Flea Control Handout
Flea Control Handout
Flea Control Handout
Once a flea finds a host, it spends its entire adult life on that animal. Fleas generally do not jump from animal to animal. Once a female flea has fed, it
can begin laying eggs within 24 hours, and can lay more than 20 eggs per day. That means that in one week a single female flea can lay several
hundred eggs! Multiply that number by dozens or hundreds of fleas, and you can see how a flea population can quickly grow. The eggs are smooth and
slippery, and as the animal moves around eggs fall off into the environment (which can include furniture, carpet, bedding, cars, yard, and so on). These
eggs can then hatch as quickly as three weeks later, but development can be delayed for 4-6 months! Therefore fleas seen in August can lay eggs that
may not become adults until January! Adult fleas represent only about 5% of the flea population, the rest being other stages of the developmental cycle
(eggs, larvae, and a cocoon stage called the pupa); for every flea that you see, there are around 100 others in various stages of development.
Wild animals can and do harbor fleas. This means that any deer, squirrel, rabbit, or other wild animal can deposit flea eggs as it moves through your
yard. Stray dogs and cats can also leave flea eggs behind. Even if your pet is mostly indoors, going outside to use the bathroom can be a route for
them to pick up newly emerged adult fleas. Fleas can also "hitch rides" on shoes and socks as the people move through the yard and into the house.
Fleas will die or go dormant outside when temperatures are consistently below freezing. However, fleas can live inside year-round due to the
temperatures and humidity at which we keep our homes. The southeastern US and Gulf Coast region have some of the highest rates of fleas and in
these areas "flea season" is really considered year-round due to the mild winters and high humidity. Studies have shown that the peak in flea
populations occurs in the late Summer and early Fall, later than many people expect.
Comfortis is a once monthly chewable flea tablet that kills fleas faster than any other product on the market. Though recommended and used by
dermatology specialists, it does not contain an IGR and gives no protection against ticks. However, it is a great choice for flea control, especially when
you have existing fleas as it will kill them within 30 minutes of giving it to your dog. It will also not wash off, making it a good choice for dogs who need
frequent baths. The same ingredient is also carried in Trifexis.
For cats we recommend Revolution, which is effective against fleas, heartworms, ear mites, and several intestinal parasites.