Tutorial 5
Tutorial 5
Tutorial 5
Q.1 The following data were collected during a boiler trial for duration of one hour.
Feed water temperature = 250C, Steam condition = 2500C, 9.8 bar, CV of fuel = 30,000 kJ/ kg,
Steam generated = 650 kg, Coal used = 95 kg, Ash collected = 9 kg, CV of ash = 2500 kJ/kg,
Quantity of air used per kg of coal burnt = 19 kg. Flue gas temperature = 3500C. Boiler room
temperature = 300C, Mean specific heat of flue gas = 1.005 kJ/kgK.
Find out equivalent evaporation, boiler efficiency, % of heat losses in flue gases, ash and
radiation. (8.554 kg/kg of coal, 64.35%, 21.44%, 0.798%, 13.421%)
Q,2 The following observations were made in a boiler trial in one hour. Steam generated =
540 kg, Fuel burnt = 65 kg, Pressure of steam = 10 bar, CV of fuel = 30,000 kJ/kg, Dryness
fraction of steam = 0.98, Feed water temperature = 300C, Boiler house temperature = 300C,
Flue gas temperature = 3500C, Mean specific heat of flue gases = 1 kJ/kgK, Mass of dry flue
gases = 9 kg/kg of fuel, Moisture in fuel = 2% by mass. Draw the heat balance sheet.
Q.3 A sample of coal with C= 78%, H2= 5%, O2=8%, S = 2%, N2 = 2% and remaining ash,
is burnt in a furnace with 50% excess air. The temperature of flue gas at the entry of chimney
is 3250C and the atmospheric temperature is 150C. The heat carried away per kg of moisture in
the flue gas is 2940 kJ. Calculate the heat loss in flue gas per kg of coal. Take Cp for O2, N2
and air as 1.008 kJ/kg.K and Cp for CO2, SO2 as 1.05 kJ/kg.K.
(6442 kJ)
Q.4 Coal has an analysis by mass of carbon 81%, hydrogen 4.5%, oxygen 3.5% and the
remainder ash. If the coal is burnt in a furnace with 65% excess air, determine the percentage
analysis by volume of the resulting flue gases and its mean molecular mass. Air contains 23%
oxygen of mass. (29.69)