Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) Principles: Oil Storage Vapor Pressure
Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) Principles: Oil Storage Vapor Pressure
Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) Principles: Oil Storage Vapor Pressure
Vapor recovery units are designed to Vapor tight tanks have specialized
recover hydrocarbon vapors which for equipment, e.g. thief hatches, vent valves,
years were allowed to escape from etc. which maintain a positive pressure in
storage tanks. These vapors were thought the tank and keep evaporation to a
to be insignificant in terms of company minimum.
revenue and unimportant as a source of
pollution. As a result of common
production practices, these_vapors were
lost to the atmosphere. However, with the
installation of vapor recovery units, both
your company and your community
benefit. The value to your company lies
primarily in increased revenue, and to your
community in cleaner air to breathe.
Oil Storage
Vapor Pressure
The first efforts at oil storage, which
included open pits and barrels, were As previously stated, part of the crude oil
unsuccessful because of excessive vaporizes and fills the space between the
evaporation of the oil. Steel tanks were top of the oil and the tank top. As
better, but they still allowed significant temperature changes, pressure of the
evaporation. Covering the tank helped, but vapor also changes. The warmer the crude
evaporation continued to be a major oil, the more it vaporizes, and the greater
problem until vapor tight tanks were used. the pressure. As the vapor cools, it
condenses and pressure inside the tank will occur due to implosion or collapse
decreases. Even though pressure changes caused from pulling a vacuum on the tank.
are generally small, they can increase to a
point which makes venting necessary. Vapor Recovery Unit
Within a tank battery (two or more tanks Vapor recovery units (VRU’s) are designed
together) if vapor pressure is high in one to recover vapors which ordinarily would
tank, vapor moves to another tank with be lost to the atmosphere. Vapor recovery
less pressure through an equalizing line. units are installed when they are required
by federal regulation or when it is
determined that the quantity and vapors of
the lost vapors warrant the expense of a
VRU. These units are designed to comply
with Environmental Protection Agency
(ERA) standards regarding emission of
pollutants to the atmosphere.
Rotary Compressors :
Suction Scrubber
Reciprocating Compressors :
Vapors enter the VRU through the suction
scrubber. It is here that any liquids, which Reciprocating compressors are generally
may have condensed in the gas vent line, used for single-stage compression up to
will settle out and collect in the bottom. If discharge pressures of 75 psig. When
liquids are allowed to enter the discharge pressures in excess of 125 psig
compressor damage could result from the are needed, multi-stage reciprocating
liquids diluting compressor lubricant, compressors are used.
causing unnecessary wear to compressor
When dual-stage compressors are used, a
Liquid Transfer Pump second scrubber is installed to remove any
liquids from the vapor which may have
When liquid level reaches a set point in the condensed as a result of first-stage
scrubber, a liquid level controller starts the compression. This liquid removal is done
liquid transfer pump. This pump transfers to prevent liquid slugs from entering the
liquid through the outlet line on the side of second stage of compression which could
the scrubber back to stock tanks. While damage the compressor.
liquids return to the stock tanks,
hydrocarbon vapors at the top of the
scrubber are discharged to the
compressor. The vapors are compressed
so they can be injected into the gas
gathering system.
Compressor and Vapor order:
Cooling. - maintain proper coolant level
In a VRU there may be more than one - keep hoses and seals in good condition
cooling system: one to cool the
compressor and one to cool the
- add antifreeze in cold weather
compressed vapors.
On reciprocating compressors, heat from
- use corrosion inhibitor
the compressor cylinder is dispersed to
cooling fins on the compressor housing
where heat is spread out over a larger - keep free of rust and dirt
surface area cooling the compressor and
preventing damage to the compressor. - keep free of any salt or scale forming
The larger the surface area, the more heat minerals.
will transfer over time. Fins must be kept
clean in order to effectively transfer heat
and keep the compressor from over
On rotary compressors, heat from the
compressor is transferred by water to a
cooling system which resembles an
automobile radiator. Hot water enters a
cooling coil in the radiator where heat is
passed through the coil wall to attached
cooling fins. Fins on the coil increase
_the;surface area as they do on the
compressor. In order to increase the flow
of air over the fins, a fan can be utilized.
maintain vapor pressure at a level which
keeps the compressor running until
pressure inside the stock tanks can
Pressure inside stock tanks is usually
measured in inches of water. The
compressor starts when vapor pressure
increases to a predetermined set point,
usually two inches of water.