Representative Democracy: The Constitutional Theory of Campaign Finance Reform
Representative Democracy: The Constitutional Theory of Campaign Finance Reform
Representative Democracy: The Constitutional Theory of Campaign Finance Reform
Delivered at
Harvard University
May 1–3, 2013
Robert Post is Dean and Sol and Lillian Goldman Professor of Law
at Yale Law School. Before coming to Yale, he taught at the University of
California, Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt Hall). Dean Post’s subject areas
are constitutional law, First Amendment, legal history, and equal protec-
tion. He has written and edited numerous books, including Democracy,
Expertise, Academic Freedom: A First Amendment Jurisprudence for the
Modern State (2012); For the Common Good: Principles of American Aca-
demic Freedom (with Matthew M. Finkin, 2009); Prejudicial Appearances:
The Logic of American Antidiscrimination Law (with K. Anthony Appiah,
Judith Butler, Thomas C. Grey, and Reva Siegel, 2001); and Constitutional
Domains: Democracy, Community, Management (1995).
He publishes regularly in legal journals and other publications; recent
articles and chapters include “Theorizing Disagreement: Reconceiving
the Relationship between Law and Politics” (2010); “Constructing the
European Polity: ERTA and the Open Skies Judgments,” in The Past and
Future of EU Law: The Classics of EU Law Revisited on the 50th Anni-
versary of the Rome Treaty, edited by Miguel Poiares Maduro and Loïc
Azuolai (2010); “Roe Rage: Democratic Constitutionalism and Backlash”
(with Reva Siegel, 2007); “Federalism, Positive Law, and the Emergence
of the American Administrative State: Prohibition in the Taft Court Era”
(2006); “Foreword: Fashioning the Legal Constitution: Culture, Courts,
and Law” (2003); and “Subsidized Speech” (1996).
He is a member of the American Philosophical Society and the Ameri-
can Law Institute and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sci-
ences. He has an AB and PhD in history of American civilization from
Harvard and a JD from Yale Law School.
200 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
that its opinions about freedom of speech tend to lean heavily on abstract
doctrinal tests and overreaching rhetoric. The Court is ill equipped to
think carefully about how campaign finance reform can be reconciled with
fundamental First Amendment principles.
Second, proponents of campaign finance reform have not tended to
articulate justifications for regulation that are capable of inosculating with
basic First Amendment principles.11 Justifications have instead tended to
turn on concepts such as “distortion”12 or “equality,”13 ideas that are in ten-
sion with essential premises of First Amendment doctrine. It is surprisingly
difficult to articulate the fundamental republican value of “the integrity
of elected institutions” in a manner that can be reconciled with received
First Amendment principles.
My hope, and it is a modest hope, is to use these Tanner Lectures to
propose a solution to these two difficulties. By constructing a careful, dis-
ciplined account of the structure of our First Amendment jurisprudence,
I hope to illuminate how state interests in campaign finance reform may
be reconciled with traditional constitutional commitments. I shall argue,
in brief, that the purpose of First Amendment rights is to make possible the
value of self-government, and that this purpose requires public trust that
elections select officials who are responsive to public opinion. Government
regulations that maintain this trust advance the constitutional purpose of
the First Amendment.
I shall not in these lectures propose a particular agenda of practical
reform. I shall leave that project to those better versed than I in the actual
dynamics of American politics.14 Nor shall I address how change can be
mobilized and realized. I shall leave that to those more capable in these mat-
ters.15 Instead, I shall seek to elaborate a constitutional framework of analysis
in which First Amendment doctrine and campaign finance reform can be
connected to each other in a coherent and theoretically satisfactory manner.
My hope is that in the future this framework may serve as a basis for an actual
dialogue between the parties to this vital but acrimonious controversy.
From its inception, the government of the United States has been built on
the premise of self-government. We were founded upon a belief in the value
of self-determination. But in our history this value has taken two distinct
forms: republican representation and democratic deliberation. In repub-
lican representation, the value of self-determination is realized when the
people elect representatives who govern. In democratic deliberation, the
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 201
Each seems indispensable, yet in cases such as Citizens United they seem
Buckley v. Valeo attempted to split the difference between these two
ideals by proposing an arbitrary distinction between the regulation of
campaign contributions and campaign expenditures.21 Regulations of the
former were permitted to protect electoral integrity, but regulations of
the latter were prohibited to safeguard freedom of speech. Although this
compromise has endured for more than a quarter of a century, it is now
fast unraveling. Because the compromise lacks intellectual foundations,
there is little to stop the slide into chaos.
The fundamental question posed by the campaign finance decisions is
how our republican tradition may be reconciled with our commitment to
deliberative democracy. My goal in these Tanner Lectures is to provide a
constitutional account of how these two distinct paths to self-governance
may be integrated, one with the other. To do so, however, will require a
quick and stylized survey of the history of self-government in the United
States. In this first lecture, I shall discuss how our nation’s initial com-
mitment to republican self-government evolved in the opening decades
of the twentieth century into a foundational commitment to “political
deliberation by ordinary citizens.”22 This history suggests why principles
of campaign finance reform may be in tension with received First Amend-
ment jurisprudence, and it also intimates how this tension may be doctrin-
ally resolved. In my second lecture, I shall discuss these implications, with
particular attention to the constitutional reasoning adopted by the Court
in Citizens United. I shall propose how Citizens United might have been
decided in a manner that is truer to our fundamental constitutional com-
mitment to self-governance.
The American Revolution was inspired by the ideal of self-government.
The colonies boldly and frankly proclaimed that “governments . . . insti-
tuted among Men” derive “their just powers from the consent of the gov-
erned,”23 that “all lawful government is founded on the consent of those
who are subject to it.”24 They sought to create a government in which
“all authority is derived from the people.”25 “The people were in fact, the
fountain of all power.”26 “It is evident that no other form would be recon-
cilable with the genius of the people of America,” wrote James Madison,
“[than] to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind
for self-government.”27
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 203
American ever gave, or can give, his suffrage for the choice of any of these
pretended representatives [in Parliament]. . . . How can a colony, shire,
city or borough be represented, when not one individual inhabitant ever
did the least thing towards procuring such representation? . . . If we are
not their constituents, they are not our representatives.”47
The second was commonality of interests. The colonists claimed that
they were “not represented, and from their local and other circumstances,
cannot properly be represented in the British parliament.”48 “Why was
America so justly apprehensive of Parliamentary injustice?” Madison asked
the members of the Constitutional Convention. “Because G. Britain had
a separate interest real or supposed, & if her authority had been admitted,
could have pursued that interest at our expense.”49 “There is not that inti-
mate and inseparable relation between the Electors of Great-Britain and the
Inhabitants of the Colonies, which must inevitably involve both in the same
Taxation; on the contrary, not a single actual Elector in England, might
be immediately affected by a Taxation in America, imposed by a Statute
which would have a general Operation and Effect, upon the Properties of
the Inhabitants of the Colonies.”50
Constructing a framework of representation that would meet these
conditions was the great challenge of the Constitution. “The great dif-
ficulty lies in the affair of Representation,” Madison told the delegates to
the Constitutional Convention, “and if this could be adjusted, all others
would be surmountable.”51 In thrashing out the structure of the Constitu-
tion, the framers thought long and hard about how to construct a “chain of
communication” between the people and their representatives that would
preserve “the necessary sympathy between [the people] and their rulers
and officers.”52 They fiercely debated whether persons, states, or property
ought to be represented; the size of electoral districts; the periodicity of
elections; the qualifications for suffrage; and so on.53 In the controversy
surrounding the Constitution’s adoption, a major point of contention
would be whether “our representation in the proposed government . . .
would be merely virtual, similar to what we were allowed in England,
whilst under the British government.”54 In the end, the nation came to
accept the Constitution’s complicated and carefully balanced structures
of representation as an authentic expression of self-government.
The founding generation believed in “the democratic principle of the
Govt.”55 It was, as James Madison observed, “essential to every plan of
206 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
through the medium of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best
discern the true interest of their country, and whose patriotism and love
of justice will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial consider-
ations. Under such a regulation, it may well happen that the public voice,
pronounced by the representatives of the people, will be more consonant
to the public good than if pronounced by the people themselves, convened
for the purpose.”62
Second, republics allow for an extended sphere of governance. Repub-
lican officials could thus be elected by a large number of citizens, which
would make it correspondingly “more difficult for unworthy candidates
to practice with success the vicious arts by which elections are too often
carried” and that “suffrages of the people . . . will be more likely to centre
in men who possess the most attractive merit and the most diffusive and
established characters.”63
Implicit in eighteenth-century American republicanism was the
effort to reconcile the principle of self-government with a social system
that reflected “hierarchies . . . as resilient as they were soft.”64 Eighteenth-
century American republicans expected a system of representation to
select for leaders of the better sort, elites with “the most attractive merit
and the most diffusive and established characters.” The larger the electoral
districts established by the Constitution, the more such elites would stand
out, identified and trusted by deeply ingrained habits of social deference.
Elites would temper the vulgarity of democratic sentiment by refining and
enlarging the views of a democratic public.
The framers’ commitment to elite representation was tested almost
immediately after the founding of the nation. In 1789 Thomas Tudor
Tucker of South Carolina moved in the First Congress to amend the pro-
posed text of the First Amendment to provide that “the people should
have a right to instruct their representatives.”65 Several states at the time
provided for a right of instruction in their state constitutions.66 The argu-
ment in favor of a right of instruction was that it “was strictly compatible
with the spirit and the nature of the Government; all power vests in the
people of the United States.”67 “Instruction and representation in a repub-
lic” were for this reason “inseparably connected.”68
Those who opposed the amendment, however, believed that “represen-
tation is the principle of our Government; the people ought to have con-
fidence in the honor and integrity of those they send forward to transact
their business.”69 The instruction of representatives was said to be “a most
dangerous principle, utterly destructive of all ideas of an independent and
208 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
be “men of integrity, who will pursue the good of the community with
fidelity; and will not be turned aside from their duty by private interest,
or corrupted by undue influence.”90 In districts so large, only “the rich and
well-born” could possibly gain election, and they would “not be viewed
by the people as part of themselves, but as a body distinct from them, and
having separate interests to pursue.”91
In Federalist No. 57, Madison defended the Constitution’s electoral
structure. He argued that it would create “such a limitation of the term
of appointments as will maintain a proper responsibility to the people.”92
He stressed that the biennial election cycle of the House would impose
a “restraint of frequent elections” that would create in representatives
“an habitual recollection of their dependence on the people.”93 Members
of the House of Representatives could “make no law which will not have its
full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass
of the society,” and this mutuality of position should be “deemed one of
the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the
people together. It creates between them that communion of interests and
sympathy of sentiments . . . without which every government degenerates
into tyranny.”94
The contretemps between Madison and Brutus is worth careful atten-
tion, for it reveals aspects of representation that continue to be relevant to
our own debates, more than two centuries later. Madison and Brutus agree
that a representative government can fulfill the promise of self-government
only if there is trust and confidence between representatives and their con-
stituents. Madison and Brutus were each aware of the failed claims of the
British Parliament to represent the people of America. They each knew
that representative institutions could fulfill the ideal of self-government
only if there were “reasonable ground for public trust” that representatives
spoke for the people who had elected them.
In theorizing how representative institutions could be organized to
create such trust, Madison stressed structural features such as biennial
elections and general legislation. He believed that such features would
create incentives for representatives to connect with their constituents.
“Such will be the relations between the House of Representatives and their
constituents. Duty, gratitude, interest, ambition itself, are the chords by
which they will be bound to fidelity and sympathy with the great mass of
the people.”95 By contrast, Brutus argued that something more was needed,
some personal connection between constituents and their representatives,
or, failing that, some guarantee that the legislative body “should resemble
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 211
In the first third of the nineteenth century, the framework of representative
government in the United States was forced to adjust to the remarkable
and unexpected collapse of the system of deference and hierarchy that
had characterized the founding generation.98 It is hard to overstate “the
miraculous transformation” and the sheer “discontinuity” implied by this
shift.99 The rambunctious, egalitarian, and uncontrollable world so pun-
gently described by Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America could
not remotely have been anticipated in 1789.
Having committed themselves to the principle of self-government, the
framers were prepared to accept the importance of public opinion. In his
famous essay on the subject, James Madison candidly affirmed that “pub-
lic opinion sets bounds to every government, and is the real sovereign in
every free one.”100 But Madison imagined public opinion as a two-way
street. “As there are cases where the public opinion must be obeyed by the
government, so there are cases where, not being fixed, it may be influenced
212 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
The republican principle demands that the deliberate sense of the com-
munity should govern the conduct of those to whom they intrust the
management of their affairs; but it does not require an unqualified
complaisance to every sudden breeze of passion, or to every transient
impulse which the people may receive from the arts of men, who flatter
their prejudices to betray their interests. It is a just observation, that the
people commonly intend the public good. This often applies to
their very errors. But their good sense would despise the adulator who
should pretend that they always reason right about the means of
promoting it. They know from experience that they sometimes err;
and the wonder is that they so seldom err as they do, beset, as they
continually are, by the wiles of parasites and sycophants, by the snares
of the ambitious, the avaricious, the desperate, by the artifices of men
who possess their confidence more than they deserve it, and of those
who seek to possess rather than to deserve it. When occasions pres-
ent themselves, in which the interests of the people are at variance
with their inclinations, it is the duty of the persons whom they have
appointed to be the guardians of those interests, to withstand the tem-
porary delusion, in order to give them time and opportunity for more
cool and sedate reflection.
instituted for the express object of guarding them against the encroach-
ments and usurpations of power? And if they are not permitted the posses-
sion of common interest; the exercise of a common feeling; if they cannot
combine to resist by constitutional means, these encroachments; to what
purpose were they declared free to exercise the right of suffrage in the
choice of rulers, and the making of laws?”126 Building on theoretical work
by Edmund Burke more than a half century earlier, Leggett defended “the
importance and even dignity of party combination” because it furnished
“the only certain means of carrying political principles into effect. When
men agree in their theory of Government, they must also agree to act in
concert, or no practical advantage can result from their accordance.”127
Parties could also solve the problem of government responsiveness.
Writing at the dawn of the twentieth century, Woodrow Wilson observed
that the framers’ constitutional complicated design of separation of powers
had so successfully prevented “the will of the people as a whole from having
at any moment an unobstructed sweep and ascendency”128 that democratic
aspirations for responsiveness could succeed only through “the closely knit
imperative discipline of party, a body that has no constitutional cleavages
and is free to tie itself into legislative and executive functions alike by its
systematic control of the personnel of all branches of the government.”129
Parties were “absolutely necessary to . . . give some coherence to the action
of political forces,”130 for without parties, “it would hardly have been pos-
sible for the voters of the country to be united in truly national judgments
upon national questions.”131 “It is only by elections, by the filling of offices,
that parties test and maintain their hold upon public opinion.”132
During the Jacksonian era, political parties became the medium
through which “the absolute sovereignty of the majority”133 could exer-
cise its dominion. The implications for institutions of representation were
profound. The invention of party nominating conventions, together with
presidential electors selected by political parties pledged in advance to
vote for party candidates, “wrested control of the presidency away from
Congress by forging an independent, popular electoral base for the Presi-
dent.”134 Party affiliation became inseparable from the “chain of commu-
nication” connecting constituents to representatives. Voters no longer
needed to possess personal knowledge of the character and beliefs of indi-
vidual candidates, as Brutus had imagined. Voters could instead select rep-
resentatives based upon their party principles. The party vouched for the
integrity of its candidates. By voting for a party, the electorate could seek
to make government responsive to the principles espoused by the party.
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 217
The voter, Robert La Follette would later say, “gives support to that
party which promises to do the specific things that he regards of the high-
est importance to the state and to the welfare of every citizen. . . . Upon
its promise and his support the party has become the custodian of his
political rights. . . . [T]he party is bound to keep its pledged word. . . . This
measures its value as a power for good in representative government.”135
Upon this mutual understanding, political parties became a solution for
the problem of representative integrity.136 They enabled representatives
and constituents to maintain the “communion of interests and sympathy
of sentiments” necessary for representative government to fulfill the ideal
of self-government.137
No doubt there are multiple structures of identification that can enable
parties to facilitate the identification of constituents with their representa-
tives. A movement party, capable of mobilizing mass appeal through its
distinctive platform and principles, might be one such structure. Examples
would include the Democratic Party of Andrew Jackson and Franklin
Roosevelt or the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan.
In the decades after the Civil War, American political parties began
to lose their character as ideological movements. It remained clear that
political parties were necessary to connect elected officials to their con-
stituents,138 yet parties came increasingly to seem organizations devoted
entirely to maintaining their own hold on power. As organizations, national
parties deployed ever more effective networks of local political operatives
to oversee polling places, compose and print party tickets, turn out voters,
and ensure that voters elected the right candidates.139 Maintaining the sup-
port of these party functionaries necessitated the distribution of patron-
age jobs and other constituent services.140 Reconstruction-era reformers
bemoaned the grip of patronage-driven party organizations.141 Stripped
of the raiment of ideological mobilization, parties could easily come to
seem merely organizations devoted to “the interests of getting or keeping
the patronage of the government.”
The great parties are the Republicans and the Democrats. What are
their principles, their distinctive tenets, their tendencies? Which
of them is for tariff reform, for the further extension of civil service
reform, for a spirited foreign policy, for the regulation of railroads and
telegraphs by legislation, for changes in the currency, for any other of
218 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
the twenty issues which one hears discussed in the country as seriously
involving its welfare?
This is what a European is always asking of intelligent Republi-
cans and intelligent Democrats. He is always asking because he never
gets an answer. The replies leave him in deeper perplexity. After some
months the truth begins to dawn upon him. Neither party has, as a
party, anything definite to say on these issues; neither party has any
clean-cut principles, any distinctive tenets. Both have traditions. Both
claim to have tendencies. Both have certainly war cries, organizations,
interests, enlisted in their support. But those interests are in the main
the interests of getting or keeping the patronage of the government.
Distinctive tenets and policies, points of political doctrine and points
of political practice, have all but vanished. They have not been thrown
away, but have been stripped away by Time and the progress of events,
fulfilling some policies, blotting out others. All has been lost, except
office or the hope of it.142
Progressives sought not merely to stanch the flow of money from busi-
ness into politics, but also to diminish the role of political parties in politi-
cal governance.190 The movement for the direct election of senators should
be regarded in this light.191 So should the movement for direct primaries,192
which empowered voters “to select directly candidates without interven-
tion of caucus or convention or domination of machines.”193 The effort
was to bring candidates “face to face” with the voter, so that politicians
224 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
The answer to this question emerged from the Progressive Era in a man-
ner that was neither anticipated nor designed. It took the form of a
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 225
and is entitled to stay, but it cannot dispense with the use of representative
agencies.”230 The challenge the nation faced was to structure the “phases of
the relationship which ought to obtain between direct and representative
Lodging self-governance in public opinion formation solved two great
theoretical difficulties of representative government. First, it explained
how the people could come to identify with specific candidates for office.
Public opinion established a “chain of communication” through which
the public could hold candidates accountable. Elected officials could be
expected, in Bryce’s words, to obey public opinion “to the best of their
hearing.” The task was to fashion institutions that would encourage such
attentiveness. Among these institutions were elections, which would
reward representatives who were responsive to public opinion and pun-
ish those who were not.
Second, identifying self-government with public opinion could solve
the problem of separation of powers. Like political parties, public opinion
addressed the entire government. It simultaneously affected all public offi-
cials, and so could create its own form of immanent coordination across
the divided branches of government. Croly himself believed that a strong
executive was institutionally best suited to serve the “proper and natural
function of giving effective expression to the will of the temporarily pre-
ponderant weight of public opinion,”232 and that it was therefore necessary
to “increase . . . executive authority and responsibility.”233 His thinking in
this regard, as in many others, was deeply prescient of political develop-
ments in the past century.
Croly’s focus on public opinion should be disaggregated into distinct
logical strands. On one level, Croly believed that public opinion offered
a solution to the problem of representative integrity, because public opin-
ion could establish connect representatives to their constituency, even in
the absence of party identification.234 Defining representative integrity
in terms of responsiveness to public opinion is particularly attractive in
times when the partisan identities promoted by political parties are weak
and insubstantial.235 But in Croly’s thought, as in Bryce’s, public opinion
ultimately illuminates forms of self-governance that bypass representative
institutions. Croly began to imagine democratic, rather than republican,
versions of self-g overnment. Croly and similarly minded Progressives
were drawn to the possibility that the people could speak directly in their
own voice.
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 229
Herbert Croly, like most Progressives, was quite comfortable with the
idea of direct democracy.239 He could easily imagine institutions capable of
yielding pure and unmediated representations of popular will. Progressives
supported “direct nominations, the recall, the initiative, the referendum,”
because of “the directness of their appeal to the rule of the majority.”240
But Progressives of Croly’s generation could only glimpse the implications
and consequences of discursive democracy.241
At root this is because prewar Progressives were interested primarily
in “a democracy organized for action.”242 Public opinion can control state
action only if it is represented. Initiatives are structured to represent and
make known the contents of public opinion. Neither Croly nor any other
prewar Progressive of whom I am aware theorized discursive democracy,243
in part because they could not quite conceive what it would mean for
public opinion to remain so continuously in process as to be incapable of
the representation necessary for decision making.
Although they were aware that public opinion was constituted by
ongoing communicative processes, although they were aware that these
processes are shaped by multiple factors, including the technology of
media, the distribution of resources, the actions of the state, and so on,
they were not inclined to inquire into the preconditions that rendered the
public opinion produced by these processes legitimate.244 There are many
methods to shape these processes. Some involve structural innovations,
such as the creation of public sources of information and broadcasting;
some involve redistribution and entail compelled access to media of com-
munication. But the simplest and most compatible method of underwrit-
ing the process of public opinion formation involves the establishment of
communicative rights that would guarantee to all the right to participate
in the development of public opinion. It is striking that in the years before
World War I, neither Croly nor any other prominent Progressive advo-
cated for such rights.
In our own time, of course, we conceive such rights as essential to dis-
cursive democracy. Jürgen Habermas, for example, writes that in a democ-
racy, “sovereignty is found” in “subjectless forms of communication that
regulate the flow of discursive opinion- and will-formation.”245 “Popular
sovereignty withdraws into democratic procedures and the demanding
communicative presuppositions of their implementation.”246 A decision
such as Citizens United makes clear that such procedures and procedures
are defined and enforced by communicative rights, which construct pub-
lic opinion as such. Communicative rights are for this reason conceived
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 231
The right of a citizen of the United States to take part, for his own or
the country’s benefit, in the making of federal laws and in the conduct
of the government, necessarily includes the right to speak or write
about them; to endeavor to make his own opinion concerning laws
existing or contemplated prevail; and, to this end, to teach the truth
as he sees it. Were this not so, “the right of the people to assemble
for the purpose of petitioning Congress for a redress of grievance or
for anything else connected with the powers or duties of the national
government” would be a right totally without substance. . . . Full and
free exercise of this right by the citizen is ordinarily also his duty; for
its exercise is more important to the nation than it is to himself. Like
the course of the heavenly bodies, harmony in national life is a resultant
of the struggle between contending forces. In frank expression of con-
flicting opinion lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental
action; and in suppression lies ordinarily the greatest peril.263
The precise nature and scope of First Amendment rights are of course
controversial. We debate endlessly about how the First Amendment ought
to apply to particular circumstances. If the historical account I have just
offered is accurate, these controversies should be adjudicated according to
the needs of democratic legitimation. When we argue about the content
of First Amendment rights, we debate how best to advance the value of
self-government in the context of ongoing public debate.
It is for this reason that we celebrate the First Amendment “as the
guardian of our democracy,”273 even though we use the First Amendment
chiefly to strike down legislation that has been enacted according to repre-
sentative procedures that are otherwise majoritarian and “democratic.” The
First Amendment can remain the guardian of our democracy only so long
as we interpret its requirements to promote the value of self-determination.
Discursive democracy requires that the “demanding communicative pre-
suppositions . . . that regulate the flow of discursive opinion- and will-
formation”274 be defined so as to facilitate democratic legitimation. At a
minimum, First Amendment rights must guarantee that “every citizen is a
potential participant, a potential politician. The potentiality is the neces-
sary condition of the citizen’s self-respect.”275
This is now all so obvious that we never pause to ask why First Amend-
ment doctrine did not emerge until the aftermath of World War I. By the
time the Court came to decide Citizens United in 2010, the foundational
status of First Amendment rights was simply assumed. The Court did
not pause to ask why First Amendment rights would trump the interests
of representative integrity, which were advanced to justify the campaign
finance reform measures at issue in Citizens United. If the Court were
pressed, however, it would have had to explain that the discursive democ-
racy established by First Amendment rights takes precedence over repre-
sentation as a pathway for American self-government.
Why might that be so? We might regard the question as obtuse. First
Amendment rights are constitutional, and in our government constitu-
tional rights take precedence over mere legislation. But for more than a
century the nation did not interpret First Amendment rights as requiring
judicial enforcement. Why did our interpretation of the First Amendment
change in the decades after World War I?
In this regard, it seems significant that First Amendment rights arose
concomitantly with the growth of American pluralism.276 Since the Pro-
gressive Era, Americans have believed that government should be directly
responsive to the advocacy of citizens and their expressive associations.277
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 235
I am deeply grateful for the research and assistance of a sterling group of students:
Joshua Bone, Rob Cobbs, Bridget Fahey, Jed Glickstein, Marvin Lim, and Erin Miller.
Even in the best of times, it would have been difficult to explore the new and chal-
lenging material in these lectures, but in the midst of deaning a great and demanding
institution, it would have been simply inconceivable. The persistently imaginative,
informative, and insightful scholarship of this remarkable team of students made
these lectures possible. I have merely followed where they have led. Kevin Lamb was
also of great assistance, as were Rachel Bayefsky, Lauren Bilsacky, and Wanling Su.
I am also grateful for the generous and helpful comments of Floyd Abrams, Bruce
Ackerman, Heather Gerken, Dieter Grimm, Michael Ignatieff, Sam Issacharoff, Chris-
tine Jolls, Alexander Keyssar, Alvin Klevorick, Sandy Levinson, Justin Levitt, Rick
Pildes, Sasha Post, David Pozen, David Rabban, Judith Resnik, Reva Siegel, Dennis
Thompson, Larry Tribe, Daniel Viehoff, James Weinstein, and John Witt.
236 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
9. “Debate on these issues has reached an impasse. . . . The chasm that separates
the Justices from one another appears unbridgeable.” Lillian R. BeVier, “Full of
Surprises—and More to Come: Randall v. Sorrell, the First Amendment, and
Campaign Finance Regulation,” Supreme Court Review (2006): 195.
10. It is plain enough that ideological and perhaps even partisan divisions have sig-
nificantly influenced the debate among the justices. Because I cannot influence
these divisions, I am, for purposes of these lectures, setting them aside.
11. I would exempt from this point a number of excellent articles that, in my view,
point the way toward a constructive account of how campaign finance regula-
tion may be reconciled with the First Amendment. This account, which I shall
explore in these lectures, conceives elections as distinct managerial domains.
To my knowledge, this account first appeared in C. Edwin Baker, “Campaign
Expenditures and Free Speech,” Harvard Civil Rights–Civil Liberties Law
Review 33 (1998); and Burt Neuborne, “The Supreme Court and Free Speech:
Love and a Question,” St. Louis University Law Journal 42 (1998). Their work
was quickly followed by Richard Briffault, “Issue Advocacy: Redrawing the
Elections/Politics Line,” Texas Law Review 77 (1999); and Frederick Schauer
and Richard H. Pildes, “Electoral Exceptionalism and the First Amendment,”
Texas Law Review 77 (1999). Recent excellent examples in this genre include
Samuel Issacharoff, “The Constitutional Logic of Campaign Finance Regula-
tion,” Pepperdine Law Review 36 (2009); Saul Zipkin, “The Election Period and
Regulation of the Democratic Process,” William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal
18 (2010); and Dennis F. Thompson, “Election Time: Normative Implications
of Temporal Properties of the Electoral Process in the United States,” American
Political Science Review 98 (2004). I myself was an early and tentative contribu-
tor to this line of thought in Robert Post, “Regulating Election Speech under
the First Amendment,” Texas Law Review 77 (1999).
12. Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 494 U.S. 652, 669–61 (1990).
13. Buckley, 424 U.S. at 48–49.
14. Samuel Issacharoff and Pamela S. Karlan, “The Hydraulics of Campaign Finance
Reform,” Texas Law Review 77 (1999).
15. Lawrence Lessig, Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to
Stop It (New York: Twelve, 2011).
16. 130 S.Ct. at 898.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid., 954 (Stevens, J., dissenting), quoting Pipefitters v. United States, 407 U.S.
385, 409, 450 (1972) (Powell, J., dissenting).
19. Ibid., 960.
20. Ibid., 957.
21. Daniel R. Ortiz, “The Engaged and the Inert: Theorizing Political Personality
under the First Amendment,” Virginia Law Review 81 (1995): 7–10.
22. Bruce Ackerman and James S. Fishkin, Deliberation Day (New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 2004), 159–63.
23. Declaration of Independence.
24. Considerations on the Nature and the Extent of the Legislative Authority of the
British Parliament (Philadelphia, 1774), 3.
25. James Wilson, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States of America
(1792), 40.
26. James Madison, in The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, edited by Max
Farrand (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1966), 2:476.
27. Federalist No. 39.
238 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
44. The Declarations of the Stamp Act Congress (1765) in Edmund S. Morgan, ed., Pro-
logue to Revolution: Sources and Documents on the Stamp Act Crisis, 1764–1766
(New York: W. W. Norton, 1973), 63.
45. Hence the subsequent rejection of the concept of representation by lot, which
might be thought the most accurate form of selection if, as the colonists some-
times said, “the representative assembly should be an exact portrait, in miniature,
of the people at large.” The Works of John Adams (1851) (1776), 205. Representa-
tion by lot continues in institutions such as juries, but for two centuries it has
had no place in the selection of governmental representatives. The story of how
the principle of consent altered the nature of representation is told in Bernard
Manin, The Principles of Representative Government (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1997).
46. The Declarations of the Stamp Act Congress (1765), in Prologue to Revolution,
edited by Morgan, 63.
47. A Letter from a Plain Yeoman (1765), in Prologue to Revolution, edited by Mor-
gan, 75–76.
48. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (October 14, 1774) (1904), 68.
49. James Madison, in Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, edited by
Farrand, 1:135.
50. Daniel Dulany, Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British
Colonies for the purpose of raising a Revenue by Act of Parliament (1765), in Mor-
gan, Prologue to Revolution, 82. Because the colonists had no intention of them-
selves creating universal manhood suffrage, much less of allowing women to vote,
they needed something like the British concept of virtual representation, which
they cashed out much as Burke would, in Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe:
61. John Marshall, The Life of George Washington (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund,
2000), 467.
62. James Madison, Federalist No. 10.
63. Ibid. An extended sphere of governance also meant that the state could encom-
pass a “greater variety of parties and interests,” so that it would be “less probable
that a majority of the whole will have a common motive to invade the rights of
other citizens; or if such a common motive exists, it will be more difficult for all
who feel it to discover their own strength, and to act in unison with each other.”
As Madison argued at the Constitutional Convention:
The lesson we are to draw from the whole is that where a majority
are united by a common sentiment and have an opportunity, the rights
of the minor party become insecure. In a Republican Govt. the Major-
ity if united have always an opportunity. The only remedy is to enlarge
the sphere, & thereby divide the community into so great a number of
interests & parties, that in the 1st place a majority will not be likely at
the same moment to have a common interest separate from that of the
whole or of the minority; and in the 2d. place, that in case they shd.
Have such an interest, they may not be apt to unite in the pursuit of
it. It was incumbent on us then to try this remedy, and with that view
to frame a republican system on such a scale & in such a form as will
control all the evils wch. have been experienced.
72. The right of instruction was, however, frequently claimed on behalf of state
legislatures seeking to instruct their senators. See Clement Eaton, “Southern
Senators and the Right of Instruction, 1789–1860,” Journal of Southern History
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 243
The larger a country, the less easy for its real opinion to be ascer-
tained, and the less difficult to be counterfeited; when ascertained or
presumed, the more respectable it is in the eyes of individuals. This is
favorable to the authority of government. For the same reason, the more
extensive a country, the more insignificant is each individual in his own
eyes. This may be unfavorable to liberty.
Whatever facilitates a general intercourse of sentiments, as good
roads, domestic commerce, a free press, and particularly a circulation of
newspapers through the entire body of the people, and representatives
going from and returning among every part of them, is equivalent to a
contraction of territorial limits, and is favorable to liberty, where these
may be too extensive.
102. James Madison, Notes for the “National Gazette” Essays, in Papers of Madison,
103. Colleen A. Sheehan, James Madison and the Spirit of Republican Self-Government
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 105.
104. William Leggett, “Direct Taxation,” Evening Post, April 22, 1834, in A Collection
of the Political Writings of William Leggett, edited by Theodore Sedgwick Jr.
(1840), 1:262.
105. Ibid.
106. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, translated by Henry Reeve
(New York: D. Appleton, 1899), 1:33.
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 245
107. Alexander Keyssar, The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the
United States (New York: Basic Books, 2000).
108. De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1:219–11.
109. Ibid., 272.
110. Ibid., 175.
111. George Bancroft, Oration Delivered on the Fourth of July 1826 at Northampton,
Mass (Northampton, MA: T. W. Shephard, 1826), 20.
112. De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 2:493.
113. “The Democratic Principles: The Importance of Its Assertion, and Application
to Our Political System and Literature,” United States Magazine and Democratic
Review 1 (1837): 4–5.
114. Representative Thomas R. Mitchell, 2, pt. 2, Congressional Debates, 1729–30
(March 22, 1826). The sentiment was more or less commonplace during the Jack-
sonian era. Benjamin Franklin Butler, Representative Democracy in the United
States: An Address Delivered before the Senate of Union College, edited by C.
Van Benthuysen (1841), 20 (“Representative government necessarily implies the
supremacy of the constituents over the agents to whom they have delegated their
authority, and entrusted the management of their concerns. When it emanates,
freely and in just proportions, from the whole people, it is as much a government
of the people, as the more simple form of an immediate democracy. The only
difference is, that in the one case the people act personally; in the other, by their
115. James Madison, “Government of the United States,” National Gazette, Febru-
ary 4, 1792.
116. State of the Union address, December 8, 1829.
117. Woodrow Wilson, Division and Reunion, 1829–1898 (New York: Longmans,
Green, 1895), 12. Compare Bancroft in 1826: “With the people the power resides,
both theoretically and practically. The government is a democracy, a determined,
uncompromising democracy; administered immediately by the people, or by the
people‘s responsible agents.” Bancroft, Oration Delivered on the Fourth of July
1826, 19.
118. George Bancroft, “Eulogy on the Life and Character of General Jackson”
( June 27, 1845), in Life and Public Services of Gen. Andrew Jackson, Seventh
President of the United States: Including the Most Important of His State Papers
(Buffalo, NY: G. H. Derby, 1852), 209.
119. “The Democratic Principles,” 3.
120. The depth of this transformation is difficult to appreciate. As late as 1821 Alex-
ander Hill Everett could write that “where the representative principle is intro-
duced, the form in which the elections are made is altogether indifferent. The
result will be the same, whether they are made by a small or a large proportion
of the citizens, by the rich or the poor, on the same or on various principles,
at one degree, at two, or at three. The same individuals will in fact be designated
by all these different methods. The number of persons to whom the confidence
of the public attaches itself is not very great: and every form of election that
can be indicated is only another mode of proclaiming them.” Alexander Hill
Everett, “Dialogue on the Principles of Representative Government, between
the President de Montesquieu and Dr. Franklin,” North-American Review and
Miscellaneous Journal 12 (April 1821): 360. On the complexities of the transi-
tion from a deference society, see Ronald P. Formisano, “Deferential-Participant
Politics: The Early Republic’s Political Culture, 1789–1840,” American Political
Science Review 68 (1974).
246 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
137. From the perspective of representatives, the Jacksonian era marked the moment
when party discipline would become an indispensable proxy for popular
248 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
sentiment. In practice this meant that representatives became beholden not only
to their constituents, but also to their party. The dual loyalty could become espe-
cially confusing in moments when public opinion and party loyalty diverged.
And of course the responsibility of representatives to exercise their own indepen-
dent judgment had never (and could never) entirely disappear. Consider in this
regard the dilemma of poor Congressman Gayton Osgood, a Democrat from
In the long run, and as a general rule, parties are neither better nor
worse than the people who compose them—that is, the whole people
of the country. They arise from the fact that in no other way can move-
ments which are to end in needed laws take form, get consistency and
organization, and adapt themselves to the times, in the midst of what
would otherwise be a mere mass of individuals, with as many notions
and shades of notions as there would be minds to entertain them; and
the same law that calls parties into existence as clearly limits them ordi-
narily to two, since more destroy their value as sifting and decisive agen-
cies of public opinion. (394)
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 249
139. For a thorough overview of the development of new electoral practices and
structures during the Reconstruction era, see generally Richard Franklin Bensel,
The American Ballot Box in the Mid-Nineteenth Century (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2004). See also Scott C. James, “Patronage Regimes and Ameri-
can Party Development from ‘the Age of Jackson’ to the Progressive Era,” British
Journal of Political Science 36 (2006): 41. After the Civil War, increased govern-
ment spending made possible ever-increasing graft. See Elisabeth S. Clemens,
The People’s Lobby: Organization Innovation and the Rise of Interest Group Politics
in the United States, 1899–1925 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1997),
219–20, citing Frances Cahn and Valeska Bary, Welfare Activities of Federal, State,
and Local Governments in California, 1859–1934 (Berkeley: University of Cali-
fornia Press, 1936), 175.
140. Bensel, American Ballot Box, 16–17.
141. As W. R. Ware, a prominent public intellectual of the period, noted in 1872:
and are able to grow their own legislators. This brings into politics a
more respectable type that scorns miscellaneous graft and takes his
reward in business favors or professional connections. . . . This decent
conduct of public affairs, free from the odium of grafting and blackmail,
is known as “good government,” and is the fine flower of perfected com-
mercial oligarchy. (“Political Decay: An Interpretation,” 125)
182. “As soon as public opinion began to realize that business exploitation had been
allied with political corruption, and that reformers were confronted, not by
disconnected abuses, but by a perverted system, the inevitable and salutary infer-
ence began to be drawn. Just as business exploitation was allied with political
corruption, so business reorganization must be allied with political reorganiza-
tion.” Herbert Croly, Progressive Democracy (New York: Macmillan, 1914), 10.
183. McCormick, “Discovery That Business Corrupts Politics,” 252, 268.
McCormick writes:
207. Ibid., 27.
208. “The obvious weakness of government by opinion is the difficulty of ascertaining
it” (144).
209. Ibid., 47. See V. O. Key Jr., Public Opinion and American Democracy (New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1961), 17.
210. Bryce, The American Commonwealth, 3:159. With remarkable foresight, Bryce
seems to have anticipated the advent of modern polling, speculating about
what would happen “if the will of the majority of the citizens were to become
ascertainable at all times, and without the need of its passing through a body
of representatives, possibly even without the need of voting machinery at all.
In such a state of things the sway of public opinion would have become more
complete. . . . Popular government would have been pushed so far as almost to
dispense with, or at any rate to anticipate, the legal modes in which the major-
ity speaks its will at the polling booths; and this informal but direct control of
the multitude would dwarf, if it did not superseded, the importance of those
formal but occasional deliverances made at the elections of representatives”
(19). For an explanation of how polling began to shape public discourse and
the concept of the American “public” by the 1940s, see Sarah Igo, The Averaged
American: Surveys, Citizens, and the Making of the Mass Public (Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 2008), 168–80, 282. For an exploration of the
constitutional consequences of modern public opinion polling, see Or Bassok,
“The Two Countermajoritarian Difficulties,” St. Louis University Public Law
Review 31 (2012).
211. Ibid. In Great Britain, Goldwin Smith was simultaneously making an analogous
observation: “Parliaments are losing much of their importance, because the real
deliberation is being transferred from them to the press and the general organs
of discussion by which the great questions are virtually decided, parliamentary
speeches being little more than reproductions of arguments already used outside
the House, and parliamentary divisions little more than registrations of public
opinion. It is not easy to say how far, with the spread of public education, this
process may go, or what value the parliamentary debate and division list will
in the end retain.” Goldwin Smith, “The Machinery of Elective Government,”
Popular Science Monthly 20 (1882): 629–30.
212. Bryce, The American Commonwealth, 3:160.
213. Ibid., 161.
214. John Dewey, The Public and Its Problems (New York: Henry Holt, 1927).
215. Mary Parker Follett, The New State: Group Organization the Solution of Popular
Government (New York: Longmans, Green, 1926).
216. Follett did stress that “the vote in itself does not give us democracy” (ibid., 179).
“The ballot-box . . . creates nothing—it merely registers what is already cre-
ated. . . . The essence of democracy is an educated and responsible citizenship
evolving common ideas and willing its own social life” (180).
217. Croly, Progressive Democracy, 228.
218. Ibid., 228–29.
219. Ibid., 229. “It would be absurd to attach the prerogatives of sovereignty to the
electorate, although the absurdity of so doing does not prevent many progres-
sives from doing it” (227). See, for example, Robert H. Fuller, Government by
the People (New York: Macmillan, 1908), 1 (“In the government of the United
States sovereignty is divided equally among the qualified voters and it is exercised
by a plurality of those who vote”).
220. Ibid., 264.
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 255
Analysts report that for the electorate as a whole, parties are less
objects of dissatisfaction than insignificant. “The parties are currently
perceived with almost complete indifference by a large proportion of
the population.” . . . Voters see parties as irrelevant for solving prob-
lems and inconsequential for government outcomes. Roughly one-
third of voters prefer that “candidates run as individuals without party
labels.” . . . In surveys, fewer than 10 percent of respondents disagree
[Post] A History of Representation and Discursive Democracy 257
with the statement “The best rule in voting is to pick the best candidate,
regardless of party label.”
Rosenblum, On the Side of the Angels, 326–28. See ibid., 524n16 (“Polling in
the United States indicates that only a bare majority of respondents, 53%, feels
well represented by the two major parties”).
236. Judson, “Future of Representative Government,” 194–95. “The sober advocate
of the referendum no longer claims that it will be a substitute for representative
government, but that it will furnish an additional and needed restraint upon our
legislative bodies. . . . In a great political crisis it may represent the sovereign will
of the people, but its warmest friends must admit that it is not and cannot be a
means of working out the necessary details of legislation.”
237. See text at notes 208–9. Bryce said of public opinion, “It rules as a pervading
and impalpable power, like the ether which, as physicists say, passes through all
things” (The American Commonwealth, 3:30). See also Adrian Vermeule, “ ‘Gov-
ernment by Public Opinion’: Bryce’s Theory of the Constitution, http://papers
238. For a discussion of democratic legitimation, see Robert Post, Democracy, Exper-
tise, Academic Freedom: A First Amendment Jurisprudence for the Modern State
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012).
239. See Shaun Bowler and Todd Donovan, Demanding Choices: Opinion, Voting,
and Direct Democracy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000), 4–5.
240. Weyl, The New Democracy, 310.
241. Thus, Weyl could write that “although men are crying that representative govern-
ment is dead and that the occupation of the legislator is gone, the fundamental
issue in America is in reality not between representative and direct government
(both of which systems have merits, inconveniences, and perils), but between
a misrepresentative, plutocratic government and a democratic government,
whether representative, direct, or mixed” (The New Democracy, 308).
242. See text at note 218.
243. The story is well told in David M. Rabban, “Free Speech in Progressive Social
Thought,” Texas Law Review 74 (1996).
244. Key, Public Opinion and American Democracy, 538–39 (“If an elite is not to
monopolize power and thereby to bring an end to democratic practices, its rules
of the game must include restraints in the exploitation of public opinion. . . .
A body of customs that amounts to a policy of ‘live and let live’ must prevail.
In constitutional democracies some of these rules are crystalized into fundamen-
tal law in guarantees such as those of freedom of speech, freedom of press, and
the right to appeal to the electorate for power”).
245. Jürgen Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory
of Law and Democracy, translated by William Rehg (Cambridge: MIT Press,
1996), 486.
246. Ibid.
247. Bernard Manin, Elly Stein, and Jane Mansbridge, “On Legitimacy and Political
Deliberation,” Political Theory 15 (1987): 352.
248. Ibid.
249. Rabban, “Free Speech in Progressive Social Thought.” See Key, Public Opinion
and American Democracy, 4–5: “Democratic hopes and expectations reached a
great peak in the United States in the years before World War I, when the doughty
Progressives fought their battles against privilege and preached the righteousness
of the popular will. To see that the popular will prevailed, they contrived no end
258 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
Never in the history of our country, since the Alien and Sedition
Laws of 1798, has the meaning of free speech been the subject of such
sharp controversy as to-day. Over nineteen hundred prosecutions and
other judicial proceedings during the war, involving speeches, newspa-
per articles, pamphlets, and books, have been followed since the armi-
stice by a widespread legislative consideration of bills punishing the
advocacy of extreme radicalism. It is becoming increasingly important
to determine the true limits of freedom of expression, so that speakers
and writers may know how much they can properly say, and govern-
ments may be sure how much they can lawfully and wisely suppress. (1)
cases for having ‘lost their heads,’ for giving ‘unfair charges,’ and for not exercising
sufficient ‘control over the juries.’ He hoped that in at least one of the Espionage
Act cases still pending the Supreme Court would hand down a decision that
‘will assist the Department of Justice during the next war in counteracting the
pressure of public intolerance’ ”).
251. In the words of the editor of the New York World Frank I. Cobb:
For five years there has been no free play of public opinion in
the world.
Confronted by the inexorable necessities of war, Governments
conscripted public opinion as the conscripted men and money and
Having conscripted it, they dealt with it as they dealt with other
raw recruits. They mobilized it. They put it in charge of drill sergeants.
They goose-stepped it. They taught it to stand at attention and salute.
This governmental control over public opinion was exerted
through two different channels—one the censorship and the other pro-
paganda. . . . As the war progressed the censorship became less and less
a factor, and propaganda increased in importance. . . . Governments
relied on propaganda to equip and sustain their armies, to raise money,
to furnish food and munitions, and to perform all those services with-
out which armies would be vain and helpless. The organized manipu-
lation of public opinion was as inevitable a development of modern
warfare as airplanes, tanks, and barbed-wire entanglements.
Frank I. Cobb, Public Opinion, Senate Document No. 175, 69th Cong., 2nd
sess. ( January 10, 1920), 3–4. Cobb’s perspective should be contrasted Edward
Bernays, who in his 1928 book, Propaganda, recognized and celebrated the
power of government to manipulate public opinion:
The politician] sends up his trial balloon. He may send out an anon-
ymous interview through the press. He then waits for reverberations to
come from the public—a public which represents itself in mass meet-
ings, or resolutions, or telegrams, or even such obvious manifestations
as editorials in the partisan or nonpartisan press. On the basis of these
repercussions he then publicly adopts his originally tentative policy,
or rejects it, or modifies it to conform to the sum of public opinion
which has reached him. . . .
[This] is a method which has little justification. If a politician is a
real leader, he will be able, by the skillful use of propaganda, to lead the
people, instead of following the people by means of the clumsy instru-
ment of trial and error.
The propagandist’s approach is the exact opposite of that of the
politician just described. The whole basis of propaganda is to have an
objective and then to endeavor to arrive at it through an exact knowl-
edge of the public and modifying circumstances to manipulate and
sway that public.
Either the people are fit to govern or they are not. If they are fit to
govern it is no function of government to protect them from any kind
of propaganda. They will protect themselves. That capacity for self-
protection is the very essence of self-government. Without it popular
institutions are inconceivable, and the moment that a republican form
of government sets itself up as the nursemaid of the people to train their
immature minds to suit its own purposes and to guard them from all
influences that it considers contaminating, we already have a revolution
and a revolution backward, a revolution by usurpation. (Ibid.)
I prefer a test based upon the nature of the utterance itself. If, taken
in its setting, the effect upon the hearers is only to counsel them to
violate the law, it is unconditionally illegal. . . .
As to other utterances, it appears to me that regardless of their
tendency they should be permitted. The reason is that any State which
professes to be controlled by public opinion, cannot take sides against
any opinion except that which must express itself in the violation of
law. On the contrary, it must regard all other expression of opinion as
tolerable, if not good. . . .
Nothing short of counsel to violate law should be itself illegal. . . .
Therefore, to be a real protection to the expression of egregious
opinion in times of excitement, I own I cannot see any escape from
construing the privilege as absolute, so long as the utterance, objectively
regarded, can by any fair construction be held to fall short of counsel-
ling violence.
regulations. See Wisconsin v. Pierce, 163 Wisc. 615 (1916) (striking down Wis-
consin restrictions on third-party campaign expenditures); and Nebraska es rel.
Ragan v. Junkin, 85 Neb. 1 (1909) (striking down direct primary).
258. Patterson v. Colorado, 205 U.S. 454, 462 (1907) (per Holmes, J.). See Timothy
Walker, Introduction to American Law 188–89 (Philadelphia: P. H. Nicklin and
T. Johnson, Law Booksellers, 1837) (“The doctrine then is, that the liberty of
speech and of the press consists in freedom from previous censorship or restraint,
and not in exemption from subsequent liability for the injury which may thereby
be done”); Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States
3:731–46 (Boston: Hilliard, Gray, 1833); Theophilus Parsons, The Personal and
Property Rights of a Citizen of the United States (Hartford, CT: S. S. Scranton,
1877), 185–86; and Christopher G. Tiedeman, A Treatise on the Limitations of
Police Power in the United States (St. Louis: F. H. Thomas Law Book, 1886),
189–93. A notable dissenter from this consensus was Thomas M. Cooley, A Trea-
tise on the Constitutional Limitations, 3rd ed. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1874),
429–21. Chafee, Freedom of Speech, would subsequently emphasize Cooley’s dis-
sent in order to reconstruct a history of First Amendment “rights” in the United
States. For an illuminating discussion of Cooley and the largely lost tradition of
conservative libertarianism, see Mark A. Graber, Transforming Free Speech: The
Ambiguous Legacy of Civil Libertarianism (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1991).
259. Samuel Freeman Miller, Lectures on the Constitution of the United States
(New York: Albany, Banks, and Brothers, 1893), 645.
260. Abrams v. United States, 250 U.S. 616, 624 (1919). For a discussion of the con-
stitutional innovations of Abrams, see Robert Post, “Reconciling Theory and
Doctrine in First Amendment Jurisprudence,” California Law Review 88,
no. 6 (2000).
261. Abrams, 250 U.S. at 630 (Holmes, J., dissenting).
262. See Vince Blasi, “Propter Honores Respectum: Reading Holmes through the Lens
of Schauer—t he Abrams Dissent,” Notre Dame Law Review 72 (1997): 1349, 1351.
We know that Holmes’s epistemological perspective was associated with that of
Charles Peirce, who was quite explicit that a free market in ideas was no way at
all to determine scientific truth:
Some persons fancy that bias and counter-bias are favorable to the
extraction of truth—that hot and partisan debate is the way to investi-
gate. This is the theory of our atrocious legal procedure. But Logic puts
its heel upon this suggestion. It irrefragably demonstrates that knowl-
edge can only be furthered by the real desire for it, and that the methods
of obstinacy, of authority, and every mode of trying to reach a foregone
conclusion, are absolutely of no value. These things are proved. The
reader is at liberty to think so or not as long as the proof is not set forth,
or as long as he refrains from examining it. Just so, he can preserve, if he
likes, his freedom of opinion in regard to the propositions of geometry;
only, in that case, if he takes a fancy to read Euclid, he will do well to
skip whatever he finds with A, B, C, etc., for, if he reads attentively that
disagreeable matter, the freedom of his opinion about geometry may
unhappily be lost forever.
2:635. On the connection between Holmes and Peirce, see “Holmes, Peirce and
Legal Pragmatism,” 84 Yale Law Journal (1975).
263. Gilbert v. Minnesota, 254 U.S. 355, 357–58 (1920) (Brandeis, J., dissenting). Before
Brandeis, of course, there was the great opinion of Learned Hand in Masses
Publishing Co. v. Patten, 244 F. 535 (S.D.N.Y. 1917), which concerned wartime
censorship and verged on explaining judicially enforceable First Amendment
rights as necessary to protect the formation of “that public opinion which is
the final source of government in a democratic state.” See James Weinstein, “The
Story of Masses Publishing Co. v. Patten: Judge Learned Hand, First Amendment
Prophet,” in First Amendment Stories, edited by Richard W. Garnett and Andrew
Koppelman (New York: Foundation Press, 2011).
264. Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 377 (1927) (Brandeis, J., concurring).
265. Ibid. at 375. Compare Edward Everett Hale in 1889:
In Citizens United v. FEC,1 the Supreme Court, by a bitterly divided vote of
five to four, struck down long-standing federal regulation of independent
corporate campaign expenditures. Due to its extraordinarily broad ratio-
nale, the decision sent shock waves through the world of campaign finance
regulation, as well as through First Amendment jurisprudence generally.
At stake in Citizens United is the nature of the state’s authority to
regulate campaign finances. The Court in Citizens United is explicit that
the First Amendment is implicated in campaign finance reform because
“speech is an essential mechanism of democracy, for it is the means to hold
officials accountable to the people. . . . The right of citizens to inquire,
to hear, to speak, and to use information to reach consensus is a precondi-
tion to enlightened self-government and a necessary means to protect it.”
The First Amendment therefore “ ‘has its fullest and most urgent applica-
tion’ to speech uttered during a campaign for political office.’ ”2
Citizens United squarely imagines the First Amendment as protecting
the value of what in the first lecture I called discursive democracy. The con-
stitutional challenge of the case is how this value may be reconciled with
the requirements of representative government, which campaign finance
regulations seek to serve.
Constitutional restraints enforced by nondemocratically accountable
courts are always serious business in a free country. The application of con-
stitutional rights must be carefully tailored to their underlying purposes.
The need for such intellectual discipline is especially acute in the context
of the First Amendment.
By its terms, the First Amendment protects “the freedom of speech,”
and human interaction everywhere characteristically occurs through the
medium of communication. “We are men,” Montaigne writes, “and we
have relations with one another only by speech.”3 On their face, there-
fore, First Amendment rights can potentially govern almost all human
Were First Amendment rights to be indiscriminately applied in a man-
ner not tailored to their underlying purpose, they could potentially consti-
tutionalize vast stretches of social life. They could become an irrepressible
engine of judicial control, wresting authority from democratic institutions
in virtually any circumstance. In such circumstances constitutional rights
266 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
need to be carefully construed, lest they become loose cannons of the most
dangerous kind.
Before analyzing Citizens United in light of the history we discussed the first
lecture, it is necessary to clear away a preliminary claim that has received
much attention. In its first major campaign finance decision of the modern
era, the Court held in Buckley v. Valeo that legislative efforts to regulate
campaign contributions and expenditures implicate core First Amendment
values, because “discussion of public issues and debate on the qualifications
of candidates are integral to the operation of the system of government
established by our Constitution.”4 It has been contended by some that
because “money is property” rather than “speech,” it is inappropriate to
rely “on the first Amendment” to evaluate “campaign finance regulations.”5
The argument is that statutory bans on campaign expenditures should
not trigger any First Amendment scrutiny at all. I regard this argument as
untenable. As a general matter, First Amendment review can be triggered
either by the purpose of legislation or by the objects that legislation regu-
lates.6 The claim that money is not speech at most seeks to characterize
the object of campaign finance legislation. It does not and cannot address
the question of whether the purpose of campaign finance legislation is
consistent with First Amendment principles.
If legislation were to prohibit campaign expenditures by Democrats,
but not Republicans, no one would deny that a serious First Amendment
question has been raised. This conclusion would rest on the premise that
the legislation is likely motivated by the improper purpose of distorting
the free formation of public opinion. Even if the legislation applies only to
expenditures, no one would deny that its improper purpose would render
the legislation subject to strict First Amendment review.
The example illustrates that the First Amendment restrains government
action that is enacted for constitutionally improper purposes.7 About such
legislation one does not ask whether it applies to speech or to conduct.
A law that prevents Democrats, but not Republicans, from buying ink or
newsprint should fall under the First Amendment, regardless of whether
the purchases are or are not speech.8 Even if it is assumed that money is
“not speech,” therefore, it does not follow that campaign finance regula-
tions are immune from First Amendment scrutiny.
Moreover, the underlying assumption that money is “not speech” is
far from obvious. It can with great plausibility be maintained that speech
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 267
At issue in Citizens United was the constitutionality of §441b of the Bipar-
tisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), which prohibited inde-
pendent expenditures by the treasury funds of corporations “for speech
defined as an ‘electioneering communication’ or for speech expressly advo-
cating the election or defeat of a candidate.”12 The opinion for the Court
in Citizens United is not a model of clarity, and it is difficult to discern the
decisive line of the Court’s constitutional reasoning.
It is nevertheless clear that an important aspect of the Court’s decision
concerns the failure of the government to articulate a compelling govern-
ment interest capable of justifying the prohibition contained in §441b.
The Court held that §441b is “subject to strict scrutiny,” which means
that the legislation is constitutional only if the government can prove that
it “furthers a compelling interest and is narrowly tailored to achieve that
interest.”13 A major portion of the Court’s opinion in Citizens United is
devoted to demonstrating that §441b does not further any compelling
268 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
We construct elections to equalize the potential influence of each citizen.
That is why, with the notorious exception of the United States Senate, the
Constitution is interpreted to require that the franchise be distributed
according to the formula of “one person, one vote.” As the Court famously
said in Reynolds v. Sims: “Full and effective participation by all citizens in
state government requires . . . that each citizen have an equally effective
voice in the election of members of his state legislature.”14 If the Constitu-
tion demands that citizens be given an equally effective voice in elections,
why would it not also permit government to regulate campaign financing
so as to promote the equal influence of all?15
The principle of equality is given full-throated expression in Cana-
dian law. Canada imposes stringent restrictions on all campaign contri-
butions and expenditures. Rejecting a challenge to these restrictions, the
Canadian Supreme Court affirmed that “individuals should have an equal
opportunity to participate in the electoral process” and that “wealth is the
main obstacle to equal participation.”16 “The egalitarian model of elections
adopted by Parliament is an essential component of our democratic soci-
ety,” the Court explained; it “promotes an electoral process that requires
the wealthy to be prevented from controlling the electoral process to the
detriment of others with less economic power.”17
In sharp contrast to the Canadian approach, the United States Supreme
Court in Buckley firmly rejected the idea that a “governmental interest
in equalizing the relative ability of individuals and groups to influence
the outcome of elections” can “justify” restrictions on campaign expen-
ditures.18 In a famous passage, the Court asserted that “the concept that
government may restrict the speech of some elements of our society in
order to enhance the relative voice of others is wholly foreign to the First
Amendment, which was designed ‘to secure “the widest possible dissemina-
tion of information from diverse and antagonistic sources,”’ and ‘“to assure
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 269
unfettered interchange of ideas for the bringing about of political and social
changes desired by the people.”’ ”19 The Court conceded that persons may
have “an equal right to vote for their representatives regardless of factors
of wealth or geography,” but it insisted that “the principles that underlie
invalidation of governmentally imposed restrictions on the franchise do
not justify governmentally imposed restrictions on political expression.”20
Regulations of the “franchise” must comply with the logic of represen-
tation, whereas regulations of “political expression” must comply with the
logic of discursive democracy. The logic of representation ultimately turns
on decision making; elections are institutions that decide the identity of
representatives. Insofar as elected officials represent persons, and insofar
as persons are regarded as having an equal interest in the identity of their
representatives, it makes perfect sense to allocate the vote equally to all
persons.21 The rule of equality expresses the moral judgment that each
person should have an equal right to influence the outcome of the decision.
By contrast, the logic of discursive democracy does not turn on deci-
sion making. Discursive democracy inheres in ongoing communicative
processes that are incompatible with decision making. Because discursive
democracy regards public opinion as continuously evolving, there is never
an “outcome” with respect to which each affected person can be entitled
to equal influence. Instead, each person is entitled to the equal right to
participate in the ongoing dialogue that constitutes public opinion. The
right to participate is equally distributed, but not the substance of that
participation. This distinction reflects a fundamental difference between
the logic of representation and the logic of discursive democracy.
Following the terminology of the Court, I shall use the term public dis-
course to describe the communicative processes by which persons partici-
pate in the formation of public opinion.22 The opportunity to participate
in public discourse is equally distributed to all because all are potentially
affected by government actions taken in response to public opinion. In a
democracy in which all citizens are equal before the law, each citizen is
equally entitled to the opportunity to participate in public discourse.
Yet the point of First Amendment rights is not to accord equal influ-
ence on government action to each citizen. The First Amendment does
not protect direct democracy; it should not be analogized to an initia-
tive. The function of First Amendment rights is instead to protect the
possibility of democratic legitimation. First Amendment rights embody
the hope that affording each person the opportunity to participate in
public discourse can create the “communion of interests and sympathy of
270 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
A second state justification that has been advanced in support of campaign
finance reform is what has become known as the “antidistortion interest.”30
The antidistortion interest first made its appearance in 1990 in Austin v.
Michigan Chamber of Commerce,31 in which the Court upheld a Michi-
gan statute prohibiting corporations from using general treasury funds for
272 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
The third and doctrinally most important state interest that the Court has
advanced in support of campaign finance reform is the need to prevent
“corruption and the appearance of corruption.”56 The Court has even gone
so far as to assert “that preventing corruption or the appearance of corrup-
tion are the only legitimate and compelling government interests thus far
identified for restricting campaign finances.”57
The Court has never been precise about the meaning of either corrup-
tion or the appearance of corruption.58 It has “not always spoken about
corruption in a clear or consistent voice.”59 All agree that the paradigm case
of corruption is the quid pro quo contribution, the contribution given in
return for official action.60 The paradigm case of appearance of corruption
has tended also to be the public perception that representatives are accept-
ing quid pro quo contributions.61
In Buckley v. Valeo, the Court explained that “the increasing impor-
tance of the communications media and sophisticated mass-mailing and
polling operations to effective campaigning make the raising of large sums
of money an ever more essential ingredient of an effective candidacy.
To the extent that large contributions are given to secure a political quid
pro quo from current and potential office holders, the integrity of our
system of representative democracy is undermined.”62 A decade later the
Court elaborated: “Corruption is a subversion of the political process.
Elected officials are influenced to act contrary to their obligations of office
by the prospect of financial gain to themselves or infusions of money into
their campaigns. The hallmark of corruption is the financial quid pro quo:
dollars for political favors.”63
To speak roughly and schematically, the Court has conceptualized the
state’s interest in preventing corruption as the state’s interest in preserving
276 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
understood that a substantial and legitimate reason, if not the only reason,
to cast a vote for, or to make a contribution to, one candidate over another
is that the candidate will respond by producing those political outcomes
the supporter favors. Democracy is premised on responsiveness.’ ”69
The contemporary constitutional law of campaign finance reform holds
that it is improper for a representative to promise to undertake official action
in return for a campaign contribution. Although this conclusion is robust,
it is not clear why Americans condemn quid pro quo contributions.70 There
are many different possible explanations, which lead to very different accounts
of representative role morality.71 For this reason the concept of quid pro quo
contributions has not proved theoretically generative.72 It has not inspired
a convincing account of representative role morality to balance against the
concrete First Amendment concerns raised by campaign finance reform.
This may explain why the Court’s efforts to expand the concept of cor-
ruption beyond the context of quid pro quo contributions have not been
based upon a theory of representative role morality. Instead, the Court
announced in McConnell v. FEC:
To understand how the First Amendment ought to be applied in the
context of campaign finance reform, we must theorize the relationship
between discursive democracy, which the First Amendment protects, and
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 279
First Amendment rights protect the possibility that citizens can par-
ticipate in the formation of public opinion. The hope is that government
will be responsive to public opinion, and thus to the communicative
efforts of citizens. Elections are therefore essential to the First Amendment
because they are the principal mechanism by which government is made
responsive to public opinion. If the public does not believe that elections
produce officials who attend to public opinion, the link between public
discourse and self-government is broken.84 Unless there is public trust that
elections will select officials responsive to public opinion, the very First
Amendment rights so vigorously affirmed in Citizens United cannot pro-
duce democratic legitimation. They cannot connect communication to
This strongly suggests that First Amendment rights presuppose that
elections must be structured to select for persons who possess the “commu-
nion of interests and sympathy of sentiments” to remain responsive to pub-
lic opinion.86 I shall henceforth use the term electoral integrity exclusively
to denominate elections that have the property of choosing candidates
whom the people trust to possess this sympathy and connection. Without
electoral integrity, First Amendment rights necessarily fail to achieve their
constitutional purpose. If the people do not believe that elected officials
listen to public opinion, participation in public discourse, no matter how
free, cannot create the experience of self-government.
It is perhaps because discursive democracy requires its own form of
electoral integrity that the Court has taken to characterizing the United
States as a “representative democracy.”87 If we analyze campaign finance
reform from the perspective of this kind of electoral integrity, we are not,
as with principles such as “equality of influence” and “antidistortion,”
attempting to force a procrustean marriage between discursive democ-
racy and representative government. We are instead seeking to make First
Amendment rights, and the discursive democracy for which they stand,
more efficacious.
Electoral integrity does not require that representatives be delegates,
as distinct from trustees. It does not require representatives to “take
instruction” from public opinion. It presupposes only public belief in the
responsiveness of representatives to public opinion. Within the framework
of discursive democracy, public opinion cannot be a source of instruc-
tion because public opinion is incapable of definitive representation. The
influence of public opinion is indirect. The content of public opinion is
intrinsically subject to interpretation and judgment, and it is potentially
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 281
The American people have worried since the Progressive Era that
unlimited corporate expenditures might make elected officials respon-
sive to corporate wealth rather than to public opinion. They have been
apprehensive that unlimited corporate political spending might endanger
electoral integrity. This concern has been expressed in the long-standing,
democratically endorsed legislative judgments of the American people.
It is the height of hubris for the Court, by a vote of five justices on a bench
of nine, simply to dismiss concerns for electoral integrity on the ground
that electoral integrity is a question of law rather than of social fact.97
Since the beginning of our nation, since the debate between Madison
and Brutus, Americans have agreed that electoral integrity depends on
questions of institutional design. It is certain that if the design of con-
temporary elections has caused Americans to lose faith in the electoral
integrity of their representative system, their faith will not be restored by
the professional legal assertions of the Supreme Court, particularly in the
context of a divisive, politically controversial opinion.
Electoral integrity depends upon how Americans believe their elec-
tions actually work. In 2012 the Supreme Court was presented with a peti-
tion for certiorari to review a decision of the Montana Supreme Court
upholding the state’s prohibition on corporate campaign expenditures in
order to preserve “the integrity of its electoral process.”98 The state pro-
hibition was first enacted in 1912 in response to a manifest loss of faith
in representative government caused by massive expenditures by mining
and industrial corporations, a history vividly and convincingly recounted
284 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
As presently conceived, campaign finance reform entails restrictions on
campaign expenditures and contributions. Such regulations inevitably
raise First Amendment questions about the rights of those who wish to
contribute and spend in campaigns. The First Amendment costs of limit-
ing these rights must be set against the First Amendment gains achieved
by sustaining electoral integrity. Assessing this trade-off will require a firm
sense of the nature of the First Amendment rights that campaign finance
regulations potentially compromise.
286 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
The Court never asked what value this First Amendment rule is meant
to serve. Its formal invocation of the rule caused it to stumble badly in its
interpretation of precedent and principle.
It is easy to recognize the paradigm case from which the Court derives
its “rule” against discriminating “among different speakers.” If a liberal and
a conservative are each vying for public support, the state may not suppress
the speech of the conservative on the basis of the latter’s identity. This con-
clusion seems unproblematic. But the question is whether it is meaningful
to create a general and abstract rule on the basis of this paradigm case.
A general and abstract rule is neither possible nor desirable. The para-
digm case illustrates that all persons ought to be allowed an equal oppor-
tunity to participate in the free formation of public opinion. It does not
follow from this purpose that discrimination between persons who are not
participating in public discourse is also forbidden. Such discrimination is
in fact routine and necessary.
A simple example might be the unauthorized practice of law. Assume
A and B each communicate the same legal advice to the same client, but
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 287
that A is a licensed lawyer and that B is not. Contrary to the dicta of
Citizens United, the law will treat the speech of B differently than the
speech of A. B will be sanctioned for the unauthorized practice of law,
but A will not. This difference in treatment between A and B will most
likely not receive any First Amendment scrutiny at all. Whereas the rule
invoked by Citizens United refers to participation in public discourse, the
regulation of the unauthorized practice of law refers to professional speech
between lawyers and clients, which forms no part of the creation of public
discourse. That is why the professional communications of professional
speakers are treated very differently than would be suggested by the rule
enunciated in Citizens United.
I refer to this example to suggest that First Amendment “rules” of the
kind invoked by Citizens United are of little value until we know the pur-
pose that such rules are designed to serve.107 Most First Amendment rules
exist to protect the value of democratic legitimation. First Amendment
doctrine provides that all should be free to participate in public discourse
so that all can feel that government is potentially responsive to their own
personal contributions to public discourse. Because each person has an
equal right to attempt to influence public opinion, canonical First Amend-
ment doctrine forbids government from discriminating among speakers
in public discourse on the basis of their identity or their viewpoint.108
The value of democratic legitimation applies to persons, not to things.
If there were a self-perpetuating viral communication on the Internet,
it would not have First Amendment rights. This is because computer pro-
grams cannot experience the value of democratic legitimation. At issue
in Citizens United are the First Amendment rights of corporations. Cor-
porations are not persons; they cannot experience the subjective value of
democratic legitimation. That is why we do not permit corporations to
vote in elections or to hold seats in a legislature. The corporation, qua
corporation, is a legal entity, nothing more.
A corporation can, however, assert the rights of persons in two distinct
ways: it can assert the rights of persons who make up the corporation, or it
can assert the rights of persons who are strangers to the corporation. With
regard to the former, the question is how and when the rights of persons
employed by a corporation should be attributed to the corporation itself.
There is no simple answer to this question. Sometimes a corporation can
assert the rights of persons within it, and sometimes not. Although per-
sons within a corporation can vote, it does not follow that a corporation
can vote.
288 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
The court below framed the principal question in this case as whether
and to what extent corporations have First Amendment rights.
We believe that the court posed the wrong question. The Constitu-
tion often protects interests broader than those of the party seeking
their vindication. The First Amendment, in particular, serves signifi-
cant societal interests. The proper question therefore is not whether
corporations “have” First Amendment rights and, if so, whether they
are coextensive with those of natural persons. Instead, the question
must be whether [the statute at issue in this case] abridges expression
that the First Amendment was meant to protect.117
speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all.”123 By contrast
commercial corporations are routinely required to make factual public
disclosures, and these requirements do not trigger any First Amendment
scrutiny at all. This is because the First Amendment rights of commercial
corporations are derived from the rights of its auditors to be informed, not
from the subjective experience of democratic legitimation.
The Court in Citizens United is oblivious to this fundamental distinc-
tion, misinterpreting Bellotti as rejecting “the argument that political
speech of corporations or other associations should be treated differ-
ently under the First Amendment simply because such associations are
not ‘natural persons.’ ”124 Bellotti carefully explained that it was holding
no such thing. Bellotti explicitly signaled that in theory and practice, the
First Amendment rights possessed by commercial corporations differ from
those possessed by natural persons.
First Amendment doctrine controls government regulations of public
discourse. By public discourse I refer to the participation of natural persons
in the formation of public opinion. First Amendment doctrine holds that
such participation is “delicate and vulnerable, as well as supremely pre-
cious in our society. The threat of sanctions may deter [its] exercise almost
as potently as the actual application of sanctions. Because First Amend-
ment freedoms need breathing space to survive, government may regulate
in the area only with narrow specificity.”125 First Amendment rights are
supremely precious because their exercise makes democratic legitima-
tion possible. As Brandeis wrote almost a century ago, the “full and free
exercise” of First Amendment rights is a “political duty” essential to the
nation; the “greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.”126 Only active
participation can produce the democratic legitimation that underlies self-
government. When the state chills public discourse, it chills the possibility
of democratic legitimation.
The derivative right of an ordinary commercial corporation to con-
tribute to informed decision making is an entirely different kind of right.
Ordinary commercial corporations have no “political duty” to participate
in public discussion. It is not a menace to freedom if commercial corpora-
tions are inert. Ordinary commercial corporations are neither subjects
nor objects of democratic legitimation. If public opinion is understood
from a constitutional point of view as, in Brandeis’s words, the “resultant
of the struggle between contending forces,” commercial corporations have
neither the right nor the responsibility to contribute their views to public
opinion. Instead, they have the right only to publish such information as
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 291
This passage flatly equates the First Amendment right of ordinary com-
mercial corporations with those of natural persons. It thus basically misun-
derstands the constitutional status of ordinary commercial corporations.
The First Amendment has nothing to say about the kinds of commercial
associations a state can authorize. It is open to a state to create forms of
commercial associations that are forbidden from participating in politics,
either through express advocacy or through electioneering communica-
tions. Individuals may have a First Amendment right to form expressive
associations, but they have no First Amendment right to form ordinary
commercial associations. An ordinary commercial corporation has no
original First Amendment right to speak in its own voice.
The speech of an ordinary commercial corporation possesses consti-
tutional value only because it provides information to auditors. It carries
no constitutional significance whether that information is communicated
in the voice of a distinct commercial corporate entity or in the voice of
a PAC. The only constitutional question presented by BCRA is whether
prohibiting persons who make up a commercial corporation from speak-
ing through the corporate form, as distinct from speaking through PACs,
undermines informed public decision making.132
The Court’s opinion in Citizens United repeatedly appropriates the
form of First Amendment doctrine that is associated with “chilling effect”
analysis.133 It argues that because it is more burdensome to speak through
a PAC than to speak directly without a PAC, BCRA might discourage
protected speech that would otherwise be produced. Chilling-effect analy-
sis turns on the premise that First Amendment rights are “delicate and
vulnerable, as well as supremely precious.”134 Yet the speech of ordinary
commercial corporations is not supremely precious, because ordinary com-
mercial corporations do not produce the good of democratic legitimation.
Their speech is neither delicate nor vulnerable, because by law the speech of
commercial corporations must be justified in terms of corporate interests.
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 293
likely, that the voices of some will be drowned out. . . . Where those
having access to the most resources monopolize the election discourse,
their opponents will be deprived of a reasonable opportunity to speak
and be heard. This unequal dissemination of points of view undermines
the voter’s ability to be adequately informed of all views.151
In the course of its opinion, the Court in Citizens United makes a thought-
ful observation. It writes:
The Court has upheld a narrow class of speech restrictions that operate
to the disadvantage of certain persons, but these rulings were based on
an interest in allowing governmental entities to perform their func-
tions. See, e.g., Bethel School Dist. No. 403 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675, 683
(1986) (protecting the “function of public school education”); Jones v.
North Carolina Prisoners’ Labor Union, Inc., 433 U.S. 119, 129 (1977)
(furthering “the legitimate penological objectives of the corrections
system” (internal quotation marks omitted)); Parker v. Levy, 417 U.S.
733, 759 (1974) (ensuring “the capacity of the Government to dis-
charge its [military] responsibilities” (internal quotation marks omit-
ted)); Civil Service Comm’n v. Letter Carriers, 413 U.S. 548, 557 (1973)
(“[F]ederal service should depend upon meritorious performance
rather than political service”). The corporate independent expendi-
tures at issue in this case, however, would not interfere with govern-
mental functions, so these cases are inapposite. These precedents stand
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 297
only for the proposition that there are certain governmental functions
that cannot operate without some restrictions on particular kinds of
speech. By contrast, it is inherent in the nature of the political process
that voters must be free to obtain information from diverse sources in
order to determine how to cast their votes. At least before Austin, the
Court had not allowed the exclusion of a class of speakers from the
general public dialogue.153
The cases cited by the Court stand for a simple proposition. When gov-
ernment creates institutions in order to accomplish specific ends, it must
instrumentally organize persons in such institutions so as to accomplish
the relevant “governmental functions.” The state must manage the behav-
ior of persons within such institutions, which means that it must also man-
age their speech. Managing persons will inevitably entail discriminating
between persons and viewpoints.154 Within a public school, teachers may
call on some students to speak, but not recognize other students; within a
prison, guards may authorize the speech of some prisoners, but not others;
within a bureaucracy, some employees may be allowed to speak, but others
required to listen; within a courtroom, one witness may be authorized to
testify, but not another.
We might generalize these observations by saying that within state insti-
tutions the government possesses what I shall call managerial authority to
regulate speech in ways that would be impermissible in public discourse.
Managerial authority rests on the necessity of supervising speech in order
to accomplish the instrumental function of a state institution. Within a
school, speech must be regulated so as to achieve the task of education;
within a prison, to accomplish the purpose of security or rehabilitation;
within a bureaucracy, to attain the goal for which the bureaucracy has been
created; within a courtroom, to realize the value of justice.
Managerial authority is typically exercised merely upon a showing
of functional need. The scope of managerial authority is defined by the
boundaries of the organization within which it is exercised. These bound-
aries define what for First Amendment purposes we might designate as a
managerial domain. Managerial domains are inevitable in modern states
because they are necessary to achieve the very goals that government has
democratically decided to pursue.
Elections are institutions designed to accomplish a purpose. Elections
transform public opinion into legitimate public will. They are “the means
through which a free society democratically translates political speech
298 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
primaries, when it was perceived that electoral integrity was once again
threatened because racial discrimination made primaries responsive to
white public opinion rather than to public opinion, the Court itself chose
to intervene in the White Primary Cases to end the discrimination caused
by the private political speech of private political parties.162 It is well recog-
nized that “election laws invariably ‘affec[t]—at least to some degree—the
individual’s right . . . to associate with others for political ends.’ ”163
Elections, like all state institutions, must regulate speech within their
managerial domain in order achieve their governmental function. The
Court has “ ‘repeatedly upheld reasonable, politically neutral regulations
that have the effect of channeling expressive activit[ies] at the polls.’ ”164
The state is explicitly given considerable latitude to regulate speech within
polling places. It does so in order to ensure the legitimacy of the electoral
process. Within the polling place, the state can authorize the speech of
some persons (election workers), but deny the speech of others (partisan
advocates). What justifies such regulation is the necessity for elections to
fulfill their purpose of freely and legitimately choosing candidates.
It is sometimes controversial whether speech occurs inside or outside
of the managerial domain of a state institution. Institutional boundaries
are not marked with signposts. Organization theory regards “organiza-
tions as open systems,” whose “boundaries must necessarily be sieves, not
shells, admitting the desirable flows and excluding the inappropriate or
deleterious elements.”165 Boundaries are therefore “very difficult to delin-
eate in social systems, such as organizations.”166 Because all organizations
are dependent on their environments, they have strong incentives to reach
out and extend their “control” over important external resources,167 push-
ing their already open boundaries into a state of constant motion.
The porous quality of organizational boundaries is visible in the Court’s
cases establishing managerial authority. The Court has held that a police
department can punish a raunchy video made by a police officer on private
time and in a private location, in private dress and privately distributed
through eBay, on the mere ground that the video was “detrimental to the
mission and functions of the employer.”168 The Court has held that a pri-
vately funded and maintained mailbox can be regulated as if it were Post
Office property, on the ground that mailboxes are “an essential part of the
Postal Service’s nationwide system for the delivery and receipt of mail,”169
and must be “under the direction and control of the Postal Service”170 if
the service is “to operate as efficiently as possible a system for the delivery
of mail.”171 The Second Circuit has held that a public school can punish a
300 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
The Court in Citizens United writes as if First Amendment analysis ends
with the observation that §441b of the BCRA prohibits public discourse
and must therefore receive the strictest form of First Amendment scrutiny.
The Court finds §441b without compelling justification and consequently
If the arguments I have thus far advanced are correct, the Court’s entire
framework of analysis is flawed. First, and most important, the Court fails
to acknowledge the fundamental significance of electoral integrity as a jus-
tification for state regulation of campaign expenditures. Electoral integrity
is necessary for the First Amendment rights that the Court believes it is
protecting. It is necessary for contemporary American self-government.
Second, to the extent that the Court glimpses the possibility of a state
interest in electoral integrity, it falsely imagines that electoral integrity is
a matter of law, rather than of fact. Electoral integrity is contingent on
government design and institutions. Governments in the United States
have continuously altered the structure of elections in order to maintain
the supremely precious resource electoral integrity.
Third, the Court writes as if §441b of the BCRA regulates public dis-
course. But §441b does not control the speech of natural persons. Section
441b does not create an inert people. As applied to ordinary commercial
corporations (as distinct from expressive associations that happen to be
corporations), §441b merely regulates entities that provide constitution-
ally valuable information to the public. As in commercial speech, strict
scrutiny is thus an inappropriate standard of review.
Fourth, it is an empirical question whether §441b actually diminishes
the flow of useful information to the public. Section 441b permits the
distribution of information underwritten by corporate PACS. Citizens
302 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
United presumes the public will be better informed after it strikes down
§441b than in the decades before the Citizens United decision. But this is
far from obvious.176
Fifth, the Court ignores the possibility that the speech of ordinary
commercial corporations might be constitutionally organized into a
managerial domain dedicated to informed public decision making. Such
speech is constitutionally valuable only because it informs the public, and
Meiklejohn’s scholarship demonstrates that when we truly care about
informing the public, we create domains that do not typically forbid dis-
tinctions among speakers.
Sixth, assuming that §441b actually produces a less informed public,
this loss must be set against whatever gains in electoral integrity §441b
may promote. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the American
public has associated unrestricted corporate electoral expenditures with
the loss of electoral integrity. In Citizens United five members of the Court
brush this history aside without so much as noticing the constitutional
stakes. The constitutionality of §441b cannot be assessed unless the poten-
tial informational losses caused by §441b are somehow balanced against
the necessity of preserving electoral integrity.
Electoral integrity does not, like quid pro quo corruption, turn on
whether officials promise political favors in return for dollars.177 Electoral
integrity resides instead in the confidence of the people that elected offi-
cials attend to public opinion. It has been rightly observed that the state’s
“interest in protecting public confidence ‘in the integrity and legitimacy
of representative government’ ” is of the highest order, because “public
confidence in the integrity of the electoral process . . . encourages citizen
participation in the democratic process.”178
Electoral integrity is a special kind of constitutional virtue. It depends
upon what people actually believe.179 Americans now accept our govern-
ment as legitimate because we believe in electoral integrity. Electoral integ-
rity grounds the authority of the state. Other constitutional rights, such as
those that implement the “equally effective voice”180 that every citizen is
guaranteed in elections, do not have this subjective structure. If citizens sin-
cerely believe that certain groups are too influential in elections, this belief
is not itself a reason to burden the right of these groups to vote.181 Whereas
the principle of equal influence turns on the objective facts of equality, the
principle of electoral integrity turns on what people actually believe.
Construed in the most narrow possible way, the constitutionality of
§441b might be assessed by balancing the informational losses inflicted
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 303
1. 130 S.Ct. 876 (2010).
2. Ibid. at 898.
3. On Liars, in Michel de Montaigne, Essays, translated by J. M. Cohen (1958), 31.
4. Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 14 (1976).
5. Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC, 528 U.S. 397, 398–99 (2000) (Ste-
vens, J. dissenting). See J. Skelly Wright, “Politics and the Constitution: Is Money
Speech?,” Yale Law Journal 85 (1976); Jim Leach, “Citizens United: Robbing
America of Its Democratic Idealism,” Daedalus 142 (Spring 2013): 96–97.
6. The argument is elaborated in Robert Post, “Recuperating First Amendment
Doctrine,” Stanford Law Review 47 (1995).
7. Jed Rubenfeld, “The First Amendment’s Purpose,” Stanford Law Review 53
(2001); Elena Kagan, “Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 309
way: “Undue influence . . . cannot constitutionally form the basis for making
it unlawful for any segment of our society to express its views on the issues of a
political campaign.” 353 U.S. at 598n2.
30. Citizens United, 130 S.Ct. at 903.
31. 494 U.S. 654 (1990). Austin was formally overruled in Citizens United, 130
S.Ct. at 913.
32. 494 U.S. at 660.
33. Ibid. Compare ibid. at 705–6 (Kennedy, J., dissenting) and 684–85 (Scalia, J.,
dissenting); Elizabeth Garrett, “New Voices in Politics: Justice Marshall’s Juris-
prudence on Law and Politics,” Howard Law Journal 52 (2009).
34. 494 U.S. at 660.
35. Ibid.
36. George F. Edmunds, “Corrupt Political Methods,” Forum, June 1889, 349, 350.
37. 494 U.S. at 659, quoting FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Inc., 479 U.S. 238,
258 (1986). In dissent Justice Scalia critiqued this reasoning, arguing that it was
“entirely irrational. Why is it perfectly all right if advocacy by an individual bil-
lionaire is out of proportion with ‘actual public support’ for his positions?” 494
U.S. at 685 (Scalia, J., dissenting). Scalia does have a point. As Judge Calabresi has
observed in a deep and excellent opinion, “Money does not measure intensity
of desire equally for rich and poor. . . . [A] large contribution by a person of
great means may influence an election enormously, and yet may represent a far
lesser intensity of desire than a pittance given by a poor person. . . . [I]ntensity
of desire is not well-measured by money in a society where money is not equally
distributed.” Landell v. Sorrell, 406 F.3d 159, 161–62 (2d Cir. 2005) (en banc).
In favor of the Michigan statute, however, it might be said that whatever
any individual spends in favor of a particular electoral outcome, the expendi-
ture is a register of personal belief, and elections are supposed to measure the
sum of individual beliefs. Corporate expenditures, by contrast, do not express
personal beliefs, but rather corporate decision making, which elections are not
supposed to measure. Scalia may be correct that in a perfect world, all campaign
expenditures would be regulated so as to ensure, in Judge Calabresi’s words, that
“one’s intensity of desire, as expressed in monetary terms, be measured equally”
(at 162). Compared to such regulation, the Michigan statute may be underinclu-
sive. But that does not render it “entirely irrational.” It merely makes it practical.
38. See note 186 in the first lecture.
39. Lawrence Lessig, Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to
Stop It (New York: Twelve 2011), 128.
40. Ibid., 95.
41. See ibid., 127.
42. Ibid., 128.
43. Ibid.
44. Ibid., 151.
45. Ibid., 232.
46. Ibid., 232–33.
47. Jürgen Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory
of Law and Democracy, translated by William Rehg (Cambridge: MIT Press,
1996), 486.
48. See Nadia Urbinati, “Democracy and Populism,” Constellations 5 (1998).
49. Carl Schmitt, Constitutional Theory, translated by Jeffrey Seitzer (Durham, NC:
Duke University Press, 2008), 272; Duncan Kelly, “Carl Schmitt’s Political The-
ory of Representation,” Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2004).
312 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
52. See Urbinati, Representative Democracy, 228 (“Politics keeps the sovereign in
perpetual motion, so to speak, while transforming its presence into an exquisite
and complex manifestation of political influence”). I should stress that logic
explained in the text refers to the communicative rights that define public opin-
ion, because it is through these rights that the “self ” in “self-government” is
constructed. By determining these rights, the people define the parameters of
their own self-governance. The logic does not apply to legislation that does not
apply to communicative rights, as, for example, to laws regulating property or
civil rights. Such legislation properly concerns the exercise of self-government
rather than the preconditions of self-government.
53. Michael Walzer, Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality
(New York: Basic Books, 1983), 309–10.
54. Of course, defining who is constitutionally authorized to participate in public
discourse is a distinct question, which I address in below. Ordinary commercial
corporations should not be regarded as participants in public discourse.
55. Of course, the purpose and aim of First Amendment rights might change,
through the same dialogic processes that alter the meaning of other constitu-
tional provisions. See, for example, Robert Post and Reva B. Siegel, “Democratic
Constitutionalism,” in The Constitution in 2020, edited by Jack M. Balkin and
Reva B. Siegel (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009), 25; Robert Post, “Theo-
rizing Disagreement: Reconceiving the Relationship between Law and Politics,”
California Law Review 98 1319 (2010); Reva B. Siegel, “Constitutional Culture,
Social Movement Conflict and Constitutional Change: The Case of the De Fact
ERA,” California Law Review 94 (2006). In such dialogue, the presence of the
people is constructed, as it is in every such circumstance.
56. Buckley, 424 U.S. at 25.
57. FEC v. National Conservative PAC, 470 U.S. 448, 496–97 (1985) (NCPAC).
See Davis v. FEC, 128 S.Ct. 2759, 2773 (2008).
58. There is a massive and illuminating literature on this topic. I have found espe-
cially helpful Strauss, “Corruption, Equality, and Campaign Finance Reform”;
Samuel Issacharoff, “On Political Corruption,” Harvard Law Review 124 (2010);
David A. Strauss, “What Is the Goal of Campaign Finance Reform?,” University
of Chicago Legal Forum 1995 (1995); Bruce M. Cain, “Moralism and Realism in
Campaign Finance Reform,” University of Chicago Legal Forum 1995 (1995);
Daniel Hays Lowenstein, “Campaign Contributions and Corruption: Com-
ments on Strauss and Cain,” University of Chicago Legal Forum 1995 (1995);
Thomas F. Burke, “The Concept of Corruption in Campaign Finance Law,”
Constitutional Commentary 14 (1997); Lillian R. BeVier, “Money and Politics:
A Perspective on the First Amendment and Campaign Finance Reform,” Califor-
nia Law Review 73 (1985); Dennis F. Thompson, “Two Concepts of Corruption:
Making Campaigns Safe for Democracy,” George Washington Law Review 73
(2005); Zephyr Teachout, “The Anti-corruption Principle,” Cornell Law Review
94 (2009).
59. Citizens United, 130 S.Ct. at 961 (Stevens, J., dissenting). Indeed, the Court origi-
nally introduced the antidistortion rationale as a component of the corruption
rationale. See Austin, 494 U.S. at 659–60 (“Michigan‘s regulation aims at a dif-
ferent type of corruption in the political arena”).
60. “In the context of the real world only a single definition of corruption has been
found to identify political corruption successfully and to distinguish good politi-
cal responsiveness from bad—that is quid pro quo. Favoritism and influence are
not, as the Government‘s theory suggests, avoidable in representative politics. . . .
314 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
on platforms and who claim support on the basis of their views and
what they intend to do or have done. Whatever ethical considerations
and appearances may indicate, to hold that legislators commit the fed-
eral crime of extortion when they act for the benefit of constituents or
support legislation furthering the interests of some of their constitu-
ents, shortly before or after campaign contributions are solicited and
received from those beneficiaries, is an unrealistic assessment of what
Congress could have meant by making it a crime to obtain property
from another, with his consent, “under color of official right.” To hold
otherwise would open to prosecution not only conduct that has long
been thought to be well within the law but also conduct that in a very
real sense is unavoidable so long as election campaigns are financed
by private contributions or expenditures, as they have been from the
beginning of the Nation. . . .
This is not to say that it is impossible for an elected official to com-
mit extortion in the course of financing an election campaign. Political
contributions are of course vulnerable if induced by the use of force,
violence, or fear. The receipt of such contributions is also vulnerable
under the Act as having been taken under color of official right, but only
if the payments are made in return for an explicit promise or undertak-
ing by the official to perform or not to perform an official act. In such
situations the official asserts that his official conduct will be controlled
by the terms of the promise or undertaking. This is the receipt of money
by an elected official under color of official right within the meaning of
the Hobbs Act.
This formulation defines the forbidden zone of conduct with sufficient clar-
ity. As the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit observed in United States v.
Dozier, 672 F.2d 531, 537 (1982):
official that Justice Kennedy conflated the two terms throughout his opinion.
See Pamela S. Karlan, “Electing Judges, Judging Elections, and the Lessons of
Caperton,” Harvard Law Review 123 (2009): 91.
67. See, for example, Citizens against Rent Control/Coalition for Fair Housing v.
Berkeley, 454 U.S. 290, 294–99 (1981) (“Contributions by individuals to support
concerted action by a committee advocating a position on a ballot measure is
beyond question a very significant form of political expression.”).
68. See, for example, John Samples, The Fallacy of Campaign Finance Reform (Chi-
cago: University of Chicago Press, 2006).
69. Citizens United, 130 S.Ct. at 909 (quoting McConnell, 540 U.S. at 297 (Ken-
nedy, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part)). See also Colorado Repub-
lican Federal Campaign Comm. v. FEC, 518 U.S. 604, 646 (1996) (Thomas, J.,
concurring in part and dissenting in part); McConnell, 540 U.S., at 153 (“Mere
political favoritism or opportunity for influence alone is insufficient to justify
regulation”); NCPAC, 470 U.S. at 498 (“The fact that candidates and elected
officials may alter or reaffirm their own positions on issues in response to politi-
cal messages paid for by the PACs can hardly be called corruption, for one of the
essential features of democracy is the presentation to the electorate of varying
points of view”); Kathleen Sullivan, Comment, “Political Money and Freedom
of Speech,” University of California Davis Law Review 30 (1997): 680 (“Legisla-
tors respond disproportionately to the interests of some constituents all the time,
depending, for example, on the degree of their organization, their intensity of
their interest in particular issues, and their ability to mobilize voters to punish
the legislator who does not act in their interest. On one view of democratic
representation, therefore, there is nothing wrong with private interest groups
seeking to advance their own ends through electoral mobilization and lobbying,
and for representatives to respond to these targeted efforts to win election and
reelection. It is at least open to question why attempts to achieve the same ends
through amassing campaign money are more suspect, at least in the absence of
personal inurement”).
70. David Strauss, for example, has famously argued that quid pro quo contribu-
tions, as distinct from outright bribes, are not improper at all, since they amount
to nothing more than “delivering a certain number of votes.” Strauss, “Corrup-
tion, Equality, and Campaign Finance Reform,” 1373. Our opposition to quid pro
quo contributions, Strauss contends, reflects either our deeper opposition to the
inequality that quid pro quo contributions facilitate or our worry that candidates
may commit themselves to constituent interest groups and so fail to engage in the
“duty” of “deliberation” that should attach to the role of a representative.
71. Perhaps, for example, quid pro quo contributions are improper because they
require representatives to make binding promises, and such promises are incon-
sistent with the duty of a representative fully to participate in the deliberations
required by a legislative assembly. See notes 65–74 in lecture 1 and note 70 in this
lecture. But this interpretation would seem to rule out all campaign promises
and pledges, and it therefore does not seem a plausible account of representation.
See Brown v. Hartlage, 456 U.S. 45, 55–56 (1982).
Perhaps quid pro quo contributions are corrupt because it is improper for
representatives to undertake official action in return for gifts of value. The federal
antibribery statute, 18 U.S.C. §201, prohibits offering or promising “anything of
value” to any public official “with intent to influence any official act.” This view
of corruption would have far-reaching consequences. Money is one form of value,
but there are many others. Offers of money do not seem any more intrinsically
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 317
“coercive” than other forms of valuable support. See, for example, FEC v. Demo-
cratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 454 U.S. 27, 41 (1981); Richard L. Hasen,
“Campaign Finance Laws and the Rupert Murdoch Problem,” Texas Law Review
77 (1999): 1665n80; Ofer Raban, “Constitutionalizing Corruption: Citizens
United, Its Conceptions of Political Corruption and the Implications for Judicial
Election Campaigns,” University of San Francisco Law Review 46 (2011); United
States v. Girard, 601 F.2d 69, 71 (2d Cir. 1979). Does it follow, therefore, that a
candidate who promises to vote for legislation in return for valuable contribu-
tions like volunteer labor or a newspaper endorsement should be condemned
for “improper commitments”? Does it follow that a candidate who pledges to
support his party’s platform in return for his party’s active support is guilty of
corruption? On the whole, this is not the way that quid pro quo corruption has
been conceptualized or policed. Daniel Hays Lowenstein, “Political Bribery and
the Intermediate Theory of Politics,” UCLA Law Review 32 (1985).
Perhaps quid pro quo contributions are corrupt only because they promise
official action in return for support that is not otherwise constitutionally valu-
able. It may be valuable to our constitutional system to write editorials and to
canvass for voters, or for parties actively take part in campaigns, so that official
promises to act in return for these forms of support serve democratic ends and
should not be condemned as corrupt. But why would we regard giving financial
support to candidates as an activity that we wish to discourage or that is not
otherwise valuable? We regard charitable contributions as quite valuable. Why
are political contributions not analogous?
It may be that a candidate’s promise to take official action in return for
valuable support is corrupt because it commits the candidate to act on behalf
of only some constituents, rather than on behalf of all constituents. See, for
example, Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett, 131 S.Ct.
2806, 2830 (2011) (Kagan, J., dissenting). The Court has sometimes spoken of the
obligation of elected officials to represent “their constituency as a whole.” In the
context of reapportionment plans, for example, the Court has struck down dis-
tricts that appear to be drawn to provide representation of a particular racial
group: “When a district obviously is created solely to effectuate the perceived
common interests of one racial group, elected officials are more likely to believe
that their primary obligation is to represent only the members of that group,
rather than their constituency as a whole. This is altogether antithetical to our
system of representative democracy.” Shaw v. Reno, 509 U.S. 630, 648 (1993).
Yet American candidates routinely pledge to act at the behest of some of
their constituents rather than all their constituents. Constituencies are com-
monly divided. If a candidate runs on a controversial platform to battle public
employee unions, for example, it is not inconsistent with the role of an elected
representative to speak for those constituents who oppose public employee
unions, rather for the “constituency as a whole.” See note 137 in lecture 1. Can-
didates frequently pledge to act in support of those constituents who offer them
valuable support, as, for example, members of their own party.
Quid pro quo contributions might be improper because they require a can-
didate to pledge to act in response to the wishes of a fewer number of constitu-
ents than would be required to win an election. There is no opprobrium attached
to a candidate who pledges to act in a certain way, and who on the basis of that
pledge attracts enough votes to gain election. Does it follow that there would
be no objection to a candidate who receives quid pro quo contributions from an
organization representing 51 percent of her constituents? Does it equally follow
318 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
73. McConnell v. FEC, 540 U.S. 93, 153 (2003). See FEC v. Beaumont, 539 U.S. 146,
155–56 (2003); Heather Gerken, “Lobbying as the New Campaign Finance,”
Georgia State University Law Review 27 (2011): 1158.
74. McConnell, 540 U.S. at 154.
75. See note 64 above.
76. I agree, however, that it is improper for a representative to accept contributions
merely for the purpose of obtaining or retaining power. See note 71 above.
77. Although empirical studies purport to find that campaign donations are unlikely
to influence policy outcomes, see Steven Ansolabehere, John M. de Figueiredo,
and James M. Snyder Jr., “Why Is There So Little Money in U.S. Politics?,”
Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 (2003): 110–17, they also conclude that such
donations can have “under the radar screen” effects. See John M. de Figueiredo
and Elizabeth Gilbert, “Paying for Politics,” Southern California Law Review 78
(2005) (“What does money buy? It likely buys access, small favors, energy in
casework, intercession with regulators, and a place on the legislative agenda”).
78. Citizens United, 130 S.Ct. at 909. See also McConnell v. Federal Election Com’n,
540 U.S. 93, 297 (2003) (Kennedy, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part).
This same disagreement is also visible in the context of controversies about the
“appearance of corruption.” Compare McConnell v. FEC, 540 U.S. 93, 297–98
(2003) (Kennedy, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part), with McConnell,
540 U.S. at 153–54.
79. Citizens United, 130 S.Ct. at 908–11.
80. Nathaniel Gorham, in The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, edited by
Max Farrand (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1966), 2:381.
81. Habermas, Between Facts and Norms, 299. Among political theorists there has
been recent widespread appreciation of this fusion between the republican
and democratic traditions. See, for example, Urbinati, Representative Democ-
racy; Nadia Urbinati, “Continuity and Rupture: The Power of Judgment in
Democratic Representation,” Constellations 12 (2005); Nadia Urbinati and
Mark E. Warren, “The Concept of Representation in Contemporary Demo-
cratic Theory,” Annual Review of Political Science 11 (2008); Disch, “Toward a
Mobilization Conception of Democratic Representation”; David Plotke, “Rep-
resentation Is Democracy,” Constellations 4 (1997); Garsten, “Representative
Government and Popular Sovereignty”; Bernard Manin, Elly Stein, and Jane
Mansbridge, “On Legitimacy and Political Deliberation,” Political Theory 15
(1987). In essence, this work theorizes that representative government generates
democratic legitimacy by provoking an endless public conversation about who
truly represents the people. So far from settling political controversies, elections
keep “the political contestation going.” Näsström, “Representative Democracy
as Tautology,” 334.
82. See note 51 above. Nadia Urbinati argues that representation is structurally
important precisely because it keeps the identity of the people occluded, so that
there can be no unilateral Schmittian acclamation. “A political representative
is unique not because he substitutes for the sovereign in passing laws, but pre-
cisely because he is not a substitute for an absent sovereign (the part replacing
the whole) since he needs to be constantly recreated and dynamically linked to
society in order to pass laws.” Urbinati, Representative Democracy, 20. On this
account, representation focuses attention on the communicative structures nec-
essary to maintain representation and suppresses the possibility of a fully pres-
ent people overriding the communicative framework that constitutes public
320 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
83. See Hanna Fenichel Pitkin, The Concept of Representation (Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1967), 222, 234 (“The representative system must look after
the public interest and be responsive to public opinion, except insofar as non-
responsiveness can be justified in terms of the public interest. . . . Our concern
with elections and electoral machinery, and particularly with whether elections
are free and genuine, results from our conviction that such machinery is neces-
sary to ensure systematic responsiveness. . . . We require functioning institutions
that are designed to, and really do, secure a government responsive to public
interest and opinion. . . . Our concern with elections and electoral machinery,
and particularly with whether elections are free and genuine, results from our
conviction that such machinery is necessary to ensure systematic responsive-
ness”). For an account of representation that stresses the need for a “two-way
communication” between representatives and constituents, see Jane Mansbridge,
“A ‘Selection Model’ of Political Representation,” Journal of Political Philosophy
17 (2009): 370.
84. For an analogous idea, formulated in terms of the “self-government rationale,”
see Richard H. Pildes, “Foreword: The Constitutionalization of Democratic
Politics,” Harvard Law Review 118 (2004): 149–50. See also Samuel Issacha-
roff, “On Political Corruption,” Harvard Law Review 124 (2010): 127–29, who
emphasizes the dangers of “clientelism.”
85. In his academic writing, Justice Breyer has advanced a closely analogous idea:
Dennis and Diana Owen, “Popular Satisfaction with Party System and Repre-
sentative Democracy in the United States,” International Political Science Review
22 (2001): 401.
87. Brown, 456 U.S. at 52. See Knox v. Service Employees Intern. Union, Local 1000,
132 S.Ct. 2277, 2288 (2012); Nevada Comm’n on Ethics v. Carrigan, 131 S.Ct. 2343,
2353 (2011) (Kennedy, J., concurring); California Democratic Party v. Jones, 530
U.S. 567, 574 (2000); Buckley, 424 U.S. at 26–27.
88. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, 221.
89. Ibid.
90. Buckley, 424 U.S. at 27.
91. Ibid.
92. See, for example, 147 Cong. Rec. 13083 ( July 12, 2001) (statement of
Rep. DeLauro) (“Mr. Speaker, the time has come to pass meaningful campaign
finance reform. . . . [T]he bipartisan Shays-Meehan Campaign Reform Act
will . . . help us to restore the integrity to our political system. It will help us
today to restore the confidence that the American public needs to have in people
who serve in public life, restore their confidence in our government that, in fact,
we can act on behalf of the interests of the people that we represent and not
the interests of the moneyed interests in this country”); “Campaign Finance
Reform: Hearing before the Committee on House Administration, House of
Representatives,” 107 Cong. Rec. 3 (2002) (statement of Rep. Hoyer, member,
House Committee on Administration) (“Last November’s election revealed a
sharp and disturbing rise in the unregulated issue adds by third-party groups
which most of us would agree are essentially campaign adds; a doubling of soft
money contributions to political parties compared to the 1996 elections; and
one of the lowest voter turnouts in a Presidential election in more than 50 years,
due in large part perhaps to the public’s growing cynicism about the influence
of money in our political system”).
93. Lowell, Public Opinion and Popular Government, 138.
94. 148 Cong. Rec. 1709 (2002) (statement of Representative Freylinghuysen) (“This
issue is not about winning elections, it can‘t be. It is about restoring the public’s
faith and confidence in what we do. . . . It is about cleaning up a flawed system,
where whether true or not, the perception is we are all bought and sold”). The
argument was effectively made to the Court in McConnell v. FEC, 540 U.S. 93
(2003), although it was couched in the misleading language of corruption. See,
for example, Brief for Intervenor-Defendants Senator John McCain et al. at 11:
95. 528 U.S. 377, 390 (2000). See Richard L. Hasen, “Buckley Is Dead, Long Live
Buckley: The New Campaign Finance Incoherence of McConnell v. Federal
322 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
102. See Jeffrey Toobin, “Annals of the Law: Money Unlimited: The Chief Justice
and Citizens United,” New Yorker, May 21, 2012, 40.
103. Ibid., 40–41. On reargument of the case, then solicitor general Elena Kagan
sought to contain the damage by avowing that Congress could not in fact pro-
hibit a corporation from using funds to publish a book of express advocacy
(ibid., 44). Although firm in this conclusion, General Kagan was less than clear
about why Congress might be prohibited from banning books, and indeed in
her argument she may have conceded that Congress could prohibit corporations
from publishing pamphlets:
JUSTICE GINSBURG: May I ask you one question that was highlighted
in the prior argument, and that was if Congress could say no TV
and radio ads, could it also say no newspaper ads, no campaign
biographies? Last time the answer was, yes, Congress could, but it
didn’t. Is that—is that still the government’s answer?
GENERAL KAGAN: The government’s answer has changed, Justice
Ginsburg. (Laughter.)
GENERAL KAGAN: It is still true that BCRA 203, which is the only
statute involved in this case, does not apply to books or anything
other than broadcast; 441b does, on its face, apply to other media.
And we took what the Court—what the Court’s—the Court’s
own reaction to some of those other hypotheticals very seriously.
We went back, we considered the matter carefully, and the govern-
ment’s view is that although 441b does cover full-length books that
there would be quite good as-applied challenge to any attempt to
apply 441b in that context.
And I should say that the FEC has never applied 441b in that
context. So for 60 years a book has never been at issue. . . .
CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: But we don’t put our—we don’t put our
First Amendment rights in the hands of FEC bureaucrats; and if
you say that you are not going to apply it to a book, what about a
GENERAL KAGAN: I think a—a pamphlet would be different. A pam-
phlet is pretty classic electioneering, so there is no attempt to say
that 441 b only applies to video and not to print. It does—
JUSTICE ALITO: Well, what if the particular—what if the particu-
lar movie involved here had not been distributed by Video on
Demand? Suppose that people could view it for free on Netflix over
the internet? Suppose that free DVDs were passed out. Suppose
people could attend the movie for free in a movie theater; suppose
the exact text of this was distributed in a printed form. In light of
your retraction, I have no idea where the government would draw
the line with respect to the medium that could be prohibited.
GENERAL KAGAN: Well, none of those things, again, are covered.
JUSTICE ALITO: No, but could they? Which of them could and which
could not? I understand you to say books could not.
GENERAL KAGAN: Yes, I think what you—what we’re saying is that
there has never been an enforcement action for books. Nobody
has ever suggested—nobody in Congress, nobody in the admin-
istrative apparatus has ever suggested that books pose any kind
324 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
is at stake, the corporate form vel non of a speaker is not decisive, just as it is not
decisive in the context of expressive associations.
The Court in Citizens United intimates that if corporations were not enti-
tled to the same speech rights as individual persons, the state would be free
to suppress the speech of “media corporations.” 130 S.Ct. at 905–6. I find this
suggestion fanciful and baffling. The Court mistakenly asserts that “ ‘ We have
consistently rejected the proposition that the institutional press has any consti-
tutional privilege beyond that of other speakers.’ ” Ibid. at 905 (quoting Scalia, J.,
dissenting in Austin, 494 U.S. at 691). This is manifestly incorrect. See C. Edwin
Baker, “The Independent Significance of the Press Clause under Existing Law,”
Hofstra Law Review 35 (2007); Randall P. Bezanson, “The Developing Law of
Editorial Judgment,” Nebraska Law Review 78 (1999); and Randall P. Bezanson,
“No Middle Ground? Reflections on the Citizens United Decision,” Iowa Law
Review 96 (2011). In Minneapolis Star v. Minnesota Comm’r, 460 U.S. 575 (1983),
for example, the Court held that the First Amendment prohibits states from
imposing unique taxes on the press. States can impose unique taxes on virtually
every kind of business, including nonpress communicative businesses such as
film distributors, but they cannot impose a singular tax on the press. The Court
explained that this is because such a tax would be inconsistent with the distinct
constitutional function of the press, which is to “serve as an important restraint
on government.” Ibid. at 585. Institutional speakers that do not serve this purpose
do not receive the constitutional protections that accrue to the press.
The constitutional value of the press articulated in Minneapolis Star has
been theorized as the “checking value,” and it is well established in law and his-
tory. See, for example, David A. Anderson, “The Origins of the Press Clause,”
UCLA Law Review 30 (1983): 491 (“A press clause was necessary, not to induce
the press to provide a check on governmental power, but because it was uni-
versally assumed that the press would indeed provide such a check and that
government therefore would seek to suppress it”); Potter Stewart, “Or of the
Press,” Hastings Law Journal 26 (1979): 633 (“The primary purpose of the con-
stitutional guarantee of a free press was . . . to create a fourth institution outside
the Government as an additional check on the three official branches”); and
Vincent Blasi, “The Checking Value in First Amendment Theory,” American
Bar Foundation Research Journal (1977): 538 (“One of the most important val-
ues attributed to a free press by eighteenth-century political thinkers was that
of checking the inherent tendency of government officials to abuse the power
entrusted to them”).
Corporations that serve the checking value should receive the constitu-
tional protections appropriate to that function. Serving this function makes
them constitutionally distinct from both expressive associations and ordinary
commercial corporations. Of course, it may be difficult to draw a line between
corporate entities that deserve the protections due to the press and those that
are simply ordinary commercial corporations, but analogous difficulties afflict
much constitutional law.
120. It is plain that Citizens United did not grasp this important point. It cites Bellotti
for the proposition that “the worth of speech ‘does not depend upon the identity
of its source, whether corporation, association, union, or individual.’ ” Citizens
United, 130 S.Ct. at 904.
121. On the distinction between original and derivative rights, see Meir Dan-Cohen,
Rights, Persons, and Organizations: A Legal Theory for Bureaucratic Society (Berke-
ley: University of California Press, 1986). The Court in Citizens United is quite
326 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
blurry about the nature of the First Amendment rights possessed by commercial
corporations. Like Bellotti, however, the Court in Citizens United states that “it is
inherent in the nature of the political process that voters must be free to obtain
information from diverse sources in order to determine how to cast their votes.”
130 S.Ct. at 899. For a thoughtful analysis of institutional speech rights see Ran-
dall P. Bezanson, “Institutional Speech,” Iowa Law Review 80 (1995).
122. See, for example, Riley v. National Federation of the Blind of North Carolina, Inc.,
487 U.S. 781, 796–97 (1988).
123. Wooley v. Maynard, 430 U.S. 705, 714 (1977).
124. Citizens United, 130 S.Ct. at 900.
125. NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415, 433 (1963).
126. Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 375 (1927) (Brandeis, J., concurring).
127. For example, Thomas W. Joo, “Corporate Governance and the Constitutional-
ity of Campaign Finance Reform,” Election Law Journal 1 (2002): 370–71; and
Tom Bennigson, “Nike Revisited: Can Commercial Corporations Engage in
Non-commercial Speech?,” Connecticut Law Review 39 (2006): 413.
128. See Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission, 447 U.S.
557 (1980). For a discussion, see Robert Post, “The Constitutional Status of
Commercial Speech,” UCLA Law Review 48 (2000).
129. See Post, “Constitutional Status of Commercial Speech.”
130. David Shelledy, “Autonomy, Debate, and Corporate Speech,” Hastings Consti-
tutional Law Quarterly 18 (1991): 576.
131. Citizens United, 130 S.Ct. at 897–98.
132. By allowing PACs, BCRA essentially empowers persons connected to the cor-
poration to use the organizational structure of the corporation to create their
own expressive association. Because nothing would prohibit such persons from
creating their own expressive association outside the context of the corporation,
BCRA is actually speech promoting from the perspective of persons connected
to the corporation.
133. Citizens United, 130 U.S. at 892, 895, 908.
134. Nat’l Ass’n for Advancement of Colored People v. Button, 371 U.S. 415, 433 (1963).
135. Bruce Ackerman, We the People, vol. 1, Foundations (Cambridge, MA: Belknap
Press of Harvard University Press, 1991), 230–65.
136. See Post, “Constitutional Status of Commercial Speech”; Va. Pharmacy Board
v. Virginia Consumer Council, 425 U.S. 748, 772 n. 24 (1976). Compare In re
Primus, 436 U.S. 412 (1978), with Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar Ass’n., 436 U.S. 447
(1978). Compare Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350, 380 (1977).
137. Meiklejohn, Political Freedom, 6.
138. Ibid.
139. Ibid., 24.
140. Ibid., 26.
141. Ibid. See Owen Fiss, “Money and Politics,” Columbia Law Review 97 (1997).
142. 395 U.S. 367 (1969).
143. Ibid. at 388–89.
144. Ibid. at 390. The Court later began to have second thoughts about this charac-
terization. See Robert Post, “Subsidized Speech,” Yale Law Journal 106 (1996):
145. Red Lion, 395 U.S. at 390.
146. Ibid. at 392.
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 327
147. Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1922),
44–46, 244.
148. Although he came close to this position three years later in Walter Lippmann,
The Phantom Public (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1925), which expressed a
strong inclination to entrust government to qualified experts. See Edward A.
Purcell Jr., The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Naturalism and the Problem
of Value (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1973), 105–7.
149. Lippmann, Public Opinion, 402.
150. Ibid. For a modern version of this solution, see Bruce Ackerman and James Fish-
kin, Deliberation Day (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2004).
151. Harper v. Canada, 2004 SCCC 33, at §72. The British House of Lords has come
to a very similar conclusion:
157. Burdick v. Takushi, 504 U.S. 428, 433 (1992); Buckley v. American Constitutional
Law Foundation, 525 U.S. 182, 191 (1999) (“States allowing ballot initiatives have
considerable leeway to protect the integrity and reliability of the initiative pro-
cess, as they have with respect to the election process generally”); Anderson v.
Celebrezze, 460 U.S. 780, 787n9 (1982) (“We have upheld generally-applicable
and evenhanded restrictions that protect the integrity and reliability of the elec-
toral process itself ”).
158. Pildes, “Foreword,” 51–52.
159. Purcell v. Gonzalez, 549 U.S. 1, 4 (2006) (quoting Eu v. San Francisco County
Democratic Central Comm., 489 U. S. 214, 231 [1989]).
160. Burson v. Freeman, 504 U.S. 191, 200–205 (1992). As Elihu Root recalled in 1916:
I have seen a file of men marched out of a tramp lodging house with
their ballots held aloft in one hand continuously in plain sight until
they had deposited them in the ballot box, in order to give the necessary
evidence that they were voting according to the contract under which
they were immediately thereafter to be paid. Now . . . [t]he ballot is
furnished by the state; the method of voting upon the Australian bal-
lot in all its forms, by marking it in secret, makes bribery uncertain and
unprofitable, because it is impossible to tell how any one votes, and the
man who would take money for his vote cannot be depended upon
to vote as he has agreed. . . . The change from dishonest and unfair
elections to honest and fair elections is fundamental to the successful
working of popular government.
169. United States Postal Service v. Council of Greenburgh Civic Associations, 453 U.S.
114, 128–29 (1981).
170. Ibid. at 126.
171. Ibid. at 133.
172. Doninger v. Niehoff, 527 F.3d 41 (2nd Cir. 2008). See Kowalski v. Berkeley County
Schools, 652 F.3d 565 (4th Cir. 2011). Courts have even expanded the managerial
domain of schools to include the parents of students. See, Blasi v. Pen Argyl Area
School Dist., 2013 WL 343175 (C.A. 3 [Pa.], January 30, 2013).
173. For a discussion of this distinction, as well as how the Court sets the boundaries
of state institutions, see Post, “Between Governance and Management.”
174. Allen Thorndike Rice, “Recent Reforms in Balloting,” North American Review
143 (December 1886): 631.
175. “The adoption of the Australian ballot necessarily transformed state and local
parties from private organizations into public agencies, and a corollary of its
official recognition of parties on the ballot was state involvement in their nomi-
nation process.” Peter H. Argersinger, Structure, Process, and Party: Essays in
American Political History (Armonk NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1992), 59.
176. Recent work suggests that because commercial corporations prefer to influence
politics by lobbying rather than by determining which candidate is elected, Citi-
zens United may not have affected overall corporate independent expenditures
on elections. See Samuel Issacharoff and Jeremy Peterman, “Special Interests
after Citizens United: Access, Replacement, and Interest Group Response to
Legal Change,”
Of course, this work raises the question of whether the protection of electoral
integrity might also require regulatory approaches to lobbying. See Gerken,
“Lobbying as the New Campaign Finance.”
177. NCPAC, 470 U.S. at 497.
178. Crawford v. Marion County Election Bd., 553 U.S. 181, 197 (2008) (Opinion of
Stevens, J.).
179. First Amendment rights that protect public discourse have this same structure.
180. Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533, 565 (1964).
181. Compare Crawford v. Marion County Election Bd.
182. Turner Broadcasting System v. FCC, 520 U.S. 180, 189 (1997).
183. Ibid. at 195–96.
184. City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc., 475 U.S. 41 (1986); Madsen v. Women‘s
Health Center, Inc., 512 U.S. 753 (1994). The Court has offered many inconsistent
definitions of content neutrality. See Robert Post, “Recuperating First Amend-
ment Doctrine,” Stanford Law Review 47 (1995): 1265–70. Section 441b is con-
tent-neutral legislation according to those cases that define content neutrality as
legislation “aimed not at the content” of the speech, but rather at its “secondary
effects.” Renton, 475 U.S. at 47. It is also content-neutral legislation according to
those cases that define content-discriminatory legislation as adopted “because of
disagreement with the message” of the regulated speech. Ward v. Rock Against
Racism, 491 U.S. 781, 791 (1989). See Sorell v. IMS Health Inc., 131 S.Ct. 2653,
2664 (2011).
185. On the nature of political judgment, see Ronald Beiner, Political Judgment (Chi-
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1984).
186. See notes 88–89 above.
187. Samuel Issacharoff and Pamela S. Karlan, “The Hydraulics of Campaign Finance
Reform,” Texas Law Review 77 (1999): 1710–11.
330 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
188. See “65% in Poll Back U.S. Campaign Aid,” New York Times, September 20, 1973.
Consider Henry George back in 1883: “Popular government must be a sham and
a fraud” so long “as elections are to be gained by the use of money, and cannot
be gained without it.” Henry George, “Money in Elections,” North American
Review 316 (1883): 201.
189. Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Co., Inc., 129 S.Ct. 2252, 2266 (2009). See James L.
Gibson, “Challenges to the Impartiality of State Supreme Courts: Legitimacy
Theory and ‘New-Style’ Judicial Campaigns,” American Political Science Review
102 (2008): 69; James L. Gibson, “ ‘New-Style’ Judicial Campaigns and the
Legitimacy of State High Courts,” Journal of Politics 71 (2009): 1294. Justice
Kennedy has in the past stressed the analogy between judicial elections from
other types of elections for purposes of the First Amendment. See Republican
Party of Minnesota v. White, 536 U.S. 765, 794–95 (2002) (Kennedy, J., con-
curring) (“The State of Minnesota no doubt was concerned, as many citizens
and thoughtful commentators are concerned, that judicial campaigns in an age
of frenetic fundraising and mass media may foster disrespect for the legal sys-
tem. . . . [But t]he State cannot opt for an elected judiciary and then assert that
its democracy, in order to work as desired, compels the abridgment of speech”).
190. For example, Canada regulates “electoral expenses,” including expenses for “elec-
tion advertising,” during a discrete election period, defined as the period between
the issue of a writ of election and polling day, a period that must be at least
36 days. Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c. 9, §2, §57(c). “Electoral expenses”
are defined as “any cost incurred, or non-monetary contribution received, by a
registered party or a candidate . . . used to directly promote or oppose a regis-
tered party, its leader or a candidate during an election period.” Ibid., §350. For
example, third parties are subject to a $150,000 ceiling on electoral expenses
during this period, a statutory provision that the Supreme Court of Canada
upheld in Harper. Ibid.; Harper v. Canada [2004], 1 S.C.R. 827, at para. 115
(Can). “Election advertising” is defined as “the transmission to the public by
any means during an election period of an advertising message that promotes
or opposes a registered party or the election candidate.” Canada Elections Act,
S.C. 2000, c. 9, §319. Canada also provides free broadcasting on television and
radio for political parties during the election period. Ibid., §345.
Great Britain sets limits on “campaign expenditures,” otherwise known as
party expenditures, a year prior to a general election up to polling day. Political
Parties, Elections, and Referendums Act (PPERA), 2000, c. 41, §72, §79, sch. 9,
paras. 1(3), 3(7). Since 2011, Britain has adopted fixed-term elections every five
years. Fixed-term Parliaments Act, 2011, c.14. However, Parliament still has the
power to call for early elections, and because of this uncertainty, political par-
ties must continually maintain records of their expenditures. Ibid., §2. British
law also limits “election expenditures,” or candidate expenditures, during the
period immediately following the Parliament’s dissolution, or generally 17 days
before an election. Representation of the People Act, 1983, c. 2, §73, §76, §118A.
“Controlled expenditures,” or third-party expenditures, are similarly subject to
limits for any election “whether imminent or otherwise.” PPERA, 2000, c. 41,
§85(3). However, third parties may also apply for recognition by the Electoral
Commission, in which case they are subject to a larger limitation applicable to
spending across constituencies, in the 365 days preceding a general election. Ibid.,
§94, sch. 10, para. 3.
France defines official election periods for both presidential and National
Assembly elections. With respect to presidential elections, an election period
[Post] Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment 331
lasts the two weeks preceding the first ballot and, if no candidate receives a
majority of votes in the first round, the week between the first and second bal-
lots. Code électoral, art. R26. With respect to National Assembly elections, the
election period begins 20 days prior to the first ballot. Ibid., art. L164. France
authorizes election contributions beginning only 1 year preceding the first day of
the month of the election, with these contributions being subject to limits. Ibid.,
art. L52-4, L52-11. Election expenditures are subject to limitations commencing
the year prior to the first day of election month. Ibid., art. L52-11. France also
regulates “election propaganda” broadly defined, prohibiting such propaganda
through the press or by audiovisual means, in the 6 months preceding an elec-
tion. Ibid., art. L48-1, L52-1.
Israel limits party expenditures during an election period defined as the
101 days before an election. Political Parties (Financing) Law, 5733-1973, 27
LSI 48 (1972–1973), §7. It also regulates election-related speech during a set
period: parties and candidates are prohibited from publishing more than ten
thousand inches of ads in newspapers in the 3 months preceding an election.
Election (Means of Propaganda) Law, 5719-1959, SH No. 138, cl. 10(b)(4), 10(b)
(5). Political parties are allotted free campaign advertisements on both television
and radio, taking place in the 60 days before an election. Ibid., cl. 5(a)(1), art. 15.
Germany, via state and local laws, restricts political advertisements through
billboards to the month preceding an election. See Edith Palmer, “Campaign
Finance: Germany,” Law Library of Congress,
191. Justice Stevens seems to have verged on explicitly recognizing elections as
managerial domains. See Davis v. FEC, 128 S.Ct. 2759, 2779 (2008) (Stevens, J.,
192. Richard Briffault, “Issue Advocacy: Redrawing the Elections/Politics Line,”
Texas Law Review 77 (1999): 1753. The considerable and thoughtful First
Amendment scholars cited in note 11 of lecture 1 all explore the possibility of
creating a domain for elections that is distinct from that of politics.
193. C. Edwin Baker, “Campaign Expenditures and Free Speech,” Harvard Civil
Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review 33 (1998): 25.
194. Briffault, “Issue Advocacy,” 1772–74. See also 2 USC §434(a)-(b) (2006) (requir-
ing campaign committees to disclose certain contributions and expenditures and
requiring speakers unaffiliated with a campaign to disclosure certain contribu-
tions and expenditures if those speakers expressly urge the election or defeat of
particular candidates).
195. While the Court struck down BCRA’s ban on “electioneering communications”
by unions and corporations, BCRA’s disclosure rules for “electioneering com-
munications” remain in effect. See 2 USC §434(f ) (2006) (requiring disclosure
of certain contributions and expenditures for “electioneering communications”).
196. Media outlets must comply with four special rules during “elections.” Under the
“reasonable access” rule, commercial broadcasters must provide legally qualified
candidates for federal office with “reasonable access” to all “classes and dayparts”
of advertising time available. 47 CFR §§73.1944 (2010). Under the “equal oppor-
tunities” rule, broadcasters and cable stations must not preclude any candidate
running for any office from appearing on a station as often as and during the
same general time periods as another candidate for that same office. 47 CFR
§§73.1941, 76.205 (2010). Under the “no censorship” rule, broadcasters and cable
stations are forbidden from censoring the content of an advertisement purchased
by legally qualified candidates for any office. 47 CFR §§73.1941, 76.205 (2010).
332 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
Under the “lowest unit rate” rule, which applies only during the forty-five days
preceding a primary election and sixty days preceding a general election, the rates
that broadcasters and cable stations charge candidates for purchases of advertis-
ing time cannot exceed the lowest rates charged to commercial advertisers for
identical purchases. 47 CFR §§73.1942, 76.206 (2010).
197. WRTL, 551 U.S. at 457–58.
198. See notes 195–97 above. Most significantly, BCRA attempted to ban unions
and corporations from using general treasury funds to pay for electioneering
communications. Citizens United, 558 U.S. at 310.
199. FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc., 551 U.S. 449, 464 (2007) (Opinion of
Roberts, C.J.).
200. See notes 98–100 above.
201. See Robert Post, “Regulating Election Speech under the First Amendment,”
Texas Law Review 77 (1999).