This document contains an internal test for a course on Industrial Management and Engineering Economics. The test has two parts: Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each on topics related to management concepts and principles. Part B contains 3 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, requiring explanations and illustrations on annual equivalent method, Taylor's scientific principle of management, and different types of organization. The test is worth a total of 50 marks and is administered by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
This document contains an internal test for a course on Industrial Management and Engineering Economics. The test has two parts: Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each on topics related to management concepts and principles. Part B contains 3 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, requiring explanations and illustrations on annual equivalent method, Taylor's scientific principle of management, and different types of organization. The test is worth a total of 50 marks and is administered by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
This document contains an internal test for a course on Industrial Management and Engineering Economics. The test has two parts: Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each on topics related to management concepts and principles. Part B contains 3 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, requiring explanations and illustrations on annual equivalent method, Taylor's scientific principle of management, and different types of organization. The test is worth a total of 50 marks and is administered by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
This document contains an internal test for a course on Industrial Management and Engineering Economics. The test has two parts: Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each on topics related to management concepts and principles. Part B contains 3 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, requiring explanations and illustrations on annual equivalent method, Taylor's scientific principle of management, and different types of organization. The test is worth a total of 50 marks and is administered by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
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PART- B (Answer all questions) (10X3=30)
INTERNAL TEST –II 11. A company is trying to diversify its business in a new product line. The life of Register No. Year/Sem/Sec IV/VIII/A the project is 10 years with no salvage value at the end of its life. The initial INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND Name of Subject Date 17.02.2020 outlay of the project is Rs. 20,00,000. The annual net profit is Rs. 3,50,000. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS Subject/Code EC-T82 Duration 100 Min Find the rate of return for the new business. (CO2, K1,K2,K3,K4,K5) Staff in-Charge Mr.T.CHANDRAMOHAN Max. Marks 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Describe Taylor’s scientific principle of management. (CO4, K1,K2,) Course Outcomes: 13. Explain with illustration about the different types of organisation.(CO4, CO2: To analyze the interest formulae and their applications. CO4: To understand the general concepts of Management K1,K2,) Knowledge Level: K1 – Remember, K2 – Understand, K3 – Apply, K4 – Analyze and K5 – Evaluate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PART-A (Answer all questions) (2X10=20)
1. Write short notes on Annual Equivalent method. (CO2, K2)
2. Define management. (CO4, K1) 3. List the characteristics of management. (CO4, K2) 4. What do you understand by the concept of centralization of authority? (CO4, K2) 5. Define planning. (CO4, K1) Staff in-Charge HOD/ECE 6. What is the role of staffing in organisation? (CO4, K1,K2) (NAME OF THE STAFF) (Dr.P.RAJA) 7. How can you direct your subordinates in the organisation? (CO4, K1,K2) 8. List out the steps in controlling process (CO4, K1,) 9. Differentiate the formal and informal organisation? (CO4, K1,K2) 10. State the different levels of organisation (CO4, K1,K2)