Abowa Research-final-BSc
Abowa Research-final-BSc
Abowa Research-final-BSc
Assessment of Perception toward Nursing profession among Rift Valley University Adama
campus regular BSc Nursing students in 2023 G.C.
Group Members
Adama, Ethiopia
Group Members
Advisor: Sisay
May, 2023
Adama, Ethiopia
Advisors’ declaration
I confirm that under my guidance those listed group members have carried out BSc thesis at
department of Nurse Rift valley University with the title of “Assessment of Perception and
Associated factors in regular BSC Nursing students towards their Profession among Rift
Valley University Adama campus students 2023” following the appropriate guidelines
necessary. The thesis is original and suitable for submission of Partial fulfilment of the
requirement for BSc Nurse.
Name : Sisay
Signature: _____________________
Date: ___________________________
First of all we would like to thank almighty GOD for being there in all our need. Also we would
like to thanks to our advisor Sisay for his guidance and support during the preparation of this
research. And also we would like to thanks to study participants of Rift Valley University Adama
campus 2023 G.C. students.
Finally, for all those who have lent a helping hand in any way and shared ideas big or small, for
the successful completion of this research.
Background:- Nursing students’ perception towards the image of the nursing profession has an
apparent impact on their self-concept, self-esteem, recruitment, retention, and performance.
Objective:- The main objective of this study is to assess the perception of Rift Valley University
Adama campus regular BSc nursing students in 2023 G.C towards nursing profession.
Method:- A descriptive method study was done among 200 randomly selected nurses from
March 1-April 20, 2023.
Conclusion:- A total of 196 participants completed the study questionnaires giving a response
rate of 98 %. Higher number of 106 (54%) the study participants showed a good perception
towards the nursing profession. The higher number of first year students have poor perception
towards nursing profession with frequency (percent) of 20 (66.7), while 4 th year students have
good perception towards nursing profession with frequency (percent) of 52 (89.6 %).
• Background of the study
Nursing is a profession within health care, that maintains or regains optimal health, the
healthcare industry that focuses on the health care of individuals, families, and communities. The
nursing profession is the backbone of the medical industry, and it is vital to improving quality of
life and encouraging health, the largest professional group providing healthcare services are
nurses (1).
The nursing students' perception regarding nursing as a profession varies. Some consider nursing
as a caring profession. Others perceived nursing as a profession that helps people to gain better
health (Beck, 2015). Further, there are additional views, such as: seeing nursing as a noble and
respected career (Mackintosh, 2006). However, further opinion, nursing is still viewed as a
„medical-technical‟ activity as reported by Tawash et al., in (2012). Moreover, a recent study
about "Associate nursing students‟ perceptions toward the nursing profession in Jordan" showed
that the associate nursing students generally have a significantly positive perception about the
image of the nursing profession and the majority of them feel proud when talking with others
about a nursing career (Al Jarrah, 2013). These variations regarding perceptions among nursing
students and community views, pose a great question regarding the reasons and the factors of
these differences in points of views.
Personal and professional experiences have revealed that there are different angles in which
people perceive nursing. Some assume nursing as if “it is a vocation and doesn’t have its code of
ethics” others consider it as “it is only for females” and most assume nursing as “it is only
concerned with bed making”. The question is how people really perceive nursing particularly the
actual perception among professional nurses (2). Throughout time, there have been many
different perceptions of what it means to be a nurse. Some negative perceptions have been
related to gender stereotyping, low academic standards.
This study was assessed the regular BSc nursing students perception about the nursing
profession, provided them with relevant and useful information and corrected any
misconceptions they had about the nursing profession. A better understanding of secondary
school students’ perception of nursing profession will also be studied.
• Statement of problems
Nursing students face many difficulties during their education process. Consequently, to improve
the quality of nursing education by evaluating nursing curricula, to improve educational
environments, to solve problems arising between educators and students, to increase students‟
satisfaction from education and profession, to make nursing a preferred profession by changing
negative aspects of nursing, it is considered that it would be useful to encourage students to favor
nursing and to determine their views on the institution they are studying in (Midilli and Durgun,
2017). Nursing students come into nursing education with inherent lay beliefs about nursing that
evolve over years of education, enabling them to be professionally socialized into the nursing
career (Caroline and Ngoma, 2015). The nursing profession has suffered greatly from public
stereotyping and for being strictly linked with femininity and non-masculinity. This view is
subjective and based on peoples‟ misunderstanding of nursing activities, image, practices and
different personalities (Abandari et al., 2016). Moreover, students often have misconceptions
regarding the reality of nursing and the opportunities available to nurses that sometimes result in
poor choices related to pursuing nursing as a career (Lundberg et al., 2011).
In the era of the nursing reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is important to introduce all
levels of education and to monitor the quality of education in accordance with international
standards (4). This study was significant to identify their gaps and to take intervention towards
nursing profession of Rift Valley University Adama campus regular BSc nursing students in
2023 G.C perception . This study was also be used for government to plan nursing related subject
in the education curriculum.
• Introduction
Nursing profession is the largest single health care profession in the health care context (5). The
sustainability of nursing profession depends largely on maintaining equilibrium between those
that enter and exit the profession (6). Historically, nursing profession has been considered a
single sex occupation, one dominated by female gender and not appropriate for men (7). Despite
many benefits and opportunities associated with a nursing career which contributes to high level
of job satisfaction, nursing remains a gender-lopsided profession (8). Male nursing students’
experience of isolation may come from being male in a predominantly female career, and they
express a desire to interact more often with male role models.
The Perception is defined as the ability to perceive and take awareness of something through the
senses. It can also be defined as an idea, creed, or image that you have as a result of the way you
see or understand something. Nurses’ perceptions toward the Nursing profession may vary
according to their age, education, social and work experience, among other reasons (9).
Choosing a profession is a complex process affected by many factors varying from one country
to another and from one culture to another. In addition, to the properties of the profession
and individual characteristics of the person, environmental conditions, political, economic,
legal and systematic characteristics, luck, norms, social values and attitudes affect one‟s
choice of profession (10). In choosing a profession, if a person is to adapt to the profession and
to maintain a productive working life, he/she should have a positive opinion and attitude towards
the profession. Having a positive opinion and attitude towards the profession plays an important
role not only in fulfilling individual success but also in the development of the profession (11).
Nursing students‟ perception towards the image of the nursing profession has an apparent impact
on their self-concept, self-esteem, recruitment, retention, and performance. Thus, nurses who
have positive professional images will have more and stronger relations with their patients, peers
and community. Although there is an enormous advancement in the nursing profession, nurses
still face multiple challenges in relation to a professional image (12). Nurses are the “front line”
staff in most health systems and their contribution is recognized as essential in meeting
development goals and delivering safe and effective care (13).
• Nursing education
Education is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are
transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research, or simply
through auto didacticism. Nurses serve as front-line caregivers. Preparing highly educated nurses
to provide expert care, formulate policy, administer health care delivery systems, and educate the
next generation of health care providers is a critical step for increasing access to quality health
care and improving health care outcomes. About Nursing should be specifically explained so that
they can counsel the parents to have informed choice.
• Nursing Practice
Nursing is often marketed as “caring” and “meaningful”. Men may want to do something caring
and meaningful, but place a higher emphasis on the extrinsic attributes of a career. There is a
lack of communication and co-ordination between nursing school administrators and high school
career counsellors, which in turn creates a knowledge-gap about the benefits of nursing. There is
a need to establish open lines of communication between parents, career counsellors and nursing
administrators. There is a lack of role models for men choosing to enter nursing. There is a need
for male nurses to take an active role in recruiting more men into nursing.
• Description of the study area
Rift Valley University is the largest private University in Ethiopia, with campuses in all Regional
states of the country. Rift Valley College, as the institution was formerly known, became
operational in October 2000 in Adama Town with a total number of 154 evening program
students and five part time faculty staff. currently, the number of Rift Valley University regular
BSc Nursing students 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year in 2023 G.C are 41, 150, 88 and 123, respectively.
• Research Approach
The study was used quantitative approach to measure and analyse numerical data. The study was
utilized cross-sectional survey in which all relevant data was collected at a single point in time.
Questionnaires were used as quantitative survey instrument.
A descriptive statistics design was used to assess the perception and associated factores towards
nursing as a profession among Rift Valley University Adama campus regular BSc nursing
students. A research period is from February 1 up to may 6 in 2023 G.C for 3 months and 6 days.
• Variables
• Dependent variable
The dependent variable for this study are:-
• Independent variables
The independent variables for this study are:-
1. Socio-demographic variables (such as age, sex, religion, ethnicity, marital status, batch).
• Population
Population is the complete set of units of analysis that is under investigation, while element is the
unit from which the necessary data is collected (14). The study was conducted in Rift Valley
University Adama campus regular BSc nursing students in 2023 G.C.
• Criteria for selection of sample
• Inclusion criteria
The students who are,
• Rift Valley University Adama campus regular BSc nursing students;
• Willing to participate in the study; and
• Available during the period of data collection.
• Sampling and Sampling Technique
• Sample Size
From the students of Rift Valley University regular BSc Nursing students sample will be taken
for this study. The sample size is a smaller set of the larger population as indicated by (15).
Determining sample size is a very important issue for collecting an accurate result within a
quantitative research design. Thus (16), argues that the sample must be carefully selected to be
representative of the population. Accordingly, in this study to make the sample more
representatives, the sample size of the study will be determined using the formula adopted from
kreijcie and Morgan’s (17). Thus, the formula which was used to calculate the sample size is;
Since the study was delimited to Rift Valley University Adama campus regular BSc nursing
students with population size of 422.
Finite population correction formula was used as follows;
• Sampling Technique
Probability sampling refers to the selection of a sample from a population, when this selection is
based on the principle of randomization, that is, random selection or chance (18). The response
impacts of each participants in this study is exepected as equal, therefore, the study will be used
random sampling techniques to select the respondents from participants.
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year regular BSc nursing having 41, 150, 88 and 123 number of students,
respectively. The total numbers of students in selected study year are 382. To proportionate the
numbers of study subjects for each study year systematic random sampling methods were used.
Therefore, the number of sample size selected from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year regular BSc nursing
are 31, 69, 41 and 59, respectively.
During the study, primary data was used as a source of data. Primary data collection methods
includes; questionnaires to respondents. Questionnaires contain close ended questions. The
questionnaires were distributed to each of randomly sampled students. From the group of
members there are four (4) data collectors.
• Quality control
• Expert advisor
• Analysis
• Data Processing and Analysis
Based on objective, checklist list has been prepared to assess the perception regarding nursing as
a career and 5-point Likert scale questionnaires have been prepared to assess the perception
regarding nursing profession. Responses to strongly agree will be given 5 marks, agree 4 marks,
undecided/neutral 3 marks, disagree 2 marks and strongly disagree 1 mark. Before the actual data
were analysed, the questionnaires have been checked for completeness and consistency. Data
were analysed using the Statistical Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 26.0). In order to
achieve the findings and results for the study, the author used descriptive statistical analysis,
frequency and percentage, to summarize the data.
The perception towards nursing as a profession were also been categorized as poor and good
• Ethical considerations
Approval from the research and ethical committee of Rift Valley University, Nursing department
was taken. Prior to data collection written permission was obtained from the department head of
Rift Valley University (Adama campus) 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year regular BSc nursing students in
2015 E.C. Further, before collection of data informed consent was also be obtained from the
• Operational definition
Nurse: A person who gives a care for all human beings and who are qualified in the nursing
profession and registered in the ministry of health and licensed or certified in nursing profession
in diploma, degree or any post-graduation on nursing.
Perception: It is the personal idea/ image to understand through observation or views of the
people on the nursing profession that may be true or not be true.
Nature of nursing profession: it the domain or area of nursing profession works in the health
set up based on the designed curriculum.
• Dissemination of result
• The result will be disseminated for Rift Valley University and for the future for minister
of health and education of Ethiopia.
• Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents
Out of 200 questionnaires administered, 196 questionnaires were correctly filled by the
respondents and entered for analysis. This gives a response rate of 98 %.
More than half of the study participants 125 (63.7 %) were female, and more than three fourth of
the study participants 143 (72.9 %) were between the ages of 21–25 years. The majority of the
participants 190 (96.9%) were single, and almost than half of the participants 94 (47.9%) were
from Oromo ethnicity. The education Grade level of respondents; 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
and 4th year 30 (15.3 %), 68 (34.7%), 40 (20.4) and 58 (29.6 %) respectively, less than half 43
(21.9 %) participants were followed a protestant religion (Table 1).
Table 1: Socio-demographic profile of respondents from Rift Valley University Adama campus regular
BSc Nursing students in 2023 G.C
• The perception level of Rift Valley University Adama campus regular BSc nursing
students towards nursing profession in 2023 G.C
Maximum number of respondents, 63(32.1%), were strongly agree with engage in on-going self-
evaluation perception. The higher number of respondents, 59(30.1%), towards request
consultation/collaboration when unable to meet patient needs were disagree. Protecting health
and safety of the public perception range of respondents were agree with 79(40.3%). 73(37.2%)
of respondents were agree with perception of participate in peer review (Table 2).
Table 2: The perception of Rift Valley University Adama campus regular BSc Nursing students
towards their profession in 2023 G.C
Professional development helps manage to your own learning and growth throughout your
career. Continuous learning helps open up new doors in your career, keep your skills and
knowledge up to date and ensure you practice safely and legally.
The majority of student were strongly agree, 63(32.1%), engage in on-going self-evaluation
towards nursing profession, helpful to track students growth over time and determine what you
will be capable of doing in the future. With the perception of request consultation/collaboration
when unable to meet patient needs, higher number of students were disagree, 59(30.1%), which
implies that, students does not conduct interprofessional collaboration in healthcare helps to
prevent medication errors, improve the patient experience (and thus HCAHPS), and deliver
better patient outcomes
• Conclusions
The perception level of regular BSc nursing students towards nursing profession were conducted
by 26 different questions with Likert scale responses. Higher number of respondents have good
perception towards nursing with frequency (percentage) of 106 (54%), while, the rest of the
respondent have a poor perception.
Greater than half 20 (66.7 %) and 40 (58.8 %) of 1 st and 2nd year regular BSc nursing student,
respectively, have poor perception towards nursing profession, while the higher number of 3 rd
and 4th year respondent 82.5 % (33) and 89.6 % (52), respectively have good perception towards
nursing profession.
8. Recommendations
Develop and organize an awareness program about nursing as a profession. This awareness
program should be implemented in the most public visited places. Moreover, it could be very
effective to arrange nursing awareness program at national day events to attract large numbers of
young Saudi students into nursing.
Furthermore, the nursing curriculum should emphasize the importance of the nursing profession
through outlining clearly the nursing scope of practice with its full broad spectrum.
Reconsideration of salaries and benefits were recommended in order to attract more students to
the nursing profession.
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Questionnaire Survey for Assessment of Perception and Associated factors toward Nursing
professional among Rift Valley University Adama campus regular BSc Nursing students in
2023 G.C
We are presently pursing a Bacholar of Science Degree in Nursing at Rift Valley University
The aim of this questionnaire is to assess the causes and impacts of change order on selected Rift
Valley University Adama campus regular BSc nursing students. Please answer all questions
where possible. All the information gathered will be kept strictly confidential and will be used
only for academic research and analysis without mentioning the names of individuals companies
Thank you in advancing for your time and kind cooperation
Yours Faithfully
Supervised by: Sisay Gere
Part 1; Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents