Clinical Mentorship Guideline
Clinical Mentorship Guideline
Clinical Mentorship Guideline
April, 2016
© Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
6 Samora Machel Avenue
P.O. Box 11478 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Phone: +255-22-2342000/5 | Fax: +255-22-2137951
Website: | E-mail:
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Quality Assurance................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Clinical Mentorship Overview.............................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Relationship between Clinical Mentorship and Supportive Supervision............................................. 2
1.5 Rationale............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Goal and Objectives.............................................................................................................................. 3
1.6.1 Goal............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.6.2 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 3
1.7 About the Clinical Mentorship Guideline.............................................................................................. 3
1.7.1 This guideline is intended to be used; ........................................................................................ 3
1.7.2 The audience for these guidelines includes but is not limited to:............................................... 3
1.7.3 Clinical mentorship guideline embraces the following key components;................................... 3
CLINICAL MENTORSHIP IMPLEMENTATION LEVELS................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Implementation Structure.................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Roles of National, Zonal/Regional, Council, PMORALG, and Health Facilities...................................... 5
2.2.1 National Level.............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 PORALG....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Zonal Level................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.4 Regional Level.............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.5 Council Level................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2.6 Health Facilities council............................................................................................................... 5
2.2.7 Community.................................................................................................................................. 6
TYPES OF MENTORING APPROACHES AND METHODS............................................................................................ 7
3.1 Types of Mentoring Approaches .......................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Downward Mentoring................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.2 Upward Mentoring...................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Peer-to-Peer Mentoring.............................................................................................................. 7
3.1.4 Distance Mentoring..................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.5 Preceptor ship............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Types f Mentoring Methods................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.1 Performance standards assessments: ........................................................................................ 8
3.2.2 Bedside/clinic-based teaching: ................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Documentary reviews: ................................................................................................................ 8
3.2.4 Clinical meetings: ........................................................................................................................ 8
MANAGEMENT OF THE MENTORING PROCESS...................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Trainings in RMNCH Clinical Mentorship.............................................................................................. 9
4.1.1 Training of Trainers and Clinical Mentors.................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Training of Training...................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.3 Categories and Roles of Trainers................................................................................................. 9
IMPLEMENTATION OF CLINICAL MENTORSHIP...................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Creating an Enabling Environment for Clinical Mentors.................................................................... 12
5.2 Resources Required for Mentoring Activities and Budget................................................................. 12
5.3 Implementation Phase....................................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Minimum Timeline of Clinical Mentorship......................................................................................... 13
5.5 For Post Mentoring follow up............................................................................................................ 13
5.6 Coordination of Integrated RMNCAH mentoring activities................................................................ 13
MONITORING AND EVALUATION........................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 Tracking of enabled environment for the implementation................................................................. 14
6.2 Assessment of Performance of the Clinical Mentor........................................................................... 14
6.3 Assessment of Performance of the Mentee...................................................................................... 14
6.4 Improved service delivery uptake....................................................................................................... 15
6.5 Impact................................................................................................................................................. 15
6.6 Tools to be used.................................................................................................................................. 15
6.7 Performance Indicators Framework................................................................................................... 16
Annex 1: List of Components of RMNCAH Learning Resource Packages.............................................................. 19
7.1 Guideline, Job Aids, and Performance Standards for Newborn and Child Health............................. 19
7.2 Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)............................................................................................................ 19
7.3 Helping Babies Breathe (HBB)............................................................................................................ 19
7.4 Essential Newborn Care (ENC)........................................................................................................... 19
7.5 Growth Monitoring............................................................................................................................ 19
7.6 Paediatric Quality of Care.................................................................................................................. 20
7.7 Guideline, Job Aids, and Performance Standards for Family Planning:.............................................. 20
7.8 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Safe Motherhood ................................................
Initiative............................................................................................................................................. 20
7.9 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Reproductive Cancers...................................... 20
7.10 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Immunization and Vaccine ........................
Development........................................................................................................................... 20
7.10 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Adolescent Reproductive ..........................
Health...................................................................................................................................... 21
7.12 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Prevention of Mother to ...........................
Child Transmission................................................................................................................... 21
7.13 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Gender................................................... 21
Annex 2: RMNCAH Monitoring and Evaluation Tools............................................................................................ 21
Annex 2: 1 RMNCAH Clinical Mentor Performance Standards.......................................................... 21
Annex 2.2 Clinical mentors’ assessment checklist............................................................................ 25
Annex 2.3 Clinical Mentoring Activity Summary Report................................................................... 26
Annex 2.4 Clinical Mentoring Monthly Summary Report –.............................................................. 27
Annex 3: List of Members who participated in Guideline Development............................................................... 28
Bibliography........................................................................................................................................................... 31
iii. Checklist: A checklist is list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a
iv. Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE): is a tool whereby an assessor observes a skills
station which requires performing a task or carrying out an examination with a clearly defined set of
components that the candidate is expected to perform. It is used mostly in evaluating medical student
in training.
This National RMNCAH Clinical Mentorship Guideline is a result of desk review of documents,existing
guidelines, tools, and resource packages. Clinical mentorship system aims to improve the quality of RMNCAH
clinical services in the country. The RMNCAH clinical mentorship system recognizes the existence of other
current quality service improvement systems in the health service provision, such as quality assuarance and
Total Quality Management(TQM). This guideline aligns to the National Road Map Strategic Plan to improve
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Tanzania that spells out the provision of quality reproductive and
child health services as one of its priority.This Guideline will assist programming of mentorship framework
at every level of health care system to support the process of quality improvement in the efforts of attaining
the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs)
Development of this guideline emanates from the fact that, having a skilled human resource for health at
workplace, remains an important key for quality, efficient and effective service provision. This component
has been and will continue to be critical especially at this stage when the Government of Tanzania is
continuing to recruiting the entire spectrum of skilled human resource for health ever year.
To sustain achievements of MDG 4&5 and propel SDGs agenda, the Ministry , recommends this guideline to
be used as a standard tool at different levels towards provision of RMNCAH care to enhance mentorship.
viii National Reproductive Maternal New born Child and Adolescent Health
1.1 Background
Tanzania has mainstreamed several national policy documents targeting improvement of RMNCAH services.
Clinical mentorship comes at the right time when there is global and national level renewed focus on
strengthening the delivery and improvement of the quality of RMNCAH as outlined in the National RMNCAH
policy documents. There are several clinical mentoring programmes in the country on RMNCAH interventions
that have demonstrated effectiveness in building the skills of health care providers and improved service
delivery in terms of clinical outcomes. With integration of RMNCAH services there is a need to harmonize
different clinical mentorship approaches and hence the development of this guideline.
Clinical mentorship through integrated approach will add d value by further reinforcing skills and practice.
RMNCAH services are labour intensive and demand skilled health care providers for delivery of quality
health services. Inadequate skills of health care providers directly affect patient care and the related clinical
outcomes. It is expected that clinical mentorship will compliment supportive supervision to address clinical
knowledge, attitude, and skills gaps of health care providers. This Integrated RMNCAH Clinical Mentoring
will accelerate and scale up comprehensive delivery of quality RMNCAH services.
The full scope of RMNCAH clinical mentorship system in Tanzania is led by the Reproductive and child health
section under the Directorate of Preventive services. The RCHS implements comprehensive RMNCAH
interventions in order to accelerate reduction of preventable maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent
morbidity and mortality rates in Tanzania. . The RCHS implements interventions under the following units:
Family planning, Safe motherhood initiative, Newborn and child health, Reproductive cancers and Elderly,
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, Management Information System, Immunization and
Vaccines Development (IVD), Adolescent reproductive health and Gender Reproductive health.
Clinical mentorship is a system of practical training and consultation that fosters ongoing professional
development of mentees to deliver sustainable high-quality clinical care outcomes (WHO 2005 HIV
Clinical Mentoring recommendation). Clinical mentoring should be seen as part of continued professional
development, required to create competent health service providers driven by the learning needs of
mentees. After any initial training, mentees require mentorship to build confidence and competencies to
apply acquired knowledge and skills in clinical practice.
From the diagram above there are some differences and similarities between supervision and
clinical mentorship.
1.6.1 Goal
To strengthen health care providers with the clinical, skills, and attitudes to achieve competence and
confidence in provision of quality RMNCAH services
1.6.2 Objectives
• To create an enabling environment for the implementation of RMNCAH clinical mentoring at all levels
of care.
• To strengthen coordination and collaboration of RMNCAH activities at all levels.
• To improve mentors’ capacity to provide standard clinical RMNCAH mentorship.
• To strengthen RMNCAH clinical skills of health care providers to provide quality RMNCAH services.
• To improve linkages, coordination, and feedback between supervision, clinical mentoring systems,
quality improvement and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
1.7.2 The audience for these guidelines includes but is not limited to:
§ Policymakers.
§ Managers at national, zonal, regional and council levels.
§ Health facility Management teams.
§ Health service providers.
§ Community beneficiaries.
§ National and International Development Partners.
§ National and International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
NOTE: Solid lines indicate that there is constant communication, and the dashed line indicates
there is only communication if needed (for instance during upward mentoring).
2.2.2 PORALG
To collaborate with PO-RALG to solicit resources for implementation of clinical mentorship at various levels
2.2.7 Community
Community health worker (CHW) role is limited to non clinical preventive services includes Behaviour
change communication interventions, Nutritional counselling, support and referral etc.
The CHW supervisor has the following mentoring roles:
• Council ensures that all community health activities action plans and reporting tools are accurately
completed at the proper time.
• Supports the CHW to maintain and update community level RMNCAH service records, births and deaths:
maternal, newborn and child health deaths register.
• Supports the CHW understanding of RMNCAH community health priority interventions, targets, and
intended outcomes.
• Supports village leaders in collaboration with CHWs to coordinate maternal, newborn, and child health
referral system to identify and support RMNCAH needs within the community.
• Supports knowledge, attitudes and participation of village, opinion leaders and influencers within the
community on RMNCAH health priorities.
n Able to demonstrate specific clinical mentorship activities and complete mentorship standard
checklists with least 80% or higher score.
n Able to pass the final knowledge assessment with pass score of 85% or higher.
6.5 Impact
The desired impact of the RMNCAH clinical mentoring is to contribute to the reduction of maternal, newborn,
child and adolescent morbidity and mortality.
Output 5. #/% of mentors Numerator: Number of mentors trained Training of Quarterly 0 Training
trained, disaggregated disaggregated by cadre, councils, regional tracking tools
Mentors trained; by cadre, councils, regions .and intervention and council (Train smart
regions .and mentors to be and Train
Council level intervention Denominator: number of mentors conducted. tracker etc.)
Indicator expected to be trained Facilitated
by Master
6. % of selected mentees Numerator: number of mentee selected Quarterly HRH Data
7.1 Guideline, Job Aids, and Performance Standards for Newborn and Child Health
1. Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI)
2. IMCI Training Modules
3. IMCI Facilitator Guide
4. IMCI Chart Booklet and Recording Form
5. IMCI Follow Up after training Tool (Checklist and Guidelines)
7. IMCI Photograph books
8. Diarrhoea Treatment Wall Chart
7.7 Guideline, Job Aids, and Performance Standards for Family Planning:
1. Family planning guidelines and standards
2. Basic training skills curriculum
3. Family planning preceptor ship curriculum
4. Family planning curricula
5. Family planning procedure manual
6. Family planning supervision checklists
7. On-the-job curriculum draft
8. Family planning costed implementation plan and CCH.
9. Contraceptive technology updates
7.8 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Safe Motherhood
1. Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care, Life Saving Skills Manual.
2. Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care, Life Saving Skills Manual.
3. Post partum Care Guideline.
4. Focused Antenatal Care Guideline.
5. Comprehensive Post Abortion Care Training Guideline.
6. Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care Job Aid.
7. Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response Guideline.
8. Administration of Antenatal Corticosteroids in Preterm Labour.
7.9 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Reproductive Cancers
12. Tanzania Service delivery guideline for cervical cancer Prevention and control program.
13. National Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Program: Guideline of Quality Improvement
for VIA Based Screening Approach.
14. Cervical cancer prevention Training package.
15. Guideline for National prostate cancer screening.
7.10 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Immunization and Vaccine
1. Kampeni ya chanjo ya pepopunda 2010
2. Yajue magonjwa yanayozuilika kwa chanjo 2014
3. Integrated Measles Campaign Council EAM supervisors Guide 2011
4. Training manual for Rotavirus and Pneumococcal vaccine for Region and District 2012
5. Mwongozo wa mtoa huduma za chanjo, dozi ya pili ya Surua 2014
6. Training manual for introduction of Measles second dose for Region and District 2014
7. Mwongozo wa mchanjaji, chanjo ya Rotavirus na Pneumococcal 2012
7.10 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Adolescent Reproductive
1. National Adolescent Reproductive Health Strategy (2011-2015).
2. A National curriculum for Service providers on Adolescent Reproductive Health Services-A
Facilitators Guide.
3. A National curriculum for Service providers on Adolescent Reproductive Health Services-A
hand out for participant.
4. National Standards in Peer Education for Young People.
5. Standards for Adolescent Friendly Reproductive Health Services.
6. Youth in Tanzania-A data from 2010 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS).
7.12 Guideline, Job Aids and Performance standards for Prevention of Mother to
Child Transmission
1. National Guideline for comprehensive Care services for Prevention of Mother to Child
Transmission of HIV and Keeping mothers Alive, 2013.
2. Tanzania Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Plan, 2012 – 2015.
3. National Communication Strategy for the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of
HIV (e-MTCT) (English and Swahili Version)
4. National Guide for Mentoring Health Care Workers on Early Infant Diagnosisi of HIV
(HEID), 2016.
5. National PMTCT Training Course “Comprehensive PMTCT Participants Manual, 2015.
6. PMTCT Refresher Training Package, 2013.
7. Training Package for LLAPLa Assessment and Response System, 2015.
8. Training Package for PMTCT Mother Child Monitoring System (final stages).
Instructions: Place number 1 - 3 for each criteria; 1 = Needs improvement, 2 = Satisfactory, 3 = fully
Notes: …..
Performance Standard Verification Criteria 1-3 Notes
1. Develops a reciprocal Observe the clinical practice session for mentees and
relationship through verify that:
sharing experiences,
exploring expectations, 1.1Uses courteous , friendly, easy
and clarifying the roles in communication;
the mentor and mentee 1.2Creates common understanding
relationship for mentoring goal objectives, and
Any comment/ recommendation
Name of Clinical mentor: ____________________________________________________________ Cadre: _______________________________________________
Annex 2.4 Clinical Mentoring Monthly Summary Report –
To be compiled at council level
Region: _______________________________________ Council: _______________________________
Reporting Month: _______________________________ Year: _______________________________
1. Mentors trained
Indicator Cadre Number
Nurse/Nurse midwife
Medical Doctors
Mentors trained AMO
Clinical Officers/Clinical Assistants