Of of Systems: Forpulation The
Of of Systems: Forpulation The
Of of Systems: Forpulation The
figure E2.3 (a) Simply supported beam; (b) virunl displacements in the released beam.
Further, it causes no internal deformations so that dVi is zero and the virnral work equation
JVr: 0.0
p-___ Pa
"- t
Example 2.4
For the frame shown in Figure E2.4a, d*ermine the spring force due to the applied loads W
and H.
To solve the problem, we first replace the spring by a pair of equal and opposite forces X and
then give the resulting system a small virnral displacement.t0. The virnral displacemens of
the entire system are shown in Figure E2.4b, and we note that they are compatible with the
constraints in the system,
The height of the load W above the base AC is given by
h:(o+b)sind (a)