K's First Case. Factsheets PDF
K's First Case. Factsheets PDF
K's First Case. Factsheets PDF
T e a c h e r’s n o t e s 1
by L. G. Alexander
ir Michael Gray, a wealthy businessman, dies
S violently in a locked room. There is blood and water
on his shirt and a whisky glass on the floor near his
K’s First Case brings together two ingredients which have
recurred time and again in whodunnits – the country house
Everybody in the large country house at the time is a and the locked room.
suspect, from Sir Michael’s wife through his gold-digging
The story is a classic ‘whodunnit’(who has done it). This
secretary, Angela, to the housekeeper.
name is commonly applied to mysteries in which the
For Inspector Katrina Kirby, otherwise known as K, it is identity of the criminal is kept secret until the very end. But
her first case. She methodically questions all the suspects many whodunnits are, like this one, also whydunnits and
and then sets a trap for the murderer. Colonel Fawcett falls howdunnits (how was it done), since we do not know the
into the trap, but only apparently because, as an engineer, motive or even the means by which the murderer effected
he is curious to see the mechanism that killed a man whilst the crime.
the man was alone. The real murderer is listening at the
Many of the murder mysteries of that most famous
door. It transpires that Mrs. Flack, the housekeeper wanted
whodunnit writer, Agatha Christie, took place in country
to kill Angela Everett, Sir Michael’s secretary because she
houses. The large house offers atmosphere and a
thought Angela was a bad woman. She used one of her
contained environment. It enables the author to bring
beloved boss’s own mechanisms to fire an icicle into the
together a disparate group of people who could have a
heart of the first person who opened the freezer
variety of motives for the murder. We can be told which
compartment, believing it would be Angela. Unfortunately,
room each of the suspects was in at the time of the murder
it was Sir Michael himself, and he was killed. K’s first case
and we can check on each suspect’s story with another.
is solved. There will surely be many more.
There can, of course, be many red herrings – clues which
point to a person who is, in fact, entirely innocent. Finally,
the country house setting provides the opportunity for the
ABOUT L. G. ALEXANDER classic denouement, when the great detective brings
together all the suspects and reveals, piece by the piece,
Louis Alexander was born in London in 1932. He studied at
the crime and how he, or she, solved it. In this story, as in
London University and graduated in 1954. He taught
so many others of the genre, the butler – actually the
English as a Foreign Language in a number of different
housekeeper – did it.
K’s First Case is also an excellent example of the puzzle
He is best known as the writer of some of the best-
story. How could the man die violently in a locked room?
selling English language courses such as New Concept
One of the first murder mysteries, The Murders in the Rue
English (1967), Look, Listen and Learn (1971), Follow Me
Morgue, by Edgar Allan Poe, posed a similar problem and
(1980) and Direct English (1993–1998); practice books
most crime writers have tried their hand at the locked room
such as For and Against (1968) and grammars such as the
mystery at least once in their career. Time shift – so that
Longman English Grammar (1988).
the murder happened before the door was locked, arrows
Louis Alexander lives in London with his wife, Julia. through upper floor windows and electrified door knobs
have all been used in the past, but in this story the writer
adds an extra touch – the disappearing weapon, melting
away as the other country house guests were beating on
the door.
Student’s activities 1
K’s First Case 3
Photocopiable 4
Students can do these exercises alone or with one or more
other students. Pair/group-only exercises are marked. 5