Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
• Using the weather files provided, compute the heating degree days (with a base temperature of
18°C) for each year. Note that you can use the Weather Statistics and Conversions utility installed
with EnergyPlus to convert the weather files to .csv file format (which can be read by Excel).
• Using the IDF file provided, run EnergyPlus and investigate year-to-year variance in annual
heating, cooling, and fan energy use with each AMY file provided. Examine the relationship
between heating, cooling, and fan energy use and the HDD.
• Read the paper included with the assignment package and comment on potential data quality issues
associated with the AMY files.
Use the following EnergyPlus meters for cooling, heating, and fan electricity use, respectively:
• CoolingCoils:EnergyTransfer.
• HeatingCoils:EnergyTransfer
• Fans:Electricity
Include only the following for your assignment submission (no other attachments or appendices):
• A report (maximum two pages including graphics, tables) – single-spaced, Times New Roman
font size 11.