Central Bank Review: Mahmut Günay
Central Bank Review: Mahmut Günay
Central Bank Review: Mahmut Günay
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, industrial production growth and core inflation are forecasted using a large number of
Received 20 November 2018 domestic and international indicators. Two methods are employed, factor models and forecast combi-
Received in revised form nation, to deal with the curse of dimensionality problem stemming from the availability of ever growing
22 November 2018
data sets. A comprehensive analysis is carried out to understand the sensitivity of the forecast perfor-
Accepted 22 November 2018
mance of factor models to various modelling choices. In this respect, effects of factor extraction method,
Available online 4 December 2018
number of factors, data aggregation level and forecast equation type on the forecasting performance are
analyzed. Moreover, the effect of using certain data blocks such as interest rates on the forecasting
JEL classification:
performance is evaluated as well. Out-of-sample forecasting exercise is conducted for two consecutive
C53 periods to assess the stability of the forecasting performance. Factor models perform better than the
C55 combination of bi-variate forecasts which indicates that pooling information improves over pooling
individual forecasts.
Keywords: © 2018 Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Factor models
Principal component
1303-0701/© 2018 Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
150 M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161
three-quarter-ahead forecasts there are more successful models. In order to understand the effect of certain data groups, these are
Authors claim that world is not static and hence their dynamic removed from the data set and forecasts are obtained for the
factor model approach is expected to capture the workings of the filtered data set. For these factor models that exclude data blocks
economy more successfully. However, it is not clear ex-ante one at a time, there are 3x84 ¼ 252 alternatives. In total,
whether dynamic approach is preferable for the relatively short 84þ3þ252 ¼ 339 alternatives exist. Considering the simple
sample used by the authors. Soybilgen (2015) analyzes the perfor- benchmark, there are a total of 340 specifications.
mance of factor models for GDP, inflation and unemployment rate. In the literature, performance of forecast models are compared
For inflation, he states that small scale dynamic factor models using a loss function, and in general a quadratic loss function is
outperform larger factor models. He also finds that rankings are not used. In the paper, models are compared using the Root Mean
stable. Squared Error (RMSE) as a metric. RMSE penalizes large errors more
There are scant examples of the use of the factor models for real heavily. RMSEs for all of the 340 specifications described above are
sector variables. In Akkoyun and Günay (2012), authors use a dy- calculated for 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month-ahead horizons. Tabulations
namic factor model for nowcasting Turkish GDP growth. Since GDP of relative RMSEs are done for two sub-periods. Namely, episode 1
data for a quarter are published with a certain lag, nowcasting GDP is for January 2010eSeptember 2011 and episode 2 is for October
growth is an essential ingredient of real time policy making. By 2011eSeptember 2013. These dates are selected based on the data
using survey data, authors improve over the benchmark and obtain availability and economic developments in the period. Our data set
relatively successful nowcasts. Modugno et al. (2016) also use factor ends in September 2014. So, for 12-month-ahead forecasts, the last
models for nowcasting Turkish GDP Growth. They find that finan- forecast that we compare with the realization is the forecast done
cial variables can be as important as survey variables for accurate in September 2013. We start the evaluation period after 2009, the
short term forecasts. year we observed significant effects of global financial crises on
In this paper, we aim to contribute to the literature by analyzing domestic variables. Splitting sample in September 2011 helps us to
the sensitivity of the forecasting performance of factor models for do the analysis with approximately same number of observations in
industrial production and core inflation for Turkish economy by two evaluation sample.
analyzing different dimensions of factor models.1 In summary our results point out that:
Factor models enable one to incorporate as many series as he/
she wants in the forecasting process. However factors are latent i. Best performing specifications change for the industrial
variables which are need to be estimated before using in the production and core inflation forecasts. This suggests that
forecasting models. Therefore, depending on the factor estimation careful examination of the sensitivity of the forecast perfor-
step, one may get different factors which in turn may affect forecast mance for each target variable may be beneficial rather than
performance. From another angle, there is not a standard to follow following a one size fits all approach.
for constructing the data set. Indeed, it is not clear whether there is ii. Regarding factor extraction approach, findings show that
a linear relation between forecasting performance and the number using a simple factor extraction approach may be preferred
of series used for extracting factors. If this is so, one needs to target in practical applications since compared to a more compli-
a large data set. On the contrary, if more data is not always better for cated method, difference in the forecast performance is in
factor forecasting, then one needs to work on the composition of general marginal.
the data set. iii. Unlike factor extraction approach, number of factors used in
In addition to the composition and size of the data set, number the forecast equation affects the forecast performance
of factors extracted from a given data set may affect outcomes as considerably. While using a large number of factor summa-
well. Using a few factors may be insufficient to summarize the in- rizes a higher portion of the variance of the data set, this does
formation content of the data set while using a lot of factors may not linearly translate to improved forecast performance. In
increase the parameter uncertainty in the estimation of forecast general, using a few factors and hence working with a rela-
equation. These points imply that analyzing the effect of modelling tively more parsimonious forecast equation helps to obtain
decisions on the forecast performance of factor models may pro- better forecast performance.
vide valuable information to the forecasters. In this respect, several iv. Forecast equation type affects the conclusion about the effect
authors analyze how certain modelling decisions affect the forecast of the number of factors and the effect of the size and the
performance of factor models by considering different dimensions composition of the data set. Findings indicate that in the case
of the modelling. In the paper, we take a relatively more compre- of using a forecast equation with the lags of factors, using a
hensive approach for understanding the effect of modelling few factors is preferable. It is also observed that for core
choices. inflation, using lags of the factors and the dependent variable
Bookkeeping for all of the specifications that are used in this seems to pay off while for industrial production picture is
paper reveals the scope of the analysis. 84 alternatives (7 criteria for less clear.
the number of factors x 2 factor extraction approach x 2 forecast v. Composition of the data set plays a crucial role on the fore-
equation type x 3 data sets) for the factor models are evaluated. In cast performance and more data is not always better. A small
addition to the factor models, forecast combination for bivariate data set composed of aggregated variables produce the best
equations is considered as well. For the three data sets used in this performing specifications for a lot of cases. However,
paper, there are 3 alternatives for the pool of bivariate equations.2 depending on the forecast horizon and the target variable,
using disaggregated data by excluding certain blocks from
the data set brings considerable improvement. So special
Gunay (2015) focuses on the static factor models for industrial production. care is needed for constructing the appropriate data set.
Bivariate equations are estimated and used in the forecasting from each of the
22 series from the small data set, 63 series from the medium and 167 from the large The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we briefly
data set. Then, average of the forecasts is calculated from the forecasts of these summarize the methodology where we also discuss the papers in
individual equations. This exercise enables one to compare the effect of pooling
forecasts as opposed to factor models where one pools information. If bivariate
the literature analyzing the effect of these variables on the fore-
equations perform relatively well, they will appear in tables A1 to A8 where we casting performance and we introduce data sets. In the third sec-
present results. tion, we present the results. Last section concludes.
M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161 151
2. Methodology grids and M refers to the Bartlett lag window. So, H and M appear as
additional parameters compared with SW approach where we only
2.1. Factor models need to determine number of static factors. After obtaining the
eigenvectors, factors can be calculated from the following formula.
Let N be the number of cross-section units, T be the number of
time series observations and xit be the observed time series for b
Ft ¼ Zb0 Xt (5)
variable i at time t. For i ¼ 1, …, N, t ¼ 1, …,T, a static factor model is
defined as There are a number of papers that compare performance of
these two approaches in forecasting. Boivin and Ng (2005) show
0 that while SW approach is relatively simpler to apply compared to
xit ¼ li Ft þ eit (1)
FHLR, it gives competitive forecasts. Since it is easier to implement,
in day to day use it may be preferred over dynamic approach.
¼ Cit þ eit : (2) Schumacher (2007) compares alternative factor models for fore-
casting German GDP, namely SW, FHLR and a third approach pro-
In the jargon of factor models, Ft are the (r x 1) static factors, eit is
posed by Kapetanios and Marcellino (2009). He finds that effect of
named as the idiosyncratic error and li is a vector of (r x 1). Ele-
0 factor extraction method on the forecast performance depends on
ments of li are named as the factor loadings. Cit ¼ li Ft is referred as
the modelling choices such as appropriately choosing auxiliary
the common component, i.e. for the variable xi the part of the
parameters, number of factors and forecast equation. D'Agostino
movement that is explained by the factors. As the intuition sug-
and Giannone (2012) compare the forecasting performance of SW
gests, a few factors cannot explain all of the movement in a series.
and FHLR approaches for the US economy for industrial production
Part of the variation of the series that cannot be explained by the
and inflation. What emerges from the paper is that one can see
common component is shown with eit and it is named as the
collinear forecasts from two factor approaches but there may be
idiosyncratic term. The challenge comes from the fact that variables
time-varying relative performance. Another important finding is
on the right hand side of Equation (1) are not observed. Hence it is
that number of factors plays an important role on the relative
necessary to estimate factors and factor loadings.
forecast performance.
In classical factor analysis, Ft and et are generally assumed to be
serially and cross-sectionally uncorrelated. Bai and Ng (2008)
observe that this assumption is fairly restrictive for economic 2.2. Determining the number of factors
data. This is due to the fact that economic time series data are in
general serially correlated. Moreover, even if one can explain some Bai and Ng (2002) develop theory to determine the number of
part of the data with a common component and name the static factors in a formal and systematic way. They note that penalty
remaining portion as the “idiosyncratic errors”, there may still be for overfitting must be a function of both N and T in order to
some cross-correlation in the errors. This may occur for instance consistently estimate the number of factors (page 192). So, using
when subcategories of a data block (such as durable good pro- classical form of the information criteria such as Akaike Informa-
duction and nondurable good production) are included simulta- tion Criteria (AIC) or Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) would not
neously in the data set. be appropriate for large panel of data.4
Due to this limitation of the classical factor models and before Bai and Ng (2002) aim to find the penalty function gðN; TÞ such
the seminal contributions by Stock and Watson (2002a) (SW that the following froms of information criterion can consistently
hereafter) and Forni et al. (2005)’s (hereafter FHLR), the use of estimate the number of factors in the data set:
factor models in economic applications was fairly limited. Those
authors show that principal component type analysis can be k
applied for estimating factors. These principal components in turn
PCðkÞ ¼ V k; b
F þ kgðN; TÞ (6)
can be used as a regressor in a forecast equation.
In SW methodology, factors can be estimated as k
ICðkÞ ¼ ln V k; b
F þ kgðN; TÞ (7)
Ft ¼ Sb0 Xt (3) Here, k is the number of factors used, V is the sum of squared re-
siduals when one uses k factors, N is the number of variables (i.e.
where bS j corresponds to the r largest eigenvectors of the variance-
cross section dimension) and T is the number of time series ob-
covariance matrix of the data. So, factors are simply the eigenvec-
servations (i.e. time dimension) and g is a function. Bai and Ng
tors times the data matrix.3 FHLR method ends up solving a
(2002) derive several forms from these general formulas.5 Bai and
generalized eigenvalue problem in the following formula.
Ng (2002) test their criteria with both simulated and actual data.
b c ð0Þ Z
G b ¼m b ð0Þ
bj G (4)
j x
AIC and BIC are two measures that are used to compare models in model se-
where b ¼ ðZ
Z b 1 ; …; Z
br Þ denotes the eigenvectors, lection process. Broadly, they can be expressed as AIC ¼ -2*ln(likelihood of the
model)þ2*k and BIC ¼ -2*ln(likelihood of the model)þln(N)*k. Here, k is the
b c ðkÞ ¼
G 1 S2H Sb c ðqh Þeikqh for k¼-M, …,M is the inverse discrete
2Hþ1 h¼0 number of parameters estimated and N is the number of observations. In general,
Fourier Transform that provides time-domain autocovariances of higher the number of variables used in a model the better the fit is. So, an increase
b c ðqh Þ is the spectral density of the in k will increase likelihood. However, higher k means a more complex model.
the common components, S Hence, depending on the marginal contribution of the added variable, AIC and BIC
common component, qh ¼ 22H ph for h ¼ 0, …, 2H and Gb ðkÞ are the may increase or decrease. Models with lower score in the information criterion are
preferred over models with larger scores.
autocovariances of the idiosyncratic terms (see Schumacher (2007) k
For example, from Equation (6) they define PCp1 ðkÞ ¼ V ðk; b s 2 NþT
F Þ þ kb
page 274 for more detail). Here, H refers to the number of frequency NT
ln NþT and from Equation (7) they define a criterion using log of the V: ICp1 ðkÞ ¼
k P
lnðVðk; b
F ÞÞ þ k NþT
ln NþT b 2 is a consistent estimate of NT
. Here s 1 Eðeit Þ2 .
Of course, we only get the space spanned by the factors. i¼1 t¼1
152 M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161
They find that PCp1 ; PCp2 ; ICp1 and ICp2 perform relatively well. It forecast equation (Page 149 of Stock and Watson (2002b)):
is worth emphasizing that they find that BIC3 has very good
properties in the presence of cross-section correlations (page 207 of X
m 0 X
b h
y Tþh∕T ¼ a
bh þ b
b hj bF Tjþ1 þ g
b hj yTj (10)
Bai and Ng (2002)).6 Thus, they conclude that this criterion can be
j¼1 j¼1
helpful even though it does not satisfy all of the conditions of the
theorem in the paper.
Bai and Ng (2007) work on determining number of dynamic
factors. They start by considering a vector of observed stationary
1200 IPtþh
time series, Ft ðrx1Þ which follows the following VAR: yhtþh ¼ ln (11)
h IPt
AðLÞFt ¼ ut (8)
yt ¼ 1200 ln (12)
where A(L) are the lag polynomials of order p. If there exists an rxq IPt1
matrix R with rank q such that
and bF t is the vector of k estimated factors. Note that (1200/h) im-
ut ¼ Rεt (9) plies that annualized version of the h-period change is used. So,
when h ¼ 12, y12 tþ12 is the annual growth rate of the industrial
then Bai and Ng (2007) say that Ft is driven by a minimal number production. yt is the annualized month-on-month growth rate of
of q innovations. Here, εt is ðqx1Þ vector of mutually uncorrelated the industrial production.
innovations (so variance-covariance matrix of the innovations is Stock and Watson (2002b) use three versions of the above
diagonal). From this logic, they come up with two criteria. So, equation.
compared to the SW approach, in FHLR approach number of dy-
namic factors is another input that we need to supply to the i. DI-AR Lag (Diffusion Index- Auto Regressive Lag): this
system. version includes lags of the factors and lags of y with m and p
Schumacher (2007) and D'Agostino and Giannone (2012) find estimated by the Bayesian Information Criterion. Authors use
that number of factors plays a non-negligible role on the forecast 1 m 3 and 0 p 6.
performance. In the case of Schumacher (2007), number of static ii. DI-AR (Diffusion Index- Auto Regressive): This form of the
factors is decided with IC1 and IC2. Comparing SW and FHLR ap- forecasting equation uses the contemporaneous values of the
proaches for two-quarter-ahead forecasts, FHLR approach performs factors (so m ¼ 1) while picks the lag length of the y. For this
slightly better than SW with IC2 information criterion while for IC1 case, authors use 0 p 6.
reverse is true. In the case of D'Agostino and Giannone (2012), for iii. DI (Diffusion Index): This type of the forecast equation uses
forecasting industrial production, increasing the number of static only the contemporaneous values of the factors so that m ¼ 1
factors from 1 to 3 decreases the relative RMSE by 41 percent (for and p ¼ 0.
p ¼ 0). These observations show the importance of the effect of the
number of factors used on the relative forecast performance. In addition to the lag lengths of the factors and the y, number of
Barhoumi et al. (2013)’s paper entitled as “testing the number of factors that will be used in the forecasting equation should be
factors: an empirical assessment for a forecasting purpose” analyze decided as well. Stock and Watson (2002b) do not use a criterion in
this issue thoroughly. They find that number of factors may have an the spirit of Bai and Ng (2002). In this paper, following Stock and
important role on the forecasting performance. They conclude that Watson (2002b) we use DI and DI-AR Lag type forecast equations,
rather than determining factors in an ad hoc manner, selecting the however unlike Stock and Watson (2002b) we choose the number
number of factors with an information criterion may produce of factors following Bai and Ng (2002).
better forecast results. In this paper, criteria developed by Bai and
Ng (2002) for the number of static factors and Bai and Ng (2007)
2.4. Data set
for the number of dynamic factors are used. These are frequently
used in the forecasting applications and as suggested by Barhoumi
A critical issue that a forecaster needs to address before setting
et al. (2013) they are robust.
up any forecasting model is to decide the structure of the data set
that will be used. Data set structure can be even more challenging
2.3. Forecast equation in the case of factor models since one can use as many series as he/
she can collect for extracting the factors. There is no consensus on
When one wants to forecast for more than one-period-ahead, the ideal number of series to be used or on the distribution of in-
he/she needs to do multi-period ahead forecasting. For this task, dicators from different blocks in the data set from which the factors
there are two approaches: direct and iterated forecasting. In the are extracted. For example, Rünstler et al. (2009) forecast GDP
case of iterated forecasting, one estimates a one step-ahead model growth using large data sets for several European economies.
and uses this model h times to get h-period-ahead forecasts. In the Number of series used for different countries in Rünstler et al.
case of direct forecasting, one estimates a different model for each (2009) ranges from 76 to 393. Moreover, distribution of the series
horizon h. In this paper, the direct approach for multi-step-ahead in different blocks changes considerably. For instance, they do not
forecasting is used since it is a common method for many papers use any price variable for euro area but use 42 price series for
in forecasting such as Stock and Watson (2002a and 2002b) and Belgium. Boivin and Ng (2006) note that adding more data may not
Schumacher (2007), among others. Mechanics of this approach is always be useful for forecasting. They find that factors extracted
shown following the presentation in Stock and Watson (2002b). from 40 pre-selected variables may yield better forecasting per-
Stock and Watson (2002b) focus on the multi-step-ahead pre- formance than using 147 series for factor extraction. Hence,
diction. For industrial production they consider the following composition of the data set may be crucial for forecasting
In the empirical section, data from following groups are used:
This criterion is defined as BIC3 ðkÞ ¼ V ðk; Fb Þ þ k b
s2 ðNþTkÞlnðNTÞ
NT . industrial production, foreign trade, consumer and business
M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161 153
exchange, and global risk perception indicators (Table 1). Due to the Small Data Set Medium Data Set Large Data Set
technical requirements of principal components analysis, we work Industrial Production Intermediate Mining
with stationary form of the series. For the series that exhibit sea- Capital Food
sonality, seasonally adjusted series are used. In the pseudo out-of- Non-durable Beverage
sample forecasting exercise, data are standardized at each point Durable Tobacco
Energy Textile
before extracting factors.
There are blocks that are frequently used for the factor models Leather
like real sector variables, prices and surveys. However, one can use Wood
a particular indicator from these blocks at different aggregation Paper
levels. For example, one can collect data on industrial production as
Refined petroleum
headline index. Alternatively, he/she can use MIGS (Main Industrial Chemical
Groupings) where industrial production is presented as sum of Pharmaceutical
intermediate goods, consumer goods, investment goods, and en- Rubber
ergy. In yet another classification, one can see a more detailed Other Mineral
Basic Metal
picture of industrial production, such as production of food, textile,
Fabricated Metal
and so on for about 20 different sectors. So, from industrial pro- Electronic and Optical
duction block one can use the headline series, five series from MIGS Electrical Equipment
or around twenty from NACE or all of them at the same time Machinery and Equipment
(Table 2). Hence, deciding whether to use aggregated or dis- Motor Vehicles
Other Transport
aggregated data and determining the level of detail for the disag- Furniture
gregation is another key issue that a forecaster faces when Other manufacturing
constructing a data set. Repair of machinery-equipment
Following the approach of Barhoumi et al. (2010) for the Electricity, gas and steam
empirical exercise of this paper three data sets are constructed with Notes: An example of increasing detail level of the data set is shown in the table. In
different aggregation levels: small (22 series), medium (63 series), the small data set headline series is used, in the medium data set MIGS classification
(headline index is not used in this data set) is used and in the large data set a more
and large (167 series). As an example, in the small data set for the
disaggregated sectoral detail is used.
industrial production only headline series are used. In the medium
data set, industrial production components from MIGS are used.
Note that in this case headline index for industrial production is not (one at a time) financial block/money block/price block/industrial
used. In the large data set, more detailed disaggregated sectoral production block/survey block. They find that, for inflation, for both
classification for industrial production is used. SW and FHLR approaches excluding financial variables cause
There is another angle that can help to understand the data set deterioration in the forecast performance. For industrial production
structure on the forecasting performance. Namely, analyzing the picture is less systematic. Depending on the horizon and the factor
effect of different data blocks on forecast performance. This is the extraction method, excluding financial block may increase or
approach used, for example, by Forni et al. (2003) and Schumacher decrease the forecast errors. Schumacher (2010) analyzes fore-
(2010). Forni et al. (2003) construct six alternative data sets: A casting performance with and without international data. He finds
master data set and five limited data sets constructed by excluding that adding international variables does not reduce forecast errors
Table 1
Indicators used in the small data set.
Notes: Table shows the indicators that are used in the small data set. In the medium and large data sets, more disaggregated
versions of these series are used.
154 M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161
of factor models. But, if a pre-selection is applied to the dataset model changes depending on the evaluation sample. They find that
though LARS-EN method, then there is improvement. recently it gets harder to beat the AR model.
In Table 3, indicators that are excluded to construct three more In this paper, out-of-sample forecasting evaluation is done for
data sets in addition to the small master data set are shown. For two sub-samples to see whether the forecast performance is sta-
example for analyzing the effect of indicators from European Union ble or not. Models are estimated starting from February 2005. In
on the forecast performance, forecasts from two data sets are the first evaluation sample, out-of-sample recursion starts in
computed: first one uses all the indicators and second one excludes January 2010 and ends in September 2011. For the second evalu-
industrial production, consumer and business confidence for the ation sample, the recursion starts in October 2011 and ends in
European Union. Similarly, data sets are constructed by excluding September 2013. Data are available up until September 2014, and
commodity and financial variables and the final one by excluding the longest horizon that the paper is interested in is the twelve-
interest rates. Then forecasting performance of the master data set month-ahead. So, September 2013 is the last point in the recur-
and three limited data sets constructed by excluding certain blocks sion that one can compare twelve-month-ahead forecast with a
one at a time are compared. In Table 3, indicators for the small data realization.
set are shown. For the medium and large data sets, the dis- In the pseudo out-of-sample forecasting exercise, it is aimed to
aggregated versions of these indicators are excluded from the mimic the situation that one would face if he/she produced forecasts
respective master data sets. at that point in time. At each step, factors are obtained with data that
would be available at that time, lag lengths in Equation (10) are
calculated, appropriate equation for h-step-ahead forecasting is
2.5. Forecast evaluation
estimated, and forecasts are obtained. Two versions of Equation (10)
are estimated. In the first version, lags of the explanatory variables
In this paper, evaluation criterion for the forecasting perfor-
are used, as per the DI-AR Lag specification in Stock and Watson
mance is the RMSE that one gets from a pseudo out-of-sample
(2002b, page 149). The second specification is the DI of Stock and
forecasting exercise. Formally RMSE can be expressed as follows:
Watson (2002b), where one uses only contemporaneous values of
the factors. For DI-AR Lag, lag lengths are determined using the
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Bayesian Information Criteria. Then, forecasts are obtained using the
½ðRealization at time t þ hÞ ðForecast for time t þ h at time tÞ2 model suggested by the information criteria.
Number of forecasts
2.6. Benchmark model
RMSE is calculated for a given evaluation sample. But forecast In the forecasting literature, it is customary to compare models
performance may be time varying. So, it can be informative to with a simple benchmark. This benchmark can be an autoregressive
calculate and evaluate RMSE for different models for different time (AR) model or a random walk. Intuition behind comparing with a
periods. Indeed, Stock and Watson (2003) note that relative per- benchmark is the idea that going over all the intricate details of a
formance of the models may change in different samples. They complicated forecasting method may not be worth it if it cannot
divide their evaluation sample into two parts and compare the even beat a simple benchmark. Choosing an AR model as the
relative performance of a large number of selected indicators for benchmark suggests using just the time series properties of a var-
forecasting output relative to a benchmark for each of these sam- iable to construct the forecasts. In the literature a frequently
ples. They find that only 10 percent of the indicators beat the observed finding is inability of the sophisticated models in beating
benchmark in both periods, while around 20 percent of the in- simple benchmarks.
dicators beat the benchmark in only one of the evaluation periods Benchmark model in this paper is the average of the past re-
(page 811). Altug and Uluceviz (2014) analyze forecasting perfor- alizations at the relevant recursion. For example, for twelve-
mance of selected indicators for the Turkish industrial production. month-ahead forecasting, the average of the twelve month cumu-
Their results show that the forecast performance relative to an AR lative growth until September 2013 is taken as the forecast for
twelve-month-ahead forecast for September 2014. AR models are
considered as the benchmark as well but this simple model out-
Table 3
performed them in most of the cases so it is chosen as the bench-
Indicators excluded for the construction of data sets for analyzing the effect of data
blocks. mark. In the tables where alternative specifications are compared,
relative RMSE of the factor models with respect to the simple
Data set excluding European Union variables
benchmark are presented. A figure lower than 1 means that, on
1. EU-Industrial Production
2. EU-Consumer Confidence average, the model is superior, i.e. it makes lower forecast error
3. EU-Business Confidence than the simple benchmark.
Data set excluding commodities and financial variables
1. Commodity Price Index 3. Results
2. VIX
3. SP 500
4. Borsa Istanbul-30 In this section, we present the results obtained from pseudo out-
Data set excluding interest rates of-sample forecasting exercise. First of all, the case of industrial
1. TL Deposit Interest Rate production is discussed and then forecasting performance of the
2. Dollar Deposit Interest Rate
models for core inflation are analyzed.
3. TL Commercial Credit Interest Rate
4. Euro Commercial Credit Interest Rate In a nutshell, findings indicate that for industrial production and
5. TL Consumer Credit Interest Rate core inflation the best and the worst performing specifications are
6. Benchmark Interest Rate different. Another observation is that relative performance of the
Notes: Table shows which indicators are excluded to construct the data sets to models is time varying. Yet, it is seen that it is highly likely that
analyze the role of data blocks on the forecasting performance. This table shows the using a large data set with a high number of factors with a forecast
excluded series for the small data set. In the medium and large data sets, dis- equation that uses lags of those factors will provide poor forecasts.
aggregated versions of these series are excluded from the master data sets.
A specification with a carefully minted small or medium size data
M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161 155
set with a few factor may perform relatively successfully. for the worst specifications one may get four times higher RMSE
relative to the benchmark.
3.1. Industrial production
Four tables are presented for the analysis of the forecast per- 3.2. Core inflation
formance of different specifications. In the first two, top 5 specifi-
cations are shown (Table A. 1 and Table A.2) while in the third and Similar to the industrial production, for core inflation four tables
fourth the worst 5 are presented (Table A.3 and Table A.4). This are presented and key points are highlighted. In the first two, the
exercise enables one to see whether there is a pattern in the best top 5 specifications are shown (Table A.5 and Table A.6) while in the
and the worst specifications. Following general points are worth third and fourth, the worst 5 are presented (Table A.7 and
highlighting: Table A.8). This exercise enables one to see whether there is a
pattern in the best and the worst specifications. Following points
Best forecasts are not obtained by the largest dataset. In several are noted from the inspection of the tables:
cases, forecasts from a small data set with a forecast equation
using only contemporaneous factors decreased forecast errors For three to nine-month-ahead forecasts, DI-AR Lag appears
relative to benchmark considerably. So, parsimonious models more frequently in the top 5 equations while DI appears more
can produce competitive forecasts. frequently in the worst 5 equations. In the literature, there are
SW is not systematically worse than FHLR. Comparing SW and similar findings and observations suggesting that for core
FHLR approaches, in the best specifications SW appears more inflation, which a relatively more persistent series, using lags
frequently in the first evaluation sample while FHLR appears may help at forecasting.
more frequently in the second evaluation sample. Yet, RMSEs Both in the best and worst five equations FHLR approach ap-
one gets using different approaches are close to each other. pears relatively more frequently. It should be noted though that
Considering the best performing specifications, for the second using SW approach results in similar RMSEs as well. Hence,
evaluation sample for all the forecast horizons considered, DI- while FHLR seems to perform better, its advantage is marginal.
AR-Lag type forecast equations are used. For the first evalua- Tables showing the top 5 specifications for the first evaluation
tion sample, DI appears relatively more frequently. It is inter- sample indicate that in addition to IC1 and IC2, BIC3 appears
esting that for the worst specifications DI-AR Lag appears more frequently as well.
frequently as well. Hence, it can be said that there are other In the top performing specifications it is seen that excluding
determinants of the forecasting performance that interacts with European Union variables decrease RMSE, while in the worst 5
the forecast equation type. specifications it is observed that excluding financial variables or
In the literature review, it is seen that IC1 and IC2 are used more interest rates cause an increase in RMSEs.
frequently for deciding the number of factors. While Bai and Ng Specifications that exclude financial variables from the medium
(2002) point out the promising performance of BIC3, its use in data set are among the best performing models for twelve-
practice is rare. However, tables for the top 5 specifications show month-ahead for the second evaluation sample. For the large
that in addition to IC1 and IC2, BIC3 appears frequently as well. data set, excluding those variables are among the worst per-
In the worst specifications PC3 and IC3 dominate the table forming specifications. So, for forecasting with factor models it
indicating that using a large number of factors may harm fore- is important to take into account other modelling dimensions as
casting performance. well when analyzing the effect of a certain modelling decision.
In the best performing specifications, it is seen that excluding For the first evaluation sample, even the best specifications
interest rates and financial variables improve forecasting per- cannot beat the benchmark for twelve-month-ahead forecasts.
formance. Interestingly, for the worst specifications these data €g
O ünç et al. (2013), who forecast inflation with various models,
sets appear as well. This observation again shows that effect of a do the out-of-sample forecast evaluation from fourth quarter of
specific modelling choice is not independent from other choices. 2009 to second quarter of 2011 which is broadly same with our
Excluding EU variables from the data set increases the forecast first evaluation sample (January 2010eSeptember 2011). For the
errors in the short run for the second evaluation sample. This single equation factor model, they find that while for the two-
may be due to the fact that EU is the major exporting partner for quarter-ahead forecasts factor model can beat benchmark, for
Turkey and developments in the export markets affect the three and four-quarter-ahead factor model's forecast errors
demand. (evaluated with the RMSE) are higher than the random walk
In general as the forecast horizon increases, we would expect a around 20 percent. Since the first evaluation sample covers the
worsening in the relative performance of the factor models. period after the 2008e2009 global financial crisis, inflation
However, for the first evaluation sample, as the forecast horizon dynamics over this period may be playing certain role on the
increases relative performance of the factor models improve. relatively poor performance of the factor models over 9e12
Economic dynamics in the first evaluation sample may be the twelve-month-ahead forecasts. Indeed, a closer look at the
key reason for this result. That was the period just after the forecast errors of factor models and the benchmark shows that
2008e2009 global financial crisis. Three-month-ahead growth forecast errors of the factor models were larger at the beginning
rates exhibit two peaks in this evaluation sample while factor of 2010. As a matter of fact, should we restrict the analysis to the
model forecasts were relatively more volatile. For twelve- after the May 2010, factor models would be able to beat the
month-ahead growth rates there was a mean reverting benchmark.
behavior. Factor models did a better job tracking this trend-like Modelling decisions affect forecasting performance of the factor
movement than the benchmark. Hence, we cannot generalize models considerably. For example, for three month ahead
from these result about the relative forecast performance of forecasts of the first evaluation sample, in the best equations
factor models at different horizons. one can get up to thirty percent improvement relative to the
Modelling decisions affect forecasting performance of the factor benchmark while for the same horizon using a different speci-
models considerably. For example, in the best equations one fication results in deterioration of up to 20 percent relative to
gets forty percent improvement relative to the benchmark while the same benchmark.
156 M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161
Table A1
Rankings of the Models for Industrial Production. (The Best Performing Five Specifications, First Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Density Estimation Jan. 2010eSept. 2011
1 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 0.857
2 DI FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 0.861
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 0.877
4 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 0.877
5 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Large/Excl. Fin. 0.880
1 DI FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.810
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 0.824
3 DI SW IC2 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.824
4 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Large/Excl. Fin. 0.830
5 DI FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 0.830
1 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Medium/All 0.620
2 DI_AR_Lag SW IC3 e Medium/All 0.620
3 DI SW PC1 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.634
4 DI SW PC2 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.634
5 DI SW PC3 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.634
M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161 157
Table A1 (continued )
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Density Estimation Jan. 2010eSept. 2011
1 DI SW PC1 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.574
2 DI SW PC2 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.574
3 DI SW PC3 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.574
4 DI SW IC1 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.574
5 DI SW IC3 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.574
Notes: Table shows the best five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contempo-
raneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches of
Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002) as
discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M refers
to the Barlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and interest
rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of the past
realizations is used for forecasting.
Table A2
Rankings of the Models for Industrial Production. (The Best Performing Five Specifications, Second Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Density Estimation Oct. 2011eSept. 2013
1 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 0.797
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 0.815
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 0.827
4 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 0.827
5 DI_AR_Lag SW IC1 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 0.834
1 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 0.768
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/All 0.781
3 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 0.804
4 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 0.807
5 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Large/All 0.856
1 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/All 0.862
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 0.892
3 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Large/All 0.907
4 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 0.912
5 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 0.932
1 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.695
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 0.745
3 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Medium/All 0.759
4 DI_AR_Lag SW IC1 e Large/All 0.783
5 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Large/All 0.783
Notes: Table shows the best five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contempo-
raneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches of
Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002) as
discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M refers
to the Bartlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and interest
rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of the past
realizations is used for forecasting.
158 M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161
Table A3
Rankings of the Models for Industrial Production. (The Worst Performing Five Specifications, First Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Density Estimation Jan. 2010eSept.2011
336 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.17
337 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.17
338 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/All 1.19
339 DI_AR_Lag SW PC1 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.25
340 DI_AR_Lag SW IC3 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.26
336 DI_AR_Lag SW IC3 e Large/All 1.25
337 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Large/Excl. Fin. 1.26
338 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Large/All 1.34
339 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/All 1.36
340 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.36
336 DI SW PC3 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.34
337 DI_AR_Lag SW PC2 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.37
338 DI_AR_Lag SW PC1 e Large/All 1.37
339 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.39
340 DI_AR_Lag SW IC3 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.39
336 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Fin. 1.34
337 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Large/Excl. Fin. 1.35
338 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Medium/Excl. EU 1.42
339 DI_AR_Lag SW IC3 e Medium/Excl. EU 1.42
340 DI_AR_Lag SW PC1 e Large/All 1.47
Notes: Table shows the worst five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contem-
poraneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches
of Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002)
as discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M
refers to the Barlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and
interest rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of
the past realizations is used for forecasting.
Table A4
Rankings of the Models for Industrial Production. (The Worst Performing Five Specifications, Second Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Density Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Estimation for FHLR Approach October 2011eSeptember 2013
336 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Small/Excl. EU 1.22
337 DI SW IC2 e Large/Excl. EU 1.24
338 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 1.24
339 DI SW PC3 e Large/Excl. EU 1.24
340 DI SW IC3 e Large/Excl. EU 1.25
336 DI_AR_Lag SW IC3 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 2.10
337 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 2.14
338 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 2.17
339 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 2.26
340 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 2.32
336 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 3.03
337 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 3.03
338 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 3.09
339 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 3.09
340 DI_AR_Lag SW PC1 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 3.11
336 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 3.73
337 DI_AR_Lag SW PC1 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 3.80
338 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 3.80
339 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 3.80
340 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 3.81
Notes: Table shows the worst five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contem-
poraneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches
of Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002)
as discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M
refers to the Barlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and
interest rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of
the past realizations is used for forecasting.
M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161 159
Table A5
Rankings of the Models for Core Inflation. (The Best Performing Five Specifications, First Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Density Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Estimation for FHLR Approach Jan. 2010eSept. 2011
1 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.716
2 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Small/Excl. EU 0.717
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. EU 0.725
4 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. Int. Rates 0.738
5 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Small/Excl. Fin. 0.739
1 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Large/Excl. EU 0.851
2 e Bivariate e e Small 0.854
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. EU 0.855
4 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.857
5 e Bivariate e e Medium 0.860
1 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.937
2 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Small/Excl. EU 0.941
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. EU 0.957
4 DI_AR_Lag SW BIC3 e Large/Excl. EU 0.965
5 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. EU 0.967
1 Benchmark e e e e 1.000
2 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. EU 1.022
3 DI FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. EU 1.028
4 DI FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. EU 1.028
5 DI FHLR BIC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 1.039
Notes: Table shows the best five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contempo-
raneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches of
Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002) as
discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M refers
to the Barlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and interest
rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of the past
realizations is used for forecasting.
Table A6
Rankings of the Models for Core Inflation. (The Best Performing Five Specifications, Second Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Density Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Estimation for FHLR Approach Oct. 2011eSept.2013
1 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.749
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.749
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.749
4 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.749
5 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. EU 0.749
1 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Small/All 0.731
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. Fin. 0.735
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/All 0.735
4 DI SW IC2 e Small/Excl. Fin. 0.741
5 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Small/Excl. Fin. 0.741
1 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Medium/Excl. Fin. 0.789
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/All 0.794
3 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Fin. 0.794
4 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Small/All 0.794
5 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Small/Excl. Fin. 0.797
1 DI_AR_Lag SW IC2 e Medium/Excl. Fin. 0.886
2 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Fin. 0.888
3 DI SW IC2 e Medium/Excl. Fin. 0.888
4 DI FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Fin. 0.890
5 DI SW PC1 e Small/Excl. Fin. 0.891
Notes: Table shows the best five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contempo-
raneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches of
Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002) as
discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M refers
to the Barlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and interest
rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of the past
realizations is used for forecasting.
160 M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161
Table A7
Rankings of the Models for Core Inflation. (The Worst Five Performing Specifications, First Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Density Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Estimation for FHLR Approach Jan. 2010eSept. 2011
336 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 1.22
337 DI FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 1.22
338 DI FHLR IC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 1.22
339 DI FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.22
340 DI SW IC1 e Large/Excl. Fin. 1.22
336 DI SW IC1 e Large/Excl. Fin. 1.25
337 DI SW IC2 e Large/Excl. Fin. 1.25
338 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.25
339 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Large/Excl. Fin. 1.25
340 DI SW IC1 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.25
336 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.31
337 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.34
338 DI_AR_Lag SW IC3 e Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.34
339 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Large/Excl. Fin. 1.38
340 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 1.39
336 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 1.86
337 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC1 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 1.88
338 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 1.88
339 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Fin. 1.89
340 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/All 1.93
Notes: Table shows the worst five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contem-
poraneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches
of Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002)
as discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M
refers to the Bartlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and
interest rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of
the past realizations is used for forecasting.
Table A8
Rankings of the Models for Core Inflation. (The Worst Five Performing Specifications, Second Evaluation Sample)
Rank Multistep Ahead Factor Extraction Method Number of Static Factor M and H For Spectral Density Data Set Evaluation Sample:
Forecasting Method Selection Method Estimation for FHLR Oct. 2011eSept. 2013
336 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.32
337 DI SW PC3 e Medium/All 1.32
338 DI SW IC3 e Medium/All 1.32
339 DI FHLR PC2 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.32
340 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 1.33
336 DI SW PC1 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.36
337 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 1.37
338 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 1.37
339 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 1.37
340 DI FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/All 1.37
336 DI_AR_Lag SW PC3 e Large/Excl. Int. Rates 1.25
337 DI SW IC3 e Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.27
338 DI SW PC3 e Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.27
339 DI FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.28
340 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.29
336 DI SW PC3 e Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.15
337 DI FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.16
338 DI FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.17
339 DI_AR_Lag FHLR PC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.22
340 DI_AR_Lag FHLR IC3 M ¼ H ¼ 16 Medium/Excl. Int. Rates 1.22
Notes: Table shows the worst five specifications out of 340 alternatives. DI_AR_Lag and DI show the forecast equation types. In the DI_AR_Lag in addition to the contem-
poraneous factors one uses lags of the factors and the dependent variable while for DI one uses only contemporaneous factors. SW and FHLR show factor extraction approaches
of Stock and Watson (2002b) and Forni et al. (2005). PC1, PC2, PC3, IC1, IC2, IC3 and BIC3 show the information criteria for the number of static factors from Bai and Ng (2002)
as discussed in Section 2.2. M ¼ H ¼ 16 shows the parameters for the spectral density estimation for FHLR approach where H refers to the number of frequency grids and M
refers to the Bartlett lag window. Three master data sets are used, Small, Medium and Large. By excluding European Union variables, financial and commodity variables and
interest rates from these sets, new data sets are constructed. Final column shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) relative to the simple benchmark where the average of
the past realizations is used for forecasting.
M. Günay / Central Bank Review 18 (2018) 149e161 161
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