Pele de Cação
Pele de Cação
Pele de Cação
The effect of temperature on extrusion rheometry of single site metallocene-catalyzed polyethylenes and polyethylene copolymers is
investigated. Samples of molecular weight, Mw ; ranging from 90,000 to 330,000 and short-chain branching degree (SCB) from 0 to 21.2
CH3/1000C, as well as samples with a small amount of long-chain branching, are analyzed. It is observed that all the samples display a low
temperature region, limited by induced crystallization and gross melt fracture, in which smooth extrudates are produced at shear rates similar
to those of industrial extrusion. A characteristic temperature of this region, Ts ; is defined as the highest temperature at which sharkskin
disappears. Clear symptoms of non-slip conditions at the capillary wall, are detected in this low temperature region. We assume that the
necessary slip – stick conditions to produce sharkskin, would only be produced at shear rates above those involved in gross melt fracture. The
analysis of the effect of the molecular parameters, leads to the conclusion that only SCB has a direct effect on Ts : A linear correlation between
Ts and SCB level is established, showing the decrease of the former as the latter is increased. Considering the wide spectrum of the molecular
characteristics of our samples, we claim that decreasing temperature is a sound route to postpone sharkskin of any polyethylene.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Metallocene polyethylene; Sharkskin instability; Short-chain branching
Fig. 1. Vanishing of severe sharkskin instability observed at T ¼ 175 8C for sample mPE6 (Table 1), as temperature is increased or decreased.
metallocene-catalyzed LLDPE with hexene as the comono- weights, ranging from Mw ¼ 92; 000 to Mw ¼ 335; 000;
mer (melting temperature, Tm ¼ 91 8C), over a wide range of different degree of SCB, ranging from SCB ¼ 0 CH3/1000C
temperatures. Interestingly enough, they find that unstable to SCB ¼ 21.2 CH3/1000C and polydispersity index of
spurt flow is avoided and a remarkable improvement on the approximately Mw =Mn ¼ 2:
extrudate appearance is obtained at a much lower temperature, Molecular weight distribution curves were determined
112–116 8C, than the aforementioned cases. The results with a Waters 150 gel permeation chromatograph, coupled
obtained with LLDPE, as well as the shift of the minimum in with differential refractive index and a 150R model
extrusion pressure to a lower temperature ðT ¼ 145 8CÞ viscosimeter detector.
observed by Waddon and Keller [2] for moderately branched A Brucker DPX-300 NMR Spectrometer operating at
PE, indicate that there is a certain effect of the molecular 75 MHz was used to measure the level of short chain
architecture on the phenomenon. branching.
In recent years, we have been working with a large series A Perking – Elmer Differential Scanning Calorimeter
of well characterized single-site metallocene-catalyzed (DSC-7) was used to determine the melting point of the
polyethylenes and polyethylene copolymers. We have samples at a heating rate of 5 8C/min.
analyzed systematically the effect of temperature on
extrusion rheometry results, arriving at the conclusion that
all the samples display a low temperature region for smooth 2.2. Rheological measurements
extrudability, whatever their molecular parameters are. In
this paper representative results are presented, analyzing the
effect of molecular weight, short-chain branching degree Capillary extrusion experiments were performed in a
(SCB) and small amounts of long-chain branching (LCB), Göttfert Rheograph 2002 rheometer using a flat entry
on the temperature range of this region. capillary tungsten die of 1 mm diameter and a L=D ratio of
The surface of the sharkskin distorted extrudates was
2. Experimental part analyze by scanning electron microscopy with a Hitachi
2100 microscope.
2.1. Materials The viscoelastic functions were determined in a ARES
Rheometric Scientific rheometer operating in the oscillatory
The materials under study are metallocene-catalyzed shear mode, using parallel plates geometry with d ¼ 25 mm;
polyethylenes and copolymers of different molecular in the frequency range from 1022 to 10 Hz.
Table 1
Limit temperature for smooth extrudate, Ts ; (see text) of four completely linear polyethylenes (SCB ¼ 0 CH3/1000C) of different molecular weight Mw ; and
two polyethylene copolymers of practically the same SCB level and different molecular weight
Fig. 3. The evolution of shear stress and extrudate surface characteristics with time, at different temperatures and shear rates for sample mPE3 (Table 2): (a)
T ¼ 130 8C; (b) T ¼ 140 8C; (c) T ¼ 150 8C and (d) T ¼ 160 8C:
smooth, good quality, extrudates at low temperatures. This such a noticeable pressure decrease when smooth extrudates
clearly opens a route to facilitate the extrusion of are obtained in the low temperature region.
metallocene-catalyzed polyethylenes that are known to The upper border of the smooth zone of low temperatures
present flow instabilities at very low shear rates. The results which extends to high shear rates (Fig. 4) is marked by Ts ;
outlined in our surface morphology maps, show evident the highest temperature at which sharkskin disappears. This
similarities with low temperature anomalies found in analysis can also be considered from the point of view of the
conventional polyethylenes, such as the aforementioned effect of temperature on the critical shear stress value, ss ;
temperature window of extrudability of Keller et al. [2 – 9] for the inception of sharkskin, which in our case implies the
and the stable island (where the extrudates become smooth) compilation of the shear stress values following the smooth/
discovered by Pudjijanto and Denn. Contrary to our results sharkskin border of surface maps (Fig. 4). A plot of ss
of Fig. 4, the alleged stable island lies exclusively inside the versus temperature is given for one of the samples in Fig. 5,
slip –stick region, neither limiting with crystallization nor which also includes ss =T versus T plots to analyze the
with melt fracture. On the other hand, ‘window’ experi- linearity of the dependence. The variation is linear
ments would correspond to an ascending vertical line ( ss =T ¼ constant) only in the range 160 – 190 8C. A
(increasing temperature at an apparent constant shear rate) minimum is denoted at 145 8C, giving rise to an asymptotic
which, starting from the smooth region, crosses it and increase in both ss and ss =T as the temperature is decreased
reaches slip – stick and sharkskin regions. In the analysis from 145 to 118 8C. The asymptote of ss drawn in the
carried out by Keller et al., the applied pressure falls figure, marks the highest temperature (of the low tempera-
substantially at a certain temperature. A pressure drop is ture region) at which sharkskin is not detected, designed as
also noticed in the stable island of Pudjijanto and Denn. Ts ; also defined in Fig. 4. It is seen that at a temperature of
However, in the set of experiments performed with our 117 8C, which corresponds to Ts defined in both Figs. 4(b)
metallocene-catalyzed polyethylenes, we have not found and 5, the progressive increase of shear stress does not lead
A. Santamarı́a et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 2473–2480 2477
sC ¼ nKT=D ð2Þ
Fig. 6. Correlation between the highest temperature at which sharkskin Fig. 7. Variation of Ts as SCB level is increased. The molecular parameters
disappears, Ts ; and melting temperature, Tm : Symbol O represents the result of the samples are given in Table 2.
of a commercial metallocene catalyzed LLDPE, taken from reference [12].
The molecular parameters of the samples are given in Table 2.
window’, have been reported for high molecular weight
guess is that stretching at the exit (which combined with (2.5 £ 105 –106) and polydisperse conventional polyethyl-
adhesion conditions at the wall gives rise to sharkskin) may enes. Within the framework of the explanation offered for the
promote local crystallization at these low temperatures. In temperature window, Waddon and Keller interpret the effect
any case, the evolution of the shear stress for inception of of SCB in terms of the –CH3 groups lowering the temperature
sharkskin, ss ; with temperature, indicates that adhesion is for a mobile hexagonal mesophase.
enhanced at low temperatures. In the range of smooth stable The effect of short chain branching on Ts is depicted in
extrudates, between Ts and crystallization temperature, the Table 2, where samples of very similar molecular weight
extrudate swell of the samples increases with shear rate and and polydispersity, but different levels of SCB, are
lies typically within the range from 1.2 and 1.4: this is a considered. Since it is known that chain defects, in the
symptom of non-slip conditions at the capillary wall. form of alkyl branches, lower the melting temperature [18],
Therefore, according to the results of Figs. 4 and 5, the in Table 2 we have also included melting values, Tm ; as
necessary slip – stick conditions to produce sharkskin, would determined by DSC. The correlation between the melting
only be produced at shear rates above those involved in temperature and the highest temperature (of the low
gross melt fracture. To the best of our knowledge, such temperature range) at which sharkskin disappears, Ts ; is
behavior has never been reported in the literature. Only the shown in Fig. 6. Also shown in this figure is the equivalent
result reported by Ramamurthy for highly branched LDPE of Ts (defined in this case as the lowest temperature for total
[17] resembles in some sense to our finding: this author elimination of surface defects) of a commercial metallocene
observes that the shear rate for the onset of gross melt catalyzed LLDPE, taken from Pérez et al. The very
fracture is extremely close to that of sharkskin. significant decrease of Ts as the SCB level is increased,
can be observed in Fig. 7, which also shows the similar
effect of short branches on Tm : Unfortunately, the result of
3.2. Effect of molecular architecture on Ts the LLDPE used by Pérez et al., shown in Table 2 and Fig. 6
can not be plotted in this figure, because its degree of
The following molecular parameters of all the samples branching is not known. The correlation between Ts and
studied in this work, are considered: weight average SCB level is given by the equation:
molecular weight, Mw ; which ranges from 92,000 to
Ts ¼ 164 2 2:2 SCBðCH3 =1000CÞ ð3Þ
335,000; polydispersity index, Mw =Mn (where Mn is the
number average molecular weight), always close to 2; and This equation provides a clear guide to find the temperature
short chain branching level, SCB, which ranges from 0 to at which smooth extrudates can be obtained, on the basis of
21.2 CH3/1000C. The presence of small amounts (typically the level of short branches, that is to say the presence of
less than one branch per molecule) of long chain branches is hexane comonomer units.
also considered. Our experimental results cover all the singular
Our results show that there is no effect of the molecular temperatures reported in the literature for smooth extrud-
weight on Ts ; over the range of Mw investigated. As can be seen ability: temperature window of extrudability; stable island
in Table 1, for the same or similar SCB level, the same value of of Pudjijanto and Denn and the ‘easy flow’ of Pérez et al.
Ts is observed for different molecular weights. It is also noticed The window effect has been extensively investigated by
that Ts decreases when short branches are incorporated in the Keller et al. from 1990 to 1996, but with a reduced number
chain. A substantial effect of SCB [2,5,6], and a practically of linear, polydisperse, polyethylene samples of Mw ranging
insignificant effect of molecular weight [5,6], on the from 130,000 to 1,000,000 and one PE with a methyl branch
temperature location of pressure minimum of the ‘extrusion density of 4.9 CH3/1000 carbons. The specific temperatures,
A. Santamarı́a et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 2473–2480 2479
defined for these polymers at the minimum in the pressure – properties are particularly remarkable at low frequencies and
temperature trace, are T ¼ 150 to 152 8C for linear PE s and shear rates [20], but classical methods such as size exclusion
T ¼ 145 8C for the short branched polymer. These data fit chromatography (SEC) and NMR are not useful to evaluate
well with our Ts values, as can be seen in Tables 1 and 2. On this low level of LCB [21,22]. Therefore, in the case of
the other hand, the stable island, where the extrudates metallocene-catalyzed PEs, one is often obliged to refer to
become smooth, in the slip – stick region of a LLDPE of samples ‘suspected of possessing small amounts of LCB’.
Mw ¼ 114; 000; lies between T ¼ 139 and 146 8C. These This is shown in Fig. 8, where two samples of very similar Mw ;
critical temperatures are lower than those reported by Keller polydispersity index and SCB, give, however, completely
et al., which is consistent with the high SCB level of the different dynamic viscoelastic results. The extremely high
LLDPEs. The result shown by Pudjijanto and Denn is viscosities at low frequencies, observed for one of the samples,
compatible with the effect of the SCB on Ts ; shown in Fig. 7. denotes that repetition is delayed [23]. This is considered a
This sensitivity of the transition temperature to changes in symptom of the presence of a very small amount of LCB. In
the level of SCB, also explains the smooth extrudability Table 3 three samples of unknown LCB level are presented,
found by Pérez González et al. for a metallocene LLDPE at together with two samples of low LCB, as determined by SEC.
a very low temperature, T ¼ 116 8C: This result has been A copolymer of ethylene and propylene produced by
discussed earlier, together with the results of Fig. 6. Brookhart’s type single-site catalysts, with a dynamic visco-
In comparison with Ziegler–Natta catalysts, single-site elastic response reflecting extremely long relaxation times
metallocenes produce a better control of molecular architec- [24], is also included in Table 3. In spite of the complex
ture, leading to narrower molecular weight and short chain architecture attributable to these samples, smooth extrudates
branch distribution. However, the production of small can be obtained by decreasing the temperature to the Ts values
amounts of LCB (0.1 to 1 long branch per molecule) during indicated in Table 3. This is particularly relevant in the case of
the metallocene-catalyzed polymerization process is difficult Brookhart’s type copolymer, which has been shown to exhibit
to control, because it depends on several factors such as sharkskin and the hydrodynamic phenomenon known as
the polymer and monomer concentrations, temperature, ‘flow-split’ [24], at high temperatures and very low shear rates.
comonomer, hydrogen concentration, etc. [19]. The effects Since these samples posses a well defined degree of SCB, in
that small amounts of LCB produce on the rheological Fig. 9 the Ts results as compared with those obtained with
Table 3
Ts data of slightly long chain branched samples. Different molecular weights and SCB are considered. Sample BPE is a copolymer of ethylene and propylene
produced by Brookhart’s type single-site catalysts
mPE11 129,900 2.62 9.98 145– 150
mPE12 211,866 3.14 4.26 160
BPE 335,000 2.3 7.4 – 150
mPE13 108,000 2.16 7.27 0.137 145
MPE14 92,600 2.24 6.06 0.132 145
Samples suspected of containing small amounts of LCB.
2480 A. Santamarı́a et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 2473–2480
Eq. (2) are shown. Although clear deviations are noticeable, it studied, we claim that decreasing temperature is a sound route
is seen that the influence of SCB on Ts is also followed by these to postpone processing instabilities of any polyethylene.
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