(Tarot) - How To Read Tarot Cards

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The key takeaways are that the book provides instructions on how to spread and interpret tarot cards to understand fate and the future. It also describes the symbolism of the 78 tarot cards.

The book aims to provide a 'how-to-do-it' approach to using tarot cards by explaining the spreads and interpretations in an easy-to-follow manner with information that can be readily applied.

The book describes using tarot cards by explaining the spreads demonstrated and interpreting the cards based on their symbols and keywords. It notes that any tarot deck can be used as long as the symbolism is understood.

• •

.a EH 481 $4.50

Orlglnel title: 18rot·C•d Spreed RNder
How To Read
Tarot Cards


and K I N G KEY E S



New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London

Tarot cards from the Tarot Classic deck, copyright @ 1971 by
Stuart R. Kaplan, reproduced by permission of the publishers,
U.S. Games Systems, Inc., New York.

A hardcover edition of this book is published by Parker Publishing

Company,_Inc. Fi;st paperbound edition published 1968 by Funk 8c
Wagnalls,Publishing Co., Inc. It is here reprinted by arrangeme�t.


Chase Doane. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of

America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For infor­
mation address Harper 8c Row, Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd Street,
New York, N.Y. 10022. Published simultaneously in Canada by
Fitzhenry 8c Whiteside Limited, Toronto.
First BARNES & NOBLE BOOKS edition published 1979

ISBN: 0-06-463481-7
83 10 9 8 7
IJ ecause everything which exists has an
astrological correspondence which is
also associated with a tarot card, by
selecting the proper factors, any
physical or occult problem may be
solved by the use of the tarot.... What
the tarot can be made to reveal is limited
only by the capacity of understanding of
the person using it.

To all those brave souls, who, amidst­

enormous prejudice, have searched for,
are investigating, and will continue
to seek out the basic truths of nature's
laws, this book is sincerely dedicated.

0 ver the years, dif­

ferent types of tarot cards have been published as well as
tarot books dealing with philosophy. The great lack in this
field has been a how-to-do-it approach, telling the reader the
manner in which to spread, and interpret the cards. Here you
are given information which you can turn to on the spur of
the moment! This unique book, the only one of its kind,
demonstrates ways for you to use your tarot cards.
Many different packs of tarot cards have come into existence,
and this book describes the reasons for this. It also dearly
describes the cards and their use as correlated to the
authentic, ancient rneauiugs-fragments of which began to
appear during the past century after having gone underground
before the Dark Ages. With the unique sections entitled "Key
Phrases for the 78 Tarot Cards" and "Astrological Symbolism,"
the information can be readily applied to tarot cards of any
This is possible because symbols are the universal language.
· Any type of tarot cards can be used to lay the spreads demon­
strated here. Once the meanings of symbols are mastered, the
keywords listed for each card can be used to interpret any
tarot pack, regardless of design.
Tarot packs are not difficult to obtain. Many card shops
and novelty shops have them. A full-sized professional deck
of the Egyptian Tarot Cards, imprinted on sturdy stock,
can be . ordered from The Church of Light, Dept. PH,
P.O. Box 76862, Los Angeles, California 90076.
This book will round out any occult library. Through its
use, the kabalist will be enabled to bring more precision and
depth of understanding to his studies. The neophyte, or begin-

6 What This Book Can Do for You

ner, who meditates psychically will find unlimited spiritual

topics for meditation. And the mystic and occultist will find
surprising enlightenment as regards the whys and wherefores
of his beliefs and practices.
It is not necessary to be a student of the occult arts to under­
stand and use the self-help offered in this book. To keep
abreast of an ever-widening interest in astrology, however, the
layman will gain an insight into the subject and discover a
fascinating hobby, which could prove to be his key to a wider
popularity with friends and acquaintances, and a far more
fulfilled life in every respect.
Astrophiles, students and professional astrologers will dis­
cover unlimited combinations in handy reference form which
will stimulate and broaden their awareness, leading them to
new vistas of astrological intetpretation.
Your subconscious mind understands a lot more about sym­
bolism than you realize. Symbolism is a universal language,
one that is grasped by people all over the world, regardless of
their native tongues. Although symbolism may seem to be a
mystical subject, its universal stamp is seen upon every hand
in our daily lives .
Take red (Mars), yellow (Venus) and green (Moon): When
you drive your car these color symbols tell you when to stop
(red-danger), wait (yellow-balance) and go (green-grow). Or,
take a look at your electrical appliances, the television, radio,
etc. To turn them on you dial to the right (Sun-positive),
and to shut them off you switch to the left (Moon-negative).
Light switches go up (Sun-positive) to turn on the current,
and down (Moon-negative) to turn it off. Did you ever notice
to which side a coat is buttoned? Men (Sun-male) button them
to the right, and women (Moon-female) to the left. Volumes of
common examples such as these could be cited. And the
more one studies symbolism the more he is aware of the
fascinating interlocking of objects in the environment by
which he is habitually surrounded.
What This Book Can Do for You 7
Learning to associate ideas with symbols will help you to
develop your Extra Sensory Perception (ESP ) . And just as with
any other helpful ability, increased ESP will aid you in many
unthought-of ways. For example, when you misplace some­
thing or forget something you were supposed to do, ESP can
give· you the answer. ESP ability transfers to other areas in
life in such a way that we are able to stamp out some of the
confusion and uncertainty we often endure.
A professional artist deals with symbolical concepts, and a
study of the tarot will give him an entirely different slant to
his creativity. This also holds true for the musician and poet,
who deal in emotions. Through a better understanding of sym­
bolism, the art lover will gain a broader and deeper apprecia­
tion from any forms of art.
Students of spiritual philosophy or the beginner, aspiring to
become an expert, gain amazing enlightenment from this book.
Futhermore, gleaning a complete knowledge of any spiritual
or sacred book, incl �ding the Bible, is only possible when the
tarot interpretations of kabalistical meanings are understood.
The tarot pictures appearing on the 22 Major Arcana provide
fruitful subjects upon which to concentrate during periods of
meditation. Associations undreamed of are revealed. Astrology
aqd the tarot combined in their symbolism reveal keys to the
secrets which were held for centuries within the confines of
closed mystical brotherhoods for fear they would fall into the
wrong hands.
This one-of-a-kind book takes a prominent place on the
library shelf of the taroist, astrologer, mystic and layman.
Its up-to-the-minute classifications earmark its effectiveness
in dealing with today's problems in all phases of life.
Anyone, mystical student or not, can benefit from this book.
By a simple application of the 1 -2-3 steps given in this book, it
will be possible for you to make an amazing beneficial trans­
formation in your personality.
Becoming a good tarot card reader keeps you "on your toes"
8 What Thu Book Can Do Jor You

and develops within you a high degree of mental alacrity, a

"plus" factor which can be added to any area in your life­
alertness on the job, keenness for study, and quick response to
guide your children, to say nothing of the harmonious ex­
change you can enjoy with your mate.
Once the word gets around that you have the knack of read­
ing the cards, people will want to meet you and know you
better so that you can spread the cards for them. There are so
many lonely people today, even in the middle of our bustling
cities, to whom you could give a word of cheer and encourage­
ment. A card-reading gift also allows you to read for your
favorite club or pet charity. Furthermore, this talent could
open doors to circles you have yearned to enter, making it
possible for you to find new, influential friends who will help
you to get what you want out of life.




Functions of the Tarot . . 22

How the Tarot Cards Work 24
Contents and Arrangement 25


Care of the Cards . . . 28

Where to Read the Cards 29
Preparation for Reading . 50
Selecting the Spread 51
Training the Subconscious 52
Shuffling and Cutting 55
Spreading the Cards 55
Reading the Cards . 54


I. Yes or No Spread . . . . . . 56
Yes or No Spread Demonstrated 57
Reading: Past, Present, Future 58
2. Pyramid Spread . . . . . . 59
Pyramid Spread Demonstrated 59
Reading . . . . 40
Present . . . . .
· 40
Immediate Future . 42
Next Turn of Events 45
Distant Future 45
End of the Matter 44
5. Sephiroth Spread . . 45
The Four Aces . . 45
The Four Astral Kingdoms 45
The Twenty-Two Major Arcana 46
Reading Sequence . . .
. 47
Sephiroth Spread Demonstrated . 48

10 Contents

Reading 49
The Marriage 50
The Opposition 51
The Progress 52
The End 52
4. Three Sevens Spread . 58
Three Sevens Spread Demonstrated 58
Reading 54
Past 54
Present 55
Future 55
5. Magic Seven Spread 56
Magic Seven Spread Demonstrated 57
Reading 58
6. Kabala Spread 60
Kabala Spread Demonstrated 61
Reading 62
7. Solar Spread . 64
Solar Spread Demonstrated . 65
Reading 66
Fint Row . 66
Second Row 68
Third Row 70
Fourth Row 71
Fifth Row . 72
Sixth Row . 78
Seventh Row 75
8. Wish Spread . 76
Significance of the Wish Spread . 77
Wish Spread Demonstrated . 77
Reading 79
What Surrounds You . 79
Factors Describing Your Wish . 79
What Opposes You . 79
What Comes to Your Home 80
What You Will Realize . 80
9. Spread of 86 . 81
Spread of 36 Demonstrated . 82
Reading 82
Past .· 82
Content• 11

Present . . 85
Future . .. . . Sll
Supplementary Information 86
I0. Magic Cross Spread . 88
Magic Cross Spread Demonstrated 88
Reading 89
The Past 89
The Present . 90
The Opposition 90
Hopes and Expectations 90
The Future 91
11. Life Spread . . . 92
Material Square 92
Mental Trine . 95
Spiritual Circle 95
Dominating Life Factor 95
Life Spread Demonstrated 94
Reading 94
Material Square 95
Mental Trine . 97
Spiritual Circle 99
Dominating Life Factor 99
12. Four Trines Horoscope Spread 1 00
Four Trines Horoscope Spread Demonstrated . 101
Reading 102
Trine of Life . 102
Trine of Power 102
Social Trine . lOll
Trine of Concealed Things . lOll
Ill. Twelve Horoscope Houses Spread . 104
Twelve Horoscope Houses Spread Demonstrated . 1 05
Reading . . . . . . . 105
14. Individual Horoscope Spread . . . . . . 107


Major Arcana Ill

Minor Arcana 112
Court Arcana 114
Phrase Selection . 115
12 Contents

Manipulating Symbols . . . . . . . 117

Universal Symbolism: Universal Symbols . 119
Major Arcanum I: The Magus . 12�
Ace of Scepters 12�
Ace of Cups . 124
Ace of Coins . 124
Ace of Swords . . .
Major Arcanum II: Veiled Isis . 125
Two of Scepters . 126
Two of Cups . 126
Two of Coins . 127
Two of Swords 127
Major Arcanum III: Isis Unveiled 128
Three of Scepters 128
Three of Cups . 129
Three of Coins . 129
Three of Swords . uo
Major Arcanum IV: The Sovereign 1�0
Four of Scepters . 1�1
Four of Cups . 1�1
Four of Coins . 1�2
Four of Swords U2
Major Arcanum V: The Hierophant l��
Five of Scepters u�
Five of Cups . 1M
Five of Coins . 1�4
Five of Swords 1S5
Major Arcanum VI: The Two Paths 1�5
Six of Scepters 1�6
Six of Cups . 1�6
Six of Coins . 1�7
Six of Swords . U7
Major Arcanum VII: The Conqueror 1�8
Seven of Scepters us
Seven of Cups 1�9
Seven of Coins . 189
Seven of Swords . 140
Major Arcanum VIII: The Balance : 140
Contents 13

Eight of Scepters 141

Eight of Cups 141
Eight of Coins . 142
Eight of Swords . 142
Major Arcanum I X : The Sage . 14S
Nine of Scepters . 14S
N ine of Cups . 144
Nine of Coins 144
Nine of Swords 145
Major Arcanum X: The Wheel 145
Ten of Scepters 146
Ten of Cups . 146
Ten of Coins . 147
Ten of Swords 147
Major Arcanum XI : The Enchantress 148
Major Arcanum X I I : The Martyr . . 148
Major Arcanum XI I I : The Reaper . . 149
Major Arcanum XIV: The Alchemist . 149
Major Arcanum XV: The Black Magician . 150
Major Arcanum XVI : The Lightning . 150
Major Arcanum XVI I : The Star . . 151
Major Arcanum XVI I I : The Moon . . 151
Major Arcanum XIX: The Sun . . . 152
Major Arcanum XX: The Sarcophagus . 152
Major Arcanum XXI : The Adept . . 15S
Major Arcanum XXI I: The Materialist 15S
King of Scepters . 154
King of Swords 154
King of Coins . . 155
King of Cups . . 155
Queen of Scepters 156
Queen of Swords . 156
Queen of Coins . 157
Queen of Cups . 157
Youth of Scepters 158
Youth of Swords 158
Youth of Coins 159
Youth of Cups . 159
14 Contents

Horseman of Scepters . 160

Horseman of Swords 160
Horseman of Coins . 161
Horseman of Cups . 161


Appearance and Body Structure 163

Temperament 164
Personal Interests 164
Occupations 165
Significant Associations 165
Environment Factors . 165
Cities of the World . . 166
United States of America . 166
World Affairs . 166
Personal Ability 167

LEO 176
SUN 194
MOON 195
MARS • 199
PLUTO . 206

If you are one of those

people who smirk at the idea that square pasteboards bearing
odd-looking hieroglyphics can tell you anything about your
past, present or future, you are in for a big surprise. The tarot
cards can do exactly that.
Impossible? So was the atomic bomb until its fantastic
potency shocked an unbelieving world. Television, round-the­
world jet flights, and moon shots were also labeled as im­
Idle tarot cards and untapped inner laws of nature are as
useless as an unsplit atom. But like atomic energy directed
into constructive endeavor, when the cards are employed to
apply the laws of nature to your character development or
problem solving, their released potential mushrooms into
great benefits to you.
It is not necessary to believe in the tarot cards for them to
work; nor do they have to be taken on faith. Experimenta·
tion will prove the point. We, ourselves, did not take them
for granted when we started. We tabulated spreads and found
results high above any chance average. Being down-to-earth, we
were not interested in adopting a system which would not con­
sistently reveal practical and helpful information.
Although the tarot may be new to you, it is almost as old
as man himself. The Book of Thoth, or the tarot, was known
to remotest antiquity. However, the spiritual science it ex­
pounded went "underground" for many centuries.
Ancient ruins give testimony of considerable scientific
achievement long before history began. And even though mod­
ern man outpasses the ancients in physical science, he lags
far behind in spiritual progress. These ruins and tradition
tell of an ancient spiritual philosophy which transcends the

16 Introduction
reach of that known and practiced by the majority of people
on earth today.
Through the centuries, science has replaced surmise with
observed facts, and as a result of generations of progress, man
has learned to protect himself from thousands of dangers that
threaten his physical survival.
Due to such physically-oriented research, people have been
prejudicially blocked from making a candid investigation of
the spiritual facts of life. Therefore, a spiritual decay is attack­
ing man because the very necessities of his human soul de­
mand a knowledge which he is not developing.
To gain such knowledge, he should use the same strict meth­
ods of the physical scientists. Nebulous notions and uncertain
surmise must be replaced by a framework of strict logic. Then
man will be able to discover effective means of protecting him­
self when he is threatened on any plane-physical, emotional,
mental or spiritual.
To build such a spiritual science demands the use of the
psychic senses. Because the psychic senses, or astral senses,
sometimes report falsely, they should be checked for accuracy
by the physical senses. This was the manner in which the
Ancient Masons marked every discovery of importance to the
development and needs of the soul. Generation after genera­
tion, they specialized in two things: astrology, and gaining
information concerning the soul of man. They developed
their psychic senses to a high degree and laboriously kept
records of their experiments for some 1,500 years. This record
is called the Anu-Enlil Series of Chaldea and can be found
in the British Museum of Natural History.
Astrology to them was not merely a means of character
reading or predicting events, it was the science of the· soul
and the key to all possibilities. Each of their discoveries was
marked with an appropriate symbol, and its esoteric interpre­
tation was pictorially engraved on a separate tablet. The Egyp-
Introduction 11
tians called these tablets the Royal Road of Life. Their
symbolism marks the Egyptian Tarot Cards.
Everything from a single thought to the evolution of a
Solar System operates strictly upon numerical law. Both as­
trology and the tarot conform to mathematical principles as
will be explained later. The Pyramid of Gizeh, built by these
ancient magi to perpetuate early wisdom, still stands today.
I t is monumental proof of the relations existing between earth,
the universe, and the soul of man.
As time goes on, modern discoveries concerning the Great
Pyramid reaffirm ancient occult law. The Pyramid faces east
and sits precisely in the center of the Northern Hemisphere,
implying that the builders were aware even at that date of
the oblate shape of the earth. I ts physical measurements have
been the subject of many books and articles correlating them
with prophecy and symbolical conceptions. As mankind
evolves, still more of the mysteries of the Pyramid will be
revealed and substantiated.
Many examples might be presented to show an early knowl­
edge bf the tarot. As this subject has been handled effectively
in kabalistical studies, repetition here is unnecessary. A scant
reference to these various books soon reveals that later writ­
ings of early peoples showed less familiarity with the tarot
as time went on.
The Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel show some_ knowledge of
it, and certainly whoever wrote the Apocalypse based it all
ttpon the tarot. Each of its 2 2 chapters deals with the 22 Major
Arcana of the tarot as applied to prophecy. I t is doubtful
that a complete knowledge of any sacred book, including the
Bible, can be fully understood by one who knows nothing
of the tarot which allows the interpretations of the so-called
mysteries of the kabala. Yet to manipulate the tarot, which
is the Silver Key, one needs the Golden Key of Astrology.
From time to time, archaeologists discover remnants of
18 Introduction

these two keys all over the world. For instance, in 1964 the
greatest excavation of its kind in recent history and one of
the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century
took place in Egypt. The famed "Avenue of the Sphinxes,"
described in Egyptian history as linking the temples of Luxor
and Karnak, was being unearthed by removing 3,000 years of
debris and dust.
Egyptologists estimate that the 20-foot wide, stone road is
two miles long and lined by 1,400 sphinxes, 700 on each side
spaced 15 feet apart. The sphinxes, which are 10 feet long
and 4 feet high, were built by many pharaohs between 1200
B.C. and 378 B.C. Inscriptions and hieroglyphics adorn each
5-foot high stone base.
H ermetic tradition holds that a yet-uncovered record of the
two keyS-astrology and the tarot-is to be founq inside of
the Great Pyramid. It tells of a tunnel leading through and
under the paws of the Sphinx to an Egyptian Initiation
Temple. In this temple along the walls are the tablets men­
tio�ted above upon which are iQscribed the tarot cards depict­
ing the story of the soul's initiation as it travels the Cycle of
There are I 08 tablets; 78 of them are what we know as
the exoteric tarot, and 30 of them are the esoteric tarot. T. H.
Burgoyne, a Brotherhood of Light initiate, in his Light of
Egypt describes the esoteric pictures under the caption "The
Tablets of Aeth." But to our knowledge these tablets have
never been produced on the physical plane.
The late C. C. Zain, a modern Brotherhood of Light initiate
and founder of the Church of Light, presented the exoteric
deck of tarot cards in his book The Sacred Tarot, which has
become the most comprehensive reference work on the subject
to date. His Hermetic System of the Kabala is the foundation
for this volume.
Through the kind permission of The Church of Light at
Los Angeles, we present here the illustrations of the Egyptian
Introduction 19
Tarot Cards. They were painstakingly designed, correct in all
details, from a description of the figures on the walls of the
Egyptian Initiation Chamber from the originals preserved on
the inner planes.
Zain writes: "The Egyptian Tarot pictures . . . teach in still
greater detail �he same spiritual ideas that are taught by the
constellations. Both constellations in the sky ...and the Tarot
pictures adorning the walls of the ancient Egyptian Initiation
Chamber, make use of primitive symbolical pictograph writing
to convey the most important things the ancient wise ones
found out about the human soul. The Egyptian Tarot, then,
portrays the spiritual conceptions of the Egyptian initiates,
as derived from a still more remote past [from Atlantis and
Mu]. There is a peculiar sympathy, howe,·er, between the
thoughts of man and actions for which he finds no rational
motive. That is, the same sympathy which exists between the
happenings on earth and the positions of the planets in the
sky also manifests through the unconscious mind.
"If we but analyze our dreams we shall find that symbolism
is the common language of the unconscious mind. And the
successful use of the tarot cards as instruments of divination
depends upon their sympathetic response to invisible factors
of intelligence. So it would be indeed strange if they responded
merely in the transitory laying of the spread, and not also in
their symbolism to the minds of those who handle them."
But some of the fragments filtered through to the public in
a vague and disconnected manner. The profane and ignorant
of occult law pounced upon these fragments and u sed them for
their own personal gain to enslave others. What they gave out
distorted the true import of the ancient symbolism. This trend
also had a marked influence on the varying presentations of
cards which then proved ineffective to help a neophyte become
adept, because the basic vibratory influences were false.
When people of a different conception of life handled the
cards, they naturally changed the pictures on them to portray
20 Introduction

their own strong convictions and to depict the environment

in which they lived at the time. Their approach was purely
A cogent analogy is ·seen in the Knight (Horseman) of
Swords at the beginning of the Christian era. It shows an
armored crusader, dashing across the frontier into another's
domain in the well-known effort to spread enlightenment by
means of the sword. The picture suggests instantly the con­
quest of far-Hung empires and the forceful dissemination
of Christian creeds among the benighted heathens thus con­
In a similar manner many decks came into existence, each
pack being tinconsciously modified by the philosophy of the
life of the group using them. Even the common playing cards
we know today are derived from the ancient tarot and vary
widely due to their centuries of use as instruments of gambling.
Because of inherent characteristics, the English, German,
Italian, French and Gypsy cards differ. Yet because each is
altered to align with their deep convictions, each group uses
them successfully for fortune telling due to the sympathetic re­
sponse between the cards and their subconscious minds.
Commonly occult historians place the earliest record of tarot
cards back in the 14th century. Yet Hermetic tradition holds
them to be about 35,000 years old. The decks which evolved
in preceding centuries were not keyed to the authentic asso­
ciations with universal law as researched by the ancient magi.
There was good reason for this descrepancy.
When the dogmatic priesthood took over, the knowledge
went underground. Man had not evolved to a level where he
could understand the spiritual significance behind the sym­
bolism, nor had he learned to control the forces that surround
him on both the physical and astral plane. Dealing with occult
energies is dangerous unless one knows what he is doing.
Custodians of this spiritual knowledge were forced to keep
the information within the confines of secret brotherhoods
Introduction 21

where the members went through a rigorous spiritual tra�ning

before the truths were revealed to them. In this manner, the
mysteries were divulged to candidates only after they had sur­
mounted trials and hardships to prove their worthiness.
In this Aquarian Age astronauts are probing outer-space,
and aquanauts are exploring the ocean-depths. Man has
evolved to a high physical level, and he has access to the widest
of educational facilities. This is a fantastic era for man to
investigate anything and everything about himself and the
Take the tarot cards. We urge you to utilize the splendid
opportunity for investigation that reading them provides.
From the standpoint of personal development, you can em­
ploy the cards to speed your own progress or that of anyone
for whom you read.
With a minimum of study, practice and personal investiga­
tion, you will undoubtedly find that the application of tarot
reading could bring you a lifting of the spirit, a new and
better way of life, or your own heart's desire.

he Sacred Tarot sprang
from the need to record ideas in universal symbolism. And
these recorded ideas, embraced in the tarot, can be applied
in four different ways as:

l . A Science of Vibration
2. A Spiritual Science
3. A System of Divination by Cards
4. A System of Divination by Numbers

To understand the application of the tarot, it is important

to keep these four functions separate so that one will not be­
come confused with the other. Each function is in itself a defin­
ite and clear-eut system, standing apart from the other three.
Two of these systems-Science of Vibration and Spiritual
Science-are positive and therefore scientific in nature. Be­
cause of their electric, masculine nature, these systems are
based on the esoteric principles of life. Numbers furnish the
key to the Science of Vibration; and the Spiritual Science
forms the basis of a complete philosophy of life.
The other two systems are negative and therefore divinatory
in nature. They are a system of Divination by Cards, and a
system of Divination by Numbers. Because of their magnetic,
feminine nature, these systems are based on the exoteric prin­
ciples of life.
These four functions correspond to the Jod-He-Vau.He,
which is the magical quaternary representing a formula found
to be valuable in the solution of all problems.

Functions oj the Tarot 23

Magical Quarternary
Sign Triplicity Tarot Function
Jod Leo Fire Science of Vibration
He Scorpio Water Divination by Cards
Vau Taurus Earth Divination by Numbers
He Aquarius Air Spiritual Science

This book focuses the attention on the first He in the table

above, which is Divination by Cards, that is, reading tarot-card
spreads. Although the other three functions are mentioned or
implied, they are not thoroughly explored here. However, the
information gained from the study of the correspondences in
this book may easily be translated into applicable terms which
will help in the study of the other three functions.
The primary reason for selecting Divination by Cards as the
subject matter of this book was the insistent need for it.
Many authorities throughout the years have expounded and
thoroughly explored the other three functions. But, to our
knowledge, the demonstration and reading of various types of
spreads has never been adequately covered.
We have selected The Egyptian Tarot Cards, because they
embrace more symbolical factors than are found on any other
deck, and these symbols are based upon correct numerical and
astrological correspondences. This, in itself, lifts these cards out
of the realm of mere fortune telling and aligns them with uni­
versal principles.·

The tarot bears the same relation to astrology as the moon

bears to the sun. It is the sun that brings us the light of day;
and astrology brings radiant light upon the more evident truths
of our philosophy in daily living. However, the elusive mys­
teries, which seem to be hidden from view by the material rush
of living, are buried deep-dark as the night, until the moon
reflects the light of the sun.
The moon borrows her l ight from the sun, and the tarot bears
24 Functiom oJ the Tarot

this same relationship by borrowing significance from astrology.

Light can be shed upon the darkest mental pathways. There­
fore, the two keys-astrology and the tarot-in the hands of an
efficient tarot-card reader unlock the secrets of nature's apparent


Few of the motions we make result from premeditated

thought. They are directed by the subconsious mind. Take
walking, for instance. It is true that we think of walking and
then walk. But we certainly do not center our attention on
the complex and intricate process of balancing the action of
one muscle against another. Rather, our nervous systems have
been educated to respond immediately to the orders given by
our subconscious minds.
Since the subconscious mind is familiar with this "causing of
unconscious muscular activity," it is easier for it to communi­
cate intelligent thoughts by directing muscular actions than by
impressing the physical brain directly. Therefore, under ordin­
ary circumstances, using unconscious muscular activity is the
easiest method possible for the communication of what is in the
subconscious to the physical brain.
The range of subconscious perception is far greater than
that of the physical senses. All that a person has ever experi­
enced or known is stored in his subconscious. It may also
contact almost any imaginable source of information beyond
that which has been stored by the individual.
As soon as the subconscious mind focuses its attention on
obtaining specific information, the psychic senses respond with
alacrity. They are able, due to their wider range of perception,
to acquire information inaccessible to physical senses. This in­
formation resides as a memory in the subconscious.
Therefore, before laying a spread of tarot cards, it is im­
portant to ask a definite question. This focuses the attention
Functiom oJ the Tarot 25

of the subconscious on obtaining the information wanted.

Then as the cards are shuffled, cut and dealt, concentrating
on the question adds energy which the subconscious can use
in gathering pertinent facts.
In addition, the tarot cards also .act as a means of directing
the subconscious to aquire such information. An experienced
reader feels the presence of a power. This power not only
directs how the cards shall be read, but actually determines
the way they fall so that a correct reading will result. Other
forces may be brought into play, but the most significant
factor influencing the proper distribution of the cards into a
spread is the unconscious muscular activity of the arms and
The accuracy of the information received depends upon the
ability of the reader's subconscious to perceive conditions not
known to the objective consciousness and bring it through.
To do this requires electromagnetic energy. Manipulating the
tarot cards requires the use of extrasensory perception and
psychokinetic power.


Information necessary to learn the art of laying and reading

spreads is presented in four parts. Reviewing the introductory
material to each section is vitally essential.
PART I presents a detailed explanation of how to care for
and use the cards properly. This information should be read
completely, for applying it will help to avoid a long and
tedious apprenticeship.
PART II gives instructions ·and diagrams of diversified,
easy-to-read spreads. They demonstrate how fourteen actual
life questions dealing with the past, present and future can
be read. In some instances the result of what happened when
the counsel. of the reader was applied is noted, and in others
the reading projects itself far into the future.
26 Functions of the Tarot

PART III explains the basic symbolical patterns of each

card, touches on universal symbolism and contains a ready­
reference list of key phrases for each one of the cards.
PART IV is a compendium of astrological rulerships...­
signs and planetS--to help broaden the scope of the meaning
symbolized by each card.

U nderstanding the prin­
ciple of radiation is our first consideration in effectively
handling and reading the tarot cards. Every thing and every
person radiates. The magnetism and thought emanations of
people impart qualities in inanimate objects such as the tarot
To obtain optimum results, do not allow anyone to handle
your tarot cards except when shuflling and cutting before a
reading. The more you, yourself, ha�dle the cards, the more
gratifying your results will be. This handling impregnates the
cards with your own personal magnetism, forming a rapport
between your subconscious and the cards--an association
which becomes stronger as you continue to use your cards.
Recognizing this rapport makes it easy to see why new cards
are not as responsive as a deck which has been used for a long
time by a reader. You, as a new card reader, should be aware
of this fact. Then you will not feel discouraged with your first
attempts at reading spreads.

28 How to Use Your Tarot Cards

Care of the Cards

Special care of your cards is needed to protect them from

unwa,nted vibrations. Never leave them lying around the
house. And you should not place them near things that are
often used by other people. If you do, you will invite a mixture
of vibrations which will tend to confuse your reading. Keep
them somewhere away from discordant vibrations. This place
should be near your own things having your own personal
vibrations in them.
Because of the subtle absorption of vibrations, your cards
should be stored in a wooden box. It need not be large, but
perhaps large enough to hold two decks of cards. Commonly,
one deck is used for spiritual enlightenment and the other for
material questions. A white pine box serves splendidly. When
the cards are kept in this box, their vibrations are sealed in.
Furthermore, due to the high non-conductibility of the wood,
they are protected from undesirable vibrations.
Before placing the cards in the box, wrap them in a colored
piece of silk corresponding to the best sign or the best planet
in your own horoscope. If you do not know your best sign or
planet, select a color that stimulates you harmoniously.

Signs and Tawt Color Correspondences

Aries .. light red Libra light yellow

Taurus . . ..... dark yellow Scorpio dark red
Gem in i light violet Sagittarius l ight purple
Cancer .. green Capricorn dark blue
Leo . orange Aquarius light blue
Virgo ..... . . . dark violet Pisces dark pu rple

Planets and Tarot Color C01·respondences

Sun orange Jupiter .. purple

Moon ..... green Saturn ...... blue
Mercury ......... violet Uranus ... dazzling white
Venus. ...... yellow Neptune iridescence
Mars red Pluto . .... ultraviolet
How to Uae Your Tarot Carda 29

Using your best color will furnish you with an opportunity

to stimulate the most harmonious center within your mind,
thus adding to the pleasure and effectiveness you will obtain
from handling your cards.

Where to Read the Cards

Our next consideration is where to spread the cards. Any

flat surface, such as a table, will do. If possible, it is best to
have a special table or a tarot board constructed of soft, white
The surface should be big enough to accommodate the
largest spread. I t should be unvarnished and unpainted so
that it will become impregnated with the vibrations of the
reader. By using this surface for tarot readings exclusively,
extraneous thought-vibrations will not interfere with the read.
ing. This will insure the ideal condition for the manifestation
of inner-plane intelligences.
The reading environment is equal in importance to the
tarot board. When a reader is forced to work in a place where
there has been a violent fight, for example, the discordant
vibrations bring a static condition to the special type of psychic
rapport required. These lower vibrations, resulting from a
quarrel, attract lower entities who interfere with the uncon­
scious minds of both the reader and client.
To prevent this static condition, both reader and client
should strongly direct their thoughts and feelings to a higher
level. However, maintaining this level is difficult in an ani­
malistic environment, and the energy used could be better
spent on the reading itself. It is true that after one becomes
proficient in the art of reading the tarot cards, if he is forced
to, he can read in almost any environment. Still, the ideal
conditions will be found in a place where peaceful vibrations
In addition to this, just before and during the reading
there should be no small talk. The attention should not be
30 How to lJ•e Your Tarot Card.

allowed to stray to anything except the business at hand. In

this concentrated vibration, the law of affinity works unbind.
ered, helping both reader and client keep a definite thought­
attraction. When this thought-attraction is firmly established,
the cards will fall in such a way as to give a definite answer
to the question.
The querent, or person asking the question, should sit op­
posite the reader. If a tarot board is used, it may rest upon
their knees or on a table. And because the natural magnetic
currents of the earth flow from north to south, the reader
should be facing north and the querent facing south. Taking
these positions allows the two to build a relationship of posi­
tive to negative.
When the querent is absent, it is also possible to read the
cards for him. Then you both shuffle and read the cards your­
self. In this case, or if you are reading the cards for yourself,
face the east-the source of light. In either case, after taking
the appropriate positions, the deck is placed on a surface in
front of the reader.

Preparation for Reading

Before touching the cards, the reader should impress the

querent with the necessity of a serious attitude-joking, banter
and small talk detract from the vibration and affect the
spread. All desires and thoughts aside from the question
should be cleared from both minds.
Next should be discussed precisely what information is
desired. Usually this has to be clarified, because questions are
often asked incorrectly. The reader should encourage the client
to talk about his problem. Then a background view of his past
circumstances which led up to the present problem will be
revealed. Knowing something of the client's conditioning will
assist the reader to select the proper key phrase for each card.
How to Use Your Tarot Cards 31

Selecting the Spread

As the reader listens to the background story, he will be

impressed to select the type of spread which will best answer
the client's question. Questions asked fall into three broad
categories: ( 1 ) personal questions, (2) mundane questions of
public interest, and (3) spiritual questions. As a rule, most
questions may be answered by employing any spread. How­
ever, certain subject matter usually lends itself more easily
to specific spreads.
For instance, if the simple Yes or No Spread will answer the
question, select it. However, a complex problem demands a
more embracive spread, such as the Life Spread or the Spread
of 36. If periods of time extending far into the future are in­
volved, then the Pyramid Spread or the Solar Spread may be
Sample Questions and Selected Spreads
Questions Suggested Spreads

1. Personal Questions:
Does so-and-so love me? Yes or No Spread
Magic Seven Spread
What steps should I take Sephiroth Spread
to improve my business? Kabala Spread
I wish I could increase my Wish Spread
earning power. Magic Seven Spread
Horoscope Spread
What can I do to help Spread of 36
make my son's future a Solar Spread
2. Public Interest Questions:
Will so-and-so be elected Pyramid Spread
U.S. President? Yes or No Spread
Will the tax-cut bill be Yes or No Spread
passed by Congress? Magic Seven Spread
Magic Cross Spread
32 How to Use Your Tarot Cards
Will the kidnappers be Yes or No Spread
caught? Wish Spread
3. Spiritual Questions:
What can I do to improve Magic Seven Spread
my character? Magic Cross Spread
What is my cosmic mis­ Three Sevens Spread
sion? Life Spread
Am I mentally prepared Kabala Spread
for astral travel ? Magic Cross Spread

Training the Subconscious

At this point it seems advisable to mention to the tarot
card reader the importance of training the subconscious mind.
Being plastic, the subconscious bends to each new thought or
idea presented to it. Therefore, to focus it requires control. So
the subconscious should be impressed with what to expect.
Then the required rapport will result if orders are given firmly
and backed up with will power.
A systematic approach allows the subconscious to know
what is expected of it. This approach is based upon clearly
defining the question, selecting an appropriate spread, and
shuffling and cutting the cards in the same manner each time.
These steps aid the mind and any psychic intelligence that
may be present to know exactly how the cards will be handled.
And through the intra-muscular activity, the mind and these
intelligences will be alerted to make the proper arrangement
of cards leading to a more accurate reading. It should be re­
membered that the subconscious never asks why, it merely
follows orders.
Because the subconscious is bombarded at all times with
multiple stimulation, both physical and mental, spontaneous
attention and fantasy thinking too easily disrupt or alter
thought patterns. Therefore, the mind should be trained in
the art of directed thinking and induced emotion. This must
be done so that the mind will not tune in on irrelevant
How to Use Your Tarot Cards 33

Shuffling and Cutting

To control the direction of thought and the resultant intra­

muscular activity, both the reader and the querent concentrate
on the question. They hold the thought that truth will be
revealed no matter what the querent would like the outcome
to be. Then the reader hands the cards to the querent, asking
him to shuffle and cut them three times.
The cards are shuffled once and then cut into three packs.
These packs are then gathered into one pack. This procedure
is performed three times. After shuffling and cutting, the
querent hands the cards to the reader and does not touch them
again .
. The decision of how the cards are actually shuffled depends
on personal preference since the method employed is of little
importance. To manipulate a large deck of seventy-eight cards
demands no small amount of dexterity. For this reason, many
find that the overhand shuffle is accomplished with more com­
fort than the riffle shuffle. And to further facilitate ease in
shuffling, the cards may be turned the long way and overhand
But no matter which shuffle is selected, it is advisable to
stick to the one which is easiest. Then the mechanics of
shuffling will not distract, allowing the attention to be focused
on the question.
Some of the cards should be reversed in the process of shuf­
fling or cutting. This may be done as intuition prompts or in
a pre-established pattern.

Spreading the Cards

The right hand is positive like the Sun, and the left hand is
negative like the Moon. So to crystallize the magnetic flow of
this positive to negative curreni:, the cards are dealt from right
34 How to Use Your Tarot Cards
to left, unless specific patterns are used. In these cases, the cards
are dealt in the sequence in which they will be read. The
reader lays the cards face down one at a time in the previously
decided upon spread. The reader then sets aside the cards not

Reading the Cards

The cards are always viewed from the reader's position. This
is important when considering the reversed position of a card.
The cards are always turned over from top to bottom, one at
a time as read, following the pattern given in the instructions.
This prevents the mind from wandering to other cards in the
spread, allowing directed thought to be given to each individual
A card right end up is slightly more fortunate than its com­
mon significance, similar to a planet in a horoscope receiving
a slightly harmonious aspect.
A card wrong end up, or reversed, is slightly less fortunate
than its common significance, similar to a planet in a horoscope
receiving a slightly discordant aspect.
When each card is turned, it is considered as an event or
influence following the last card read. In this way, a continuity
is kept from beginning to end as the reading progresses from
one card to another.
In several of the spread diagrams in PART II, EXAMPLE
TAROT CARD READINGS, Key Cards are used. These Key
Cards usually designate divisions of time, such as past, present,
or future. If a Major Arcanum falls on a Key Card station, the
period it represents is strongly involved with the topic matter
of the spread.
Finally, it should be remembered that the scope of a reading
is always limited by the present circumstances and past con·
ditioning of the querent.
With the basic principles of the care and use of your cards
firmly set in your mind, you are now ready to undertake the
fascinating activity of reading tarot spreads.
Part 11

1 or those well versed

in the language of the tarot cards, this section needs no explana­
tion. However, to those who are new at reading tarot spreads,
we offer a suggestion. Before proceeding, first read PART I
which will clarify basic factors and bring more meaning to these
To lend interest to the demonstration of how tarot cards are
read in a spread, we have selected questions dealing with actual
life problems rather than imaginary ones. We feel that the
choice will have a wide appeal to the general public, and that
these questions may be ones which you, yourself, have asked at
one time or another.
In order to derive the most information from the symbolism
on each card, we suggest that you lay out the demonstrated
spreads using your own cards. Then watch you own cards as you
follow the given reading. In addition to capturing the symbol·
ism, you will quickly learn the origin of each key phrase. You
will be impregnating the cards with your vibrations before you
attempt to make spreads of your own. This will narrow down
your chances of making poor spreads and help to avoid a feeling
of discouragement.
This section includes fourteen readings. The how-to-do-it
pre�entation is the same for all of them. First comes the instruc­
tions of how to make the spread itself, accompanied with a
diagram of the sequence of how to lay out the cards. When

36 Example Tarot Card Readings

you start making your own personal spreads, you will refer to
these instructions many times.
In each instance, motivation is summed up by an actual life
story or circumstance, which leads to the question asked. This
is accompanied by the actual spread resulting when the cards
were shuffled, cut and spread for the question. Numbers ap­
pearing outside the cards in the spread indicate the reading
sequence, and an R inside the card, indicates a card which is
reversed in position.
With this is reading of the spread which varies slightly
in its form due to the nature of the spread. All words in italics
are taken from PART III, KEY PHRASES. Only verb tenses
and personal pronouns are changed from time to time to fit the
reading, but the key phrase remains essentially the same.
The reader's intuition, stimulated by the symbolic keys,
should be relied upon when reading his own spreads. The key
phrases given here are merely guides. However, we have con­
fined ourselves to these key phrases to demonstrate how they can
be used under any given circumstance.


Should you want a quick yes or no answer to a question, this

spread will serve your purpose. Five, seven, or nine cards may
be used, depending upon the amount of detail desired.
Regardless of the number of cards used, the middle card (Key
Card) counts two and each other card counts one. When the
majority of counts are right end up, the answer is yes; but if
the majority are reversed, the answer is no. Should the number
of counts be evenly divided, no definite yes or no answer is
There are several conditions which prompt the counts to fall
evenly divided between yes and no; lack of concentration on the
question while shuffling and cutting; not a strong enough desire
Example Tarot Card Readings 37
to know the answer; wishing for what you want rather than the
truth; or undecided factors associated with the topic matter.
Sometimes a mere yes or no answer is all that is required, but
if details are desired, the Key Card is read as the present. The
cards to the right represent conditions or events of the past
leading up to the present. And the cards to the left of the Key
Card indicate the future of the matter.


5 4 3 2 I



Yes or No Spread Demonstrated

A bachelor who lived in an apartment was constantly both­

ered by his neighbor-a married woman. She would join his
parties uninvited, bring him gifts, and borrow household items
at all hours of the day and night. While her husband was away
at work, she often found �xcuses to invite the bachelor in-to
watch television or to fix her household appliances. She would
take these opportunities to tel l of her husband's jealous nature.
After sizing up the situation, the bachelor cut off the relation­
ship by avoiding her. As time went on the situation became un­
comfortable for him, because he was basically friendly and
found it difficult to avoid her. Furthermore, he felt embarrassed
whenever he saw her husband.
This embarrassment prompted him to ask the question: "Will
my neighbor move within the next six months?"
38 Example Tarot Card Reading•

After the cards were shuffied and dealt in the designated

manner, they fell in the following pattern.

4 7 Q 4 I

5 4 3 2


Cards number I , 2, 3 and 4 are reversed, giving five no's. Card

number 5, being right end up, designates one yes. Therefore,
the answer to the question is: no, the neighbor will not move
within the next six months.
The bachelor had ( I ) difficulty in adjustment due to dif·
ferences in personalities, and although he received a (2) gift
from a friend there was too much infringement upon his
The bachelor is represented by the (3) Queen of Coins
(reversed), indicating a man of a Libra temperament.
(4) Directed mental energy solves a problem by bachelor
not allowing neighbor to upset him. And he can (5) win
through more give and take.
The querent (bachelor) was advised to solve his problem
by using his mind instead of his emotions. He was told to
establish a relationship of an impersonal nature with his
Example Tarot Card Readings 39
As she was not going to move, he made a constructive effort
to relieve his uncomfortable state. Over a year later the neigh­
bor had still not moved, and the bachelor had adjusted to the


This versatile spread may be used to: ( l ) answer a question,

(2) solve a problem, or (3) show the general trend of events
as they may be expected in a person's life.
Shuffle and cut the cards in the usual manner. Then deal
2 1 cards face downward, dealing from right to left until the
top of the pyramid is reached as indicated by the diagram.
To understand the reading sequence, note that each Key'
Card is also considered as the first card of the next group of
five. The four cards just to the right of a Key Card represent
past events leading up to the time represented by that Key
Card. A Key Card is always significant, but if a Major Arcanum
appears on a Key Card station, the period of time it represents
takes on greater importance.
In this spread there are five Key Cards:
Key I Present
Key I I I mmediate Future
Key I I I Next Turn of Events
Key IV Distant Future
Key V End of the Matter

Pyramid Spread Demonstrated

A middle-aged widow who lived near the seashore suffered

from a chronic chest condition. Her discordant reactions to
the people in her life caused increasing emotional tensions
which contributed to her chest attacks.
When her doctor advised her to move away from the fog,
she arranged to sell her beach home and purchase a home in

I ·¥ I

the desert. Because of her lack of physical strength and the

fact that the desert home was located in a sparsely populated
area, it was necessary for her to find someone to live there
with her. Even though she made arrangements for a lady
companion to accompany her, she was still worried. She
wondered if her companion would like the quiet desert life
well enough to be willing to stay on with her.
Her deep concern prompted her to ask the question: "Will
I be able to make a permanent home in the desert?" The cards
were set up in the spread accompanying the reading analysis.

As the outcome of this spread is known, the subsequent
events will be interspersed in the reading of the cards.
Counting five cards from the right on the bottom row brings
us to the Present, Key I. Here we find reversed Major
Arcanum XIV, signifying that the querent is not keeping


4 3

10 xv.m. 4 5

KEY :m
2 5 4 3

vm 4 8 8 I J

KEY m KEY li
2 4 3 2

2 IX 5 XIV XX XI 0 10
4 3 2 4 3 2

company with harmonious people. This shows her desire to

escape from an unhappy environment.
The first card, representing the distant past, is the Ten of
Scepters-the new replaces the old. This past trend was re­
flected in a complete change in her life upon the death of a
friend who lived with her.
The next card to the left is the reversed Queen of Scepters,
representing a man of a Virgo temperament. This refers to
a man who contested the dead friend's will without success.
The querent was named as sole beneficiary. While the legal
aspects were being worked out, she suffered much ind�ision

42 Example Tarot Card Readings
as to how to handle her inherited money. Her co-workers,
mostly women, offered her all kinds of advice, and criticized
(Virgo) her plans.
The third card from the right is reversed Major Arcanum
XI-eonfusion and lack of force. As time went on, her health
problems increased, and the discordant emotional reactions
to the unsolicited advice led to her unhappy state of mind.
She couldn't make a decision about anything and almost had
a nervous breakdown.
The fourth card from the right, just before the Present, is
reversed Major Arcanum XX-passing of an old condition
leads to a new one. She sold her beach home and bought a
desert home. As both homes went into escrow, her apprehen­
sion increased.
Immediate Future
Starting with Key I and counting ahead five cards brings
us to the right-hand card of the second row. This Key II re­
presents the Immediate Future. Here we find the Jack of
Coins--a man of an A quarian temperament.
Leading up to this is the Five of ScepterS-good fortune in
business. This card indicates the time she received the escrow
papers. When she signed them, she felt a measure of relief,
because now it seemed as if her dream was finally coming true.
Then comes Major Arcanum I X---actions influenced by en­
vironment. When she received the final escrow papers, she
was upset because they differed from the original ones. As
she was being charged for two years back taxes, she went to
her bank to seek advice. They advised her not to sign.
The next card is the Two of ScepterS-obstacles resolved
through analysis. She took a special trip to the desert town
where the papers were filed and was informed that the tax
clause would be deleted.
This brings us back to Key II, the A quarian man, who
brought the final escrow papers to her. Having gained a clear
title to the property, she was immensely relieved.
Example Tarot Card Reading•

Next Turn of Events

Starting with Key II and counting ahead five cards, brings
us to Key III, representing the Next Tum of Events. It is
the Four of Scepter� successful enterprise. And that is
what it appeared to be.
Leading up to this is the Ace of Cups-travel concerned
with domestic affairs. After receiving the final escrow papers,
she and her companion moved to the desert with their belong­
The next card is the Eight of Coins-compatible partner­
ship. The companion was enthusiastic about getting the new
home settled. This pleased the querent, because her health
prevented her from doing strenuous work.
The following card is the Eight of Scepters-rely on your
own judgment. After her companion had the furniture ar­
ranged and the house in order, she soon became bored and
restless. So the querent, who found her companion likeable,
decided to try to make her life more attractive. They drove
out for dinner several evenings a week investigating the
restaurants in nearby towns.
This brings us to Key III, the Four of Scepters. The com­
panion brightened up and seemed happier, and it began to
look as though the move to the desert had turned out to be
a successful enterprise.

Distant Future
Starting with Key III and counting ahead five cards brings
us to Key IV representing the Distant Future. It is Major
Arcanum XVIII-energetic action overcomes lethargy.
Leading up to this is reversed Major Arcanum VII I­
develop a spirit of give and take. The querent became worried
when she noticed that her companion was becoming restless
again. Again she took extra pains to make her companion
more contented.
The next card is the Five of Coin� trip for achievement.
44 Example Tarot Card Readings

Afraid that her companion would not remain with her, the
querent took her to see various interesting desert spots. Being
ill, this extra activity taxed her energy tremendously, but she
was determined to keep the companion with her at all cost.
Next falls the Four of Cups.-pleasure in group activity.
For a time the desert jaunts were enough to hold the interest
of the companion. However, as soon as the limited list was
exhausted, she once more became bored. At the suggestion of
the querent, the companion invited some of her friends out
for a week. All that week, the companion was the happiest
person · in the world.
This brings us back to Key IV which reads energetic action
overcomes lethargy. After her friends departed, the companion
brooded. She hardly spoke at all and left her work undone.
Eventually, the querent called the whole thing off, and they
packed up and moved back to the coast, each going her
separate way.
End of the Matter
Starting with Major Arcanum XVI I I and' counting ahead
five cards brings us to the last card-Key V, representing the
End of the Matter. It is Major Arcanum XIII---end of a
Leading up to this is the Ten of Swords.-agitation upsets
balance. This was an extremely emotional period for the
querent. She moved into a small, cramped place while looking
for a new home, and felt remorse because her desert home
had not worked out. As a result, she suffered another severe
chest attack.
Then follows reversed Seven of Scepters.-benefit through
professionals. Her doctor (who treated her for her chest con­
dition) put her in touch with a buyer for her desert home,
and she sold it for cash.
The next card is reversed Major Arcanum XVI-you reap
what you sow. As she had always been kind to the companion,
even when the tension was highest, the companion agreed to
return to her employ. The querent bought a hom� right next
Example Tarot Card Reading• 45

door to the one she had sold before she moved to the desert.
The final card at the top of the spread is Key V, representing
the end of a situation (Major Arcanum XIII). She had come
full circle, realizing that desert living was something she
physically could not afford.


To do this spread, first remove the twenty-two Major Arcana

and the four Aces from the deck. These twenty-six cards are
the only ones used in the Sephiroth Spread.

The Four Aces

The Aces of Coins, Scepters, Cups, and Swords represent the

four astral kingdoms. These Aces are called the Astral Keys
because they key the entire spread and are, therefore, more
potent than any of the other cards in the spread.
After shuffling and cutting the four Aces three times in the
usual manner, they are dealt as illustrated in the diagram on
page 48. The first Ace is dealt on the Kingdom marked Asc.; the
second Ace on the M.C. ; the third Ace on the Desc.; and the
fourth Ace on the N.C.
These four stations, or Astral Kingdoms, are comparable to
the four angles of a horoscope. Astrologically, Asc. stands for
the Ascendant or first house; M.C. stands for Midheaven or
tenth house; Desc. stands for Descendant or seventh house;
and N .C. stands for Nadir or fourth house.

The Four Astral Kingdoms

The first Astral Kingdom, marked Asc., pertains to Life.

The reading of the Kingdom is keyed to the suit of the Ace.
Ace of Coins-strength, vigor, vitality.
Ace of Scepters-favorable, denotes work and responsibility

Ace of Cups-love of pleasure may deplete vitality.

Ace of Swords-sickness or death.
46 Example Tarot Card Reading•
The second Astral Kingdom, marked M.C., is concerned
with Honor and Business. The suit of the Ace determines the
meaning of the Kingdom.
Ace of Scepters-great power.
Ace of Coins-favorable, much effort required.
Ace of Cups-honor blemished through pursuing too much
Ace of Swords-failure.

The third Astral Kingdom, marked Desc., embraces Love

or War. The Ace falling on this Kingdom indicates the read­

Ace of Cups-joy and happiness.

Ace of Swords-disputes.
Ace of Scepters-difficulties through difference in station.
Ace of Coins-abundant strength.

The fourth Astral Kingdom, marked N.C., relates to Secret

Things or Results. As with the other Kingdoms, interpreta­
tion is based upon the Ace which falls here.
Ace of Swords-a favorable ending.
Ace of Cups-pleasant results.
Ace of Coins-unfortunate.
Ace of Scepters-hard struggle, inadequate returns.

If the question for which the cards were spread relates to

Life, begin the reading with the Asc. If the question has to
do with Love or War, start with the Desc. If it concerns
Honor or Business, commence with the M.C. Should the
question deal with Secret Things or Results, begin the reading
with the N.C.

The Twenty-Twe Major Arcana

Consulting the diagram you will note that there are ten
thrones, designated by the Roman Numerals. Each throne
has two cards. The twenty-two Major Arcana are shuffled, cut,
Example Tarot Card Reading• 47

and then dealt around the ten thrones from I to X-placing

one card on each throne as numbered. Then the rest of the
cards are dealt back from throne X to throne I.
The two cards remaining are placed to the right of the
spread. This station is called the staff, and it is consulted only
if the reading seems contradictory. Then the two cards of
the staff will reveal why a plain answer was not forthcoming.

Reading Sequence

The diagram shows the Asc. and Desc. having three thrones
of two cards each; · and the M.C. and N .C. having only two
thrones of two cards each. These ten thrones are designated by
Roman Numerals. In reading the A�c. or Desc., the two cards
on the center thrones (I or VI), indicate the most important
factors. The cards on the other four thrones (II and X or V and
VII) signify modifying influences. The four cards on the
thrones of the M.C. or N.C. are of equal importance.
Question: every question possible belongs to one of the
four kingdoms. First locate the Ace, or astral key, of the
question. Turn this Ace over, from top to bottom, noting its
significance. Then turn over the cards belonging to its thrones.
The cards on the thrones of the question will indicate why the
conditions signified by the Ace shown there exist and give
some details.
Opposition: next turn over the opposite Ace, which pictures
the opposition to the matter. The cards on its thrones show
details of this opposition.
Progress: the next kingdom read is the one which lies
clockwise from the kingdom representing the question. This
Ace, and the cards of its thrones, represent the progress of
the matter.
End: the end of the matter is shown by the Ace opposing
the progress. This Ace; and the cards on its throne, give the
significance and details of the end of the matter.
48 Example Tarot Card Reading•

Table of Reading Sequence

Subject :\fatter Question Opposition Progress End

Physical body, self interests, per- Asc. Desc. M.C. N.C.

Marriage, love, enemies, war, Desc. Asc. N.C. M.C.
Business, employment, honor, M.C N.C. Desc. Asc.
Hidden things, psychic matters, N.C. M.C. Asc. Desc.


rn IV



rn vm

Sephiroth Spread Demonstrated

Being very much in love, a recently married couple had a

strong desire to maintain a successful marriage. Each had
brought heavy financial obligations to the union. Realizing
E%ample Tarot Card Reading• 49

that financial problems account for more divorces than any

other single factor, they were deeply concerned.
But more than finances, in their sincerity, they were in­
terested in all other departments of their lives as well. Futher­
more, they wanted to be aware of any problem, which they
could not consciously anticipate themselves, that might pos­
sibly threaten their marriage. In order to get an idea of
future trends, they asked the question: "What can we do
to make our marriage a success?"
The cards were shuffled and cut in the usual manner, and
were dealt as indicated. They fell in the following pattern.

jx:Ij xvj

jxv•j r: I

rn IX

Because this is a question about marriage, the Desc. be­

comes the Question. The Desc. and its three thrones of two
cards each represent the marriage. The Asc. and its three
thrones of two cards each represent the Opposition to the
50 Example Tarot Card Readings

success of the marriage. The N.C. with its two thrones of two
cards each represent the Progress of the marriage. And the
M.C. with its two thrones of two cards each indicate the
culmination or the End of the matter.
The Marriage
The Ace of Swords, falling on the Desc., indicates disputes.
Therefore, we may assume that they had been having con­
siderable disagreement on how their joint affairs should be
Throne VI indicates the most important factors. Card
number 6 is Major Arcanum XVII, commonly read as truth,
hope or faith. The fluid that flows from the two cups re­
presents the forces of man and the forces of woman, and the
blending of these forces indicates an exchange of finer energies
which sustain each other. In one case the fluid is poured into
the sea to indicate that nourishment of the emotions is 11eces­
sary to gain inner truth. In the other case the fluid is poured
upon the land to show the necessity of cultivating a positive,
reasoning intellect to gain external truth. The eight-pointed
star represents the balancing of male and female energies. So
Major Arcanum XVI I signifies that the newlyweds should
recognize the importance of directing their energies properly.
Card number 15 is reversed Majm Arcanum VI, showing that
temptation will present itself to lure them away from their
Cards number 5 and 1 6, stationed on throne V, picture
some of the modifying influences. Card number 5 is reversed
Major Arcanum XX, commonly read as awakening or resur·
rection. Thus, if they attain the energy-exchange indicated
by card number 6, this young couple will rise out of the old,
negative influences leading to disputes, just as the figures
symbolized on the card rise out of the coffin.
Card number 16 is reversed Major Arcanum II, indicating
science. As two is always related to the sign Virgo, this in-
Example Tarot Card Reading• 51

dicates that analysis will fortify and sustain their awakening

depicted by card number 5.
More details are revealed by the cards on Throne VII. Card
number 7 is Major Arcanum XI, commonly read as force,
spiritual power, or fortitude. This card advises the young
couple to accomplish their duties without hesitation in order
to defeat any actions prompted by temptation (card number
1 5 on Throne VI).
Card number 14 is reversed Major Arcanum XVI, which
signifies accident or catastrophe. As it modifies the important
factors revealed on Throne VI, the couple are warned to hold
fast to their spiritual ideals (card number 7) or a marital
catastrophe could result.
The Opposition
The Ace of Cups on the Asc. indicates that a letter from a
loved one may present a certain amount of opposition to
their marriage. Throne I gives the details. Here we find card
number I to be reversed Major Arcanum XIX, pointing to
happiness or joy. Card number 20 is the reversed Major
Arcanum III, commonly read as marriage or .action. As both
of these cards are reversed, it appears that the letter will have
a deep impact on either the husband or the wife who may
experience a quickening of the emotions and be more sus­
ceptible to temptation.
Throne X holds cards number 1 0 and I I . Card number
1 0 is reversed Major Arcanum IX, which cautions that temp­
tation should be met with wisdom and prudence. Card number
I I is Major Arcanum XVIII, and as it falls next to THE
SAGE (XI), there is an indication that if wisdom is not
employed, considerable deception could develop.
Cards on Throne II add detail to the important factors
concerning the opposition. Card number 2 is reversed Major
Arcanum XXII which shows that surrendering to temptation
would be a great mistake possibly leading to the failure of
52 Example Tarot Card Readings

their marriage. Card number 19 is reversed Major Arcanum

IV, signifying that there is a winning with will power. The
reversed position of the card denotes that it will take more
effort than would be expected to withstand temptation.
The Progress
The Ace of Coins on the M.C. represents a short journey.
On Throne VIII, card number 8 is Major Arcanum VII re­
versed, which points to success through using intelligence.
Therefore, the mind should be kept open to insure a keen
awareness while on the trip. Card number 1 3 is reversed
Major Arcanum XII, which shows the possibility of a sacri­
fice. Card number 9, Major Arcanum I , portrays the will and
dexterity required to apply intelligence when handling en­
vironmental influences. Card number 1 2 is THE WHEEL,
or Major Arcanum X, presaging that regardless of how actions
are influenced by a journey, changes are in store for the
The End
The Ace of Scepters on the M .C. can be read as analysis in
personal affairs. Throne III holds card number 3, which is
Major Arcanum XXI, pointing to success and attainment.
Card number 18 is Major Arcanum XV, stressing the fact that
more is won through love than hate. Although Major Arcanum
XV is an adverse card, it is surrounded by beneficial cards.
It would seem that if this young couple resolved the negative
attitude depicted by this card, they would be able to maintain
a harmonious partnership.
Throne IV holds cards number 4 and 17. Card number 4
is Major Arcanum V, read as religion or law. Card number
1 7 is Major Arcanum XIV, read as regeneration. I f this young
man and young woman Jearn to exchange finer energies to
sustain a harmonious How between them, they will be able to
withstand the temptations that could bring trouble into their
lives. If they remain faithful to each other and work together,
Example Tarot Card Reading• 53

their marriage will be strengthened and each will l::e re­



This spread lends itself easily to short readings concerning

questions embracing the past, present and future. Shuffle
and cut the cards in the usual way and deal them according
to the numerical sequence given in the diagram below.
The bottom row represents the Past, the middle row the
Present, and the top row t-he Future. In each row the middle
card is the Key Card and is the most impot:_tant. The cards
to either side of the Key Cards are subservient to the reading
of the Key Cards themselves. In reading each row, the Key
Card and adjoining cards modify each other and should be


21 20 19 18 17 16 15 FUTURE

14 13 12 II 10 9 8 PRESENT

7 6 5 4 3 2 I PAST

Three Seoens Spread Demonstrated

A man who owned and operated a restaurant did not have

enough capital to continue to run the business on his own.
Consequently, it was necessary for him to find a partner. In
the past, he had had a partner, but the association had not
worked out. Although his former partner was pleasant and
honest, the restaurant business was not his forte. Due to his
54 Example Tarot Card Readings
past experience, the querent hesitated about taking on another
partner to help finance the business.
These conditions motivated his question : "Will I succeed
in a business partnership?"
When the cards were shuffled and dealt, they appeared in
the following pattern.

9 9 3 xvm 6 8 2
21 20 19 18 17 16 15

3 2 10 VI H 9 6
14 13 12 II 10 9 8

X I K K 5 XVII 4
7 6 4 3 2


The names of the cards themselves are not mentioned m

this reading. Rather, the cards are noted by the number of
the sequence in which they fall. This number appears in
parenthesis immediately preceding the key phrase. Further·
more, as the outcome of the question is known, the actual
events of the past, present and future are interwoven into
the reading.
Due to the querent's financial difficulties, there had been
a forced ( I ) increase in the family. Not only had he gained a
partner, his partner's wife waited on table. (2) Truth, hope
and faith describe the personality of the partner. H is motives
were good, and at first there was a (3) success in the enterprise.
Example Tarot Card Readings 55

The Key Card of the Past is the Cancer King, representing the
old partner. He was (4) a m ild, reserved and homeloving man.
But the adjoining Gemini King indicates that there was (5)
a restless and fickle side to his nature. This partner received
(6) news of a business opport unity, which resulted in (7) a
change of fortune for him. He returned to his former vocation
The querent needs to hold the thought of (8) a slow, steady
rlimh to success. As the next card is reversed, (9) the hopes
will be realized as a result of much effort. He is plagued by
( 1 0) negative thoughts of business as this card is reversed.
Furthermore, he is advised to ( I I ) look beneath surface ap.
pearances. This Key Card ( I I ) represents the restaurant
owner (querent) and depicts a man who can not decide which
path to take. ( 1 2) A ltemate financial loss and gain describe
his present financial condition, which is quite unpredictable.
( 1 3) Money acquired by hard labor shows he must work hard
to keep his business going, and this is exactly what he was
doing when he asked the question. But because he couldn't
keep up the hard pace and didn't have the needed cash, ( 14)
business partnenhip was the solution. He was forced to take
on a new partner.
At first, the new partner considered the job as ( 1 5) a
work of love, but soon he became ( 1 6) extravagant and then
considered the job as ( 1 7) a social event. The Key Card, ( I S)
deception and false friends m· secret foes, signifies the new
partner. His attitude upset the querent and caused strained
relations. This led to a ( I9) lawsuit or diporce. And the
partner's manner and the (20) money he spent on associates
caused a (2 1 ) quarrel resulting in enmity.
At first the querent's partner viewed his job and the
partnership as fun and a work of love. But then he began to
56 Example Tarot Card Readings
overpay some of the employees to insure their loyalty. He
proved to be a false friend of the querent when he took an
outside job and still demanded his full half of the profits
from the restaurant. When the querent refused to pay his
half, his partner sued him and collected. After this incident,
there was much tension at the restaurant until the partner­
ship contract ran out.



The points of this imaginary six-pointed star form 6 stations

representing the past, present and future of the question
asked. The seventh station in the center represents the result.
Shuffle, cut and deal the cards, following the numerical
sequence on the diagram."
Significance of the Seven Cards

I. The past of the matter which caused th.e present condi­

2. The present, caused by the past as indicated by card I.
3. The immediate future, which is brought about by com­

bined past and present conditions.

Example Tarot Card Reading• 57
4. This card shows the type of vibration that the querent
must learn to handle in order to control the situation.
It also represents those who favor a beneficial outcome
of the matter and are able to help through their initia­
tive and effort.
5. The effect of the surrounding environment on the
6. Opposing forces.
7. Result of the question, brought about by the way the
individual has reacted to the influences symbolized by
the previous six cards.

Magic Seuen Spread Demonstrated

A young man who had been successful as a dressmaker was

trying to break into the more creative high-fashion field. To
attract attention to his work, he designed a dress for a young
lady to wear to a costume ball. His friends heaped praise upon
his new creation. The gown attracted so much favorable at­
tention at the ball that many felt sure it would win first prize.
When it failed to win a prize, the designer was quite per­

58 Example Tarot Card Reading•

His concern prompted the question: "Why didn't my

costume win a prize?...
When he consulted a tarot card reader, the cards were
shuffled and cut, and then dealt into the pattern portrayed on
the preceding page.


The first card dealt signifies the past of the matter in­
quired about and is the cause of the present condition. Here
we find the reversed Nine of Cups, the hopes will be realized.
This implies that the querent had had minor successes in de­
signing gowns in the past. He was so emotionally (Cups)
involved with his present creation and past successes that he
had over-estimated his abilities.
The second card dealt represents the present and is the
effect of past causes already indicated. Major Arcanum VII
reads perfection attained by active effort. Because this is a
victory card and is not reversed, it points to gaining success
through hard work rather than relying upon emotion as in­
dicated by card number I .
The third card dealt denotes the past and present united
and represents the immediate future of the matter. Card
number 3 is Major Arcanum IV reversed, showing confidence
for proper development. This seems to imply that the querent
should place more faith in his work than in what people say
about it.
The fourth card dealt indicates the power of the person
to control the matter. It is also the influence of those favorable
to it to control the matter through initiative and effort. Card
number 4 is the Four of Cups. One of the readings for this
card is great joys are in store for you. This card further
implies, as it is co-ruled by Mars, that he should take aggres­
sive action to fulfill his ultimate success.
The fifth card designates the part that environment plays
Example Tarot Card Reading• 59

in the matter. Here we find the Jack (Youth) of Scepters,

which indicates that a young man of a Sagittarian disposition
or a Sagittarian environment could help the querent attain
his goal.
The sixth card dealt shows environment and individuals in
the future opposing the matter. Here we find Major Arcanum
XX reversed, which reads banish idleness with action. Because
the querent became easily depressed when he was not making
speedy headway, this reversed card implies that the querent is
his own worst enemy. This Major Arcanum XX also advises
the designer to broaden his mentality. He should understand
that creativity is nourished by wide and varied experiences.
The seventh card dealt represents the result of the thing
asked about. The reversed Nine of Coins here reveals many
things. The fact that it is a Coin card suggests money in the
future money gained through inventiveness, sudden gain of

fortune, andfor an unexpected gift from a friend.

As soon as the reader finished the spread, he knew the
querent had phrased his question improperly. What he
actually had on his mind was: "Will I become a successful
dress designer?" In other words, he was not interested in one
costume ball, he wa_s interested in a long-range view of his
career. This situation clearly shows how important it is for the
reader to know exactly what information is being sought.
Unless the reader has this precise knowledge of the question,
he cannot give a detailed reading.
The result of this spread was revealed a few months later.
Soon after the reading was given, the young lady who had
modeled his gown at the costume ball wore it to a party at­
tended by many influential show people. As a result, the
querent gained three new clients. These contacts inspired
him to work harder, which the spread had implied he should
do. Through an entertainer of a Sagittarian temperament,
much attention was called to his work and opened the door
to his ultimate success.
60 Example Tarot Card Readings


The Kabala Spread is used to determine the outcome of

any question or situation. But more than this, it gives specific
favorable and unfavorable influences leading up to the out­
The whole pack is shuffied and cut, then the top ten cards
are laid out according to the sequence indicated by the
The three cards to the right in the diagram form the Tree
of Good and indicate favorable forces and events.
The three cards to the left make up the Tree of Evil and
point to unfavorable forces and events.
The four cards on the perpendicular line in the center,
constitute the Tree of Life and represent the outcome.



7 8



Example Tarot Card Readings 61

Significance of the Ten Cards

I. (Pluto) Spiritual Result.

2. (Neptune) Wisdom is the cause.
3. (Uranus) Intelligence is behind it.
4. (Jupiter) Mercy has ari influence.
5. (Saturn) Desire for Justice.
6. (Venus) Love of Beauty, Love and Life.
7. (Mars) Desire for Victory.
8. (Mercury) Splendor and Show.
9. (Moon) Home Conditions.
10. (Sun) Physical Power and Material Result.

Kabala Spread Demonstrated

When a man was asked to teach a class in astrology, he

began to select his material and devise methods of present­
ing it.




J 9


7 H 8

5 MOON 6 4


9 8

7 8


62 Example Tarot Card Readings
He knew that being the focal point of the class, the manner
in which he conducted himself would result in its success
or failure. So he asked the question: "How can I improve
my platform personality?"
As he was already familiar with the tarot cards, he made
the Kabala Spread himself. The ten cards for this spread fell
as follows.


Card number I , at the top of the Tree of Life, represents

the Spiritual Result. It is the Ten of Cups, warning him to
avoid emotional crossfire in order to allow his students to
make the most progress in a harmonious atmosphere. If the
constructive suggestions of this spread are adopted, the higher
side of Pluto (Spiritual Result) will win out.
Card number 2, at the top of the Tree of Good, is the
N ine of Cups. Hopes will be realized by an analysis of
thoughts, feelings, and actions. As this is the station of Wis­
dom, the card implies that he does have the ability to attract
Card number 3, at the top of the Tree of Evil, is the Jack
of Coins, indicating a young man of an A quarian tempera­
ment. It is on the station of Intelligence. The intelligence in
this case is not favorable to the class. What is indicated is
that the querent will be faced with adverse, Aquarian-type
responses from a young student. As the card is on the Tree
of Evil, this student is interested in his own gain rather than
in the progress of the group.
Card number 4, at the middle of the Tree of Good, is the
Eight of Cups. The teacher's uncontrolled sensitivity invites
disaster, if he tolerates extravagant and vague discussions. As
the leader, he should demand the blending of the practical
with the ideal.
Card number 5, at the middle of the Tree of Evil, is the
Seven of Cuprr-inspired by a psychic experience. As this card
Example Tarot Card Readings 63
is on the Tree of Evil, at the station of Justice, discordan t
entities may be attracted. He should check the inner plane
source for authenticity before using any psychic ideas in
Card number 6, at the middle of the Tree of Life, is the
Horseman of Swords, commonly read as thoughts of enmity,
strife, and sickness. As this is the Venus station embracing
Life and Love, he would find it more advantageous to think
only harmonious thoughts about his class and to get proper
rest and diet to prevent his becoming negative.
Card number 7, at the foot of the Tree of Evil, is the
Nine of Swords. As this is the Mars station, he should beware
of a quarrel resulting in enmity. I f he would win Victory,
he should control his temper. Antagonistic elements should
be handled with charm and the light touch. He should avoid
the trap of propaganda and check out the facts.
Card number 8, at the foot of the Tree of Good, is the
Eight of Swords. This is the station of Splendor and Show.
An enlightened, enthusiastic approach severs limitations. And
if he practices his new-found self-control , he will prevent a
loss of prestige.
Card number 9, on the Tree of Life, is the Seven of
Swords, read as ultimate gain through responsibilities. As this
card appears on the Moon station, it shows that the class
could affect his Home Conditions. Because research and prep­
aration of lecture material take time away from family activi­
ties, he should organize himself so that his home life will not
Card number 10, the bottom card on the Tree of Life, and
the final card of the spread, is the Six of Swords. This may
be read as a firm stand avoids disorganization. The negative
aspect of the Sword Card can be handled by adopting a con­
fident, Sun-like attitude.
It is interesting to note that the cards in this spread show
four Cup cards and four Sword cards. Cups represent emo­
tions and Swords depict struggles. From this we can say that
64 Example Tarot Card Reading•
controlling the emotions and planning action to cast out
doubts and negative trends will lead to a favorable result.
The Kabala Spread, because of its Tree of Evil, deals with
negative aspects. The card reader, therefore, has the moral
responsibility to the querent to avoid the planting of negative
seeds. The tarot reader should give him a true and thorough
insight into the meaning of the cards so that he may better
prepare himself to face any adverse condition.


After shuffling and cutting in the usual manner, the cards

are dealt from right to left in seven rows of seven cards each as
illustrated in the diagram. Each card is turned over from top
to bottom, and the cards are read as numbered.
Each row points to specific people, places and things ruled
by the planet placed to the right of the row. The seven cards
in the row show the Past, Present, and Future. The center
card of the row represents the Present, the cards to the right
depict the Past, and the three cards to the left of the center
card denote the Future.
To more completely understand the nature of the planets
and what they rule, the serious tarot reader should study the
This will furnish more information which can be applied to
reading the seven rows representing the different depart­
ments in life.
Significance of the Seuen Rows

Moon- 1 st Row: home, domestic life, the public, women

in general, and if the querent is a man, his wife .

Mercury-2nd Row: studies, travels, writing, papers,

brothers and sisters, and intellectual activities.
Venus-3rd Row: love, affections, social activity, friends,
partnerships, money and art.
Sun-4th Row: honor, superiors, health and vitality, men
in general, and if the querent is a woman, her
Example Tarot Card Reading• 65

Mars-5th Row: creative energies, sex, strife, accidents,

antagonisms and enemies.
Jupiter-6th Row: professional people, business, occupa­
tion, employment and religion.
Saturn-7th Row: elderly or serious people, real estate,
sickness, losses, disappointments and secret things.


49 48 47 46 45 44 43 SATURN · - 7TH ROW

42 41 40 39 38 37 36 JUPITE;;; · - 6TH ROW

35 34 33 32 31 30 29 MARS · - 5 TH ROW

28 27 26 25 24 23 22 SUN - - 4TH ROW

21 20 19 18 17 16 15 VENUS - - 3 RD ROW

14 13 12 II 10 9 8 MERCURY · - 2ND ROW

7 6 5 4 3 2 I MOON - - 1ST ROW


Solar Spread Demonstrated

A worried divorcee with two children had not received

any child support or alimony. She felt as if she had reached
the end of her rope. In spite of her many talents, she had
gone through a series of jobs. No job ever lasted long be­
cause she was so upset over her domestic problems. On top
of this, her housekeeper robbed her and disappeared, never
to be seen again.
The querent's upset condition and emotional problems re­
sulted in excess weight and allergies which caused her skin
to break out. When she felt she could go on no longer, she
asked, "What does the future hold for me?"
The pattern which the cards took for her question was as
wnwww w w
L:J L:J � � L:J L:J L:J
� � � � � « q

B[!Jx [±] [] []� Gn [±]



40 39




lv:l r-:l r-:l l:l l:l r-:l lx:l

L:J L:!J L:!J � L!J L:J L:J
� � � � � � �

28 27 26 2!5 24 23 22

l.l lx:l l:l r-:l lal lx:l r-:l

L:J L::J L:J L:J L:J L:J L::J
21 20 29 18 17 16 1!5

l.:l � lal � l:l l:l lx:l

L:J � � L:J l______j l______j l______j
14 13 12 II 10 . 9 8

l.l r-:l r-:l r-:l r-:l r-:l r-:l

L!J L:J l______j L:J L:J u L:J
7 6 5 4 3 2 I


This reading is an excellent example of how the full

knowledge of the querent's past conditioning can be helpful
in reading a spread.
First Row
The seven cards appearing on the bottom row at the Moon
station are related to the department of life embracing the
home, domestic life and the public.
The first three cards on the right refer to the Past. Card
number I is the Five of Cups, pointing to a deep-seated at·
tachment . In the distant past the querent and her husband
were deeply in love with each other, and when the children
came, their love embraced them. They had a lovely spaciom


home with every comfort. The family was closely knit and
did many things together.
The next card is the Nine of Swords, commonly read as
a quarrel resulting in enmity. She and her husband went into
business together. The business was successful, but as it ex­
panded they became burdened with responsibilities. When
the querent had to take on more than her share of work, she
spent long hours at the office and was seldom home. Marital
discord developed.
The third card is the Eight of Swords, signifying dissipa­
tion through overwork. In the business, she handled the
office, and he made the public contacts. As time went on, they
saw less and less of each other. It reached the point where
they could not carry on a conversation without bristling.
Eventually they obtained a divorce. She was given custody
of their two children, and he war. to pay child support.
This brings us up to the Present of the Moon Row repre­
sented by card number 4. It is the Six of Swords, denoting
that scattered energies bring sorrow. At the time she asked
the question, she had sold her large home and bought a
smaller one, but was having a hard time meeting the pay­
ments. Another reading for this card is trouble with your
checking account. Although she had been an efficient business
woman in the past, the impact of her emotional upheaval left
her mind more or less disorganized. Some of her checks
bounced, and her utilities were turned off from time to time.
But she continued to struggle (Swords) to keep the home t�
gether for the sake of her children.
Now we come to the Future of her Moon department, re­
presented by the three cards to the left. Card numbed 5 is
Major Arcanum IV which indicates triumph over obstacles.
With a favorable card placed in this position of the im­
mediate future, there is a promise of petter conditions to
come if proper actions are taken.
Because card number 6 is the Three of Scepters, she should
68 Example Tarot Card Reading•

retain a dependable lawyer to review her affairs and help to

focus her efforts. This card stands for success in legal matters.
Futhermore, it is of the utmost importance for her to main­
tain a jovial disposition to furnish her children with a happy
home environment. By keeping a harmonious frame of mind,
better things relating to domestic affairs will be attracted.
The last card, representing the distant future, srikes a warn­
ing that action should be taken now to avoid trouble later.
It is the reversed Ace of Swords and indicates struggle to gain
organization that will result later, unless a solid plan is de­
veloped now and followed to the letter. Maintaining the jovial
disposition noted in the last card will prevent a depressed state
of mind.

Second Row
The seven cards in the second row from the bottom repre­
sent the Mercury department of life having to do with studies,
travel, writing, papers, brethren and the fruits of intelligence.
The first three cards in this row (8-9-1 0) represent the Past.
Card number 8, the distant past, is Major Arcanum XVII ,
commonly read as truth, hope and faith. When she and her
husband started the business, they had faith that it would be
a success. They were right. The fruits of their intelligence
produced a flourishing business. But what she failed to recog­
nize was that truth demands a blending of heart and mind.
Card number 9 is Major Arcanum XV which points to the
fact that greed brings eventual unhappiness. She worked harder
herself and drove her husband to make new contacts to bring
in more business. Their efforts paid off, but she began to neg­
lect her affectional life as she became more absorbed with
office details.
Card number 1 0, Major Arcanum XII, shows wasted effort.
Her driving ambition and concern with paper work was in a
sense wasted effort. She and her husband separated at the peak
of their business success. Her emotional let-down and dissap-
Example Tarot Card Readings 69

pointment was so great that after this she could not even sit at
her desk at home. Any typing, bookkeeping, or accounting (at
which she had excelled) repulsed her. When she attempted any
of these mercurial pursuits, she would actually become physi­
cally ill.
With three Major Arcana (cards 8-9-1 0) appearing in the
Past, these activities importantly affected her preseot condition.
· Card number I I represents the Present of the Mercury de­
partment of her life. Here we find the Ten of Scepters, signi­
fying an invention or discovery. At the time she asked the
question, her personal papers, bills, legal briefs and so forth
were in a confused hodge-podge. To go forward it would be
necessary for her to overcome her repulsion of Mercurial
duties. Ten is the number denoting change. It would be im­
perative for her to adopt new business methods.
Cards 1 2, 1 3, and 14 are concerned with the Future Mercury
department of life. The immediate future is described by card
number I2 which is the Six of Cups. Six always refers to temp­
tation, therefore, she should check her hunches and carefully
analyze her emotions before making any decisions involving
paper work.
The next card is the reversed Ten of Swords indicating a
sudden loss of employment, which could come about if she
continued to view desk work with distaste. Unless she changed
her attitude, she could become her own worst enemy. This is
especially true since her experience was along the lines of ac­
counting, auditing and bookkeeping. It was absolutely neces­
sary for her to keep a job, for unless she worked, she could
not maintain her home and children.
Card number 14 is the Horseman of Coins, representing
thoughts of health and money. As the previous card ( I 3) was
concerned with sudden loss of employment, this card ( 1 4) ties
in with it. It is especially significant as it emphasizes thoughts
of a negative nature in association with her attitude concerning
mercurial associations.
70 Example Tarot Card Reading•

Third Row
The seven cards in the third row from the bottom indicate
the Venus department of life associated with love, society,
friends, partners, cash and art.
The first card of this row ( 1 5) is the Horseman of Cups and
well describes the thoughts of love and affection which bound
the family into a warm embrace and attracted many kind
friends. These contacts paid off handsomely in the first months
of their business.
Card number 1 6 is reversed Major Arcanum XVI. This is
the Mars or catastrophe card. When the querent became com­
pletely absorbed in the business, she spent less time with her
friends. You reap what you sow. Later when she approached
her friends for moral and financial help, they let her down­
she had broken the contact.
The next card ( 1 7) is the Eight of Coins, commonly read as
a costly law suit. At the time she and her husband split up, their
personal affairs were completely entangled with the successful
business, which had to be disposed of. Her husband was obli­
gated to pay some of the creditors. When he failed to do so,
she was sued. It cost her plenty in legal fees to prove her in­
ability to pay. In the meantime, her husband had filed bank­
ruptcy papers. Futhermore, he had not paid any child support.
Marital litigations also proved costly for her.
Now we come to the middle card which represents the
Present. Here we find the Four of Scepters--honor gained
through initiative. She had moved to another area and had no
friends there. As she could not afford to join a club or organiza­
tion, she threw herself into charity work for a few hours a
week. Here, her organizational ability (for someone else)
gained her much praise. Through it, she was invited to join a
bridge club, one of her pet hobbies. In her adjustment from
the old to the new life, this activity served as a stop gap. She
yearned to be surrounded by well-known, successful people, as
Example Tarot Card Reading• 71

she had been in the past. She felt strongly that her early success
came when she was influenced by people in authority.
Cards number 19, 20, and 2 1 represent the Future of this
department of her life. The 1 9th card is the Three of Coins
foreshadowing gain through social activity. In this area of her
life, this card suggests that she direct her vocational talents
into social spheres rather than plod behind the scenes.
Card number 20 is the Two of Cups pointing to emotions
guided by reason. If her vocation takes her into the social swim,
she will have the opportunity to cultivate a wider circle of
friends--the kind she had in her happier days. But to maintain
these friendships, her emotions must be guided by reason.
Card number 2 1 is the Ace of Coins which means social
contacts for financial gain. This card refers to the distant future.
If she is selective in cultivating her contacts, especially among
intellectual and scientific people (Ace), hers will be a social
contact for financial gain.

Fourth Row
Four rows up from the bottom are the seven cards relating
to the Sun department of life which covers honor, health and
vitality, and men.
Card number 22, the first card of the Past, is the King of
Coins, a person of a Gemini temperament. This card well des­
cribes her husband. In addition, it marks the atmosphere they
lived in when they were first married. In true Gemini fashion
they had lots of fun and a sense of humor which allowed them
to hurdle obstacles with ease. They are both mental types. They
had much in common and were expert bridge players. Spilling
with vitality, they were loved by all.
Card number 23 is reversed Major Arcanum V. When they
pooled their talents in the business world, they received favors
from professionals, which quickened their climb to success as
they built up solid credit. But her reputation began to suffer
when trouble developed between them.
72 Example Tarot Card Reading•

Card number 24 is the Seven of Cups indicating resolution of

domestic discord, which came about with their divorce. Later
she learned that while she had been so involved with the
business, her husband had become enamored with another
Card number 25 (Key Card) represents the Present of this
department of her life. Here we find the Queen of Coins, de­
picting her current Libra temperament. Libra desires to bal­
ance things, but she had come to a point which loomed like the
eleventh hour. She was indecisive (Libra), and asked, "What
do I do next?"
Card number 26 represents the immediate future. As the
Queen of Cups appears here, in the near future, a woman of a
Scorpio nature may enter her life.
Card number 27 is the Jack of Scepters. The woman of a
Scorpio nature, shown by the previous card, will perhaps in­
troduce her to a you11g man of a Sagittarian nature for busi­
ness (Scepters) reasons.
Card number 28, the last card of this row, is reversed Major
Arcanum III. The new contacts mentioned above could pro­
vide her with success in creative pursuits. However, as card
number 28 is reversed, she should keep these relationships on
a business level. Even though business success can come through
social activity, she is cautioned against following the line of
least resistance.

Fifth Row
The Mars Row embraces the department of life having to do
with accidents, antagonisms, and enemies.
Card number 29 is reversed Major Arcanum II, picturing
the splendid intellectual exchange between her and her hus­
band. At first this exchange was so sparkling and harmonious
that they knew no animosity.
Card number 30 is reversed Major Arcanum I, indicating
changeable influences. Her absorption in the business and her
long work hours caused fatigue, and her judgment was affected.
Ezample Tarot Card Readins• . 78

This resulted in careless actions which attracted accidents. She

crushed her fingers when shutting the car door, and she slipped
on the wet kitchen floor and broke her ankle.
Card number 31 is the reversed Four of Cups, signifying an
expose of a revengeful plot. Her husband was not only un­
faithful to her, after their divorce he tied up the business with
bankruptcy proceedings. He was her secret enemy until one
of her lawyers exposed him.
Card number 32 (the Present) is reversed Five of Coins,
which may be read as help through neighbors. "I:he querent
confided her problems to a neighbor who tried to help her by
doing this spread. If the querent took the advice of the reader,
this could have been a profitable contact. However, as the
card is reversed, the querent may not have taken full ad­
vantage of the reading.
Card number 33 is the reversed Six of Scepters. Six is always
the number of temptation. Therefore, the querent was advised
to seek moderation and avoid extreme measures in business.
She would be able to side-step antagonism if she emphasiud
moderate aims and goals.
Card number 34 is the Two of Scepters. Because this card is
reversed, she would need to take extra effort to gain the esteem
of her co-workers. If she watched her interests with vigilance,
she would attract less enmity and antagonism.
Card number 35, reversed Major Arcanum VIII, may be read
as worry attracts discordant events. With the Mars department
(fifth row) so discordant in this reading, the querent was told
that every action brings a reaction. Worry and brooding are
negative states, which when coupled with over-aggressiveness,
lead to accident. She should practice moderation in all things.
Because all of the cards in this row are reversed, the Mars
area in her life should be carefully watched and properly
handled so that she will attract a more harmonious future.

Sixth Row
The Jupiter Row contains the seven cards which deal with
74 Example Tarot Card Readings

the department of life affecting business, occupation, employ­

ment and religion.
Card number 36 is reversed Seven of Scepters. In the past
she was extremely efficient about business. She could rely on
her own judgment to make proper decisions.
Card number 37 is reversed Major Arcanum VII, read as vic­
tory, denoting that she had the power to command others. It
was she who hired, counseled and fired the employees in the
business. However, as the reversed positions of this and the
previous card indicate, her run-down condition from over­
work and emotional problems robbed her of these special
Card number 38 is reversed Major Arcanum VI. With her
divorce topping her troubles, she found it difficult to stabilize
her emotions. When she went out on her own, she attracted a
succession of good jobs. But her biggest fault was telling her
troubles to everyone, including the boss. As a result, each job
she had was short-lived. This lack of security kept her in a
constant state of worry about paying her bills.
Card number 39 (the Present) is Major Arcanum X, which
shows the wheel of fortune turning. At the time she asked the
question, she was unemployed. She was undecided whether
she should look into a new line of work or return to an office
job. She had a strong urge for a change of fortune in her voca­
tion and wanted to break the old tie with her former type of
work. It should be remembered t,hat THE WHEEL, which
represents radical changes (Uranus), can turn in either
Card number 40 is reversed Five of Scepters, her immediate
Future in the Jupiter department. As five is keyed to Jupiter,
it denotes that she should remain in the professional world.
However, the reversed card position indicates a strong need
to practice faith in order to demonstrate a new position which
would suit her.
Card number 4 1 , reversed Major Arcanum IX, indicates
that more wisdom and prudence should be used in planning
Example Tarot Card Reading• 75
her activities. When a position is offered, she should not be
blinded by outward appearances but should take a cautious
psychological approach to learn the requirements and advan­
tages of the job.
Card number 42 is Major Arcanum XVIII. The approacl,l
described by the previous card would allow her to place herself
in a better environment. Then, once established, she should
remember that too much sympathy emphasizes discord and
attracts deception.
Because the sixth row contains five Major Arcana, she should
be deeply concerned with the factors associated with this de­
partment of life.

Seventh Row
The top row of the spread embraces the Saturn department
of life which is concerned with elderly people, real estate,
sickness, losses, sorrows and secret things.
Card number 43 is the King of Scepters. When she decided
to sell her large home and buy a smaller one, she contacted
an A ries type realtor. He talked her out of selling her adjoin­
ing property separately from the house. Later, to her disap­
pointment, she learned that she could have sold this property
separately to greater financial advantage.
Card number 44 is the Queen of Scepters. After selling her
large home and property, she tried to dispose of her lake-side
cabin. To initiate this transaction, her husband's signature was
necessary. Several lawyers tried for months to get it and failed.
Finally a lawyer (a woman of a Leo temperament) obtained
his signature.
Card number 45 is the Ten of Cups. Ten always refers to
change. When she found a buyer for the large home, he wanted
to take possession immediately. This sudden change in the
home caused the querent to become emotionally distressed.
Even though the house had been up for sale for some time,
she had not really given it up in her heart. She was forced to
quickly reverse her feelings.
76 Example Tarot Card Readi1111•

Card number 4p is the Ace of Cups, representing the Pres­

ent. She accustomed herself to the new, smaller home, but
was hard put keeping up the payments. At the time the read­
ing was made, she had traveled concerning domestic affairs,
which made it possible for her to have a tarot reading by the
former neighbor. While there, the querent was trying to nego­
tiate a loan on some property she still held in the town she
had moved away from.
Card number 47 is reversed Eight of Scepters, which shows
that bu.sine.s.s .succe.s.s through initiative is her key for the im­
mediate Future. N umber eight stands for crystallization, and
the reversed position of this card indicates that she must exert
more effort to gain business success.
Card number 48 is the Seven of Coins. Through directed
mental energy she will be able to .solve the problem and have
a profitable bu.sine.s.s trip.
The distant future of the Saturn department of life is shown
by the wish card-the Nine of Cups, indicating her hopes will
be realized. As it is reversed, she should analyze her thoughts,
feelings, and actions before consummating any business deal.


The Wish Spread is used when the querent wants to know

if something definite will come to pass.
First, the reader selects a card to represent the querent and
places it face up in the center. For example, if the querent is a
Virgo man, the reversed Queen of Swords may be used to
represent him. However, it is possible to use any card in the
entire pack, selecting one which most closely corresponds to
the querent's appearance or mood at the time the question
is asked. For example, a question having to do with a love
affair may be represented by the Six of Cups, commonly read
as a love affair.
After selecting the card to represent the querent, the reader
fans the remainder of the deck face down on the table. Then
Example Tarot Card Reading• 77

the querent draws fifteen cards at random holding his ques­

tion strongly in mind. (The remaining cards are re-collected
and set aside as they are not used.)
Now, the querent shuffles and cuts the fifteen selected cards
in the common manner, and the reader deals them face down,
one at a time, as shown in the diagram on page 78.
Significance of the Card Groups

1- 2· 3 What surrounds you.

4- 5- 6 Factors describing your wish.
7- 8- 9 What opposes you.
10-1 1-12 What comes to your home.
1 3-14-15 What you will realize.

Significance of the Wish Card

The N ine of Cups is always called the wish card. If it ap­

pears anywhere in this spread, except on 7, 8, or 9, the wish,
at least in part, will be realized. How soon the wish will be
realized is determined by the placement of the wish card. The
closer it appears in numerical sequence to card number I ,
the sooner the wish will b e realized. But i f the wish card falls
on 7, 8, or 9, in all probability the wish will not materialize,
and these three cards will show why.
If the wish card fails to appear in the spread, it does not
necessarily mean that the wish will not come true. To deter­
mine if the wish will come true, the tarot reader examines the
cards to see whether they are mostly favorable or unfavorable.

Wish Spread Demonstrated

After one of her successful parties, a lady discovered that

her gold watch was missing. The last time she remembered
seeing it was when she set it on the sideboard near the kitchen
sink. As her friends had a habit of bringing uninvited guests
with them, she was in a quandary about who might have taken
it. Her strong motivation for having a reading was, "I wish I
had my watch back."

[] [] []
D tJ D B [] [] []
[j [J t]
[j [] [j
As the querent was intelligent, restless and fickle, the King
of Coins in a reversed position was· selected to represent her.
This card was then placed in the center.
The tarot reader fanned the cards on the table, and the
querent selected fifteen of them at random. After the remain­
ing cards were set aside, the fifteen cards were shuffled and cut
by the querent. They appear below as dealt by the reader.

3 x:m XXI

10 Q 4

3 2 9 8 7

v 8 r

15 14 13


12 II 10
Example Tarot Card Readings 79


(This spread illustrates the effectiveness of applying the in­

formation contained in PART IV, ASTROLOGICAL SYM­
BOLISM. Things, represented by the planets or signs to which
the cards are keyed, may be chosen in place of or in conjunc­
tion with given phrases according to the subject matter.)
What Surrounds You
Card number 1 is the Four of Scepters, commonly read as a
legacy, but because the card is reversed, it could point to a
loss. Since Leo is ruled by the Sun which rules gold, we may
assume that the card represents the gold watch. Furthermore,
the Leo decanate of Leo could describe the party which the
querent gave.
Card number 2 is the reversed Queen of Coins, indicating a
Libra type man : tall and well formed, clear complexion,
sparkling eyes, hair brown or black.
Card number 3 is the reversed Ten of Swords, showing that
this man, due to" a sudden loss of employment, may have enter­
tained the idea of pawning the watch.
Factors Describing Your Wish
Card number 4 is Major Arcanum XXI , bearing the symbol
of the Sun. As the card is reversed, it again indicates her con­
cern and her hopes of recovering her gold watch through
Card number 5 is Major Arcanum XIII which is reversed
and keyed to the sign Aries. This shows further mental agita­
tion. The common key phrase is transformation and suggests
the end of an old condition and the beginning of a new one.
Card number 6 is the Three of Scepters, directing her to
employ aggressive action in order to take constructive advan­
tage of the change shown by card number 5.
What Opposes You
Card number 7 is Major Arcanum XIX, indicating happi-
80 Example Tarot Card Reading•

ness or joy. Card number 8 is Major Arcanum XVI, represent­

ing accident or catastrophe. And card number 9 is Major
Arcanum X, which depicts a change of fortune. These cards
seeq1 to indicate that the Libra man, who was assumed to have
taken the watch, at first enjoyed the financial security derived
from the sale of the watch. However, there is an indication that
some sort of accident (8) may have caused him to change (9)
his mind about his past actions.
What Comes to Your Home
Card number 1 0 is the Three of Coins. The number three
indicates action, and because Mercury appears on the card,
action may be taken through conversation, a phone call or a
As card number I I is the Queen of Swords, the conversation,
phone call, or letter could originate with a woman of a Virgo
Card number 12, reversed Major Arcanum XIV, following
the Queen of Swords, points to subject matter which could re­
volve around personal property or money, as indicated by the
sign Taurus.
What You Will Realize
Card number 1 3 is Major Arcanum I, showing that physical
obstacles (cube symbol in lower right-hand corner of card)
may be overcome by will power and proper mental (Mercury)
Card number 1 4 is the reversed Eight of Swords, an
unfavorable card ruled by Saturn, indicating a loss yet
showing an opportunity to gain in character growth through
this experience.
As card number 15 is Major Arcanum V, the whole experi­
ence will have a strong impact upon her philosophy of life, as
indicated by Jupiter.
In surveying these three cards, one might jump to the con-
Example Tarot Card Readinga 81

elusion that the watch would be recovered. Such a reading

might spring from the fact that the last card in the spread is
the favorable Major Arcanum V, ruled by the benefic planet
However, there are certain factors to be considered before
drawing a final conclusion. The wish card does not appear in
the spread. Seven of the fifteen cards are reversed. And the
majority of the cards are unfavorable.


The whole pack is shuffled and cut three times in the routine
manner, and thirty-six cards are dealt face down as illustrated
in the diagram. The remainder of the cards are set aside.
Significance of the Rows

Cards J. 6 Past
Cards 7· 1 2 Present
Cards I S-S6 Future
First, �he cards of the Past, Present and Future are read in
their numerical order. Then, because past actions always in­
fluence the present and future, more information concerning
the question can be gained by pairing cards number I and 36,
2 and 35, 3 and 34, ending with cards 18 and 1 9.

36 35 34 33 32 31

30 29 28 27 26 25

24 23 22 21 20 19

18 17 16 15 14 13

12 II 10 9 8 7

6 5 4 3 2 I
82 Example Tarot Card Readings

Spread of 36 Demonstrated

A talented young lady, whose artistic drive had forced her

into many projects, felt she was getting nowhere. She asked,
"What can I do to get more accomplished for the time I put
into my work?"
Her question led to a spread showing the cards grouped as
in the diagram on page 85.


According to the directions given, the Past, Present and

Future, as well as Supplementary Information based upon
card pairs, are read as below.
Card number I is the reversed Queen of Scepters. A Leo man
was responsible for placing her in motion pictures early in life.
Card number 2 is Major Arcanum XX indicating an
awakening. By associating with creative people, she found that
through perception there is awareness. As a result of these
theatrical associations, other avenues of creativity were opened
to her.
Card number 3 is Major Arcanum XI. When she tried to
expand her activities, she met obstacles. Fortunately, through
her study of metaphysics, she learned to advance with faith.
Then she realized that obstacles are more imaginary than real.
Card number 4 is the Eight of Swords. In her enthusiasm
she took on numerous artistic activities, and the added respon·
sibility brought worry.
Card number 5 is the Five of Cups, indicating a deep-seated
attachment, which she claimed absorbed too much of her crea­
tive energies. This experience taught her to hold her emotions
in check.
Card number 6 is Major Arcanum XIX, which shows that
Example Tarot Card Reading• 83
self organization attracts contentment. In other words, this
sums up her past motivation which led to her question.
Card number 7 is the reversed Four of Cups, which may be
read as a strong and lasting friendship. Card number 8 is the
reversed Four of Scepters indicating a successful enterprise.
Card number 9 is the reversed Queen of Swords showing a
man of a Virgo temperament, who acted in the manner indi­
cated by card number I 0, the Eight of Coin�upport from a
friend. Card number I I is Major Arcanum XXI which stands
for attainment, and card number 1 2 indicates the victory o£
Major Arcanum VII.
The Virgo man had become her lasting friend, and he was
able to open so many doors for her that she found herself oc­
cupied with many creative endeavors. She had attained success
in decorating for his social gatherings, designing television
scenery,' and trimming the windows of smart dress shops. On
top of this, she was writing a book about the famous people
she had met and worked for.
Card number 1 3 is reversed Major Arcanum II, which indi­
cates that one of the best things she can do in order to produce
more in a shorter length of time is to keep her intentions silent.
Too much talking about her projects will not only dissipate
her energies, it will consume time which could be spent in the
materialization of her ideas.
Card number 1 4 is the Youth of Coins, which shows either
a young man of an A quarian temperament or an Aquarian
Card number 1 5 is the reversed Major Arcanum VIII, which
could be read as all work, no play makes jack a dull boy. This
then, implies that card number 14 is to be read as an Aquarian
youth rather than environment. He could be so mentally stimu­
lating that she might find it easy to come up with original
ideas. Pleasure stimulates more productivity.
84 Example Tarot Card Reading•
Card number 1 6 is Major Arcanum VI, commonly read as
temptation. This card verifies her past history. When she gets
too involved in romantic interests, her creative output suffers.
In view of this, her association with the Aquarian youth should
be handled with care. She should stabilize her emotions to keep
the relationship on a mental level, so that she will be able to
resist sensualism.
Card number 1 7 is the reversed Three of Coins, which indi­
cates profit from partnerships. As this card sometimes points to
success in selling, it could symbolize an opportunity, which, if
she grasps it, will allow her to marshal and direct her creative
Card number 1 8 is the Five of Coins, which further empha­
sizes money through original ideas or reward from writing.
This card, and the previous card, foreshadows the possible ac­
ceptance of the book that she has in preparation.
Card number 1 9 is the Two of Scepters, which signifies a
healthy frame of mind, which could come as a result of her
success in a business venture.
Card number 20 is Major Arcanum III, which points to
social activity. With her many influential contacts, this could
portray her appearance at autograph sessions, television inter­
views, and parties in her honor.
Card number 2 1 is the Horseman of Swords, indicating
thoughts of enmity. When a person in the querent's position
realizes success, there are sometimes those who would not give
her credit due to jealousy. At such times, it would be well for
her to recognize this trait and guard her reactions accordingly.
Card number 22 is reversed Ten of Scepters, which can be
read as a variety of personal activities. With her time consumed
by the above-mentioned social activities, there is no doubt that
little time would be left for her to be creative. The number
ten always stands for change.
Card number 23 is the Four of Swords, which is commonly
read as remorse for past action. She will finally come to realize
that she has unbalanced the scales.
Example Tarot Card Readings 85

Card number 24 is the reversed Horseman of Coins, denot­

ing thoughts of money. I t is one thing to have a good time,
but when we socialize too much the billfold becomes thin.
This card infers that in order to reach her goal of accomplish­
ing more in as little time as possible, she must balance social
life with her work life.
Card number 25 is the Five of Swords, which indicates that
she will benefit by re-organizing her working environment. If
she does this, she will dissipate the feelings of remorse (pic­
tured by card number 23) and experience the lifting of a
Card number 26, which is the Horseman of Scepters, shows
that her thoughts may then turn to business.
Card number 27 is the Two of Cups. The number two al­
ways stands for science. Therefore, this could well describe her
love of research which could direct her into a new business

XV . 2 3 I 9 XII

36 34 33 32 31

6 J Q 2 H 5

30 29 28 27 26 25

H 4 10 H m 2

24 23 22 21 20 19

5 3 Vl vm J II

18 17 16 15 14 13

VII XXI 8 Q 4 4

12 II 10 9 8 7

XIX 5 8 XI XX 0

6 4 2
86 Example Tarot Card Reading•
Cards number 28 and 29 indicate men who will probably be
involved in the same project. The reversed Queen of Cups
represents a man of a Scorpio temperament, and the Youth of
Cups represents a young man of a Pisces temperament.
Card number 30 is the Six of Cups. As this and the previous
three cards are Cup cards, an emotional environment is indi­
cated. Six always stands for temptation. So we may assume that
here again she is faced with a situation where she should use
constructive activity to overcome sensualism.
Card number 31 is Major Arcanum XII, which signifies she
can be triumphant, as it reads material temptation conquered.
Card number 32 is the Nine of Scepters. Following on the
heels of the last five cards, it would appear that by conquering
her temptation she could have a wise and profitable friendship
with the men involved in the new business referred to under
card number 27.
Card number 33 is the Ace of Swords, indicating a period
marked by dela,,s in intellectual pursuits, as well as difficulty
in adjustment.
Card number 34, which is the Three of Cups, points to the
fact that in spite of delays, her ideals can be realized through
positive action.
Card number 35, however, is the Two of Swords, emphasiz­
ing struggle (Swords). As two is associated with Virgo, her
progress will depend upon analysis. She should realize that she
can gain mental development through struggle.
Card number 36 is Major Arcanum XV. Even though this
is a discordant card, it is a signboard re-emphasizing for her
that delays can be avoided by careful planning. Furthermore,
the deceptive and distintegrated activity associated with this
card can be avoided by overcoming pride and self-interest.

Supplementary Information
Now we come to the part of the spread where we start pick­
ing the cards up in pairs-cards I and 36 being the first pair.
As key phrases for two cards are not listed in Part III, the fol-
Example Tarot Card Reading• 87

lowing pair readings are the results of combining the basic

influences of the two cards involved in each pairing. To dem­
onstrate, we will now read the eighteen pairs of cards.
I and 36: Too much social activity could be her downfall.
2 and 35: A practical, scientific approach leads to an awak­
3 and 34: Cultivating the proper creative mood would
allow her more artistic and dramatic expression.
4 and 33: The top rung of the ladder can be achieved
through hard work and a strong will.
5 and 32: Love and loyalty to friends brings business
6 and 3 1 : True happiness often demands certain sacrifices.
7 and 30: To gain realization, temptations must be over­
8 and 29: B�iness rewards realized by associating with a
Pisces youth.
9 and 28: Be prepared to cope with quick tongues and
sharp minds.
1 0 and 27: Warns again of the necessity for balancing the
head and the heart.
I I and 26: Proper thoughts attract success in business.
12 and 25: Take legal precautions in matters of publica­
1 3 and 24: Unless the two sides of a situation are properly
weighed, a loss of money or health could result.
14 and 23: A young man of an Aquarian temperament
could inspire her to work with determination in expressing
her artistic talents.
1 5 and 22: A change of business methods to establish
1 6 and 2 1 : A strong defense against physical temptation IS
a constant, loving companion.
1 7 and 20: Creative action leads to financial rewards.
1 8 and 19: Properly applied inspiration results in financial
and mental compensation.
88 Example Tarot Card Readings


After shuffling and cutting the deck three times, the cards
are dealt in the form of a cross. Deal five cards in a horizontal
line from left to right. Then deal eight more cards in a vertical
line, crossing the horizontal row at right angles as illustrated
in the diagram.
Significance of the Thirteen Cards

I and 2-the past.

li-the present.
4 and 5-the opposition.
6 and 7-hopes and expectations.
8 through HI-the future.






Magic Cross Spread Demonstrated

Enthused with the study of occutt science, a talented young

man wanted to know what his cosmic mission was. He said he
would rather be an adept in occult philosophy than a clergy­
man. From the philosophical and spiritual literature he had
read, he realized that spirituality is synonymous with unselfish­
ness. He asked, "What can I do to contribute more to
Following is the Magic Cross spread for his question.
1 ..;_1

B 7

lal l:l r-:l l:l

2 3 4 5

1+1 8

I��, I



I ,�. I


I �,I


(Although this reading is religious in topic matter, the

Magic Cross spread may be used for any type of question.)
The Past
The card on the extreme left arm of the cross is the re­
versed Six of Swords, commonly read as dissipation. Relating
to the past, it plainly indicates that as a result of this young

90 Example Tarot Card Reading•

man's turning away from the common, material life, his

thoughts gave him a glimpse of the inner life.
The next card to it also relates to the past and is the Queen
of Scepters, signifying that a woman of a Virgo temperament
had a great influence upon the decision that he made.
The Present
The card common to both cross arm and upright is Major
Arcanum XIV; it relates to the present. And as the popular
meaning of this card is regeneration, it shows his desire to
transmute his energies into their highest expression for the
good of humanity.
The Opposition
Any opposition to the actions he might take is represented
by the two cards to the right of the upright. The first of these
is the Four of Cups, implying the tendency to over emphasize
�{is emotions. To quell this opposition, he should be moderate
in his thoughts, feelings and actions. That is, he should avoid
both extreme enthusiasm and abject depression.
Furthermore, as the next card to the right is reversed Major
Arcanum VIII, to control opposing forces he should concern
himself with seeking moderation in all things. This card
warns him against becoming over enthusiastic, as his buoyant
mood could be deflated by the least obstacle or provocation.
Hopes and Expectations
The two top cards on the upright above the cross arm pic­
ture his hopes and expectations. The top one of these is the
Three of Swords, which could be read as a divorce from old
conditions. This card not only denotes his desire to become
more spiritual, but shows the necessity for him to release old
ideas in order to utilize his energies in unselfish acts.
The next card down from the top is the Horseman of Cups,
commonly read as thoughts of love and affection. As this is a
Scorpio card, there is a great deal of intensity motivating his
Example Tarot Card Reading• 91

desire to love humanity as a means of developing into a spiri­

tual master, or adept.

The Future
The six cards below the cross arm represent successive con­
ditions or events in the future and give a clue to the actions
he should take to reach his goal.
Picturing the immediate future is the reversed Queen of
Scepters, referring to a man of a Leo temperament-the quer­
ent. The Leo emphasis gives him a clue as to the manner in
which he should face the future to accomplish his goal.
He would profit by meditating upon the best and worst qual­
IV.) He should cultivate a humble, kindly attitude about the
responsibilities he will attract if he is to accomplish his mission.
Willfulness, domination, or getting a swelled head about his
progress will prevent him from attracting opportunities to
serve and thus develop.
The next card down is the Youth of Scepters, indicating that
his area of activity could well be among young men in the
business world. It further shows the necessity for him to be­
come an outstanding example of an upright character, ex­
pressing sound religious (Sagittarius) principles.
As the next card down is the Six of Scepters, music, art or
drama will have a strong appeal to him. Since six is the number
of temptation, before putting his time into such activities, he
should consider how to tie their influences into furthering his
chosen goal.
Then comes the Five of Cups, which is commonly read as
good fortune in love. As it is reversed, he will have to
take extra effort at times, due to environmental responsibilities,
to maintain a feeling of universal love, not allowing personal
love to affect any judgment (Jupiter) he might be called upon
to make.
The following card is the Youth of Coins, indicating a man
92 Example Tarot Card Reading•
of an A quarian temperament. This card also points to the
querent, showing certain traits he should encourage, such as
the friendly, psychological and intellectual approach; and the
traits he should discourage, such as argumentativeness, ex­
tremism, and eccentricity. (See ASTROLOGICAL SYM­
BOLISM, Aquarius.)
The last card is the Nine of Scepters, commonly read as a
wise and profitable friendship. This could indicate that once he
has developed the habit systems which coincide with spiritu­
ality, a counselor from the inner planes will impress him with
facts that will assist him in his mission.
As five of the cards in the spread are people cards, this young
man's work is with groups,. especially young men in business.
By developing the talents signified by the cards, he could do
considerable missionary work. In addition to becoming an ex­
ample of the spiritual life himself, he will be able to grasp
ever-present opportunities to plant seeds in young minds, en­
couraging others to espouse the spiritual way of life them­
If spiritual desires and motives are kept high, his mind can
be reached by inner-plane members of the legions of light and
be impressed to take such stands and actions that will assist
him in his work of making this a better world in which to live.


This spread may be used effectively to give a general life

reading regarding the material, intellectual, and spiritual
trends. After shuffling and cutting the cards, they are dealt face
down in the sequence shown in the diagram. When each card
is turned over from top to bottom, it is read as a subsequent
event or influence in the life.
Material Square
Caz:ds number I through 28 form the Material Square.
These cards represent activity on the physical plane. As physi-
Example Tarot Card Reading• 93

cal and mental activities are closely interwoven, only physical

events and conditions, having no direct bearing on intellectual
pursuits or spiritual attainment, are considered. Therefore,
these cards stand for such things as the physical body, public
attainment, money and people.
Mental Trine
Cards number 29 through 40 form the Mental Trine. These
cards indicate activity on the mental plane. They correspond
to concentration, intellectual attainment, studies, opportunities
for acquiring knowledge, and suggestions for the development
of directed thinking.
Spiritual Circle
Cards number 4 1 through 49 form the Spiritual Circle. These
cards symbolize activity on the spiritual plane. They relate to
the moral trend and opportunities for spiritual growth and
point to character traits to be developed to attain a spiritual
Dominating Life Factor
Card number 50, in the center of the diagram, bears special
significance. The most important events occurring on each
plane throughout the entire life have been read in the square,
the trine and the circle. Card number 50 indicates, on all
three planes, the dominant influence in shaping the life of the
94 Ezample Tarot Card Reading•

Life Spread Demonstrated

A woman asked for a general life reading. When the cards

were shuffled and dealt, the depicted layout below resulted.


Because this reading is so long, the card number appears in

parentheses before each key phrase.
E%ample Tarot Card Readings 95

Material Square
While living in the eastern states, the querent had found
that ( I ) money could be earned through a journey, pictured by
the Seven of Coins. She had discovered that her type of work
paid a higher salary on the west coast, so she moved there.
She obtained a higher paying position in assembly line work
and also (2) gained by original ideas, depicted by the Six of
While working there, she discovered that (3) personal
philosophy wins popularity. She soon learned that there were
certain flaws in her personal philosophy and personality which
some of her co-workers disliked. These flaws are indicated by
the reversed position of the Seven of Scepters. Card number
4, which is the Eight of Cups, tells her that she must (4)
blend the practical with the ideal in order to be more readily
accepted by her co-workers.
The attitude of her co-workers is prompted by her own (5)
thoughts of enmity, depicted by the Horseman of Swords. As
the next card, Six of Scepters, is reversed, she is warned that if
she does not learn to win the respect of her co-workers, she will
not progress in her job. She should realize that (6) promotion
comes through the ability to rule others with a constructive
The Five of Swords shows the (7) end of a legal battle as well
as (7) quarrels about possessions. The divorce from her first
husband resulted in strife over the division of property. There­
fore, we may assume that these cards highlight conditions
which have occurred in her life up to this point. This fact is
emphasized by card number 8, Major Arcanum X, which is
commonly read as a (8) change of fortune. The next card is
Major Arcanum IX, suggesting that if (9) wisdom and
prudence are exercised in the future, her life will be more
The Ten of Scepters reversed may be read as ( 10) victim of
eccentric afflictions. Therefore, she should (I I) hold her emo-
96 Example Tarot Card Reading•

tions in check, as indicated by the reversed Five of Cups. She

should learn from past experiences that her discordant emo­
. tions attracted an unfortunate marriage as well as strife with
Card number 1 2 is the Six of Swords reversed. The feeling
that this card implies is ( 1 2) struggle can lead to progress.
Because of its reversed position, we can reasonably assume that
the struggle will be difficult. At the same time, however, she
should realize that this struggle, as depicted in this material
square, is simply a link in the chain leading to mental and
spiritual progress and should be thought of as an interesting
The King of Scepters may indicate a ( 1 3) man of an A ries
temperament or may depict a more fiery and ambitious state
of mind adopted by the querent. Fortunately, the following
card, Major Arcanum I, shows that through her ( 1 4) will or
dexterity she can ( 14) win over obstacles.
The Ten of Swords, placed in the upper left-hand corner
of che square, suggests that ( 1 5) she could be her own worst
enemy, but ( 1 6) advance with faith is denoted by Major
Arcanum XI.
So far the querent seems to have had alternate gains and
losses. However, many of the cards appear to indicate that she
could advance more rapidly in the physical world by develop­
ing stronger mental and spiritual qualities.
The Ace of Swords shows not only ( 1 7) faulty analysis, and
( 1 7) division of ideas, but also the ( 17) inability to talk flu­
ently. Possibly these traits were formed due to her ( 1 8) search
for domestic harmony after the loss of her first husband coupled
with a ( 1 8) strong desire for affection. The symbolism on the
Nine of Cups card advises that ( 1 8) analysis of thoughts, feel­
ings and actions may overcome some of the problems which
card number 1 7 implied.
If she takes this advice and learns to ( 1 9) align her physical,
mental and spiritual goals, she will find ( 1 9) happiness and joy
as denoted by Major Arcanum XIX. Because the card is re-
Example Tarot Card Readings 97

versed, she must exert some effort in order to reap the benefits
symbolized by this card.
Reversed Major Arcanum XXII further implies that (20)
indiscretion could be her downfall. The reversed Six of Cups
emphasizes again that she should (2 1 ) carefully analyze her
Reversed Seven of Cups indicates that she could be (22)
inspired by a psychic experience. But since the card is reversed,
as in the following Major Arcanum XVIII, she should beware
right from the start that (23) abuse of occult powers invites de­
struction. The Two of Swords reversed shows a (24) difficult
road to success. However, the Three of Cups reversed indicates
that effort will lead to (25) ideals realized through positive
Activities relating to her physical world seem to come from
(26) action in church affairs, symbolized by the Three of
Scepters. Because of the various readings of the cards so far in
this spread, we can assume that the querent has a tendency to
dissipate her energies. This tendency is one of the discordant
qualities of Mars, the planetary key to (27) Major Arcanum
XVI. She should, therefore, (27) save her energy for construc­
tive pursuits.
The sooner she realizes that (28) thoughts are things, as in­
dicated by Major Arcanum III, she will be well along the
proper road leading to material success. However, because it
is reversed, if she takes the (28) line of least resistance, she
could stumble on the rocky road of (28) unbalanced activity.

Mental Trine
Cards number 29 through 40 embrace the grand trine of
mental activity. Card number 29 shows Major Arcanum XXI
reversed (THE ADEPT), commonly read as (29) success and
attainment. Again, perhaps, her reward may come through
hard work, as this card appears in a reversed position. THE
BLACK MAGICIAN (Major Arcanum XV) follows, warning
that (30) material ambition should be balanced with mental
98 Example Tarot Card Readings

pursuits. In other words, because of the past implications of

this spread, the querent is the type of person who could be so
carried away in her quest for mental knowledge that she could
be a burden to herself, friends and loved ones in forgetting her
material obligations.
But (3 1 ) honor may be gained from mental activity, as shown
by the Ace of Scepters. Because we have already concluded that
there will be some struggle in her mental advancement, she
should be reminded that (32) overcoming problems strengthens
character, as implied by Major Arcanum XVII .
Card number 33, the King o f Coins, represents a Gemini
influence. Because it is upright, we may surmise that its in�
Huence is harmonious rather than discordant. A thirst for
knowledge (Mercury) seems to be represented here instead of a
(33) man of a Gemini temperament.
Following is the Two of Cups reversed, signifying a (34)
love of research. This could possibly indicate much reading as
it follows the Gemini King and precedes the Ace of Coins,
which may be read as (35) love of study. Because these cards
are followed by the Horseman of Cups, harmonious (36)
thoughts of love and affection are coupled with this research
and study. Therefore, a beneficial outcome should be expected
from these pursuits.
Then it appears that a (37) male youth of an A quarian
temperament (Jack of Coins) will have some influence on her
mental activity.
Major Arcanum XII reversed reads as the (38) material
world may dominate the :soul. This seems to tell us that the
previous card (37) does represent a youth, and that this youth
may, after a time, have to be sacrificed to insure her further
mental development. It should be remembered that through
(38) disappointments a person is strengthened by learning
lessons from experiences. Such character development leads
to (39) victory, shown by reversed Major Arcanum VII and
(40) rewards through mental effort, shown by the Two of
Coins, the last card in the mental trine.
Example Tarot Card Reading• 99

Spiritual Circle
The Eight of Swords reversed commences the spiritual circle
and shows a (4 1 ) struggle to maintain balance. The reversed
Two of Scepters signifies that (42) obstacles can be resolved
through analysis. The following Queen of Coins could denote
a high-minded (43) person of a Libra temperament or that a
Libra frame of mind could well aid the querent in her spiri­
tual growth. She must, however, (44) develop a spirit of give
and take as indicated by reversed Major Arcanum VIII.
The Nine of Coins tells us that (45) me?Jtal possessions en­
dure longer than physical. If she develops a. (46) strong will,
symbolized by Leo on the reversed Queen of Scepters, she will
be able to overcome (47) temptation as depicted by reversed
Major Arcanum VI, and advance her spiritual attainment. If
she follows the advice given by the last three cards in this
spiritual circle, she will find that (48) great joys are in store
for her, as pictured by the Four of Cups.
Major Arcanum XIII reversed, is C!:i .�monly read as (49)
transformation. By developing her material, mental, and spiri­
tual attributes, she will be blessed beyond her widest imagina­
tion, for (49) immortality is promised.
Dominating Life Factor
The overall influence in her life, on all three planes of en­
deavor, is depicted by card number 50, which is the Nine of
The number nine stands for wisdom and prudence. And
Scepters stands for business. As the querent is not married, the
business world will furnish the most suitable channels for the
expression of her energies in a manner which will contribute
most to humanity.
From ditch-diggers to great spiritual leaders, all have a part
to play in the wheel of life. Each individQal should strive to
find his special type of work and activity. As far as the querent
is concerned, her key is seen in the Sagittarius-Leo decanate of
card number 50. By applying the kindness and confidence of
100 Example Tarot Card Reading•

Leo and the faidi and enthusiasm of Sagittarius, she will de­
velop on all three planes by facing and overcoming the prob­
lems she meets in the business (Scepters) world.


While the cards are not put down in the order of horoscope
houses, the reading of each card does reveal what may be ex­
pected relative to the particular department of life ruled
astrologically by the horoscope house in which the card is
found. The cards are shuffled and cut three times, and then
they are dealt in the diagram sequence.
Significance of the Four Trines
Trine of Life
Card I personal life: health
Card 6 mental life: philosophy, publishing, travel
Card 11 life of posterity: children, love affairs,
pleasures, speculation
Trine of Power
Card 2 power to attract honor and authority: busi­
ness, credit, reputation
Card 7 power of environment: sickness, inferiors,
Card 12 power of wealth: cash, personal possessions
Social Trine
Card 3 society of partners: husband or wife, known
enemies, lawsuits
Card 8 society of kin and thoughts: brothers and
sisters, studies, writing, short trips
Card 9 society of associates: friends and well-wishers
Trine of Concealed Things
Card 4 concealed things in environment: the home,
real estate, the end of life
Card 10 concealed things related to others, money:
legacies, debts, taxes
Card 5 concealed afflictions: disappointments, re­
strictions, unknown enemies

Four Trines Horoscope Spread Demonstrated

When a young married man with children asked about the

immediate future of all areas in his life, the following horo­
scope spread resulted.

1+1I 3

12 7

8 II
102 Example Tarot Card Reading•


Although key phrases may be used for this spread, -we chose
not to employ them in order to delve more deeply into the
symbology of the cards. Furthennore, the readings are brief,
but they fonn the springboards from which the experienced
tarot reader may provide more detailed explanations.

Trine of Life
Card number 1 is the reversed Jack of Cups, indicating an
emotional trend which could upset his personality and ulti­
mately affect his health. Uncontrolled emotions might lead to
a weight problem, as the sign Pisces, pictured on this card, is
conducive to weight.
Card number 6 shows THE SAGE. The querent was deeply
interested in occult studies. But recently he had so many re­
sponsibilities that he was not able to pursue these studies. The
Aquarian rulership of this card signifies a contact with a friend
which could well lead to the broadening of the querent's out­
look. Since this card is upright and hannonious and falls on the
station of philosophy, it presages a mental life which could
bring rich rewards.
Card number 11 is THE MARTYR. As the querent enjoys
little recreational pleasure, due to working seven nights a week
to support his wife and children, this card seems to imply that
he may soon be called upon to make a greater sacrifice for the
sake of his children. Or possibly another child could bless his
household. In any event, added responsibility is shown.

Trine of Power

Card number 2 is the reversed Eight of Cups. showing some

discord in this particular department of life. For the sake of
his family, in the past he had to make a personal sacrifice. He
is a musician who plays in a restaurant where he feels that his
talents are not fully appreciated, although the job pays well.
As the card is reversed, it shows no release from his frustration
in the near future.
Example Tarot Card Reading• 103

Card number 7 is THE ADEPT. In the near future, he

could experience harmonious relations with co-workers on the
job. The previous difficulties indicated by cards I and 2 are
modified by the influence of this Sun card, which points to a
strong vitality.
Card number 12 is T H E REAPER. In the near future he
will probably be faced with strong opposition regarding his
income. This period will be one of transition which will give
him cause for thought about supporting his family.

Social Trine

Card number 3 is the Six of Scepters. This station, closely

associated with the public, shows that music-One of the arts
depicted by this card-will affect his future and be tied in
with a benefic influence. As this station also represents his wife,
the card points to continued happiness with an understanding
and loving wife.
Card number 8 is the Nine of Cups reversed. Recently, he
returned to college during the day, while continuing to work
nights. Because the wish card fa:lls here, apparently he will
accomplish what he has set out to do. Being reversed, the
card warns him to organize and apply himself in order to com­
plete his schooling.
Card number 9 is the Five of Coins, indicating that he may
make profitable contacts with friends and neighbors who will
be in a position to help him reach his goals.

Trine of Concealed Things

Card number 4 is the reversed. Two of Scepters. In the near
future he may have the opportunity to teach music pupils at
home to supplement his income. However, such a venture
could affect hi� home environment, not only for him but for
his wife and three children as well.
Card number 10 is THE SOVEREIGN reversed. In this con­
text, the card reveals a possibility that he will have difficulty in
meeting the monthly bills. But because it is a card of regenera­
tion, after a struggle he will probably make it.
104 Esample Tarot Card Reading•

Card number 5 is THE STAR. This is the last card in the

spread. The blazing star of truth, hope, and faith signifies that
his deep philosophical attitude, which he seldom reveals to
others, will carry him on to surmount the obstacles pictured in
his future.


After shuffling and cutting the cards, they are dealt in the
numerical sequence shown in the previous Four Trines Horo­
scope Spread Diagram.
However, they are read in horoscope fashion, starting with
card number 1 representing the first house and reading counter­
clockwise to end with card number 5, representing the twelfth

Signi{tcnnce of the Twelve Howscope Houses

1st House: the physical body, personality, disposition,
and personal interests.
2nd House: money and personal possessions.
!lrd House: brothers and sisters, private thoughts and
studies, neighbors, short trips.
4th House: the home and its environment, the father.
5th House: pleasures, love affairs, speculation, chil­
dren and entertainment.
6th House: working environment and co-workers, ill·
ness, tenants and pets.
7th House: marriage, partnerships, the public, known
enemies, competitors, and law suits.
8th House: death, debts, taxes, gifts and legacies, in·
surance and mertgages, and other people's
9th House: teaching, publishing, advertising, lectur·
ing, long trips. religion and philosophy,
and the court.
lOth House: honor, business, reputation, profession,
superiors and the mother.
11th House: friends, hopes, and wishes.
Example Tarot Card Reading• 105

12th House: self-undoing, disappointments, restrictions,

unknown enemies, institutions and chari·
table influences.

Twelue Horoscope Houses Spread Demonstrated

A recently widowed woman was left with a 12-year-old son.

And even though she inherited a small home, her husband had
not carried life insurance. She had not worked during her
marriage, but after her husband passed on, she managed to
secure a clerical job which paid little.
Concerned over the welfare of her son and her own future,
she asked the question, "What will I have to do to improve all
areas in my life?" The cards fell as shown below.


The first house of the chart (card I) is occupied by the re­

versed Five of Swords. The suit of Swords points to struggle and
affliction. This seems to indicate that she will gain through

rx )(
R .R

2 6
xvm XVI

9 10


5 3

I 1

12 II

8 4
106 Example Tarot Card Reading•

hard work. Whatever comes to her personally (first house) will

not come easily (Swords).
The second house of money (card 12) shows the reversed
King of Coins, indicating that a woman of a Gemini tempera­
ment may be responsible for influencing her financial prospects.
ISM, for additional material to expand this subject matter.)
The Two of Cups (card 8) is found in the third house. As
Two refers to science and Cups to emotions, a healthy, well­
balanced state of mind is indicated-passion controlled by
reason. She should maintain this attitude as it will help her in
some of her less fortunate houses.
The fourth house, governing the home and its environment,
holds a fortunate card-the Three of Cups (card 4). This in­
dicates that she should hold on to her inherited home for the
benefit of her son and herself. She should have faith in her
The fifth house (card 1 1) ruling her 12-year-old son, holds
the Two of Swords, which is commonly read as sickness through
overwork. In the absence of a father, her son might feel a sense
of responsibility and a lack of security. This could lead him to
overwork in order to protect his mother. The mother should
not let her concern about money affect the boy, as this might
cause him to develop a financial complex which he could easily
carry into his adult life.
The Three of Swords (card 7) is located in the sixth house,
ruling her working environment. This card indicates that she
may feel held down by responsibility. Therefore, it would be
well for her to use organized activity to overcome adversity.
Because the sixth house also rules health and is associated with
the suit of Swords, she should take positive action (three) to
maintain a healthy condition so that she can continue to care
for herself and her son.
The King of Cups (card 3), appearing in the seventh house,
could portray a man of a Cancer temperament entering her life,
either as a marriage or business partner. It may also indicate a
Example Tarot Card Reading• 107

kindly attitude toward her from the public. With this fortunate
card placed on this angle, she would probably meet little op­
position from the public.
THE LIGHTNING, Major Arcanum XVI (card 10), is
in a reversed position in her eighth house. As this card is keyed
to the planet Mars, she could attract strife and discord in as·
sociating with the lending or borrowing of money. In addition,
even at work, she would be ill advised to handle other people's
The ninth house, ruling religion and philosophy, holds re­
versed Major Arcanum X (card 6). THE WHEEL in this de·
partment of life shows that her change of fortune will
undoubtedly lead to the adoption of new philosophical con·
cepts. New conditions replace the old.
The tenth house (card 2) holds reversed Major Arcanum IX,
showing that in order to protect her reputation as a widow
with a child, all of her actions should be tempered with wisdom
and prudence. Also, because this s i an Aquarian card, she
should be on the alert to adapL to any job (tenth house)
The eleventh house (card 9) of friends shows the reversed
Major Arcanum XVIII, commonly read as deception, false
friends, and secret foe.t. This indicates that friends frequently
fail to live up to her expectations and that she should choose
her companions carefully.
The twelfth house (card 5) holds the Ace of Cups, indicating
a sympathetic mental tum. However, she should remember that
self-undoing (twelfth house) comes from being over sympa·
thetic, a mood demanding analysis.


The tarot put.� the flesh on the bones of astrology, as it

supplies the esoteric significance which astrology alone lacks.
Therefore, this method enables you to understand the deeper
108 Example Tarot Card Reading•

significance of your own life, stressing in particular the mental

and spiritual elements. It is an effective means of pin-pointing
the aids and helps ass<><;iated with the various natal horoscope
factors which will, if applied, assist in character growth-the
highest function of either astrology or the tarot.
This method of reading your horoscope is not divinatory in
nature as are the other spreads in this section, for scientific
principles are employed as a frame of reference.
The specific data required for casting your horoscope is the
exact longitude and latitude, the date, and the hour, of your
birth. Once this information is acquired and the horoscope is
correctly calculated, you will be able to apply this valuable
spread to your own personal advantage.
As the key vibrations in the individual horoscope have
already been established, the period of concentration, shuffling,
cutting and dealing become unnecessary.
Whether you merely visualize or actually place the cards in
the pattern of your natal horoscope, the added knowledge
gained by reading these positions will help to uncover the
nature and motivations of your innermost thought urges. If it
is inexpedient for you to actually place the cards in the form
of the horoscope, you may visualize their appropriate positions.
As only the twenty·two Major Arcana are used, they should
be removed from the deck. To read your chart completely, the
twelve zodiacal cards corresponding to your birth-chart house
cusps should be placed around the wheel. Next, place the ten
planetary cards in the house positions corresponding to the
planets in your birth chart.
After forming this pattern, you will be able to note what
might be expected from the houses where the cards fall. This
is done by judging the combinations shown by the cards, when
united, according to the astrological aspects in your horoscope.
This method may be carried further and applied effectively
to progressions. Progressed aspects depict energy in one or more
departments of life, and because of the various planets and
houses involved, they often form complex groupings which are
Example Tarot Card Reading• 109

difficult to delineate. At these times you may require additional

information when conflicting testimony leaves you in· doubt.
This situation may arise in any branch of astrology-natal,
mundane, horary, or weather predicting. Combining the cards
according to the aspects and conditions of any chart often brings
factors to light which will make the answer, clear.
One progressed aspect alone may hold uncertain implications.
For instance, take the seventh house. I t rules both marriage
partnership and business partnership. For explanatory purposes,
let us say that a man and wife are in business partnership when
a discordant progression forms. Does this indicate a threat to
the marriage partnership, to the business partnership, or to
The discordant progressed aspect could map all three con­
ditions. To determine which condition is indicated, the YES
OR NO SPREAD may be utilized to define its meaning. One
of the following specific questions could be asked: "Does this
progressed aspect mean the end of my business partnership?"
or "Could this aspect mean the breakup of my marriage?"
After these questions are answered, another spread may be
selected to answer the question, "What can I do to prevent the
discord shown by this progressed aspect?"' Then when the
advice is applied, there is an opportunity to transmute the dis­
cordant energy of the progression into constructive channels
and thus divert tragedy.
The foregoing demonstrates how astrology and the tarot­
the two keys opening the gates to nature's sanctuary--can be
used to better the life.
Part JJJ


7:JI8 78 <:A�O<: CA�tJS
. I!
efore we study each
individual card, a quicker grasp of the subject may be gained
by taking a panoramic view of the whole pack. This approach
will enable us to tuck into our minds the associated astrological
symbolism. Then the subconscious will be furnished with a
wealth of material to draw upon when we start to study each
individual card.
A complete tarot deck consists of:

22 Major Arcana 40 Minor Arcana

16 Court Arcana 78 Cards
Major Arcana: these 22 cards are associated with the 1 0 planets
and the 12 signs of the zodiac. Minor Arcana: these 40 cards are
associated with the 36 decanates and the 4 quadrants of the
zodiac. Court Arcana: these 1 6 cards are associated with the 12
signs and the 4 quadrants, or fixed signs (Jod-He-Vau-He), of
the zodiac.

Major Arcana
Here are listed the 22 Major Arcana accompanied by their
numbers, astrological associations, and card names:

112 Key Phra•e• for the Tarot Card.


IX Aquarius THE SAGE

Minor Arcana

The 40 Minor Arcana consist of 10 numbers expressing 4

different elements--fire, earth, air and water. Each card, ac­
cording to its number, corresponds to some astrological sub­
division of the 22 Major Arcana. The four elements mark the
suits, which signify the departments of life: Business, Love,
Money and Struggles.
Scepters indicate the fire signs: enthusiasm, ambition and
enterprise. Their reading is directed to Business. On·upation,
Key Phra.e• for the Tarot Cord. 113

Station and Honor. Scepters represent the fire of Summer.

Cups indicate the water signs: sympathetic, receptive and
submissive. Their reading is directed to Emotions, especially
Domestic and Affectional Relations. Cups represent the festiv­
ities of Autumn.
Swords indicate the earth signs: patient, industrious and
practical. Their reading is directed to Struggle and Affliction.
Swords represent the hardships of Winter.
Coins indicate the air signs: changeable, sociable and men­
tally alert. Their reading is directed to Health or Money.
Coins represent the balmy air of Spring.
Each Minor Arcanum corresponds to a ten-degree section of
the zodiac, called a decanate. This decanate is designated by
the two sign symbols which appear in the upper right-hand
corner of the card. The first symbol represents the actual sign
of the zodiac, while the second symbol stands for its decanate.
The nine Minor Arcana of each suit correspond to the nine
decanates of each zodiacal triplicity, and the tenth card
embraces the whole triplicity, symbolizing a transition to a
new cycle.
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the movable, pioneer
signs, form the true point of departure in any triplicity when
establishing tarot correspondences. Thus, the first fire sign of
a movable nature is Aries: the first movable water sign is
Cancer; the first movable air sign is Libra; and the first mov­
able earth sign is Capricorn.
Note that the departure for establishing tarot correspon­
dences is not determined by zodiacal sequence, but by movable
signs. For example, even though Taurus is the first earth sign
of the zodiac, it is ruled out because it is not a movable sign,
but a fixed sign. Capricorn, even though it comes near the end
of the zodiacal sequence, must be the point of departure of
the earth triplicity, because it is the only earth sign of a
movable nature.

ACES '6' -� �-£:D .0.-A �-V1

TWOS '6' - Jl. n-, 10.·= V1-lf

THREES �- "' !!:D- l( �-D V7 · n:t

FOURS J l. -.11. , _, = -= If -II

FIVES Jl. - "' , - l( = - II 11 "11'!

.ll. - � , - !::D =-.ca tt-V7

SEVENS 'It' · "' )( - l( I -D n:t·n:t

EIGHTS 'It' - � X �� D -.o. n:t ·V1
NINES 'It' - .ll. )( _, 11 -= 11'! · II

�:�� Jl.

The list above graphically presents the astrological cor­

respondences of the 40 Minor . Arcana. For interpretation
of these symbols, see PA RT IV, ASTROLOGICAL SYM­

Court Arcana

· There are 16 Court Arcana. To represent different types

of people, 12 cards (Kings, Queens and Youths) are assigned
to the temperaments as depicted by the twelve signs of the
zodiac. The remaining 4 Court cards (Horsemen) indicate
the kind of thoughts these different types of people think. The
Kings, Queen� and Youths (sometimes called Jacks) describe
the 1 2 basic temperaments of people; and the Horsemen in­
dicate the thoughts they think.
The following arrangement was chosen to maintain the
sequence of the zodiacal signs for easier association. Hence,
the suit headings do not appear in the same sequence as those
in the table above.
This panoramic view of the tarot deck shows us that the
78 cards are based upon the 10 planets, the 1 2 signs with


QUEENS Jl. n:t � ,
YOUTHS "' V1 = ](
Key Phra.e• Jor the Tarot Card. 115

their 36 decanate divisions, and the 4 quadrants of the zodiac.

Therefore, it is easy to see that a knowledge of astrology is a
necessity to an expert tarot reader. Nevertheless, the cards may
still be used without the knowledge of astrology, but depth
of meaning will certainly not be as complete without recourse
to the basic astrological symbolism.

Phrase Selection

Grasping the basic principles and developing the ability to

apply them marks the competent card reader. A reader who
relies on "lists" of card meanings alone does not clearly under·
stand the synthesis of the fundamentals.. If he merely consults
a list, he will continually be faced with "conflicts" between
one card and another.
Lists are valuable for the beginning student as an aid to
the study of the fundamentals. But in the last analysis inter·
pretation is based upon symbolic principles, not lists, which
have merely sprung from the principles.
Taking the symbolic principles behind the Nine of Cups
will demonstrate this. The number 9 stands for wisdom and
prudence (indicated by Major J\rcanum IX). It is associated
with the sign Aquarius. The suit of Cups points to emotions,
especially domestic and affectional. The card is also keyed to
the water-sign Pisces as well as to its third decanate, sub-ruled
by Scorpio. Both Pisces and Scorpio are double rulership signs
(two planets ruling one sign); therefore, Neptune, Jupiter,
Pluto and Mars are involved. On the card, only one of the
rulers-PlutO-Of the Scorpio decanate is pictured. However;
a reader with a knowledge of astrology will bring in the other
planets involved.
By way of illustration, here are two key phrases listed under
the Nine of Cups.
1. PaJsion supplanted by exalted love. The key phrase in
its entirety implies emotion, which is depicted by the suit of
116 Key Phrtue• for the Tarot Card.

Cups. Passion is symbolized by Scorpio or Pluto. Supplanted

indicates the application of wisdom and prudence (9) to an
emotional problem. By exalted love springs from the astro­
logical symbolism of Neptune, which s i the higher octave of
Venus (love).
2. Strong desire for affection. Strong desire is shown by
the intense sign Scorpio, and affection is associated with the suit
of Cups.
To learn how to fashion key phrases from the basic symbol­
ism on your cards, a splendid exercise in training is to take
each phrase listed under each card in this section and tie the
words in with the symbolism represented by the card. Then
soon you will be speedily forming your own original phrases
keyed to that specific symbolism.
Aside from astrological symbols, the 22 Major Arcana con­
tain drawings keyed to other symbolism. The symbolism of
these pictures appearing on the Major Arcana has been so
completely covered in the book "The Sacred Tarot", by C. C.
Zain, it is not repeated here. The space it would take to do
this has been used more advantageously to clarify card reading.
There is no end to what can be gained by meditating on
any card. Let's look at Major Arcanum I, for instance. The
two outstanding symbols to catch the eye are the Roman nu­
meral I at the top of the card and the capital A at the bottom
of the card. Does it not seem logical that our pack of 78 tarot
cards should start with tile number I and the letter A-both
long used by man to represent a beginning of something?
In the upper right-hand corner we see the symbol Mercury,
the messenger of the gods. Since time immemorial, Mercury
has been synonymous with mind. Even before the forma­
tion of the universe, it must have first been conceived in the
mind of the Creator. And still today before anything manifests
physically it is first conceived within a mind (Mercury). How
often have we heard that we must watch the thoughts that
we think for "thoughts are things"?
Key PhrtUea for the Tarot Carda 117

Since the number I and the letter A imply a beginning, we

may assume that some form of action is implied. Mercury
also points to activity which should be guided by reason. For
any activity to result in success, will power is needed. The man
pictured on Major Arcanum I stands tall and finn, symboliz­
ing the attitude of will which precedes action.
The double gesture made by his hands is significant in its
symbolic meaning. The right hand points to heaven represent­
ing his constant search for mental enlightenment, and the left
hand points to earth denoting his desire to conquer physical
obstacles with the knowledge gained. I t also shows a strong
will to dominate all acts of life by the spirit.
In the lower right-hand corner of the drawing we find a
cube or square representing physical obstacles which must be
overcome to learn life's lessons.
The sacred ibis of Egypt on the side of the cube indicates
that physical limitations (represented by the cube) are sur­
mounted only by constant vigilance.
On top of this cube lies a sword, a coin, a cup and a cross,
the latter being used to symbolize the Scepter on the tarot
cards. This quartet, representing the four tarot suits, symbolizes
lessons to be learned through struggle, money, emotions, and
The white robe worn by the man signifies purity of body
and mind, original or regained. His belt is portrayed by a
serpent biting its tail, which always symbolizes eternity. The
gold circlet around his head stands for enlightenment and
universal expression.

Manipulating Symbols

The symbolic drawings on each of the Major Arcana may

be interpreted in the above manner. However, in the case of
the Minor Arcana and the Court Arcana, we rely more upon
astrological symbolism than pictorial symbolism. Emphasis
118 Key Phrae• Jor the Tarot Card.

is placed upon the astrological signs, decanates, and planets,

in addition to the tarot suits.
For example, look at the 16 Court Arcana. All of them are
face cards. The 4 Kings, 4 Queens, 4 Youths (Jacks) are as­
sociated with twelve signs of the zodiac: Kings to the first
four signs; Queens to the second four signs; and Youths to the
last four signs.
The zodiacal signs are of four elements-fire, earth, air and
water-to which the tarot card suits relate: fire to Scepters,
earth to Swords, air to Coins, and water to Cups.
The 4 Horseman cards correspond to the four quadrants
of the zodiac. Each one is identified with one of the fixed
signs: Leo-fire-Scepters; Taurus-earth-Swords; Aquarius-air­
Coins; and Scorpio-water-Cups.
The common interpretation of the Kings, Queens and
Youths is a person of a certain nature. For instance, the King
of Scepters indicates a man of an Aries temperament. However,
if the King of Scepters is reversed, the card indicates a woman
of an Aries temperament.
In either case, it should be understood that the indicated
person does not have to be born under the sign of Aries. All
the card tells us is that the person has Aries traits. This again
demonstrates that the more one knows about astrology, the
deeper he will be able to delve into tarot symbolism.
Rather than representing a person, a Court card . is often
read as a modifying environmental influence, the nature of
which is described by the astrological symbolism on the card.
Examples of this can be found in the Pyramid Spread Demon­
strated in PART II of this book.
However, when the Court card stands for a person, his influ­
ence on the querent's life is portrayed by the card immediately
preceding it. And the action this person will take or the moves
he will make are shown by the card that next follows in the
The Horsemen cards stand fot thoughts or unseen intel-
Key PhraJJea for the Tarot Carda . 119

ligences influencing the life of the querent. The person who

thinks the indicated thoughts is represented by the Major
Arcanum nearest the Horseman in the spread. To signify the
carrying power and astrological significance of thought, the
horsemen are mounted. Favorable thoughts and plans are in­
dicated when they fall right end up. In reversed position, they
show thoughts or unseen intelligences detrimental to the in­
terests of the querent.
To glean a wider meaning and scope to your key phrases
for the Court cards, turn to PART IV, ASTROLOGICAL
SYMBOLISM. There will be found a wide variety of items
keyed to the sign shown on the Court card under considera­
tion. One may be selected which ties in with the question
content, helping the reader to gain a more complete estimate
of the forces at work.
In reading any tarot card, your own results will depend
upon the magic or alchemy of your own personal thinking
and imagination. With practice, you will find your mind using
the Law of Association, linking pertinent symbols together into
meaningful and telling concepts. Sometimes using two or more
key phrases for the same card will result in a more descriptive
interpretation. This is done effectively in the Solar Spread
Demonstrated in PART II.
After you study this book, you will see that reading the
tarot cards is not child's play. The fundamentals are simple,
but because they may be applied to any and all facets of the
universe, the ramifications are unlimited. Even though the
choices of key phrases for each card are several, the basic beat
or key tone is the same. Experience leads to right choices,
which, when reached, bring not only a helpful reading but a
glow of self-satisfaction.

Unioersal S�:�mbolism

Common human experience is what universal symbolism is

120 Key Phra.ea for the Tarot Carda

based upon. Regardless of where people live or what tongue

they converse in, the language of universal symbolism is under­
stood. Through the centuries human nature has not changed
much, and man's reactions remain basically the same. There­
fore, first responses to a symbol by the ancient Chaldeans prob­
ably was no different from. say, members of the United Nations
For instance, a cloud suggests rain; and lightning, thunder.
Then, in addition to the natural symbols, early peoples drew
pictographs to record their interests and warnings. Finally, as

man evolved, symbols and allegories, revealing important

thoughts to be <:Onveyed to others, were passed down through
History piled up a record of associations which form this
language of universal symbolism. The more familiar you be­
come with these widely known symbols, the easier you will
be able to interpret your tarot cards. Explanations of common
symbolism may be found throughout this book, and specific
associations for each sign and planet are classified in PART
The application of universal symbolism allows the tarot
card reader a wide latitude. One of the most oustanding occult
symbols providing endless research is the serpent. In its broad
interpretation, it stands for sex or virile energy. When it is
pictured biting its tail, it indicates eternity. When it appears
wi.th its head thrust upward, it means enlightenment. Also, if
it is located at the brow of a person, it means enlightenment.
However, should it appear in the region of the solar plexus,
it signifies creative energies used for physical gratification
Another example: the common meaning of black usually
refers to something evil or unfortunate. On the other hand,
it may symbolize a hidden facet--One not necessarily unfor­
tunate. Then. take torch: in one pictograph it may indicate
Key Phrtue• for the Tarot Card. 121

enlightenment or spirituality, while in another it may point

to physical destruction-which could be either good or bad
depending upon the associated topic matter.

Universal Symbols

Arrow: vengeance, unpleasant news

Black: evil, unfortunate, ignorance, deception
Bull: labor necessary for progress
Butterfly: immortality, pleasure
Chain: restrictions
Circle: eternity, spirit
Crescent: soul
Crocodile: cruelty
Cross: earth, matter, four elemental kingdoms
Cube: physical world
Cuirass: resistance.
Darkness: sleep or death
Dove: peace
Dragon: powers of darkness and evil
Eagle: spiritual heights, sex
Earth: material world
Eyes: awareness
bandaged; blinded, unprejudiced, inexperienced
Feet: understanding
Fish: gain
Five-pointed Star: a man or woman
inverted; black magic
Flame: spirit
Flowers: virgin, happiness, love, good will
Goat: material and selfish ambitions
Gold: light
Hand: left; negative, feminine, receptive
right; positive, masculine, executive
pointed downward; physical
pointed upward; spiritual
Hog: greed
Lamp: intelligence
Light: life and activity
122 Key Phrme•_ for the Tarot Card.

Line: horizontal; passive, negative, feminine

vertical; positive, masculine
wavy; indecision
Lion: force, man's animal desires
Manna: spiritual nutriment
Moon: female
Pentagram: see Five-pointed Star
Pole Star: eternal truth
Pyramid: climax of earthly security
Scales: weighing good against evil, marriage
Scarab: immortality of the soul
Scorpion: selfishness
Scythe: harvest of earthly endeavors
Serpent: sex or virile energy
biting its tail; enlightenment
at the brow; enlightenment
at the solar plexus; creative energies used for
physical gratification alone
Sphinx: passage of time
Square: obstacles, struggle
Staff: progress through struggle, experience
Sun: male
Tau: virile force
Triangle: mind
Trine: luck, ease
Twelve stars: the zodiac
White: purity, fortunate. enlightenment
Young girl : purity

Here follow listings of key phrases for each of the 22 Major

Arcana, the 40 Minor Arcana, and the 16 Court Arcana. Aside
from the keyword of the decanate represented by each Minor
Arcanum, and the common divinatory word for each of the
Major and Minor Arcana, there is no special importance to
the placement of the other key phrases in each list. .Just above
SOCIATION which notes the symbolic principles upon which
the key phrases are based.


d •

Mercury Mercury, Aries, Man
wiil or dexterity news of a business opportunity
gain through persistence activity
will power business activity of a mental
mind over matter nature
triumph through analysis business trip
faith in a higher power aggressive intellectual pursuit
acquire by effort new activity on the job
win over obstacles new venture to benefit reputa­
justice through integrity tion
apply force with compassion honor gained from mental
love of justice activity
take the initiative scientific trends in business
changeable influences business conference
analysis in personal affairs
defensive action to protect
challenge demanding aggres­
initiative taken
a telephone call
I !;·!; I �-�

*.[ *
* *

* -A·
* -j<• '*

' •


Mercury, Cancer, Moon Mercury, Libra, Venus
a letter from a loved one a short journey
moods policy
emotional talk money from the sale of a
mental quirks manuscript
journey out of sympathy cash in on artistic dexterity
news about a new home scientific line of action
through study, meet a new social contact for financial
love gain
travel concerned with domestic writing or lecturing for money
affairs friendly conversation
a sympathetic mental turn union of ideas
a mood demanding analysis marriage for money
analysis of affectional relations happy frame of mind
love nature guided by intellect love of study
misunderstood conversation rewarding conversation in a
advice from a well-wisher social atmosphere
focus versatile talents
balance the budget
expenses for entertainment


z. •
• •
* *
* •
-k • .. *
* *


Mercury, Capricorn, Virgo
KEY PHRASES: science
news of sickness or death truth always wins
organization keep your intentions silent
trouble with your mail don't cast your pearls before
death of an intellectual swine
venture choose your associates dis-
struggle to gain organization criminately
a depressed turn of mind sincerity unveils wisdom
talk of a melancholy nature follow your hunch
opposition to your ideas revelation through science
repression of news intellectual exchange
delays in intellectual pursuits analyze your situation
difficulty in adjustment an orderly work pattern
faulty analysis working environment
mental blocks discreet service
division of ideas
inability to talk fluently

_ __,
A 2


Y*; l
...r �

* *• * *



Virgo, Leo, Sun Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio,
KEY PHMSES: Moon, Pluto, Man
a business depending on KEY PHRASES:
scientific methods a work of love
exaltation revelation
watch your interests with romantic impulses
vigilance love of home
obstacles resolved through scientific methods used in the
analysis home
esteem of co-workers secret romance exposed
pleasure in business love of research
promotion at work interest in mental punuits
healthy frame of mind emotions guided by reason
success in business ventures affectionate demonstration
education for business a perfect union
pioneering a new business reciprocated love
personal scientific adventure passion controlled by reason
prevent misunderstanding impulsive love affair
with analysis
bring order into personal
service for business reasons

2 �-= 2

'* *
* ·* *
-,4-• * *



Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus,
Venus, Uranus, Saturn Saturn, Venus
money acquired by hard labor sickness through overwork
independence martyrdom
financial gain through in­ obstacles overcome by love
genuity strength
profitable partnership or mental development through
marriage struggle
gain through unexpected ultimate gain through per-
social activity severance
unusual courtship difficult road to success
reward through mental effort reason influences superiors
romance hampered by coldness triumph over obstacles
recompense for service marital trouble
rendered methodical patterns become
friendly gathering for boring
scientific interests trouble with possessions
way-out ideas . practical approach toward
new methods in the working work
environment disappointment of a social
serious responsibility leading nature
to mental strain responsibility to friends
activity to pay social debts



Libra Libra, Aries, Sagittarius,
KEY PHRASES: Mars, Jupiter
marriage or action KEY PHRASES:
success in creative pursuits a business partnership
mind over matter propaganda
thoughts are things jovial disposition
actions and reactions triumph over enemies
union of minds success in legal matters
social activity take action for the future
line of least resistance business gains through social
unbalanced activity activity
indecision leads to sorrow confidence in self
mental and social pursuits aggressive action
friendly opposition ultimate success
separation of ties advertising activity
plan to raise prestige
active in church affairs
enthusiasm on the job

3 !,;·)( 3 �·0

":"�;• ""ft•
*· ·
* "*"
"*• *
*" '* "* ·-t.·

*" * y "*
* "


' y
• •

! •


Libra, Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Gemini, Venus,
Moon, Neptune, Mercury
KEY PHRASES: a marriage for money
a marriage for love expiation
research success in selling
romantic activity gain through social activities
ideals realized through posi- money gained by intellectual
tive action effort
devotion to family profit from partnerships
affections awakened compensation as a result of a
a warm friendship business trip
danger of over-indulgence money through the mail
faith in action remuneration from social
unbridled emotions intercourse
tendency to be oversensitive loose talk creates commotion
prophetic dreams scattered interests defeat pur­
acting upon illusion pose
artistic trends at work blend of social and mental
psychic revelation activities
reward for creativ,.. endeavors
errors on the job



Libra, Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio
Saturn, �ercury Kn PHRASEs:
KEY PHRASES: realization
a law suit or a divorce conquest
idealism moral power acquired through
separation of mental concepts occult studies
organized activity to overcome mastery of materialism
adversity abundant creative energy
struggle in business investigative mind
antagonistic talk .attracts af­ winning with will power
fliction completion of labor
blend the ideal with the to fight for truth and justice is •

practical a duty
discord in business partner- knowledge gained through
ship experience
social split triumph over obstacles
plodding mental work properly directed sex drive
held down by responsibility confidence for proper de-
argument with a friend velopment
false activity for social acclaim
underhanded methods in
4 .A·A 4 ...
.* '* *
* .*

* * *
.* * .* *

tr '

! !


Scorpio, Leo, Sun Scorpio, Pluto, Mars
a legacy an increase in the family
rulership resourcefulness
successful enterprise enduring love
honor gained through initia­ great joys are in store for you
tive pleasure in group activity
love dominates a strong and lasting friendship
promotion at work loving, parental care
influences by people in lastin� domestic harmony
authority emotional intuitiveness
reflected glory from children affections realized
good business credit expose of a revengeful plot
negotiations completed over emphasis of the emotions
applied will power attracts drastic tactics to gain a point
success active investigation brings
tensions in business bar pro­ results
political maneuvers to gain
attain humility


• •
• •

• '


Scorpio, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Venus
Uranus, Saturn KEY PHRASES:
KEY PHRASES: remorse for past action
money raised through a determination
partner unfortunate romance
originality financial reverses
gift from a friend death of an artistic venture
unexpected financial gain hoarding of possessions
reward for ingenuity determination to overcome
profit through invention obstacles
new avenue of realization win through more give and
increase in wages take
achievement through original love gained through per-
ideas severance
organization leads to profit patience is rewarded
enduring possessions slow but sure climb
mechanical or electrical condi- offending a friend
tions obstacles to realization
planned activity for advance­ guard emotions against
ment negativeness
argument slows progress plodding persistence

"* * *

* * **


Jupiter Jupiter, Leo, Sagittarius,
religion or law KEY PHRASES:
help through inspiration good fortune in business
realization from intelligence reformation
and will social activity benefits job
meditation brings enlighten­ gain through speculation
ment success of enterprise
success through good judg­ theatrical success
ment business insight
fortunate influences child custody
strength from developing will inspiration through religion
power practice faith
eventual success unsettled business practices
triumph in legal matters good will of customers and
favors from professionals clients
good will leads to justice impulsive actions at work
materialism bars progress rewards from a philosophical
avoid overindulgence attitude
faith in superiors

** *
** '*
* *
** *

• • •

• •

! ' •


Jupiter, Scorpio, Pisces, Jupiter, Aquarius,
Pluto, Mars, Neptune Gemini, Uranus,
KEY PHRASES: Saturn, Mercury
good fortune in love KEY PHRASES:
responsibility abundant wealth
hold emotions in check inspiration
a deep-seated attachment spend wisely
steadfast affections reward from writing, teaching
benefit from hidden influences or lecturing
check sensitivity with sound a trip for achievement
judgment help through neighbors
domestic illusions study for future success
fidelity in love profitable contact
reinforce belief with facts friendly assistance
emotional responsibility at- money through original ideas
tracted settlement of a lawsuit
realization of a dream expansion of the club's
expand fixed ideas treasury
rewarding psychic experience philosophical ideas aurae�
overindulgence strains the
legal document in the mail



Jupiter, Taurus, Virgo, Venus
Venus, Mercury KEY PHRASES:
KEY PHRASES: temptation
escape from danger look beneath surface ap-
struggle pearances
discrimination replaces im­ stick to your resolutions
pulsiveness make a finn decision
alertness pays off at tht: love of ease, comfort or
eleventh hour luxury
overcome religious adversity resist sensualism
quarrels about possessions stabilize your emotions
obstacles overcome by faith probe for spiritual values
sickness due to financial seek divine guidance
worries select your path with care
faith breaks the barrier unfaithful affectionate nature
positive attitude helps prevent take a firm stand
disease friends surround you
benefit from reorganized work-
ing environment
gain through hard work
end of a legal battle
lifting of a restriction
8 .., 8 ��
*" *
'It *
* * *


A y y
A ' y
) !


Venus, Leo, Aries, Sun, Venus, Scorpio, Cancer,
Mars Pluto, Mars, Moon
music, art, or drama a love affair
ambition attainment
powerful love nature beware the allurement of vice
seek moderation check your hunches
avoid extreme measures in carefully analyze your emo-
business tions
promotion comes through the personal magnetism attracts
ability to rule others utilize your creative imagina­
emphasize moderate aims and tion
goals constructive activity overcomes
social activity to promote sensualism
business fertility of ideas
balance pleasure with practi- resourcefulness brings har­
cality mony to the home
good manners win friends happy family event
rely on good taste finn will in affairs of the
business of an artistic nature heart
the soft-sell brings more guard against changeable
success loyalty
focus energies to prevent beneficial partnership
control over aggressiveness at
8 -.A
- - 8
* *

t • ' "


Venus, Aquarius, Libra, Venus, Taurus, Capri-
Uranus, Saturn corn, Saturn
a social event dissipation
repression mastership
the little things count budget your energies
friendly criticism struggle can lead to prpgress
psychology to win a point news brings a temptation
profit from social affairs a slow, steady climb to success
reward through humanitarian use talents to help others
activities antagonism of companions
gain by original ideas scattered energies bring
merger for money sorrow
love dominates material trouble with your checking
ambition account
interest in world affairs delays in affec�ional matters
seek spiritual companionship tempt;uion relating to business
creative partnership for profit a firm stand avoids dis-
be decisive when opportunity organization
knocks organize your work



Sagittarius Sagittarius, Jupiter
victory teaching or publishing
application of mental and devotion
physical powers rely on your own judgment
success through using intel­ protection from danger
ligence benevolent influences sur-
perfection attained by active round you
effort keep aims on an ideal level
power to command others dissemination of constructive
vacation brings release ideas
prompt and just decision channel desires and control
appraisal allows higher values impulses
benefit by a philosophical religious principles applied to
approach business
material condition conquered personal philosophy wins
circumvent red tape popularity
zeal to serve mankind business contacts in church
travel stimulates enthusiasm groups
enthusiasm leads to promotion
benefit through professionals
pleasure on a business trip
7 H·H
* '"'r
•* '* **

* 'f '* * *8
y ' • •
y y • •
y y • •
' ! ' •


Sagittarius, Pisees, Sagittarius, Gemini,
Neptune, Jupiter Mercury
a successful change of home money earned through a
verity journey
ideal affeetional exchange intuition
love of social work a profitable business uip
opportunity to dispel illusion directed mental energy solves
resolution of domestic discord · a problem
gain by unselfish love profit from writing, publishing
devotion to family or teaching
sympathy for friends news leading to financial gain
compassion brings victory discovery of a missing link
truth revealed event involving radio or
inspired by a psychic ex- television
perience intellectual victory
a deep feeling of contentment money from writing
faithful in love cash in a letter
misunderstanding corrected telegram about a financial op­
ESP experience
purchase of a new possesis on

7 - a • •
"*. *


Sagittarius, Virgo. Mercury Capricorn
danger through travel or justice or equilibrium
sports develop a spirit of give and
achievement take
progress follows conflict wnservativeness balanced by
faith overcomes physical af- originality
Hictions all work, no play makes Jack
victory by hard work a dull boy
positive thinking leads to moderation in all things
achievement worry attracts discordant
adverse publicity from co­ events
workers directed thought banishes
ultimate gain through res- crystallization
ponsibilities don't let things hang in the
joy from pets balance
find solace in service influence of a governmental
avoid pitfalls with discrimi!'la· regulation
tion every action brings a reaction
a call to service curb the urge to dictate
positiveness weeds out nega­ �erious exchange with
tive thoughts superiors
convert weaknesses into pleasure stimulates more
strength productivity
fight discord with faith
8 a

) '!


Capricorn, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer,
Aries, Jupi�er, Mat:s Nept�.me, Jupiter,
a political appointment KEY PHRASES:
exploration extravagance
business success through self-sacrifice
initiative blend the practical with the
think before you act ideal
action of a legal nature sacrifice for the home
personality affects reputation misplaced emotion brings pain
promotion depending upon don't let the heart rule the
personal planning head
transfer at work build a foundation for ideals
responsibility of a business seek partner of similar
nature emotional qualities
new influences in working overpossessive in love
environment dominated by family res­
rely on your own judgment ponsibilities
prestige in the professional don't set your goals too high
world uncontrolled sensitivity in-
self-c:onfidenct" is needed vites disaster
a lovers' quarrel

misleading psychic impression

caution in affectional matters

8 o-::: 8

'* .*. .
. .
. .

• •
• •
• •



Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, Virgo,
Mercury, Venus Mercury, Saturn
a costly law suit loss of honor, or business
fidelity failure
romance· for money experience
flighty love affair life's limitations bring strength
compensation from alimony struggle to maintain balance
travel for love or money frustration results from con-
compatible partnership fining experiences
study for promotion discontented with co-workers
social activity financed for fear of business failure
political reasons deficiencies detract from
legal papers involving financial progress
transactions loss of prestige
marital litigations added responsibility brings
perseverance at work brings worry
rewards enthusiastic approach severs
financial altercations with limitation
neighbors disrupted routine of living
support from a friend lessons to be learned
dissipation through overwork
positive thinking in the face of
9 9 .,.J\



Aquarius Aquarius, Sagittarius,
KEY PHRASES: Leo, Jupiter, Sun
wisdom or prudence KEY PH�SES:
actions influenced by environ­ wise and profitable friendship
ment illumination
discretion in all things happiness from children
strength acquired through ex­ success in entertainment
perimentation business
silence in the face of argument reliable intuition
stability leads to accomplish­ discretion in speculation
ment friends influence business
knowledge from experience a scientific enterprise
a cautious psychological ap­ business success depends upon
proach prudence
foresight in humanitarian knowledge of human nature
endeavors leads to popularity
analysis of hopes and wishes perseverance attracts promo­
blinded by outward ap­ tion
pearances original methods in business
know-how supports your en­ arrogance has no place on the
deavors job
select associates wisely birth of a constructive idea

9 )(... 9 0·:
. . ..,..
'11;• ..

y� '*
' '

y y�
y •
y y • •
y •
y y • •
! y w •


Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Mercury,
Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn
Pluto, Mars KEY PHRASES:
KEY PHRASES: money spent on associates
hopes will be realized reason
vicissitudes money gained through in­
passion supplanted by exalted ventiveness
love sudden gain of fortune
strong desire for affection common sense to increase in-
emotional stability come
change in domestic affairs benefit from relatives
a love of humanity change in frame of mind
search for domestic harmony further education to demand
alliance with a wise person a higher wage
desirable outcome unexpected gift from a friend
spiritual love based on co- remuneration based upon
operation mental activity
wisdom in affairs of the heart gift from a neighbor
jealousy causes a rift unexpected bill in the mail
analysis of thoughts, feelings sudden severance of a relation-
and actions ship
mental possessions endure
longer than physical

Aquarius, Virgo, Taurus, Uranus
Mercury, Venus KEY PHRASES:
KEY PHRASES: change of fortune
quarrel resulting in enmity patience will be rewarded
renunciation new conditions require
avoid the trap of propaganda adaptability
poverty overcome by wisdom unexpected events occur
sickness of a loved one breaking of an old tie
discordant working en- a strong will defeats negative-
vironment ness
love overcomes arguments dark before the dawn
loss of friendship recognize good ·from evil
fixed mental attitudes bar guard against discordant
achievement environment
letting go of old conditions unconventional concepts
facts used as a blind exercise caution to maintain
caution in human relations equilibrium
energies wasted in argument be alert for opportunities
pleasant thoughts substituted irritability and harshness
for negativeness face change with courage

_ __o 10::.....----....

tl • !


Uranus, Leo, Sun Uranus, Scorpio, Pluto,
an invention or discovery KEY PHRASES:
new business methods an unconventional affectional
a change in status interest
alteration of working condi­ avoid emotional crossfire
tions inconstant emotions
unconventional trends affect unexpected ocean voyage
reputation numerous and unusual friends
variety of personal activities sudden love affair
the new replaces the old reversal of feeling
take initiative to maintain forgotten taxes
balance uncommon love affair
a change in personality revenge influences affections
sudden transfer at work an old love enters the life
unexpected honor through the target of sarcasm
arts or sciences sudden change in the home
different slant on entertain­
outdated principles applied to
modern methods
effect of automation

10 •

• •

• •
• •
• •
• • "


Uranus, Aquarius, Uranus, Taurus, Venus
KEY PHRASES: sudden loss of employment
alternate financial loss and expose leading. to practical
gain changes
give and receive reciprocally static conditions in personal
unexpected air travel affairs
inventiveness brings financial agitation upsets balance
unconventional actions

gain ·

mental inspiration victim of eccentric afflictions

change of viewpoint a series of gains and losses
progressive gains faith helps in times of dis-
money gained through as- couragement
sociates do not abandon but keep
gather and direct energies ·trying .
shaky speculation struggle leading to reform
financial worries concerning a hypersensitivity demands con-
friend trol
new methods to control adaptation to enviroment
budgtt break stubborn habits
wisdom from occult studies you could be your own worst



Neptune Pisces
force, spiritual power, or sacrifice or expiation
fortitude forgive your enemies
develop and follow your the material world may
intuition dominate the soul
moral force wasted effort
advance with faith ebbing of life forces
reject temptations disappointment
hidden forces at work choose after careful considera-
overcome evil with good tion
accomplish your duties with· worry tears down results
out hesitation emotional sorrow
obstacles are more imaginary over idealistic
than real stirring of creative urges
confusion and lack of force apply the imagination
success demands organization material temptation con-
fear defeats purpose quered
facing reality clarifies nebu­ giving without thought of
lous influences recompense



Aries Taurus
death or transformation regeneration or temperance
a new venture diligence to reach goal
guard impulsiveness man and woman united
immortality is promised money obtained from plod·
death of selfishness ding effort
rise above materialism keep company with har­
faced with a new door monious people
youthful viewpoint partnershi p in unselfish
energetic mental activity service
end of a situation stubbornness bars the way
influence of mechanical a perfect union
gadgets moderate spending
strong competition passionless love
new creative trends possessiveness repels your
heart's desire
work together in harmony
patience is rewarded




Saturn Mars
fatality or black magic accident or catastrophe
selfishness leads to loneliness you reap what you sow
and poverty do not dissipate energies
more is won through love than fight for high principles
hate save energy for constructive
material ambitions should be pursuits
balanced with mental release undesirable instincts
pursuits constructive effort dominates
cruelty hurts only the giver evil influences
overcome pride and self-.interest impulsiveness attracts failure·
delays avoided by careful love paralyzes evil
planning need of undaunted courage
discontent invites depression irritability invites mistakes
deceptive and disintegrative develop self to avert danger
activity modify inner conflicts
undermining influences at applied creative energies
greed brings eventual un-
replace coldness with warmth
secret and hidden trends
take pleasure in overcoming

•- .



Gemini Cancer
truth, hope or faith deception, false friends or
do not limit yourself secret foes
distinguish reality from hostile mind attracts enemies
illusion silence is golden
cultivate a positive attitude choose companions carefully
truth demands a blending of place yourself in a better en-
heart and mind vironment ·

select a goal and stick to it energetic action overcomes

follow projects through to lethargy
completion look beneath the glamour of
replace restlessness with faith appearance
search for the truth temper your emotions with
relationship with neighbors analysis
effect of the spoken word too much sympathy empha­
privately expressed ideas sizes discord
overcoming problems enemies veiled in the grab of
strengthens <;haracter flattery
constant vacillation reaps no
abuse of occult powers in­
vites destruction
Mrive for harmony in the



Leo Moon
happiness or joy awakening or resurrection
no one can hurt you but nothing is more permanent
yourself than change
guard the sacredness of banish idleness with action
marriage an end is also a beginning
infidelity leads to unhappiness the turning of a page in life
align physical, mental, and rise above emotional turmoil
spiritual goals establish new personal re-
moderate your desires lationships
children compensate for death is but a transition
material hardships passing of an old condition
rewards through unselfish leads to a new one
love through perception there is
sacrifice for the family awareness
devotion to peace and broaden your mentality
harmony timing is of the essence
a happy marriage shun ease and comfort for
self organization attracts con­ progress
tentment reversal of emotions
a circ.le of love protects you



Sun Pluto
success or attainment failure, folly, mistake, or
application of wili power spirituality
know yourself to know success indiscretion can be your
utilize your creative imagina- downfall
tion material life over emphasized
strength from harmonious wisdom prevents obsession
actions a slave to desire
take pleasure in your work group cooperation
perfection through persistence coerced by others
good will of those in authority doubt destroys faith
synchronize body, mind and sufferjng follows sin
emotions hope through prayer
celebrities as friends blinded by selfish interests
masculine methods rewards from community
overbearing actions of activity
superiors realization of humanitarian
attainment through efforts

154 Key Phrme• for the Tarot Cord.

K _. --- T
...... K.-------.:
* *


A man of an A man of a
Aries temperament Taurus temperament
Key Phra•e• for the Tarot Card. 15S


A man of a A man of a
Gemini temperament Cancer temperament
156 Key Phraaea /or the Tarot Card.

· �:.
·�: 4o:
. • .

. �: •. ·�· .


A woman of a A woman of a
Leo temperament Virso temperament
Key Phrae. Jor the Tarot Card. 157



A woman of a A woman of a
Libra temperament Scorpio temperament
158 Key Phra.u for the Tarot Card.


A youth of a A youth of a
Saginariao temperament Capricorn temperament
Key Phrtue. for the Tarot Card. 159

• ---....


A youth of an A youth of a
Aquariao temperament Pitces temperament
160 Key Phra.ea for the Tarot Card.



Thoughts of business Thoughts of enmiry,

suife and sickness
Upright: thoughts advantageous Upright: thoughts devoted to the
to the querent querent's defease and
Reversed: thoughts opposed to his Reversed: plans and desires for
business interests the querent's downfall

Key Phrtue• for the Tarot Card. 161


Thoughts of health or Thoughts of love and

money affection
Upright: thoughts to increase Upright: sincere thoughts to the
quereot's prosperity quereot's advantage
Reversed: thoughts which plot Reversed: deceit or opposition to
unfair financial advan· the true affectional de·
aage of the querent sires
Part IV


(;"his section was de­

signed to help the reader select additional meanings indicated
by the astrological symbolism appearing on the tarot cards.
Everything in the universe is ruled by an astrological sign or
planet. Consulting these categories will reveal unlimited as­
sociations. For ready reference, this information is listed under
each sign and planet in the following classifications.

Appearance and Body Structure

As a rule, Court cards depict people, but in addition, other

cards may also indicate people. In either case, the astrological
symbolism on a card gives a clue to personal description. Each
sign and each planet is commonly associated with certain phys­
ical characteristics. Therefore, a reference to these physical
descriptions will prove invaluable.
When a reader sees a card in the past of a spread, he can de­
scribe the person from the sign or planet appearing on that
card. Once the querent recognizes this person, it will assist
the reader to tell how past events led to the present.

164 Aatrological Symboliam

In like manner, when a person card appears in the future,

the reader will be able to describe that person. Whether a per·
son card appears in the past, present, or future, knowing his
indicated physical characteristics will assist the querent to
eliminate one or more persons he may have in mind.


Here are given the frame of mind or type of mental reac·

tion characteristic of individuals identified with each of the
twelve signs and the ten planets. This section may be con·
suited to determine the temperament of people in the same
manner as the Appearance and Body Structure classification
is used.
It should be remembered that a person not born under the
sign of Aries may still have strong Aries traits if he has planets
in Aries or Aries rising. This can only be determined by
erecting his personal birth chart.
But even when a person is barn under Aries, he will not
always express every Aries trait. �his is because his Aries ex·
pression is modified by other factors in his horoscope in ad­
dition to his conditioning.
In any case, this classification covers the highlights of his
person·ality, his best and worst traits, how to appeal to him,
and what he needs to do to raise his own level of expression
to attract success.

Personal Interests

A person has a limited amount of energy to utilize in ex·

pr�ssing himself. I t is natural for him to channel his ene�ies
into definite activities. He would feel unfulfilled if his basic
urges were not satisfied. This classification gives the specific
directions in which personal interests and affairs are focused.
A.•trological SymbolUm 165


Certain signs and certain planets stand for natural aptitudes

and desires for specific occupations. However, no sign or planet
exclusively rules any given occupation. Occupations listed here
are those most strongly identified with the sign and planet
under which they appear.

Significant Associations

In the previous classifications, certain vibratory rates cor­

responding to signs and planets were associated with individ­
uals. Here we have expanded this principle to include objects
in the environment.
Everything has an astrological rulership commonly called
its astrological signature. When a group of objects are all ruled
by a particular sign or planet, they each have the same astro­
logical signature and express the same quality of energy. Given
here are numbers, colors, gems. and herbs bearing the astro­
logical signature for each sign and planet.
Often the content of a question will allow the reader to use
this classification. For instance, these environmental influences
may be associated with to accentuate a desired vibration or
may be avoided if the astrological signature is undesirable.
Mental alchemists employ them as antidotes for discord.

Enuironmental Factors

Environment should be considered in every spread, as it is

often importantly associated with the querent's question. When
parts of the city or the home are involved, the zodiacal signs
designate definite areas. The signs also signify climate or land.
Other environmental factors, such as inanimate objects and
people. are depicted by the planets. These associations of the
166 .•btrolo,real SymboU.m

twelve signs and the ten planets to environmental facton will

be· found in this classification.

Cities of the World

To establish the rulership of a city, some authorities have

selected the Sun-Sign, some the Ascending-Sign, some the
Midheaven-Sign, and some the incorporation date or founding
date. In this work, to standardize the rulerships of cities, we
have adopted Sepharial's system of geodetic equivalents.
Starting at Greenwich, England, Sepharial matched the S60
degrees of geographical longitude with the S60 degrees of
zodiacal longitude. As there are twelve signs of the zodiac, each
embracing 30 degrees, a thirty-degree segment of geographical
longitude was associated with one sign of the zodiac. He cor­
related the geographical area from Zero to 30 degrees east with
the sign Aries in the heavens. Therefore, from 30 to 60 degrees
east longitude corresponds to the sign Taurus, and so forth
around the world.
Rulerships of countries are not given, because when geo­
detic equivalents are employed, a country often falls into two
or more geodetic areas. In this classification, the countries and
states in which the cities are located appear alphabetically.

United States of America

The sign rulerships of the 50 United States of America were

determined from the sign the Sun was in on the date each
state was admitted into the Union.

World Affairs

This classification will give assistance in the reading of

spreads concerning city, state, national, or international af­
fain. It may also be consulted when questions of public
interest arise.
.4atrologiad Symboliam 161

The community, national and international activities cor­

responding to each sign of the zodiac are given. And under
each planet, this classification furnishes the key emphasis on

thought,. business and politics.

Personal Ability
Because planets symbolize ability and signs designate motiv­
ation, personal ability is not listed under signs of the zodiac.
To learn if a prospective employee has needed qualifications,
or which member of a group has the necessary talent to handle
a particular duty, and the like, this section will prove useful.
The following tables will aid the tarot card reader to quickly
identify astrological symbolism.
Sun-Sign Dates

Aries March 21-April 19 Libra Sept. 2!1-0ct. 22

Taurus April 20-May 20 Scorpio Oct. 2!1-Nov. 21
Gemini May 21-June 20 Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Cancer June 21-July 22 Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Leo July 2!1-Aug. 22 Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Virgo Aug. 2!1-Sept. 22 Pisces Feb. 19-March 20





Jl. - LEO 1111 -AQUARIUS



0 - SUN ,. - JUPITEfto




cf - MARS !. -PLUTO


'f - d .a. - 9
II - ? I1'Y I AND 0


• "' - '+

£:1- ) v:J - �
.A. - 0

168 .4.•trologieal Symbolum
Following is a listing in detail by personal characteristics,
significant associations, environmental factors, etc., for each as­
trologic symbol or connotation as previously mentioned.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Middle stature, spare,

strong body, bushy eyebrows, dark hair, rather swarthy. Rules
head and face, upper jaw, the cerebrum, upper hemisphere of
the brain.

TEMPERAMENT: An Aries person expresses a fiery will, exec­

utive ability, and a dauntless pioneering spirit. He is ambi­
tious, enterprising, forceful, combative, self-willed, independent
and active. He loves to be in command and resents being
confined or dictated to. Precedent or environment affect him
Being headstrong and aggressive. under stress his fiery tem­
per is ignited. Because he becomes passionately concerned
about things, when· opposed he often becomes quarrelsome.
Once he has taken up arms. in behalf of a cause, he is very
difficult to dissuade. On the other hand, in his work of con­
struction, he marshals his creative power and original thought,
which is always guided by intellect.
The need of combat or the zest of competition brings out
the best in an Aries, because he constantly strives for personal
leadership. His optimism often plunges him into projects that
are too big for him to cope with. He should avoid having too
many irons in the fire at one time. He instinctively rushes
into controversy before he has had time to evaluate the situa­
tion. But because he is a good mixer and is bright and lively,
he finds it easy to talk his way out of any corner.
In his desire to express his best quality of leadership. he is
apt to become too bossy, his worst quality. Therefore, he
should learn to direct his energies and concentrate his powers
A.atrological SymboU.m 169

of leadership constructively-not interfering in the affairs of


PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with personal appear­

ance, temperament, health, vitality, length of life, personal

OccuPATIONs: Athletes, barbers, diamond cutters, firemen,

guards, hardware salesmen, iron workers, manufacturers, mas­
seurs, metallurgical engineers, optometrists, physical therap�ts,
physiotherapists, propulsion technicians, sheet metal workers,
soldiers, stationary engineers, surgeons, thermodynamicists, tool
designers, welders.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 13. Letter M. Color light

red. Tone high C. Talismanic gem amethyst. Such stones aS
ochre, brimstone and red stones of all kinds. Such herbs as
hemp, mustard, broom, holly, dock., thistle, fern, garlic, onions,
nettles, radishes, poppies, peppers and rhubarb.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Country: sparsely settled, moder­

ately high and rugged. Climate: hot, dry. Land: where pebbles
and boulders are numerous, fields that are freshly plowed. City:
the manufacturing district, hardware stores, repair garages and
auto service stations. Home: doorways, roof, tool-rooms, fur­
niture tops, and things made of iron and steel.


Fort Laperrine. ANCOLA, Luanda. AuST1liA, Vienna. BELCIUM,
Brussels. BuLCARIA, Sofia. CHAD, Fort Lamy. CoNGO, Leopold­
ville. CoNGO REPUBLIC: Brazzaville. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Prague.
DAHOMEY, Porto Novo. DENMARK, Copenhagen. EGYPT, Alex­
andria. ESTONIA, Tallinn. FINLAND, Helsinki. FRANCE, Lyon,
Marseille, Paris. GABON, Libreville. GERMANY, Berlin, Essen,
Munich. GREECE, Athens. HoLLAND, Amsterdam. HuNGARY,
Budapest. ITALY, Florence, Genoa, Milan, Rome. LATVIA, Riga.
LITHUANIA, Kaunas, NAGER, Nismey. NIGERIA, lbaban, Lagos.

NoRWAY, Oslo. PoLAND, Warsaw. RoMANIA, Bucharest. SotrrH

AFRICA, Capetown, East London, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth.
SwEDEN, Stockholm. SwiTZERLAND, Berne. TuNISIA, Tunis.
TuRKEY, Istanbul. YucosLAVIA, Belgrade.


WoRLD AFFAIRS: National matters concerned with the people

of a country: their disposition, health and personal aflain as
distinct from their foreign interests.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY Snucruu: Short, thick set, dull com­

plexion, large mouth, dark hair and eyes. Rules the neck,
throat, ears, palate, tonsils, cerebellum, the occipital region,
larynx, pharynx and vocal cords.

TEMPERAMENT: A Taurus person is plodding, practical and

self-reliant. A persistent and untiring worker with enormous
reserve energy, he can wait a long time for plans to mature. He
does not intrude upon others, nor does he bow to their opin·
ions. He would rather use his own pronounced powers of
discrimination. He is strongly attracted to money and expresses
himself by its use.
Because he is naturally quiet and thoughtful, he is often ·
secretive. This manner covers a certain sense of timidity. Even
though he is slow to anger, once aroused, he is furious and
violent. But when he cools off, he is sullen and reserved and
becomes a relentless enemy. On the other hand, if he be&iends
you, he will be a friend for life. Because he dislikes changing
personal relationships, he is apt to become overpossesis ve.
The Taurus person is careful and steadfast in mind and
habits. A lover of routine, he dislikes changing his methOds in
any way. He is thorough in all that he does and takes great
joy in perfecting the small details. He cannot be hurried,
pushed or frightened out of his deliberate pace. If he is, he
becomes stubborn and immovable. He is obedient to his em-
Altrolo,u:al SymboU.m 111

ployer and persistent to the end. He retreats from new ven­

tures, for he dislikes taking the initiative. RAI.ther, he is con·
servative in both thought ·and action. His best quality is stabil·
ity, and he can be trusted with other people's possessions.
The character trait which detracts most from his success
is stubbornness. Living in an everchanging world, he needs to
learn adaptability so that new opponunities will not pass him
by. By so doing, he will be better equipped to gain the pos­
sessions which he needs to make his life tolerable.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with wealth, per·

sonal propeny, profit and loss, cash, fruits of labor in terms of
ease and possesis ons.

OccuPATIONS: Bankers, bank tellers, cabinet makers, carpet

layers, cashiers, commercial artis�. farmers, financiers, geolo­
gists, industrial designers, landscapers, .sales agents, singers, sur­
veyors, tile setters, treasurers.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 14. Letter N. Color dark

yellow. Tone low E. Talismanic gem moss agate. Such stones
as alabaster, white opaque stones and white coral. Such herbs
as daisies, dandelion, myrtle, gourds, ftax, lilies, larkspur,
spinach, moss.

ENVIRONMENTAL FAcroRs: Country: low, level, without brush

or woods. Climate: cold, dry. Land: where seed has been
planted. City: banks, safes, vaults, cash registers and places
where money and securities are kept. Home: store rooms,
trunks, strong-boxes, bank books, checkbooks, purses and


ARABIA, Mecca, Riyadh. EcYPT, Cairo, Port Said. ETHIOPIA,
Addis Ababa. IRAN, Tehran. IRAQ, Baghdad. IsREAL, Jerusalem.
MADAGASCAR, Tananarive. SoMALILAND, Mogadiscio. SoUTH
AFRICA, Durban, Lourenco, Marques. SoviET UNION, Baku,
Khark.ov, Leningrad, Molotov, Moscow, Rostov, Stalingrad,
Tbilisi. TANGANYIKA, Zanzibar. TuRKEY, Ankara.
112 .4ttrolo6ieol Syrnbou.m
UNITED STATES OF AMEJUCA: Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with national matten depend­

ent upon the wealth and personal propeny of the people, the
national treasury, banks, non-speculative bonds and securities,
financial transactions, and places where money and securities
are handled.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Tall, long arms, light

complexion, brown hair, quick in action. Rules the shoulden,
anns, hands, bronchi and lungs.

TEMPERAMENT: A Gemini person exens considerable mttl­

ative. Endowed with a versatile nature, he is usually interested
in several things at once, and often changes his occupation.
He has a fondness for learning, is changeable, sensitive, skill­
ful and intuitive. Due to his restlessness and his insatiable
curiosity, he is constantly seeking the "why" of things.
With a well-developed intuition and reason, he makes a
good teacher. He is fond of all kinds of knowledge. He pos­
sesses wonderful powers of mental expansion and a constant
flow of ideas expressed through conversation and writing.
Energetic and enterprising, he quickly acquires skill with his
hands, often following more than one occupation at the same
time. Instead of changing occupations, he should use his men­
tal agility to discover new methods in the one he has chosen.
His difficulty lies in concentrating his energies long enough in
one channel to make it a success.
Because he must constantly express himself in some way, he
is at his best when his intellect has full scope. He is not bound
so much by material motives as by the desire for mental ex­
pression. At times, he becomes long-winded and may talk so
much about insignificant details that important information
is lost.
His best quality is versatility, and he can do many things
well. Therefore, he should take care to evaluate his personal
A1trological Symbolilm 173

activities properly. Unless he does so, his worst quality, change­

ableness, takes over. Then a constantly changing view-point
could leave him without convictions, and he would likely run
from disagreeableness. To counteract this, he should budget
his energies so that a scattering of his forces will not dissipate
his true talents.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with brothers and

sisters, neighbors, writing, short. trips, correspondence, educa·
tion, private studies, science, news, rumors, cousins, newspa­
pers, periodicals, messengers, land transportation and thoughts.

OccuPATIONs: Automobile mechanics, bookbinders, book·

keepers, bus drivers, business machine repairmen, cab drivers,
canvassers, clerk-typists, desk clerks, elevator operators, graph·
ologists, IBM operators, librarians, mail carriers, manicurists,
mechanical engineers, medical record librarians, messengers,
navigators, newsboys, newspaper reporters, occupational thera­
pists, office boys, office machine operators, photoengravers,
porters, printers, proofreaders, radio operators, railroad men,
service station attendants, shipping and receiving clerks, solid·
tors, stenographers, technical writers, telephone repairmen,
ticket agents, truck drivers, typesetters, weather observers,

SIGNIFICANT' AssociATIONS: Number 17. Letters F, Ph, P.

Color light violet. Tone high B. Talismanic gem beryl. Such
stones as are striped. Herbs such as madder, tansy, vervain,
woodbine, yarrow, meadow-sweet, privet and dog-grass.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Country: thickly settled, a city or

town, moderately high. Climate: temperate, where the wi�d
blows. Land: rather rolling and covered with grass, small trees
and shrubs; or where crops have just come through the ground.
City: railroad yards, street cars, buses, post offices, telephone
and telegraph systems. Home: halls, windows, teJephone, writ·
ing desk, library, study, mailbox, files, typewriter, magazine
rack, letters, newspapers.
174 A•trological SymbolUm


CHINA, Soche, Tihwa. INDIA, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Benares,
Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kozhikode, Madres,
Nagpur, Nepal, Srinagar. PAKISTAN, Karachi, Lahore. SoviET
UNION, Balkhash, Diksorr, Omsk, Salekhard, Samarkand,
Stalinsk, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Arkansas, Kentucky, Rhode Is­

land, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with national matten dependent

upon transportation, railroads, roads, motor buses, automo­
biles, local airplane traffic, local traffic in general, printing,
newspapers, magazines, other periodicals. Literary work, in­
tellectual activity, the thoughts of the people, neighboring


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRuCTuRE: Middle height, upper parts

larger, small mouth and face, pale, milky eyes. Rules lower
part of lungs, breasts, diaphragm and stomach.

TEMPERAMENT: A Cancer person is subject to whims, moods.

and varying changes. Because it is easy for him to alter his
own position, he dislikes being confined in a single environ­
ment. He is not usually physical, but he is intensely active
assimilating and redistributing the impressions he absorbs from
his environment. Due to his extreme sensitiveness and medi­
umistic tendencies, environment is most important in his life.
Even though he is timid and retiring, he has a strong desire
to carry out his own ideas in his own way. What he lacks in
aggressiveness, he makes up with tenacity. He possesses good
reflective powers which often tend toward day-dreaming and
fantasy thinking. His moods and yearnings are expressed pro­
The best way to appeal to him is through kindness, sym-
A.•trolosical Symbolum 175

pathy and praise. Because he tends to absorb all the conditions

he contacts, he should choose his associates carefully. Noisy,
boisterous and crude people rub him the wrong way, and he
is distressed in a dog-eat-dog world.
Whether a man or a woman, a Cancer person is strongly
domestic due to his protective instincts. Even though he has
a gentle nature most of the time, he will fight for the under­
dog. The fear of ridicule is torture to him and. prevents him
from asserting himself to advantage. But when he has a friend,
idea, or purpose to cling to, he does so with utmost patience.
His best quality is persistence.
When he feels he has been slighted, he often becomes
touchy-his worst quality. Unpleasant news upsets him. He
needs to absorb the idea that people are generally sympathetic
and frJendly. and learn to a:dapt to those who do not seem
to have these qualities. In 'this manner, he will not repel the
very opportunities he most desires when they are presented.

PERSONAL INTERES"J:S: Affairs concerned with the home, envi­

ronment, father, domestic life, inherited tendencies, real estate,
hidden things. lands, mines, houses, crops, the grave, cities
and towns.

OccuPATIONs: Baby sitters, bakers, biochemists, caretakers,

cooks, custodians, foresters, gardeners, grocers, historians,
laundry workers, merchants, meteorologists, milkmen, obstetri·
cians, real estate agents, restaurant managers.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 18. Letters Sh, Ts, Tz.

Color light green. Tone high F. Talismanic gem emerald.
Such stones as are soft and white, including selenite and chalk.
Herbs such as water lilies, rushes, cucumbers, squashes, melons,
and water plants generally.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Country: along the ocean beach, or

where small active streams flow. Climate: wet, cool. Land: rich,
sandy loam in creek or river bottom; or near the ocean. City:

reservoirs, water pipes and hydrants, running water, hotels and

the main residential district. Home: bathroom, laundry, living
room, washing machine, liquids, swimming pool, yard, and
water meter.

CITIES oF THE WoRLD: AusTRALIA, Albany, Carnarvon, Fre­

mantle, Geraldton, Berth. BuRMA, Mandalay. Rangoon. CHINA,
Canton, Changsha, Chunking, Foochow, Hanchow, Hankow,
Hongkong. Kuming, Lanchow, Nanking, Peiping, Sian,
Tientsin. MALAYA, Singapore. MoNGOLIA, Ulan-Bator-Khoto.
SoviET UNION, Kirensk, Nordic. SuMATRA, Padang. THAILAND;
Bangkok. VIETNAM, Hanoi, Saigon.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Idaho, New Hampshire, Virginia,


WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with national matters dependent

uporr the land, the homes of the people, buildings, hotels,
roominghouses; the weather, agriculture, crops on the ground,
mining; the political party that is out of power but opposed
to the ruling party.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Breadth and size to stature,

large head, light hair, ruddy complexion. Rules the spine,
back: and heart.

TEMPERAMENT: A Leo person posse�s a strong determination

to rise. He is forceful, candid, and loves honors and high offices.
He strives to rule through strength and stability rather than
through his alertness and activity. His actions spring from his
emotions rather than from his intellect. H s
i ideas are large
and majestic, and he despises petty effort. In trying to gain his
high ideals he often overreaches. In his ambition, he is im­
pulsive, passionate and daring.
He is noted for his courage, for the strength of his physical
A•trological Symbolum 177

constitution, and for his recuperative powers. He is honest,

fearless, magnanimous, generous to his friends, and sympa­
thetic. Because he is regal, proud, and dignified, he is a
natural ruler of others:
He places great faith and trust in other people, who usually
respond to this faith by trying to live up to his expectations.
Being sympathetic and warmhearted, he does not demand the
impossible of subordinates. His best quality is kindness.
If his thirst for personal glory carries him too far, he be­
comes d·omineering, his worst quality. Sometimes he feels he
should have a higher position of importance in life even
though he may be incapable of handling it. Regardless of his
position, he should express his splendid organizational traits
kindly no matter where he finds himself. This will build a
channel through which the highest glories and the warmest
friendships will come to him.

PERSONAL INTERESTs: Affairs concerned with children, pleas­

ure, speculation, amusements, offspring, love affairs, courtship.
theatres, all places of amusement, gambling, hazards, schools,
parties and entertainment.

OccuPATIONs: Actors, cartoonists, entertainers, fashion de­

signers, foremen, jewelers, package designers, politicians, stock
brokers, supervisors, theatre managers, ushers.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONs: Number 19. Letter G. Color light

orange. Tone high D. Talismanic gem ruby. Such stones as
the chrysolite, hyacinth and soft yellow minerals. Herbs such
as camomile, daffodil, cowslip, anise, eglantine, fennel, eye­
bright, dill, lavender, poppy, yellow lily, marigold, St. John's
wort, mistletoe, pimpernel, parsley and garden mint.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Country: rather low, with level

stretches tending to desert conditions. Climate: hot, dry.
Land: wild, or kept for the purpose of sport or amusement.
City: theatres, schools, playgrounds, parks, and places of amuse-
178 Astrological Symbolism

ment. Home: the nursery and places where children congre­

gate, furnace room, places where pots and kettles are kept,
party supplies, irons, cigarette lighters, stoves, fireplaces and
all places where fire is used.

CITIES OF THE WoRLD: AuSTRALIA, Adelaide, Alice Springs,

Broome Cairns, Cloncurry, Daly Waters, Darwin, Kalgoorlie,
Melbourne, Townsville. CHINA, Shanghai. JAPAN, Yokohama.
KoREA, Pusan, Seoul. MANCHURIA, Mukden. MANILA, Quezon
City. MINDANAO, Davoa. NEw GUINEA, Hollandia, Madang,
Port Moresby. SoviET UNION, Aldan, Okhotak, Tiksi, Verkho­
vansk, Vladivostok, Yakutak. TASMANlA, Hobart.

UNITED STATES m· AMERICA: Colorado, Hawaii, Missouri,

New York.

WoRLD AHAIRS: National matters associated with entertain·

ment and the motion picture industry, theatres, other places
of amusement, the birth rate, speculation, the stock market and
stock exchange, ambassadors from foreign countries, children
and places where children congregate, such as schools and


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Average, compact body,

brownish or fresh complexion, dark hair. Rules abdominal
and umbilical region, duodenum and intestines.

TEMPERAMENT: Intensely active mentally, a Virgo person has

the faculty. for acquiring knowledge. He loves to deal with
facts rather than theories. He inclines to statistics and is often
a walking encyclopedia of information. Being studious, sci­
entific and mentally alert, he is never satisfied until he
knows how desired results may be obtained. His thoughts,
feelings and actions are always motivated by analysis.
A1trological Symbolum 179

Because he is practical and worldly, he can easily assume

objectivity. Therefore, he makes an exceptional confidant.
But do not expect him to solve your problem instantly. His
careful, serious and contemplative approach to everything he
does requires time. If given the necessary time to assimilate
all the factors, his ingenuity allows him to impart helpful
suggestions. He has the inherent ability of placing things in
their proper order.
Dependable, industrious and conscientious, he can be
trusted. He takes orders readily and uses skill and originality
in carrying them out. This, in addition to his best quality of
analysis, makes him exceptionally valuable to executives who
do planning. For that matter, he can discern the many facets
of a proposition and detect its weaknesses and determine how
they can be strengthened.
A Virgo person is severely discriminative. And because he
is constantly analyzing for the purpose of discrimination, he is
inclined to be critical, his worst quality. He is apt to judge
with severity the Haws in other people as well as their plans.
He .should utilize his keen judgment to look for the good
points in people and in things rather than looking for objec­
tionable qualities. This constructive approach will prove more
profitable to him.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with sickness, labor,

servants, co-workers, inferiors, tenants, farmers, small animals,
poultry, foods, army, navy, police, and ceremonial or other
magic performed by the querent.

OccuPATIONs: Accountants, analytical chemists, animal trainers,

appraisers, broadcasting technicians, data processors, dental
hygienists, dental technicians, dietitians, draftsmen, druggists,
dry cleaners, efficiency experts, food checkers, hygienists, indus­
trial hygienists, inspectors, mathematicians, medical steno­
graphers, microbiologists, nurses, osteopaths, pattern makers,
180 Aatrological Symboliam

pharmacists, physical chemists, piano tuners, plasma physicists,

servants, statisticians, technical illustrators, textile . workers,
veterinarians, waiters.

SIGNIFICANT AssoCIATIONS: Number 2. Letter B. Color dark

violet. Tone low B. Gem jasper. Mineral flint stone. Herbs
such as barley, oats, rye, wheat, privet, succory, skullcap, wood­
bine, valerian, millet and endive.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Climate: Cold, moderate rainfall.

Country: moderately elevated. Land: devoted to grass, fields,
orchards, or other crops. City: public works, grocery stores,
produce markets, agencies, restaurants and cafeterias. Home:
pantry, garden, dining room, sick room, sewing basket, sewing
machine, menus, recipe files, the bar, refrigerator, places where
food is kept, and places where pets are kept.

CITIES OF THE WoRLD: AusTRALIA, Brisbane, Newcastle, Rock­

hampton, Sydney, Toowoomba. IsLANDS, Gilbert, Marshall,
New Caledonia, Solomon, Wake. NEw ZEALAND, Auckland,
Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Wellington. SoviET UNION,
Ambarchik, Anadyr, Magadan, Pepropavlovsk, Seymchan.


WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with matters dependent upon the

iiJness of the people of a country or city, their food; laboring
people, their labor and working conditions, employees in
general, including the personnel of the army, navy and police
force, who are employees of the people. Also all civil service
employees, stored grain or other stored products of the land or
mines, the garnered harvest, restaurants, cafeterias, drug stores,
and all places where food and drink are dispensed.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Tall and well formed, clear

complexion, sparkling eyes, hair brown or black. Rules the
A•trological Symbolum 181

lumbar region, kidneys, seed, reproductive fluids, and the in­

ternal generative organs.

TEMPERAMENT: A Libra person has a deep love of justice,

peace and harmony, and is noted for his even temper. He so
dislikes to hurt another's feelings that he can seldom say no.
He should learn that he will be better liked by others in the
long run if he has the character to render firm decisions.
He is not a loner but craves companionship in all of his
activities. He is courteous and kind and deeply craves under­
standing. He finds social relations essential to his happiness
and therefore should not live an isolated life. For this reason,
he has a strong desire to make friends. Due to his insistent
social desires and his sensitive nature, he should choose his
companions carefully. His selection should be based on whether
others lift or lower his mood.
The first impression he gives is one of charm and grace.
Having refinement and dignity, when he is expressing his best
quality of affability, he is quickly welcomed into any group.
He seems poised at all times. But due to his difficulty in
making decisions, he is not as confident as he may appear. This
accounts for his worst quality, a love of flattery. He is so easily
influenced by others that this can lead him into a trap. He can
quickly regain his equilibrium by developing his own judg­
ment rather than depending upon false praise.
Being somewhat changeable, he has a tendency to dabble in
many things and thus scatter his energies. In this age of
specialization, he would be wise to narrow his activities and
not spread himself too thin. In· this manner he will be able to
focus his creative talents to greater accomplishment.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Activities dealing with companionship,

partners, the mate, the public, lawsuits, open enemies, con­
tracts, sweethearts, doctors.

OccuPATIONS: Beauticians, confectioners, cosmeticians, dress-

182 A•trological Symbolum
makers, florists, furriers, haberdashers, interior decorators,
milliners, musicians, painters and decorators, receptionists,
tailors, wig makers.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 3. Letter G. Color light

shades of yellow. Tone high E. Gem diamond. Stones white
quartz, white spar, white marble. Herbs such as white rose,
strawberry, violet, watercress, primrose, balm, pansy, and

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Climate: temperate. Country: high

and dry. Land: rather thickly settled and divided into numer­
ous plots, or where there are towns and villages. City: stores
where wearing apparel, jewelry and finery are sold, show
windows, and all places where attractive things are on display.
Home: clothes closets, bedrooms, balconies, porches, chinaware
and silverware, jewel cases, dressing tables, cosmetics, flowers,
and places where sweets are kept.


Dutch Harbor. IsLANDS, Hawaiian, Midway


WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with matters dependent upon

foreign nations and their attitudes, war and international
affairs, marriage, divorce.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Middle height, thick set,

corpulent, hooked nose, dark hair, ruddy or swarthy complex­
ion. Rules the nose, pelvis of the kidneys, ureters, bladder,
sigmoid flexure, rectum, prostate gland, uterus and the external
generative organs.

TEMPERAMENT: A Scorpio person has a never failing fund of

ideas and resources and an abundant life-giving magnetism.
Aatrological Symboliam 183

This magnetism makes him an excellent natural healer and

often enables him to become a successful surgeon. Having
intense likes and dislikes, whatever he finds to do he does with
all his might.
· At times he appears to be cold; calculating, and unsympa­
thetic, but this manner could be easily misunderstood. He takes
an active interest in people as individuals, studying their
actions to learn what makes one person different from another.
His interest in others may stem from the fact that he has a
complex personality and varied talents himself.
All of his emotions are deep and strong, boiling the moment
an avenue of escape is found. Regardless of how he expresses
his tremendous force, he exerts great pressure upon his en­
vironment. And as people form a part of his realistic atmos­
phere, they could easily become targets when he is crossed.
Then he becomes shrewd, suspicious, jealous and is out to
get even.
Because his best quality is resourcefulness, it comes natural
for him to assume positions of trust and responibility. Due to
his ability to organize ideas and plans, he is never phased by
difficult problems. He can be trusted to grapple with the most
complicated and disagreeable tasks. His probing mind enables
him to work out possibilities for more efficiency.
On his worst side, he becomes troublesome by insisting that
others conduct themselves in what he considers the proper
manner. He should learn that sometimes his success depends
upon his willingness to take second place, and that asking
questions is not an indication of inferiority. He should move
with the world's mental current rather than oppose it.

PERSONAL INTERESTs: Affairs concerned with the partner's

money, the public's money, legacies, real or personal property
while in escrow, insurance, mortgages, plumbing, conditions
surrounding death, psychic influences.

OccUPATIONS: Aerodynamicists, bail bondsmen, bill collectors,

184 .4atrological Symboliam

butchers, claims adjusters. computer programmers, dentists,

detectives, embalmers, funeral directors, gynecologists, infrared
specialists, inorganic chemists, insurance agents, liquor dealers,
locksmiths, market research analysts, medical laboratory techni­
cians, medical x-ray technicians, paleontologists, physicians,
plumbers, psychiatrists, radiobiologists, tax consultants.

SIGNIFICANT AssOCIATIONS: Number 4. Letter D. Color darker

shades of red. Tone low C. Gem Spanish topaz. Stones blood­
stone, vermilion, lodestone. Herbs such as heather, horehound,
bramble, bean, leek, wormwood, woad, charlock, blackthorn.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Climate: damp and sultry. Country:

rather low than high, away from the ocean and in a valley
between hills. Land: where there are bogs, hot springs, quag­
mires, swamps, stagnant water and muddy ground. City: drug
stores, doctors' offices, morgues, slaughter houses, sewers and
cesspools. Home: medicine chest and first-aid kit, bathroom,
the sewer and plumbing.

CITIES OF THE WORLD: ALASKA, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau,

Ketchikan. CALIFORNIA, Chico, Modesto, Monterey, Oakland,
Redding, Sacramento, Salinas, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa
Cruz, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Eureka. CANADA, Aklavik, Dawson,
Dawson Creek, Mackenzie, Prince Rupert, Simpson, Van­
couver, Victoria. IsLAND, Tahiti. OREGON, Coos Bay, Grants
Pass, Klamath Falls, Medford, Portland, Salem. WASHINGTON,
Bellingham, Everett, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma, Yakima.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Montana, Nevada, North Caro­

lina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Washington.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with matters dependent upon the

death rate and the kind of deaths suffered by the people, debts
due from foreign countries, tariffs, taxes, insurance, pensions,
the cabinet of the president or prime minister, chief appointees
of the city mayor or state governor.
.4•trological Symboli.m 185



high forehead, long nose, sanguine complexion, brown hair.
Rules hips, thighs and sciatic nerve.

TEMPERAMENT: The motivation of a Sagittarian springs neither

from complete intellect nor complete emotion. His expression
results from a blending of both. He is never deceived by ap­
pearances and instinctively employs sound judgment. In spite
of his idealistic nature, he is not just a dreamer but one who
has the ability to pull his ideals down to a practical level.
Even though he can both give and take orders, he is a natural
executive. His talents express best in a friendly atmosphere. In
both thought and action, he goes straight to the point, caring
more for effectiveness than elegance. Being aggressive and im­
pulsive, his frank and outspoken nature should be curbed so
that he will not offend others.
Due to his strong intuition, he can_ quickly size up and act
upon opportunities as fast as they present themselves. But when
he is tired or tense, he is apt to make snap judgments and
jump to conclusions. If he does not relieve his high-strung
nature with open-air recreation, he becomes a victim of bursts
of temper and fits of nerves.
Since he is philosophically inclined and enthusiastic in his
approach, he quickly throws off moods of morbid self-examina­
tion. His inherent adaptability, joviality and love of freedom
allows him plenty of opportunity to rise above any depressing
thoughts. His sincerity and kindheartedness lead him to be
charitable to others, and he is quick to fight for their rights.
His best quality is loyalty.
His worst characteristic is sportiveness. When restlessness
takes hold, he abandons his native good judgment and becomes
wanton. Then he is likely to act in a ludicrous, whimsical and
186 A.atrological Symbolum
facetious manner. His sportiveness often prompts him to engage
in undesirable games of chance. Instead, he should find a work
in life that is so interesting to him that it becomes a game in
which success is the hazard.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with the public expres­

sion of opinions, advertising, publishing, dreams, long trips,
philosophy, religion, books, schooling, visions, legal matters.

OccuPATIONS: Advertising men, airline hostesses, airplane

pilots, book publishers, broadcasting engineers, clergymen,
flight engineers, interpreters, lawyers, lecturers, lifeguards,
missile engineers, newspaper editors, philosophers, physical
education instructors, playground directors, Pll blicity directors,
public relations men, radar technicians, radio announcers, ship
radio operators, teachers, telegraph operators, television techni­
cians, travel agents, traveling salesmen.

SIGNIFICANT AssoCIATIONS: Number 7. Letter Z. Color light

purple. Tone high A. Talismanic gem red garnet. Stones mixed
with red and green such as turquoise. Herbs such as mallow,
wood betony, featherfew and agrimony.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Climate: hot, dry. Country: moun­

tain_ous, moderately high. Land: covered with woods. City:
churches, lecture halls, courthouses, lawyers' offices, book
stores, book publishing establishments, and places for meeting
of community welfare workers. Home: upstairs rooms, the
chimney, stables, garage, altars or places of religious activity,
and sports equipment.


Beverly Hills, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa
Barbara. CANADA, Churchill, Port Nelson, Regina, Winnipeg.
CoLORADO, Denver. GuATEMALA, Guatemala City. LouiSIANA,
New Orleans. MExico, Acapulco, Baja California, Chihuahua,
Guadalajara, La Paz, Mexico City, Monterrey, Puebla, Tam­
pico, Vera Cruz. MINNESOTA, Minneapolis, St. Paul. MISSOURI,

Kansas City, St. Louis. NEBRASKA, Omaha. NEVADA, Las Vegas,

Reno. OKLAHOMA, Oklahoma City, Tulsa. TENNESSEE,
Memphis. TEXAS, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston, San
Antonio. UTAH, Salt Lake City.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Alabama, Delaware, Illinois,

Indiana, Mississippi, New jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with national matters dependent

upon interstate and international commerce and traffic, the
navy, foreign shipping, interstate airplane traffic, the law,
lawyers, the supreme court, churches, religion, preachers,
teachers, publishing, advertising, books, lectures, and all
places where opinions are publicly proclaimed.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Slender rather than stout,

thin face, black hair, dark complexion. Rules the region of
the knees.

TEMPERAMENT: The Capricorn person is highly ambitious for

worldly success, wealth and station. Being a good organizer,
he has the faculty for bringing together dissenting factions for
synthesis and economy. He is at his best when given respon­
sibility, and he can shoulder it successfully. Patient and per­
sistent, he employs concentrated effort and skillful maneuvering
to climb all but insurmountable obstacles.
Although humbly submissive to those in power, he per­
sistently strives to gain power himself so that others may bend
the knee to him. Capricorn adapts to every requirement to
gain its end. He is ever alert to take advantage of the weak­
nesses of other people, using them either for his own selfish
gain or for what he thinks is best for society as a whole. Being
extremely practical and frugal, he dislikes waste of any kind,
whether material or mental.
If rou want to capture his attention, plan how you will

approach him. Even though he is a good reasoner, he assimi­

lates slowly. So present your facts one at a time in a detailed
manner. Do not expect him to enthuse over your ideas for his
deliberate and cautious mind needs time to mull over the
A Capricorn person can tell you the quality brand names of
almost any merchandise, direct you to the best places in town
to eat, or describe the latest in elegant attire. Conservative by
nature, he is strongly conditioned by tradition. These influ­
ences form the threads of his personality. He knows how and
when to say the correct thing in order to create the right im­
pression. When he is expressing his higher side, he is a true
diplomat. .
When he is not functioning at his best, he sometimes be­
comes deceitful. In his tendency to use other people as step­
ping-stones to get to the goal he regards as important, he can
easily adopt this trait. He should realize that the greatest ad­
vantage any person can have is integrity of character and devo­
tion to the welfare of others.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with credit, honor,

reputation, rank, trade or profession, business qualifications or
affairs, the boss, superiors or those of unusual power.

OccuPATIONs: Architects,. bricklayers and masons, buyers, car­

penters, ceramic engineers, chiropractors, civil engineers, civil
service workers, cryogenic engineers, economists, FBI agents,
housekeepers, industrial engineers, janitors, laborers, land­
lords, leather workers, mining engineers, nuclear safety engi­
neers, personnel workers, plasterers, public health nutritionists,
purchasing agents, radiation testers, traffic managers, vocational
counselors, watchmen.

SIGNIFICANT AssOCIATIONS: Number 8. Letter H, Ch. Color

dark blue. Tone low G. Talismanic gem onyx, sardonyx and
ash-colored or black minerals such as coal. Herbs such as hen­
bane, nightshade and black poppy.
A.•trological Symbolum 189

ENVIRONMENTAL FAcrORS: Country: well up in rugged moun­

tains, where there are rocks and brush but few large trees.
Climate: cold with considerable snowfall. Land: suitable for
mining, where the soil is poor and weeds and thorns are in
abundance. City: city hall, chamber of commerce and the
business district in general. Home: the office, the attic, the
cellar and all dark places, air conditioning and places where
ice or cold is used.

CITIES OF THE WoRLD: ALABAMA, Birmingham. BouviA, La

Paz, Sucre, Trinidad. BRITISH H oNDURAS, Belize. CANADA,
Goose Bay, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Toronto. CHILE, Pun­
taarenas, Santiago. COLUMBIA, Bogota. CoNNECfiCUT, Bridge­
port, Hartford. CosTA RICA, San Jose. CuBA, Havana. DISTRicr
oF CoLUM BIA, Washington. EcuADOR, Quito. EL SALVADOR, San
Salvadore. FLORIDA, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando,
Palm Beach, Pensacola, Tampa, West Palm Beach. GEORGIA,
Atlanta. HoNDURAS, Tegucigalpa. ILLINOIS, Chicago. INDIANA,
Indianapolis. ISLAND, Bermuda Isles. KENTUCKY, Louisville.
MARYLAND, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS, Boston, Holyoke,
Springfield, Worcester. MICHIGAN, Detroit, Flint, Grand
Rapids. NEw jERSEY, jersey City, Newark. NEw YoRK, Albany.
Brooklyn, Buffalo, New York, Rochester, SyTacuse, Troy.
NICARAGUA, Managua. OHIO, Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland,
Columbus, Dayton, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown. PENNSYL·
VANIA, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh. PERU, Lima. REPUBLIC OF
Nashville. VENEZUELA, Caracas. VIRGINIA, Norfolk, Ports­
mouth, Richmond. WISCONSIN, Milwaukee.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia,

Iowa, New Mexico, Texas, Utah.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with national matters dependent

upon the administration, president, dictator, monarch, gov­
ernor or mayor, the credit and reputation of a nation, its
190 .4atrolosical Symbolism
business and its inftuence in world affairs, also eminent and
famous persons, and those possessing unusual power.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Stout, well set, fair skin,

sanguine complexion, pleasant. Rules the legs below the knees,
and ankles.

TEMPERAMENT: An Aquarian person is progressive and usu­

ally possesses more advanced ideas than his companions. Al­
though he is one of the most impersonal signs, he is usually
pleasant, friendly, and cheerful. He knows just what to say
and do to produce a given effect upon those with whom he is
associated. He can be an interesting conversationalist because
of his interest in education, new discoveries, the latest develop­
ments of science and invention--as well as current events. He
finds it easier to Jearn from hearing others talk than through
the smdy of books.
He functions more on the mental plane rather than on the
emotional. Thus, his unconventional and broad outlook spon­
sor practical activities along creative lines. He is well known
for his interest in the very old or the very new. He has the
ability to blend art and science into meaningful concepts, or
to devise ultra-modern uses for items which hit the junk heap
years ago.
He seeks the society of others because he loves the inter­
change of ideas. Having strong likes and dislikes, he frequently
will take the opposite side of a question merely for the sake of
discussion. Sometimes this leads him to his worst quality­
argumentation. If he carries this attitude too far, he may be
rejected. Then he develops a nervous irritability and expounds
such wild ideas that he invites his own downfall.
When he is in a positive mood, his purposes and aims are
altruistic. This feeling of well-being gives him the urge to
solve all the problems of the world. He is greatly concerned
A.•trological Symbolum 191

with politics and religion and tends to view them from the
standpoint of the welfare of society as a whole. However, his
enthusiasm is apt to be too greatly expended in theoretically
solving the difficulties of mankind rather than in efficient
action. He should learn that wisdom must be accompanied by
practical application if he is to accomplish anything worth

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with hopes, wishes,

friends, counselors, acquaintances, praise, and friendly criti­

OccuPATIONS: Airconditioning technicians, astrobiologists,

astrologers, astronomers, drapery hangers, electrical engineers,
electricians, electronic technicians, electroplaters, furniture
salesmen, inventors, nuclear physicists, psychologists, plastic
workers, scientists. social workers, space physicists, visco­

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONs: Number 9. Letter Th. Color sky

blue. Tone high G. Talismanic gem blue sapphire. Such stones
as obsidian and black pearl. Herbs such as myrrh, frankin­
cense and spikenard.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Country: neither )ow nor high,

thickly settled. including cities. Climate: temperate, but
changeable weather. Land: not rugged, yet with an artistic
view, and chiefly used for human habitation. City: art stores,
furniture stores, electrical lighting systems and places where
automobiles, airplanes and radios are sold and their accessories
obtained. Home: electric meter. electric lights, electrical appli­
ances, radio, r�ception room, stairs, large furniture, stereo,
television. artistic things on the wall, and the car.


Belem, Recife. Rio de Janeiro, Salvadore, Sao Luis, Sao Paulo.
BRITISH GUIANA, Georgetown, Paramaribo. FRENCH GuiANA,
Cayenne. GREENLAND, Godhavn, Godthaab, Julianehaab. NEW·
192 Attrolorical Symbolitm
FOUNDLAND, Gander, St. John's. PARAGUAY, Asuncion. URA­
cuAv, Montevideo.

UNITED STATES oF AMERICA: Arizona, Kansas, Massachusetts,

Michigan, Oregon.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with matters dependent upon the

legislature or parliament, particularly the Congress, the House
of Commons, the aldermen of a city, and ambassadors sent to
foreign countries.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Tending to shortness,

fleshy, pale face, brown or dark. hair, fishy eyes. Rules the feet
and toes.

TEMPERAMENT: Impressionable to his surroundings, a Pisces

person should constantly guard his thoughts, feelings and
actions. Sensitive and psychic, he tunes in on everything in his
environment, good or bad. Because he is inclined to be plastic,
unless he makes an effort to keep tuned to the good, he can
easily be dragged down by the weight of his negative thinking.
He can easily slip into moods of self-pity and think. that all
the world is against him. If he indulges these thoughts too
long, he can quickly exhaust his nervous energy. For this rea­
son, he should be thoroughly interested in and enthusiastic
about what he is doing, especially his choice of work..
No other sign has such extremes of temperament as Pisces.
Aside from his susceptibility toward despondency and his in­
ability to take it on the chin, he is just as easily stimulated to
express the other extreme of the emotional gamut. Then he has
a tendency to babble with enthusiasm and vibrate with
He is generously endowed with many fine inner traits­
refined ideas, lofty characteristics and idealistic thoughts. He
responds best to peace and harmony and cringes in the face of
.4atrological Symbomm 193

an impersonal, aggressive, slam-bang atmosphere. His warmth

and compassion lead to his best quality-sympathy.
He has a tendency to build frustrations when he expresses
his worst quality-worry. Being sensitive to discords and to
the thoughts of others, he is inclined to magnify the import­
ance of slight adversity, or imagine problems that never come
to pass. He should curb his vivid imagination and face reality.
Instead of wasting his energies in worrying about what other
people think of him, he should use them in a creative channel
to express his varied talents. To work effectively, he must cul­
tivate the faculty of finishing everything he starts.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with private enemies,

disappointments, sorrows, psychic influences, magic (either
white or black) performed by another, detective work, prisons,
hospitals, charitable institutions and self injury. Restrictions,
limitations, unseen forces, relation of astral entities.
OccuPATIONs: Bartenders, chemical engineers, dancers, divers,
fishermen, hospital attendants, occultists, oce�nographers, oil­
field workers, organic chemists, photographers, seamen, shoe­
makers, shoe salesmen.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONs: Number 12. Letter L. Color dark

purple. Tone low A. Talismanic gem peridot. Such stones as
sand, gravel, pumice and coral. Herbs such as mosses which
grow in the water, ferns and seaweed.
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Country: moderately low and much
broken, shut in on all sides by hills and cut up by ravines.
Climate: cool, rainy, foggy. Land: around fishponds or through
which large rivers or small, sluggish creeks flow, or near large
lakes, or where there are cool springs of water coming from
the ground. City: hospitals, jails, poorhouses and public
charities. Home: sinks, gas systems, gas appliances, gas meter,
poisons, fishing tackle, and places where shoes are kept.

CITIEs OF THE WoRLD: EIRE, Cork, Dublin. ENGLAND, Birming-

194 A•trological SymboU.m
ham, Brighton, Bristol, Liverpool, London, Manchester,
Northampton, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth,
Sheffield. FRANCE, Bordeau, Nantes. GAMBIA, Bathurst. GHANA,
Accra. GuiNEA, Conakry. IcELAND, Reykjavik. IRELAND, Belfast,
Londonderry. IvoRY CoAST, Abidjan. LIBERIA, Monrovia. MALl,
Bamako. MAURITANIA, Nouakchott. MoRocco, Casablanca.
PoRTUGAL, Lisbon. ScoTLAND, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow,
Newcastle-on-Tyne. SENEGAL, Dakar. SIERRA LEQNE, Freetown.
SPAIN, Cartagena, Grenada, La Coruna, Madrid, Santander,
Sebastian, Seville, Valencia. UPP.ER VoLTA, Ouagadougou.
WALES, Cardiff.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Florida, Maine, Nebraska, Ver­


WoRLD AFFAIRS: Associated with national matters dependent

upon prisons, hospitals, asylums, workhouses, charitable insti­
tutions, relief work, crime, criminals, detectives, secret soci­
eties, spies and the secret enemies of the people.


APPEARANCE AND BODY STRUCTURE: A strong vital body, above

average size, light complexion, dignified manner. Rules the
vitality, spleen, heart, spine, the front pituitary gland, and
part of the thyroid gland.

TEMPERAMENT: The Sun represents the power thought urges

which express as the drive for significance. A Sun-type person
has a great deal of self esteem. He is paternal, considerate,
firm and unbending, proud, conscientious, kindly, gracious,
moderately liberal, and likes to control others. He is also fond
of praise. He really doesn't like to work for others unless he is
given full charge of his department, When he is expressing his
highest potential, his best quality, rulership, comes out when
he is at the head of something. On the other hand, as his
worst quality is dictativeness, he should learn that taking over
.4atrological Symboliam 195

or assuming superiority by himself weakens his authority. If

he is more considerate of the opinions of others and expresses
sympathy with their views, he will get more cooperation.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Those concerned wii:h people in author­

ity, politicians, the government, the vital forces, the male sex,
children and speculation. Actions involving the good will of
those in authority, and in seeking a position or promotion. All
affairs concerning health and vitality.

OccuPATIONS: Biochemists, entertainers, financiers, foremen,

playground directors, politicians, radiation testers, supervisors,
theatre managers, ushers.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 21. Letter B. Color orange.

Tone D. Metal gold. Flower helianthus and gallardia. Reacts
best to light and color.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Gold, politics, persons of authority,

the male sex in general and those who employ others.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: In thought, politics. In business, executive

work and administration. In politics, bosses and the ruling
class or those in power.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Inclines to official positions, civil or politi­

cal, or to deputies appointed by office holders. Predisposes to
become head of something, even if only over a few people,
such as a shop foreman or the head of a small department in
some business.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Tending to shortness and

weight, pale complexion, wide forehead, listless. Rules the
constitutional magnetism, inftuences medulla oblongata and
base of brain, Huidic and lymphatic system, and has inftuence
over the eyes. Action of back pituitary gland, thymus gland,
and the hormones of the alimentary tract.
196 .4atroloBical SymboU.m
TEMPERAMENT: The Moon represents the domestic thought
urges whose nature is best expressed in one word as impres­
sionable. A Moon-type person has a love of notoriety. He en­
joys being before the public or rubbing shoulders with many
people. His best quality is adaptability. However, due to his
changeable, negative, and dreamy nature, he should guard
against the development of his worst quality, inconstancy. He
should recognize the fact that if he desires to become famous
and be adored by the public, he will have to stick to one
endeavor in order to develop exceptional ability. Because he
is inoffensive and lacking in force, he appears to be shy and
timid, but in dealing with him, one should remember his
sensitive nature and approach him accordingly.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Affairs concerned with the common

people, nurses, liquids, groceries, the home, music in general
and women.

OccuPATIONS: Airplane hostesses, bakers, caretakers, cashiers,

cooks, dietitians, dry cleaners, grocers, hospital attendants,
housekeepers, landscapers, laundry workers, merchants, meteor­
ologists, milkmen, nurses, obstetricians, restaurant managers.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 20. Letter R. Color green.

Tone F. Metal silver. Flower lily. Reacts best to hydro-therapy.
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Silver, liquids, commodities, hotels,
the home, food, the common people, the female sex in gen­
eral, and music.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: In thought, the family and home. In business,

groceries and other commodities. In politics, wom�n and the
common people. Tends to affect the masses.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Inclines to everyday business in the retail

trade, to fishing, seamanship, nursing and to serving food. Best
when meeting large numbers of all kinds of people.


APPEARANCE AND BODY STRuCTURE: Lean, nervous, sharp fea­

tures, small eyes and ears, hair brown. Rules the brain and
nervous system, nerve currents, mouth, tongue, �rathyroid
gland activity, and part of front pituitary.

TEMPERAMENT: Mercury represents the intellectual thought

urges so closely tied in with perception and expression. A
Mercury-type person is quick, witty, ingenious, intelligent,
scientific, changeable, persuasive and enterprising. His curious
nature gives him an interest in language, calculation, and the
recognition of size, weight, form and color. He has a bright,
changeable personality and loves to talk. He is at his best
when he can get what he wants by writing, talking or traveling.
His worst quality is restlessness. Therefore, he should recog­
nize that results are not always forthcoming when a speedy
approach is used. He can express his best mentality with proper

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Activities dependent upon writers, stu­

dents, writing, printing, speaking, teaching, contracts, travel
and mental work in general. Those concerned with ftuency
of speech, clear thinking, or an alert mind.

OccuPATIONS: Analytical chemists, animal trainers, bank. tell­

ers, bookbinders, book editors, broadcasting technicians; bus
drivers, cab drivers, canvassers, clerk-typists, computer pro­
grammers, desk clerks, drapery hangers, elevator operators,
food checkers, graphologists, hygienists, IBM operators, in­
spectors, interpreters, lecturers, librarians, mail carriers, mani­
curists, medical stenographers, messengers, navigators, news
boys, newspaper reporters, optometrists, osteopaths, porters,
printers, radio announcers, railroad men, receptionists, secre­
taries, servants, service station attendants, shipping and receiv­
ing clerks, solicitors, stenographers, teachers, telephone opera-
198 .4•trological SymboU.m
tors, ticket agents, travel agents, typesetters, veterinarians,
waiters, weather observers, writers.

SJGNIFJCANT AssociATIONS: Number I. Letter A. Color violet.

Tone B. Metal quick silver. Flower jasmine and honeysuckle.
Mineral the metal mercury. Reacts best to mental treatments

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Books, railroads, periodicals, tele­

phone and telegraph systems, and people who are literary or

WoRLD AFFAIRS: In thought, science. In business, literary

work. In politics, the press. When prominent, shows much
talk, and usually some controversy.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Inclines to talking, wntmg, traveling,

teaching and the constant use of the mind. Clerical work, ac­
counting, postal work, traveling salesman or acting as an agent.
An opportunity to express the mentality.



tending to light complexion, mirthful, affable. Rules the
venous blood, veins, skin, hair, and the action of the thyroid
gland and the gonad glands.

TEMPERAMENT: Venus represents the social thought urges

often expressing as attraction and affection. A Venus-type per­
son is friendly, yielding and submissive, affectionate, easily
given to laughter and companionable. His clinging and recep­
tive nature makes him coy, shy and sensitive. In seeking har­
mony, he is too desirous of pleasing others and tends to follow
the line of least resistance. This leads to his worst quality,
pliancy. To be at his best, he demands companionship. Un­
fitted for a life of solitude, he needs an atmosphere in which
to express his amiability and conviviality.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Activities associated with artists, social

A1trological SymboiUm 199

matters, friendship, love, marriage, singing, dancing, an,


OccuPATIONS: Beauticians, ceramic engineers, commercial art­

ists, confectioners, dressmakers, florists, furriers, haberdashers,
interior decorators, jewelers, milliners, occupational therapists,
package designers, painters and decorators, receptionists,
singers, textile workers, wig makers.

SIGNIFICANT ASSOCIATIONS: Number 6. Letters U, V, W. Color

yellow. Tone E. Metal copper. Flower rose. Responds best to
rest and relaxation.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Flowers, art of all kinds, wearing

apparel, fancy goods, confections, pastry, toilet articles, jewelry,

WoRLD An-AIRS: In thought, the artistic and beautiful. In

business, art. In politics, the s<H:alled social element. Trend
is to events affecting women.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Avoids hard work, and depends upon af­

fability, grace of manners and good taste to get by. More in­
terested in pleasure than the practical aspect.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Wiry, robust body, strong

muscles, ruddy complexion, hair with reddish tinge. Rules the
muscular system, red corpuscles, gonad glands, and secretion of
adrenalin and cortin by the adrenal glands.

TEMPERAMENT: Mars represents the aggressive thought urges

which express as the drive for reproduction. A Mars-type per­
son is not timid and knows no fear. He is sharp of tongue,
impulsive, headstrong, and assertive. Because he must h�ve an
outlet for his abundant energy, his thoughtlessness could lead
him into destructive activities. To prevent the expression of
200 A.•trologkal SymboU..m
his wont quality, harshness, he should realize that greater per­
sonal satisfaction will come to him when he uses his creative
energy to build rather than to tear down. He likes his freedom,
and he likes to fight. To best express his highest quality of
initiative, he should fight for some cause that will help man­

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Activities associated with doctors, sur­

geons, mechanics, soldiers, warfare, machinery, the use of
steel and iron, and building and manufacturing in general.

OccuPATIONS: Athletes, automobile mechanics, barbers, bill

collectors, business machine repairmen, butchers, diamond
cutten, divers, electroplaters, firemen, ftight engineers, gyne­
cologists, iron workers, lifeguards, liquor dealers, locksmiths,
manufacturers, masseurs, mechanical engineers, 1_11edical
laboratory technicians, missile engineers, office machine oper­
ators, physical education instructors, physical therapists, physi­
cians, physiotherapists, propulsion technicians, sales agents,
sheetmetal workers, soldiers, stationary engineers, surgeons,
tool and die makers, tool designers, welders.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 16. Letter 0. Color red.

Tone C. Metal iron. Flower hollyhock. Mineral iron. Reacts
best to thermo-therapeutics.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Steel, machinery of all kinds, imple­

ments of construction and destruction, intoxicating drink, and
among people, cooks, soldiers.

WoRLD AFFAn:s: In thought, mechanics. In business, manu­

facturing and the military profession. In politics, militarism.
Tends to strife, violence and accidents.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Aggressive, either destructive or construc­

tive. Takes to all mechanical work, to war, to surgery. Needs
outlet for abundant energy.



sanguine or fair complexion, jovial, with much self-esteem.
Rules the arterial system, liver, fats and glycogen, and the
manufacture and secretion of insulin by the pancreas gland.

TEMPERAMENT: Jupiter represents the religious thought urges

which underlie generosity, warmth, and expansion. A Jupiter­
type person expresses benevolence, good cheer, honesty and
discrimination. He gains his ends through patronage and
favor. His radiant, jovial personality chafes under restraint.
Outgoing and broadminded, he gravitates easily to the profes­
sions, where he usually expresses his best quality, benevolence.
Having a good opinion of himself, he should hold an objective
evaluation or this opinion may carry him into his worst qual­
ity of conceit. True charity demands that he give others due

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Activities dependent upon clergymen and

professional work, legal matters, judges, charities, banking and
bankers, publishing, religion and philosophy, finances, people
of wealth, good wifl, salesmanship, patronage, merchandise and
general good luck.

OccuPATIONS: Advertising men, bail bondsmen, book pub­

lishers, clergymen, funeral directors, furniture salesmen, law­
yers, philosophers, publicity directors, public relations men,
shoe salesmen, stock brokers, traveling salesmen.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONs: Number 5. Letter E. Color purple.

Tone A. Metal tin. Flower dahlia. Reacts best to proper diet.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Judges, clergymen, bankers, profes­

sional men of all kinds, merchandise and persons of wealth.
202 ,..f.trological Symbolum

WoRLD AFFAIRS: In thought, religion and philosopqy. In busi­

ness, finance and commerce. In politics, capitalism. Trend is
toward expansion, expenditures and higher prices.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Inclines toward professions and things

which appeal to the wealthy. Good salesmen. Noted for good
fellowship and a genial personality.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Large bones, looks raw­

boned even when not tall, serious, grave. Rules the spleen,
bones, ligaments, teeth, mineral salts of the body, one hormone
of the front pituitary gland, and action of adrenal glands.

TEMPERAMENT: Saturn represents the safety thought urges

which express as the desire for security. A Saturn-type person
is practical and concrete, collecting and hoarding the treasures
of earth and the treasures of the mind. But things do not come
to him easily. He works hard for all he gets. And whatever
good comes from his influence is the result of carefully laid
plans, plodding effort, subtlety, craft, and cunning. In his
approach, he prefers not to take the initiative, but prefers to
remain behind the scenes using innuendo rather than force.
Due to his natural tendency to be reserved, fearful and melan­
choly, his worst trait is selfishness. He can prevent these moods
by expressing his best quality of system. He can replace his
timid and retiring traits by practicing efficiency, economy and
organization, a few of his better traits.

PERSONAL INTERESTs: Activities associated with miners, farmers.

common laborers, hard work, business in general, especially
buying, mining, real estate, elderly people, agriculture and
secret and hidden things.

OccuPATIONS: Aerodynamicists, accountants, appraisers, archi­

tects, baby sitters, bankers, bookkeepers, bricklayers and
A1trological SymboU.m 20S

masons, buyers, cabinet makers, carpenters, carpet layers, car·

toonists, chiropractors, civil engineers, civil service workers,
claims adjusters, cryogenic engineers, custodians, data pro­
cessers, dental hygienists, dental technicians, dentists, draftsmen,
economists, efficiency experts, farmers, foresten, gardeners,
geologists, guards, historians, industrial engineers, industrial
hygienists, inorganic chemists, insurance agents, janitors,
laborers, landlords, leather workers, mathematicians, medical
record librarians, microbiologists, mining engineers, _news·
paper editors, paleontologists, pattern makers, personnel
workers, physical chemists, piano tuners, plasterers, proof·
readers, shoemakers, statisticians, surveyors, tailors, taX consult·
ants, type setters, upholsterers, vocational counselors, watchmen. ·

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 15. Letter X. Color blue.

Tone G. Metal lead. Flower statice. Reacts best to naturopathy.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Basic utilities, such as minerals,

hay, grain, coal and building materials. Mines, real estate, the

WoRLD AFFAIRS: In thought, orthodoxy. In business, land and

basic utilities. In politics, conservatism, the fanner, and the
miner. Tends to influence labor and tends toward contraction,
economy, loss and lower prices.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Depends upon foresight, system, economy,

management and persistent labor. Inclines to sedentary work
and to laborious work. Not a good direct<ontact salesman, but
can buy to advantage--a shrewd trader.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Tall, slender, angular,

brilliant eyes, erratic, argumentative. Rules the action of para·
thyroid gland and one hormone of the front pituitary gland;
and the nervous system and nerve control, as it is associated
.4•trological SymbolUm
with the potential and vibratory rate of the electrical energies
generated by the nerves.

TEMPERAMENT: Uranus represents the individualistic thought

urges often expressing as originality and independence. The
Uranus-type person is inventive, often acts on impulse, and
has a dynamic personal magnetism. Sometimes he appears to
take a radical viewpoint, because his ideas are far ahead of the
times. This progressive attitude leads to great enthusiasm when
ideas of reformation come up. If carried too far, he expresses
his worst quality, eccentricity. He should learn that moderate
views are more apt to impress others with sanity of essential
reform. If he controls his abrupt and erratic tendencies with
the expression of his best quality of originality, his penetrative
mind and intuitive faculties, coupled with his scientific bent,
he will be able to come up with modern and useful concepts.

PERSONAL I NTERESTs: Activities dependent upon lawyers, as­

trologers, unusual methods in business, astrology, occultism,
invention, electricity and ingenious mechanisms, automobiles,
radical ideas, exposures, reforms, and agitation.

OccuPATIONs: Air conditioning technicians, astrologers, as­

tronomers, electrical engineers, electricians, electronic techni­
cians, inventors, metallurgical engineers, nuclear physicists,
psychologists, plastics workers, psychiatrists, scientists, tech­
nical writers, telephone repairmen, visco-elasticians.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONS: Number 10. Letters I, J, Y. Color

dauling white. Tone astral chimes. Flower clover and oxalis.
Reacts best to electricity and mesmerism.

ENVIRONMENTAL FAcToRs: Inventions, automobiles, late

mechanical devices, orators, lawyers, electricians, astrology,

WoRLD AFFAIRS : In thought, the occult and ultra-progressive.

In politics, the radical element. In business, invention and
A•trological Symbolum 205

unusual methods. Trend is toward radical activities and


PERSONAL ABILITY: Original, inventive, tends to the uncom­

mon. Has power to influence others through magnetism.
Needs an outlet for unusual ingenuity.


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Tendency to weight, oval

features, large dreamy eyes, pleasant appearing. Rules part of
the parathyroid glands, the hormone of the pineal gland and

TEMPERAMENT: Neptune represents the utopian thought urges

behind fantasy, idealism, and mediumistic qualities. The
Neptune-type person is impressionable, being of a magnetic,
.psychic nature. He is dreamy and often believes in hopes that
are seldom realized because his idealistic visions do not .fit the
mold of physical reality. A promoter of worldly schemes to
gain wealth without work, his is subtle, theoretical and fanci­
ful. Because he abhors critical analysis1 he often becomes
vague, his worst quality. So what he needs to build into his
character is system and discipline. The only way in which his
wonderful ideas can benefit himself and others is if his ideas
can be put into practical use. In the social area, he could find
himself involved in romantic attachments and platonic friend­
ships: His attractive manner is mild and pleasant.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Activities dependent upon actors, psychics,

feeling ESP, promotions, involuntary serv�tude, stock com­
panies, utopian ideas, dramatic expression in all mediums,
aviation, submarines, gas, oil, drugs, and poisons,

OccuPATIONs : Actors, airplane pilots, artists, bartenders, chemi­

cal engineers, cosmeticians, dancers, druggists, fashion de­
signers, fishennen, ind trial designers, makeup artists, market
206 A•trological SymboU.m
research analysts, musicians, oceanographers, occultists, oil­
field workers, photoengravers, photographers, seamen, thermo­

SIGNIFICANT AssoCIATION S: Number 1 1. Letters C, K. Color

changing iridescence. Tone music of the spheres. Metal
neptunium. Flower arctotis. Reacts best to spiritual healing.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Oil, gas, drugs, the drama, moving

pictures, aviation, mediums, mystics, psychic · people, and
schemes requiring incorporation or the profit-sharing of a
number of people.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: In thought, the mystical and psychic. I n

business, promotion and stock companies. I n politics, the ideal.
Tends to events affecting aviation and the moving picture

PERSONAL ABILITY: Visionary and dislikes physical work, but

has the power to impart to others enthusiasm for his plans.
Makes a good promoter, one who carries out psychic work of
some nature, or who practices some progressive method of


APPEARANCE AND BoDY STRUCTURE: Average height, strong

muscular body, deliberate but dynamic personality capable of
expressing much force.

TEMPERAMENT: Pluto represents the universal welfare thought

urges which are the motivating factors behind cooperation or
coercion. Consciously or unconsciously, the Pluto-type person
easily tunes in on the thoughts of others and impressions from
the inner planes. This gives him an unusually wide source of
information. When he expresses his lower nature, his resource­
fulness and energy is turned against society. This explains his
worst quality of inversion. It is then when he unites with others
to spread subtle lies and prey upon humanity. In this mood he
.4atrological Symboliam 207

becomes drastic and violent. However, his best quality is

spirituality, and when he is expressing it, he then relates to
cooperative group effort of an aggressive nature that contri­
butes to mankind as a whole.

PERSONAL INTERF.STS: Concerned with people of great spiritual

attainment, intellectual ESP, dictators, gangsters, spirituality,
inversion, kidnapping, the inside of things, the inner plane
and inner-plane activities, coercion, radio, television, groups,
cooperation, group activities of all kinds.

OccuPATIONS: Astrobiologists, broadcasting engineers, detec­

tives, embalmers, FBI agents, infra-red specialists, medical x-ray
technicians, nuclear safety engineers, plasma physicists,
plumbers, policemen, public health nutritionists, radio opera­
tors, radar technicians, radiobiologists, ship radio operators,
social workers, space physicists, telegraph operators, television
technicians, traffic managers.

SIGNIFICANT AssociATIONs: Number 22: Letter T. Color black,

ultra-violet and infra-red. Tone spirit choir. Metal plutonium
or soil of the earth. Flower pitcher plant. Reacts best to
stellar healing.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACToRs: Television, the wireless transmission

of messages or power, intra-atomic and cosmic sources of
energy, the national planning, gangsters, kidnapping and com­
pulsory codes for the benefit of the people as a whole.

WoRLD AFFAIRS: In thought, spirituality or inversion and the

influence of invisible intelligences. In business, group activity,
either for selfish advantage of the group or for universal good.
In politics, compulsory cooperation. Tends to bring events in
which drastic action and cooperation of some kind play a part.

PERSONAL ABILITY: Requires close cooperation of a number

of people, the regimentation of public opinion, cunning
methods but can resort to force; uses latest discoveries and in­
ventions to carry out a purpose.
These mysterious cards, when spread as this
book directs, are reputed to have strange and
wonderful powers. Two of the world's foremost
teachers of astrological-occult subjects show by
means of clear, easy-to-follow directions how to
interpret fate and the future through the all-seeing
eyes of the tarot cards.

ISBN 0-06- 463481-7


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