Design of Barrage

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Input Data

Maximum Discharge, Qmax 575000 cusecs

Minimum Discharge, Qmin 15000 cusecs
River Bed Level, RBL 582 ft
Highest Flood Level, HFL 600 ft
Lowest water level, LWL 587 ft
Numbers of canals on left side 1
Numbers of canals on right side 1
Maximum Discharge of one Canal 3500 cusecs
Slope of river 1 ft/mile
Lacey's Looseness Coefficient, LLC 1.8

Minimum Stable Wetted Perimeter

Wetted perimeter, Pw = 2.67√ Qmax 2025 ft

Width between abutment, Wa = LLC x Pw 3644 ft
Number of bays 55
Bay width 60 ft
Number of fish ladder 1
Width of one fish ladder 26 ft
Number of divide walls 2
Width of one divide wall 15 ft
Width of one pier 6 ft
Total number of piers 50
Total width of bays 3300 ft
Total width of piers 300 ft
Width between abutment, Wa 3656 ft
Discharge between abutments, qabt 157.28 cusecs/ft
Discharge over weir, q weir 174.24 cusecs/ft

Calculation of Lacey's Silt Factor

S = (1/1844) x f^5/3 / Q^1/6

Lacey's silt factor, f 2.07
Fixation of Crest Level

Afflux 3 ft
Height of crest above river bed, P 6 ft
Scour depth, R = 0.9(qabt^2 / f)^1/3 20.57 ft
Depth of water above crest, Ho = R- P 14.57 ft
Approach velocity, Vo = qabt / R 7.64 ft/s
Energy head, ho = Vo^2 / 2g 0.91 ft
Eo = Ho + ho 15.48 ft
Do = HFL – RBL 18.00 ft
E1 = Do + ho + Afflux 21.91 ft
Level of E1 = RBL + E1 603.91 ft
Crest level = Level of E1 – Eo 588.43 ft
Maximum d/s water level 600 ft
h = d/s WL - Crest Level 11.57 ft

Using Gibson Curve

h / Eo 0.75
C' / C 0.85
C 3.8 fps
C' = (C'/C) x C 3.23

Q = C' x W clear x Eo^3/2 64932 cusecs O.K


Design of Undersluices

Difference between undersluices & main weir 3 ft

Number of undersluices (N1) 2
Number of bays for one undersluices (N2) 5
Flow through undesluices as % of main weir 120 %
Crest level of undersluices 585.43 ft
b1 = N1 x Bay width 300 ft
qus = % flow x q weir 209.091 cusecs/ft
Scour depth, R = 0.9(qus**2 / f)**1/3 24.88 ft
Do = HFL-RBL 18 ft
Approach velocity, Vo = qus / R 8.41 ft/sec
Energy head, ho = Vo**2 / 2g 1.10 ft
Maximum U/S E.L = HFL + Afflux + ho 604.10 ft
Eo = U/S E.L - Crest Level 18.67 ft
h = (U/S E.L - Afflux) - Crest level 15.67 ft
h / Eo 0.84

Using Gibson Curve

C' / C 0.75
C' = (C'/C) x C 2.85
Q1 & Q3, ( Q = C' x Wclear x Eo^3/2) 13796 cusecs
Q main weir = C' x (Wclear(bays) - Wclear( us) )x Eo^3/2 53126 cusecs
Total Discharge = Q1 + Q3 + Q main weir 66923 cusecs O.K
%water through undersluices=(Q1+Q3)/Qmain weir*100 26.0 %


Crest Level of Undersluices Revise ft

Number of Bays on Each Side Revise
Fixation of d/s Floor Levels and Length of d/s Glacis and d/s Floor

1- Fixation of d/s floor levels for normal weir section using blench curves


(USWL+ho) (DSWL (USEL- (blench (DSEL
+ho) DSEL) curve) - E2)
(cusecs) (cusecs/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
Normal state of river
690000 228.6 605.40 601.40 4.00 20.4 581.00
575000 183.0 603.18 601.18 2.00 17.2 583.98
287500 126.5 599.88 597.38 2.50 13.2 584.18
For Retrogressed state of river
690000 222.6 604.03 597.63 6.40 21 576.63
575000 194.8 602.65 596.25 6.40 19 577.25
287500 99.1 597.34 590.54 6.80 12.5 578.04
For accreted state of river
690000 229.4 606.28 604.28 2.00 19.1 585.18
575000 210.5 605.43 603.43 2.00 18 585.43
287500 184.1 604.24 602.24 2.00 16.8 585.44

d/s Floor level 577.00 ft

2- Fixation of d/s floor levels for undersluices using blench curves


(USWL+ho) (DSWL (USEL- (blench (DSEL
+ho) DSEL) curve) - E2)
(cusecs) (cusecs/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
Normal state of river
179491 299.15 606.06 603.56 2.50 23 580.56
For Retrogressed state of river
178168 296.95 604.61 598.11 6.50 24.7 573.41
For accreted state of river
178815 298.02 607.23 605.73 1.50 22.3 583.43

d/s Floor level for undersluices 573.00 ft

Fixation of d/s floor level for normal barrage section using Crump's
method and determination of floor length
Q 575000 cusecs
Maximum DSWL 602.5 ft
USWL 604.5 ft
USEL 605.33 ft
DSFL 577.00 ft
RBL 582 ft
Crest level 588.43 ft
Dpool (Max. DSWL - DSFL) 25.5 ft
d/s Velocity (Q/(Dpool x Wa) 6.17 ft/sec
d/s velocity head (V2/2g) 0.59 ft
DSEL (DSWL + velocity head) 603.09 ft
K (USEL - Crest Level ) 16.90 ft
L (USEL - DSEL ) 2.24 ft
q (Q / Total width of bays) 174.24 cusecs/ft
Critical Depth, C, (q2 / g)1/3 9.81 ft
L/C 0.23
(K+F)/C ,(from crumps curve) 2.1
F, [(K+F)/C x C - K] 3.69
Level of intersection of jump with glacis
= Crest level – F 584.74 ft
E2, ( DSEL - Level of intersection of jump) 18.35 ft
Submergency of jump, (Level of intersection of jump - DSFL ) 7.74 ft
Slope of d/s glacis 1: 3
Length of glacis d/s of jump, (slope x submergency) 23.21 ft
Length of stilling pool, (4.5 x E 2) 82.59 ft
Length of d/s floor, (Length of stilling pool -Length of glacis d/s of 59.37 ft
Say 60 ft
Q 575000 cusecs
Minimum DSWL 595 ft
USWL 601.4 ft
USEL 602.51 ft
DSFL 576 ft
RBL 582 ft
Crest level 588.43 ft
Dpool (Min. DSWL - DSFL) 19 ft
d/s Velocity (Q/(Dpool x Wa) 8.28 ft/sec
d/s velocity head (V2/2g) 1.06 ft
DSEL, (DSWL + velocity head) 596.06 ft
K (USEL - Crest Level ) 14.08 ft
L (USEL - DSEL ) 6.45 ft
q (Q / Total width of bays) 174.24 cusecs/ft
Critical Depth, C, (q2 / g)1/3 9.81 ft
L/C 0.66
(K+F)/C ,(from crumps curve) 2.6
F, [(K+F)/C x C - K] 11.41 ft
Level of intersection of jump with glacis
= Crest level – F 577.01 ft
E2, ( DSEL - Level of intersection of jump) 19.05 ft
Submergency of jump, (Level of intersection of jump - DSFL ) 1.01 ft
Slope of d/s glacis 1: 3
Length of glacis d/s of jump, (slope x submergency) 3.04 ft
Length of stilling pool, (4.5 x E2) 85.72 ft
Length of d/s floor, (Length of stilling pool -Length of glacis d/s of 82.68 ft
Say 83.00 ft
Fixation of d/s floor length for undersluices
Q 165561 cusecs
Maximum DSWL 603.5 ft
USWL 605 ft
USEL 607 ft
DSFL 573 ft
RBL 582 ft
Crest level 585.43 ft
Dpool (Max. DSWL - DSFL) 30.5 ft
d/s Velocity (Q/(Dpool x Wa) 9.0 ft/sec
d/s velocity head (V2/2g) 1.27 ft
DSEL (DSWL + velocity head) 604.77 ft
K (USEL - Crest Level ) 21.57 ft
L (USEL - DSEL ) 2.23 ft
q (Q / Total width of bays) 275.9 cusecs/ft
Critical Depth, C, (q2 / g)1/3 13.32 ft
L/C 0.167
(K+F)/C ,(from crumps curve) 1.95
F, [(K+F)/C x C - K] 4.40 ft
Level of intersection of jump with glacis
= Crest level – F 581.02 ft
E2, ( DSEL - Level of intersection of jump) 23.75 ft
Submergency of jump, (Level of intersection of jump - DSFL ) 8.02 ft
Slope of d/s glacis 1: 3
Length of glacis d/s of jump, (slope x submergency) 24.06 ft
Length of stilling pool, (4.5 x E 2) 107 ft
Length of d/s floor, (Length of stilling pool -Length of glacis d/s of 82.81 ft
Say 83.00 ft

Q 165561 cusecs
Minimum DSWL 595 ft
USWL 601.5 ft
USEL 604.29 ft
DSFL 573 ft
RBL 582 ft
Crest level 585.43 ft
Dpool (Min. DSWL - DSFL) 22 ft
d/s Velocity (Q/(Dpool x Wa) 12.54 ft/sec
d/s velocity head (V2/2g) 2.44 ft
DSEL (DSWL + velocity head) 597.44 ft
K (USEL - Crest Level ) 18.86 ft
L (USEL - DSEL ) 6.85 ft
q (Q / Total width of bays) 275.9 cusecs/ft
Critical Depth, C, (q2 / g)1/3 13.32 ft
L/C 0.514
(K+F)/C ,(from crumps curve) 2.4
F, [(K+F)/C x C - K] 13.11 ft
Level of intersection of jump with glacis
= Crest level - F 572.32 ft
E2, ( DSEL - Level of intersection of jump) 25.13 ft
Submergency of jump, (Level of intersection of jump - DSFL ) -0.68 ft
Slope of d/s glacis 1: 3
Length of glacis d/s of jump, (slope x submergency) -2.05 ft
Length of stilling pool, (4.5 x E 2) 113 ft
Length of d/s floor, (Length of stilling pool -Length of glacis d/s of 115.12 ft
Say 116 ft

Hence we shall provide d/s floor length = 116 ft

Check for Adequacy for d/s floor levels using conjugate depth method.

1. For normal weir section

Ф 1.00
Floor level of stilling pool 577.00 ft

Discharge in river, Q (cusecs) 575000 287500

Discharge through main weir, Q1= 0.8Q (cusecs) 460000 230000
max. min. max min
USEL (ft) 605.33 602.5 604.22 597.2
1 8
DSWL (ft) 602 595.0 602 590
E = USEL - DSFL 28.33 25.51 27.22 20.28
Intensity of flow on d/s floor, q = Q1/width of main 170.37 170.3 85.19 85.19
weir 7
Depth in stilling pool, Dpool = DSWL - DSFL 25.00 18.00 25.00 13.00
f(z) = q/E3/2 1.130 1.322 0.600 0.933
Conjugate depth z 0.140 0.165 0.071 0.111
z' 0.627 0.660 0.479 0.574
Conjugate depths d1 = z x E 3.97 4.21 1.93 2.25
d2 = z' x E 17.76 16.84 13.04 11.64
Jump submergency = Dpool - d2 7.24 1.16 11.96 1.36
Remarks O.K O.K O.K O.K

2. For undersluices section

Ф 1.00
Floor level of stilling pool 573.00 ft

Discharge in river, Q (cusecs) 575000

Discharge through U.S with 20% concentration, (1.2 x (Q1 + 165561
Max. Min.
USEL (ft) 607 604.29
DSWL (ft) 603.50 595
E = USEL - DSFL (ft) 34.00 31.29
Intensity of flow on d/s floor, q = Q1/Total width of all U/S 276 276
Depth in stilling pool, Dpool = DSWL - DSFL 30.50 22.00
f(z) = q/E3/2 1.39 1.58
Conjugate depth coefficients z 0.182 0.210
z' 0.686 0.716
Conjugate depths d1 = z x E 6.19 6.57
d2 = z' x E 23.32 22.40
Jump submergency = Dpool - d2 (ft) 7.18 -0.40
Remarks O.K O.K

Scour Protection
For main weir

Assume flow concentration 20 %

q = Qmax /(total width of bays) x 1.2 209.091 cusecs/ft
R = 0.9 (q2/f)1/3 24.88 ft
1. d/s scour protection for main weir

Safety factor for d/s floor critical condition 1.75

Depth, R' = safety factor x R 43.53 ft
Minimum DSWL for Qmax 595 ft
d/s appron (floor) level, (DSFL) 577.00 ft
Depth of water on apron (Min DSWL - DSFL) 18.00 ft
Increase in depth due to concentration 0.50 ft
Depth of water with concentration, D' 18.50 ft
Depth of scour below apron = R' - D' 25.03 ft
Slope of protection 1: 3
Length of apron to cover surface of scour = Sqrt (12+32)x(R'-D') 79.16 ft
Length of d/s stone apron in horizontal position
= length of apron x (1.25t/1.75t) 57 ft

2. U/s Scour Protection for main weir

Safety factor for u/s floor critical condition 1.25

R' = Safety factor x R 31.10 Ft
Minimum USWL for Qmax 601.40 Ft
U/s apron level, (RBL) 582 Ft
Depth of water on apron = USWL -RBL 19.40 Ft
Increase in depth due to concentration 0.50 Ft
Total depth with concentration, D' 19.90 Ft
Depth of scour below apron = R' - D' 11.20 Ft
Slope of protection 1: 3
Length of apron to cover surface of scour = Sqrt (12+32)x(R'-D') 35.40 Ft
Length of u/s stone apron in horizontal position
= length of apron x (1.25t/1.75t) 26 Ft
For undersluices

Assume flow concentration 20 %

q = (Q1+Q3)/Total width of undersluicesx 1.2 276 cusecs/ft
R = 0.9 (q2/f)1/3 29.93 Ft

3. d/s scour protection for undersluices

Safety factor for d/s floor critical condition 1.75

Depth, R' = safety factor x R 52.38 Ft
Minimum DSWL for Q1 + Q3 595 Ft
d/s appron (floor) level, (DSFL) 573.00 Ft
Depth of water on apron (Min DSWL - DSFL) 22.00 ft
Increase in depth due to concentration 0.5 ft
Depth of water with concentration, D' 22.50 ft
Depth of scour below apron = R' - D' 29.88 ft
Slope of protection 1: 3
Length of apron to cover surface of scour = Sqrt (12+32)x(R'-D') 94.48 ft
Length of d/s stone apron in horizontal position
= length of apron x (1.25t/1.75t) 68 ft

4. U/s Scour Protection for undersluices

Safety factor for u/s floor critical condition 1.25

R' = Safety factor x R 37.41 ft
Minimum USWL for Q1 + Q3 601.5 ft
U/s apron level, (RBL) 582 ft
Depth of water on apron = USWL -RBL 19.5 ft
Increase in depth due to concentration 0.5 ft
Total depth with concentration, D' 20 ft
Depth of scour below apron = R' - D' 17.41 ft
Slope of protection 1: 3
Length of apron to cover surface of scour = Sqrt (12+32)x(R'-D') 55.06 ft
Length of u/s stone apron in horizontal position
= length of apron x (1.25t/1.75t) 40 ft
5. Thickness of Aprons

The following table gives the required valuves of "t" (Fig:2) for protection
of various grades of sand and slope of rivers.

Fall in 3 9 12 18 24
Sand Thickness of stone pitching in inches
Very coarse 16 19 22 25 28
Coarse 22 25 28 31 34
Medium 28 31 34 37 40
Fine 34 37 40 43 46
Very fine 40 43 45 49 52

Type of soil Medium sand

Slope of river 12 in/mile
Thickness if stone pitching, t 34 in
Thickness of stone apron in horizontal position = 1.75xt/slope 5 ft
Size of concrete blocks over filter 4 ft cube


Total Length of d/s stone apron 57 ft

4 ft Thick bloke apron = 1/3 x total length 19 ft (block=
5 ft Thick stone apron 38 ft

Total length of u/s apron 26 ft

4 ft Thick bloke apron = 1/3 x total length 8 ft (block=
5 ft Thick stone apron 18 ft

Inverted Filter Design

Size of Concrete blocks 4 ft cube

Thickness of shingle (3' - 6") 9 in
Thickness of coarse shingle (3/4" - 3") 9 in
Thickness of fine shingle (3/16" - 3/4") 6 in
Spacing b/w conc. Blocks filled with fine shingle 2 in
Design of guide banks

i) Length of each guid bank measured in straight line

the barrage u/s , Lu/s = 1.5 x Wa 5484 ft
ii) Length of each guid bank d/s of barrage, Ld/s = 0.2 x 731.2 ft

iii) For the nose of the u/s guide bank and the full length
of d/s
guide bank use Lacey's depth = 1.75 x R 43.53 ft
For remaining u/s guide bank lacey's depth = 1.25 x R 31.10 ft
iv) Possible slope of scour 1: 3
v) Free board u/s 7 ft above HFL
Free board d/s 6 ft above HFL
These free boards also include allowance for accretion.
vi) Top of guide bank 10 ft
vii) Side slope of guide bank 1: 3
viii) Minimum apron thickness 4 ft

Length of barrage, Wa 3656 ft

Length of u/s guide bank 5484 ft
Length of d/s guide bank 731.2 ft
Radius of u/s curved part 600 ft
Radius of d/s curved part 400 ft
Maximum u/s angle protected 140o
Maximum d/s angle protected 57o -
1. Determination of levels of guide banks

Merrimen's backwater formula

L = length of back water curve

Chezy's Coefficient, C 71 ( max for

Bed slope of river, S 1/ 5000
RBL 582 ft
D/s HFL with accretion 602.5 ft
D = D/s HFL with accretion - RBL 20.5 ft
U/s HFL with accretion 604.5 ft
d1 = U/s HFL with accretion - RBL 22.5 ft
Assume d2 (in between d1 and D) 21.78 ft
d1/D 1.098
d2/D 1.062
Ф (d1/D) (from Bresse back water function 0.7870
Ф (d2/D) 0.8287
L 7740 ft
Length of guide bank 5484
Comments O.K

Rise in RBL = Length of guide bank / slope 1.10 from

Water level along h/w axis at 5484 ft u/s of barrage
= RBL + Rise in RBL + d2 604.88 ft

Level at the nose of u/s guide bank = W/L + free board 611.88 ft
Level at the barrage = HFL + free board 607 ft
Water level d/s of barrage 602.0 ft
D/s free board 6 ft
Level of guide bank d/s = W/L + Free board 608.0 ft

Design of Guide Bank Apron

Working on same lines as in section 10,

Length of unlanched horizontal apron = 2.5(R' - D') 27.99 ft

Length of launched apron at 1:3 slope = 3.16(R' - D') 35.38 ft
Thickness of stone apron, t (as calculated previously) 34 inches
say 3 ft
Volume of stones in apron = t x length launched apron 106.13 ft3/unit
Minimum thickness of unlaunched apron = 1.07t 3.2 ft
Mean thickness of unlaunched apron = volume/ 2.5(R' - D') 3.8 ft
Maximum thickness of unlaunched apron = 2t mean - tmin 5.0 ft

Design of Marginal Bunds

i) Top width 20 ft
ii) Top level above estimated HFL after allowing 1.5ft accretion 5 ft
iii) Front slope of marginal bunds (not 1: 3
iv) Back slope to be such as to provide minimum cover of 2 ft,
over hydraulic gradient of
v) U/s water level at nose of guide bank 611.88 ft
Free board of marginal bund 5 ft
Hence level of marginal bund 616.88 ft

Calculation of length of backwater curve:

Merrimen's equation can be used to calculate backwater length

Maximum USWL at Qmax 604.5 Ft

RBL 582 Ft
Normal W.L without weir 600 Ft
d1 = Maximum USWL - RBL 22.5 Ft
D = Normal W.L - RBL 18 Ft
Slope 1: 5000
Design of barrage profile for sub surface flow condition
Fixing of Depth of Sheet Piles

Scour depth, R 20.57 ft

Depth of u/s sheet pile from HFL = 1.5 R 31 ft
Max. USWL for Qmax 604.5 ft
RL of bottomo fu/s sheet pile = Max. USWL - 1.5R 573.5 ft
Depth of d/s sheet pile below HFL = 2R 42 ft
RL of bottom of intermediate sheet pile = Max. USWL - 2R 562.5 ft
Let RL of bottom of d/s sheet pile 550 ft

Calculation of Exit Gradient

Let the water be headed up to Max. accreted level u/s 604.5 ft
and no flow d/s.
Retogression 4 ft
DSFL 577.0 ft
Differential head causing seepeage, H = Max. u/s WL - (DSFL - 31.5 ft
Depth of d/s sheet pile, d = DSFL - RL of bottom of d/s sheet pile 27.0 ft
Total length of concrete floor = b 196.23 ft
α = b/d

form curve 0.152


GE 0.177 SAFE

Calculation of Uplift Pressure After Applying Correction

1. U/s pile line

Length of concrete floor upto u/s sheet pile, b1 47.25 ft

Total length of concrete floor, b 196.23 ft
Depth of u/s sheet pile,d 8.5 ft
Assume tf u/s floor thickness 2.5 ft
1/α = d/b 0.0433
α = b/d 23.09
b1/b 0.241
1 - b1/b
= From khosla's curve 100 - 33 67 %
= From khosla's curve 100 - 31 69 %
= From khosla's curve 64 %

i. Correction for floor thickness

Correction in 0.882 %

Correction in -ve 0.58824 %

ii. Correction for interface of sheet pile

Correction in due to second pile =

Depth of u/s sheet pile,d 8.5 ft

D = RBL - RL of bottom of second pile 19.5 ft
Total length of concrete floor, b 196.23 ft
Distance between two piles, b' 65.98 ft
Correction in +ve 1.47 %

iii. Slope correction for

Correction for

For 1:4 slope, Fs (from slope correction curve) 3.3

Distance between two piles, b1 65.98 ft
Horizontal projection of u/s glacis, bs = (crest level - RBL) x 25.70 ft
Correted 68.4118 %
Corrected 67 %
Corrected 65.071 %

2. Intermediate sheet pile at toe of d/s glacis

Assume floor thickness 10 Ft

DSFL 577.00 Ft
RL of intermediate sheet pile 562.50 Ft
d = DSFL - RL of Intermediate sheet pile 14.50 Ft
Total length of concrete floor, b 196.23 Ft
Length of concrete floor up to sheet pile, b1 113.23 Ft
b1/b 0.577
1 - b1/b 0.423
α = b/d 13.53
From khosla's curve 100 - 55 45 %

From khosla's curve 100 - 58 42 %

From khosla's curve 36.5 %

i. Correction due to floor thickness

Correction -2.06897 %

Correction in 3.79 %

ii. Correction due to interference of pile

Correction in due to u/s sheet


Depth of Intermediate sheet pile,d 14.5 ft

D = RBL - RL of bottom of u/s sheet pile 19.50 ft
Total length of concrete floor, b 196.23 ft
Distance between two piles, b' 65.98 ft

Correction in = -1.79 %

Correction in due to d/s

sheet pile =
Depth of Intermediate sheet 14.50 ft
D = DSFL - RL of bottom of d/s sheet pile ft
Total length of concrete floor, b 196.23 ft
Distance between two piles, b' 83.00 ft

Correction in = 2.29 %

iii. Slope correction for

for '1:3 slope, Fs 4.5
bs = (crest level - DSFL) x 1/slope 34.28 Ft
Distance between two piles, b1 65.98 Ft

Correction in 2.34 %

Corrected 43.48 %
Corrected 42 %
Corrected 42.58 %

3. D/s sheet pile at the end of impervious floor

Assume floor thickness 7 ft

Depth of d/s sheet pile, d 27.00 ft

Total length of concrete floor, b 196.23 ft
1/α = d/b 0.138
From khosla's curve 100 - 68 32 %

From khosla's curve 100 - 78 22 %

From khosla's curve 0 %

i. Correction due to floor thickness

Correction in -2.59 %

Correction in 5.70 %

ii. Correction due to interface of piles

Correction in

Depth of d/s sheet pile,d 27.00 ft

D = DSFL - RL of bottom of intermediate sheet pile 14.50 ft
Total length of concrete floor, b 196.23 ft
Distance between two piles, b' 83.00 ft

Correction in = -1.68 %

Corrected 27.73 %

Corrected 22 %
Corrected 5.70 %
Table: Uplift pressure at E, D, C and along the sheet piles

Symbol used in u/s Pile Intermediate d/s Pile

Khosla cueve

= 68.41% = 43.48% = 27.73%

= 67% = 42% = 22%

= 65.07% = 42.58% = 5.7%

Calculation For Floor Thickness

tf = Thickness of floor in ft
= % Uplift pressure
H = Maximum differential head causing seepage
G = Specific gravity of concrete = 2.4

i. Thickness of floor at A

Assumend thickness 2.5 ft

H 32 ft
Thickness from uplift pressure 15.64 ft
say 16.00 ft

ii. Thickness of floor at L

Assumend thickness 10 ft
Thickness from uplift pressure 9.94 ft
say 10.00 ft

iii. Thickness of floor at N

Assumend thickness 10 ft
Thickness from uplift pressure 9.73 ft
say 10.00 ft
iv. Thickness of floor at P

Assumend thickness 7 ft
Thickness from uplift pressure 6.34 ft
say 7.00 ft

v. Thickness of floor at crest

Uplift pressure at crest 54.6963 %

Thickness of floor at crest d/s of gate 12.502 ft
say 13 ft

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