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3 authors:
Mugdad H. Rajab
All content following this page was uploaded by Jamal Hameed on 23 April 2019.
Abstract—This research gives an idea about the effective use of development of hydraulic engineering, the use of new materials
water wheels in a river flow, which gives power generation with has produced a new form of energy and the efficiency of water
low cost. It also describes the working principle, design and wheels has greatly improved. Although the advent of water
calculations, applications and challenges along with future scope turbines and steam engines, water wheels have evolved further,
of using waterwheel.
especially in Switzerland and Germany. This technology has
Nowadays, generated hydropower from waterwheel is one of reached a high point of engineering beauty and can be used at
the cheapest ways to produce electricity. Hydropower can be the same time as a water pump for irrigation and farming
implemented in the developing nation like Iraq to supply domestic without the need for primitive energy or fossil energy.
electricity to cover the increased demand for electricity due to the
increase in population. The modern water wheels are made from This paper focuses on the implementation of the power
steel which have many functions as a new technology, promising plant using the model of the Undershot Water Wheel, giving a
no harmful effects on the environment. In this paper, those low-cost power generation solution for the purpose of
modern water wheels will be used to produce the electricity
supplying electricity. This is achieved through a waterwheel
through attaching the waterwheel to a generator with help of a belt
and pulley arrangement, so the electrical energy is resulted from
interleaved with a dynamometer, and converts mechanical
mechanical energy. The full bridge rectifier is used to transmit energy into electrical energy, with the help of a belt and reel
electricity in its most efficient form i.e. from direct current into arrangement. The rectifier allows the full bridge of electricity
pure direct current while the regulator is used to regulate the to be transmitted in its most efficient form. The regulator is used
current, and the battery helps to store it. for regulating current and battery for storage. One of the most
important things in this paper is to study the development of
Keywords-- waterwheel; hydropower; renewable energy. hydropower generation projects by the water wheel, which is
I. INTRODUCTION the construction of a generator without the rotor and the use of
the starter installed on the structure of the water wheel, (gearless
As a result of rapid development in all areas of technology, waterwheel without drive shaft with integrated alternating
electricity is mostly important for human development. current generator) [2].
Electricity is essential for some basic activities such as lighting,
cooling, operation of household appliances etc. The recent The following paper explains the working principle,
increase in the demand for electrical energy supply in rural design and calculations, applications and challenges along with
areas of developing countries has given additional weight to future scope of Undershot Water Wheel .This paper will focus
study generation the small hydroelectric power as a renewable on medium scale stream with the output of 10 kw. This water
energy and to study the feasibility of the hydroelectric power wheel will be used for domestic electricity and various other
plant with particular reference to the construction of water general electrical applications such as lighting in rural and
wheel, which has to meet the electrical needs of the villages in urban areas.
rural areas of Iraq.
The main object of this project is:
The current situation in rural areas of Iraq is bad, electricity
is still poor, about 40% of the villages have not seen what • To demonstrate that the simple axis
electricity is! Iraq is an agricultural country and a community horizontal design can generate energy in the
with a large water wealth. There are many rivers in Iraq and form of electricity using connection of
50% of Iraq’s population lives in rural areas. It is very important gearbox with generator.
for us to think about improving the country's situation by • To compare it with a new modular gearless
developing electric power projects, especially in villages and waterwheel without drive shaft with
remote areas where electricity is still unavailable. With the integrated alternating current generator.
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Fig. 4: Efficiency curves for an undershot water wheel
The optimum surface speed is so only 1/3 of the flow rate of the
The efficiency against flow rate curve is one of the main river, which is why a modern water wheel should have a speed
characteristics of any turbine as shown in figure 4. Where the control in order to operate it with the optimum speed. Whether
Qmax is the river’s maximum flow rate and Q is the river’s varies measuring the flow rate of the river is required by ultrasound
flow rate. The efficiency reached to around 75% when the ratio Doppler probe or the flow rate, varies greatly with respect to the
Q/ Qmax is 0.42, and remained at this level until Q/ Qmax become water level.
1.0 since 1 is the maximum ratio of Q/ Qmax . The maximum possible power can then be calculated as:
The power of the water wheel (in watts) is calculated though: Fig. 5: Efficiency of undershot water wheel as a function of speed ratio
• The product of the force by the surface speed of the and independence on the parameters
water wheel : ܹݒ
Although the efficiency appears to be relatively small in
relation to the through an underwater propeller (underwater
ܲௐ ൌ ݒ כ ܨௐ (5) wind turbine), the achievable efficiency is about § 60%
according to the law of Betz (this is applicable for an underwater
propeller, as Betz of a non-compressible medium emanated) [5
Or: & 6].
IV. WORKING PRINCIPLE Installation of (long-term) instrument types to determine the
runoff forming processes and hydrological parameters
A. Project description • Water gauge.
The construction of the project and hydropower generating • Yardstick for determining a representative water level.
unit depends on the specific details of the site. After constructing
the waterwheel, there are many steps need to be done for Reconnaissance of the terrain to locate potential sites,
hydropower generating unit, including: evaluate the sites.
• Construction turning point for water from a river or using water • GPS measurement points and tracking (location, height
from the tank. The hydroelectric power depends on the difference).
minimum flow of water available around the year. • Flow measurement.
• Surveying of sites.
• To protect our project, there must be a barrier to prevent the
entry of fish floating solids by using a net or a set of rails to avoid Interaction with the residents / decision makers integrative
the entry of large objects. Also, there must be a gate to prevent
process for determining the social impacts of the needs and
the entry of water and then stop the movement of the wheel, in
case there is maintenance. knowledge of residents.
• Meetings to exchange information
• Connecting a water wheel with electric generator system •Joint inspections with decision makers to intermediate
associated through gearbox, to get the biggest electrical energy. accounting and process Control.
The generator system is connected with electricity network in
order to provide electricity to the number of houses or buildings Experimental / demonstration model with a water wheel
(figure 7). The results and findings of these operations are the basis for the
• Using mathematical equations to calculate the water capacity analysis the feasibility, and are therefore vital importance for the
of the power plant (P) which depends on the water flow (in cubic present study.
meters per second) and water head (m), the efficiency of the D. Hydropower is economical
waterwheel, the electric generator and electric transformer for
converting the kinetic energy into electrical energy. • This technique can work 24 hours a day, without
having to primitive energy or fossil fuels.
B. Development of modern water wheels
• Clean energy, renewable, constant and economic, can
Water wheels are still considered as an alternative
experimental technology that belongs to an era before steam be used in all the nearby rivers and canals.
energy. Scientists and engineers have a great deal of attention to • Help and improve the economics of energy, where up
the conversion of hydraulic power to hydro electrical power. to 250KW systems without the need for complex
This has led to the development of more water wheels in control systems.
efficient energy conversion and very low cost. The development
• It has aesthetic benefits to provide an attraction to
of hydraulic engineering in combination with new materials,
such as wrought iron instead of wood, allows more suitable encourage visitors to these sites.
hydraulic shapes. The use of a power generation systems from • This technique is completely free of emissions and no
waterwheels is very flexible and can be used in different negative impact on animals and plants.
environments. The power generation depends on the amount of
• Low operating costs and very long life.
water flow from the source (river or stream) and speed. This
system can be designed to reduce potential damage caused by • High operating safety and low maintenance.
large dams or other large hydroelectric sites. Competition has • Sophisticated technology.
begun to develop the efficiency of power generation devices • Highest harvesting factor for all regenerative energies
associated with water wheels, as it will be explained in part VI.
This section introduces the tasks, objects and operations of (DESIGN WATER WHEEL MODEL)
the study briefly. The object of this study is to describe the
technical and social feasibility of a hydroelectric plant to power Our design of a waterwheel system, to build prototype model
the villages at the rivers in Iraq. To be able to assess its with energy converter of diameter = 5.0 m can deliver power up
feasibility, it was necessary to examine the conditions on the to (10 KW), that can be demonstrated a new method of the
ground in Iraq, especially on the Euphrates and Tigris based in torque improving using water flow. To get an optimal method
a field study. The ultimate goal is the realization of the of prototype manufacturing, the design must satisfy the strength
hydroelectric plant and feasibility confirmation. Due to the terms. The Finite Element Methods using modeling software is
common task, the basic evaluation took place jointly during the reliable to check the strength of design results. The water wheel
field study. The following shows the implementation steps that consists of several prefabricated components that can be
are going through this basic evaluation procedure. assembled on site of a waterwheel system. The individual
components are shown in figure 6, the prototype of a fully
functioning power plant water wheel installed with generator, which contains a large number of moving parts (transmission,
gearbox, power converter and measurement group. belt drive, generator, etc.)[13].
The project “Power plants use water wheels with energy
converters in modular principle” is dedicated to a particular area
of generating electrical energy from renewable energy sources.
The economic use of electric power for stand-alone grids, i.e.
without power supply in a power grid in the power range below
10kW shall be substantially in the rural settlement area for the
home and small craft enterprises [8 & 9].
Fig.7: Modular gearless waterwheel without drive shaft and with integrated
alternating current generator.
[1] G. Müller and K. Kauppert, “Old water mills – Britain’s new source of
energy”, Proc. ICE Civ. Eng., Vol. 150, No. 4, pp. 178-186, (2002).
[2] P. Oliver, “Small hydro power: technology and current status,”
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 107, No. 6, pp. 537-
556, (2002).
[3] Ayesha Zaman and Taslima Khan “Design of a water wheel for a low
head micro hydropower system”, Journal Basic Science And
Technology, 1(3), p16, ISSN : 20898185, (2012 ).
[4] Wasserad,Internet:https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasserrad#Kombinatio