Teacher Induction Program: Department of Education
Teacher Induction Program: Department of Education
Teacher Induction Program: Department of Education
Module 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 1
I. Session 1: Mandate, Vision, Mission, Core Values (VMV), and Strategic Directions ...................... 2
A. Desired Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................ 2
B. Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 2
C. Pre-Test ....................................................................................................................................... 3
D. Glossary of Terms........................................................................................................................ 4
E. Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................... 4
F. Activities and Assessment ........................................................................................................... 9
G. Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 13
H. Post-Test ................................................................................................................................... 14
II. Session 2: DepEd Organizational Structure and School Processes ............................................... 15
Desired Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................... 15
Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 15
Pre-Test ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................................... 18
Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 19
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 24
Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 28
Post-Test ................................................................................................................................... 29
III. Session 3 Teaching as a Profession and as a Vocation.............................................................. 33
Desired Learning Outcome ....................................................................................................... 33
Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 33
Pre-Test ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 34
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 37
Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 38
Post-Test ................................................................................................................................... 39
IV. Session 4: Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) ........................................... 40
Desired Learning Outcome ....................................................................................................... 40
Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 40
Pre-Test ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................................... 42
Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 43
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 43
Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 47
i|Page Teacher Induction Program (Version 1.0)
Post-Test ................................................................................................................................... 49
V. Session 5: Career Path Within the Department of Education ...................................................... 50
Desired Learning Outcome ....................................................................................................... 50
Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 50
Pre-Test: .................................................................................................................................... 51
Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................................... 52
Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 53
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 54
Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 58
Post-Test ................................................................................................................................... 59
VI. Session 6: Magna Carta for Public School Teachers ................................................................. 60
Desired Learning Outcome ....................................................................................................... 60
Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 60
Pre-Test ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 62
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 62
Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 64
Post-Test ................................................................................................................................... 65
Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 66
VII. Session 7: Code of Ethics........................................................................................................... 73
Desired Learning Outcome ....................................................................................................... 73
Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 73
Pre-Test ..................................................................................................................................... 74
Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................................... 75
Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 75
Activities and Assessments ....................................................................................................... 76
Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 82
Post-Test ................................................................................................................................... 84
Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 85
VIII. Session 8: Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) ..................................... 89
Desired Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................... 89
Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 89
Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................................... 90
Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 93
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 95
Reflection .................................................................................................................................. 97
This module will help you get acquainted with the organization. It introduces
you to DepEd values as it translates to the way it delivers its service in
accordance to its mandate, vision, mission and goals. More importantly, it
sets out DepEd’s policies and guidelines that reflect standards on teaching
practices that are consistent with DepEd’s core values—Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao,
Makakalikasan at Makabansa. This module aims to help you realize your
professional development goals in your journey at DepEd.
B. Objectives
You are given different courses of actions or situations. Tell whether each
statement is relating to:
a. DepEd’s Mandate
b. Vision
c. Mission
d. Core Value
e. Strategic Direction
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
_____ 2. Abide by the rules of the school, community and country.
_____ 3. Make education accessible to all.
_____ 4. DepEd formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs,
and projects.
_____ 5. Modernize educational management and governance.
_____ 6. DepEd, a learner-centered institution, continuously improves itself to
better serve its stakeholders.
_____ 7. Engage oneself in worthwhile spiritual activities.
_____ 8. Improve quality and relevance of education.
_____ 9. Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating
_____ 10. Supervise all elementary, secondary education institutions including
Alternative Learning System.
Term Definition
DepEd’s Mandate obligation enforced by law
Vision an aspirational description of what an
organization would like to achieve or
accomplish. It is intended to serve as a clear
guide for choosing current and future courses
of action.
Mission a declaration of an organization’s core purpose
and focus that is normally unchanged over time.
Values are the principles the Department
adheres to in pushing the programs
into action.
E. Key Concepts
2. “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all.”
3. (Article 14, Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution)
Our vision is more than just the end-goal of a plan. It is a dream, a wish, a prayer
– what we fervently hope for and what we diligently work towards.
We want to develop learners who are true citizens and patriots, who have a
strong desire to serve their country and work for its betterment.
…and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential…
Inculcate the values and develop the necessary competencies deemed necessary
and desirable to ensure a lifelong learning.
In all our decisions and actions, we put the Filipino learner first. In the end, our
most important stakeholders are our learners…
Just like our students, we do not stop learning. We constantly seek to be better,
both as individuals and as an organization.
Source: DepEd Strategic Plan/Direction (2017-2022)
to discover their full potential that may contribute for the betterment of the
How can you foster partnership and extend linkages to your stakeholders?
How do you ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to
5. My Philosophy in Teaching
State briefly your philosophy in teaching which spells your vision in entering the
teaching profession towards effective, learner-centered and meaningful teaching
experience. It must be something you believe that will drive you to success and to
being a meaningful agent of change to students and your community.
10 | P a g e Teacher Induction Program (Version
6. Vision Sharing (write your vision and share your thoughts about it to your
VISION Sharing
Strategic Directions
Core Values
Now that you have completely understood the guiding principles of DepED, revisit
and examine your stated philosophy in teaching or personal vision in Activity 1.
Should you find your own vision inconsistent with that of DepEd’s organizational
principles, make necessary revisions, polish, and finalize it.
Vision Statement
Cite Strategies on
How to successfully
How is it relevant to
the DepEd Mandate,
VMV, and Strategic
G. Reflection
After going through this lesson, (DepEd Mandate, Vision, Mission, Core Values, and
Strategic Directions), answer in your journal the following questions:
1. In what concrete ways has this session helped you become a more agentive
teacher in promoting “learner-centered” teaching?
2. How has this session helped you clarify your vision and motive in serving
your learners better and in promoting a learner-centered environment for
4. What are your personal beliefs and values that are aligned with the DepEd’s
b. Describe the different school systems and processes and their support to
school policies and procedures to foster harmonious relationship with the
wider school community;
Each box at the left column contains positions at the central, regional, and schools
division offices of DepEd. Arrange the positions from highest to lowest based on
your knowledge. Write your answers on space provided.
Central Office
Regional Office
Director, Legal
Officer IV,
Officer V,
Accountant III
Officer V, Legal
Officer IV, Schools
Chief Education
Education Program
Assistant Schools
Senior Education
Program Specialist
Term Definition
Quality Education The appropriateness, relevance, and
excellence of the education given to
meet the needs and aspirations of an
individual and society.
Basic Education Early childhood, elementary, and high
school education as well as alternative
learning systems for out-of-school
youth and adult learners and includes
education for those with special needs.
Special Needs Education The education of children and youth
with special needs corresponding to
elementary and secondary education
that require modified school practices,
curricula, programs, special services,
and facilities. This includes children
and youth who are gifted, talented, fast
learners, and those with disabilities.
Formal Education The systematic and deliberate process
of hierarchically structured and
sequential learning corresponding to
the general concept of elementary and
secondary level of schooling. At the end
of each level, the learner needs a
certification to enter or advance to the
next level.
Alternative Learning System A parallel learning system to provide a
viable alternative to the existing formal
education instruction. It encompasses
both the nonformal and informal
sources of knowledge and skills.
Learning Facilitator The term is used in the existing
Alternative and Equivalency Program (A
& E). For consistency and proper
reference, there is a need to include the
definition of a teacher in the formal
system since being learning facilitator
is only one of their roles.
Adult Learners Learners aged 25 years and above who
are illiterates or neo-literates who either
have had no access to formal education
or have reverted illiteracy.
Out-of-School Youth School-age children who have not
attended a formal school system or who
have dropped out of formal elementary
or secondary education.
School Head A person who performs administrative
and instructional supervision of a
school or cluster of schools.
Key Concepts
Republic Act 9155, or “The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001,” is “An act
instituting a framework of governance for basic education, establishing authority
and accountability, renaming the Department of Education, Culture and Sports as
the Department of Education, and For Other Purposes.”
This reform area is one of the key steps undertaken by the Department toward K to
12 Basic Education Program implementation.
Central Office
Sets overall education agenda, directions, and policies
Formulates systems and standards for national adoption
Performs investment programming
Articulates national frameworks to guide the organization in the performance
of its core functions and the provision of support
Oversees quality assurance and performance accountability
Builds partnerships with NGAs and nongovernment organizations (NGOs)
Regional Office
Sets regional agenda, directions, and policies
Localizes curriculum
Adapts to or adopts standards
Manages quality assurance
Provides technical assistance to divisions
Manages program investment and equitable allocation of resources
Establishes and manages partnerships
The reengineered regional office works with the local government units and
educational stakeholders to develop a policy framework that reflects the needs,
opportunities, and aspirations of the regional community.
This is carried out through a strategic division education plan that considers the
needs and concerns of the division, districts, schools, and learning centers and
aligned with the regional education development plans.
A Senior High School (SHS) is headed by a school head. Subject Group Heads
(SGH) supervise teachers who teach a specific senior high school subject. The
number of SGHs depends on the number of subject groups taught in school. These
positions are designated by the school head to teaching staff. Nurses and guidance
counselors may be deployed at a school as deemed necessary.
A junior high school is headed by a school head. Department heads (DH) supervise
teachers in a specific subject area. DH are Master Teachers or Head Teachers and
are usually designated by the School Head.
An elementary school is headed by a School Head. The School Head selects the
grade- level coordinators to lead teachers in a specific grade level.
School/Learning Centers
Takes accountability for learner outcomes
Implements the curriculum
Provides equitable opportunities for all learners in the community
Creates an environment conducive to teaching and learning
Leads and manages the school and its resources
Establishes and manages linkages with stakeholders
Activity 1. The statements below are powers, duties, and functions of the National
(N) Level, Regional (R) Level, Division (D) Level, Schools District (SD) Level and
School (S) Level. Read them carefully and put a check mark on the appropriate box
Powers, Duties, and Functions
Formulating educational policies
Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools
and learning center to accreditation standards
prescribed by the Secretary of Education
Promulgating educational standards
Offering educational programs, projects, and services
which provide equitable opportunities for all learners in
the community
Supervising the operations of all public and private
elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and
learning centers.
Undertaking educational research and studies
Approving the establishment of public and private
elementary and high schools and learning centers
Curricula Supervision
Introducing new and innovative modes of instruction to
achieve higher learning outcomes
Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the
national government and the local government units to
the schools and learning centers.
2. Why do think that RA 9155 states that, “The school shall be the heart of the
formal education system?” Cite specific conditions.
3. Identify the best practices in your school that adhere to the existing laws and
regulations stated on RA 9155. Make a checklist and share it with your
2. Option B: Look for at least three (3) similar newly-hired teacher in your
school, cluster, or district who will serve as your partner, share your insights
and compare your answer to their answers.
Activity 4. Discuss which office or person can help you, and the process that
must be followed to resolve an issue or concern in the situations given below:
Situation 1: You are asked to submit your Performance Commitment and Review
Office/People to Contact Process to be followed
Situation 3: You are assigned as the class adviser. You want to know your students’
profile and find out how some of their personal problems affect their studies.
Office/People to Contact Process to be followed
Situation 4: You would like to find a good exposure trip or immersion for your SHS
Office/People to Contact Process to be followed
Situation 5: Your students have failing grades. You want to provide proper
academic guidance.
Office/People to Contact Process to be followed
Situation 6: You would like to know your salary, deductions and benefits.
Office/People to Contact Process to be followed
Situation 7: You are a science teacher and your laboratory equipment are
inadequate or need repair.
Office/People to Contact Process to be followed
Situation 8: A parent would like to sue you because her son was running for honors
Situation 9: You would like to organize a new interest club and get support from
various stakeholders.
Office/People to Contact Process to be followed
2. Are there processes not identified but should be followed? What are these, if
4. Are there other people who should be included in addressing the situation? If
so, who else? Why?
1. Observe how your school head adopts shared governance. Provide evidence
showing her effective management of the school as an instructional leader
and administrative manager.
2. Look for an experienced teacher in your school whom you think is trusted.
Share your observations about how you perceive your school head adopt
shared governance and effectively manage the school as an instructional
leader and administrative manager. Ask that teacher if you have the same
2. As a newly hired teacher, how will you help your school head and the school
in general to establish a strong partnership and linkages to its community?
1. Each box at the left column contains positions at the central, regional, and
schools division offices of DepEd. Arrange the positions from highest to
lowest based on your knowledge. Write your answers on space provided.
Central Office
Regional Office
Director, Legal
Officer IV,
Officer V,
Accountant III
Officer V, Legal
Officer IV, Schools
Chief Education
Education Program
Assistant Schools
Senior Education
Program Specialist
2. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the blank before each number.
Column A Column B
3. The statements below are powers, duties, and functions of the National (N)
Level, Regional (R) Level, Division (D) Level, Schools District (SD) Level and
School (S) Level. Read them carefully and put a check mark on the
appropriate box on who is responsible for exercising such.
Powers, Duties, and Functions
Read the paragraph below then choose three phrases that best describe your
own philosophy in the teaching profession. Justify your answer.
a. Phrase 1:
b. Justification
c. Phrase 2:
d. Justification
e. Phrase 3:
f. Justification
Key Concepts
Maynard 2015
34 | P a g e Teacher Induction Program (Version
historic biblical figures.
It is rare to meet a teacher who does not explain that she or he wanted to be a
teacher to help children, or to change the world through teaching children, or to
give back what was received from a teacher, to be a hero to others as teachers were
heroes to them. Perhaps this heightened sense of vocation is because, in our
culture, additional rewards for teaching are difficult to find. The rewards are not
income and status as it is in some other vocations, or as teaching is in other
If you are to understand and sympathize with your students’ feelings, you must
recognize and understand your own feelings first. Lessons in psychology tell us that
persons who deny or cannot cope with their own emotions are likely to be incapable
of respecting and coping with the feelings of others. A positive attitude toward
yourself will help you make a good start.
If you have empathy for your students and value them as unique individuals, they
will respond to you positively. Research on teachers’ expectations (Rosenthal and
Jacobson 1992) showed that when teachers hold low expectations of their students,
it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Students tend to conform to the teachers’ low
expectations. On the other hand, when teachers hold high expectations and
35 | P a g e Teacher Induction Program (Version
communicate these high expectations, students will often act in ways to live up to
these expectations. The teachers’ attitude toward students is a powerful influence
on whether or not students learn.
A teacher does not exist in isolated classrooms. The concept of the classroom is no
longer confined within the four walls of the building. It is a vast environment where
learning can take place. Your co-teachers in the school organization are part of the
learning environment. The parents who are the important stakeholders in their
children’s education are individuals you have to relate to. A harmonious relation
with your peers and the parents will make your work more enjoyable and
rewarding. Likewise, an appropriate regard of your superior would make you a
better professional.
A professional teacher must possess competencies in the use of teaching skills that
facilitate student learning.
“Aside from the mastery of the subject matter, a professional teacher must
possess a repertoire of teaching skills. The different learning styles of students
will require the use of appropriate teaching styles. Professional teachers must
have developed teaching skills which will foster student learning. The
recognition of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner challenges the
creativity and multiple talents of teachers in order to match those of the
students. Professional teachers should apply knowledge they have acquired to
36 | P a g e Teacher Induction Program (Version
the practice in the classrooms. They have to consider the particular context or
situations in their classrooms and adapt their teaching behavior accordingly.”
Professional teacher must possess competencies in the use of teaching skills that
facilitate student learning.
“Professional teachers have their own beliefs, insights, and habits that will
enable them to do their job well. In recent years, educational researchers
have noted the usefulness of personal practical knowledge in solving
problems, resolving tensions and simplifying work in the classroom. Cases
have shown that teachers’ personal knowledge adds important dimension to
the teachers’ competence.”
1. What is a profession?
3. What are the requisites by the PRC one should satisfy before he/she
becomes a professional?
5. What is a vocation?
10. Write how you manifest the first quality of a professional teacher.
11. Write the attitude you have that foster learning and genuine human
13. Write what you do to manifest mastery of subject matter? What do you need
to improve?
14. What are the effective teaching strategies that you use to facilitate student
learning? Write them down and share these to your partner.
15. What are some of your personal beliefs, insights, and habits that help you do
your work well?
1. Situation 1
Mr. Manalo divided his Araling Panlipunan class according to the abilities and
interests of his students. At the end of the lesson, the groups had the following
outputs: The first group composed a song, the second had a skit, and the third had
an artwork.
2. Situation 2
The school principal visited the Science class of Miss Bravo. The principal observed
that Miss Bravo was reading from the textbook and her notes while explaining the
lesson on ecosystem.
What could have been done by Miss Bravo to improve her teaching performance?
As a newly hired teacher, I am already manifesting the following qualities
_____________________________________________________________________. However, I
need to improve my qualities _____________________________________