Chapter Xii: Social Problems and Social Change
Chapter Xii: Social Problems and Social Change
Chapter Xii: Social Problems and Social Change
Poverty is a social problem that is experienced by many third world and
developing countries. It could be characterized as a kind of social problem whereby
people find it difficult to sustain their day to day needs. However, the treatment of
poverty may be different from the perspective of a high income, middle income and low-
income societies. High income societies are those which are highly industrialized and
advanced in their fiscal administration and have a relatively high national and personal
income. Middle income societies are those experiencing an undergoing transformation
from agrarian way of life into industrial way of life. The last kind of society according to
its economy are low income societies. These societies are agrarian societies with little
industrialization. The national and personal income of a low-income society is also low
compared to the other kind of societies.
Poverty is affected by the life chances of individuals living in the society.
Individuals experiencing poverty have little access to basic human needs such as health
care, food and shelter, clothing and education. Thus, poor people often times are
deprived of their basic needs because they cannot afford to buy such things. In a world
where industrialization is the trend, people who are not equipped with the proper
capacities will be impoverished. Poverty in extreme cases can even escalate into what
sociologist call absolute poverty. In a state of absolute poverty, people can no longer
provide for their basic needs especially food, shelter and clothing. Thus, you will see
many cases of absolute poverty in the Philippines where people are just sleeping on the
streets or under bridges with not enough food and decent clothing that can protect them
from the forces of nature.
Poverty is not just an ordinary occurrence in the society as what most people
believe especially those living in the third world countries or the low-income nations.
Poverty is a social problem that is harmful not only to human physical conditions but to
human dignity as well. Everyone has the right to live a decent life with a fair chance of
survival. This prompted many governments of the world to exert the necessary effort to
combat poverty and raise the standard of living for their people. Even the family of
nations is doing its best to eradicate poverty and alleviate the suffering experienced by
poor people all over the world.
The causes of poverty can be seen in different lights. On can be inclined to think
that poverty is cause by the lacking of individual effort to improve his life. This could be
true but one should also look in the social structures that harbor the tendency of poverty.
There is unequal distribution of national wealth that is acquired through the consolidated
effort of the all workers but it seems that the workers have no proportionate share of the
income derived from their labor. This approach is the conflict theory espoused by none
other that Karl Marx. The capitalist continue to dominate the economic activity of the
state that belittling the efforts of the proletariats. The government at present is trying to
act on this predicament by the introduction of the concept of social justice. Social justice
rests on the concept of humanization of laws which implies that in order to strike a
balance between the humongous discrepancy between the rich and the poor, the state
will see to it that those who have less in life should have more in law. An example of this
is a project of the government to construct a public cemetery for the dying poor man who
has no means for proper and decent burial. The state will allot public for such project
even though not everyone will be benefited by that project.
Inequality is a natural consequence of poverty. People will be unequally treated
because of poverty. People who are poor will have little or no access at all to the basic
commodities of life such as food, clothing, shelter, health care and education. This is so
because poor people cannot afford to pay for these very expensive basic commodities.
The Rich people on the other hand have more than enough to provide from themselves
and their family. Inequality results in when some people cannot access basic needs in
the same manner as how people can. However, inequality does not only arise because
of wealth although it could be the most prominent source of inequality just as the
philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau had claimed in his essay “On the Origin of
Inequality”. Inequality can also be brought racial, ethnic, gender and age issues.
Inequality can result when people cannot get access to basic goods because of their
race, ethnicity, gender and age. This was discussed in the chapter on social stratification
thus will no longer be elaborated in this chapter.
Prostitution can be narrowly defined as the sale of sexual services (of oneself or
another) for money or goods and without emotional attachment (Kendall 2010). It is the
sale of sexual services for the pleasure of another person. It is mostly done without any
personal or emotional attachment between the prospective client and the prostitute.
Prostitutes are those persons who sell themselves to be exploited sexually for money or
goods. The profession of prostitution is also not limited to women alone, men and as well
as children could be involved in the social problem. At present, prostitution also makes
use of technology such as the internet for easy access for their patrons and clients.
Prostitution has been regarded by people as the oldest existing profession
because it can be found in all recorded history. There were times when it is allowed but
there were more instances when it was considered as immoral. Prostitutes were also
associated most of the time to an indecent woman. Today, prostitution is an illegal act in
the Philippines but the prostitutes are to be regarded as victims and not criminals. They
are considered victims because their social conditions prompted them to become
prostitutes. If given the chance, prostitutes will choose a different way of life. The people
who induce people to become prostitutes and the patrons are the ones that are put to
criminal prosecution.
Not only prostitution is the major part of sex industry. Pornography is considered
as a social problem related to the sex industry. Pornography is the graphic depiction of
sexual behavior through pictures and/or words- including by electronic or other data
retrieval systems- in a manner that is intended to be sexually arousing (Kendal 2010).
Pornography is seen by many as an obscene exhibition of sexuality. It was regarded as
a social problem because it utilizes a kind of sexual exhibition that is regarded by the
society as immoral because it is a kind of exploitation for women. It also induces other
people who watch it to be sexually stimulated and sometimes results in a commission of
a crime such as rape and acts of lasciviousness.
An act constituting a crime is considered by the society as harmful to the safety
of the entire membership in the society. However, a particular undesirable act is not
necessarily a crime unless a law defines it as a crime and provides for its penalty.
The concept of crimes has been already elaborated in the chapter on deviance so it
will no longer be elaborated in this chapter.
People often used old solutions in order to answer new problems. This are situations
when old solutions can remedy new problems but when these old solutions are no longer
capable of answering the needs of the current situations, innovation becomes necessary.
Innovation can generally be defined as a modification of old solutions in order to answer current
problems. Innovation includes a change in the structure of ideas that will adopt to the present
Innovation can influences cultural, social and political changes. This happens when the
old mode of doing things is no longer capable of providing efficient solutions to modern
problems. People are required to think beyond the past and even the present in order to
There are many diverse cultures all around the world. A particular culture has many
traits unique to it. However, there is a great possibility that these various cultures will interact
and thus creating diffusions among cultures. Diffusion takes place when a certain cultural trait is
shared to other cultures. Diffusion happens through many facets of the process of socialization.
At present, diffusion becomes very feasible with the emerged of technological
implements such as media, internet, telecommunications and social media among other things.
The technological evolution is also coupled by rapid globalization. When these things are added
to the equation, diffusion becomes prevalent and can even create or start social, political and
cultural changes.
Acculturation takes place when a minority group in a particular society adopts the culture
of the majority group without totally obliterating their old cultural traditions. These are instances
in a society when a minority group wants to be a part of the larger group in order to feel that
they belong. However, the minority group still retains the substance of their original culture. This
can be seen from ethnic group dressing like ordinary people but still practices their ancient
cultural traditions.
Assimilation can be considered as the vice versa of acculturation. Assimilation happens
when members of the minority group in the society adopt the culture of the majority but unlike in
acculturation, in assimilation the minority totally abandons their original cultural traditions.
Inter-ethnic Conflicts
Since people belonging to many different ethnic groups, they are also immersed in
different cultural orientation. It is but normal to expect people from different cultural origin to
dissent in opinion. However, the problem arises when the conflict becomes large in scale that it
disturbs social peace.
Class Struggle
It has been discussed in the previous chapters most especially in the discussion on
inequality and social conflict theory that the society according to Karl Marx is actually under
constant conflict between the upper class or the capitalists and the lower class or the laborers.
The source of the conflict can be rooted from the modes of production and the relations of
productions this simply means that there is an unfair distribution of wealth among the capitalists
and laborers. This unfair treatment originates from the very structure of the capitalists society
Armed Conflict
When the situation inside the society worsens due to heightened inequality and dismay
in governance, this could result in an armed conflict. This happens when the people decided to
take up arms against the authority or the government. An armed conflict is detrimental to the
society as a whole because it involves violence as a means to obtain what the people want.
However, not all revolutions are dreaded by history. Some revolutions by armed conflict actually
helped shape the society into a better society with a more efficient governance just like the
glorious revolution in England.
Terrorism is a major threat to many social institutions and sometimes even the society
itself. Terror groups are fueled by a kind of idealism that is against the popular ideology in the
society. Terrorists want to alter the present social system and replace it with their own. This is
often times done through indiscriminate violence with an end result of victimizing the innocent
and non-combatants.
Protests are ordinary form of voicing out of the grievance of a particular group of people.
This usually takes place in a democratic regime which allows freedom of expression hence it will
be fruitful to discuss the idea of freedom of expression in the Philippine context in order to fully
appreciate protests.
Gender Issues
Gender issues are also at the forefront of social issues today that has the tendency to
escalate into a full-blown social conflict. Before only equality among men and women are the
concern of gender movement but right now, it also includes gays, homosexuals and lesbianism.
This topic has been substantially discussed on the chapter concerning stratification.