4M Change Format
4M Change Format
4M Change Format
) Month
New Technology
Sub-process supplier change
Additional process
Bin/Trolley (WIP/Storage/Despatch)
Same day information reqd
Packaging change & No Change Note Request reqd
Transportation mode change Same day information reqd
Number of material handling
Any change in WIP
Traceability (Batch code) marking change Same day information reqd
Inspection method
Inspection frequency Same day information reqd
Inspection marking change
Limit sample change
Inspection equipment Same day information reqd
Tool change
Die change
Machine change
Welding fixtures change
Machine Removal / Addition of Pokayoke
1. Same day information reqd
M/c parameter change 2. Change Note Request reqd if Maru-A
Note : Incase of no change, 1. Incase of any Change, kindly fill the Reason for Change, Type of Part, Change Implementation Date at the time of submission every
write : "NO" in the above month.
column. 2. All records related to any Maru-A change / New joinees to be maintained by vendor for verification by DKEPL.