Assignment 2-1
Assignment 2-1
Assignment 2-1
The main topics for this problem set are representation of signals and systems
in the frequency domain, and the sampling theorem. Relevant chapters from
the text book are 4.2.3, 6.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1.1, 5.1.4, and 5.4.1. You will need
headphones for Problem 4. The maximum score for each problem is given in
Problem 1 (3 points)
X(ω) = 2 + 2 cos ω
and sketch it for M=10 and ω ∈ [−π, π] (you may use Matlab).
(c) Explain why the signals x(n) and y(n) have real valued spectra.
be the periodic extension of x(n). Assume that N is greater than the
length of the signal, i.e. N > 3.
Sketch the signal z(n).
Find the Fourier series coefficients {ck } of z(n).
Sketch {ck } as a function of ω = 2π k
N ∈ [−π, π] for N = 10.
(e) Compare the spectra of x(n) and z(n), i.e. X(ω) and {ck }. What is the
relationship between the spectra?
Let x(n) be a signal with the Fourier transform X(w). Find the fourier
tranforms of the following signals:
Problem 3 (3 points)
Two systems (from Problem Set 1) are given by the following difference
(b) Find the magnitude and phase responses of the two systems. Are they
even or odd functions?
(c) Use Matlab (the functions freqz, abs and angle) to find and plot the
magnitude and phase responses of the systems.
Problem 4 (2 points)
xa (t) = cos(2000πt).
(a) Two time-discrete signals, x1 (n) and x2 (n), are generated by sampling
the signal xa (n) using the sampling frequencies Fs = 4000Hz and
Fs = 1500Hz, respectively.
Sketch the spectra of the two sampled signals, X1 (f ) and X2 (f ), for
f ∈ [− 21 , 12 ].