variation in rent clinical best practice, etc., while further work is required to
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