Design and Implementation of Photovoltaic-Water Pumping System For Use in Iraq

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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 www.jeasd.

org (ISSN 2520-0917)

Vol. 22, No.06, November 2018

ISSN 2520-0917

Waleed Hameed Habeeb*
Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

Abstract: In this research a well water pumping system utilizing solar cells generated electric power is
designed and implemented. We assumed a village located in a remote area of southern Baghdad for
providing a quantity of water of 30000lit/day (30m3/day) to meet the daily needs of the quench and
irrigation. Calculations show that the amount of water required can be obtained from a well of water head
(15m) by using an array of solar cells that gives a power of (1300W) to submersible pumps capable of
raising water by converting electrical energy to a dynamic power. The cost of the pumping system using
solar energy is more economical and less expensive than using diesel pumping system. It is recommended
to use the present solar energy pumping system in Iraq as it is one of the richest countries with solar
power; however, suffers nowadays a scarcity of surface water.
Key words: Water Pumping, Solar Energy, Solar Cell, Flow, Water Head, Water Well.
‫تصميم وتنفيذ نظام ضخ المياه باستخدام الطاقة الشمسية وامكانية أستخدامو في العراق‬
‫افخشضُب لشٌت حمع‬. ‫ حى فً ْزا انبحث حصًٍى ٔحُفٍز َظبو ضخ يٍبِ اَببس ببسخخذاو انخالٌب انشًسٍت انًٕنذة نهطبلت انكٓشببئٍت‬: ‫الخالصة‬
‫بٍُج انحسبببث‬. ‫( نخهبٍت االحخٍبجبث انٍٕيٍت نهششة ٔانشي‬30000lit/day) ‫فً يُطمت َبئٍت فً جُٕة بغذاد نخٕفٍش كًٍت يٍ انًٍبِ حمذس ة‬
ً‫( ببسخخذاو يصفٕفت يٍ االنٕاح انشًسٍت حعط‬15m ( ٍّ‫ أٌ كًٍت انًٍبِ انًطهٕبت ًٌكٍ انحصٕل عهٍٓب يٍ بئش عًك انًٍبِ ف‬،‫انخصًًٍٍت‬
‫اٌ حكهفت َظبو انضخ‬. ‫( نًضخت غبطست لبدسة عهى سفع انًٍبِ عٍ طشٌك ححٌٕم انطبلت انكٓشببئٍت إنى طبلت دٌُبيٍكٍت‬1300W( ‫لذسة‬
‫نزا فًٍ انًسخحسٍ اسخخذاو َظبو انضخ ببنطبلت‬،‫ببسخخذاو انطبلت انشًسٍت ْٕ أكثش الخصبدا ٔألم حكهفت يٍ اسخخذاو َظبو ضخ انذٌزل‬
.‫فٕٓ ٌعبًَ فً انٕلج انحبضش يٍ َذسة انًٍبِ انسطحٍت‬،‫ ٔيع رنك‬،ً‫انشًسٍت فً انعشاق الَّ ٌعخبش أحذ أكبش انبهذاٌ نهخعشض انشًس‬

1. Introduction
There is no doubt that the water is very important for all kinds of life; otherwise
there is no plant, animal and human life. The decline in water levels is caused by the
scarcity of water from Turkey, Iran and Syria to Iraq as these countries set to build dams
on Tigris and Euphrates rivers that led to the decline in the amount of water stored in
Iraq [1]. Iraq suffers acute water balance because of low water level flowing in the
rivers Tigris and Euphrates and their tributaries into Iraqi territory to a great extent, and
the phenomenon of drought due to the lack of rain .Therefore, it is needed to find an
appropriate solutions and treatments by the exploitation of natural resources


Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

such as underground water, however, by digging wells and pump lifting water by using
different energy sources. This needs water pumping system that can be employed in
remote areas. The dependence on solar energy as a source of electrical energy is the
best solution. The amount of energy that reaches the earth from the sun is estimated to
approximately (1000W/m²). Iraq is one of the richest regions in the world of receiving
solar energy; the average solar energy that the earth receives is (5) kilowatts hour per
square meter a day [2].
The use of solar energy technology to pump water for irrigation is not new. Solar
water pumping has attracted the attention of scientists and engineers since the beginning
of the last century. Scientists used a method of converting solar energy into electrical
energy to pump irrigation water and published many works on studying the technical
and economical factors and climate under different operating conditions in different
areas [3-10] . Most researchers concluded the possibility of using solar energy to pump
water for irrigation using small size pumping devices that fit small spaces ranging
between (2.5 – 5) acres that will be economical in operation. To compete the diesel
pumping units the following points are recommended:
- Solar cells power irrigation systems must be used throughout the year.
- Irrigation systems are preferably used to irrigate crops, vegetables and fruits.
- A capacity that is not exceeding (4 kWp) and the size of the farm (2.5 - 5) acres is
- Preferably using a drip irrigation system because it needs few amounts of water at low
Now a day, the PV module costs are reduced all over the world. However, the capital
cost of a solar photovoltaic water pumping system is still higher than the conventional
diesel engines water pumping system. The capital cost of PV water pumping system can
be considered as the major barrier for the application of the system in a developing
country like Iraq. Therefore, optimization efforts are mainly focused on minimizing the
capital cost of the system.
In this paper, PVsyst software is used for design and simulation of solar photovoltaic
water pumping system. The solar data, well characteristics, water demand and storage
tank size are input to PVsyst.

2. Theoretical Calculations of the System

For the purpose of system design calculation, the first factor to know is the water
required per day. Then the size of the pump and the amount of energy required from the
cells of solar modules and the characteristics of the water source have to be determined.
To complete the design requirements, we calculate the value of total dynamic head
(TDH), which determines the minimum point in the well for static water level to the
highest point that water reaches. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a photovoltaic -
submerged centrifugal pump system.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

Fig.1 A schematic diagram for photovoltaic- submersible centrifugal pump system.

Suppose that the daily average amount of water needed for a village assumed at the
south of Baghdad, homes about (100) people and have a cattle of about (50) Cows and
covers an area of agricultural land of (5) acres, is about (30000) liters per a day (30
m3/day). The rate of exposure of the solar day is approximately (5) Sun hr, then the flow
rate will be about (6000) L/h [11].
Assume that, water static level = 15 m, drawdown level = 3 m, static discharge
level= 2m, allowance for friction =10% *20 = 2 m,
Then: the total dynamic head (TDH) equals (22) m. The required hydraulic and array
energies can be determined using equations (1) and (2) [11]:


Where the Conversion factor = 367


The load is determined by using equation (3):


Results of the pre- calculations from above equations show that the pump should
have the following specifications: Static head of (15m), flow (6000 L / h), solar panels

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

array voltage (180 Vdc), current drawn (7.2 A), and the required power output of solar
panels (1300 W).

3. System Design and Simulation

In this research, PVsyst 4.3 [12] software has been used to simulate the solar
photovoltaic water pumping system. During the design and simulation process of PV
pumping system, it is assumed that the solar panels are not shaded with free horizon and
the simulations are performed based on the maximum possible annual water demand.
The pump and solar panels are selected from the PVsyst software database to meet the
maximum possible annual demands. The main design and simulation input parameters
are listed in the Table 1.

Table 1. Simulation input parameters.

Parameters Simulation input values

Water requirement per day 30.00 m³/day, one day autonomy.

22 m
Total dynamic head 30m3
Water storage tank volume 26 m
Pump depth 15 cm
Borehole diameter 30 m
Pipe length 35º
Array tilt angle 0º
Model: JWP205, si-poly, Manuf.
Solar panels type JuraWatt.205W.
Model: SQF5A-6-MPPT, 900W, 30-300V,
Pump type Manuf. Grunfos.
(MPPT) controller
Power conditioning

The inputs of this software are monthly average solar irradiation, average daily water
demand, well depth characteristics, selection of PV modules and pump. The simulation
process on PVsyst software operates on hourly values. The main simulation results for
the site are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Simulation results for the system.

Parameters Simulation results

PV size 205 Wp, 7 modules in series and 1 in parallel.

Total area 11.6 m2.
Pump power 900 W, 30-300V DC.
Water pumped annually 10215.3m3.
Energy at pump 1489kWh.
System efficiency 68.1% (system efficiency or performance
Pump efficiency ratio).
Water pumped 43.8%.
Missing water Average 28.37m3/day and minimum 24.2 m3/day
Maximum loss of load within the year in January.
21.82% in January

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

According to the simulation result shown in Table 2, the selected PV size and pump
power is able to provide 93.2% of water need for the village site. From November up to
February there is a reduction of water supply, during the month of January there is a
significant water supply reduction 21.82% due to the lack of solar energy falling on the
solar panels, but in August there is 1.5% water supply reduction.
Figure 2 shows the energy balance of the proposed solar Photovoltaic water pumping
system, as can be observed from the figure, the unused energy is low, and the system
and collection losses are seems lower. This is because, the system is designed based on
the maximum possible water production volume within the year.

Fig. 2 Energy balance of the SPV water pumping system.

Figure 3 shows the linear relationship between the flow rate and available energy at
the pump. In addition, this figure indicates that how the size of pump depend on
available power. If the available power at the pump varies the size of the pump or the
flow rates also vary. Therefore, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller with
perturbed and observe algorithm play a great role for adjusting the size of the pump
according to the available power at the pump.

Fig. 3 Simulated Flow – Power characteristic graph of the pump.

4. The Practical Side

To achieve an array of solar panels to generate (180V) voltage , (7.2A) current and
the overall power of the solar array around (1300W) , solar panels manufactured by

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

JuraWatt company type (JWP.205W, si-poly) are selected [13]. These produce at
standard conditions (7.49A) current, (27.4V) voltage and the max. power is
(205W).Seven panels are connected in series to obtain the required voltage, current and
power. A platform to install the panels is used that has the ability to change manually
the angle of inclination from the horizon to face the sun and with two sites, in summer
at an angle (35 ˚) and in winter at an angle (45 ˚). The curves of solar exposure in
Baghdad (Fig.4) show that the severity of radiation is up to (6.55 Sun) in June [2].

Fig. 4 Solar exposure for Baghdad city throughout the year [2].

The general specifications of the solar array are illustrated in Fig.5, which shows the
curves of current –voltage at multiple solar exposures (G) which are extracted from
equation (4) for the photovoltaic array based on the electrical equivalent circuit for solar
cell shown in Fig.6 [14]:

(( ) )

(( ) ) (4)

Where, Va : array voltage , Vt : thermal voltage ,G : solar insolation ratio, Is : array

short circuit current, Ia : array current, Io : reverse saturation current and Rs is series
The water well is designed and implemented at a diameter of (6) inches and at a
depth of about (30m).Submersible pump (Grundfos-SQF5A-6) [15] working in the
centrifugal principle with the built-in microprocessor MPPT (maximum power point
tracking) controller is chosen to extract water from the well which has the specifications
that it can receive DC voltage between (30V -300V), operates at power (900W), head

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

(10-30 m) and of flow rate of (7.4 – 4.4 m3/h). Figure 7 shows the electrical layout of
the pump.

Fig. 5 The compatibility of the measurable pump load line with the simulated maximum power
line of solar array. Va: Solar array voltage, Ia: Solar array current, G: Solar insolasion ratio.

Fig. 6 Equivalent electrical circuit of solar cell.

After the completion of installation the system has been run in a suitable atmosphere
where the sky was clear. A tank with a capacity of (1m ³) is used and filled with water, a
digital stopwatch is used to record the value of flow rate of lift (15m) .The voltage and
current of the pump are measured, and the results are shown in Fig.8, this demonstrates
the characteristics of the flow with the power derived from the solar array.
The practical results show a good matching of the measurable pump load line with
the simulated maximum power line of the solar array that means good performance ratio
(68.1%) for a coupling between the solar cells array and the centrifugal pump system, as

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

shown above in Fig. 5.Also the measurable Flow – Power characteristic curve of the
submersible pump as shown in Fig.8 has a clear matching with the specifications and
shape of the simulated relation shown in Fig.3.

Fig. 7 The electrical layout of Grundfos-SQF5A-6 pump [15].

Fig. 8 Measurable Flow – Power characteristic curve of the submersible pump.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

Figures 9, 10, 11 and12 show images for the practical installation system of solar
array, structure, submersible pump and well water respectively.

Fig. 9 An image for the Solar cells array (JuraWatt.205W).

Fig. 10 An image shows the Installation platform for solar panels.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

Fig. 11 An image for the submersible pump (Grundfos-SQF5A-6).

Fig.12 An image for the water well with it’s accessories.

5. Conclusions
The performance of the solar cells pumping system designed, simulated and
implemented here, indicates the acceptable matching between the practical results and
theoretical calculations. The results show a good matching of the measurable load line
with the simulated maximum power line of the solar array. Also the measurable Flow –
Power characteristic curve of the submersible pump has a clear matching with the
specifications and shape of the simulated relation, that means good performance ratio

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 06, November 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)

(68.1%) for a coupling between the solar cells array and the centrifugal pump system. It
is recommended to use the present solar energy pumping system in Iraq; as Iraq is one
of the richest countries with solar power, however, suffers nowadays a scarcity of
surface water. Beside, the proposed system does not need too much maintenance in
operation and does not contaminate the environment .As for long life cycle operation;
the proposed solar pumping system is more economical and easier to deal with.

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