Ringworm Procedures v1
Ringworm Procedures v1
Ringworm Procedures v1
Ringworm Procedures
February 2013
1. What is ringworm?
Ringworm is not caused by a worm, but is the common name given to an infection of the
surface of the skin, hair or nails with a type of fungus called a dermatophyte. There are
many types of dermatophyte and the most common one that causes ringworm in cats is
Microsporum canis (M canis); it is seen in over 90 per cent of cases. Other causes of
ringworm in cats include Trichophyton species. Spores are the infectious stage of the
dermatophyte and may be shed on the infected hairs of affected animals or people. These
spores are very robust and can remain infectious in the environment, blown by the wind
for up to two years.
Ringworm is contagious to people and other animals. Care must be taken when
handling/dealing with infected cats as it is a zoonotic disease that can be passed from
cats to people.
When cats, and especially kittens, come in to CP care, carefully inspect their hair coat and
skin for lesions. Look for any areas of hair loss, scabbing or crusting, especially focal
areas affecting the face, ears, feet and tail.
Perform a Wood’s lamp examination of all suspicious lesions, making sure the correct
procedure is followed and bearing in mind the limitations of this examination (see section
titled: What are the details of the diagnostic tests that are used?). Only 50 per cent of
dermatophyte species fluoresce and some non-fungal materials will fluoresce. Warm up
the lamp five to 10 minutes before use and do not shine directly into the cat’s eyes.
Ensure the vet screens for ringworm on the initial vet check. Further diagnostic testing (for
example, fungal culture and microscopic examination) may be warranted (see section
titled: What are the details of the diagnostic tests that are used?).
3. What action should be taken as soon as there is suspicion of
Ideally each cat or kitten should be housed individually. Kittens once weaned should be
separated and housed individually.
If the cat is in a pen on its own, keep the cat in the sleeping area of the pen only. This is to
reduce the contamination of the run with dermatophyte spores and limit the spread of
spores in the draft or wind between pens. If housing singly is not possible and it is
unreasonable to confine more than one cat in the sleeping area (dependent on pen type),
then the daily cleaning and disinfecting must be even more thorough and extra vigilance
must be maintained to prevent spread within the facility.
Clearly identify suspect and confirmed cats with a sign on the pen.
3.2 What to do with cats that have been in contact with a suspect or
confirmed case of ringworm?
If possible, cats that have been in contact with a cat showing lesions or confirmed to have
ringworm and that do not have lesions themselves should be housed separately from the
suspect or confirmed case. A hair sample should be obtained and sent to the laboratory
for culture before starting treatment.
Protective clothing must be worn at all times while working with affected cats.
Protective clothing includes: theatre suit or disposable overalls, disposable apron, gloves,
elbow protectors, disposable caps and over shoes. It is important to remember protective
clothing should always be worn even while feeding affected cats.
Use new disposable clothing for each pen – change apron, gloves, elbow protectors
between each pen and dispose of after use. Do not re-use.
Footbaths with a suitable disinfectant should also be used and should be changed or
replenished daily.
Bedding used should be disposable – for example, old towels which can be thrown away.
Soft toys and scratching posts should be removed from the cat’s environment and
disposed of as soon as ringworm is suspected or diagnosed.
3.5 Litter trays
If possible use disposable litter trays and discard at least once daily. If disposable litter
trays are unavailable, ensure that the standard litter trays are soaked separately with
disinfectant and returned to the same cat.
Disposable food bowls should be used and discarded daily. Water bowls should be
soaked separately in disinfectant, thoroughly rinsed and returned to the same cat.
If possible have just one person delegated to deal with the ringworm cases. This person
should not handle any other cats/kittens or even go into the other areas where cats are
To reduce the risk of spreading the disease, cats that have ringworm should be dealt with
last after all the other cats have been cared for.
Vacuum and disinfect radiators, vents and floors daily. Vacuum bags should be disposed
of carefully, ideally by burning or as infectious waste. Sweep all debris into the litter tray
and dispose of from there.
All materials that will be disposed of from the pen should be placed in a plastic bag while
still in the pen. Protective clothing should be placed in the bag as the pen is vacated and
the bag should be sealed before removing it from the pen.
The preferred disinfectants to be used for cases of ringworm are bleach and Virkon.
If using bleach, all surfaces of the pen must be cleaned with detergent first and then
disinfected with bleach diluted at 1:32 while cats are housed in the pen. The contact time
for bleach should be 15 minutes and the area must be rinsed off with clean water
Mop, bucket, sweeping brush, dustpan and brush should all be soaked in 1:10 bleach
solution, or another suitable disinfectant, after use.
All the materials/equipment should be kept with the infected cat(s) and not taken to any
other location.
3.9 After treated cats have left the pen
Once mycological cure has been achieved, the cat(s) can be moved to the homing
wing in an Adoption Centre or homed from the pen or indoor fostering room in a
fostering environment.
Discard all contaminated bedding, toys etc., and dispose of carefully as infectious waste.
Clean and disinfect all non-porous surfaces where the cat has been housed thoroughly
with 1:10 bleach solution (leave for a minimum of 15 minutes), or other suitable
disinfectant, and rinse thoroughly. Repeat daily for five days.
Thoroughly clean and disinfect any exposed radiators, skirting boards and vents daily for
five days. If vacuuming, be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag daily.
If possible, steam clean or fog the area where the cat has been housed, daily for five
The exception to this treatment protocol is that a pregnant or lactating queen with
kittens cannot be treated with Itrafungol. If a queen is feeding kittens and she alone or
she and the kittens have ringworm, she cannot be treated until the kittens are weaned
because Itrafungol is secreted in the milk and so there is a potential risk of
overdosing. Thus, it is recommended that treatment of the queen with Itrafungol is
delayed until the kittens are weaned. The kittens should be weaned early at five or six
weeks of age and separated from the queen before she is treated. If the queen is
severely affected, she can be treated topically with Imaverol to decrease the spread
of spores in the environment and to reduce her discomfort. If the queen is showing no
lesions two weeks before weaning, it may be worthwhile to take a coat brushing
sample for culture to confirm whether the cat is still infected.
In the case of a litter of kittens with queen where the kittens or the queen are severely
affected, the kittens can be treated with Itrafungol if they are over 10 days old,
bearing in mind that they may take longer to cure because they are in contact with a
potentially infected queen.
3) Cats that have been in contact with a suspect or confirmed case of ringworm,
but aren’t showing any signs
Cats (adults and weaned kittens) that have been in contact with a suspected or
confirmed case of ringworm that are not showing any skin lesions should be
separated from the affected cat(s). A coat brushing sample for culture should be
taken before any treatment is given and a second sample one week later. If either
culture result is positive, treatment with Itrafungol should be started as soon as any
positive result is obtained. If both culture results are negative, they should be homed
as normal.
4) Unweaned kittens that have been in contact with a suspect or confirmed case
of ringworm, but are not showing any signs
If unweaned kittens are not showing any lesions they should be weaned as soon as
possible and separated from the queen. They should then be treated as an in-contact
(as in point 3 above) by taking a coat brushing sample for culture before any
treatment is given and a second sample one week later. If either culture result is
positive, treatment with Itrafungol should be started as soon as any positive result is
obtained. If both culture results are negative, they should be homed as normal.
4.2 What are the details of the different treatments that are available?
Itrafungol (Itraconazole)
This is Cats Protection’s preferred treatment. It is licensed to treat Microsporum canis in
cats and is an effective medication that is administered orally. A course of treatment lasts
five weeks with dosing on alternate weeks. Itrafungol continues to work for two weeks
after the last day of treatment. If a further course of treatment is required, it is advised to
wait two to three weeks before restarting treatment. Itrafungol is safe to use in kittens from
10 days old.
Imaverol (Enilconazole)
This product is not currently licensed for use in cats. However, it can be used ‘off-licence’
to treat Microsporum canis or Trichophyton sp. if prescribed by the attending vet in the
treatment of ringworm in cats. It can be used in pregnant and lactating animals.
Unweaned kittens should not be treated with Imaverol. Treatment involves spraying the
animal with a diluted solution of the product. It can reduce spread within the environment
and increase recovery time. It should not, however, be used as the sole treatment.
When using Imaverol, the operator must wear suitable protective clothing including
impermeable rubber gloves and safety glasses. When using this product as a spray, wear
a mask to prevent inhalation. It is also recommended that cats are fitted with an
Elizabethan collar following bathing until the coat has dried. If a queen with kittens is
treated, spraying product on the nipple area should be avoided and she should be kept
separated from the kittens until her coat has dried.
Grisovin (Griseofulvin)
This product is not recommended by Cats Protection, as Itrafungol is now widely
available. It is not licensed for use in cats and poses Health & Safety risks to people.
Gloves must be used if medicating a cat with Grisovin (Griseofulvin).
Malaseb shampoo
This product can be used for shampooing cats. It is licensed as an aid in the treatment of
ringworm due to Microsporum canis in the cat in conjunction with griseofulvin and thus,
should only be used in conjunction with griseofulvin when treating ringworm. As Cats
Protection does not recommend the use of griseofulvin, it also doesn’t recommend the
use of Malaseb. It is not advised to use Malaseb in conjunction with Itrafungol as Malaseb
may reduce the effectiveness of the Itrafungol.
Program (Lufenuron)
This product is not licensed for treating ringworm in cats. At one time it was thought that
the oral form may have some benefit in the treatment of ringworm, but evidence for this is
lacking and therefore Cats Protection does not recommend it.
It can be helpful, especially in the shelter environment, to clip the hair at least 6 cm around
focal lesions. Sometimes the vet may recommend completely clipping cats that have
multiple lesions or those with long or dense hair coats. Care should be taken when
clipping to avoid traumatising the skin and a designated room should be used just for this
purpose. Ideally this would be done at the veterinary practice. Vacuum the room
thoroughly after use, taking care to dispose of the vacuum bag carefully, then disinfect the
room with bleach solution (1:10) or other suitable disinfectant. Disinfect clippers and
scissors carefully after use.
It is important to take the vet’s advice on which cases are most appropriate for clipping, as
clipping will increase the spores in the environment and therefore may increase the risk of
spreading the disease.
Week 1 on treatment
Week 2 off treatment
Week 3 on treatment
Week 4 off treatment
Week 5 on treatment, end of course
End week 5/beginning week 6 take 1st sample for culture
Week 7 take 2nd sample for culture
Week 9 2nd culture result
↓ ↓
if 1st sample positive if 1st sample negative
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
positive negative positive negative
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
re-treat wait for 3rd culture re-treat CURE (home cat)
Clinical cure – no lesions visible, this occurs first and so the cat may look cured before it
really is.
Cats should not be homed until mycological cure has been achieved, due to the
zoonotic and infectious risk of ringworm.
Scenario 1 2 3 4 5
Culture N N P P P
Culture N P P N N
Culture - - - N P
Culture - - - - -
6. What if the initial course of treatment fails?
When this happens the cat should start another full five-week course of treatment with
Itrafungol and the environment where the cat is housed should be assessed. If the cat is
not housed individually, it should be moved to a pen on its own. The cleaning and
disinfectant protocol should be reviewed to ensure there are no breaches in biosecurity.
Topical treatment with Imaverol could also be considered.
If the cat still has skin lesions when starting the second course or if the first two post-
treatment cultures were positive, further culture samples should not be taken until the end
of the second course of treatment.
7. What are the details of the diagnostic tests that are used?
Background Information
The Wood’s lamp is one of the most misused diagnostic tools in veterinary dermatology
and it is important to understand the limitations of its use. It is an ultraviolet light with a
wavelength of 253.7 nm filtered through a cobalt or nickel filter. When certain strains of
dermatophytes infect hairs, fungal metabolites are produced that fluoresce bright green
when exposed to this light. Unfortunately, the only species of importance in veterinary
medicine which fluoresces under a Wood’s lamp is M. canis. Not all strains of M. canis will
fluoresce and, in fact, not all fluorescing strains will fluoresce on all hosts. The lamp must
be allowed to warm up for five to 10 minutes before use to ensure the temperature
dependent wavelength is stable. Infected hairs may need to be exposed to the light for
several minutes before they begin to fluoresce.
Wood’s lamp
1. The lamp should be turned on five to 10 minutes before use.
2. The lamp should be held over the skin lesions for at least five minutes before
making an interpretation. Positive hairs will glow a bright apple green colour. If
there is any doubt about the fluorescence, glowing hairs should be plucked in the
direction of growth and the end of the hair shaft examined under the Wood’s lamp.
Dermatophyte growth is often heaviest in the hair follicle. These hairs can then be
used for culture or direct examination under the microscope.
Only actively infected growing hairs will show positive fluorescence; positive fluorescence
is not seen with scales or debris on the skin. False positive fluorescence may be seen in
bacterial infections, which usually show a bluish-white fluorescence. Areas where sebum
has accumulated will also give a false positive reaction, but the colour is a dull blue-green.
A positive Wood’s lamp examination is only suggestive of a ringworm infection, not
diagnostic. Treatment should not be initiated based upon this finding alone and a definitive
diagnosis should be obtained via fungal culture. A negative Wood’s lamp examination is
Another screening tool is direct examination of hairs under the microscope. Hairs can be
plucked in the direction of growth, placed on a microscope slide in some oil and examined
under the microscope with a 10X lens. Infected hairs will be thicker and paler and fungal
elements may be seen. If new methylene blue stain is added to the slide, infected hairs
will absorb the stain. If direct examination of hairs is positive for ringworm, treatment can
be started while awaiting culture results.
Background information
Dermatophytes are commonly cultured on either Dermatophyte Test Medium (DTM) or
Sabouraud’s dextrose agar. A colour indicator has been added as an aid in identifying
dermatophytes: a red colour change is suggestive of a dermatophyte infection. In-house
DTM is available in either glass jars or flat plates. Flat plates are preferred over glass jars
containing DTM slants as they yield more accurate results.
Toothbrush in original packaging (sterile)
Dermatophyte test medium and/ or Sabouraud’s dextrose agar or universal
container or paper envelope or bag if sending to an external lab
Hair should be plucked from the outer edge or margin of suspect lesions.
Alternatively, coat brushings using a toothbrush can be carried out. This is
particularly useful when collecting samples for culture from cats that have apparent
clinical cure and no longer have any visible ringworm lesions. The toothbrush is
combed vigorously over the cat’s hair coat for several minutes or until hairs are
visible on the bristles. Special emphasis should be given to areas where lesions
are present, particularly if they are Wood’s Lamp positive.
Samples (hair pluck or toothbrush) can be submitted for culture to an external lab
or cultured in-house as described below.
Samples being sent to an external lab must be placed into a universal container or
paper bag, not a plastic bag.
The fungal culture plate should be at room temperature before inoculating. This
makes inoculation of the plate much easier.
Individually plucked hairs should be firmly pressed on to the surface of the
For a toothbrush sample, the fungal culture plate is inoculated by gently
embedding or repeatedly dabbing the toothbrush into the medium. It is important to
be gentle or the fungal medium will stick to the bristles and be removed from the
Follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the fungal culture plate in terms of
temperature, location, length of time to culture and interpretation.
Microsporum canis is best cultured at 25 degrees Celsius and is usually detected by one
week after culture. However, the cultures are observed and test results reported for up to
two weeks after submission.
A positive fungal culture is diagnostic for the presence of infective spores and treatment is
warranted. If samples have been properly obtained and cultured, a negative fungal culture
is conclusive.
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