Thayan Resurrection PDF
Thayan Resurrection PDF
Thayan Resurrection PDF
After Spellplague, Thayan Red Wizards have joined their forces to make Thay the greatest
nation of Sword Coast once again!
Chapter 1: Backgrounds
You have been living in a country that has been for centuries
one of the greatest concentrations of magical might in Tharcs in Thay
Faerûn. Such of a nation with long, impressive history offers Thay is located in far east from Sword Coast, on the
a rich selection of opportunities to live long and prosper, or to eastern shores of Sea of Fallen Stars. Mountains
punish and enslave. dominate the lands of Thay, where the highest of
You might be a slave from poor conditions, who found a them all is Thay Mount. Thay is divided into regions
way out of it. Maybe you have been a merchant or a sailor, called tharchs. There are eleven tharchs and all of
who has delivered richness into Thay. You might have been a them have a ruler called tharchion.
Alaor. This small island on the Sea of Fallen Stars
prosperous farmer from Surthay, where the climate is was destroyed by massive wave caused by volcanic
controlled by powerful enhancements to provide better crops. eruption. Only small temple of Istishia is known to
Eltabbar was once a capital of Thay, where your family stand in the island anymore.
could have made your fortune by magical items. Perhaps you Delhumide. This district lies on the northern
have been serving in the military, fighting against Rashemi border of Thay and it used to contain rich soil and
invaders, or may it was you, who was doing the invasion. farmlands. was destroyed by rebelling Red Wizards
Finally, you may be an individual who has been in ranks of using dark magic. Only demons and few humans
Red Wizard as an apprentice, or simply owning the title inhibit this tharc..
through inheritance. Perhaps you have seen the horrors of Eltabbar. On the North West part of the Thay,
the darkest parts of Thay, in the ancient Citadel of this tharch is only lightly populated, even though
Thaymount. Thay's former capital is located in this tharch.
Gauros. This rocky, rugged and forbidding land is
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, plus one from among History, on the north east border of Thay. It is mostly
Religion, Deception, Intimidation inhibited by Rashemi people, but it is also known
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools of its ruins and dangerous wandering monsters.
Languages: Thayan or Mulhorandi Lapendrar. This tharch lies on south west border
Equipment: A scroll case, notebook, a set of common of Thay and it is home of many important cities
within Thay and Eastern Way road, that passes
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp through it.
Cultural Background Priador. This southern region of Thay was once
The vast majority of Thayans are human, who are roughly home for salamanders, until the war that ensued in
divided into two distinct human cultures: the Rashemi and this region left it charred land and once finished,
Red Wizard remained in control.
the Mulan. Pyarados. On the eastern border of Thay lies the
Rashemi. Kin to the folk of Rashemen, Rashemi tharc of Pyarados. This tharch has often been
population in Thay are mostly from the common class. The favored by wandering adventurers, due to
most powerful military warriors in Thay are generally friendliness of leaders in this area and ancient ruins
gathered from stout, hardy Rashemi folk. to explore.
Mulan. Descendant of Mulhorandi people, this tall and Surthay. A small region northern part of the Thay
slim folk have strong traditions, causing them to be is famous for its enchancements used to control
conservative and resistant to change. Most of the nobles and weather around the its twons, making it colder and
Red Wizards are Mulan. rainier that other regions of Thay.
Thaymount. In the center of Thay stands
Social Background Thaymount, home of Red Wizards. The mountains
Thay is divided into 4 society levels, which are slaves, are source for many riches, they provide shelter for
Red Wizards and their massive armies and the
commoners, nobles and Red Wizards. Each of these levels ancient citadel is now new Capital of Thay.
have their own benefits and priviledges, except slaves who Thazalhar. Is a small region in south east border
don't have any. of Thay. Only few groups of militia, bandits and
If you are commoner, you can think further about your pirates are known to be its inhibitants. The only
background, such as official, priest, farmer or soldier. As a caravan route through this region is used by the
noble, you may own land or you could have served in army, most fearless trader.
bureaucracy, or clergy. Tyraturos. This region lies in the south east part
In case of Red Wizard, you automatically have same paths of Thay and it is a crossroads of two important
open as noble would have. Additionally, you have right to trade routes in Thay. This tharch is ideal of
wear a red robe and have an access to high offices in Thay. merchants and it is also known for great slave
d4 Society Level d4 Society Level
1 Slave 3 Noble
2 Commoner 4 Red Wizard
d6 Bond
Feature: Thayan Heritage
Your home has always been Thay and you know their 1 I will bring fortune and glory to my family.
customs and politics as your own pockets, which lets you gain 2 I follow the wisdom of my elder people.
access to places inside Thay nobody else can go. As usual in
Thay, foreigner adventurers are charged up to three times the 3 I am Red Wizard by my blood and heart.
normal price for permits, equiment or food; you have an 4 Our military forces are the best in the world and I am
ability to buy everything in normal price, as well as ability to one of them.
negotiate better terms for any adventuring party. Any other 5 The Citadel is home of me and my master.
place you travel in the Realms, you are generally viewed with
suspicion and fear. 6 I possess knowledge that Red Wizards would kill to get.
d6 Ideal
1 Tradition. Elder people have seen it all and their ways
should be respected for that. (Lawful)
2 Retribution. It will always be me, who finish the fight.
3 Wealth. Everything has a price, just make an offer. (Any)
4 Power. My ultimate goal is simply world domination.
5 Freedom. No one should be told what to do. (Chaotic)
6 Knowledge. If we lose our knowledge, we lose
ourselves. (Any)
Chapter 2: Classes
Red Wizard Arcane Traditions' Features
Level Tattoo Specialist Demonologist Circle Mage
2nd Scribe Tattoo, Enhanced Specialization Scribe Tattoo, Fiendish Companion Scribe Tattoo, Spell Power
6th Specialist Luck Summoning Circle, Summon Fiend Cooperative Casting
10th Specialist Defense Fiendish Charm Circle Leader
14th Improved Alacrity True Companion Greater Circle Leader
Scribe Tattoo
Wizards Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, you gain
Magic is common in every part of the Faerun. The magical proficiency in Artisan Tools (Calligraphy). If you are already
knowledge shared among the wizards today are likely results proficient with this tool, you can choose other Artisan Tool.
of experiments made in Thay, by mages who were specialised You can scribe 1 minor tattoo. You can enhance abilities in
to certain school of magic. this tradition using these tattoo, gaining greater effects.
At 6th level you can scribe 2 minor tattoos, at 10th level 3
Red Wizards of Thay and at 14th level 4.
At their height of power, Red Wizards commited many Enhanced Specialization
magical experiments, crafted powerful magical items and Beginning at 2nd level you select your school of speciality
formed dark alliances with demons. Each Red Wizard was from abjuration, conjuration, divination, enhancement,
heavily specialized to single school of magic, to a point they evocation, illusion, necromancy or transmutation. The gold
ignored other schools completely. Their badge of office were and time you must spend to copy a spell of your specialized
crimson robes and they liked to shave their heads and tattoo school into your spellbook is thirded.
their bodies to gain greater magical strength. Additionally, you immediately recognize from the look of
After the latest civil war had concluded in Thay, the name the spell effect, if it belongs to school you are specialized in.
of Red Wizards has diminished. The leaders of Red Wizards, This skill includes spells being cast by other spell casters.
Zulkirs, were defeated in a fierce magical battle against Finally, you gain proficiency in Arcana skill. If you are
powerful lich, Szass Tam. already proficient, you may choose another skill.
Most of the traditions, spells and rituals are now lost in With Tattoo Enhancements. When you have minor
time, or they are possessed by a selected few, who may not be tattoos focused on this ability, you gain +1 bonus to attack
willing to trade them. Still, the rivaling factions withing Thay rolls and +1 damage bonus for one dice roll for each tattoo
are still following some of the old traditions, which they teach added.
to new apprentices joining their ranks.
Specialist Luck
Arcane Traditions Starting at 6th level, you learn to influense the spells of your
In Thay, apprenticeship was a logical path for all wizard to chosen school to alter their effects. If you see spell being cast
take since becoming a Red Wizard meant power. It was not by other creature or creature being hit by the spell, you can
easy path, not all even survived. There are certain reroll any involved saving throw or attack roll involved to that
commonalities between different traditions, such as choosing spell and choose either result. Once you have used this skill,
of specialist school and ability to scribe tattoos. These you must complete long rest to regain use of this ability.
traditions binds Red Wizards together. With Tattoo Enhancements. When you have minor
tattoos focused on this ability, you have 2 uses per long rest (2
tattoos) and 3 uses (4 tattoos).
Tattoo Specialist
Specialists focus on certain school of magic, unraveling every
mystery around it and using this knowledge to gain greater
magical power than anyone else.
Specialist Defense Creature is able to act freely, although it tries to complete
Beginning at 10th level, you have learned to identify, shrug off tasks you give to it its best. However, tasks they disagree with,
and even reflect spell effects of your chosen school back to or they simply don't like to do, you must use your persuasion
the caster. As a reaction being hit by spell, you can gain +4 skills. Any time you fail to persuade demon this way, they can
bonus to saving throw against spells of your school. If save is challenge your bond by starting the magical negotiations
successful, roll d12. If you roll 12, the spell is reflected back to again (which they usually do at the worst possible time).
the caster. Once you have used this skill, you must complete If creature dies while bound to you, you can return the
long rest to regain use of this ability. creature back to life by casting Find Familiar spell.
With Tattoo Enhancements. When you have minor Summoning Circle
tattoos focused on this ability, you reflect spells back on rolls
11-12 (1 tattoo), 10-12 (2 tattoos), 9-12 (3 tattoos) and 8-12 (4 At 6th level, you add the magic circle spell to your spellbook,
tattoos). if it is not there already. You can cast magic circle without
expending a spell slot.
Improved Alacrity Once you cast magic circle in this way, you can’t do so
Starting at 14th level, you have unraveled the mystries of the again until you finish a short or long rest, though you can still
Weave of your given school and are able to manipulate it with cast it normally using an available spell slot.
ease. After casting a spell from school of your choice, as a Summon Fiend
bonus action you can cast another spell, which must be 3rd
level or lower. You regain use of this ability once you complete Beginning at 6th level, you learn a ritual to call forth a fiend.
a long rest. When you cast this ritual, the CR of summoned fiend
With Tattoo Enhancements. When you have minor depends on level of spell slot you add to empower the spell.
tattoos focused on this ability, maximum level of the spell See the Summoning Table to see level of spell slot needed to
becomes 4 (2 tattoos) and 5 (4 tattoos). summon fiends with different CR. The fiend disappears when
it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
Demonologist You gain no special power over the creature, and it is free
to act as the GM deems appropriate. It might leave, attack
Demonologist is an expert of conjuration, who knows how to you, or help you.
survive and event take an advantage out of demons and The GM has the fiends's statistics.
devils. They know that even smallest mistake when dealing Summoning Table
with these fiends can cost life, and soul.
CR Spell slot required Spell Power ** Notes
Scribe Tattoo up to 5 5th 10
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, you gain 6-7 6th 18
proficiency in Artisan Tools (Calligraphy). If you are already
proficient with this tool, you can choose other Artisan Tool. 8-10 7th 28
11-14 8th 40
Fiendish Companion 15-19 9th 54
Starting at 2nd level you learn special magic to bind simple
demons as your familiar amongs following choices: Lemure, 20+ -- -- DM needed
Dretch, Imp, Quasit, Vargouille, Maw Demon
At the end of the ritual, the fiend appears to your ** Spell Power is an alternative to spell slot
summoning circle and you must start magical negotiations
with the summoned fiend. You need to have 3 successful Fiendish Charm
Charisma checks vs unwilling fiends's Wisdom (Insight) Starting at 10th level, you can bind fiend as familiar.
checks, where one check costs one action. If the fiend gains 3 Additionally, you have an advantage in skill checks when
successes instead or you lose your concentration (as dealing with fiends.
concentrating on spell), the negotations fail and the fiend is
free to act, usually either destroying or enslaving its True Companion
summoner. Beginning at 14th level, you able to reap the most benefits out
Once the ritual is complete and negotation is complete, you of your familiars. As an action, you can transfer spell you are
gain service of the creature as your familiar, which has concentrating on to your familiar, allowing you to concentrate
following properties: on other spell. You must see the familiar and it must be within
You and familiar have telepathic bond. 100 feet of you, otherwise the transfer of the spell fails.
You gain benefit of creatures magic resistance ability if
You are able to have creature deliver touch spells for you.
Demon can attack and use its abilities freely or as you
Circle Mage Extra Damage. (sp 1) If the spell deals damage, you
increase result a dice roll by one, up to its maximum.
Red Wizards have used circle magic to enhance their spells. Point Blank Shot. (sp 2) If the spell involves ranged
attack rolls, you ignore disadvantage against targets
Scribe Tattoo within 5 feet of you.
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, you gain Forceful Blast. (sp 2) If the spell deals damage to single
proficiency in Artisan Tools (Calligraphy). If you are already creature, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away
proficient with this tool, you can choose other Artisan Tool. from you in straight line.
Spell Penetration. (sp 3) Spell being cast ignores Spell
Spell Power Resistance.
Beginning at 2nd level, you learn to enhance your spells to Greater Spell Penetration (sp 9): Spell being cast
gain greater effects by using your spell power points. ignores Spell Immunity.
When casting a spell, you can expend number of Spell Elemental Power. (sp 2) Spell ignores any elemental
Power points to add Spell Enhancements to spell being cast. resistances.
You must spend number of spell power points equal to level Greater Elemental Power. (sp 7) Spell ignores any
of the spell being cast in addition the number of spell power elemental immunities.
points you use to enhance the spell.
Spell Enhancements. You learn ways to enforce the
spells, which are detailed in Spell Enhancement section
below. You can use same effect multiple times, or choose a
different one as you see fit.
Spell Power Points. Your maximum number of Spell
Power points equals the number of your intelligence modifier
+ half of our wizard level. You regain 1d6-1 expended spell
power point once you complete a long rest.
You can use d8 instead of d6 for recharging at 6th level,
d10 at 10th level and d12 14th level.
Cooperative Casting
Beginning at 6th level, you become better at receiving spell
power points and you also learn ability transfer spell power
through your circle magic for other casters to use.
Any time a creature you see casts a spell within 10 feet of
you, you can use your reaction to expend number of Spell
Power points to add Spell Enhancements into that spell. You
must spend number of spell power points equal to level of the
spell being cast in addition the number of spell power points
you wish to send.
Creature casting the spell must make concentration check
against DC 5 + total number of spell points received to spell.
Failing the save causes the spell to fail and loss of any spell
power points and spell slot used.
Circle Leader
Beginning at 10th level, you learn to pull spell power using
your circle magic during short rest. Once you have completed
short rest, you regain 1d4 expended spell power points.
Moreover, minimum number of expended spell power points
you can regain after completing long rest becomes 1.
Great Circle Leader
Starting at 14th level, you grasp true power of circle magic.
When you use your arcane recovery ability to regain spell
slots, add your intelligence modifier to number of slots you
can recover.
Spell Enhancements
The available enhancements are presented here in
alphabetical order.
Increase Spell Level (2x sp per target level). Spell being
cast is considered using higher spell slot.