Deed of Rescission and Annulment of Sale: Seller/Vendor
Deed of Rescission and Annulment of Sale: Seller/Vendor
Deed of Rescission and Annulment of Sale: Seller/Vendor
This Deed of Absolute Sale made and entered into by and between:
_________________ and ___________________, Filipinos, single, of legal ages and
with residence address at ________________________, hereinafter referred to as the
WHEREAS, the parties herein are the same parties that entered into a Deed of Absolute
Sale identified as Doc. No. 30, Page no. 29, Book no. 5, Series of 2020 of the Notarial Register
of Notary Public ________________ of _____________, wherein the SELLER/VENDOR, for
and in consideration of the sum of TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php
2,500,000.00), Philippine Currency, sold to the BUYER/VENDEE a certain parcel of land, with
improvement, more particularly described as follows:
WHEREAS, the parties have hereto mutually agreed to rescind, annul and declare the
aforementioned Deed of Absolute Sale as without any force and effect;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties
hereto make known, by all these presents, that the aforementioned Deed of Absolute Sale
involving the above-described property is hereby RESCINDED and ANNULLED, and declare
the aforementioned Deed of Absolute Sale as without any force and effect and, by these presents,
authorize the Bureau of Internal Revenue and any other government and private agency, to
rescind and annul said Deed after payment of the required fees.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures this
_____________ at _____________, Philippines.
__________________ __________________