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IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

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CHAPTER 1 Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation 1

Finding Feature Information 1
Prerequisites for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation 2
Access Lists 2
NAT Requirements 2
Restrictions for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation 2
Information About Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation 3
Benefits of Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation 3
Purpose of NAT 4
How NAT Works 4
Uses of NAT 4
NAT Inside and Outside Addresses 4
Inside Source Address Translation 5
Overloading of Inside Global Addresses 6
Types of NAT 8
Address Translation of Overlapping Networks 8
NAT Virtual Interface 10
TCP Load Distribution for NAT 11
Route Map Overview 12
Static IP Address Support 12
Denial-of-Service Attacks 13
Viruses and Worms That Target NAT 13
How to Configure NAT for IP Address Conservation 13
Configuring Inside Source Addresses 13
Configuring Static Translation of Inside Source Addresses 14

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Configuring Dynamic Translation of Inside Source Addresses 15

Using NAT to Allow Internal Users Access to the Internet 17
Configuring Address Translation Timeouts 19
Changing the Translation Timeout 20
Changing the Timeouts When Overloading Is Configured 20
Allowing Overlapping Networks to Communicate Using NAT 22
Configuring Static Translation of Overlapping Networks 22
What to Do Next 23
Configuring Dynamic Translation of Overlapping Networks 23
Configuring the NAT Virtual Interface 25
Restrictions for NAT Virtual Interface 25
Enabling a Dynamic NAT Virtual Interface 26
Enabling a Static NAT Virtual Interface 27
Configuring Server TCP Load Balancing 28
Enabling Route Maps on Inside Interfaces 30
Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support 31
Configuring NAT of External IP Addresses Only 32
Configuring the NAT Default Inside Server Feature 34
Reenabling RTSP on a NAT Router 35
Configuring Support for Users with Static IP Addresses 36
Configuring Support for ARP Ping 38
Configuring the Rate Limiting NAT Translation Feature 39
Configuration Examples for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation 40
Example: Configuring Static Translation of Inside Source Addresses 40
Example: Configuring Dynamic Translation of Inside Source Addresses 40
Example: Using NAT to Allow Internal Users Access to the Internet 41
Example: Allowing Overlapping Networks to Communicate Using NAT 42
Example: Configuring the NAT Virtual Interface 42
Example: Configuring Server TCP Load Balancing 42
Example: Enabling Route Maps on Inside Interfaces 42
Example: Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support 42
Example: Configuring NAT of External IP Addresses Only 43
Example: Configuring Support for Users with Static IP Addresses 43
Example: Configuring NAT Static IP Support 43

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Example: Creating a RADIUS Profile for NAT Static IP Support 43

Example: Configuring the Rate Limiting NAT Translation Feature 43

Example: Setting a Global NAT Rate Limit 44

Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for a Specific VRF Instance 44
Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for All VRF Instances 44
Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for Access Control Lists 44
Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for an IP Address 44
Where to Go Next 45
Additional References 45
Feature Information for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation 46

CHAPTER 2 Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT 49

Finding Feature Information 49
Prerequisites for Using Application Level Gateways with NAT 50
Restrictions for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT 50
Information About Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT 50
Benefits of Configuring NAT IPsec 50
IPsec 51
Voice and Multimedia over IP Networks 51
NAT Support of H.323 v2 RAS 52
NAT Support for H.323 v3 and v4 in v2 Compatibility Mode 52
NAT H.245 Tunneling Support 52
NAT Support of Skinny Client Control Protocol 53
NAT Support of SCCP Fragmentation 53
NAT Segmentation with Layer 4 Forwarding 53
How to Configure Application-Level Gateways with NAT 54
Configuring IPsec Through NAT 54
Configuring IPsec ESP Through NAT 54
Enabling the Preserve Port 55
Enabling SPI Matching on the NAT Device 56
Enabling SPI Matching on Endpoints 57
Enabling MultiPart SDP Support for NAT 58
Configuring NAT Between an IP Phone and Cisco CallManager 59
Configuration Examples for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT 59

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Example: Specifying a Port for NAT Translation 59

Example: Enabling the Preserve Port 59
Example Enabling SPI Matching 60
Example: Enabling SPI Matching on Endpoints 60
Example: Enabling MultiPart SDP Support for NAT 60
Example: Specifying a Port for NAT Translation 60
Where to Go Next 60
Additional References 60
Feature Information for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT 61

CHAPTER 3 NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 63

Finding Feature Information 63
Prerequisites for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 63
Restrictions for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 64
Information About NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 64
NAT Box-to-Box High Availability Overview 64
Reasons for Active Device Failover 65
NAT in Active-Standby Mode 65
NAT Box-to-Box High Availability Operation 66
NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability LAN-LAN Topology 66
NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability WAN-LAN Topology 67
Exclusive Virtual IP Addresses and Exclusive Virtual MAC Addresses 68
NAT Asymmetric Routing 68
NAT Box-to-Box High Availability on Asymmetric-Routing Topology 69
Disabling NAT High Availability on Asymmetric-Routing Topology 69
Key Configuration Elements for NAT Box-to-Box High Availability Support 69
How to Configure Box-to-Box High Availability support 70
Configuring a Redundancy Application Group 70
Configuring Data, Control, and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces 72
Enabling Data, Control and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces 74
Configuring NAT Box-to-Box Interface Redundancy 76
Configuring Asymmetric Routing for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 78

Configuration Examples for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 79

Example: Configuring a Redundancy Application Group 79

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Example: Configuring Data, Control, and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces 80

Example: Enabling Data, Control and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces 80
Example: Configuring a NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 80
Example: Configuring Asymmetric Routing for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 81
Additional References for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 81
Feature Information for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support 81

CHAPTER 4 Stateless Network Address Translation 64 83

Finding Feature Information 83

Restrictions for Stateless Network Address Translation 64 84

Information About Stateless Network Address Translation 64 84

IPv4-Translatable IPv6 Address 84

Prefixes Format 84
Supported Stateless NAT64 Scenarios 85
How to Configure Stateless Network Address Translation 64 86

Configuring a Routing Network for Stateless NAT64 Communication 86

Monitoring and Maintaining the Stateless NAT64 Routing Network 89
Configuration Examples for Stateless Network Address Translation 64 92

Example Configuring a Routing Network for Stateless NAT64 Translation 92

Additional References for Stateless Network Address Translation 64 93

Feature Information for Stateless Network Address Translation 64 93

Glossary 94

CHAPTER 5 Stateful Network Address Translation 64 97

Finding Feature Information 97

Prerequisites for Configuring Stateful Network Address Translation 64 98

Restrictions for Configuring Stateful Network Address Translation 64 98

Information About Stateful Network Address Translation 64 98

Stateful Network Address Translation 64 98

Supported Stateful NAT64 Scenarios 99

Prefixes Format for Stateful Network Address Translation 64 100

Well Known Prefix 100

Stateful IPv4-to-IPv6 Packet Flow 100
Stateful IPv6-to-IPv4 Packet Flow 101

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


IP Packet Filtering 101

How to Configure Stateful Network Address Translation 64 102

Configuring Static Stateful Network Address Translation 64 102

Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64 104

Configuring Dynamic Port Address Translation Stateful NAT64 107

Monitoring and Maintaining a Stateful NAT64 Routing Network 110
Configuration Examples for Stateful Network Address Translation 64 111

Example: Configuring Static Stateful Network Address Translation 64 111

Example: Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64 112

Example: Configuring Dynamic Port Address Translation Stateful NAT64 112

Additional References 113
Feature Information for Stateful Network Address Translation 64 113

CHAPTER 6 Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 115

Restrictions for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 115
Information About Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 115
Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation Overview 115
MAP-T Mapping Rules 116
MAP-T Address Formats 117
Packet Forwarding in MAP-T Customer Edge Devices 117
Packet Forwarding in Border Routers 118
ICMP/ICMPv6 Header Translation for MAP-T 118
Path MTU Discovery and Fragmentation in MAP-T 119
How to Configure Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 119
Configuring Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 119
Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 121
Example: Configuring Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 121
Example: MAP-T Deployment Scenario 121
Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 122
Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation 123
Glossary 124

CHAPTER 7 Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation 127

Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation 127

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Restrictions for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsu 128

Information About Mapping of Address Port Using Encapsulation 128
Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation 128
Persistent Storage 128
How to Configure Mapping of Address Port Using Encapsulation 129
Configuring Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation 129
Verifying Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation Configuration 130
Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation 131
Example: Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation Configuration 131
Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation 132

CHAPTER 8 Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 133

Finding Feature Information 133
Prerequisites for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 133
Restrictions for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 134
Information About Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 134
Benefits of NAT Integration with MPLS VPNs 134
Implementation Options for Integrating Nat with MPLS VPNs 134
Scenarios for Implementing NAT on the PE Router 134
How to Integrate NAT with MPLS VPNs 135
Configuring Inside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs 135
Configuring Inside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs 137
Configuring Outside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs 138
Configuring Outside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs 139
Configuration Examples for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 141
Configuring Inside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs Example 141
Configuring Inside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs Example 141
Configuring Outside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs Example 142
Configuring Outside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs Example 142
Where to Go Next 142
Additional References for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 143
Feature Information for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 143

CHAPTER 9 Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller 145

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Finding Feature Information 145

Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller 146
Restrictions for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller 146
Information About Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller 146
Voice and Multimedia over IP Networks 146
Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller Overview 147
How to Configure Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller 148
Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller 148
Configuration Examples for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller 152
Example Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller 152
Additional References 152
Feature Information for Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller 153

CHAPTER 10 User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT 155

Finding Feature Information 155
Restrictions for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT 155
Information About User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT 156
User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT Overview 156
Even Port Parity 156
How to Configure User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT 156
Configuring Source Port Ranges for PAT 156
Configuring Even Port Parity 157
Configuration Examples for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT 158
Example User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT 158
Example Even Port Parity 159
Additional References 159
Feature Information for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT 160

CHAPTER 11 FPG Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation 161

Finding Feature Information 161
Information About Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation 161
How to Configure Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation 162
Configuring Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation 162
Verifying Endpoint Agnostic Port Support 163

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Configuration Examples for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation 164

Configuring Endpoint Allocation Example 164
Additional References 164
Feature Information for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation 165

CHAPTER 12 NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP 167

Finding Feature Information 167
Information About the NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Feature 167
Benefits of NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP 167
NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Feature Design 168
How to Configure NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP 168
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Messages Including MD5
Authentication 168
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Messages 169
Configuration Examples for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP 169
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Including MD5 Authentication
Example 169
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP or MD5 Authentication Example 170
Additional References 170
Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP 171

CHAPTER 13 NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP 173

Finding Feature Information 173
Information About the NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Feature 173
Restrictions for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP 173
Benefits of NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP 174
NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Feature Design 174
How to Configure NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP 174
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Messages Including MD5 Authentication

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Messages Without MD5 Authentication

Configuration Examples for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP 176
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Including MD5 Authentication Example

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Without MD5 Authentication Example

Additional References 176

Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP 177

CHAPTER 14 Match-in-VRF Support for NAT 179

Finding Feature Information 179
Restrictions for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT 179
Information About Match-in-VRF Support for NAT 180
Match-in-VRF Support for NAT 180
How to Configure Match-in-VRF Support for NAT 181
Configuring Static NAT with Match-in-VRF 181
Configuring Dynamic NAT with Match-in-VRF 183
Configuration Examples for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT 185
Example: Configuring Static NAT with Match-in-VRF 185
Example: Configuring Dynamic NAT with Match-in-VRF 185
Additional References for Static NAT Mapping with HSRP 186
Feature Information for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT 187

CHAPTER 15 Monitoring and Maintaining NAT 189

Finding Feature Information 189
Prerequisites for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT 189
Restrictions for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT 190
Information About Monitoring and Maintaining NAT 190
NAT Display Contents 190
Translation Entries 190
Statistical Information 190
How to Monitor and Maintain NAT 191
Displaying NAT Translation Information 191
Clearing NAT Entries Before the Timeout 193
Examples for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT 194
Example: Clearing UDP NAT Translations 194
Where to Go Next 194
Additional References for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT 195

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Feature Information for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT 195

CHAPTER 16 NAT-PT for IPv6 197

Finding Feature Information 197
Prerequisites for NAT-PT for IPv6 197
Restrictions for NAT-PT for IPv6 197
Information for NAT-PT for IPv6 198
NAT-PT Overview 198
Static NAT-PT Operation 199
Dynamic NAT-PT Operation 199
Port Address Translation 200
IPv4-Mapped Operation 200
How to Configure NAT-PT for IPv6 201
Configuring Basic IPv6 to IPv4 Connectivity for NAT-PT for IPv6 201
Configuring IPv4-Mapped NAT-PT 203
Configuring Mappings for IPv6 Hosts Accessing IPv4 Hosts 203
Configuring Mappings for IPv4 Hosts Accessing IPv6 Hosts 205
Configuring PAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Address Mappings 206
Verifying NAT-PT Configuration and Operation 208
Configuration Examples for NAT-PT for IPv6 209
Example: Static NAT-PT Configuration 209
Example: Configuring IPv4-Mapped NAT-PT 209
Example: Dynamic NAT-PT Configuration for IPv6 Hosts Accessing IPv4 Hosts 209
Example: Dynamic NAT-PT Configuration for IPv4 Hosts Accessing IPv6 Hosts 210
Example: Displaying Dynamic NAT-PT Translations 210
Example: Displaying Active NAT-PT Translations 211
Example: Displaying Information About NAT-PT Statistics 211
Additional References 212
Feature Information for NAT-PT for IPv6 212


Finding Feature Information 215
Prerequisites for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 215
Restrictions for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 215

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


Information About NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 216

NAT TCP SIP ALG Support Overview 216

SIP Messages 216
SIP Functionality 219
SIP Functionality with a Proxy Server 219

How to Configure NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 220

Specifying a Port for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 220

Configuration Examples for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 221

Example: Specifying a Port for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 221
Additional Reference for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 221
Feature Information for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 222

CHAPTER 18 NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support 223

Restrictions for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support 223
Information About NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support 223
Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support Design 223
How to Enable NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support 225
Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support 225
Configuration Examples for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support 226
Example: Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support 226
Additional References for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support 226
Feature Information for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support 227

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
This module describes how to configure Network Address Translation (NAT) for IP address conservation
and how to configure inside and outside source addresses. This module also provides information about the
benefits of configuring NAT for IP address conservation.
NAT enables private IP internetworks that use nonregistered IP addresses to connect to the Internet. NAT
operates on a device, usually connecting two networks. Before packets are forwarded onto another network,
NAT translates the private (not globally unique) addresses in the internal network into legal addresses. NAT
can be configured to advertise to the outside world only one address for the entire network. This ability
provides more security by effectively hiding the entire internal network behind that one address.
NAT is also used at the enterprise edge to allow internal users access to the Internet. It allows Internet access
to internal devices such as mail servers.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 1
• Prerequisites for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation, on page 2
• Restrictions for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation, on page 2
• Information About Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation, on page 3
• How to Configure NAT for IP Address Conservation, on page 13
• Configuration Examples for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation, on page 40
• Where to Go Next, on page 45
• Additional References, on page 45
• Feature Information for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation, on page 46

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Prerequisites for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

Prerequisites for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

Access Lists
All access lists that are required for use with the configuration tasks that are described in this module must
be configured before initiating a configuration task. For information about how to configure an access list,
see the IP Access List EntrySequence Numbering document.

Note If you specify an access list with a NAT command, NAT will not support the permit ip any any command.
This command is commonly used in an access list.

NAT Requirements
Before configuring NAT in your network, ensure that you know the interfaces on which NAT is configured
and for what purposes. The following requirements help you decide how to configure and use NAT:
• Define the NAT inside and outside interfaces if:
• Users exist off multiple interfaces.
• Multiple interfaces connect to the internet.

• Define what you need NAT to accomplish:

• Allow internal users to access the internet.
• Allow the internet to access internal devices such as a mail server.
• Allow overlapping networks to communicate.
• Allow networks with different address schemes to communicate.
• Allow networks with different address schemes to communicate.
• Redirect TCP traffic to another TCP port or address.
• Use NAT during a network transition.

From Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3 release, NAT support is introduced on Bridge Domain Interface (BDI) for
enabling NAT configuration on the BDI interface.

Restrictions for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

• It is not practical to use Network Address Translation (NAT) if a large number of hosts in the stub domain
communicate outside of the domain.
• Some applications use embedded IP addresses in such a way that translation by a NAT device is
impractical. These applications may not work transparently or not work at all through a NAT device.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Information About Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

• NAT hides the identity of hosts, which may be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the desired
• A device configured with NAT must not advertise the local networks to the outside. However, routing
information that NAT receives from the outside can be advertised in the stub domain as usual.
• If you specify an access list with a NAT command, NAT will not support the permit ip any any command
that is commonly used in the access list.
• NAT configuration is not supported on the access side of the Intelligent Services Gateway (ISG).
• On Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches, if you have a NAT overload configuration, we recommend that
you limit the number of NAT translations to less than 64512, by using the ip nat translation max-entries
command. If the number of NAT translations is 64512 or more, a limited number of ports are available
for use by local applications, which, in turn can cause security issues such as denial-of-service (DoS)
attacks. The port numbers used by local applications can easily be identified by DoS attacks, leading to
security threats. This restriction is specific to all NAT overload configurations (for example, interface
overload or pool overload configurations) that use a logical, loopback, or physical address for NAT
• Configuring zone-based policy firewall high availability with NAT and NAT high availability with
zone-based policy firewalls is not recommended.
• If the NAT outside local address matches with any logical interface address, interface IP address, or a
tunnel-configured address; then packets are software-switched.
• NAT outside interface is not supported on a VRF. However, NAT outside interface is supported in iWAN
and is part of the Cisco Validated Design.

Information About Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

Benefits of Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Network Address Translation (NAT) allows organizations to resolve the problem of IP address depletion
when they have existing networks and need to access the Internet. Sites that do not yet possess Network
Information Center (NIC)-registered IP addresses must acquire IP addresses, and if more than 254 clients are
present or are planned, the scarcity of Class B addresses becomes a serious issue. NAT addresses these issues
by mapping thousands of hidden internal addresses to a range of easy-to-get Class C addresses.
Sites that already have registered IP addresses for clients on an internal network may want to hide those
addresses from the Internet so that hackers cannot directly attack clients. With client addresses hidden, a
degree of security is established. NAT gives LAN administrators complete freedom to expand Class A
addressing, which is drawn from the reserve pool of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (RFC 1597).
The expansion of Class A addresses occurs within the organization without a concern for addressing changes
at the LAN or the Internet interface.
Cisco software can selectively or dynamically perform NAT. This flexibility allows network administrator
to use a mix of RFC 1597 and RFC 1918 addresses or registered addresses.
NAT is designed for use on a variety of routers for IP address simplification and conservation. In addition,
NAT allows the selection of internal hosts that are available for NAT.
A significant advantage of NAT is that it can be configured without requiring any changes to hosts or routers
other than to those few routers on which NAT will be configured.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Purpose of NAT

Purpose of NAT
NAT is a feature that allows the IP network of an organization to appear from the outside to use a different
IP address space than what it is actually using. Thus, NAT allows an organization with nonglobally routable
addresses to connect to the Internet by translating those addresses into a globally routable address space. NAT
also allows a graceful renumbering strategy for organizations that are changing service providers or voluntarily
renumbering into classless interdomain routing (CIDR) blocks. NAT is described in RFC 1631.
NAT supports all H.225 and H.245 message types, including FastConnect and Alerting, as part of the H.323
Version 2 specification. Any product that makes use of these message types will be able to pass through a
Cisco NAT configuration without any static configuration. Full support for NetMeeting Directory (Internet
Locator Service) is also provided through NAT.

How NAT Works

A device that is configured with NAT has at least one interface to the inside network and one to the outside
network. In a typical environment, NAT is configured at the exit device between a stub domain and the
backbone. When a packet exits the domain, NAT translates the locally significant source address into a globally
unique address. When a packet enters the domain, NAT translates the globally unique destination address
into a local address. If more than one exit point exists, each NAT must have the same translation table. If
NAT cannot allocate an address because it has run out of addresses, it drops the packet. Then, NAT sends an
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) host unreachable packet to the destination.

Uses of NAT
NAT can be used for the following scenarios:
• Connect to the internet when all your hosts do not have globally unique IP addresses. Network Address
Translation (NAT) enables private IP networks that use nonregistered IP addresses to connect to the
Internet. NAT is configured on a device at the border of a stub domain (mentioned as the inside network)
and a public network such as the Internet (mentioned as the outside network). NAT translates internal
local addresses to globally unique IP addresses before sending packets to the outside network. As a
solution to the connectivity problem, NAT is practical only when relatively few hosts in a stub domain
communicate simultaneously outside the domain. When outside communication is necessary, only a
small subset of the IP addresses in the domain must be translated into globally unique IP addresses. Also,
these addresses can be reused when they are no longer in use.
• Change your internal addresses. Instead of changing the internal addresses, which can be a considerable
amount of work, you can translate them by using NAT.
• For basic load-sharing of TCP traffic. You can map a single global IP address with many local IP addresses
by using the TCP Load Distribution feature.

NAT Inside and Outside Addresses

The term inside in a Network Address Translation (NAT) context refers to networks owned by an organization
that must be translated. When NAT is configured, hosts within this network have addresses in one space
(known as the local address space). These hosts appear to those users outside the network as being in another
space (known as the global address space).

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Inside Source Address Translation

Similarly, the term outside refers to those networks to which the stub network connects, and which are not
under the control of an organization. Also, hosts in outside networks can be subject to translation, and can
thus have local and global addresses. NAT uses the following definitions:
• Inside local address—An IP address that is assigned to a host on the inside network. The address that
the Network Information Center (NIC) or service provider assigns is probably not a legitimate IP address.
• Inside global address—A legitimate IP address assigned by the NIC or service provider that represents
one or more inside local IP addresses to the outside world.
• Outside local address—The IP address of an outside host as it appears to the inside network. Not
necessarily a legitimate address, it is allocated from the address space that is routable on the inside.
• Outside global address—The IP address that is assigned to a host on the outside network by the owner
of the host. The address is allocated from a globally routable address or network space.

NAT supports the following VRFs:

Table 1: VRF NAT Support

NAT Inside Interface NAT Outside Interface Condition

Global VRF (also referred to as a Global VRF (also referred to as a Normal

non-VRF interface) non-VRF interface)

VRF X Global VRF (also referred to as a When NAT is not configured for
non-VRF interface) Match-in-VRF support. For more
details, see the Match-in-VRF
Support for NAT chapter.

VRF X VRF X When both inside and outside

interfaces are in the same VRF, and
NAT is configured with
Match-in-VRF support.

This section describes the following topics:

• Inside Source Address Translation, on page 5
• Overloading of Inside Global Addresses, on page 6

Inside Source Address Translation

You can translate IP addresses into globally unique IP addresses when communicating outside of your network.
You can configure inside source address translation of static or dynamic NAT as follows:
• Static translation establishes a one-to-one mapping between the inside local address and an inside global
address. Static translation is useful when a host on the inside must be accessible by a fixed address from
the outside.
• Dynamic translation establishes a mapping between an inside local address and a pool of global addresses.

In Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T and later releases, when you configure the traceroute command, NAT returns
the same inside global IP address for all inside local IP addresses.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Overloading of Inside Global Addresses

The following figure illustrates a device that is translating a source address inside a network to a source address
outside the network.
Figure 1: NAT Inside Source Translation

The following process describes the inside source address translation, as shown in the preceding figure:
1. The user at host opens a connection to Host B in the outside network.
2. The first packet that the device receives from host causes the device to check its Network Address
Translation (NAT) table. Based on the NAT configuration, the following scenarios are possible:
• If a static translation entry is configured, the device goes to Step 3.
• If no translation entry exists, the device determines that the source address (SA) must be
translated dynamically. The device selects a legal, global address from the dynamic address pool,
and creates a translation entry in the NAT table. This kind of translation entry is called a simple entry.

3. The device replaces the inside local source address of host with the global address of the translation
entry and forwards the packet.
4. Host B receives the packet and responds to host by using the inside global IP destination address
5. When the device receives the packet with the inside global IP address, it performs a NAT table lookup
by using the inside global address as a key. It then translates the address to the inside local address of host and forwards the packet to host

Host receives the packet and continues the conversation. The device performs Steps 2 to 5 for each
packet that it receives.

Overloading of Inside Global Addresses

You can conserve addresses in the inside global address pool by allowing a device to use one global address
for many local addresses. This type of Network Address Translation (NAT) configuration is called overloading.
When overloading is configured, the device maintains enough information from higher-level protocols (for
example, TCP or UDP port numbers). This action translates the global address back to the correct local address.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Overloading of Inside Global Addresses

When multiple local addresses map to one global address, the TCP or UDP port numbers of each inside host
distinguish between local addresses.
The following figure illustrates a NAT operation when an inside global address represents multiple inside
local addresses. The TCP port numbers act as differentiators.
Figure 2: NAT Overloading Inside Global Addresses

The device performs the following process in the overloading of inside global addresses, as shown in the
preceding figure. Both Host B and Host C believe that they are communicating with a single host at address Whereas, they are actually communicating with different hosts; the port number is the
differentiator. In fact, many inside hosts can share the inside global IP address by using many port numbers.
1. The user at host opens a connection to Host B.
2. The first packet that the device receives from host causes the device to check its NAT table.
Based on your NAT configuration the following scenarios are possible:
• If no translation entry exists, the device determines that IP address must be translated, and
translates inside local address to a legal global address.
• If overloading is enabled and another translation is active, the device reuses the global address from
that translation and saves enough information. This saved information can be used to translate the
global address back, as an entry in the NAT table. This type of translation entry is called an extended

3. The device replaces inside local source address with the selected global address and forwards
the packet.
4. Host B receives the packet and responds to host by using the inside global IP address
5. When the device receives the packet with the inside global IP address, it performs a NAT table lookup
by using a protocol, the inside global address and port, and the outside address and port as keys. It translates
the address to the inside local address and forwards the packet to host

Host receives the packet and continues the conversation. The device performs Steps 2 to 5 for each
packet it receives.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Types of NAT

Types of NAT
NAT operates on a router—generally connecting only two networks. Before any packets are forwarded to
another network, NAT translates the private (inside local) addresses within the internal network into public
(inside global) addresses. This functionality gives you the option to configure NAT so that it advertises only
a single address for your entire network to the outside world. Doing this translation, NAT effectively hides
the internal network from the world, giving you some additional security.
The types of NAT include:
• Static address translation (static NAT)—Allows one-to-one mapping between local and global addresses.
• Dynamic address translation (dynamic NAT)—Maps unregistered IP addresses to registered IP addresses
from a pool of registered IP addresses.
• Overloading—Maps multiple unregistered IP addresses to a single registered IP address (many to one)
by using different ports. This method is also known as Port Address Translation (PAT). Thousands of
users can be connected to the Internet by using only one real global IP address through overloading.

Address Translation of Overlapping Networks

Use Network Address Translation (NAT) to translate IP addresses if the IP addresses that you use are not
legal or officially assigned. Overlapping networks result when you assign an IP address to a device on your
network. This device is already legally owned and assigned to a different device on the Internet or outside the
The following figure shows how NAT translates overlapping networks.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Address Translation of Overlapping Networks

Figure 3: NAT Translating Overlapping Addresses

The following steps describe how a device translates overlapping addresses:

1. Host opens a connection to Host C using a name, requesting a name-to-address lookup from a
Domain Name System (DNS) server.
2. The device intercepts the DNS reply, and translates the returned address if there is an overlap. That is,
the resulting legal address resides illegally in the inside network. To translate the return address, the device
creates a simple translation entry. This entry maps the overlapping address, to an address from
a separately configured, outside the local address pool.

The device examines every DNS reply to ensure that the IP address is not in a stub network. If it is, the device
translates the address as described in the following steps:
1. Host opens a connection to
2. The device sets up the translation mapping of the inside local and global addresses to each other. It also
sets up the translation mapping of the outside global and local addresses to each other.
3. The device replaces the SA with the inside global address and replaces the DA with the outside global
4. Host C receives the packet and continues the conversation.
5. The device does a lookup, replaces the DA with the inside local address, and replaces the SA with the
outside local address.
6. Host receives the packet and the conversation continues using this translation process.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
NAT Virtual Interface

NAT Virtual Interface

The NAT Virtual Interface feature allows NAT traffic flows on the virtual interface, eliminating the need to
specify inside and outside domains. When a domain is specified, translation rules are applied either before or
after route decisions are applied, depending on the traffic flow from inside to outside or outside to inside.
Translation rules are applied to a domain only after the route decision for a NAT Virtual Interface (NVI) is
When a NAT pool is shared for translating packets from multiple networks connected to a NAT router, an
NVI is created and a static route is configured that forwards all packets addressed to the NAT pool to the NVI.
Standard interfaces connected to various networks are configured to determine if the traffic originating from
and received on the interfaces needs to be translated.
The figure below shows a typical NVI configuration.
Figure 4: NAT Virtual Interface Typical Configuration

An NVI has the following benefits:

• A NAT table is maintained per interface for better performance and scalability.
• Domain-specific NAT configurations can be eliminated.

The following restrictions apply to an NVI configuration:

• Route maps are not supported.
• NVI is not supported in a NAT on-a-stick scenario. The term NAT on-a-stick implies the use of a single
physical interface of a router for translation. NVI is designed for traffic from one VPN routing and
forwarding (VRF) instance to another and not for routing between subnets in a global routing table. For
more information, see the Network Address Translation on a Stick document.

Note Use access-control list (ACL) to prevent inside hosts trying to establish an IPSec session to the same IPsec
headend as the router.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
TCP Load Distribution for NAT

Note NAT Virtual Interface gets dynamically created as part of NAT feature initialization and this interface is
required for enabling the support for specific NAT usage scenarios. When a crypto module avails specific
NAT services (APIs) to reserve transport ports that are of interest, the NAT feature is initialized creating a
NAT Virtual interface.

TCP Load Distribution for NAT

Your organization may have multiple hosts that must communicate with a heavily used host. By using Network
Address Translation (NAT), you can establish a virtual host on the inside network that coordinates load sharing
among real hosts. Destination addresses that match an access list are replaced with addresses from a rotary
pool. Allocation is done on a round-robin basis and only when a new connection is opened from the outside
to inside the network. Non-TCP traffic is passed untranslated (unless other translations are configured). The
following figure illustrates how TCP load distribution works.
Figure 5: NAT TCP Load Distribution

A device performs the following process when translating rotary addresses:

1. Host B ( opens a connection to a virtual host at
2. The device receives the connection request and creates a new translation, allocating the next real host
( for the inside local IP address.
3. The device replaces the destination address with the selected real host address and forwards the packet.
4. Host receives the packet and responds.
5. The device receives the packet and performs a NAT table lookup by using the inside local address and
port number. It also does a NAT table lookup by using the outside address and port number as keys. The
device then translates the source address to the address of the virtual host and forwards the packet.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Route Map Overview

6. The device will allocate IP address as the inside local address for the next connection request.

Route Map Overview

For NAT, a route map must be processed instead of an access list. A route map allows you to match any
combination of access lists, next-hop IP addresses, and output interfaces to determine which pool to use. The
ability to use route maps with static translations enables the NAT multihoming capability with static address
translations. Multihomed internal networks can host common services such as the Internet and DNS, which
are accessed from different outside networks. NAT processes route map-based mappings in lexicographical
order. When static NAT and dynamic NAT are configured with route maps that share the same name, static
NAT is given precedence over dynamic NAT. To ensure the precedence of static NAT over dynamic NAT,
you can either configure the route map associated with static NAT and dynamic NAT to share the same name
or configure the static NAT route map name so that it is lexicographically lower than the dynamic NAT route
map name.
Benefits of using route maps for address translation are as follows:
• The ability to configure route map statements provides the option of using IPsec with NAT.
• Translation decisions can be made based on the destination IP address when static translation entries are

NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support Feature

The NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support feature enables the deployment of a NAT route map
configuration that allows IP sessions to be initiated from the outside to the inside.
An initial session from inside to outside is required to trigger a NAT. New translation sessions can then be
initiated from the outside to the inside host that triggered the initial translation. When route maps are used to
allocate global addresses, the global address can allow return traffic, and the return traffic is allowed only if
it matches the defined route map in the reverse direction. The outside-to-inside functionality remains unchanged
(by not creating additional entries to allow the return traffic for a route-map-based dynamic entries) unless
you configure the ip nat inside source reversible command.
The following restrictions apply to the NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support feature:
• Access lists with reversible route maps must be configured to match the inside-to-outside traffic.
• In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI5, the NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support feature is supported
only on Cisco ME 6500 series Ethernet switches.
• Only IP hosts that are part of the route-map configuration will allow outside sessions.
• Outside-to-inside support is not available with PAT.
• Outside sessions must use an access list.
• The match interface and match ip next-hop commands are not supported for reversible route maps.

Static IP Address Support

A public wireless LAN provides users of mobile computing devices with wireless connections to a public
network, such as the Internet.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

To support users who are configured with a static IP address, the NAT Static IP Address Support feature
extends the capabilities of public wireless LAN providers. By configuring a device to support users with a
static IP address, public wireless LAN providers extend their services to a greater number of users.
Users with static IP addresses can use services of the public wireless LAN provider without changing their
IP address. NAT entries are created for static IP clients and a routable address is provided.

RADIUS is a distributed client/server system that secures networks against unauthorized access. Communication
between a network access server (NAS) and a RADIUS server is based on UDP. Generally, the RADIUS
protocol is considered a connectionless service. RADIUS-enabled devices handle issues that are related to a
server availability, retransmission, and timeouts rather than the transmission protocol.
The RADIUS client is typically a NAS, and the RADIUS server is usually a daemon process running on a
UNIX or Windows NT machine. The client passes user information to designated RADIUS servers and acts
on the response that is returned. To deliver service to the user, RADIUS servers receive a user connection
request, authenticate the user, and then return the configuration information necessary for the client. A RADIUS
server can act as a proxy client to other RADIUS servers or other kinds of authentication servers.

Denial-of-Service Attacks
A denial-of-service (DoS) attack typically involves misuse of standard protocols or connection processes.
The intent of DoS attack is to overload and disable a target, such as a device or web server. DoS attacks can
come from a malicious user or from a computer that is infected with a virus or worm. Distributed DoS attack
is an attack that comes from many different sources at once. This attack can be when a virus or worm has
infected many computers. Such distributed DoS attacks can spread rapidly and involve thousands of systems.

Viruses and Worms That Target NAT

Viruses and worms are malicious programs that are designed to attack computers and networking equipment.
Although viruses are typically embedded in discrete applications and run only when executed, worms
self-propagate and can quickly spread by their own. Although a specific virus or worm may not expressly
target NAT, it may use NAT resources to propagate itself. The Rate Limiting NAT Translation feature can
be used to limit the impact of viruses and worms. These viruses and worms originate from specific hosts,
access control lists, and VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instances.

How to Configure NAT for IP Address Conservation

The tasks that are described in this section configure NAT for IP address conservation. Ensure that you
configure at least one of the tasks that are described in this section. Based on your configuration, you may
need to configure more than one task.

Configuring Inside Source Addresses

Inside source addresses, can be configured for static or dynamic translations. Based on your requirements,
you can configure either static or dynamic translations.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Static Translation of Inside Source Addresses

Configuring Static Translation of Inside Source Addresses

Configure static translation of the inside source addresses to allow one-to-one mapping between an inside
local address and an inside global address. Static translation is useful when a host on the inside must be
accessible by a fixed address from the outside.
With the fix for CSCtl04702, if the static inside source address matches the inside global address, the show
ip aliases command output displays both the addresses. The static inside source address is displayed as an
interface address, and the inside global address is displayed as a dynamic address. Before the fix, if the static
inside source address matched the inside global address, the show ip aliases command output displayed only
the static inside source address.

Note Configure different IP addresses for an interface on which NAT is configured and for inside addresses that
are configured by using the ip nat inside source static command.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip
4. interface type number
5. ip address ip-address mask [secondary]
6. ip nat inside
7. exit
8. interface type number
9. ip address ip-address mask [secondary]
10. ip nat outside
11. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip Establishes static translation between an inside local
address and an inside global address.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Dynamic Translation of Inside Source Addresses

Command or Action Purpose

Step 4 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 1

Step 5 ip address ip-address mask [secondary] Sets a primary IP address for an interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 6 ip nat inside Connects the interface to the inside network, which is
subject to NAT.
Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 7 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 8 interface type number Specifies a different interface and enters the interface
configuration mode.
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 9 ip address ip-address mask [secondary] Sets a primary IP address for an interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 10 ip nat outside Connects the interface to the outside network.

Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 11 end Exits interface configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end Note Conditional translation is not supported with ip
nat outside source route-map configuration.

Configuring Dynamic Translation of Inside Source Addresses

Dynamic translation establishes a mapping between an inside local address and a pool of global addresses.
Dynamic translation is useful when multiple users on a private network must access the Internet. The
dynamically configured pool IP address may be used as needed. It is released for use by other users when
access to the Internet is no longer required.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Dynamic Translation of Inside Source Addresses

Note When inside global or outside local addresses belong to a directly connected subnet on a NAT device, the
device adds IP aliases for them. This action enables it to answer Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests.
However, a situation can arise where the device answers packets that are not destined for it, possibly causing
a security issue. This security issue can happen when an incoming Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
packet or a UDP packet that is destined for one of the aliased addresses does not have a corresponding NAT
translation in the NAT table. Also, the device itself runs a corresponding service, for example, Network Time
Protocol (NTP). Such a situation can cause minor security risks.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}
4. access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]
5. ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name
6. interface type number
7. ip address ip-address mask
8. ip nat inside
9. exit
10. interface type number
11. ip address ip-address mask
12. ip nat outside
13. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | Defines a pool of global addresses to be allocated as
prefix-length prefix-length} needed.
Device(config)# ip nat pool net-208 prefix-length 28

Step 4 access-list access-list-number permit source Defines a standard access list permitting those addresses
[source-wildcard] that are to be translated.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Using NAT to Allow Internal Users Access to the Internet

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config)# access-list 1 permit

Step 5 ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name Establishes dynamic source translation, specifying the
access list defined in Step 4.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool

Step 6 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters an interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 1

Step 7 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 8 ip nat inside Connects the interface to the inside network, which is
subject to NAT.
Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 10 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters an interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 0

Step 11 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 12 ip nat outside Connects the interface to the outside network.

Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 13 end Exits interface configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end

Using NAT to Allow Internal Users Access to the Internet

Perform this task to allow your internal users access to the Internet and conserve addresses in the inside global
address pool using overloading of global addresses.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Using NAT to Allow Internal Users Access to the Internet

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}
4. access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]
5. ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name overload
6. interface type number
7. ip address ip-address mask
8. ip nat inside
9. exit
10. interface type number
11. ip address ip-address mask
12. ip nat outside
13. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | Defines a pool of global addresses to be allocated as
prefix-length prefix-length} needed.
Device(config)# ip nat pool net-208 netmask

Step 4 access-list access-list-number permit source Defines a standard access list permitting those addresses
[source-wildcard] that are to be translated.
Example: • The access list must permit only those addresses that
Device(config)# access-list 1 permit are to be translated. (Remember that there is an implicit “deny all” at the end of each access list.) Use
of an access list that is too permissive can lead to
unpredictable results.

Step 5 ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name Establishes dynamic source translation with overloading,
overload specifying the access list defined in Step 4.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool
net-208 overload

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Address Translation Timeouts

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 1

Step 7 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 8 ip nat inside Connects the interface to the inside network, which is
subject to NAT.
Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 10 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 0

Step 11 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 12 ip nat outside Connects the interface to the outside network.

Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 13 end Exits interface configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end

Configuring Address Translation Timeouts

You can configure address translation timeouts that is based on your NAT configuration.
By default, dynamic address translations time out after a period of nonuse. You can change the default values
on timeouts, if necessary. When overloading is not configured, simple translation entries time out after 24
hours. Use the ip nat translation timeout command to change the timeout value for dynamic address
You can use the ip nat translation max-entries command to change the default global NAT translation limit.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Changing the Translation Timeout

Note On Catalyst 6500 Series Switches, when the NAT translation is done in the hardware, timers are reset every
100 seconds or once the set timeout value is reached.

Changing the Translation Timeout

By default, dynamic address translations time out after some period of nonuse. You can change the default
values on timeouts, if necessary. When overloading is not configured, simple translation entries time out after
24 hours. Configure the ip nat translation timeout seconds command to change the timeout value for dynamic
address translations that do not use overloading.

Changing the Timeouts When Overloading Is Configured

If you have configured overloading, you can control the translation entry timeout, because each translation
entry contains more context about the traffic using it.
Based on your configuration, you can change the timeouts that are described in this section. If you must
quickly free your global IP address for a dynamic configuration, configure a shorter timeout than the default
timeout. You can do it by using the ip nat translation timeout command. However, the configured timeout
is longer than the other timeouts configured using commands specified in the following task. If a finish (FIN)
packet does not close a TCP session properly from both sides or during a reset, change the default TCP timeout.
You can do it by using the ip nat translation tcp-timeout command.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat translation seconds
4. ip nat translation udp-timeout seconds
5. ip nat translation dns-timeout seconds
6. ip nat translation tcp-timeout seconds
7. ip nat translation finrst-timeout seconds
8. ip nat translation icmp-timeout seconds
9. ip nat translation syn-timeout seconds
10. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Changing the Timeouts When Overloading Is Configured

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 ip nat translation seconds (Optional) Changes the amount of time after which NAT
translations time out.
Device(config)# ip nat translation 300 • The default timeout is 24 hours, and it applies to the
aging time for half-entries.

Step 4 ip nat translation udp-timeout seconds (Optional) Changes the UDP timeout value.
Device(config)# ip nat translation udp-timeout

Step 5 ip nat translation dns-timeout seconds (Optional) Changes the Domain Name System (DNS)
timeout value.
Device(config)# ip nat translation dns-timeout 45

Step 6 ip nat translation tcp-timeout seconds (Optional) Changes the TCP timeout value.
Example: • The default is 24 hours.
Device(config)# ip nat translation tcp-timeout

Step 7 ip nat translation finrst-timeout seconds (Optional) Changes the finish and reset timeout value.
Example: • finrst-timeout—The aging time after a TCP session
Device(config)# ip nat translation finrst-timeout receives both finish-in (FIN-IN) and finish-out
45 (FIN-OUT) requests or after the reset of a TCP

Step 8 ip nat translation icmp-timeout seconds (Optional) Changes the ICMP timeout value.
Device(config)# ip nat translation icmp-timeout

Step 9 ip nat translation syn-timeout seconds (Optional) Changes the synchronous (SYN) timeout value.
Example: • The synchronous timeout or the aging time is used
Device(config)# ip nat translation syn-timeout 45 only when a SYN request is received on a TCP
session. When a synchronous acknowledgment
(SYNACK) request is received, the timeout changes
to TCP timeout.

Step 10 end (Optional) Exits global configuration mode and returns to

privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Allowing Overlapping Networks to Communicate Using NAT

Allowing Overlapping Networks to Communicate Using NAT

Tasks in this section are grouped because they perform the same action. However, the tasks are executed
differently depending on the type of translation that is implemented—static or dynamic. Perform the task that
applies to the translation type that you have implemented.
This section contains the following tasks:
• Configuring Static Translation of Overlapping Networks
• Configuring Dynamic Translation of Overlapping Networks
• What to Do Next

Configuring Static Translation of Overlapping Networks

Configure static translation of overlapping networks that are based on the following requirements:
• If your IP addresses in the stub network are legitimate IP addresses belonging to another network.
• If you want to communicate with those hosts or routers by using static translation.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip
4. interface type number
5. ip address ip-address mask
6. ip nat inside
7. exit
8. interface type number
9. ip address ip-address mask
10. ip nat outside
11. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip Establishes static translation between an inside local
address and an inside global address.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
What to Do Next

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config)# ip nat inside source static

Step 4 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 1

Step 5 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 6 ip nat inside Marks the interface as connected to the inside.

Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 7 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 8 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 0

Step 9 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 10 ip nat outside Marks the interface as connected to the outside.

Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 11 end (Optional) Exits interface configuration mode and returns

to privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end

What to Do Next
When you have completed the required configuration, go to the “Monitoring and Maintaining NAT” module.

Configuring Dynamic Translation of Overlapping Networks

Configure dynamic translation of overlapping networks:
• If your IP addresses in the stub network are legitimate IP addresses belonging to another network.
• You want to communicate with those hosts or routers by using dynamic translation.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Dynamic Translation of Overlapping Networks

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}
4. access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]
5. ip nat outside source list access-list-number pool name
6. interface type number
7. ip address ip-address mask
8. ip nat inside
9. exit
10. interface type number
11. ip address ip-address mask
12. ip nat outside
13. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | Defines a pool of global addresses to be allocated as
prefix-length prefix-length} needed.
Device(config)# ip nat pool net-10 prefix-length 24

Step 4 access-list access-list-number permit source Defines a standard access list permitting those addresses
[source-wildcard] that are to be translated.
Example: • The access list must permit only those addresses that
Device(config)# access-list 1 permit are to be translated. (Remember that there is an implicit “deny all” at the end of each access list.) Use
of an access list that is too permissive can lead to
unpredictable results.

Step 5 ip nat outside source list access-list-number pool name Establishes dynamic outside source translation, specifying
the access list defined in Step 4.
Device(config)# ip nat outside source list 1 pool

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring the NAT Virtual Interface

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 1

Step 7 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 8 ip nat inside Marks the interface as connected to the inside.

Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 10 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 0

Step 11 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 12 ip nat outside Marks the interface as connected to the outside.

Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 13 end (Optional) Exits interface configuration mode and returns

to privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end

Configuring the NAT Virtual Interface

The NAT Virtual Interface feature removes the requirement to configure an interface as either NAT inside or
NAT outside. An interface can be configured to use or not use NAT.

Restrictions for NAT Virtual Interface

• Route maps are not supported.
• NVI is not supported in a NAT on-a-stick scenario. The term NAT on-a-stick implies the use of a single
physical interface of a router for translation. NVI is designed for traffic from one VPN routing and
forwarding (VRF) instance to another and not for routing between subnets in a global routing table. For

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Enabling a Dynamic NAT Virtual Interface

more information on NAT on-a-stick, see

Enabling a Dynamic NAT Virtual Interface

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ip nat enable
5. exit
6. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask add-route
7. ip nat source list access-list-number pool name vrf name
8. ip nat source list access-list-number pool name overload
9. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Configures an interface and enters interface configuration
Device(config)# interface FastEthernet l

Step 4 ip nat enable Configures an interface that connects VPNs and the Internet
for NAT.
Device(config-if)# ip nat enable

Step 5 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 6 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Configures a NAT pool and the associated mappings.
Device(config)# ip nat pool pool1 netmask add-route

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Enabling a Static NAT Virtual Interface

Command or Action Purpose

Step 7 ip nat source list access-list-number pool name vrf name Configures a dynamic NVI without an inside or outside
Device(config)# ip nat source list 1 pool pool1
vrf vrf1

Step 8 ip nat source list access-list-number pool name overload Configures an overloading NVI without an inside or outside
Device(config)# ip nat source list 1 pool pool1

Step 9 end Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Enabling a Static NAT Virtual Interface

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ip nat enable
5. exit
6. ip nat source static local-ip global-ip vrf name
7. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.
Device(config)# interface FastEthernet l

Step 4 ip nat enable Configures an interface that connects VPNs and the Internet
for NAT.
Device(config-if)# ip nat enable

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Server TCP Load Balancing

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global
configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 6 ip nat source static local-ip global-ip vrf name Configures a static NVI.
Device(config)# ip nat source static vrf vrf1

Step 7 end (Optional) Exits global configuration mode and returns to

privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Configuring Server TCP Load Balancing

Perform this task to configure a server TCP load balancing by way of destination address rotary translation.
The commands that are specified in the task allow you to map one virtual host with many real hosts. Each
new TCP session opened with the virtual host is translated into a session with a different real host.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length} type rotary
4. access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]
5. ip nat inside destination-list access-list-number pool name
6. interface type number
7. ip address ip-address mask
8. ip nat inside
9. exit
10. interface type number
11. ip address ip-address mask
12. ip nat outside
13. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Server TCP Load Balancing

Command or Action Purpose

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | Defines a pool of addresses containing the addresses of
prefix-length prefix-length} type rotary the real hosts.
Device(config)# ip nat pool real-hosts prefix-length 28 type

Step 4 access-list access-list-number permit source Defines an access list permitting the address of the virtual
[source-wildcard] host.
Device(config)# access-list 1 permit

Step 5 ip nat inside destination-list access-list-number pool Establishes dynamic inside destination translation,
name specifying the access list defined in the prior step.
Device(config)# ip nat inside destination-list 2
pool real-hosts

Step 6 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
Device(config)# interface ethernet 0

Step 7 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 8 ip nat inside Marks the interface as connected to the inside.

Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 10 interface type number Specifies a different interface and enters the interface
configuration mode.
Device(config)# interface serial 0

Step 11 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Enabling Route Maps on Inside Interfaces

Command or Action Purpose

Step 12 ip nat outside Marks the interface as connected to the outside.
Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 13 end (Optional) Exits interface configuration mode and returns

to privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end

Enabling Route Maps on Inside Interfaces

Before you begin
All route maps required for use with this task must be configured before you begin the configuration task.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload]| static
local-ip global-ip [route-map map-name]}
4. exit
5. show ip nat translations [verbose]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | Enables route mapping with static NAT configured on the
access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload]| static NAT inside interface.
local-ip global-ip [route-map map-name]}
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static route-map isp2

Step 4 exit Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 show ip nat translations [verbose] (Optional) Displays active NAT.
Device# show ip nat translations

Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support

The NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support feature enables you to configure a Network Address
Translation (NAT) route map configuration. It allows IP sessions to be initiated from the outside to the inside.
Perform this task to enable the NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support feature.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask
4. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask
5. ip nat inside source route-map name pool name [reversible]
6. ip nat inside source route-map name pool name [reversible]
7. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device(config)# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Defines a pool of network addresses for NAT.
Device(config)# ip nat pool POOL-A netmask

Step 4 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Defines a pool of network addresses for NAT.
Device(config)# ip nat pool POOL-B netmask

Step 5 ip nat inside source route-map name pool name Enables outside-to-inside initiated sessions to use route
[reversible] maps for destination-based NAT.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring NAT of External IP Addresses Only

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config)# ip nat inside source route-map
MAP-A pool POOL-A reversible

Step 6 ip nat inside source route-map name pool name Enables outside-to-inside initiated sessions to use route
[reversible] maps for destination-based NAT.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source route-map
MAP-B pool POOL-B reversible

Step 7 end (Optional) Exits global configuration mode and returns to

privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Configuring NAT of External IP Addresses Only

When you configure NAT of external IP addresses, NAT can be configured to ignore all embedded IP addresses
for any application and traffic type. Traffic between a host and the traffic outside an enterprise’s network
flows through the internal network. A device that is configured for NAT translates the packet to an address
that can be routed inside the internal network. If the intended destination is outside an enterprise’s network,
the packet gets translated back to an external address and is sent out.

Note When you configure the ip nat outside source static command to add static routes for outside local addresses,
there is a delay in the translation of packets and packets are dropped. Packets are dropped because a shortcut
is not created for the initial synchronization (SYN) packet when NAT is configured for static translation. To
avoid dropped packets, configure either the ip nat outside source static add-route command or the ip route

Benefits of configuring NAT of external IP addresses only are:

• Allows an enterprise to use the Internet as its enterprise backbone network.
• Allows the use of network architecture that requires only the header translation.
• Gives the end client a usable IP address at the starting point. This address is the address that is used for
IPsec connections and for traffic flows.
• Supports public and private network architecture with no specific route updates.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload] | static
network local-ip global-ip [no-payload]}
4. ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload] | static
{tcp | udp} local-ip local-port global-ip global-port [no-payload]}

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring NAT of External IP Addresses Only

5. ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload] | static
[network] local-network-mask global-network-mask [no-payload]}
6. ip nat outside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name} pool pool-name | static local-ip
global-ip [no-payload]}
7. ip nat outside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name} pool pool-name | static {tcp | udp}
local-ip local-port global-ip global-port [no-payload]}
8. ip nat outside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name} pool pool-name | static [network]
local-network-mask global-network-mask [no-payload]}
9. exit
10. show ip nat translations [verbose]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | Disables the network packet translation on the inside host
access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload] | static device.
network local-ip global-ip [no-payload]}
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static
network no-payload

Step 4 ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | Disables port packet translation on the inside host device.
access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload] | static {tcp
| udp} local-ip local-port global-ip global-port
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 2000 2000 no-payload

Step 5 ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | Disables packet translation on the inside host device.
access-list-name} pool pool-name [overload] | static
[network] local-network-mask global-network-mask
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static no-payload

Step 6 ip nat outside source {list {access-list-number | Disables packet translation on the outside host device.
access-list-name} pool pool-name | static local-ip
global-ip [no-payload]}

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring the NAT Default Inside Server Feature

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config)# ip nat outside source static no-payload

Step 7 ip nat outside source {list {access-list-number | Disables port packet translation on the outside host device.
access-list-name} pool pool-name | static {tcp | udp}
local-ip local-port global-ip global-port [no-payload]}
Device(config)# ip nat outside source static tcp 20000 20000 no-payload

Step 8 ip nat outside source {list {access-list-number | Disables network packet translation on the outside host
access-list-name} pool pool-name | static [network] device.
local-network-mask global-network-mask [no-payload]}
Device(config)# ip nat outside source static
network no-payload

Step 9 exit Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# exit

Step 10 show ip nat translations [verbose] Displays active NAT.

Device# show ip nat translations

Configuring the NAT Default Inside Server Feature

The NAT Default Inside Server feature helps forward packets from the outside to a specified inside local
address. Traffic that does not match any existing dynamic translations or static port translations are redirected,
and packets are not dropped.
Dynamic mapping and interface overload can be configured for gaming devices. For online games, outside
traffic comes on a different UDP port. If a packet is destined for an interface from outside an enterprise’s
network, and there is no match in the NAT table for fully extended entry or static port entry, the packet is
forwarded to the gaming device using a simple static entry.

Note • You can use this feature to configure gaming devices with an IP address different from the IP address
of the PC. To avoid unwanted traffic or DoS attacks, use access lists.
• For traffic going from the PC to the outside, it is better to use a route map so that extended entries are

1. enable

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Reenabling RTSP on a NAT Router

2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source static local-ip interface type number
4. ip nat inside source static tcp local-ip local-port interface global-port
5. exit
6. show ip nat translations [verbose]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat inside source static local-ip interface type number Enables static NAT on the interface.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static interface Ethernet 1/1

Step 4 ip nat inside source static tcp local-ip local-port interface (Optional) Enables the use of telnet to the device from the
global-port outside.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 23 interface 23

Step 5 exit Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# exit

Step 6 show ip nat translations [verbose] (Optional) Displays active NAT.

Device# show ip nat translations

Reenabling RTSP on a NAT Router

The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a client/server multimedia presentation control protocol that
supports multimedia application delivery. Some of the applications that use RTSP include Windows Media
Services (WMS) by Microsoft, QuickTime by Apple Computer, and RealSystem G2 by RealNetworks.
When the RTSP protocol passes through a NAT router, the embedded address and port must be translated for
the connection to be successful. NAT uses Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR) architecture to
parse the payload and translate the embedded information in the RTSP payload.
RTSP is enabled by default. Use the ip nat service rtsp port port-number command to reenable RTSP on a
NAT router if this configuration has been disabled.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Support for Users with Static IP Addresses

Configuring Support for Users with Static IP Addresses

Configuring support for users with static IP addresses enables those users to establish an IP session in a public
wireless LAN environment.

Before you begin

Before configuring support for users with static IP addresses, you must first enable NAT on your router and
configure a RADIUS server host.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ip nat inside
5. exit
6. ip nat allow-static-host
7. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask accounting list-name
8. ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name
9. access-list access-list-number deny ip source
10. end
11. show ip nat translations verbose


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Configures an interface and enters an interface

configuration mode.
Device(config)# interface ethernet 1

Step 4 ip nat inside Marks the interface as connected to the inside.

Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 5 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Support for Users with Static IP Addresses

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 ip nat allow-static-host Enables static IP address support.
Example: • Dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) learning
Device(config)# ip nat allow-static-host will be disabled on this interface, and NAT will
control the creation and deletion of ARP entries for
the static IP host.

Step 7 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Specifies an existing RADIUS profile name to be used for
accounting list-name authentication of the static IP host.
Device(config)# ip nat pool pool1 netmask accounting

Step 8 ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name Specifies the access list and pool to be used for static IP
Device(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool • The specified access list must permit all traffic.

Step 9 access-list access-list-number deny ip source Removes the traffic of the device from NAT.
Example: • The source argument is the IP address of the device
Device(config)# access-list 1 deny ip that supports the NAT Static IP Support feature.

Step 10 end (Optional) Exits global configuration mode and returns to

privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Step 11 show ip nat translations verbose (Optional) Displays active NAT translations and additional
information for each translation table entry, including how
long ago the entry was created and used.
Device# show ip nat translations verbose

The following is sample output from the show ip nat translations verbose command:
Device# show ip nat translations verbose

--- --- ---

create 00:05:59, use 00:03:39, left 23:56:20, Map-Id(In): 1, flags: none wlan-flags: Secure
ARP added, Accounting Start sent Mac-Address:0010.7bc2.9ff6 Input-IDB:Ethernet1/2, use_count:
0, entry-id:7, lc_entries: 0

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring Support for ARP Ping

Configuring Support for ARP Ping

When the NAT entry of the static IP client times out, the NAT entry and the secure ARP entry associations
are deleted for the client. The ARP Ping feature enables the NAT entry and the secure ARP entry to not be
deleted when the static IP client exists in the network where the IP address is unchanged after authentication.
An ARP ping is necessary to determine static IP client existence and to restart the NAT entry timer.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip prefix-length prefix-length [accounting method-list-name] [arp-ping]
4. ip nat translation arp-ping-timeout [seconds]
5. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip prefix-length prefix-length Defines a pool of IP addresses for NAT.
[accounting method-list-name] [arp-ping]
Device(config)# ip nat pool net-208 prefix-length 28 accounting radius1

Step 4 ip nat translation arp-ping-timeout [seconds] Changes the amount of time after each network address
Device(config)# ip nat translation arp-ping-timeout

Step 5 end (Optional) Exits global configuration mode and returns to

privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuring the Rate Limiting NAT Translation Feature

Configuring the Rate Limiting NAT Translation Feature

1. enable
2. show ip nat translations
3. configure terminal
4. ip nat translation max-entries {number | all-vrf number | host ip-address number | list listname number
| vrf name number}
5. end
6. show ip nat statistics


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device enable

Step 2 show ip nat translations (Optional) Displays active NAT.

Example: • A specific host, access control list, or VRF instance
Device# show ip nat translations generating an unexpectedly high number of NAT
requests may be the source of a malicious virus or
worm attack.

Step 3 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 4 ip nat translation max-entries {number | all-vrf number Configures the maximum number of NAT entries that are
| host ip-address number | list listname number | vrf name allowed from the specified source.
• The maximum number of allowed NAT entries is
Example: 2147483647, although a typical range for a NAT rate
Device(config)# ip nat translation max-entries 300 limit is 100 to 300 entries.
• When you configure a NAT rate limit for all VRF
instances, each VRF instance is limited to the
maximum number of NAT entries that you specify.
• When you configure a NAT rate limit for a specific
VRF instance, you can specify a maximum number of
NAT entries for the named VRF instance that is greater
than or less than that allowed for all VRF instances.

Step 5 end Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Configuration Examples for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 show ip nat statistics (Optional) Displays current NAT usage information,
including NAT rate limit settings.
Device# show ip nat statistics • After setting a NAT rate limit, use the show ip nat
statistics command to verify the current NAT rate
limit settings.

Configuration Examples for Configuring NAT for IP Address

Example: Configuring Static Translation of Inside Source Addresses
The following example shows how inside hosts addressed from the network are translated to the
globally unique network. Further, packets from outside hosts that are addressed from the network (the true network) are translated to appear from the network.

ip nat pool net-208 prefix-length 28

ip nat pool net-10 prefix-length 24
ip nat inside source list 1 pool net-208
ip nat outside source list 1 pool net-10
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
ip address
ip nat outside
interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1
ip address
ip nat inside
access-list 1 permit

The following example shows NAT configured on the provider edge (PE) device with a static route to the
shared service for the vrf1 and vrf2 VPNs. NAT is configured as inside source static one-to-one translation.

ip nat pool outside netmask

ip nat outside source list 1 pool mypool
access-list 1 permit
ip nat inside source static vrf vrf1
ip nat inside source static vrf vrf2

Example: Configuring Dynamic Translation of Inside Source Addresses

The following example shows how inside hosts addressed from either the or the
network are translated to the globally unique network:

ip nat pool net-208 prefix-length 9

ip nat inside source list 1 pool net-208

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Example: Using NAT to Allow Internal Users Access to the Internet

interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
ip address
ip nat outside
interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1
ip address
ip nat inside
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit

The following example shows how only traffic local to the provider edge (PE) device running NAT is translated:

ip nat inside source list 1 interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0 vrf vrf1 overload
ip nat inside source list 1 interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0 vrf vrf2 overload
ip route vrf vrf1
ip route vrf vrf2
access-list 1 permit
ip nat inside source list 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1 vrf vrf1 overload
ip nat inside source list 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1 vrf vrf2 overload
ip route vrf vrf1 global
ip route vrf vrf2 global
access-list 1 permit

Example: Using NAT to Allow Internal Users Access to the Internet

The following example shows how to create a pool of addresses that is named net-208. The pool contains
addresses from to Access list 1 allows packets with SA from to If no translation exists, packets matching access list 1 is translated to an address from the pool.
The router allows multiple local addresses ( to to use the same global address.
The router retains port numbers to differentiate the connections.

ip nat pool net-208 netmask

access-list 1 permit
ip nat inside source list 1 pool net-208 overload
interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1
ip address
ip nat inside
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
ip address
ip nat outside

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Example: Allowing Overlapping Networks to Communicate Using NAT

Example: Allowing Overlapping Networks to Communicate Using NAT

Example: Configuring the NAT Virtual Interface

Example: Enabling a Static NAT Virtual Interface

interface FastEthernet 1
ip nat enable
ip nat source static vrf vr1

Example: Enabling a Dynamic NAT Virtual Interface

interface FastEthernet 1
ip nat enable
ip nat pool pool1 netmask add-route
ip nat source list 1 pool pool1 vrf vrf1
ip nat source list 1 pool 1 vrf vrf2 overload

Example: Configuring Server TCP Load Balancing

In the following example, the goal is to define a virtual address, connections to which are distributed among
a set of real hosts. The pool defines addresses of real hosts. The access list defines the virtual address. If a
translation does not exist, TCP packets from serial interface 0 (the outside interface), whose destination
matches the access list, are translated to an address from the pool.

ip nat pool real-hosts prefix-length 28 type rotary

access-list 2 permit
ip nat inside destination list 2 pool real-hosts
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
ip address
ip nat inside
interface serial 0
ip address
ip nat outside

Example: Enabling Route Maps on Inside Interfaces

ip nat inside source static

Example: Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support

The following example shows how to configure a route map A and route map B to allow outside-to-inside
translation for a destination-based Network Address Translation (NAT):

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Example: Configuring NAT of External IP Addresses Only

ip nat pool POOL-A netmask

ip nat pool POOL-B netmask
ip nat inside source route-map MAP-A pool POOL-A reversible
ip nat inside source route-map MAP-B pool POOL-B reversible

Example: Configuring NAT of External IP Addresses Only

ip nat inside source static network 192.168.2510/24 no-payload
ip nat inside source static tcp 2000 2000 no-payload
ip nat inside source static no-payload
ip nat outside source static 10.1.1. no-payload
ip nat outside source static tcp 20000 20000 no-payload
ip nat outside source static network no-payload

Example: Configuring Support for Users with Static IP Addresses

interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1
ip nat inside
ip nat allow-static-host
ip nat pool pool1 netmask accounting WLAN-ACCT
ip nat inside source list 1 pool net-208
access-list 1 deny ip

Example: Configuring NAT Static IP Support

The following example shows how to enable static IP address support for the device at

interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1

ip nat inside
ip nat allow-static-host
ip nat pool net-208 netmask accounting WLAN-ACCT
ip nat inside source list 1 pool net-208
access-list 1 deny ip

Example: Creating a RADIUS Profile for NAT Static IP Support

The following example shows how to create a RADIUS profile for use with the NAT Static IP Support feature:
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius WLAN-RADIUS
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1645
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
aaa accounting network WLAN-ACCT start-stop group WLAN-RADIUS
aaa session-id common
ip radius source-interface gigabitethernet3/0
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server key cisco

Example: Configuring the Rate Limiting NAT Translation Feature

The following example shows how to limit the maximum number of allowed NAT entries to 300:

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Example: Setting a Global NAT Rate Limit

ip nat translation max-entries 300

The following example shows how to limit the VRF instance named “vrf1” to 150 NAT entries:
ip nat translation max-entries vrf vrf1 150

The following example shows how to limit each VRF instance to 200 NAT entries:
ip nat translation max-entries all-vrf 200

The following example shows how to limit the VRF instance, “vrf2” to 225 NAT entries, but limit all other
VRF instances to 100 NAT entries each:
ip nat translation max-entries all-vrf 100
ip nat translation max-entries vrf vrf2 225

The following example shows how to limit the access control list named “vrf3” to 100 NAT entries:
ip nat translation max-entries list vrf3 100

The following example shows how to limit the host at IP address to 300 NAT entries:
ip nat translation max-entries host 300

Example: Setting a Global NAT Rate Limit

The following example shows how to limit the maximum number of allowed NAT entries to 300:

ip nat translation max-entries 300

Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for a Specific VRF Instance

The following example shows how to limit the VRF instance named “vrf1” to 150 NAT entries:

ip nat translation max-entries vrf vrf1 150

Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for All VRF Instances

The following example shows how to limit each VRF instance to 200 NAT entries:

ip nat translation max-entries all-vrf 200

The following example shows how to limit the VRF instance, “vrf2” to 225 NAT entries, but limit all other
VRF instances to 100 NAT entries each:

ip nat translation max-entries all-vrf 100

ip nat translation max-entries vrf vrf2 225

Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for Access Control Lists

The following example shows how to limit the access control list named “vrf3” to 100 NAT entries:

ip nat translation max-entries list vrf3 100

Example: Setting NAT Rate Limits for an IP Address

The following example shows how to limit the host at IP address to 300 NAT entries:

ip nat translation max-entries host 300

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Where to Go Next

Where to Go Next
• To configure NAT for use with application-level gateways, see the “Using Application Level Gateways
with NAT” module.
• To verify, monitor, and maintain NAT, see the “Monitoring and Maintaining NAT” module.
• To integrate NAT with Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) VPNs, see the “Integrating NAT with
MPLS VPNs” module.
• To configure NAT for high availability, see the “Configuring NAT for High Availability” module.

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

NAT commands: complete command syntax, Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference
command mode command history, defaults,
usage guidelines, and examples

Application-level gateways Using Application Level Gateways with NAT module

IP access list sequence numbering IP Access List Sequence Numbering document

NAT-on-a-Stick technology note Network Address Translation on a Stick technology note

NAT maintenance Monitoring and Maintaining NAT module

RADIUS attributes overview RADIUS Attributes Overview and RADIUS IETF Attributes

Using HSRP and stateful NAT for high Configuring NAT for High Availability module

Using NAT with MPLS VPNs Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs module

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

RFC 1597 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

RFC 1631 The IP Network Address Translation (NAT)

RFC 1918 Address Allocation for Private Internets

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Feature Information for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

Standard/RFC Title

RFC 2663 IP Network Address Translation (NAT) Terminology and


RFC 3022 Traditional IP Network Address Translation (Traditional NAT)

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Configuring NAT for IP Address

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 2: Feature Information for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT Ability to Use Route Maps 12.2.(4)T The NAT Ability to Use Route Maps with Static
with Static Translation Translation feature provides a dynamic
translation command that can specify a route
map to be processed instead of an access list. A
route map allows you to match any combination
of the access list, next-hop IP address, and
output interface to determine which pool to use.
The ability to use route maps with static
translations enables NAT multihoming
capability with static address translations.

NAT Default Inside Server 12.3(13)T The NAT Default Inside Server feature enables
forwarding of packets from outside to a specified
inside local address.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Feature Information for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT Route Maps 12.2(33)SXI5 The NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support
Outside-to-Inside Support feature enables the deployment of a NAT route
map configuration that allows IP sessions to be
initiated from the outside to the inside.

NAT RTSP Support Using NBAR 12.3(7)T The NAT RTSP Support Using NBAR feature
is a client/server multimedia presentation control
protocol that supports multimedia application
delivery. Applications that use RTSP include
WMS by Microsoft, QuickTime by Apple
Computer, and RealSystem G2 by

NAT Static and Dynamic Route 15.0(1)M The NAT Static and Dynamic Route Map
Map Name-Sharing Name-Sharing feature provides the ability to
configure static and dynamic NAT to share the
same route map name, while enforcing
precedence of static NAT over dynamic NAT.

NAT Static IP Support 12.3(7)T The NAT Static IP Support feature provides
support for users with static IP addresses,
enabling those users to establish an IP session
in a public wireless LAN environment.

NAT Translation of External IP 12.2(4)T Use the NAT Translation of External IP

Addresses Only Addresses Only feature to configure NAT to
ignore all embedded IP addresses for any
15.0(1)S application and traffic type.

NAT Virtual Interface 12.3(14)T The NAT Virtual Interface feature removes the
requirement to configure an interface as either
Network Address Translation (NAT) inside or
NAT outside. An interface can be configured to
use or not use NAT.

Rate Limiting NAT Translation 12.3(4)T The Rate Limiting NAT Translation feature
provides the ability to limit the maximum
number of concurrent Network Address
Translation (NAT) operations on a router. In
addition to giving users more control over how
NAT addresses are used, the Rate Limiting NAT
Translation feature can be used to limit the
effects of viruses, worms, and denial-of-service

Support for ARP Ping in a Public 12.4(6)T The Support for ARP Ping in a Public Wireless
Wireless LAN LAN feature ensures that the NAT entry and the
secure ARP entry from removal when the static
IP client exists in the network, where the IP
address is unchanged after authentication.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation
Feature Information for Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
This module describes the basic tasks to configure an application-level gateway (ALG) with Network Address
Translation (NAT). This module also provides information about the protocols that use ALGs for IP header
NAT performs translation services on any TCP/UDP traffic that does not carry source and destination IP
addresses in the application data stream. Protocols that do not carry the source and destination IP addresses
include HTTP, TFTP, telnet, archie, finger, Network Time Protocol (NTP), Network File System (NFS),
remote login (rlogin), remote shell (rsh) protocol, and remote copy (rcp).
Specific protocols that embed the IP address information within the payload require the support of an ALG.
NAT requires a variety of ALGs to handle application data stream (Layer 7) protocol-specific services such
as translating embedded IP addresses and port numbers in the packet payload and extracting new
connection/session information from control channels.
NAT supports virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) for protocols that have a supported ALG.
The Support for IPsec ESP Through NAT feature provides the ability to support multiple concurrent IPsec
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) tunnels or connections through a NAT device configured in Overload
or Port Address Translation (PAT) mode. You can use the ip nat service dns-v6 command to control processing
of IPv6 DNS packets by ALG
• Finding Feature Information, on page 49
• Prerequisites for Using Application Level Gateways with NAT, on page 50
• Restrictions for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT, on page 50
• Information About Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT, on page 50
• How to Configure Application-Level Gateways with NAT, on page 54
• Configuration Examples for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT, on page 59
• Where to Go Next, on page 60
• Additional References, on page 60
• Feature Information for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT, on page 61

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Prerequisites for Using Application Level Gateways with NAT

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Using Application Level Gateways with NAT

• Before performing the tasks in this module, you should be familiar with the concepts described in the
“Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation” module.
• All access lists required for use with the tasks in this module should be configured prior to beginning
the configuration task. For information about how to configure an access list, see the “IP Access List
Sequence Numbering” document.

• Before performing the tasks in this module, you should verify that the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
and H.323 are not disabled. SIP and H.323 are enabled by default.

Restrictions for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT

• Network Address Translation (NAT) translates only embedded IPv4 addresses.
• Protocols that require application-level gateway (ALG) processing are not compatible with load balancing.
All process-switched packets use the per-packet load-balancing algorithm. Process switching uses the
per-packet load-balancing algorithm across equal-cost paths. As a result, every odd or even
process-switched packet may be dropped by ISPs in a dual-ISP scenario due to a failed Unicast Reverse
Path Forwarding (uRPF) check because these packets have the same source IP address (which is allocated
by NAT or Port Address Translation [PAT]), but are routed to different outside interfaces. The packet
drop causes excessive delay and retransmission of packets.
• In Cisco IOS Release 12.4 Mainline, the NAT ALG for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) does not support
the following T.38 session attributes in the Session Description Protocol (SDP): sqn, cdsc, and cpar.
These session attributes are removed from the SDP header by the NAT ALG, which causes the SIP-based
T.38 calls to fail. This restriction is applicable only to the Cisco IOS Release 12.4 mainline. As a
workaround, upgrade to Cisco IOS Release 12.4(1)T and later releases.

Information About Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT

Benefits of Configuring NAT IPsec
• NAT enables customers to deploy private IP addresses within their network and translate the private IP
addresses to public IP addresses when connecting to the Internet or when interconnecting with another
corporate network.
• NAT support for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) adds the ability to deploy NAT on VoIP solutions
based on SIP.
• With NAT ALGs, customers can control their IP address scheme and include complete support for H.323
v2 gatekeeper designs.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT

• ESP entries in the translation table are normally delayed from being transmitted until a reply is received
from the destination. With predictable security parameter indexes (SPIs) and SPI matching, the delay
can be eliminated because SPI entries are matched. Some third-party concentrators require both source
ports and incoming ports to use port 500. Use the ip nat service preserve-port command to preserve
the ports rather than changing them, which is required with regular NAT.

IPsec is a set of extensions to the IP protocol family in a framework of open standards for ensuring secure
private communications over the Internet. Based on standards developed by the IETF, IPsec ensures
confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data communications across the public network and provides
cryptographic security services.
Secure tunnels between two peers, such as two routers, are provided and decisions are made as to which
packets are considered sensitive and should be sent through these secure tunnels, and which parameters should
be used to protect these sensitive packets by specifying characteristics of these tunnels. When the IPsec peer
receives a sensitive packet, it sets up the appropriate secure tunnel and sends the packet through the tunnel to
the remote peer.
IPsec using Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) can pass through a router running NAT without any specific
support from it as long as Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) or address overloading is not configured.
You can enable IPsec packet processing using ESP with the ip nat service ipsec-esp enable command.
There are a number of factors to consider when attempting an IPsec VPN connection that traverses a NAPT
device that represents multiple private internal IP addresses as a single public external IP address. Such factors
include the capabilities of the VPN server and client, the capabilities of the NAPT device, and whether more
than one simultaneous connection is attempted across the NAPT device.
There are two possible methods for configuring IPsec on a router with NAPT:
• Encapsulate IPsec in a Layer 4 protocol such as TCP or UDP. In this case, IPsec is sneaking through
NAT. The NAT device is unaware of the encapsulation.
• Add IPsec-specific support to NAPT. IPsec works with NAT in this case as opposed to sneaking through
NAT. The NAT Support for IPsec ESP-- Phase II feature provides support for Internet Key Exchange
(IKE) and ESP without encapsulation in tunnel mode through a Cisco IOS router configured with NAPT.

We recommend that TCP and UDP be used when conducting IPsec sessions that traverse a NAPT device.
However, not all VPN servers or clients support TCP or UDP.

SPI Matching
SPI matching is used to establish VPN connections between multiple pairs of destinations. NAT entries will
immediately be placed in the translation table for endpoints matching the configured access list..

Voice and Multimedia over IP Networks

SIP is a protocol developed by the IETF Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (MMUSIC) Working Group.
The Cisco SIP functionality equips Cisco routers to signal the setup of voice and multimedia calls over IP
networks. SIP provides an alternative to H.323 within the VoIP internetworking software.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
NAT Support of H.323 v2 RAS

Session Description Protocol (SDP) is a protocol that describes multimedia sessions. SDP may be used in SIP
message bodies to describe multimedia sessions used for creating and controlling multimedia sessions with
two or more participants.
The NAT Support for SIP feature allows SIP embedded messages passing through a router configured with
NAT to be translated and encoded back to the packet. An ALG is used with NAT to translate the SIP or SDP

Note By default support for SIP is enabled on port 5060. Therefore, NAT-enabled devices interpret all packets on
this port as SIP call messages. If other applications in the system use port 5060 to send packets, the NAT
service may corrupt the packet as it attempts to interpret the packet as a SIP call message.

NAT Support of H.323 v2 RAS

Cisco IOS NAT supports all H.225 and H.245 message types, including those sent in the Registration,
Admission, and Status (RAS) protocol. RAS provides a number of messages that are used by software clients
and VoIP devices to register their location, request assistance in call setup, and control bandwidth. The RAS
messages are directed toward an H.323 gatekeeper.
Some RAS messages include IP addressing information in the payload, typically meant to register a user with
the gatekeeper or learn about another user already registered. If these messages are not known to NAT, they
cannot be translated to an IP address that will be visible to the public.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T and later releases, embedded IP addresses can be inspected for potential address
translation. Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T, NAT did not support H.323 v2 RAS messages.

NAT Support for H.323 v3 and v4 in v2 Compatibility Mode

H.323 is an ITU-T specification for transmitting audio, video, and data across packet networks. NAT supports
four versions of the H.323 protocols: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3, and Version 4. The NAT Support for
H.323 v3 and v4 in v2 Compatibility Mode feature enables NAT routers to support messages coded in H.323
Version 3 and Version 4 when these messages contain fields that are compatible with H.323 Version 2. This
feature does not support H.323 capabilities introduced in H.323 Version 3 and Version 4, such as new message
types or new fields that require address translation.

NAT H.245 Tunneling Support

The NAT H.245 Tunneling Support feature supports H.245 tunneling in H.323 ALGs. The H.245 tunneling
supports H.245 tunnel messages that are needed to create a media channel setup.
For an H.323 call to take place, an H.225 connection on TCP port 1720 must be opened. When the H.225
connection is opened, the H.245 session is initiated and established. The H.323 connection can take place on
a separate channel other than the H.225 or it can be done by using H.245 tunneling on the same H.225 channel
whereby the H.245 messages are embedded in H.225 messages and sent on the previously established H.225
If the H.245 tunneled message is not understood by NAT, the media address or the port number is left
untranslated by NAT, resulting in media traffic failure. The H.245 FastConnect procedures will not help if
the H.245 tunneled message is not understood by NAT because FastConnect is terminated as soon as an H.245
tunneled message is sent.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
NAT Support of Skinny Client Control Protocol

NAT Support of Skinny Client Control Protocol

Cisco IP phones use the SCCP to connect with and register to Cisco CallManager.
To be able to configure Cisco IOS NAT between the IP phone and Cisco CallManager in a scalable environment,
NAT needs to be able to detect the SCCP and understand the information passed within the messages. Messages
flow back and forth that include IP address and port information used to identify other IP phone users with
which a call can be placed.
The SCCP client to Cisco CallManager communication typically flows from inside to outside. Domain Name
System (DNS) should be used to resolve the Cisco CallManager IP address connection when the Cisco
CallManager is on the inside (behind the NAT device), or static NAT should be configured to reach the Cisco
CallManager in the inside.
When an IP phone attempts to connect to the Cisco CallManager and it matches the configured NAT rules,
NAT will translate the original source IP address and replace it with one from the configured pool. This new
address will be reflected in the Cisco CallManager and be visible to other IP phone users.

NAT Support of SCCP Fragmentation

Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) messages, also called Skinny control messages, are exchanged over
TCP. If either the IP phone or the Cisco Unified CallManager is configured to have a TCP maximum segment
size (MSS) lower than the Skinny control message payload, the Skinny control message is segmented across
multiple TCP segments. Prior to the introduction of this feature, Skinny control message exchanges used to
fail during TCP segmentation because the NAT Skinny ALG was not able to reassemble Skinny control
messages. The NAT SCCP Fragmentation Support feature adds support for TCP segments for the NAT Skinny
ALG and fragmented payloads that requires an IP translation or a port translation is no longer dropped.
Skinny control messages can also be IP fragmented by using Virtual Fragmentation Reassembly (VFR).
In Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T and later releases, NAT works with SCCP phones Version 17 and higher.

NAT Segmentation with Layer 4 Forwarding

The NAT Segmentation with Layer 4 Forwarding feature is implemented for the H.323, Skinny Client Control
Protocol (SCCP), and the TCP Domain Name System (DNS) protocol. NAT supports the processing of
segmented H.323, SCCP, or TCP DNS messages that are split across multiple packets.
Layer 4 forwarding or TCP proxy is responsible for session handling that includes setting sequence numbers
in order, acknowledging the numbers in a packet, resegmenting the translated packet if it is larger than the
maximum segment size (MSS), and handling retransmissions in case of packet loss. Layer 4 forwarding also
handles out-of-order packets and these packets are buffered and not dropped. Layer 4 forwarding buffers
received packets and notifies the NAT ALG when an in-order packet is available, sends acknowledgments to
end hosts for received packets, and sends translated packets that it receives from the NAT ALG back into the
output packet path.

The NAT Segmentation with Layer 4 Forwarding feature does not work when:
• Firewalls are configured using the ip inspect name command. (Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)
firewalls are not supported. Zone-based firewalls are supported.)
• H.323, SCCP, or TCP DNS messages are larger than 18 KB.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
How to Configure Application-Level Gateways with NAT

• Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is configured.

• NAT and the Cisco Unified CallManager are configured on the same device. In this case, a colocated
solution in Call Manager Express is used.
• NAT Virtual Interface (NVI) is configured.
• Stateful Network Address Translation (SNAT) is enabled.

Note Effective January 31, 2014, Stateful NAT is not available in Cisco IOS software.
For more information, see End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the
Cisco IOS Stateful Failover of Network Address Translation (SNAT).

• The match-in-vrf keyword is configured along with the ip nat inside source command for packet
• The packets are IPv6 packets.

How to Configure Application-Level Gateways with NAT

Configuring IPsec Through NAT
Configuring IPsec ESP Through NAT
IPsec ESP Through NAT provides the ability to support multiple concurrent IPsec ESP tunnels or connections
through a Cisco IOS NAT device configured in Overload or PAT mode.
Perform this task to configure IPsec ESP through NAT.

Note IPsec can be configured for any NAT configuration, not just static NAT configurations.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat [inside | outside] source static local-ip global-ip [vrf vrf-name]
4. exit
5. show ip nat translations


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Enabling the Preserve Port

Command or Action Purpose

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat [inside | outside] source static local-ip global-ip Enables static NAT.
[vrf vrf-name]

Router(config)# ip nat inside source static

Step 4 exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


Router(config)# exit

Step 5 show ip nat translations (Optional) Displays active NATs.


Router# show ip nat translations

Enabling the Preserve Port

This task is used for IPsec traffic using port 500 for the source port. Perform this task to enable port 500 to
be preserved for the source port.

Note This task is required by certain VPN concentrators. Cisco VPN devices generally do not use this feature.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat service list access-list-number IKE preserve-port


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Enabling SPI Matching on the NAT Device

Command or Action Purpose

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat service list access-list-number IKE preserve-port Specifies IPsec traffic that matches the access list to
preserve the port.

Router(config)# ip nat service list 10 IKE


Enabling SPI Matching on the NAT Device

Note SPI matching is disabled by default.

Security parameter index (SPI) matching is used to establish VPN connections between multiple pairs of
destinations. NAT entries are immediately placed in the translation table for endpoints matching the configured
access list. SPI matching is available only for endpoints that choose SPIs according to the predictive algorithm
implemented in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T.
The generation of SPIs that are predictable and symmetric is enabled. SPI matching should be used in
conjunction with NAT devices when multiple ESP connections across a NAT device are desired.

Before you begin

Cisco IOS software must be running on both the source router and the remote gateway enabling parallel

Note SPI matching must be configured on the NAT device and both endpoint devices.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat service list access-list-number ESP spi-match


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Enabling SPI Matching on Endpoints

Command or Action Purpose

Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat service list access-list-number ESP spi-match Specifies an access list to enable SPI matching.
Example: • This example shows how to enter ESP traffic matching
list 10 into the NAT table, making the assumption that
Router(config)# ip nat service list 10 ESP both devices are Cisco devices and are configured to
spi-match provide matchable SPIs.

Enabling SPI Matching on Endpoints

Before you begin

Cisco software must be running on both the source device and the remote gateway, enabling parallel processing.

Note Security parameter index (SPI) matching must be configured on the Network Address Translation (NAT)
device and on both endpoint devices.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto ipsec nat-transparency spi-matching
4. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 crypto ipsec nat-transparency spi-matching Enables SPI matching on both endpoints.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Enabling MultiPart SDP Support for NAT

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config)# crypto ipsec nat-transparency

Step 4 end Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Device(config)# end

Enabling MultiPart SDP Support for NAT

The MultiPart SDP Support for NAT feature provides support for the multipart Session Description Protocol
(SDP) in a SIP ALG. MultiPart SDP support for NAT is disabled by default.

Note NAT translates only embedded IPv4 addresses.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat service allow-multipart
4. exit
5. show ip nat translations


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat service allow-multipart Enables multipart SDP.

Device(config)# ip nat service allow-multipart

Step 4 exit Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Device(config)# exit

Step 5 show ip nat translations (Optional) Displays active NATs.

Device# show ip nat translations

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Configuring NAT Between an IP Phone and Cisco CallManager

Configuring NAT Between an IP Phone and Cisco CallManager

This section describes configuring Cisco’s Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) for Cisco IP phone to
Cisco CallManager communication. The task in this section configures NAT between an IP phone and Cisco

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat service skinny tcp port number


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat service skinny tcp port number Configures the skinny protocol on the specified TCP port.

Router(config)# ip nat service skinny tcp port


Configuration Examples for Using Application-Level Gateways

with NAT
Example: Specifying a Port for NAT Translation
ip nat service skinny tcp port 20002

Example: Enabling the Preserve Port

The following example shows how to configure TCP port 500 of the third-party concentrator. Access list 10
is configured.

ip nat service list 10 IKE preserve-port

access-list 10 permit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Example Enabling SPI Matching

Example Enabling SPI Matching

The following example shows how to enable SPI matching. Access list 10 is configured:

ip nat service list 10 ESP spi-match

access-list 10 permit

Example: Enabling SPI Matching on Endpoints

crypto ipsec nat-transparency spi-matching

Example: Enabling MultiPart SDP Support for NAT

ip nat service allow-multipart

Example: Specifying a Port for NAT Translation

ip nat service skinny tcp port 20002

Where to Go Next
• To learn about NAT and configure NAT for IP address conservation, see the “Configuring NAT for IP
Address Conservation” module.
• To verify monitor, and maintain NAT, see the “Monitoring and Maintaining NAT” module.
• To integrate NAT with MPLS VPNs, see the “Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs” module.
• To configure NAT for high availability, see the “Configuring NAT for High Availability” module.

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands: complete command syntax, Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command
command mode, defaults, usage guidelines, and Reference

IP access list sequence numbering IP Access List Sequence Numbering

NAT IP address conservation Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Feature Information for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Using Application-Level Gateways with

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 3: Feature Information for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT

Feature Name Releases Feature Configuration Information

MultiPart SDP Support for NAT 15.0(1)M The MultiPart SDP Support for NAT feature adds
support for multipart SDP in a SIP ALG. This
feature is disabled by default.
The following commands were modified by this
feature: debug ip nat and ip nat service.

NAT H.245 Tunneling Support 12.3(11)T The NAT H.245 Tunneling Support feature allows
H.245 tunneling in H.323 Application-Level
Gateways (ALGs).

NAT Support for H.323 v2 RAS 12.2(2)T NAT supports all H.225 and H.245 message types,
feature including those sent in the RAS protocol.

NAT Support for H.323 v3 and v4 12.3(2)T The NAT Support for H.323 v3 and v4 in v2
in v2 Compatibility Mode Compatibility Mode feature enables NAT routers
to support messages coded in H.323 Version 3 and
Version 4 when these messages contain fields that
are compatible with H.323 Version 2. This feature
does not add support for H.323 capabilities
introduced in H.323 Version 3 and Version 4, such
as new message types or new fields that require
address translation.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT
Feature Information for Using Application-Level Gateways with NAT

Feature Name Releases Feature Configuration Information

NAT Support for IPsec 12.2(15)T The NAT Support for IPsec ESP—Phase II feature
ESP—Phase II provides support for Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
and ESP without encapsulation in tunnel mode
through a router configured with NAPT.

NAT Support of SCCP 12.4(6)T The NAT Support of SCCP Fragmentation feature
Fragmentation adds support for TCP segments for the NAT
Skinny ALG. A fragmented payload that requires
an IP translation or a port translation is no longer
be dropped.
The following command was modified by this
feature: debug ip nat.

NAT Support for SIP 12.2(8)T NAT Support for SIP adds the ability to configure
NAT on VoIP solutions based on SIP.

Support for applications that do not 12.2(33)XNC NAT with an ALG will translate packets from
use H.323 applications that do not use H.323, as long as these
applications use port 1720.

Support for IPsec ESP Through 12.2(13)T The IPsec ESP Through NAT feature provides the
NAT ability to support multiple concurrent IPsec
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) tunnels or
connections through a NAT device configured in
Overload or Port Address Translation (PAT) mode.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
The NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support feature enables network-wide protection by making an IP
network more resilient to potential link and router failures at the Network Address Translation (NAT) border.
NAT box-to-box high-availability functionality is achieved when you configure two NAT translators that
reside across different devices as part of a redundancy group (RG) and function as a translation group. One
member of the translation group acts as an active translator and the other member in the group acts as a standby
translator. The standby translator takes over as the active translator in the event of any failures to the current
active translator.
This module provides information about NAT box-to-box high-availability support and describes how to
configure this feature.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 63
• Prerequisites for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support, on page 63
• Restrictions for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support, on page 64
• Information About NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support, on page 64
• How to Configure NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support, on page 70
• Configuration Examples for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support, on page 79
• Additional References for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support, on page 81
• Feature Information for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support, on page 81

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

• Network Address Translation (NAT)-related configurations must be manually configured and the
configuration must be identical on both devices, and associated to the same redundancy group (RG).

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Restrictions for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

• RG must be shut down on both peer devices before you configure NAT.
• If devices are already in active/standby states, you must apply any additional configuration changes first
on the standby device and then on the active device. To delete NAT configuration rules, you must apply
the changes first on the active device and then on the standby device.

Restrictions for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

• Network Address Translation (NAT) configurations with the interface overload option are not supported.
• Both application redundancy (using redundancy groups [RGs]) and box-level redundancy cannot be
configured on the same device.
• RG infrastructure with more than one RG peer is not supported.
• Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) with Layer 3 VPN (L3VPN) configuration is not supported.
• NAT Virtual Interface (NVI) configuration is not supported.
• Only FTP application layer gateway (ALG) is supported. All other ALGs are not high-availability aware
and are not expected to work correctly across failovers.

Note We recommend that you disable all other ALGs using the no ip nat service
command, when using this feature.

Information About NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Overview
The NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support feature enables network-wide protection by making an IP
network resilient to potential link and router failures at the Network Address Translation (NAT) border.
The NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support feature leverages services provided by the redundancy group
(RG) infrastructure present on the device to implement the high-availability functionality. The RG infrastructure
defines multiple RGs to which applications can subscribe to and function in an active-standby mode across
different devices. NAT box-to-box high-availability functionality is achieved when you configure two NAT
translators, residing across different devices, to an RG and function as a translation group. One member of
the translation group acts as an active translator and the other members of the translation group acts as a
standby translator. The active translator is responsible for handling traffic that requires address translation.
Additionally, the active translator informs the standby translator about packet flows that are being translated.
The standby translator uses this information to create a duplicate translation database that equips the standby
translator to take over as the active translator in the event of any failures to the active translator. Therefore,
the application traffic flow continues unaffected as the translations tables are backed up in a stateful manner
across the active and standby translators.
The NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support feature supports active-standby high-availability failover
and asymmetric routing. The NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support feature supports the following NAT
• Simple Static NAT configuration

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Reasons for Active Device Failover

• Extended Static NAT configuration

• Network Static NAT configuration
• Dynamic NAT and Port Address Translation (PAT) configuration
• NAT inside source, outside source, and inside destination rules
• NAT rules for Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instances to IP
• NAT rules for VRF-VRF (within same VRF)

Reasons for Active Device Failover

The following are some of the reasons for the failover of an active device:
• Power loss or reload on the active device.
• Control interface for the redundancy group (RG) is shut down or the link to the interface is down.
• Data interface for the RG is shut down or the link to the interface is down.
• Tracked object failure.
• Protocol keepalive failure.
• The run-time priority of the active device is below the configured threshold. Run-time priority can go
down in the following scenarios:
• Traffic interface, that is assigned a Redundancy Interface Identifier (RII) value, is down.
• Object tracked by the RG is down.

• RG on an active device is reloaded using the redundancy application reload group command in
privileged EXEC mode.
• RG on an active device is shut down using the group command in redundancy application configuration

NAT in Active-Standby Mode

In active-standby mode, the redundancy group (RG) that Network Address Translation (NAT) is part of
remains in the standby mode on one device and active on a peer device. NAT in an RG that is in active mode
translates the traffic according the configured translation rules.
NAT does not actively perform any translations on the device where its RG is in the standby mode. In an RG,
only one peer is in active mode at a given instance and the other peer is in standby mode. Applications that
belong to the RG are active only on the device on which the RG is active. On all other devices, applications
that belong to the RG are in the standby mode.

Note In a group of RG peers, only one peer can be active for a specific RG. Currently, the NAT Box-to-Box
High-Availability Support feature supports only two peers in an RG and one RG in the RG infrastructure.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Operation

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Operation

The following figure illustrates the NAT box-to-box high-availability operation in a LAN-LAN topology.
The green color represents an active device and the yellow color represents a standby device.
Figure 6: NAT Box-to-Box High Availability Operation

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability LAN-LAN Topology

In a LAN-LAN topology, all participating devices are connected to each other through LAN interfaces on
both the inside and the outside. The figure below shows the NAT box-to-box LAN-LAN topology. Network
Address Translation (NAT) is in the active-standby mode and the peers are in one redundancy group (RG).
All traffic or a subset of this traffic undergoes NAT translation.

Note Failover is caused by only those failures that the RG infrastructure listens to.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability WAN-LAN Topology

Figure 7: NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability LAN-LAN Topology

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability WAN-LAN Topology

In a WAN-LAN topology, two devices are connected through LAN interfaces on the inside and WAN interfaces
on the outside. There is no control on the routing of return traffic received through WAN links. In most cases,
WAN links are provided by different service providers. To utilize WAN links to the maximum, configure an
external device to provide a failover.
In the following figure, inside interfaces are connected to a LAN while outside interfaces are connected to a
WAN. The WAN interfaces cannot be made part of a redundancy group (RG) according to the current RG
infrastructure. However, WAN interfaces may be configured in such a way that any failure on the WAN
interfaces reduces the priority for the RG that is configured on that node, thereby triggering a failover.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Exclusive Virtual IP Addresses and Exclusive Virtual MAC Addresses

Figure 8: NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability WAN-LAN Topology

Exclusive Virtual IP Addresses and Exclusive Virtual MAC Addresses

Virtual IP (VIP) addresses and virtual MAC (VMAC) addresses are used by security applications to control
interfaces that receive traffic. An interface is paired with another interface, and these interfaces are associated
with the same redundancy group (RG). The interface that is associated with an active RG exclusively owns
the VIP and VMAC addresses.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) process on the active device sends ARP replies for any ARP request
for the VIP, and the Ethernet controller for the interface is programmed to receive packets destined for the
When an RG failover occurs, the ownership of the VIP and VMAC changes. The interface that is associated
with the newly active RG sends a gratuitous ARP message and programs the interface’s Ethernet controller
to accept packets destined for the VMAC.

NAT Asymmetric Routing

In asymmetric routing, packets of a single connection or session flow through different routes in the forward
and reverse directions. Asymmetric routing could occur due to link failures in the network, load balancing, a
specific network configuration, and so on. Network Address Translation (NAT) provides session termination
services and the associated dynamic session information. For NAT, if the return TCP segments are not
forwarded to the same device that receives the initial synchronization (SYN) segment, the packet is dropped
because it does not belong to any known session.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
NAT Box-to-Box High Availability on Asymmetric-Routing Topology

NAT Box-to-Box High Availability on Asymmetric-Routing Topology

The following figure shows asymmetrically routed packets being received on a standby device:
Figure 9: NAT Box-to-Box High Availability on Asymmetric-Routing Topology

Each routing device has an asymmetric routing (AR) module, which forwards the traffic received by the
standby redundancy group (RG) using the module’s AR interface. In the above illustration, the standby RG
is RG1, on Router 1 with the Redundancy Interface Identifier (RII) configured as RII-1. The packet traffic
that is received by RG1 is forwarded over the AR interface configured on Router 1 towards Router 2. This
traffic is received by the AR module for RII-1 on Router 2 and is forwarded to RG1, which is active on Router

Disabling NAT High Availability on Asymmetric-Routing Topology

When a packet ingresses Router 1 through the Redundancy Interface Identifier (RII), RII-1, Network Address
Translation (NAT) identifies that packet as belonging to redundancy group (RG) RG1, which is in the standby
state. If the asymmetric routing support is disabled, packets are not redirected to the active device by the
standby device. Therefore, packets are dropped by default on the standby peer device.

Key Configuration Elements for NAT Box-to-Box High Availability Support

• Redundancy group (RG) Asymmetric Routing (AR) interface: A dedicated physical interface that provides
connectivity between two peer devices. The redundancy infrastructure uses this interface to redirect AR
packets from a standby device to an active device. The AR, control, and data interfaces can be configured
on the same physical interface.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
How to Configure NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

• Redundancy number: A unique identification number for each interface that is part of the RG infrastructure.
• RG priority: A numeric value that you can configure on the active or standby devices to control the
switchover behavior. Each potential fault or error decrements the priority of the active device. The system
switches over to the standby device when the priority value reaches the configured limit.
• RG control interface: A dedicated physical interface that provides connectivity between the two peer
devices. The redundancy infrastructure uses this interface to exchange control information between the
• RG data interface: A dedicated physical interface that provides connectivity between two peer devices.
This interface is used by the redundancy infrastructure for data information exchange between devices,
such as session information for NAT. Control and data interfaces can be configured on the same physical
• Virtual IP address and virtual MAC address: The active device owns the virtual IP address and the virtual
MAC address. Hosts or servers on the LAN that use the virtual IP address to reach the device which is
currently in RG active state.
• RG decrement number: The priority value of an RG in local peer is decremented by the specified priority
decrement number if the interface on which this configuration is applied goes down.
• RG infrastructure: Defines multiple RGs to which applications can subscribe and function in an
active-standby mode across different routing devices. Currently, Network Address Translation (NAT)
supports only one RG with an RG ID value of either 1 or 2.
• NAT mapping ID: A numeric value that is attached to all NAT rules that are associated to an RG. This
value must be unique across different NAT rules and must be the same across NAT configurations on
active and standby devices.

How to Configure NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

• Perform configurations listed in this section on both the active and standby devices.
• The redundancy group (RG) ID must be the same for both devices.
• A unique redundancy interface identifier (RII) must be configured for each interface on a device that is
part of the RG infrastructure.
• An RG ID and virtual IP address must be configured on each interface on a LAN.
• An RG ID and mapping ID must be configured for each Network Address Translation (NAT) statement.
• After configuring all NAT statements, you must enable RG.

Configuring a Redundancy Application Group

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. redundancy

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Configuring a Redundancy Application Group

4. application redundancy
5. group id
6. name group-name
7. shutdown
8. priority value [failover threshold value]
9. preempt
10. track object-number {decrement value | shutdown}
11. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 redundancy Enters redundancy configuration mode.

Device(config)# redundancy

Step 4 application redundancy Enters redundancy application configuration mode.

Device(config-red)# application redundancy

Step 5 group id Enters redundancy application group configuration mode.

Device(config-red-app)# group 1

Step 6 name group-name (Optional) Specifies an optional alias for the protocol
Device(config-red-app-grp)# name group1

Step 7 shutdown (Optional) Shuts down a redundancy group manually.

Device(config-red-app-grp)# shutdown

Step 8 priority value [failover threshold value] (Optional) Specifies the initial priority and failover
threshold for a redundancy group.
Device(config-red-app-grp)# priority 100 failover
threshold 50

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Configuring Data, Control, and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

Command or Action Purpose

Step 9 preempt Enables preemption on the group and enables the standby
device to preempt the active device regardless of the
Device(config-red-app-grp)# preempt

Step 10 track object-number {decrement value | shutdown} Specifies the priority value of a redundancy group that will
be decremented if an event occurs.
Device(config-red-app-grp)# track 200 decrement

Step 11 end Exits redundancy application group configuration mode

and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-red-app-grp)# end

Configuring Data, Control, and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

In this task, you configure the following redundancy group (RG) elements:
• The interface that is used as the control interface.
• The interface that is used as the data interface.
• The interface that is used for asymmetric routing. This is an optional task. Perform this task only if you
are configuring asymmetric routing for Network Address Translation (NAT).

Note Asymmetric routing, data, and control must be configured on separate interfaces for zone-based firewall.
However, for Network Address Translation (NAT), asymmetric routing, data, and control can be configured
on the same interface.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. redundancy
4. application redundancy
5. group id
6. data interface-type interface-number
7. control interface-type interface-number protocol id
8. timers delay seconds [reload seconds]
9. asymmetric-routing interface type number
10. asymmetric-routing always-divert enable
11. end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Configuring Data, Control, and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 redundancy Enters redundancy configuration mode.

Device(config)# redundancy

Step 4 application redundancy Configures application redundancy and enters redundancy

application configuration mode.
Device(config-red)# application redundancy

Step 5 group id Configures a redundancy group (RG) and enters

redundancy application group configuration mode.
Device(config-red-app)# group 1

Step 6 data interface-type interface-number Specifies the data interface that is used by the RG.
Device(config-red-app-grp)# data GigabitEthernet

Step 7 control interface-type interface-number protocol id Specifies the control interface that is used by the RG.
Example: • The control interface is also associated with an
Device(config-red-app-grp)# control instance of the control interface protocol.
GigabitEthernet 1/0/0 protocol 1

Step 8 timers delay seconds [reload seconds] Specifies the time required for an RG to delay role
negotiations that start after a fault occurs or the system is
Device(config-red-app-grp)# timers delay 100
reload 400

Step 9 asymmetric-routing interface type number Specifies the asymmetric routing interface that is used by
the RG.
Device(config-red-app-grp)# asymmetric-routing
interface GigabitEthernet 0/1/1

Step 10 asymmetric-routing always-divert enable Always diverts packets received from the standby RG to
the active RG.
Device(config-red-app-grp)# asymmetric-routing
always-divert enable

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Enabling Data, Control and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

Command or Action Purpose

Step 11 end Exits redundancy application group configuration mode
and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-red-app-grp)# end

Enabling Data, Control and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ip address ip-address mask
5. no shutdown
6. exit
7. interface type number
8. ip address ip-address mask
9. no shutdown
10. exit
11. interface type number
12. ip address ip-address mask
13. no shutdown
14. exit


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Enters interface configuration mode for the data interface.
Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1

Step 4 ip address ip-address mask Assigns an IP address for the data interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Enabling Data, Control and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 no shutdown Enables the interface.
Device(config-if)# no shutdown

Step 6 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 7 interface type number Enters interface configuration mode for the control
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0

Step 8 ip address ip-address mask Assigns an IP address to the control interface.

Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 9 no shutdown Enables the interface.

Device(config-if)# no shutdown

Step 10 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 11 interface type number (Optional) Enters interface configuration mode for the
asymmetric routing (AR) interface.
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1/1

Step 12 ip address ip-address mask (Optional) Assigns an IP address to the AR interface.

Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 13 no shutdown (Optional) Enables the interface.

Device(config-if)# no shutdown

Step 14 exit (Optional) Exits interface configuration mode and enters

global configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Configuring NAT Box-to-Box Interface Redundancy

Configuring NAT Box-to-Box Interface Redundancy

Perform this task on the active and standby devices in the redundancy group to configure the Network Address
Translation (NAT) box-to-box high-availability support.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ip address ip-address mask
5. ip nat inside
6. redundancy rii id
7. redundancy group id ip virtual-ip [exclusive] [decrement value]
8. exit
9. interface type number
10. ip address ip-address mask
11. ip nat outside
12. redundancy rii id [decrement number]
13. redundancy group id ip virtual-ip [exclusive] [decrement value]
14. exit
15. ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip [redundancy rg-id mapping-id map-id]
16. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Configures an interface and enters interface configuration
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 2/0/2

Step 4 ip address ip-address mask Assigns a virtual IP (VIP) address on the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 5 ip nat inside Designates that traffic originating from the interface is
subject to Network Address Translation (NAT).

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Configuring NAT Box-to-Box Interface Redundancy

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 6 redundancy rii id Configures a Redundancy Interface Identifier (RII) for

redundancy group-protected traffic interfaces.
Device(config-if)# redundancy rii 100

Step 7 redundancy group id ip virtual-ip [exclusive] Enables the redundancy group (RG) traffic interface
[decrement value] configuration.
Device(config-if)# redundancy group 1 ip exclusive decrement 100

Step 8 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 9 interface type number Configures an interface and enters interface configuration
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 10 ip address ip-address mask Assigns a virtual IP (VIP) address on the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 11 ip nat outside Designates that traffic destined for the interface is subject
to NAT.
Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 12 redundancy rii id [decrement number] Configures an RII for redundancy group-protected traffic
Device(config-if)# redundancy rii 101

Step 13 redundancy group id ip virtual-ip [exclusive] Enables the redundancy group (RG) traffic interface
[decrement value] configuration and specifies the decrement value number
that is decremented from the priority when the state of the
interface goes down.
Device(config-if)# redundancy group 1 ip exclusive decrement 100

Step 14 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 15 ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip Enables NAT redundancy of the inside source and
[redundancy rg-id mapping-id map-id] associates the mapping ID to NAT high-availability

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Configuring Asymmetric Routing for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config)# ip nat inside source static redundancy 1 mapping-id 120

Step 16 end Exits interface configuration mode and enters privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end

Configuring Asymmetric Routing forNATBox-to-Box High-Availability Support

Perform this task on the active and standby devices in the redundancy group to configure asymmetric routing
support on Network Address Translation (NAT) Box-to-Box high availability.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ip address ip-address mask
5. ip nat outside
6. redundancy rii id [decrement number]
7. redundancy asymmetric routing enable
8. exit
9. ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip [redundancy RG-id mapping-id map-id]
10. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Configures an interface and enters interface configuration
Device(config)# interface serial 0/0/1

Step 4 ip address ip-address mask Assigns a virtual IP (VIP) address on the interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Configuration Examples for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 ip nat outside Designates that traffic destined for the interface is subject
to Network Address Translation (NAT).
Device(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 6 redundancy rii id [decrement number] Configures a Redundancy Interface Identifier (RII) for
redundancy group-protected traffic interfaces.
Device(config-if)# redundancy rii 101

Step 7 redundancy asymmetric routing enable Establishes an asymmetric flow diversion tunnel for each
redundancy group (RG).
Device(config-if)# redundancy asymmetric-routing

Step 8 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 9 ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip Enables NAT redundancy of the inside source and
[redundancy RG-id mapping-id map-id] associates the mapping ID to NAT high-availability
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static redundancy 1 mapping-id 120

Step 10 end Exits interface configuration mode and enters privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config-if)# end

Configuration Examples for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability

Example: Configuring a Redundancy Application Group
The following example shows how to configure a redundancy group named group1 with priority and preempt
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# redundancy
Device(config-red)# application redundancy
Device(config-red-app)# group 1
Device(config-red-app-grp)# name group1
Device(config-red-app-grp)# priority 100 failover-threshold 50
Device(config-red-app-grp)# preempt
Device(config-red-app-grp)# track 200 decrement 200
Device(config-red-app-grp)# end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Example: Configuring Data, Control, and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

Example: Configuring Data, Control, and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# redundancy
Device(config-red)# application redundancy
Device(config-red-app)# group 1
Device(config-red-app-grp)# data GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
Device(config-red-app-grp)# control GigabitEthernet 1/0/0 protocol 1
Device(config-red-app-grp)# timers delay 100 reload 400
Device(config-red-app-grp)# asymmetric-routing interface GigabitEthernet 0/1/1
Device(config-red-app-grp)# asymmetric-routing always-divert enable
Device(config-red-app-grp)# end

Example: Enabling Data, Control and Asymmetric Routing Interfaces

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# no shutdown
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# interface Gigabitethernet 1/0/0
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# no shutdown
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# interface Gigabitethernet 0/1/1
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# no shutdown
Device(config-if)# end

Example: Configuring a NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 2/0/2
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# ip nat inside
Device(config-if)# redundancy rii 100
Device(config-if)# redundancy group 1 ip exclusive decrement 100
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# ip nat outside
Device(config-if)# redundancy rii 101
Device(config-if)# redundancy group 1 ip exclusive decrement 100
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static redundancy 1 mapping-id 120
Device(config-if)# end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Example: Configuring Asymmetric Routing for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support


Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface serial 0/0/1
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# ip nat outside
Device(config-if)# redundancy rii 101
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# ip nat inside source static redundancy 1 mapping-id 120
Device(config-if)# end

Additional References for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command


Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support
Feature Information for NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 4: Feature Information for NAT Box-to-Box High Availability Support

Feature Name Releases Feature Configuration Information

NAT Box-to-Box High Availability 15.3(2)T NAT Box-to-Box High-Availability Support

Support feature makes an IP network more resilient to
potential link and routing device failures at the
Network Address Translation (NAT) border.
NAT box-to-box high-availability functionality
is achieved when you configure two NAT
translators that reside across different devices
as part of a redundancy group (RG) and function
as a translation group. One member of the
translation group acts as an active translator and
the other member in the group acts as a standby
translator. The standby translator takes over as
the active translator in the event of any failures
to the current active translator.
The following commands were introduced or
modified: ip nat inside source, ip nat outside
source, show ip nat redundancy, show ip nat
translations redundancy, show redundancy
application group.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
The Stateless Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) feature provides a translation mechanism that translates
an IPv6 packet into an IPv4 packet and vice versa. The translation involves parsing the entire IPv6 header,
including the extension headers, and extracting the relevant information and translating it into an IPv4 header.
Similarly, the IPv4 header is parsed in its entirety, including the IPv4 options, to construct an IPv6 header.
This processing happens on a per-packet basis on the interfaces that are configured for Stateless NAT64
The Stateless NAT64 translator enables native IPv6 or IPv4 communication and facilitates coexistence of
IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
The Stateless NAT64 translator does not maintain any state information in the datapath. This translator is
based on the IETF working group Behavior Engineering for Hindrance Avoidance (BEHAVE) drafts about
the framework for IPv4/IPv6 translation. This draft describes the mechanism to translate an IPv6 packet to
an IPv4 packet and vice versa, including the transport layer headers and Internet Control Message Protocol
• Finding Feature Information, on page 83
• Restrictions for Stateless Network Address Translation 64, on page 84
• Information About Stateless Network Address Translation 64, on page 84
• How to Configure Stateless Network Address Translation 64, on page 86
• Configuration Examples for Stateless Network Address Translation 64, on page 92
• Additional References for Stateless Network Address Translation 64, on page 93
• Feature Information for Stateless Network Address Translation 64 , on page 93
• Glossary, on page 94

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Restrictions for Stateless Network Address Translation 64

Restrictions for Stateless Network Address Translation 64

The following restrictions apply to the Stateless NAT64 feature:
• Multiple prefixes are not supported.
• IPv4 and IPv6 virtual routing and forwarding (VRFs) instances are not supported.
• Redundancy is not supported.
• Applications without a corresponding application layer gateway (ALG) may not work properly with the
Stateless NAT64 translator.
• Only valid IPv4-translatable addresses can be used for stateless translation.
• Multicast is not supported.
• The translation of IPv4 options, IPv6 routing headers, hop-by-hop extension headers, destination option
headers, and source routing headers are not supported.
• Fragmented IPv4 UDP packets that do not contain a UDP checksum are not translated.

Information About Stateless Network Address Translation 64

IPv4-Translatable IPv6 Address
IPv4-translatable IPv6 addresses are IPv6 addresses assigned to the IPv6 nodes for use with stateless translation.
IPv4-translatable addresses consist of a variable-length prefix, an embedded IPv4 address, fixed universal
bits (u-bits), and in some cases a suffix. IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses are IPv6 addresses in which 32 bits
contain an IPv4 address. This format is the same for both IPv4-converted and IPv4-translatable IPv6 addresses.
The figure below shows an IPv4-translatable IPv6 address format with several different prefixes and embedded
IPv4 address positions.
Figure 10: IPv4-Translatable IPv6 Address Format

Prefixes Format
A set of bits at the start of an IPv6 address is called the format prefix. Prefix length is a decimal value that
specifies how many of the leftmost contiguous bits of an address comprise the prefix.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Supported Stateless NAT64 Scenarios

An embedded IPv4 address is used to construct IPv4 addresses from the IPv6 packet. The Stateless NAT64
translator has to derive the IPv4 addresses that are embedded in the IPv6-translatable address by using the
prefix length. The translator has to construct an IPv6-translatable address based on the prefix and prefix length
and embed the IPv4 address based on the algorithm.
According to the IETF address format BEHAVE draft, a u-bit (bit 70) defined in the IPv6 architecture should
be set to zero. For more information on the u-bit usage, see RFC 2464. The reserved octet, also called u-octet,
is reserved for compatibility with the host identifier format defined in the IPv6 addressing architecture. When
constructing an IPv6 packet, the translator has to make sure that the u-bits are not tampered with and are set
to the value suggested by RFC 2373. The suffix will be set to all zeros by the translator. IETF recommends
that the 8 bits of the u-octet (bit range 64-71) should be set to zero.
The prefix lengths of 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, or 96 are supported for Stateless NAT64 translation. The Well Known
Prefix (WKP) is not supported. When traffic flows from the IPv4-to-IPv6 direction, either a WKP or a
configured prefix can be added only in stateful translation.

Supported Stateless NAT64 Scenarios

The IETF framework draft for IPv4/IPv6 translation describes eight different network communication scenarios
for Stateless NAT64 translation. The following scenarios are supported by the Cisco IOS Stateless NAT64
feature and are described in this section:
• Scenario 1--an IPv6 network to the IPv4 Internet
• Scenario 2--the IPv4 Internet to an IPv6 network
• Scenario 5--an IPv6 network to an IPv4 network
• Scenario 6--an IPv4 network to an IPv6 network

The figure below shows stateless translation for scenarios 1 and 2. An IPv6-only network communicates with
the IPv4 Internet.
Figure 11: Stateless Translation for Scenarios 1 and 2

Scenario 1 is an IPv6 initiated connection and scenario 2 is an IPv4 initiated connection. Stateless NAT64
translates these two scenarios only if the IPv6 addresses are IPv4 translatable. In these two scenarios, the
Stateless NAT64 feature does not help with IPv4 address depletion, because each IPv6 host that communicates
with the IPv4 Internet is a globally routable IPv4 address. This consumption is similar to the IPv4 consumption
rate as a dual-stack. The savings, however, is that the internal network is 100 percent IPv6, which eases
management (Access Control Lists, routing tables), and IPv4 exists only at the edge where the Stateless
translators live.
The figure below shows stateless translation for scenarios 5 and 6. The IPv4 network and IPv6 network are
within the same organization.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
How to Configure Stateless Network Address Translation 64

Figure 12: Stateless Translation for Scenarios 5 and 6

The IPv4 addresses used are either public IPv4 addresses or RFC 1918 addresses. The IPv6 addresses used
are either public IPv6 addresses or Unique Local Addresses (ULAs).
Both these scenarios consist of an IPv6 network that communicates with an IPv4 network. Scenario 5 is an
IPv6 initiated connection and scenario 6 is an IPv4 initiated connection. The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses may
not be public addresses. These scenarios are similar to the scenarios 1 and 2. The Stateless NAT64 feature
supports these scenarios if the IPv6 addresses are IPv4 translatable.

How to Configure Stateless Network Address Translation 64

Configuring a Routing Network for Stateless NAT64 Communication
Perform this task to configure and verify a routing network for Stateless NAT64 communication. You can
configure stateless NAT64 along with your NAT configuration: static, dynamic, or overload.

Before you begin

• An IPv6 address assigned to any host in the network should have a valid IPv4-translatable address and
vice versa.
• You should enable the ipv6 unicast-routing command for this configuration to work.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ipv6 unicast-routing
4. interface type number
5. description string
6. ipv6 enable
7. ipv6 address {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name sub-bits/prefix-length}
8. nat64 enable
9. exit
10. interface type number
11. description string
12. ip address ip-address mask
13. nat64 enable
14. exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Configuring a Routing Network for Stateless NAT64 Communication

15. nat64 prefix stateless ipv6-prefix/length

16. nat64 route ipv4-prefix/mask interface-type interface-number
17. ipv6 route ipv4-prefix/length interface-type interface-number
18. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ipv6 unicast-routing Enables the forwarding of IPv6 unicast datagrams.


Device(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing

Step 4 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 5 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.


Device(config-if)# description interface facing


Step 6 ipv6 enable Enables IPv6 processing on an interface.


Device(config-if)# ipv6 enable

Step 7 ipv6 address {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name Configures an IPv6 address based on an IPv6 general prefix
sub-bits/prefix-length} and enables IPv6 processing on an interface.

Device(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:DB8::1/128

Step 8 nat64 enable Enables Stateless NAT64 translation on an IPv6 interface.


IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Configuring a Routing Network for Stateless NAT64 Communication

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.

Device(config-if)# exit

Step 10 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0

Step 11 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.


Device(config-if)# description interface facing


Step 12 ip address ip-address mask Configures an IPv4 address for an interface.


Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 13 nat64 enable Enables Stateless NAT64 translation on an IPv4 interface.


Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 14 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.

Device(config-if)# exit

Step 15 nat64 prefix stateless ipv6-prefix/length Defines the Stateless NAT64 prefix to be added to the IPv4
hosts to translate the IPv4 address into an IPv6 address.
• The command also identifies the prefix that must be
Device(config)# nat64 prefix stateless used to create the IPv4-translatable addresses for the
2001:0db8:0:1::/96 IPv6 hosts.

Step 16 nat64 route ipv4-prefix/mask interface-type Routes the IPv4 traffic towards the correct IPv6 interface.

Device(config)# nat64 route

gigabitethernet 0/0/0

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Monitoring and Maintaining the Stateless NAT64 Routing Network

Command or Action Purpose

Step 17 ipv6 route ipv4-prefix/length interface-type Routes the translated packets to the IPv4 address.
• You must configure the ipv6 route command if your
Example: network is not running IPv6 routing protocols.
Device(config)# ipv6 route
2001:DB8:0:1::CB00:7100/120 gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 18 end Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.

Device(config)# end

Monitoring and Maintaining the Stateless NAT64 Routing Network

Perform this task to verify and monitor the Stateless NAT64 routing network. In the privileged EXEC mode,
you can enter the commands in any order.

1. show nat64 statistics
2. show ipv6 route
3. show ip route
4. debug nat64 {all | ha {all | info | trace | warn} | id-manager | info | issu {all | message | trace} | memory
| statistics | trace | warn}
5. ping [protocol [tag]] {host-name | system-address}


Step 1 show nat64 statistics

This command displays the global and interface-specific statistics of the packets that are translated and dropped.

Device# show nat64 statistics

NAT64 Statistics
Global Stats:
Packets translated (IPv4 -> IPv6): 21
Packets translated (IPv6 -> IPv4): 15
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 (IPv4 configured, IPv6 configured):
Packets translated (IPv4 -> IPv6): 5
Packets translated (IPv6 -> IPv4): 0
Packets dropped: 0
GigabitEthernet1/2/0 (IPv4 configured, IPv6 configured):
Packets translated (IPv4 -> IPv6): 0
Packets translated (IPv6 -> IPv4): 5
Packets dropped: 0

Step 2 show ipv6 route

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Monitoring and Maintaining the Stateless NAT64 Routing Network

This command displays the configured stateless prefix and the specific route for the IPv4 embedded IPv6 address pointing
toward the IPv6 side.

Device# show ipv6 route

IPv6 Routing Table - default - 6 entries

Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, U - Per-user Static route
B - BGP, R - RIP, I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2
IA - ISIS interarea, IS - ISIS summary, D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external
ND - Neighbor Discovery
O - OSPF Intra, OI - OSPF Inter, OE1 - OSPF ext 1, OE2 - OSPF ext 2
ON1 - OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPF NSSA ext 2
LC 2001::1/128 [0/0] via FastEthernet0/3/4, receive
S 2001::1B01:10A/128 [1/0] via FastEthernet0/3/4, directly connected
S 3001::/96 [1/0] via ::42, NVI0
S 3001::1E1E:2/128 [1/0] via FastEthernet0/3/0, directly connected
LC 3001::C0A8:64D5/128 [0/0] via FastEthernet0/3/0, receive
L FF00::/8 [0/0] via Null0, receive

Step 3 show ip route

This command displays the IPv4 addresses in the Internet that have reached the IPv4 side.

Device# show ip route

Codes: R - RIP derived, O - OSPF derived,

C - connected, S - static, B - BGP derived,
* - candidate default route, IA - OSPF inter area route,
i - IS-IS derived, ia - IS-IS, U - per-user static route,
o - on-demand routing, M - mobile, P - periodic downloaded static route,
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, E1 - OSPF external type 1 route,
E2 - OSPF external type 2 route, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1 route,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 route
Gateway of last resort is to network
O E2 [160/5] via, 0:01:00, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
O E2 [160/5] via, 0:00:59, Ethernet2
O E2 [160/5] via, 0:00:59, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2
IPv6 Routing Table - default - 6 entries

Step 4 debug nat64 {all | ha {all | info | trace | warn} | id-manager | info | issu {all | message | trace} | memory | statistics
| trace | warn}
This command enables Stateless NAT64 debugging.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Monitoring and Maintaining the Stateless NAT64 Routing Network

Device# debug nat64 statistics

NAT64 statistics debugging is on

Sep 16 18:26:24.537 IST: NAT64 (stats): Received stats update for IDB(FastEthernet0/3/5)
Sep 16 18:26:24.537 IST: NAT64 (stats): Updating pkts_translated_v4v6 from 94368894 to 95856998
(is_delta(TRUE) value(1488104))
Sep 16 18:26:24.537 IST: NAT64 (stats): Received stats update for IDB(FastEthernet0/3/4)
Sep 16 18:26:24.537 IST: NAT64 (stats): Updating pkts_translated_v6v4 from 7771538 to 7894088
(is_delta(TRUE) value(122550))
Sep 16 18:26:24.537 IST: NAT64 (stats): Received global stats update
Sep 16 18:26:24.537 IST: NAT64 (stats): Updating pkts_translated_v4v6 from 1718650332 to 1720138437
(is_delta(TRUE) value(1488105))
Sep 16 18:26:24.537 IST: NAT64 (stats): Updating pkts_translated_v6v4 from 1604459283 to 1604581833
(is_delta(TRUE) value(122550))

Step 5 ping [protocol [tag]] {host-name | system-address}

The following is a sample packet capture from the IPv6 side when you specify the ping command after you
configure the nat64 enable command on both the IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces:

Device# ping

Time Source Destination Protocol Info

1 0.000000 2001::c6a7:2 2001::c6a8:2 ICMPv6 Echo request
Frame 1: 118 bytes on wire (944 bits), 118 bytes captured (944 bits)
Arrival Time: Oct 8, 2010 11:54:06.408354000 India Standard Time
Epoch Time: 1286519046.408354000 seconds
[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
[Time since reference or first frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
Frame Number: 1
Frame Length: 118 bytes (944 bits)
Capture Length: 118 bytes (944 bits)
[Frame is marked: False]
[Frame is ignored: False]
[Protocol in frame: eth:1pv6:icmpv6: data]
Ethernet II, Src:Cisco_c3:64:94 (00:22:64:c3:64:94), Dst: Cisco_23:f2:30 (00:1f:6c:23:f2:30)
Destination: Cisco_23:f2:30 (00:1f:6c:23:f2:30)
Address: Cisco_23:f2:30 (00:1f:6c:23:f2:30)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Source: Cisco_c3:64:94 (00:22:64:c3:64:94)
Address: Cisco_c3:64:94 (00:22:64:c3:64:94)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
.... ...0 .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
Type: IPv6 (0x86dd)
Internet Protocol Version 6, src: 2001::c6a7:2 (2001::c6a7:2), Dst: 2001::c6a8:2 (2001::c6a8:2)
0110 .... = Version: 6
[0110 .... = This field makes the filter “ip.version ==6” possible:: 6]
.... 0000 0000 ... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000
.... 0000 00.. .... .... .... .... .... = Differentiated Services Field: Default (0x00000000)
.... .... ..0. .... .... .... ... .... = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): Not set
.... .... .... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = Flowlabel: 0x00000000
Payload length: 64
Next header: 64
Hop limit: 64
Source: 2001::c6a7:2 (2001::c6a7:2)
[Source Teredo Server IPv4: (]
[Source Teredo Port: 6535]

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Configuration Examples for Stateless Network Address Translation 64

[Source Teredo Client IPv4: (]

Destination: 2001:c6a8:2 (2001::c6a8:2)
[Destination Teredo Server IPv4: {]
[Destination Teredo Port: 65535]
[Destination Teredo Client IPv4: {]
Internet Control Message Protocol v6
Type: 128 (Echo request)
Code: 0 (Should always be zero)
Checksum: 0xaed2 [correct]
ID: 0x5018
Sequence: 0x0000
Data (56 bytes)
Data: 069ae4c0d3b060008090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617...
[Length: 57]

Configuration Examples for Stateless Network Address

Translation 64
Example Configuring a Routing Network for Stateless NAT64 Translation
The following example shows how to configure a routing network for Stateless NAT64 translation:

ipv6 unicast-routing
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
description interface facing ipv6
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 2001:DB8::1/128
nat64 enable

interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0

description interface facing ipv4
ip address
nat64 enable

nat64 prefix stateless 2001:0db8:0:1::/96

nat64 route gigabitethernet 0/0/0
ipv6 route 2001:DB8:0:1::CB00:7100/120 gigabitethernet 0/0/0

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64
Additional References for Stateless Network Address Translation 64

Additional References for Stateless Network Address

Translation 64
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Document Title

RFC 6052 IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators

RFC 6144 Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation

RFC 6145 IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Stateless Network Address Translation

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64

Table 5: Feature Information for Stateless Network Address Translation 64

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

Stateless Network Address 15.4(1)T The Stateless Network Address Translation 64 feature
Translation 64 provides a translation mechanism that translates an IPv6
packet into an IPv4 packet and vice versa. The translation
involves parsing the entire IPv6 header, including the
extension headers, and extracting the relevant information
and translating it into an IPv4 header. Similarly, the IPv4
header is parsed in its entirety, including the IPv4 options,
to construct an IPv6 header. This processing happens on a
per-packet basis on the interfaces that are configured for
Stateless NAT64 translation.
The following commands were introduced or modified: clear
nat64 ha statistics, clear nat64 statistics, debug nat64,
nat64 enable, nat64 prefix, nat64 route, show nat64
adjacency, show nat64 ha status, show nat64 prefix
stateless, show nat64 routes, and show nat64 statistics.

ALG—application-layer gateway or application-level gateway.
FP—Forward Processor.
IPv4-converted address—IPv6 addresses used to represent the IPv4 hosts. These have an explicit mapping
relationship to the IPv4 addresses. This relationship is self-described by mapping the IPv4 address in the IPv6
address. Both stateless and stateful translators use IPv4-converted IPv6 addresses to represent the IPv4 hosts.
IPv6-converted address—IPv6 addresses that are assigned to the IPv6 hosts for the stateless translator. These
IPv6-converted addresses have an explicit mapping relationship to the IPv4 addresses. This relationship is
self-described by mapping the IPv4 address in the IPv6 address. The stateless translator uses the corresponding
IPv4 addresses to represent the IPv6 hosts. The stateful translator does not use IPv6-converted addresses,
because the IPv6 hosts are represented by the IPv4 address pool in the translator via dynamic states.
NAT—Network Address Translation.
RP—Route Processor.
stateful translation—In stateful translation a per-flow state is created when the first packet in a flow is
received. A translation algorithm is said to be stateful if the transmission or reception of a packet creates or
modifies a data structure in the relevant network element. Stateful translation allows the use of multiple
translators interchangeably and also some level of scalability. Stateful translation is defined to enable the IPv6
clients and peers without mapped IPv4 addresses to connect to the IPv4-only servers and peers.
stateless translation—A translation algorithm that is not stateful is called stateless. A stateless translation
requires configuring a static translation table, or may derive information algorithmically from the messages
it is translating. Stateless translation requires less computational overhead than stateful translation. It also
requires less memory to maintain the state, because the translation tables and the associated methods and
processes exist in a stateful algorithm and do not exist in a stateless one. Stateless translation enables the
IPv4-only clients and peers to initiate connections to the IPv6-only servers or peers that are equipped with
IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses. It also enables scalable coordination of IPv4-only stub networks or ISP

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64

IPv6-only networks. Because the source port in an IPv6-to-IPv4 translation may have to be changed to provide
adequate flow identification, the source port in the IPv4-to-IPv6 direction need not be changed.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateless Network Address Translation 64

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
The Stateful Network Address Translation 64 feature provides a translation mechanism that translates IPv6
packets into IPv4 packets and vice versa. The stateful NAT64 translator algorithmically translates the IPv4
addresses of IPv4 hosts to and from IPv6 addresses by using the configured stateful prefix. In a similar manner,
the IPv6 addresses of IPv6 hosts are translated to and from IPv4 addresses through Network Address Translation
(NAT). Stateful Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) also translates protocols and IP addresses. The
Stateful NAT64 translator enables native IPv6 or IPv4 communication and facilitates coexistence of IPv4 and
IPv6 networks.
This document explains how Stateful NAT64 works and how to configure your network for Stateful NAT64
• Finding Feature Information, on page 97
• Prerequisites for Configuring Stateful Network Address Translation 64, on page 98
• Restrictions for Configuring Stateful Network Address Translation 64, on page 98
• Information About Stateful Network Address Translation 64, on page 98
• How to Configure Stateful Network Address Translation 64, on page 102
• Configuration Examples for Stateful Network Address Translation 64, on page 111
• Additional References, on page 113
• Feature Information for Stateful Network Address Translation 64, on page 113

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Prerequisites for Configuring Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Prerequisites for Configuring Stateful Network Address

Translation 64
• For Domain Name System (DNS) traffic to work, you must have a separate working installation of

Restrictions for Configuring Stateful Network Address

Translation 64
• Applications without a corresponding application-level gateway (ALG) may not work properly with the
Stateful NAT64 translator.
• IP Multicast is not supported.
• The translation of IPv4 options, IPv6 routing headers, hop-by-hop extension headers, destination option
headers, and source routing headers is not supported.
• Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)-aware NAT64 is not supported.
• When traffic flows from IPv6 to IPv4, the destination IP address that you have configured must match
a stateful prefix to prevent hairpinning loops. However, the source IP address (source address of the IPv6
host) must not match the stateful prefix. If the source IP address matches the stateful prefix, packets are
Hairpinning allows two endpoints inside Network Address Translation (NAT) to communicate with each
other, even when the endpoints use only each other's external IP addresses and ports for communication.
• Only TCP and UDP Layer 4 protocols are supported for header translation.
• Routemaps are not supported.
• Application-level gateways (ALGs) FTP and ICMP are not supported.
• In the absence of a pre-existing state in NAT 64, stateful translation only supports IPv6-initiated sessions.
• If a static mapping host-binding entry exists for an IPv6 host, the IPv4 nodes can initiate communication.
In dynamic mapping, IPv4 nodes can initiate communication only if a host-binding entry is created for
the IPv6 host through a previously established connection to the same or a different IPv4 host.
Dynamic mapping rules that use Port-Address Translation (PAT), host-binding entries cannot be created
because IPv4-initiated communication not possible through PAT.
• Both NAT44 (static, dynamic and PAT) configuration and stateful NAT64 configuration are not supported
on the same interface.

Information About Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
The Stateful NAT64 feature provides a translation mechanism that translates IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets
and vice versa.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Supported Stateful NAT64 Scenarios

Stateful NAT64 supports TCP, and UDP traffic. Packets that are generated in an IPv6 network and are destined
for an IPv4 network are routed within the IPv6 network towards the Stateful NAT64 translator. Stateful NAT64
translates the packets and forwards them as IPv4 packets through the IPv4 network. The process is reversed
for traffic that is generated by hosts connected to the IPv4 network and destined for an IPv6 receiver.
The Stateful NAT64 translation is not symmetric, because the IPv6 address space is larger than the IPv4
address space and a one-to-one address mapping is not possible. Before it can perform an IPv6 to an IPv4
translation, Stateful NAT64 requires a state that binds the IPv6 address and the TCP/UDP port to the IPv4
address. The binding state is either statically configured or dynamically created when the first packet that
flows from the IPv6 network to the IPv4 network is translated. After the binding state is created, packets
flowing in both directions are translated. In dynamic binding, Stateful NAT64 supports communication initiated
by the IPv6-only node toward an IPv4-only node. Static binding supports communication initiated by an
IPv4-only node to an IPv6-only node and vice versa. Stateful NAT64 with NAT overload or Port Address
Translation (PAT) provides a 1:n mapping between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
When an IPv6 node initiates traffic through Stateful NAT64, and the incoming packet does not have an existing
state and the following events happen:
• The source IPv6 address (and the source port) is associated with an IPv4 configured pool address (and
port, based on the configuration).
• The destination IPv6 address is translated mechanically based on the BEHAVE translation draft using
either the configured NAT64 stateful prefix or the Well Known Prefix (WKP).
• The packet is translated from IPv6 to IPv4 and forwarded to the IPv4 network.

When an incoming packet is stateful (if a state exists for an incoming packet), NAT64 identifies the state and
uses the state to translate the packet.

Supported Stateful NAT64 Scenarios

The following scenarios are supported by the Stateful NAT64 feature and are described in this section:
• Scenario 1—an IPv6 network to the IPv4 Internet
• Scenario 3—an IPv6 Internet to an IPv4 network
• Scenario 5—an IPv6 network to an IPv4 network

Scenario 1
An IPv6-only network that communicates with a global IPv4 Internet. This type of network is also called a
green-field network. In a green-field enterprise network only the the border between its network and the IPv4
Internet can be modified.
Translation is performed between IPv4 and IPv6 packets in unidirectional or bidirectional flows that are
initiated from an IPv6 host towards an IPv4 host. Port translation is necessary on the IPv4 side for efficient
IPv4 address usage. The stateful translator can service an IPv6 network of any size.
Both Stateful NAT64 and Stateless NAT64 support Scenario 1.

Scenario 3
Scenario 3 shows a legacy IPv4 network that provide services to IPv6 hosts. IPv6-initiated communication
can be achieved through stateful translation in this scenario.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Prefixes Format for Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Translation is preformed between IPv4 and IPv6 packets in unidirectional or bidirectional flows that are
initiated from an IPv6 host towards an IPv4 host. The stateful translator can service an IPv4 network using
either private or public IPv4 addresses.

Note Do not use the Well-Known Prefix (WKP) for Scenario 3, because it would lead to using the WKP with
non-global IPv4 addresses. Use a network-specific prefix (example, /96 prefix) in Scenario 3. For more
information, see RFC 6052, section "3.4 Choice of Prefix for Stateful Translation Deployments"

Scenario 5
This scenario has an IPv4 and IPv6 network within the same organization. The IPv4 addresses used are either
public IPv4 addresses or RFC 1918-compliant addresses. IPv6 addresses are either public IPv6 addresses or
Unique Local Addresses (ULAs) as specified by RFC 4193.
Translation is performed between IPv6 and IPv4 packets in unidirectional or bidirectional flows that are
initiated from an IPv6 host towards an IPv4 host. The stateful translator can service both IPv6 and IPv4
networks of any size; however neither networks should not be the Internet.
Both Stateful NAT64 and Stateless NAT64 support Scenario 5.

Prefixes Format for Stateful Network Address Translation 64

A set of bits at the start of an IPv6 address is called the format prefix. Prefix length is a decimal value that
specifies how many of the leftmost contiguous bits of an address comprise the prefix.
When packets flow from the IPv6 to the IPv4 direction, the IPv4 host address is derived from the destination
IP address of the IPv6 packet that uses the prefix length. When packets flow from the IPv4 to the IPv6 direction,
the IPv4 host address is constructed using the stateful prefix.
According to the IETF address format BEHAVE draft, a u-bit (bit 70) defined in the IPv6 architecture should
be set to zero. For more information on the u-bit usage, see RFC 2464. The reserved octet, also called u-octet,
is reserved for compatibility with the host identifier format defined in the IPv6 addressing architecture. When
constructing an IPv6 packet, the translator has to make sure that the u-bits are not tampered with and are set
to the value suggested by RFC 2373. The suffix will be set to all zeros by the translator. IETF recommends
that the 8 bits of the u-octet (bit range 64–71) be set to zero.

Well Known Prefix

The Well Known Prefix 64:FF9B::/96 is supported for Stateful NAT64. During a stateful translation, if no
stateful prefix is configured (either on the interface or globally), the WKP prefix is used to translate the IPv4
host addresses.

Stateful IPv4-to-IPv6 Packet Flow

The packet flow of IPv4-initiated packets for Stateful NAT64 is as follows:
• The destination address is routed to a NAT Virtual Interface (NVI).
A virtual interface is created when Stateful NAT64 is configured. For Stateful NAT64 translation to
work, all packets must get routed to the NVI. When you configure an address pool, a route is automatically
added to all IPv4 addresses in the pool. This route automatically points to the NVI.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Stateful IPv6-to-IPv4 Packet Flow

• The IPv4-initiated packet hits static or dynamic binding.

Dynamic address bindings are created by the Stateful NAT64 translator when you configure dynamic
Stateful NAT64. A binding is dynamically created between an IPv6 and an IPv4 address pool. Dynamic
binding is triggered by the IPv6-to-IPv4 traffic and the address is dynamically allocated. Based on your
configuration, you can have static or dynamic binding.
• The IPv4-initiated packet is protocol-translated and the destination IP address of the packet is set to IPv6
based on static or dynamic binding. The Stateful NAT64 translator translates the source IP address to
IPv6 by using the Stateful NAT64 prefix (if a stateful prefix is configured) or the Well Known Prefix
(WKP) (if a stateful prefix is not configured).
• A session is created based on the translation information.

All subsequent IPv4-initiated packets are translated based on the previously created session.

Stateful IPv6-to-IPv4 Packet Flow

The stateful IPv6-initiated packet flow is as follows:
• The first IPv6 packet is routed to the NAT Virtual Interface (NVI) based on the automatic routing setup
that is configured for the stateful prefix. Stateful NAT64 performs a series of lookups to determine
whether the IPv6 packet matches any of the configured mappings based on an access control list (ACL)
lookup. Based on the mapping, an IPv4 address (and port) is associated with the IPv6 destination address.
The IPv6 packet is translated and the IPv4 packet is formed by using the following methods:
• Extracting the destination IPv4 address by stripping the prefix from the IPv6 address. The source
address is replaced by the allocated IPv4 address (and port).
• The rest of the fields are translated from IPv6-to-IPv4 to form a valid IPv4 packet.

Note This protocol translation is the same for stateless NAT64.

• A new NAT64 translation is created in the session database and in the bind database. The pool and port
databases are updated depending on the configuration. The return traffic and the subsequent traffic of
the IPv6 packet flow will use this session database entry for translation.

IP Packet Filtering
Stateful Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) filters IPv6 and IPv4 packets. All IPv6 packets that are
transmitted into the stateful translator are filtered because statefully translated IPv6 packets consume resources
in the translator. These packets consume processor resources for packet processing, memory resources (always
session memory) for static configuration, IPv4 address resources for dynamic configuration, and IPv4 address
and port resources for Port Address Translation (PAT).
Stateful NAT64 utilizes configured access control lists (ACLs) and prefix lists to filter IPv6-initiated traffic
flows that are allowed to create the NAT64 state. Filtering of IPv6 packets is done in the IPv6-to-IPv4 direction
because dynamic allocation of mapping between an IPv6 host and an IPv4 address can be done only in this

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
How to Configure Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Stateful NAT64 supports endpoint-dependent filtering for the IPv4-to-IPv6 packet flow with PAT configuration.
In a Stateful NAT64 PAT configuration, the packet flow must have originated from the IPv6 realm and created
the state information in NAT64 state tables. Packets from the IPv4 side that do not have a previously created
state are dropped. Endpoint-independent filtering is supported with static Network Address Translation (NAT)
and non-PAT configurations.

How to Configure Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Based on your network configuration, you can configure static, dynamic, or dynamic Port Address Translation
(PAT) Stateful NAT64.

Note You need to configure at least one of the configurations described in the following tasks for Stateful NAT64
to work.

Configuring Static Stateful Network Address Translation 64

You can configure a static IPv6 address to an IPv4 address and vice versa. Optionally, you can configure
static Stateful NAT64 with or without ports. Perform this task to configure static Stateful NAT64.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ipv6 unicast-routing
4. interface type number
5. description string
6. ipv6 enable
7. ipv6 address {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name sub-bits/prefix-length}
8. nat64 enable
9. exit
10. interface type number
11. description string
12. ip address ip-address mask
13. nat64 enable
14. exit
15. nat64 prefix stateful ipv6-prefix/length
16. nat64 v6v4 static ipv6-address ipv4-address
17. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuring Static Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Command or Action Purpose

Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ipv6 unicast-routing Enables the forwarding of IPv6 unicast datagrams.

Device(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing

Step 4 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 5 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.

Device(config-if)# description interface facing

Step 6 ipv6 enable Enables IPv6 processing on an interface.

Device(config-if)# ipv6 enable

Step 7 ipv6 address {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name Configures an IPv6 address based on an IPv6 general prefix
sub-bits/prefix-length} and enables IPv6 processing on an interface.
Device(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1::1/96

Step 8 nat64 enable Enables NAT64 translation on an IPv6 interface.

Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 10 interface type number Configures an interface and enters interface configuration
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0

Step 11 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.

Device(config-if)# description interface facing

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Command or Action Purpose

Step 12 ip address ip-address mask Configures an IPv4 address for an interface.
Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 13 nat64 enable Enables NAT64 translation on an IPv4 interface.

Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 14 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 15 nat64 prefix stateful ipv6-prefix/length Defines the Stateful NAT64 prefix to be added to IPv4
hosts to translate the IPv4 address into an IPv6 address.
Device(config)# nat64 prefix stateful • The Stateful NAT64 prefix can be configured at the
2001:DB8:1::1/96 global configuration level or at the interface level.

Step 16 nat64 v6v4 static ipv6-address ipv4-address Enables NAT64 IPv6-to-IPv4 static address mapping.
Device(config)# nat64 v6v4 static 2001:DB8:1::FFFE

Step 17 end Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64

A dynamic Stateful NAT64 configuration provides a one-to-one mapping of IPv6 addresses to IPv4 addresses
in the address pool. You can use the dynamic Stateful NAT64 configuration when the number of active IPv6
hosts is less than the number of IPv4 addresses in the pool. Perform this task to configure dynamic Stateful

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ipv6 unicast-routing
4. interface type number
5. description string
6. ipv6 enable
7. ipv6 {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name sub-bits/prefix-length}
8. nat64 enable
9. exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64

10. interface type number

11. description string
12. ip address ip-address mask
13. nat64 enable
14. exit
15. ipv6 access-list access-list-name
16. permit ipv6 ipv6-address any
17. exit
18. nat64 prefix stateful ipv6-prefix/length
19. nat64 v4 pool pool-name start-ip-address end-ip-address
20. nat64 v6v4 list access-list-name pool pool-name
21. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ipv6 unicast-routing Enables the forwarding of IPv6 unicast datagrams.

Device(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing

Step 4 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 5 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.

Device(config-if)# description interface facing

Step 6 ipv6 enable Enables IPv6 processing on an interface.

Device(config-if)# ipv6 enable

Step 7 ipv6 {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name Configures an IPv6 address based on an IPv6 general prefix
sub-bits/prefix-length} and enables IPv6 processing on an interface.
Device(config-if)# ipv6 2001:DB8:1::1/96

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Command or Action Purpose

Step 8 nat64 enable Enables Stateful NAT64 translation on an IPv6 interface.
Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 10 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0

Step 11 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.

Device(config-if)# description interface facing

Step 12 ip address ip-address mask Configures an IPv4 address for an interface.

Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 13 nat64 enable Enables Stateful NAT64 translation on an IPv4 interface.

Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 14 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 15 ipv6 access-list access-list-name Defines an IPv6 access list and enters IPv6 access list
configuration mode.
Device(config)# ipv6 access-list nat64-acl

Step 16 permit ipv6 ipv6-address any Sets permit conditions for an IPv6 access list.
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6
2001:DB8:2::/96 any

Step 17 exit Exits IPv6 access list configuration mode and enters global
configuration mode.
Device(config-ipv6-acl# exit

Step 18 nat64 prefix stateful ipv6-prefix/length Enables NAT64 IPv6-to-IPv4 address mapping.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuring Dynamic Port Address Translation Stateful NAT64

Command or Action Purpose

Device(config)# nat64 prefix stateful

Step 19 nat64 v4 pool pool-name start-ip-address end-ip-address Defines the Stateful NAT64 IPv4 address pool.
Device(config)# nat64 v4 pool pool1

Step 20 nat64 v6v4 list access-list-name pool pool-name Dynamically translates an IPv6 source address to an IPv6
source address and an IPv6 destination address to an IPv4
destination address for NAT64.
Device(config)# nat64 v6v4 list nat64-acl pool

Step 21 end Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Configuring Dynamic Port Address Translation Stateful NAT64

A Port Address Translation (PAT) or overload configuration is used to multiplex (mapping IPv6 addresses
to a single IPv4 pool address) multiple IPv6 hosts to a pool of available IPv4 addresses on a first-come
first-served basis. The dynamic PAT configuration conserves the IPv4 address space while providing
connectivity to the IPv4 Internet. Configure the nat64 v6v4 list command with the overload keyword to
configure PAT address translation. Perform this task to configure dynamic PAT Stateful NAT64.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ipv6 unicast-routing
4. interface type number
5. description string
6. ipv6 enable
7. ipv6 {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name sub-bits/prefix-length}
8. nat64 enable
9. exit
10. interface type number
11. description string
12. ip address ip-address mask
13. nat64 enable
14. exit
15. ipv6 access-list access-list-name
16. permit ipv6 ipv6-address any
17. exit
18. nat64 prefix stateful ipv6-prefix/length

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuring Dynamic Port Address Translation Stateful NAT64

19. nat64 v4 pool pool-name start-ip-address end-ip-address

20. nat64 v6v4 list access-list-name pool pool-name overload
21. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ipv6 unicast-routing Enables the forwarding of IPv6 unicast datagrams.

Device(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing

Step 4 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 5 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.

Device(config-if)# description interface facing

Step 6 ipv6 enable Enables IPv6 processing on an interface.

Device(config-if)# ipv6 enable

Step 7 ipv6 {ipv6-address/prefix-length | prefix-name Configures an IPv6 address based on an IPv6 general prefix
sub-bits/prefix-length} and enables IPv6 processing on an interface.
Device(config-if)# ipv6 2001:DB8:1::1/96

Step 8 nat64 enable Enables Stateful NAT64 translation on an IPv6 interface.

Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 9 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuring Dynamic Port Address Translation Stateful NAT64

Command or Action Purpose

Step 10 interface type number Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0

Step 11 description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.

Device(config-if)# description interface facing

Step 12 ip address ip-address mask Configures an IPv4 address for an interface.

Device(config-if)# ip address

Step 13 nat64 enable Enables Stateful NAT64 translation on an IPv6 interface.

Device(config-if)# nat64 enable

Step 14 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.
Device(config-if)# exit

Step 15 ipv6 access-list access-list-name Defines an IPv6 access list and places the device in IPv6
access list configuration mode.
Device(config)# ipv6 access-list nat64-acl

Step 16 permit ipv6 ipv6-address any Sets permit conditions for an IPv6 access list.
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6
2001:db8:2::/96 any

Step 17 exit Exits IPv6 access list configuration mode and enters global
configuration mode.
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit

Step 18 nat64 prefix stateful ipv6-prefix/length Enables NAT64 IPv6-to-IPv4 address mapping.
Device(config)# nat64 prefix stateful

Step 19 nat64 v4 pool pool-name start-ip-address end-ip-address Defines the Stateful NAT64 IPv4 address pool.
Device(config)# nat64 v4 pool pool1

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Monitoring and Maintaining a Stateful NAT64 Routing Network

Command or Action Purpose

Step 20 nat64 v6v4 list access-list-name pool pool-name Enables NAT64 PAT or overload address translation.
Device(config)# nat64 v6v4 list nat64-acl pool
pool1 overload

Step 21 end Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Monitoring and Maintaining a Stateful NAT64 Routing Network

Use the following commands in any order to display the status of your Stateful Network Address Translation
64 (NAT64) configuration.

1. show nat64 aliases [lower-address-range upper-address-range]
2. show nat64 logging
3. show nat64 prefix stateful {global | {interfaces | static-routes} [prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length]}
4. show nat64 timeouts


Step 1 show nat64 aliases [lower-address-range upper-address-range]

This command displays the IP aliases created by NAT64.
Device# show nat64 aliases

Aliases configured: 1
Address Table ID Inserted Flags Send ARP Reconcilable Stale Ref-Count 0 FALSE 0x0030 FALSE TRUE FALSE 1

Step 2 show nat64 logging

This command displays NAT64 logging.
Device# show nat64 logging

NAT64 Logging Type

Method Protocol Dst. Address Dst. Port Src. Port

flow export UDP 5000 60087

Step 3 show nat64 prefix stateful {global | {interfaces | static-routes} [prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length]}
This command displays information about NAT64 stateful prefixes.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Configuration Examples for Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Device# show nat64 prefix stateful interfaces

Stateful Prefixes

Interface NAT64 Enabled Global Prefix

GigabitEthernet0/1/0 TRUE TRUE 2001:DB8:1:1/96
GigabitEthernet0/1/3 TRUE FALSE 2001:DB8:2:2/96

Step 4 show nat64 timeouts

This command displays statistics for NAT64 translation session timeout.
Device# show nat64 timeouts

NAT64 Timeout

Seconds CLI Cfg Uses 'All' all flows

86400 FALSE FALSE udp
300 FALSE TRUE tcp
7200 FALSE TRUE tcp-transient
240 FALSE FALSE icmp

Configuration Examples for Stateful Network Address

Translation 64
Example: Configuring Static Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
Device(config-if)# description interface facing ipv6
Device(config-if)# ipv6 enable
Device(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1::1/96
Device(confif-if)# nat64 enable
Device(config-fi)# exit
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0
Device(config-if)# description interface facing ipv4
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# nat64 enable
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# nat64 prefix stateful 2001:DB8:1::1/96
Device(config)# nat64 v6v4 static 2001:DB8:1::FFFE
Device(config)# end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Example: Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Example: Configuring Dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
Device(config-if)# description interface facing ipv6
Device(config-if)# ipv6 enable
Device(config-if)# ipv6 2001:DB8:1::1/96
Device(config-if)# nat64 enable
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0
Device(config-if)# description interface facing ipv4
Device(config-if)# ip address
Device(config-if)# nat64 enable
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 access-list nat64-acl
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 2001:db8:2::/96 any
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit
Device(config)# nat64 prefix stateful 2001:db8:1::1/96
Device(config)# nat64 v4 pool pool1
Device(config)# nat64 v6v4 list nat64-acl pool pool1
Device(config)# end

Example: Configuring Dynamic Port Address Translation Stateful NAT64

configure terminal
ipv6 unicast-routing
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
description interface facing ipv6
ipv6 enable
ipv6 2001:DB8:1::1/96
nat64 enable
interface gigabitethernet 1/2/0
description interface facing ipv4
ip address
nat64 enable
ipv6 access-list nat64-acl
permit ipv6 2001:db8:2::/96 any
nat64 prefix stateful 2001:db8:1::1/96
nat64 v4 pool pool1
nat64 v6v4 list nat64-acl pool pool1 overload

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Additional References

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands IP Addressing Services Command Reference

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title
RFC 4291 IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture

RFC 6144 Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation

RFC 6052 IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators

Technical Assistance

Description Link
The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including
documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues
with Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about your products, you can
subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from
Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple
Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user
ID and password.

Feature Information for Stateful Network Address Translation

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Stateful Network Address Translation 64
Feature Information for Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Table 6: Feature Information for Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

Stateful Network Address 15.4(2)T The Stateful Network Address Translation 64

Translation 64 feature provides a translation mechanism that
translates IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets and
vice versa. The Stateful NAT64 translator,
algorithmically translates the IPv4 addresses
of IPv4 hosts to and from IPv6 addresses by
using the configured stateful prefix. In a similar
manner, the IPv6 addresses of IPv6 hosts are
translated to and from IPv4 addresses through
The following commands were introduced or
modified: clear nat64 statistics, debug nat64,
nat64 logging, nat64 prefix stateful, nat64
translation, nat64 v4, nat64 v4v6, nat64
v6v4, show nat64 aliases, show nat64 limits,
show nat64 logging, show nat64 mappings
dynamic, show nat64 mappings static, show
nat64 services, show nat64 pools, show nat64
prefix stateful, show nat64 statistics, show
nat64 timeouts, and show nat64 translations.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
The Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation feature provides connectivity to IPv4 hosts across IPv6
domains. Mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) is a mechanism that performs double
translation (IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa) on customer edge (CE) devices and border routers.
This module provides an overview of MAP-T and explains how to configure this feature.
• Restrictions for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation, on page 115
• Information About Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation, on page 115
• How to Configure Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation, on page 119
• Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation, on page 121
• Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation, on page 122
• Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation, on page 123
• Glossary, on page 124

Restrictions for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

• The mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) customer edge (CE) functionality is not
• In Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.2 release, the support for MAP-T domains were extended to 10000 domains.
For releases prior to Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.2, a maximum of 128 MAP-T domains are supported.
• Forwarding mapping rule (FMR) is not supported.

Information About Mapping of Address and Port Using

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation Overview
The Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation feature provides connectivity to IPv4 hosts across IPv6
domains. Mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) builds on the existing stateless IPv4 and
IPv6 address translation techniques that are specified in RFCs 6052, 6144, and 6145.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
MAP-T Mapping Rules

MAP-T is a mechanism that performs double translation (IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa) on customer edge (CE)
devices and border routers. The Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation feature supports only the
MAP-T border router functionality. This feature does not support the MAP-T CE functionality.
The Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation feature leverages the Network Address Translation 64
(NAT64) translation engine and adds the MAP-T border router function to the NAT64 stateless function.
MAP-T is enabled on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. MAP-T uses IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding, IPv4 and IPv6
fragmentation functions, and NAT64 translation functions. A MAP-T domain is one or more MAP CE devices
and a border router, all connected to the same IPv6 network.
A MAP-T CE device connects a user’s private IPv4 address and the native IPv6 network to the IPv6-only
MAP-T domain. The MAP-T border router uses the stateless IPv4/IPv6 translation to connect external IPv4
networks to all devices available in the one or more MAP-T domains. MAP-T requires only one IPv6 prefix
per network and supports the regular IPv6 prefix/address assignment mechanisms. The MAP-T domain
contains regular IPv6-only hosts or servers that have an IPv4-translatable IPv6 address. MAP-T does not
require the operation of an IPv4 overlay network or the introduction of a non-native-IPv6 network device or
server functionality.
A MAP-T configuration provides the following features:
• Retains the ability for IPv4 end hosts to communicate across the IPv6 domain with other IPv4 hosts.
• Permits both individual IPv4 address assignment and IPv4 address sharing with a predefined port range.
• Allows communication between IPv4-only and IPv6-enabled end hosts and native IPv6-only servers in
domains that use IPv4-translatable IPv6 addresses.
• Allows the use of IPv6 native network operations, including the ability to classify IP traffic and perform
IP traffic routing optimization policies such as routing optimization based on peering policies for IPv4
destinations outside the domain.

MAP-T Mapping Rules

Mapping rules define the mapping between an IPv4 prefix and an IPv4 address or between a shared IPv4
address and an IPv6 prefix/address. Each mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) domain
uses a different mapping rule.
A MAP-T configuration has one basic mapping rule (BMR), one default mapping rule (DMR), and one or
more forwarding mapping rules (FMRs) for each MAP-T domain. You must configure the DMR before
configuring the BMR for a MAP-T domain.
The three types of mapping rules are described below:
• A BMR configures the MAP IPv6 address or prefix. The basic mapping rule is configured for the source
address prefix. You can configure only one basic mapping rule per IPv6 prefix. The basic mapping rule
is used by the MAP-T CE to configure itself with an IPv4 address, an IPv4 prefix, or a shared IPv4
address from an IPv6 prefix. The basic mapping rule can also be used for forwarding packets, where an
IPv4 destination address and a destination port are mapped into an IPv6 address/prefix. Every MAP-T
node (a CE device is a MAP-T node) must be provisioned with a basic mapping rule. You can use the
port-parameters command to configure port parameters for the MAP-T BMR.
• A DMR is a mandatory rule that is used for mapping IPv4 information to IPv6 addresses for destinations
outside a MAP-T domain. A entry is automatically configured in the MAP rule table (MRT)
for this rule.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
MAP-T Address Formats

• An FMR is used for forwarding packets. Each FMR results in an entry in the MRT for the rule IPv4
prefix. FMR is an optional rule for mapping IPv4 and IPv6 destinations within a MAP-T domain.

Note FMR is not supported by the Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

MAP-T Address Formats

The mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) customer edge (CE) device address format is
defined by the IETF draft Mapping of Address and Port (MAP). Address formats are used during mapping
rule operations to construct the source and destination IPv6 addresses.

Note Forwarding mapping rule (FMR) is not supported by the Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

The figure below shows the mapped CE address format as defined in MAP-T configuration. This address
format is used in basic mapping rule (BMR) and FMR operations.
Figure 13: IPv4-Translatable Address for BMR and FMR

The figure below shows the address format used by the MAP-T default mapping rule (DMR), an IPv4-translated
address that is specific to MAP-T configuration.
Figure 14: IPv4-Translated Address for DMR

Packet Forwarding in MAP-T Customer Edge Devices

Note The Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation feature does not support the MAP-T customer edge (CE)
functionality. The CE functionality is provided by third-party devices.

IPv4-to-IPv6 Packet Forwarding

A mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) CE device that receives IPv4 packets performs
Network Address Translation (NAT) and creates appropriate NAT stateful bindings. The resulting IPv4 packets
contain the source IPv4 address and the source transport number defined by MAP-T. This IPv4 packet is
forwarded to the CE’s MAP-T, which performs IPv4-to-IPv6 stateless translation. IPv6 source and destination
addresses are then derived by the MAP-T translation, and IPv4 headers are replaced with IPv6 headers.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Packet Forwarding in Border Routers

IPv6-to-IPv4 Packet Forwarding

A MAP-T CE device that receives an IPv6 packet performs its regular IPv6 operations. Only the packets that
are addressed to the basic mapping rule (BMR) address are sent to the CE’s MAP-T. All other IPv6 traffic is
forwarded based on the IPv6 routing rules on the CE device. The CE device checks if the transport-layer
destination port number of the packets received from MAP-T is in the range that was configured and forwards
packets that confirm to the port number. The CE device drops all nonconforming packets and responds with
an Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6 (ICMPv6) “Address Unreachable” message.

Packet Forwarding in Border Routers

IPv4-to-IPv6 Packet Forwarding
An incoming IPv4 packet is processed by the IPv4 input interface, and the destination route lookup routes the
IPv4 packet to the mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) virtual interface. The border router
compares the packet against the IPv4 prefix lookup unit (PLU) tree to obtain the corresponding basic mapping
rule (BMR), the default mapping rule (DMR), and the forwarding mapping rule (FMR). Based on the BMR
or FMR rules, the border router constructs the IPv6 destination address by encoding the embedded address
(EA) bits and adding a suffix. The IPv6 source address is constructed from the DMR rule.
After the IPv6 source and destination addresses are constructed, the packet uses the Network Address
Translation 64 (NAT64) IPv4-to-IPv6 translation to construct the IPv6 packet. A routing lookup is done on
the IPv6 packet, and the packet is forwarded to the IPv6 egress interface for processing and transmission.

IPv6-to-IPv4 Packet Forwarding

An incoming IPv6 packet is processed by the IPv6 input interface, and the destination route lookup routes the
IPv6 packet to the MAP-T virtual interface. The software compares the packet against the IPv6 PLU tree to
obtain the corresponding BMR, DMR, and FMR rules. The border router checks whether the port-set ID
(PSID) and the port set match. If the port-set ID and port set match, the DMR rule matches the packet destination
of the IPv6 packet. Based on the BMR and FMR, the border router constructs the IPv4 source address and
extracts the IPv4 destination address from the IPv6 destination address. The IPv6 packet uses the NAT64
IPv6-to-IPv4 translation engine to construct the IPv4 packet from the IPv6 packet. A routing lookup is done
on the IPv4 packet, and the IPv4 packet is forwarded to the IPv4 egress interface for processing and

ICMP/ICMPv6 Header Translation for MAP-T

Mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) customer edge (CE) devices and border routers use
the ICMP/ICMPv6 translation for address sharing of port ranges.
Unlike TCP and UDP, which provide two port fields to represent source and destination addresses, the Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and ICMP Version 6 (ICMPv6) query message headers have only one ID
When an ICMP query message originates from an IPv4 host that exists beyond a MAP-T CE device, the ICMP
ID field is exclusively used to identify the IPv4 host. The MAP-T CE device rewrites the ID field to a port-set
value that is obtained through the basic mapping rule (BMR) during the IPv4-to-IPv6 translation, and the
border router translates ICMPv6 packets to ICMP.
When a MAP-T border router receives an ICMP packet that contains an ID field that is bound for a shared
address in the MAP-T domain, the MAP-T border router uses the ID field as a substitute for the destination
port to determine the IPv6 destination address. The border router derives the destination IPv6 address by

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Path MTU Discovery and Fragmentation in MAP-T

mapping the destination IPv4 address without the port information for packets that do not contain the ID field,
and the corresponding CE device translates the ICMPv6 packets to ICMP.

Path MTU Discovery and Fragmentation in MAP-T

Mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) uses path maximum transmission unit (MTU) discovery
and fragmentation for IPv4-to-IPv6 translation because the size of IPv4 (more than 20 octets) and IPv6 (40
octets) headers is different. The MTU defines the largest size of a packet that an interface can transmit without
the need to fragment the packet. IP packets larger than the MTU must go through IP fragmentation procedures.
When an IPv4 node performs path MTU discovery by setting the Don't Fragment (DF) bit in the packet header,
path MTU discovery operates end-to-end across the MAP-T border router and customer edge (CE) translators.
During IPv4 path MTU discovery, either the IPv4 device or the IPv6 device can send ICMP “Packet Too Big”
messages to the sender. When IPv6 devices send these messages as Internet Control Message Protocol Version
6 (ICMPv6) errors, the packets that follow the message pass through the translator and result in an appropriate
ICMP error message sent to the IPv4 sender.
When the IPv4 sender does not set the DF bit, the translator fragments the IPv4 packet and includes the packet
with fragment headers to fit the packet in the minimum MTU 1280-byte IPv6 packets. When packets are
fragmented, either by the sender or by IPv4 devices, the low-order 16 bits of the fragment identification are
carried end-to-end across the MAP-T domain to ensure that packets are reassembled correctly.

How to Configure Mapping of Address and Port Using

Configuring Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Before you begin
• Configure the ipv6 enable command on interfaces on which you configure the Mapping of Address and
Port Using Translation feature.
• Configure the default mapping rule before you configure the basic mapping rule.
• While configuring mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T), the default mapping rule
(DMR) prefix, the IPv6 user prefix, and the IPv6 prefix plus the embedded address (EA) bits must be
less than or equal to 64 bits, and the share ratio plus the contiguous ports plus the start port must be 16

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. nat64 map-t domain number
4. default-mapping-rule ipv6-prefix/prefix-length
5. basic-mapping-rule

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Configuring Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

6. ipv6-prefix prefix/length
7. ipv4-prefix prefix/length
8. port-parameters share-ratio ratio [start-port port-number]
9. end
10. show nat64 map-t domain number


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter you password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 nat64 map-t domain number Configures the Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64)
mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T)
domain and enters NAT64 MAP-T configuration mode.
Device(config)# nat64 map-t domain 1

Step 4 default-mapping-rule ipv6-prefix/prefix-length Configures the default domain mapping rule for the MAP-T
Device(config-nat64-mapt)# default-mapping-rule

Step 5 basic-mapping-rule Configures the basic mapping rule (BMR) for the MAP-T
domain and enters NAT64 MAP-T BMR configuration
Device(config-nat64-mapt)# basic-mapping-rule

Step 6 ipv6-prefix prefix/length Configures an IPv6 address and prefix for the MAP-T
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# ipv6-prefix

Step 7 ipv4-prefix prefix/length Configures an IPv4 address and prefix for the MAP-T
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# ipv4-prefix

Step 8 port-parameters share-ratio ratio [start-port Configures port parameters for the MAP-T BMR.
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# port-parameters
share-ratio 16 start-port 1024

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

Command or Action Purpose

Step 9 end Exits NAT64 MAP-T BMR configuration mode and
returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# end

Step 10 show nat64 map-t domain number Displays MAP-T domain information.
Device# show nat64 map-t domain 1

The following is sample output from the show nat64 map-t domain command:
Device# show nat64 map-t domain 1

MAP-T Domain 1
Mode MAP-T
Ip-v6-prefix 2001:DA8:B001:FFFF::/64
Ip-v6-prefix 2001:DA8:B001::/56
Share-ratio 16 Contiguous-ports 64 Start-port 1024
Share-ratio-bits 4 Contiguous-ports-bits 6 Port-offset-bits 6

Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using

Example: Configuring Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# nat64 map-t domain 1
Device(config-nat64-mapt)# $ping-rule 2001:DA8:B001:FFFF::/64
Device(config-nat64-mapt)# basic-mapping-rule
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# ipv6-prefix 2001:DA8:B001::/56
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# ipv4-prefix
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# $ters share-ratio 16 start-port 1024
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# end

Example: MAP-T Deployment Scenario

The following illustration shows a mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) deployment
The following is the configuration for the MAP-T deployment scenario:

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

Device(config)# nat64 map-t

Device(config)# nat64 map-t domain 1
Device(config-nat64-mapt)# $ping-rule 2001:DA8:B001:FFFF::/64
Device(config-nat64-mapt)# basic-mapping-rule
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# ipv6-prefix 2001:DA8:B001::/56
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# ipv4-prefix
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# $ters share-ratio 16 start-port 1024
Device(config-nat64-mapt-bmr)# end

At the PC:
An IPv4 packet goes from to At the customer edge (CE) device the Mapping
of address and port mapping using translation (MAP-T) function translates the packet to Src:
2201:DA8:B001:2E:0:CA01:82:E00 Dest: 2001:DA8:B001:FFFF:B:0101:0100:0.
At the border router the MAP-T border router translates the packet to
Packet goes from --->, source 4000, destination port : 5000
At the CPE the MAP-T CE function translates the
packet to Src: 2201:DA8:B001:2E:0:CA01:82:E00 Dest: 2001:DA8:B001:FFFF:B:0101:0100:0.
At the BR the MAP-T BR function translates the packet to
Src: Dst: SrcPort:4000 DstPort:5000
From End device:
Src: Dst: SrcPort:4000 DstPort:5000
At the BR the MAP-T BR function translates the packet to
Src: 2201:DA8:B001:2E:0:CA01:82:E00 Dest: 2001:DA8:B001:FFFF:B:0101:0100:0.
At the CE the MAP-T CE function translates the packet from
Src: 2201:DA8:B001:2E:0:CA01:82:E00 Dest: 2001:DA8:B001:FFFF:B:0101:0100:0.
Src: Dst: SrcPort:4000 Dstport:5000

Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation
Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

MAP Mapping of Address and Port (MAP)

MAP Translation MAP Translation (MAP-T) - specification

RFC 6052 IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators

RFC 6144 Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation

RFC 6145 IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using

Table 7: Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

Mapping of Address and Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)T The Mapping of Address and Port Using
Port Using Translation Translation feature provides connectivity to IPv4
hosts across IPv6 domains. MAP-T is a
mechanism that performs double translation
(IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa) on CE devices and
border routers.
The following commands were introduced or
modified: basic-mapping-rule,
default-mapping-rule, ipv4-prefix, ipv6-prefix,
mode (nat64), nat64 map-t domain,
port-parameters, and show nat64 map-t.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

EA bits—Embedded address bits. The IPv4 EA bits in the IPv6 address identify an IPv4 prefix/address (or
part thereof) or a shared IPv4 address (or part thereof) and a port-set identifier.
IP fragmentation—The process of breaking a datagram into a number of pieces that can be reassembled
later. The IP source, destination, identification, total length, and fragment offset fields, along with the More
fragments and Don't Fragment (DF) flags in the IP header, are used for IP fragmentation and reassembly. A
DF bit is a bit within the IP header that determines whether a device is allowed to fragment a packet.
IPv4-translatable address—IPv6 addresses that are used to represent IPv4 hosts. These addresses have an
explicit mapping relationship to IPv6 addresses. This relationship is self-described by mapping the IPv4
address in the IPv6 address. Both stateless and stateful translators use IPv4-translatable (also called
IPv4-converted) IPv6 addresses to represent IPv4 hosts.
IPv6-translatable address—IPv6 addresses that are assigned to IPv6 hosts for stateless translation. These
IPv6-translatable addresses (also called IPv6-converted addresses) have an explicit mapping relationship to
IPv4 addresses. This relationship is self-described by mapping the IPv4 address in the IPv6 address. The
stateless translator uses corresponding IPv4 addresses to represent IPv6 hosts. The stateful translator does not
use IPv6-translatable addresses because IPv6 hosts are represented by the IPv4 address pool in the translator
via dynamic states.
MAP rule—A set of parameters that define the mapping between an IPv4 prefix, an IPv4 address or a shared
IPv4 address, and an IPv6 prefix or address. Each MAP domain uses a different mapping rule set.
MAP-T border router—A mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T)-enabled router or translator
at the edge of a MAP domain that provides connectivity to the MAP-T domain. A border relay router has at
least one IPv6-enabled interface and one IPv4 interface connected to the native IPv4 network, and this router
can serve multiple MAP-T domains.
MAP-T CE—A device that functions as a customer edge (CE) router in a MAP-T deployment. A typical
MAP-T CE device that adopts MAP rules serves a residential site with one WAN-side interface and one or
more LAN-side interfaces. A MAP-T CE device can also be referred to as a “CE” within the context of a
MAP-T domain.
MAP-T domain—Mapping of address and port using translation (MAP-T) domain. One or more customer
edge (CE) devices and a border router, all connected to the same IPv6 network. A service provider may deploy
a single MAP-T domain or use multiple MAP domains.
MRT—MAP rule table. Address and port-aware data structure that supports the longest match lookups. The
MRT is used by the MAP-T forwarding function.
path MTU—Path maximum transmission unit (MTU) discovery prevents fragmentation in the path between
endpoints. Path MTU discovery is used to dynamically determine the lowest MTU along the path from a
packet’s source to its destination. Path MTU discovery is supported only by TCP and UDP. Path MTU
discovery is mandatory in IPv6, but it is optional in IPv4. IPv6 devices never fragment a packet—only the
sender can fragment packets.
stateful translation—Creates a per-flow state when the first packet in a flow is received. A translation
algorithm is said to be stateful if the transmission or reception of a packet creates or modifies a data structure
in the relevant network element. Stateful translation allows the use of multiple translators interchangeably
and also some level of scalability. Stateful translation enables IPv6 clients and peers without mapped IPv4
addresses to connect to IPv4-only servers and peers.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

stateless translation—A translation algorithm that is not stateful. A stateless translation requires configuring
a static translation table or may derive information algorithmically from the messages that it is translating.
Stateless translation requires less computational overhead than stateful translation. It also requires less memory
to maintain the state because the translation tables and the associated methods and processes exist in a stateful
algorithm and do not exist in a stateless one. Stateless translation enables IPv4-only clients and peers to initiate
connections to IPv6-only servers or peers that are equipped with IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses. It also
enables scalable coordination of IPv4-only stub networks or ISP IPv6-only networks. Because the source port
in an IPv6-to-IPv4 translation may have to be changed to provide adequate flow identification, the source
port in the IPv4-to-IPv6 direction need not be changed.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Translation

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using
The MAP-E feature provides rules to define the mapping between an IPv6 prefix and an IPv4 address or
between a shared IPv4 address and an IPv6 prefix/address. The MAP-E feature is supported by the Stateless
NAT64 feature and does not change the system flow of the NAT64 client.
• Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation, on page 127
• Restrictions for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsu, on page 128
• Information About Mapping of Address Port Using Encapsulation, on page 128
• How to Configure Mapping of Address Port Using Encapsulation, on page 129
• Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation, on page 131
• Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation, on page 132

Feature Information for Mapping of Address and Port Using

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Feature Releases Feature Information


MAP-E 15.6(1)T The MAP-E feature provides support for configurable rules used to define the
mapping between an IPv4 prefix and an IPv4 address or between a shared IPv4
address and an IPv6 prefix/address.
The following commands were introduced or modified: basic-mapping-rule,
default-mapping-rule, nat64 map-e, port-parameters, show nat64 map-e.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation
Restrictions for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsu

Restrictions for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsu

• The MAP-E feature supports only a single basic mapping rule (BMR) per IPv6 prefix. This requires you
to configure different mapping rules for every address and port translation.
• Default mapping rule (DMR) with 128 prefix must be configured before starting the MAP-E BMR
• This feature does not BMR prefix length of 64, fragmentation, and local packet generation.

Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation
MAP-E refers to Mapping of Address and Port Encapsulation (MAP-E). The MAP-E feature enables you to
configure mapping rules for translation between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Each mapping of address and port
using MAP-E domain uses a different mapping rule. A MAP-E configuration comprises of one basic mapping
rule (BMR), one default mapping rule (DMR), and one or more forwarding mapping rules (FMRs) for each
MAP-E domain.
A BMR configures the MAP IPv6 address or prefix. You can configure only one BMR per IPv6 prefix. The
MAP-E CE uses the BMR to configure itself with an IPv4 address, an IPv4 prefix, or a shared IPv4 address
from an IPv6 prefix. A BMR can also be used for forwarding packets in such scenarios where an IPv4
destination address and a destination port are mapped into an IPv6 address/prefix. Every MAP-E node (CE
device is a MAP-E node) must be provisioned with a BMR. The BMR prefix along with the port parameter
is used as tunnel destination address. You can use the port-parameters command to configure port parameters
for the MAP-E BMR.
A DMR prefix which matches with the interface address is recognized as hosts and a DMR prefix with a
prefix length of 128 is recognized as the tunnel source address.

Persistent Storage
When a Customer Edge (CE) boots up for the first time, it sends the HTTP request to the rule server immediately
to acquire the MAP-E rules. After the CE receives the MAP-E rules, it saves a copy in the persistent storage,
such as bootflash. When the subsequent reboot happens, the CE detects a copy of MAP-E rules in the bootflash,
so it does not send the HTTP request immediately. Instead, it sends the HTTP request in a random time
between 1 minute and 10 minutes.
Below files are created once the MAP-E rules are downloaded:
• /bootflash/mape/mape-rule.json
• /bootflash/mape/hostname (for the fixed IP case)

Note In a fixed IP case, a tunnel interface (IP in IP) is used instead of a NAT64 configuration. The nat64
provisioning mode command is used to enable the tunnel interface.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation
How to Configure Mapping of Address Port Using Encapsulation

How to Configure Mapping of Address Port Using Encapsulation

Configuring Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. nat64 map-e domain number
4. basic-mapping-rule
5. ipv4-prefix ipv4-prefix/length
6. ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix/length
7. port-parameters share-ratio number port-offset-bits number| start-port port-number| no-eabits
8. exit
9. default-mapping-rule ipv6 prefix/length
10. mode map-e
11. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 nat64 map-e domain number Specifies the nat64 MAP-E domain and enters the MAP-E
configuration mode.
Device(config)# nat64 map-e domain 1 • The range is from 1 to 128.

Step 4 basic-mapping-rule Specifies the MAP-E mapping rule and enters the basic
mapping rule configuration mode.
Device(config-nat64-mape)# basic-mapping-rule

Step 5 ipv4-prefix ipv4-prefix/length Specifies the IPv4 prefix and length for translation.
Device(config-nat64-mape-bmr)# ipv4-prefix

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation
Verifying Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation Configuration

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix/length Specifies the IPv6 prefix and length for translation.
Device(config-nat64-mape-bmr)# ipv6-prefix

Step 7 port-parameters share-ratio number port-offset-bits Specifies the values for port-parameters share-ratio,
number| start-port port-number| no-eabits number contiguous ports and start-port for MAP-E Basic Mapping
Rule (BMR).
Device(config-nat64-mape-bmr)# port-parameters • If the share ratio is greater than 1, the configuration
share-ratio 2 port-offset-bits 5 start-port 1024 throws an error if the startport value is incorrect. The
calculation is based on the share-ratio and port-offset
bits. The configuration throws error and displays the
value to be configured.
• If the share ratio is 1, there are no port-offset bits as
the values is automatically set to 6 and the start port
is set to 1024.

Step 8 exit Exits basic mapping rule configuration mode and returns
to MAP-E configuration mode.
Device(config-nat64-mape-bmr)# exit

Step 9 default-mapping-rule ipv6 prefix/length Specifies the values of IPv6 prefix and length for MAP-E
Default Mapping Rule (DMR).
default-mapping-rule 2001:22::0/128

Step 10 mode map-e Specifies the value for MAP-E mode.

Device(config-nat64-map-e)# mode map-e

Step 11 end Exits MAP-E configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config-route-map)# end

Verifying Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation Configuration

1. enable
2. show nat64 MAP-E [domain number]

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation
Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation


Step 1 enable
Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

• Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 show nat64 MAP-E [domain number]

Device# show nat64 MAP-E domain 1
MAP-E Domain 1
Mode MAP-E
Ip-v6-prefix 2001:22::/128
Ip-v6-prefix 2001:100::/64
Share-ratio 2 Contiguous-ports 1024 Start-port 1024
Share-ratio-bits 1 Contiguous-ports-bits 10 Port-offset-bits 5

Displays MAP-E configuration.

Configuration Examples for Mapping of Address and Port Using

Example: Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation Configuration
The following example shows how to configure MAP-E:
configure terminal
nat64 map-e domain 1
ipv6-prefix 4001:DB8::/40
port-parameters share-ratio 1 start-port 1
default-mapping-rule 3001:1::C0A8:105/128

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation
Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using Encapsulation

Additional References for Mapping of Address and Port Using

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

MAP Mapping of Address and Port (MAP)

MAP Encapsulation MAP Encapsulation (MAP-E) - specification

RFC 6052 IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators

RFC 6144 Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation

RFC 6145 IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Network Address Translation (NAT) Integration with MPLS VPNs feature allows multiple Multiprotocol
Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to be configured on a single device to work
together. NAT can differentiate which MPLS VPN it receives IP traffic from even if the MPLS VPNs are all
using the same IP addressing scheme. This enhancement enables multiple MPLS VPN customers to share
services while ensuring that each MPLS VPN is completely separate from the other.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 133
• Prerequisites for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs, on page 133
• Restrictions for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs, on page 134
• Information About Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs, on page 134
• How to Integrate NAT with MPLS VPNs, on page 135
• Configuration Examples for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs, on page 141
• Where to Go Next, on page 142
• Additional References for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs, on page 143
• Feature Information for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs, on page 143

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

• Before performing the tasks in this module, you should be familiar with the concepts described in the
“Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation” module.
• All access lists required for use with the tasks in this module should be configured prior to beginning
the configuration task. For information about how to configure an access list, see the IP Access List
Sequence Numbering document at the following URL:

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Restrictions for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Note If you specify an access list to use with a NAT command, NAT does not support the commonly used permit
ip any any command in the access list.

Restrictions for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Inside VPN to VPN with NAT is not supported.

Information About Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Benefits of NAT Integration with MPLS VPNs
MPLS service providers would like to provide value-added services such as Internet connectivity, domain
name servers (DNS), and voice over IP (VoIP) service to their customers. The providers require that their
customers; IP addresses be different when reaching the services. Because MPLS VPN allows customers to
use overlapped IP addresses in their networks, NAT must be implemented to make the services possible.

Implementation Options for Integrating Nat with MPLS VPNs

There are two approaches to implementing NAT in the MPLS VPN network. NAT can be implemented on
the customer edge (CE) router, which is already supported by NAT, or it can be implemented on a provider
edge (PE) router. The NAT Integration with MPLS VPNs feature enables the implementation of NAT on a
PE router in an MPLS cloud.

Scenarios for Implementing NAT on the PE Router

NAT could be implemented on the PE router in the following scenarios:
• Service point--Shared access can be from a generic interface or from a VPN interface.
• NAT point--NAT can be configured on the PE router that is directly connected to the shared access
gateway, or on the PE router that is not directly connected to the shared access gateway.
• NAT interface--The shared access gateway interface most often is configured as the outside interface of
NAT. The inside interface of NAT can be either the PE-CE interface of a VPN, the interface to the MPLS
backbone, or both. The shared access gateway interface can also be configured as the inside interface.
• Routing type--Common service can be Internet connectivity or a common server. For Internet connectivity,
a default route should be propagated to all the VPN customers that use the service. For common server
access, a static or dynamically learned route should be propagated to the VPN customers.
• NAT configuration--NAT can have different configurations: static, dynamic, pool/interface overloading,
and route-map.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
How to Integrate NAT with MPLS VPNs

The figure below shows a typical NAT integration with MPLS VPNs. The PE router connected to the internet
and centralized mail service is employed to do the address translation.
Figure 15: Typical NAT Integration with MPLS VPNs

How to Integrate NAT with MPLS VPNs

Perform one or more of the following tasks depending on the type of translation you wish to configure for
your network:

Configuring Inside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs

Perform this task to configure your NAT PE router for dynamic translations to integrate with MPLS VPNs.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask
4. ip nat [inside | outside] source [list {access-list-number | access-list-name} | route-map name] [interface
type number | pool pool-name] vrf vrf-name[overload]
5. Repeat Step 4 for each VPN being configured

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Configuring Inside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs

6. ip route vrf vrf-name prefix mask interface-type interface-number next-hop-address

7. Repeat Step 6 for each VPN being configured.
8. exit
9. show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC
• Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Defines a pool of IP addresses for NAT.

Router(config)# ip nat pool inside netmask

Step 4 ip nat [inside | outside] source [list {access-list-number Allows NAT to be configured on a particular VPN.
| access-list-name} | route-map name] [interface type
number | pool pool-name] vrf vrf-name[overload]

Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool

mypool vrf shop overload

Step 5 Repeat Step 4 for each VPN being configured --

Step 6 ip route vrf vrf-name prefix mask interface-type Allows NAT to be configured on a particular VPN.
interface-number next-hop-address

ip route vrf shop ethernet 0

Step 7 Repeat Step 6 for each VPN being configured. --

Step 8 exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


Router(config)# exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Configuring Inside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs

Command or Action Purpose

Step 9 show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name (Optional) Displays the settings used by virtual
routing/forwarding (VRF) table translations.

Router# show ip nat translations vrf shop

Configuring Inside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs

Perform this task to configure your NAT PE router for static translations to integrate with MPLS VPNs.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source {static {esp local-ip interface type number | local-ip global-ip}} [extendable |
mapping-id map-id| no-alias | no-payload | redundancy group-name | route-map | vrf name]
4. Repeat Step 3 for each VPN being configured.
5. ip route vrf vrf-name prefix prefix mask next-hop-address global
6. Repeat Step 5 for each VPN being configured.
7. exit
8. show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC
• Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat inside source {static {esp local-ip interface type Enables inside static translation on the VRF.
number | local-ip global-ip}} [extendable | mapping-id
map-id| no-alias | no-payload | redundancy group-name
| route-map | vrf name]

ip nat inside source static
vrf shop

Step 4 Repeat Step 3 for each VPN being configured. --

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Configuring Outside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 ip route vrf vrf-name prefix prefix mask Allows the route to be shared by several customers.
next-hop-address global

ip route vrf shop

Step 6 Repeat Step 5 for each VPN being configured. --

Step 7 exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


Router(config)# exit

Step 8 show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name (Optional) Displays the settings used by VRF translations.

Router# show ip nat translations vrf shop

Configuring Outside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs

Perform this step to configure your NAT PE router for dynamic outside translations to integrate with MPLS

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool outside global-ip local-ip netmask netmask
4. ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip vrf vrf-name
5. Repeat Step 4 for each VRF being configured.
6. ip nat outside source static global-ip local-ip vrf vrf-name
7. exit
8. show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC
• Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Configuring Outside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs

Command or Action Purpose

Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool outside global-ip local-ip netmask netmask Allows the configured VRF to be associated with the NAT
translation rule.

ip nat pool outside netmask

Step 4 ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip vrf Allows the route to be shared by several customers.

ip nat inside source static
vrf shop

Step 5 Repeat Step 4 for each VRF being configured. Allows the route to be shared by several customers.

Step 6 ip nat outside source static global-ip local-ip vrf Enables NAT translation of the outside source address.

ip nat outside source static
vrf shop

Step 7 exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


Router(config)# exit

Step 8 show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name (Optional) Displays the settings used by VRF translations.

Router# show ip nat translations vrf shop

Configuring Outside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs

Perform this task to configure your NAT PE router for static outside translations to integrate with MPLS

1. enable
2. configure {terminal | memory | network}
3. ip nat pool inside global-ip local-ip netmask netmask
4. Repeat Step 3 for each pool being configured.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Configuring Outside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs

5. ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool pool-name vrf vrf-name

6. Repeat Step 5 for each pool being configured.
7. ip nat outside source static global-ip local-ip vrf vrf-name
8. Repeat Step 7 for all VPNs being configured.
9. exit
10. show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC
• Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable

Step 2 configure {terminal | memory | network} Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool inside global-ip local-ip netmask netmask Allows the configured VRF to be associated with the NAT
translation rule.

Router(config)# ip nat pool inside1 netmask

Step 4 Repeat Step 3 for each pool being configured. --

Step 5 ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool Allows the route to be shared by several customers.
pool-name vrf vrf-name

ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside2 vrf shop

Step 6 Repeat Step 5 for each pool being configured. Defines the access list.

Step 7 ip nat outside source static global-ip local-ip vrf Allows the route to be shared by several customers.

ip nat outside source static
vrf shop

Step 8 Repeat Step 7 for all VPNs being configured. --

Step 9 exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Configuration Examples for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Command or Action Purpose

Router(config)# exit

Step 10 show ip nat translations vrf vrf-name (Optional) Displays the settings used by VRF translations.

Router# show ip nat translations vrf shop

Configuration Examples for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Configuring Inside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs Example
The following example shows configuring inside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs.

ip nat pool inside netmask
ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside vrf bank overload
ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside vrf park overload
ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside vrf shop overload
ip route vrf shop Ethernet1/3
ip route vrf bank Ethernet1/3
ip route vrf park Ethernet1/3
access-list 1 permit

Configuring Inside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs Example

The following example shows configuring inside static NAT with MPLS VPNs.

ip nat inside source static vrf shop
ip nat inside source static vrf shop
ip nat inside source static vrf bank
ip nat inside source static vrf bank
ip nat inside source static vrf park
ip nat inside source static vrf park
ip nat inside source static vrf shop
ip nat inside source static vrf shop
ip nat inside source static vrf shop
ip route Ethernet1/0
ip route Ethernet1/0
ip route Serial2/1.1
ip route Serial2/1.1
ip route FastEthernet0/0
ip route FastEthernet0/0
ip route Ethernet1/0
ip route Ethernet1/0
ip route Ethernet1/0

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Configuring Outside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs Example

Configuring Outside Dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs Example

The following example shows configuring outside dynamic NAT with MPLS VPNs.

ip nat pool outside netmask
ip nat inside source static vrf shop
ip nat inside source static vrf shop
ip nat inside source static vrf bank
ip nat inside source static vrf bank
ip nat inside source static vrf park
ip nat inside source static vrf park
ip nat outside source list 1 pool outside

Configuring Outside Static NAT with MPLS VPNs Example

The following example shows configuring outside static NAT with MPLS VPNs.

ip default-gateway
ip nat pool inside1 netmask
ip nat pool inside2 netmask
ip nat pool inside3 netmask
ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside2 vrf bank
ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside3 vrf park
ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside1 vrf shop
ip nat outside source static vrf bank
ip nat outside source static vrf park
ip nat outside source static vrf shop
ip classless
ip route Ethernet1/0
ip route Serial2/1.1
ip route FastEthernet0/0
ip route vrf shop global
ip route vrf bank global
ip route vrf park global
no ip http server
access-list 1 permit

Where to Go Next
• To learn about Network Address Translation and configure NAT for IP address conservation, see the
“Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation” module.
• To verify, monitor, and maintain NAT, see the “Monitoring and Maintaining NAT” module.
• To use NAT with application level gateways, see the “Using Application Level Gateways with NAT”
• To configure NAT for high availability, see the “Configuring NAT for High Availability” module.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Additional References for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Additional References for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

IOS Commands Cisco IOS Master Command List

NAT commands Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference

Standards and RFCs

Standard & RFC Title


Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Table 8: Feature Information for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

Feature Name Releases Feature Configuration Information

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs 12.1(13)T The Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs feature
allows multiple Multiprotocol Label Switching
(MPLS) VPNs to be configured on a single device
to work together.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs
Feature Information for Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session
Border Controller
The Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller Phase-1 feature enables a Cisco IOS
Network Address Translation (NAT) Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application Level Gateway (ALG)
router to act as a Session Border Controller (SBC) on a Cisco Multiservice IP-to-IP gateway, ensuring a
seamless delivery of VoIP services.
The Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller Phase-2 feature provides registration
throttling, media flow-through, and Stateful NAT (SNAT) support.

Note Effective January 31, 2014, Stateful NAT is not available in Cisco IOS software. For more information, see
End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco IOS Stateful Failover of Network Address Translation

• Finding Feature Information, on page 145

• Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller, on page
• Restrictions for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller, on page
• Information About Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller, on
page 146
• How to Configure Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller, on page 148
• Configuration Examples for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller, on page
• Additional References, on page 152
• Feature Information for Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller, on page 153

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal

for Session Border Controller
• Before you configure the Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller feature, you
should understand the concepts documented in “Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border
Controller Overview” section.
• All access lists required for use with the tasks in this module should be configured prior to beginning
the configuration task. For information about how to configure an access list, see the “Creating an IP
Access List and Applying It to an Interface” module in the Securing the Data Plane Configuration Guide.
• Before performing the tasks in this module, you should verify that SIP has not been disabled. SIP is
enabled by default.

Restrictions for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal

for Session Border Controller
• Phase 1 supports flow-around mode for inside to inside media calls and flow-through for inside to outside
media calls.
• If the intermediate routers between the inside phones and the NAT SBC are configured for Port Address
Translation (PAT), the user agents (phones and proxy) must support symmetric signaling and symmetric
and early media. The override port must be configured on the NAT SBC router. In the absence of support
for symmetric signaling and symmetric and early media, the intermediate routers must be configured for
non-PAT and the override address should be configured in the NAT SBC.

Information About Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal

for Session Border Controller
Voice and Multimedia over IP Networks
SIP is a protocol developed by the IETF Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (MMUSIC) Working Group.
The Cisco SIP functionality equips Cisco routers to signal the setup of voice and multimedia calls over IP
networks. SIP provides an alternative to the H.323 protocol within the VoIP internetworking software.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) describes multimedia sessions. SDP may be used in SIP message bodies
to describe the multimedia sessions that are used for creating and controlling the multimedia sessions with
two or more participants.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller Overview

Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller Overview
Private IP addresses and ports inserted in the packet payload by client devices, such as IP phones and video
conferencing stations, are not routable in public networks using NAT. In addition, intermediate routers between
the inside phones and the NAT SBC can have the non-ALG functionality. The hosted NAT traversal handles
the signaling and the media streams involved in the setting up, conducting, and tearing down of calls that
traverse these intermediate routers.
The figure below illustrates how the NAT SBC handles embedded SIP/SDP information for the address and
port allocation by differentiating the overlapped embedded information.
Figure 16: NAT as a SIP Session Border Controller

The inside phones have the proxy configured as the NAT SBC’s preconfigured address and port. NAT SBC
has the Softswitch’s address and port preconfigured as the proxy. The NAT SBC intercepts the packets destined
from the inside phones to itself and translates the inside hosts and other information in the SIP/SDP payload
and the IP/UDP destination address or port to the Softswitch’s address and port, and vice versa.
SIP/SDP information is either a NAT or a PAT in order for the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) flow to
be directly between the phones in the NAT SBC inside domain.
The address-only fields are not translated by the NAT SIP ALG. The address-only fields are handled by the
NAT SBC, except for the proxy-authorization and authorization translation, because these will break the
If the intermediate routers between the inside phones and the NAT SBC are configured to do a PAT, the user
agents (phones and proxy) must support symmetric signaling and symmetric and early media. You must
configure the override port on the NAT SBC router. In the absence of support for symmetric signaling and
symmetric and early media, the intermediate routers must be configured without PAT and the override address
should be configured in the NAT SBC.
The registration throttling support enables you to define the parameters in the Expires: header and the expires=
parameter. It allows you to elect to not forward certain registration messages to the Softswitch.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
How to Configure Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller

How to Configure Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border

Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller
Perform this task to configure NAT for SBC.

Note When you use the NAT SBC feature and you want the call IDs to be translated, you must configure two
address pools in such a way that the pool for SBC is accessed before the pool for the call IDs. Use the ip nat
pool command to configure the address pools. Access lists are chosen in ascending order, so you should assign
the list associated with the SBC pool a lower number than the list associated with the call ID pool.

Note The proxy of the inside phones must be set to The VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance
configuration as shown is optional.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ip nat inside
5. exit
6. interface type number
7. ip nat outside
8. exit
9. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}
10. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}
11. ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool name [vrf vrf-name] [overload]
12. ip nat outside source list access-list-number pool name
13. ip nat sip-sbc
14. proxy inside-address inside-port outside-address outside-port protocol udp
15. vrf-list
16. vrf-name vrf - name
17. exit
18. ip nat sip-sbc
19. call-id-pool call -id-pool
20. session -timeout seconds
21. mode allow -flow-around
22. override address
23. end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Specifies an interface and returns to interface configuration

Router(config)# interface ethernet 1/1

Step 4 ip nat inside Connects the interface to the inside network (the network
subject to NAT translation).

Router(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 5 exit Exits interface configuration mode and enters global

configuration mode.

Router(config-if)# exit

Step 6 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters interface configuration

Router(config)# interface ethernet 1/3

Step 7 ip nat outside Connects the interface to the outside network.


Router(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 8 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.

Router(config-if)# exit

Step 9 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask Defines a pool of global addresses to be allocated for the
| prefix-length prefix-length} inside network.
Example: Note You must configure two address pools when
you are using the NAT SBC feature and you
Router(config)# ip nat pool inside-pool-A want to translate the call IDs. In this step you prefix-length 16 are configuring the first address pool.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller

Command or Action Purpose

Step 10 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask Defines a pool of global addresses to be allocated for the
| prefix-length prefix-length} outside network.
Example: Note You must configure two address pools when
you are using the NAT SBC feature and you
Router(config)# ip nat pool outside-pool want to translate the call IDs. In this step, you prefix-length 24 are configuring the second address pool.

Step 11 ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool Enables NAT of the inside source address and configures
name [vrf vrf-name] [overload] the access list for translation.

Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool

inside-pool-A vrf vrfA overload

Step 12 ip nat outside source list access-list-number pool Enables NAT of the outside source address and configures
name the access list for translation.

Router(config)# ip nat outside source list 3 pool


Step 13 ip nat sip-sbc Enters IP NAT SBC configuration mode.


Router(config)# ip nat sip-sbc

Step 14 proxy inside-address inside-port outside-address Configures the address or port that the inside phones will
outside-port protocol udp be referring to, and the outside proxy’s address and port
to which the NAT SBC translates the destination IP address
and port.
Router(config-ipnat-sbc)# proxy 5060 5060 protocol udp

Step 15 vrf-list (Optional) Enters IP NAT SBC VRF configuration mode.


Router(config-ipnat-sbc)# vrf-list

Step 16 vrf-name vrf - name (Optional) Defines SBC VRF list names.

Router(config-ipnat-sbc-vrf)# vrf-name vrf1

Step 17 exit Exits IP NAT SBC VRF configuration mode and enters
global configuration mode.

Router(config-ipnat-sbc-vrf)# exit

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller

Command or Action Purpose

Step 18 ip nat sip-sbc Enters IP NAT SBC configuration mode.

Router(config)# ip nat sip-sbc

Step 19 call-id-pool call -id-pool Specifies a dummy pool name for the in to out SIP
signaling packet’s call ID that it will be translated to, and
that a 1:1 association will be maintained rather than using
the regular NAT pool.
Router(config-ipnat-sbc)# call-id-pool pool-name
• This pool can be used in an overload scenario:
• NAT mapping with an appropriate access control
list (ACL) and a NAT pool matching the pool
name must be configured.
• This pool is not used for any other NAT
processing except for call ID processing.

Step 20 session -timeout seconds Configures the timeout duration for NAT entries pertaining
to SIP signaling flows.
• The default is 5 minutes.
Router(config-ipnat-sbc)# session-timeout 300

Step 21 mode allow -flow-around Enables flow-around for RTP.

Example: • This flow applies to traffic between phones in the
inside domain.
Router(config-ipnat-sbc)# mode allow-flow-around

Step 22 override address Allows the NAT SBC to override the out to in traffic’s
destination IP during signaling or RTP traffic, or to
override the address and port.
Router(config-ipnat-sbc)# override address

Step 23 end Exits IP NAT SBC configuration mode and enters

privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config-ipnat-sbc)# end

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Configuration Examples for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT for Session Border Controller

Configuration Examples for Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT

for Session Border Controller
Example Configuring Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border
The following example shows how to configure the Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal as Session Border
Controller feature:

interface ethernet1/1
ip nat inside
interface ethernet1/2
ip nat inside
interface ethernet1/3
ip nat outside
ip nat pool inside-pool-A prefix-length 16
ip nat pool inside-pool-B prefix-length 24
ip nat pool outside-pool prefix-length 24
ip nat inside source list 1 pool inside-pool-A vrf vrfA overload
ip nat inside source list 2 pool inside-pool-B vrf vrfB overload
ip nat outside source list 3 pool outside-pool
! Access-list for VRF-A inside phones
access-list 1 permit
! Access-list for VRF-B inside phones
access-list 2 permit
access-list 3 permit
ip nat sip-sbc
proxy 5060 5060 protocol udp
vrf-name vrfA
vrf-name vrfB
call-id-pool pool-name
session-timeout 300
mode allow-flow-around
override address

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Feature Information for Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller

Related Topic Document Title

NAT commands: complete command syntax, Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference
command mode, command history, defaults, usage
guidelines, and examples

Configuring an IP access list “Creating an IP Access List and Applying It to an

Interface” module in the Securing the Data Plane
Configuration Guide


Standards Title

None --


MIBs MIBs Link

None To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco
MIB Locator found at the following URL:

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for

Session Border Controller
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller
Feature Information for Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller

Table 9: Feature Information for Configuring Hosted NAT Traversal for Session Border Controller

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal 12.4(9)T The Cisco IOS Hosted NAT Traversal for Session
for Session Border Controller Border Controller feature provides transparency with
Phase-1 the use of a proxy device on the NAT outside domain.

Hosted NAT Support for Session 12.4(15)T The Hosted NAT Support for Session Border
Border Controller Phase-2 Controller Phase-2 feature provides registration
throttling, media flow-through, and SNAT support.
Note Effective January 31, 2014, Stateful NAT
is not available in Cisco IOS software. For
more information, see End-of-Sale and
End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco
IOS Stateful Failover of Network Address
Translation (SNAT).

NAT as SIP Session Border 12.4(9)T The NAT as SIP Session Border Controller Media
Controller Media Flow Flow feature provides support for media flow-around
for RTP or RTCP exchanges between phones on the
inside domain of the SBC.

NAT as SIP Session Border 12.4(9)T The NAT as SIP Session Border Controller Support
Controller Support for for Address-Only Fields feature provides support for
Address-Only Fields the translation of SIP address-only fields.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT
The User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT feature enables the specification of source port ranges for Port
Address Translation (PAT) for SIP, H.323, and Skinny Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) and RTP Control
Protocol (RTCP).
• Finding Feature Information, on page 155
• Restrictions for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT, on page 155
• Information About User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT, on page 156
• How to Configure User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT, on page 156
• Configuration Examples for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT, on page 158
• Additional References, on page 159
• Feature Information for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT, on page 160

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Restrictions for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT

• The size of port range that can be reserved is limited to a multiple of 64.
• The start port for the port range should also be a multiple of 64.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT
Information About User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT

Information About User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT

User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT Overview
In order for VoIP traffic to not be in violation of the RTP standards and best practices, even/odd pairing of
ports for RTP and RTCP traffic for SIP ALG, Skinny and H.323 has been made available.
Following is a scenario of what happens to VoIP traffic translated using PAT without user defined ports.
The first VoIP traffic getting translated using PAT, would request for port 16384 and would get to use port
16384 for its RTP traffic.
The second VoIP traffic stream getting translated using PAT would also request 16384 for its RTP. Since this
port number is already in use by the first call, PAT would translate the 16384 source port for the second phone
to 1024 (assuming the port was free) and this would be in violation of the RTP standards/best practices.
A third call would end up using port 1025 and others would increment from there.
Each call after the first call would end up having its inside source port translated to an external port assignment
that is out of specifications for RTP, and this would continue until PAT binding fir the first call expires.
Problems associated with RTP traffic being assigned to a non-standard port by PAT:
• Inability for compressed RTP (cRTP) to be invoked in the return direction, as it only operates on RTP
flows with compliant port numbers.
• Difficulty in properly classifying voice traffic for corresponding QoS treatment.
• Violation of standard firewall policies that specifically account for RTP/TRCP traffic by specified standard
port range.

Even Port Parity

Cisco IOS NAT SIP gateways normally select the next available port+1 for SIP fixup in the NAT translations.
The NAT gateway does not check for even/odd pair for RTP/TRCP port numbers, and as a result issues may
arise with SIP user agents that are strictly following the encouraged even/odd parity for RTP/RTCP port
Even port parity for SIP, H.323, and skinny is supported by default and it can be turned off forcing the odd
RTP ports allocation.

How to Configure User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT

Configuring Source Port Ranges for PAT
Perform this task to assign a set of ports and associate a map to them.

1. enable

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT
Configuring Even Port Parity

2. configure terminal
3. ip nat portmap mapname application application startport startport size size
4. ip nat inside source list list - name pool pool - name overload portmap portmap - name


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat portmap mapname application application Defines the port map.
startport startport size size

Router(config)# ip nat portmap NAT-1 application

sip-rtp startport 32128 size 128

Step 4 ip nat inside source list list - name pool pool - Associates the port map to the NAT configuration.
name overload portmap portmap - name

Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool

A overload portmap NAT-1

Configuring Even Port Parity

Even port parity for H.323, SIP, and skinny is supported by default and can be turned off forcing the odd ports
Perform this task to enable even port parity.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat service allow-h323-even-rtp-ports | allow-sip-even-rtp-ports| allow-skinny-even-rtp-ports


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT
Configuration Examples for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT

Command or Action Purpose

Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat service allow-h323-even-rtp-ports | Establishes even port parity for H323, the SIP protocol, or
allow-sip-even-rtp-ports| allow-skinny-even-rtp-ports the skinny protocol.

Router(config)# ip nat service


Configuration Examples for User Defined Source Port Ranges

for PAT
Example User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT
The following examples shows how to assign a set of ports and associate a map to them.

ip nat portmap NAT-I

appl sip-rtp startport 32128 size 128
appl sip-rtp startport 32000 size 64
ip nat inside source list 1 pool A overload portmap NAT-I

Macros have been defined to make port map configuration easier. The table below lists the name of the macros
and the ports.

Table 10: Macro Names and Ports

Macro Name Ports Application

cisco-rtp-h323-low 16384-32767 H.323

cisco-rtp-h323-high 49152-65535 H.323

cisco-rtp-skinny-low 16384-32767 Skinny

cisco-rtp-skinny-high 49152-65535 Skinny

cisco-rtp-sip-low 16384-32767 SIP

cisco-rtp-sip-high 49152-65535 SIP

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT
Example Even Port Parity

Example Even Port Parity

The following example enables even port parity for H.323.

ip nat service allow-h323-even-rtp-ports

The following example enables even port parity for SIP.

ip nat service allow-sip-even-rtp-ports

The following example enables even port parity for the skinny protocol.

ip nat service allow-skinny-even-rtp-ports

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

NAT commands: complete command syntax, command Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command
mode, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples Reference


Standards Title

None --


MIBs MIBs Link

• To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT
Feature Information for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for User Defined Source Port Ranges for

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 11: Feature Information for User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

User Defined Source Port 12.4(11)T The User Defined Source Port Ranges for PAT feature enables
Ranges for PAT the specification of source port ranges for Port Address
Translation (PAT) for SIP, H.323, and Skinny Real-Time
Transport Protocol (RTP) and RTP Control Protocol (RTCP).

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

FPG Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation
When the Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation feature is configured, an entry is added to the Symmetric Port
Database. If the entry is already available, the port listed in the Symmetric Port Database is used and the
packet is sent. This feature is only required if you need to configure NAT with pool overload or interface
overload. Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation is also known as Symmetric Port Allocation.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 161
• Information About Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation, on page 161
• How to Configure Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation, on page 162
• Configuration Examples for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation, on page 164
• Additional References, on page 164
• Feature Information for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation, on page 165

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation

When a packet is being transmitted, the Symmetric Port Database is checked to see if the requested port is
already allocated. If it has been allocated, it is checked if the source computer entry in the database matches
the computer requesting the port. If this is true, the port listed in the Symmetric Port Database is used and the
packet is sent.
If the computers do not match or if the requested port is not in the Symmetric Port Database, the feature
continues checks to the NAT Port database for an entry matching the requested port. If no entry is found, this
means that the port is available. A new entry is added to the NAT Port database, and to the existing NAT
database, allocating the port to the requesting computer, and the packet is sent.
If no matching entry in the NAT Port database is found, it means that the port is busy, or otherwise unavailable.
The next available port is found, which is allocated to the requesting computer. An entry is added to the NAT

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

FPG Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation
How to Configure Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation

Port database with the requesting computer and the available port. An entry is added to the Symmetric Port
database, with the requesting computer, the allocated port and the requested port and the packet is sent.
This feature is only required if you need to configure NAT with pool overload or interface overload. This
feature is not applicable for other NAT configurations.

How to Configure Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation

Configuring Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation
Perform this task to configure NAT to support the Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation feature.

Note This feature must be enabled by the user. It should be enabled before NAT is enabled. If it is enabled later, it
will not translate the previously established connection. When this feature is disabled, it will not be seen in
the output of the show running-configcommand.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface interface name
4. ip nat inside
5. exit
6. access list 1 permit ip address mask
7. ip nat inside source list 1 interface interface name
8. ip nat service enable-sym-port
9. exit


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 interface interface name Configures the Ethernet 0/0 interface.


IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

FPG Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation
Verifying Endpoint Agnostic Port Support

Command or Action Purpose

Router (config)# interface Ethernet 0/0

Step 4 ip nat inside Enables Network Address Translation (NAT) for the inside

Router (config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 5 exit Exits interface configuration mode.


Router (config-if)# exit

Step 6 access list 1 permit ip address mask Creates an access list called 1.

Router (config)# access list 1 permit

Step 7 ip nat inside source list 1 interface interface name Enables NAT for the inside source for access list 1 which
is attached to the Ethernet interface.

Router (config)# ip nat inside source list 1

interface Ethernet 0/0

Step 8 ip nat service enable-sym-port Enables the symmetric port allocation.


Router (config)# ip nat service enable-sym-port

Step 9 exit Exits global configuration mode.


Router(config)# exit

Verifying Endpoint Agnostic Port Support

To verify the Endpoint Agnostic Port Support feature, use the following command.

1. show ip nat translations


show ip nat translations

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

FPG Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation
Configuration Examples for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation


Router# show ip nat translations

NAT Symmetric Port Database: 1 entries

public ipaddr:port [tableid] | port# [refcount][syscount] | localaddr:localport [flags] [0] | 1025 [1] [0] | [0]

Configuration Examples for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation

Configuring Endpoint Allocation Example
interface Ethernet0/0
ip nat inside
access list 1 permit
ip nat inside source list 1 interface Ethernet0/0
ip nat service enable-sym-port

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

NAT configuration tasks “Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation”


NAT maintenance “Monitoring and Maintaining NAT” module

NAT commands: complete command syntax, Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command
command mode, command history, usage guidelines, Reference
and examples


Standard Title

No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not _
been modified by this feature.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

FPG Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation
Feature Information for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation



No new or modified MIBs are supported by this To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator
been modified by this feature. found at the following URL:


RFC Title

No new or modified RFCs are supported by this feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been _
modified by this feature.

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 12: Feature Information for NAT Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

FPG: Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation 12.4(24)T This feature was introduced.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

FPG Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation
Feature Information for Endpoint Agnostic Port Allocation

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP
The NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP feature provides the ability to optimize the media path
taken by a SIP VoIP session when NAT is used. NAT forces the VoIP traffic to take at least one extra hop in
the network, which usually results in several additional hops being added to the path between two IP hosts.
The Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm is supported.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 167
• Information About the NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Feature, on page 167
• How to Configure NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP, on page 168
• Configuration Examples for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP, on page 169
• Additional References, on page 170
• Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP, on page 171

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About the NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without

SDP Feature
Benefits of NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP
• The media path can be shortened, decreasing voice delay.
• More control of voice policy is possible because the media path is closer to the customer domain and
not deep within the service provider cloud.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP
NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Feature Design

• Processes all packets sent through the NAT-enabled router, even those without the Session Description
Protocol (SDP).

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Feature Design

Cisco IOS NAT will add the relevant translation information per SIP session within the SIP protocol messages.
The SIP Application Layer Gateway support within Cisco IOS NAT will extract this translation information
from the SIP packets and create NAT table entries.
The “piggybacking” of NAT translation information within the SIP call flows, the design of how users interact
with the application when they talk to it, will allow the media path of a SIP VoIP session between two calling
parties to take the optimized routing path between each other.

How to Configure NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Messages Including
MD5 Authentication
Perform this task to configure messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media path including MD5 authentication.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg all-messages router router-id [md5-authentication


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg all-messages router Enables messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media path
router-id [md5-authentication md5-authentication-key] including MD5 authentication.

Router(config)# ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg

all-messages router 100 md5-authentication md5-key

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Messages

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Messages

Perform this task to configure SDP messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media path without MD5

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg all-messages router router-id


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg all-messages router Enables messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media path
router-id without MD5 authentication.

Router(config)# ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg

all-messages router 100

Configuration Examples for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path

Without SDP
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP Including MD5
Authentication Example
The following example shows how to configure a NAT optimized SIP media path without SDP including
MD5 authentication:

ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg all-messages router 100 md5-authentication md5-key

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP or MD5 Authentication Example

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP or MD5

Authentication Example
The following example shows how to configure a NAT optimized SIP media path without SDP or MD5

ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg all-messages router 100

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

NAT commands: complete command syntax, Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference
command mode command history, defaults,
usage guidelines, and examples

Application-level gateways Using Application Level Gateways with NAT module

IP access list sequence numbering IP Access List Sequence Numbering document

NAT-on-a-Stick technology note Network Address Translation on a Stick technology note

NAT maintenance Monitoring and Maintaining NAT module

RADIUS attributes overview RADIUS Attributes Overview and RADIUS IETF Attributes

Using HSRP and stateful NAT for high Configuring NAT for High Availability module

Using NAT with MPLS VPNs Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs module

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

RFC 1597 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

RFC 1631 The IP Network Address Translation (NAT)

RFC 1918 Address Allocation for Private Internets

RFC 2663 IP Network Address Translation (NAT) Terminology and


RFC 3022 Traditional IP Network Address Translation (Traditional NAT)

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP
Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 13: Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT Optimized SIP Media 12.4(2)T The NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP feature provides
Path Without SDP the ability to optimize the media path taken by a SIP VoIP session
when NAT is used. NAT forces the VoIP traffic to take at least one
extra hop in the network, which usually results in several additional
hops being added to the path between two IP hosts.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP
Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path Without SDP

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
The NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP feature allows the creation of a shorter path for Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) media channels by distributing endpoint IP addressing information with Session
Description Protocol (SDP) of SIP messages. This feature allows endpoints to communicate directly by using
standard routing and eliminates the need for them to traverse through upstream NAT routers.
The Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm is supported.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 173
• Information About the NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Feature, on page 173
• How to Configure NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP, on page 174
• Configuration Examples for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP, on page 176
• Additional References, on page 176
• Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP, on page 177

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About the NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
Restrictions for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
SIP messages may or may not have SDP. This feature processes SIP messages with SDP only. If a call exchange
with SDP is certain to occur, this feature should be used.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
Benefits of NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP

Use the “NAT - Optimized SIP Media without SPD” feature for SIP messages without SPD. This feature
processes all packets sent through the NAT-enabled router but is more CPU intensive than processing SIP
messages with SPD.

Benefits of NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP

• The media path can be shortened, decreasing voice delay.
• More control of voice policy is possible because the media path is closer to the customer domain and
not deep within the service provider cloud.

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Feature Design

The NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP feature provides the ability to optimize the media path taken
by a SIP VoIP session when NAT is used. NAT forces the VoIP traffic to take at least one extra hop in the
network, which usually results in several additional hops being added to the path between two IP hosts.
Cisco IOS NAT will add the relevant translation information per SIP session within the SIP protocol messages.
The SIP Application Layer Gateway support within Cisco IOS NAT will extract this translation information
from the SIP packets and create NAT table entries.
The “piggybacking” of NAT translation information within the SIP call flows, the design of how users interact
with the application when they talk to it, will allow the media path of a SIP VoIP session between two calling
parties to take the optimized routing path between each other.

How to Configure NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Messages Including
MD5 Authentication
Perform this task to configure SDP messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media path including MD5

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg sdp-only router router-id md5 -authentication


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Messages Without MD5 Authentication

Command or Action Purpose

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg sdp-only router Enables SDP messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media
router-id md5 -authentication md5-authentication-key path including MD5 authentication.

Router(config)# ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg

sdp-only router 100 md5-authentication md5-key

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Messages Without
MD5 Authentication
Perform this task to configure SDP messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media path without MD5

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg sdp-only router router-id


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg sdp-only router Enables SDP messages with a NAT optimized SIP Media
router-id path without MD5 authentication.

Router(config)# ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg

sdp-only router 100

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
Configuration Examples for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP

Configuration Examples for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Including MD5
Authentication Example
The following example shows how to configure a NAT optimized SIP media path with SDP including MD5

ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg sdp-only router 100 md5-authentication md5-key

Configuring a NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP Without MD5
Authentication Example
The following example shows how to configure a NAT optimized SIP media path with SDP without MD5

ip nat piggyback-support sip-alg sdp-only router 100

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

NAT commands: complete command syntax, command mode, Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command
command history, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples Reference

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path without SDP configuration “NAT - Optimized SIP Media without SPD”
tasks and conceptual information module


Standard Title

None --

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP



None To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco
MIB Locator found at the following URL:


RFC Title

None --

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 14: Feature Information for <Phrase Based on Module Title>

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT Optimized SIP 12.4(2)T The NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP feature allows the
Media Path with SDP creation of a shorter path for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) media
channels by distributing endpoint IP addressing information with
Session Description Protocol (SDP) of SIP messages. This feature
allows endpoints to communicate directly by using standard routing
and eliminates the need for them to traverse through upstream NAT

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP
Feature Information for NAT Optimized SIP Media Path with SDP

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
The Match-in-VRF Support for NAT feature supports Network Address Translation (NAT) of packets that
communicate between two hosts within the same VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance. In intra-VPN
NAT, both the local and global address spaces for end hosts are isolated to their respective VPNs, and as a
result, the translated addresses for the hosts overlap each other. The Match-in-VRF Support for NAT feature
helps separate the address space for translated addresses among VPNs.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 179
• Restrictions for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT, on page 179
• Information About Match-in-VRF Support for NAT, on page 180
• How to Configure Match-in-VRF Support for NAT, on page 181
• Configuration Examples for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT, on page 185
• Additional References for Static NAT Mapping with HSRP, on page 186
• Feature Information for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT, on page 187

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Restrictions for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

• The Match-in-VRF Support for NAT feature is not supported on interface overload configuration.
• The match-in-vrf keyword for intra-VPN NAT is not supported with CGN.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Information About Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Information About Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
In Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S and later releases, the Match-in-VRF Support for NAT feature supports NAT
of packets that communicate between two hosts within the same VPN.
The VRF-aware NAT enables communication between hosts in the private address space in different VPN
routing and forwarding (VRF) instances and common servers in the Internet or the global domain. Because
IP addresses of the inside hosts overlap with each other, the VRF-aware NAT facilitates communication
between these hosts by converting overlapped inside IP addresses into globally unique addresses. The
Match-in-VRF Support for NAT feature extends VRF-aware NAT by supporting intra-VPN NAT capability.
In the intra-VPN NAT, both the local and global address spaces for end hosts are isolated to their respective
VPNs, and as a result translated addresses for hosts overlap each other. To separate the address space for
translated addresses among VPNs, configure the match-in-vrf keyword in the NAT mapping (ip nat inside
source command) configuration. Both static and dynamic NAT configurations support the match-in-vrf

Note All NAT commands that support VRF support the match-in-vrf keyword. Because NAT outside rules (ip
nat outside source command) support the match-in-VRF functionality by default, the match-in-vrf keyword
is not supported by NAT outside rules.

In VRF-aware NAT, the IP alias and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries for inside global addresses
are configured in the global domain. For intra-VPN NAT, the IP alias and ARP entries for inside global
addresses are configured in the VRF through which the translation happens. In intra-VPN NAT, configuration
of the match-in-vrf keyword implies that at least one NAT outside interface is configured in the same VRF.
The ARP entry in that VRF replies to the ARP request from the outside host.
If inside addresses are configured, the match-in-VRF is determined through inside mappings during the address
translation of VRF traffic. If you have configured only outside mapping of IP addresses for address translations,
the match-in-VRF will work. When a translation entry is created with both inside and outside mappings, the
match-in-vrf keyword is determined by the inside mapping.
The Match-in-VRF Support for NAT feature supports the configuration of multiple dynamic mappings with
the same IP address pool.
The following table provides you information about VRF support for NAT:

NAT Inside Interface NAT Outside Interface

Global Global IPv4 (non-MPLS)

Note You must use the match-in-vrf keyword
in the configuration to indicate that
communication is occurring within the

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
How to Configure Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

NAT Inside Interface NAT Outside Interface

Note Both VRFs must be in the same inside
interface for this configuration to work.

Note You must use the match-in-vrf keyword
in the configuration to indicate that
communication is occurring within the

VRF Global IPv4 (non-MPLS)

How to Configure Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Configuring Static NAT with Match-in-VRF
Perform the following task to configure a static NAT translation and to enable NAT inside and outside traffic
in the same VRF.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip [vrf vrf-name [match-in-vrf]]
4. interface type number
5. ip address ip-address mask [secondary]
6. ip nat inside
7. ip vrf forwarding vrf-name
8. exit
9. interface type number
10. ip address ip-address mask
11. ip nat outside
12. ip vrf forwarding vrf-name
13. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Configuring Static NAT with Match-in-VRF

Command or Action Purpose

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat inside source static local-ip global-ip [vrf Establishes static translation between an inside local
vrf-name [match-in-vrf]] address and an inside global address.
Example: • The match-in-vrf keyword enables NAT inside and
Router(config)# ip nat inside source static outside traffic in the same VRF. vrf vrf1 match-in-vrf

Step 4 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters interface configuration
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1

Step 5 ip address ip-address mask [secondary] Sets a primary IP address for an interface.
Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 6 ip nat inside Marks the interface as connected to the inside.

Router(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 7 ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Associates a VRF with an interface or subinterface.

Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf1

Step 8 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit

Step 9 interface type number Specifies a different interface and enters interface
configuration mode.
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 10 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for an interface.

Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 11 ip nat outside Marks the interface as connected to the outside.

Example: Note NAT outside rules support the match-in-VRF
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside functionality by default.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Configuring Dynamic NAT with Match-in-VRF

Command or Action Purpose

Step 12 ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Associates a VRF with an interface or subinterface.
Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf1

Step 13 end Exits interface configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Router(config-if)# end

Configuring Dynamic NAT with Match-in-VRF

Perform the following task to configure a dynamic NAT translation with the same address pool and to enable
NAT inside and outside traffic in the same VRF.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool pool-name [vrf vrf-name [match-in-vrf]]
4. access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]
5. ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool pool-name vrf vrf-name [match-in-vrf]
6. interface type number
7. ip address ip-address mask
8. ip nat inside
9. ip vrf forwarding vrf-name
10. exit
11. interface type number
12. ip address ip-address mask
13. ip nat outside
14. ip vrf forwarding vrf-name
15. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Configuring Dynamic NAT with Match-in-VRF

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool Enables multiple dynamic mappings to be configured with
pool-name [vrf vrf-name [match-in-vrf]] the same address pool.
Example: • The match-in-vrf keyword enables NAT inside and
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool outside traffic in the same VRF.
shared-pool vrf vrf1 match-in-vrf

Step 4 access-list access-list-number permit source Defines a standard access list permitting those addresses
[source-wildcard] that are to be translated.
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit

Step 5 ip nat inside source list access-list-number pool Establishes dynamic source translation, specifying the
pool-name vrf vrf-name [match-in-vrf] access list defined in the previous step.
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool
shared-pool vrf vpn1

Step 6 interface type number Specifies an interface and enters interface configuration
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1

Step 7 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for an interface.

Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 8 ip nat inside Marks the interface as connected to the inside.

Router(config-if)# ip nat inside

Step 9 ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Associates a VRF with an interface or subinterface.

Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vpn1

Step 10 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit

Step 11 interface type number Specifies a different interface and enters interface
configuration mode.
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Step 12 ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for an interface.


IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Configuration Examples for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Command or Action Purpose

Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 13 ip nat outside Marks the interface as connected to the outside.

Example: Note NAT outside rules support the match-in-VRF
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside functionality by default.

Step 14 ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Associates a VRF with an interface or subinterface.

Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vpn1

Step 15 end Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global

configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# end

Configuration Examples for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Example: Configuring Static NAT with Match-in-VRF
The following example shows how to configure a static NAT translation between the local IP address and the global IP address The match-in-vrf keyword enables NAT inside
and outside traffic in the same VRF.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip nat inside source static vrf vrf1 match-in-vrf
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf1
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf1
Router(config-if)# end

Example: Configuring Dynamic NAT with Match-in-VRF

The following example shows how to configure dynamic NAT mappings with the same address pool.
The match-in-vrf keyword enables NAT inside and outside traffic in the same VRF.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool shared-pool vrf vrf1 match-in-vrf
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool shared-pool vrf vpn1
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
Router(config-if)# ip address

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Additional References for Static NAT Mapping with HSRP

Router(config-if)# ip nat inside

Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vpn1
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vpn1
Router(config-if)# end

Additional References for Static NAT Mapping with HSRP

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands: complete command syntax, Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference
command mode, command history, usage
guidelines, and examples

IP Access List Sequence Numbering IP Access List Sequence Numbering document

NAT configuration tasks “Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation” module

NAT maintenance “Monitoring and Maintaining NAT” module

Using NAT with MPLS VPNs “Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs” module

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

RFC 903 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

RFC 826 Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol: Or converting network protocol addresses to 48.bit
Ethernet address for transmission on Ethernet hardware

RFC 1027 Using ARP to implement transparent subnet gateways

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Feature Information for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Feature Information for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Table 15: Feature Information for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S The Match-in-VRF Support for
NAT feature supports the NAT
translation of packets that
communicate between two hosts
within the same VPN.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Match-in-VRF Support for NAT
Feature Information for Match-in-VRF Support for NAT

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
This module describes how to:
• Monitor Network Address Translation (NAT) using translation information and statistical displays.
• Maintain NAT by clearing NAT translations before the timeout has expired.
• Enable the logging of NAT translation by way of syslog to log and track system error messages, exceptions,
and other information.

• Finding Feature Information, on page 189

• Prerequisites for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT, on page 189
• Restrictions for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT, on page 190
• Information About Monitoring and Maintaining NAT, on page 190
• How to Monitor and Maintain NAT, on page 191
• Examples for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT, on page 194
• Where to Go Next, on page 194
• Additional References for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT, on page 195
• Feature Information for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT, on page 195

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

Before performing the tasks in this module, you must be familiar with the concepts described in the “Configuring
NAT for IP Address Conservation” module and have NAT configured in your network.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
Restrictions for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

Restrictions for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

Syslog for Network Address Translation (NAT) is not supported.

Information About Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

NAT Display Contents
There are two basic types of IP Network Address Translation (NAT) translation information:

Translation Entries
Translation entry information includes the following:
• The protocol of the port identifying the address.
• The legitimate IP address that represents one or more inside local IP addresses to the outside world.
• The IP address assigned to a host on the inside network; probably not a legitimate address assigned by
the NIC or service provider.
• The IP address of an outside host as it appears to the inside network; probably not a legitimate address
assigned by the NIC or service provider.
• The IP address assigned to a host on the outside network by its owner.
• The time since the entry was created (in hours:minutes:seconds).
• The time since the entry was last used (in hours:minutes:seconds).
• Flags indicating the type of translation. Possible flags are:
• extended—Extended translation.
• static—Static translation.
• destination—Rotary translation.
• outside—Outside translation.
• timing out—Translation will no longer be used, due to a TCP finish (FIN) or reset (RST) flag.

Statistical Information
Statistical information includes the following:
• The total number of translations active in the system. This number is incremented each time a translation
is created and is decremented each time a translation is cleared or times out.
• A list of interfaces marked as outside with the ip nat outside command.
• A list of interfaces marked as inside with the ip nat inside command.
• The number of times the software does a translations table lookup and finds an entry.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
How to Monitor and Maintain NAT

• The number of times the software does a translations table lookup, fails to find an entry, and must try to
create one.
• A cumulative count of translations that have expired since the router was booted.
• Information about dynamic mappings.
• Information about an inside source translation.
• The access list number being used for the translation.
• The name of the pool.
• The number of translations using this pool.
• The IP network mask being used in the pool.
• The starting IP address in the pool range.
• The ending IP address in the pool range.
• The type of pool. Possible types are generic or rotary.
• The number of addresses in the pool available for translation.
• The number of addresses being used.
• The number of failed allocations from the pool.

NAT does not support access control lists (ACLs) with the log option. The same functionality can be achieved
by using one of the following options:
• By having a physical interface or virtual LAN (VLAN) with the logging option
• By using NetFlow

How to Monitor and Maintain NAT

Displaying NAT Translation Information
1. enable
2. show ip nat translations [verbose]
3. show ip nat statistics


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
Displaying NAT Translation Information

Command or Action Purpose

Step 2 show ip nat translations [verbose] (Optional) Displays active NAT translations.
Device# show ip nat translations

Step 3 show ip nat statistics (Optional) Displays active NAT translation statistics.
Device# show ip nat statistics

The following is sample output from the show ip nat translations command:
Device# show ip nat translations

Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global

Total number of translations: 3

The following is sample output from the show ip nat translations verbose command:
Device# show ip nat translations verbose

Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global

create 04/09/11 10:51:48, use 04/09/11 10:52:31, timeout: 00:01:00
Map-Id(In):1, Mac-Address: 0000.0000.0000 Input-IDB: GigabitEthernet0/3/1
entry-id: 0x8ef80350, use_count:1
create 04/09/11 10:51:48, use 04/09/11 10:52:31, timeout: 00:01:00
Map-Id(In):1, Mac-Address: 0000.0000.0000 Input-IDB: GigabitEthernet0/3/1
entry-id: 0x8ef801b0, use_count:1
create 04/09/11 10:51:48, use 04/09/11 10:52:31, timeout: 00:01:00
Map-Id(In):1, Mac-Address: 0000.0000.0000 Input-IDB: GigabitEthernet0/3/1
entry-id: 0x8ef80280, use_count:1
Total number of translations: 3

The following is sample output from the show ip nat statistics command:
Device# show ip nat statistics

Total active translations: 3 (0 static, 3 dynamic; 3 extended)

Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
Hits: 3228980 Misses: 3
CEF Translated packets: 0, CEF Punted packets: 0
Expired translations: 0
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
[Id: 1] access-list 1 pool pool1 refcount 3
pool pool1: netmask
start end
type generic, total addresses 254, allocated 0 (0%), misses 0
longest chain in pool: pool1's addr-hash: 0, average len 0,chains 0/256

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
Clearing NAT Entries Before the Timeout

Pool stats drop: 0 Mapping stats drop: 0

Port block alloc fail: 0
IP alias add fail: 0
Limit entry add fail: 0

Clearing NAT Entries Before the Timeout

By default, dynamic address translations will time out from the NAT translation table at some point. Perform
this task to clear the entries before the timeout.

1. enable
2. clear ip nat translation inside global-ip local-ip outside local-ip global-ip
3. clear ip nat translation outside global-ip local-ip
4. clear ip nat translation protocol inside global-ip global-port local-ip local-port outside local-ip
local-port global-ip global-port
5. clear ip nat translation {* | [forced] | [inside global-ip local-ip] [outside local-ip global-ip]}
6. clear ip nat translation inside global-ip local-ip [forced]
7. clear ip nat translation outside local-ip global-ip [forced]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 clear ip nat translation inside global-ip local-ip outside (Optional) Clears a single dynamic half-entry containing
local-ip global-ip an inside translation or both an inside and outside translation
created in a dynamic configuration.
Device# clear ip nat translation inside • A dynamic half-entry is cleared only if it does not have outside any child translations.

Step 3 clear ip nat translation outside global-ip local-ip (Optional) Clears a single dynamic half-entry containing
an outside translation created in a dynamic configuration.
Device# clear ip nat translation outside • A dynamic half-entry is cleared only if it does not have any child translations.

Step 4 clear ip nat translation protocol inside global-ip (Optional) Clears a UDP translation entry.
global-port local-ip local-port outside local-ip
local-port global-ip global-port
Device # clear ip nat translation udp inside 1220 1220 outside 53 53

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
Examples for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 clear ip nat translation {* | [forced] | [inside global-ip (Optional) Clears either all dynamic translations (with the
local-ip] [outside local-ip global-ip]} * or forced keyword), a single dynamic half-entry
containing an inside translation, or a single dynamic
half-entry containing an outside translation.
Device# clear ip nat translation *
• A single dynamic half-entry is cleared only if it does
not have any child translations.

Step 6 clear ip nat translation inside global-ip local-ip (Optional) Forces the clearing of a single dynamic half-entry
[forced] and its child translations containing an inside translation
created in a dynamic configuration, with or without its
corresponding outside translation.
Device# clear ip nat translation inside forced • A dynamic half-entry is always cleared, regardless of
whether it has any child translations.

Step 7 clear ip nat translation outside local-ip global-ip (Optional) Forces the clearing of a single dynamic half-entry
[forced] and its child translations containing an outside translation
created in a dynamic configuration.
Device# clear ip nat translation outside • A dynamic half-entry is always cleared, regardless of forced whether it has any child translations.

Examples for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

Example: Clearing UDP NAT Translations
The following example shows the Network Address Translation (NAT) entries before and after the UDP entry
is cleared:
Device# show ip nat translation
Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global

Device# clear ip nat translation udp inside outside
Device# show ip nat translation

Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global


Where to Go Next
• To configure NAT for use with application level gateways, see the “Using Application Level Gateways
with NAT” module.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
Additional References for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

• To integrate NAT with MPLS VPNs, see the “Integrating NAT with MPLS VPNs” module.
• To configure NAT for high availability, see the “Configuring NAT for High Availability” module.

Additional References for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands: complete command syntax, command Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command
mode, command history, defaults, usage guidelines, Reference
and examples

NAT for IP address conservation “Configuring NAT for IP Address Conservation”


Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 16: Feature Information for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT—Forced Clear of Dynamic 12.2(15)T A second forced keyword was added to the
NAT Half-Entries clear ip nat translation command to enable
the removal of half-entries regardless of whether
they have any child translations.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Monitoring and Maintaining NAT
Feature Information for Monitoring and Maintaining NAT

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
NAT—PT is an IPv6-to-IPv4 translation mechanism, as defined in RFC 2765 and RFC 2766, that allows
IPv6-only devices to communicate with IPv4-only devices and vice versa.
This modules describes Network Address Translation (NAT)—Protocol Translation (PT) and explains how
to configure the feature.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 197
• Prerequisites for NAT-PT for IPv6, on page 197
• Restrictions for NAT-PT for IPv6, on page 197
• Information for NAT-PT for IPv6, on page 198
• How to Configure NAT-PT for IPv6, on page 201
• Configuration Examples for NAT-PT for IPv6, on page 209
• Additional References, on page 212
• Feature Information for NAT-PT for IPv6, on page 212

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for NAT-PT for IPv6

Before implementing the NAT-PT for IPv6 feature, you must configure IPv4 and IPv6 on device interfaces
that need to communicate between IPv4-only and IPv6-only networks.

Restrictions for NAT-PT for IPv6

• Network Address Translation (NAT)-Protocol Translation (PT) is not supported with Cisco Express

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Information for NAT-PT for IPv6

• NAT-PT supports only Domain Naming System (DNS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) application-layer gateways (ALGs).
• NAT-PT does not provide end-to-end security to networks. The device on which NAT-PT is configured
can be a single point of failure in the network.
• Bridge-group virtual interfaces (BVIs) in IPv6 are not supported with NAT-PT and wireless interfaces

Information for NAT-PT for IPv6

NAT-PT Overview
Network Address Translation (NAT)-Port Translation (PT) for Cisco software based on RFC 2766 and RFC
2765 is a migration tool that helps customers transition their IPv4 networks to IPv6 networks. Using a protocol
translator between IPv6 and IPv4 allows direct communication between hosts that use different network
protocols. You can use static, dynamic, port address translation, IPv4-mapped definitions for NAT-PT operation.
The figure below shows that NAT-PT runs on a device that is configured between an IPv6 network and an
IPv4 network that helps connect an IPv6-only node with an IPv4-only node.
Figure 17: NAT-PT Basic Operation

NAT-PT allows direct communication between IPv6-only networks and IPv4-only networks. Dual-stack
networks (networks that have IPv4 and IPv6) can have some IPv6-only hosts configured to take advantage
of the IPv6 autoconfiguration, global addressing, and simpler management features, and these hosts can use
NAT-PT to communicate with existing IPv4-only networks in the same organization.
One of the benefits of NAT-PT is that no changes are required to existing hosts if NAT-PT is configured,
because all NAT-PT configurations are performed at the NAT-PT device. Stable IPv4 networks can introduce
an IPv6 network and use NAT-PT to communicate between these networks without disrupting the network.
For a seamless transition, you can use FTP between IPv4 and IPv6 hosts.
When you configure IPv6, packet fragmentation is enabled by default, to allow IPv4 and IPv6 networks to
resolve fragmentation problems. Without the ability to resolve fragmentation, connectivity can be intermittent
when fragmented packets are dropped or not interpreted correctly.
We do not recommend the use of NAT-PT to communicate between a dual-stack host and an IPv6-only or
IPv4-only host. We do not recommend the use of NAT-PT in a scenario in which an IPv6-only network tries
to communicate with another IPv6-only network via an IPv4 backbone or vice versa, because NAT-PT requires
a double translation. You can use tunneling techniques for communication in these scenarios.
You can configure one the following operations for NAT-PT, but not all four.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Static NAT-PT Operation

Static NAT-PT Operation

Static NAT-PT uses static translation rules to map an IPv6 address to an IPv4 address. IPv6 network nodes
communicate with IPv4 network nodes using an IPv6 mapping of the IPv4 address that is configured on the
NAT-PT device.
The figure below shows how the IPv6-only node named A can communicate with the IPv4-only node named
C using NAT-PT. The NAT-PT device is configured to map the source IPv6 address for node A of
2001:DB8:bbbb:1::1 to the IPv4 address NAT-PT is also configured to map the source address
of IPv4 node C, to 2001:DB8::a. When packets with a source IPv6 address of node A are received
at the NAT-PT device, these packets are translated to have a destination address that matches node C in the
IPv4-only network. You can also configure NAT-PT to match a source IPv4 address and translate the packet
to an IPv6 destination address to allow an IPv4-only host to communicate with an IPv6-only host.
If you have multiple IPv6-only or IPv4-only hosts, you may need to configure multiple static NAT-PT
mappings. Static NAT-PT is useful when applications or servers require access to a stable IPv4 address, such
as accessing an external IPv4 Domain Name System (DNS) server.
Figure 18: Static NAT-PT Operation

Dynamic NAT-PT Operation

Dynamic NAT-PT allows multiple NAT-PT mappings by allocating addresses from a pool of addresses.
NAT-PT is configured with a pool of IPv6 and/or IPv4 addresses. At the start of a NAT-PT session a temporary
address is dynamically allocated from this pool. The number of addresses available in the address pool
determines the maximum number of concurrent sessions. The NAT-PT device records each mapping between
addresses in a dynamic state table.
The figure below shows how dynamic NAT-PT operates. The IPv6-only node B can communicate with the
IPv4-only node D using dynamic NAT-PT. The NAT-PT device is configured with an IPv6 access list, prefix
list, or route map to determine which packets are to be translated by NAT-PT. A pool of IPv4
addresses-- to in the figure -- is also configured. When an IPv6 packet to be translated is
identified, NAT-PT uses the configured mapping rules and assigns a temporary IPv4 address from the configured
pool of IPv4 addresses.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Port Address Translation

Figure 19: Dynamic NAT-PT Operation

Dynamic NAT-PT translation operation requires at least one static mapping for the IPv4 Domain Name System
(DNS) server.
After the IPv6 to IPv4 connection is established, reply packets going from IPv4 to IPv6 uses the previously
established dynamic mapping to translate back from IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa for an IPv4-only host.

Port Address Translation

Port Address Translation (PAT), also known as overload configuration, allows a single IPv4 address to be
used among multiple sessions by multiplexing on the port number to associate several IPv6 users with a single
IPv4 address. PAT can be accomplished through a specific interface or through a pool of addresses. The figure
below shows multiple IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 network that is linked to a single IPv4 interface into the
IPv4 network.
Figure 20: Port Address Translation

IPv4-Mapped Operation
You can send traffic from your IPv6 network to an IPv4 network without configuring the IPv6 destination
address mapping. A packet that arrives at an interface is checked to discover if it has a NAT-PT prefix that
was configured with the ipv6 nat prefix v4-mapped command. If the prefix matches, then an access-list
check is performed to discover if the source address matches the access list or prefix list. If the prefix does
not match, the packet is dropped. If the prefix matches, the source address translation is performed.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
How to Configure NAT-PT for IPv6

If a rule is configured for the source address translation, the last 32 bits of the destination IPv6 address is used
as the IPv4 destination and a flow entry is created.
With an IPv4-mapping configuration on a device, when the Domain Name System (DNS) application-level
gateway (ALG) IPv4 address is converted to an IPv6 address, the IPv6 address is processed and ALGs of the
DNS packets from IPv4 network is translated into the IPv6 network.

How to Configure NAT-PT for IPv6

Configuring Basic IPv6 to IPv4 Connectivity for NAT-PT for IPv6
Perform this task to configure basic IPv6 to IPv4 connectivity for NAT-PT, which consists of configuring the
NAT-PT prefix globally, and enable NAT-PT on an interface. For NAT-PT to be operational, NAT-PT must
be enabled on both the incoming and outgoing interfaces.
An IPv6 prefix with a prefix length of 96 must be specified for NAT-PT to use. The IPv6 prefix can be a
unique local unicast prefix, a subnet of your allocated IPv6 prefix, or even an extra prefix obtained from your
Internet service provider (ISP). The NAT-PT prefix is used to match a destination address of an IPv6 packet.
If the match is successful, NAT-PT will use the configured address mapping rules to translate the IPv6 packet
to an IPv4 packet. The NAT-PT prefix can be configured globally or with different IPv6 prefixes on individual
interfaces. Using a different NAT-PT prefix on several interfaces allows the NAT-PT router to support an
IPv6 network with multiple exit points to IPv4 networks.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ipv6 nat prefix ipv6-prefix / prefix-length
4. interface type number
5. ipv6 address ipv6-address {/prefix-length | link-local}
6. ipv6 nat
7. exit
8. interface type number
9. ip address ip-address mask [secondary]
10. ipv6 nat


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Configuring Basic IPv6 to IPv4 Connectivity for NAT-PT for IPv6

Command or Action Purpose

Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ipv6 nat prefix ipv6-prefix / prefix-length Assigns an IPv6 prefix as a global NAT-PT prefix.
Example: • Matching destination prefixes in IPv6 packets are
translated by NAT-PT.
Router# ipv6 nat prefix 2001:DB8::/96
• The only prefix length supported is 96.

Step 4 interface type number Specifies an interface type and number, and places the
router in interface configuration mode.

Router(config)# interface ethernet 3/1

Step 5 ipv6 address ipv6-address {/prefix-length | link-local} Specifies an IPv6 address assigned to the interface and
enables IPv6 processing on the interface.

Router(config-if)# ipv6 address


Step 6 ipv6 nat Enables NAT-PT on the interface.


Router(config-if)# ipv6 nat

Step 7 exit Exits interface configuration mode, and returns the router
to global configuration mode.

Router(config-if)# exit

Step 8 interface type number Specifies an interface type and number, and places the
router in interface configuration mode.

Router(config)# interface ethernet 3/3

Step 9 ip address ip-address mask [secondary] Specifies an IP address and mask assigned to the interface
and enables IP processing on the interface.

Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 10 ipv6 nat Enables NAT-PT on the interface.


Router(config-if)# ipv6 nat

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Configuring IPv4-Mapped NAT-PT

Configuring IPv4-Mapped NAT-PT

Perform this task to enable customers to send traffic from their IPv6 network to an IPv4 network without
configuring IPv6 destination address mapping. This task shows the ipv6 nat prefix v4-mapped command
configured on a specified interface, but the command could alternatively be configured globally:

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number
4. ipv6 nat prefix ipv6-prefix v4-mapped {access-list-name | ipv6-prefix}


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router# configure terminal

Step 3 interface type number Specifies an interface type and number, and places the router
in interface configuration mode.

Router(config)# interface ethernet 3/1

Step 4 ipv6 nat prefix ipv6-prefix v4-mapped Enables customers to send traffic from their IPv6 network
{access-list-name | ipv6-prefix} to an IPv4 network without configuring IPv6 destination
address mapping.

Router(config-if)# ipv6 nat prefix 2001::/96

v4-mapped v4mapacl

Configuring Mappings for IPv6 Hosts Accessing IPv4 Hosts

Perform this task to configure static or dynamic IPv6 to IPv4 address mappings. The dynamic address mappings
include assigning a pool of IPv4 addresses and using an access list, prefix list, or route map to define which
packets are to be translated.

1. enable
2. configure terminal

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Configuring Mappings for IPv6 Hosts Accessing IPv4 Hosts

3. Configure one of the following commands:

• ipv6 nat v6v4 source ipv6-address ipv4-address
• ipv6 nat v6v4 source {list access-list-name | route-map map-name} pool name
4. ipv6 nat v6v4 pool name start-ipv4 end-ipv4 prefix-length prefix-length
5. ipv6 nat translation [max-entries number] {timeout | udp-timeout | dns-timeout | tcp-timeout |
finrst-timeout | icmp-timeout} {seconds | never}
6. ipv6 access-list access-list-name
7. permit protocol {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address} [operator
[port-number]] {destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-address}
8. end
9. show ipv6 nat translations [icmp | tcp | udp] [verbose]
10. show ipv6 nat statistics


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 Configure one of the following commands: Enables a static IPv6 to IPv4 address mapping using
• ipv6 nat v6v4 source ipv6-address ipv4-address
• ipv6 nat v6v4 source {list access-list-name | or
route-map map-name} pool name Enables a dynamic IPv6 to IPv4 address mapping using
Example: NAT-PT.
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v6v4 source
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v6v4 source list pt-list1
pool v4pool

Step 4 ipv6 nat v6v4 pool name start-ipv4 end-ipv4 Specifies a pool of IPv4 addresses to be used by NAT-PT
prefix-length prefix-length for dynamic address mapping.
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v6v4 pool v4pool prefix-length 24

Step 5 ipv6 nat translation [max-entries number] {timeout | (Optional) Specifies the time after which NAT-PT
udp-timeout | dns-timeout | tcp-timeout | finrst-timeout translations time out.
| icmp-timeout} {seconds | never}
Device(config)# ipv6 nat translation udp-timeout

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Configuring Mappings for IPv4 Hosts Accessing IPv6 Hosts

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 ipv6 access-list access-list-name (Optional) Defines an IPv6 access list and enters IPv6
access list configuration mode.
Device(config)# ipv6 access-list pt-list1 • The access-list name argument specifies the name of
the IPv6 access control list (ACL). IPv6 ACL names
cannot contain a space or quotation mark, or begin
with a numeral.

Step 7 permit protocol {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any (Optional) Specifies permit conditions for an IPv6 ACL.
| host source-ipv6-address} [operator [port-number]]
{destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6
2001:DB8:bbbb:1::/64 any

Step 8 end Exits IPv6 access list configuration mode, and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# end

Step 9 show ipv6 nat translations [icmp | tcp | udp] [verbose] (Optional) Displays active NAT-PT translations.
Example: • Use the optional icmp, tcp, and udp keywords to
Device# show ipv6 nat translations verbose display detailed information about the NAT-PT
translation events for the specified protocol.
• Use the optional verbose keyword to display more
detailed information about the active translations.

Step 10 show ipv6 nat statistics (Optional) Displays NAT-PT statistics.

Device# show ipv6 nat statistics

Configuring Mappings for IPv4 Hosts Accessing IPv6 Hosts

Perform this optional task to configure static or dynamic IPv4 to IPv6 address mappings. The dynamic address
mappings include assigning a pool of IPv6 addresses and using an access list, prefix list, or route map to define
which packets are to be translated.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Configure one of the following commands:
• ipv6 nat v4v6 source ipv6-address ipv4-address
• ipv6 nat v4v6 source list {access-list-number | name} pool name

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Configuring PAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Address Mappings

4. ipv6 nat v4v6 pool name start-ipv6 end-ipv6 prefix-length prefix-length

5. access-list {access-list-name | number}{deny | permit} [source source-wildcard] [log]
6. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 Configure one of the following commands: Enables a static IPv4 to IPv6 address mapping using
• ipv6 nat v4v6 source ipv6-address ipv4-address
• ipv6 nat v4v6 source list {access-list-number | or
name} pool name Enables a dynamic IPv4 to IPv6 address mapping using
Example: NAT-PT.
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v4v6 source
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v4v6 source list 1 pool

Step 4 ipv6 nat v4v6 pool name start-ipv6 end-ipv6 Specifies a pool of IPv6 addresses to be used by NAT-PT
prefix-length prefix-length for dynamic address mapping.
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v4v6 pool v6pool
2001:DB8:yyyy::1 2001:DB8:yyyy::2 prefix-length

Step 5 access-list {access-list-name | number}{deny | permit} Specifies an entry in a standard IPv4 access list.
[source source-wildcard] [log]
Device(config)# access-list 1 permit

Step 6 end Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Configuring PAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Address Mappings

Perform this task to configure Port Address Translation (PAT) for IPv6 to IPv4 address mappings. Multiple
IPv6 addresses are mapped to a single IPv4 address or to a pool of IPv4 addresses. Use an access list, a prefix
list, or a route map to define which packets must be translated.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Configuring PAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Address Mappings

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Configure one of the following commands:
• ipv6 nat v6v4 source {list access-list-name | route-map map-name} pool name overload
• ipv6 nat v6v4 source {list access-list-name | route-map map-name} interface interface name
4. ipv6 nat v6v4 pool name start-ipv4 end-ipv4 prefix-length prefix-length
5. ipv6 nat translation [max-entries number] {timeout | udp-timeout | dns-timeout | tcp-timeout |
finrst-timeout | icmp-timeout} {seconds | never}
6. ipv6 access-list access-list-name
7. permit protocol {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address} [operator
[port-number]] {destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-address}
8. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 Configure one of the following commands: Enables a dynamic IPv6 to IPv4 address overload mapping
using a pool address.
• ipv6 nat v6v4 source {list access-list-name |
route-map map-name} pool name overload or
• ipv6 nat v6v4 source {list access-list-name | Enables a dynamic IPv6 to IPv4 address overload mapping
route-map map-name} interface interface name using an interface address.
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v6v4 source
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v6v4 source list pt-list1
pool v4pool overload

Step 4 ipv6 nat v6v4 pool name start-ipv4 end-ipv4 Specifies a pool of IPv4 addresses to be used by NAT-PT
prefix-length prefix-length for dynamic address mapping.
Device(config)# ipv6 nat v6v4 pool v4pool prefix-length 24

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Verifying NAT-PT Configuration and Operation

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 ipv6 nat translation [max-entries number] {timeout | (Optional) Specifies the time after which NAT-PT
udp-timeout | dns-timeout | tcp-timeout | finrst-timeout translations time out.
| icmp-timeout} {seconds | never}
Device(config)# ipv6 nat translation udp-timeout

Step 6 ipv6 access-list access-list-name (Optional) Defines an IPv6 access list and enters IPv6 access
list configuration mode.
Device(config)# ipv6 access-list pt-list1 • IPv6 ACL names cannot contain a space or quotation
mark, or begin with a numeral.

Step 7 permit protocol {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any (Optional) Specifies permit conditions for an IPv6 ACL.
| host source-ipv6-address} [operator [port-number]]
{destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6
2001:DB8:bbbb:1::/64 any

Step 8 end Exits IPv6 access list configuration mode and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config-ipv6-acl)# end

Verifying NAT-PT Configuration and Operation

These commands are optional. Use these commands in any order.

1. enable
2. clear ipv6 nat translation *
3. debug ipv6 nat [detailed | port]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC
Device> enable • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 clear ipv6 nat translation * Clears dynamic Network Address Translation (NAT)-Port
Translation (PT) entries from the dynamic translation state
Device# clear ipv6 nat translation *

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Configuration Examples for NAT-PT for IPv6

Command or Action Purpose

• Use the * keyword to clear all dynamic NAT-PT

Note Static translation configuration is not affected

by this command.

Step 3 debug ipv6 nat [detailed | port] Displays debugging messages for NAT-PT translation
Device# debug ipv6 nat detail

Configuration Examples for NAT-PT for IPv6

Example: Static NAT-PT Configuration
The following example configures the NAT-PT prefix globally, enables NAT-PT on two interfaces, and
configures two static NAT-PT mappings. Ethernet interface 3/1 is configured as IPv6 only, and Ethernet
interface 3/3 is configured as IPv4 only.

interface Ethernet3/1
ipv6 address 2001:DB8:3002::9/64
ipv6 enable
ipv6 nat
interface Ethernet3/3
ip address
ipv6 nat
ipv6 nat v4v6 source 2001:DB8:0::2
ipv6 nat v6v4 source 2001:DB8:bbbb:1::1
ipv6 nat prefix 2001:DB8:0::/96

Example: Configuring IPv4-Mapped NAT-PT

The following example shows an access list that permits any IPv6 source address with the prefix 2001::/96
to enter the destination with the 2000::/96 prefix. The destination is translated to the last 32 bit of its IPv6
address; for example: source address is 2001::1 and destination address is 2000:: The destination
is translated to in the IPv4 network.
interface gigabitethernet 3/1/1
ipv6 nat prefix 2000::/96 v4-mapped v4map-acl
ipv6 access-list v4map-acl
permit ipv6 2001::/96 2000::/96

Example: Dynamic NAT-PT Configuration for IPv6 Hosts Accessing IPv4 Hosts
The following example configures the NAT-PT prefix globally, enables NAT-PT on two interfaces, and
configures one static NAT-PT mapping (used, for example, to access a DNS server). A dynamic NAT-PT
mapping is also configured to map IPv6 addresses to IPv4 addresses using a pool of IPv4 addresses named

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Example: Dynamic NAT-PT Configuration for IPv4 Hosts Accessing IPv6 Hosts

v4pool. The packets to be translated by NAT-PT are filtered using an IPv6 access list named pt-list1. The
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) translation entries are configured to time out after 10 minutes. Ethernet
interface 3/1 is configured as IPv6 only, and Ethernet interface 3/3 is configured as IPv4 only.

interface Ethernet3/1
ipv6 address 2001:DB8:bbbb:1::9/64
ipv6 enable
ipv6 nat
interface Ethernet3/3
ip address
ipv6 nat
ipv6 nat v4v6 source 2001:DB8:0::2
ipv6 nat v6v4 source list pt-list1 pool v4pool
ipv6 nat v6v4 pool v4pool prefix-length 24
ipv6 nat translation udp-timeout 600
ipv6 nat prefix 2001:DB8:1::/96
ipv6 access-list pt-list1
permit ipv6 2001:DB8:bbbb:1::/64 any

Example: Dynamic NAT-PT Configuration for IPv4 Hosts Accessing IPv6 Hosts
The following example configures the NAT-PT prefix globally, enables NAT-PT on two interfaces, and
configures one static NAT-PT mapping (used, for example, to access a DNS server). A dynamic NAT-PT
mapping is also configured to map IPv4 addresses to IPv6 addresses using a pool of IPv6 addresses named
v6pool. The packets to be translated by NAT-PT are filtered using an access list named pt-list2. Ethernet
interface 3/1 is configured as IPv6 only, and Ethernet interface 3/3 is configured as IPv4 only.

interface Ethernet3/1
ipv6 address 2001:DB8:bbbb:1::9/64
ipv6 enable
ipv6 nat
interface Ethernet3/3
ip address
ipv6 nat
ipv6 nat v4v6 source list 72 pool v6pool
ipv6 nat v4v6 pool v6pool 2001:DB8:0::1 2001:DB8:0::2 prefix-length 128
ipv6 nat v6v4 source 2001:DB8:bbbb:1::1
ipv6 nat prefix 2001:DB8:0::/96
access-list 72 permit

Example: Displaying Dynamic NAT-PT Translations

The following example shows how all dynamic NAT-PT translations are cleared from the dynamic
translation state table using the clear ipv6 nat translation * command. After configuring the clear
command, when you configure the show ipv6 nat translations command, only static translation
configurations are displayed.
Device# clear ipv6 nat translation *

Device# show ipv6 nat translations

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Example: Displaying Active NAT-PT Translations

Prot IPv4 source IPv6 source

IPv4 destination IPv6 destination
--- --- --- 2001:DB8::2

--- --- --- 2001:DB8::10

--- 2001:DB8:3::8

--- ---

--- 2001:DB8:5::4

--- ---

Example: Displaying Active NAT-PT Translations

The following sample output from the show ipv6 nat translations command displays information
about active Network Address Translation (NAT)-Port Translation (PT) translations:
Device# show ipv6 nat translations

Prot IPv4 source IPv6 source

IPv4 destination IPv6 destination
--- --- --- 2001:DB8::2

--- --- --- 2001:DB8::10

tcp,11047 2001:DB8:3::8,11047,23 2001:DB8::2,23

udp,52922 2001:DB8:3::8,52922,69 2001::2,69

udp,52922 2001:DB8:3::8,52922,52922 2001:DB8::2,52922

--- 2001:DB8:3::8 2001:DB8::2

--- 2001:DB8:3::8

--- --- ---

Example: Displaying Information About NAT-PT Statistics

Router# show ipv6 nat statistics

Total active translations: 4 (4 static, 0 dynamic; 0 extended)

NAT-PT interfaces:
Ethernet3/1, Ethernet3/3
Hits: 0 Misses: 0
Expired translations: 0

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Additional References

Additional References
Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

IPv6 addressing and connectivity IPv6 Configuration Guide

Cisco IOS commands Master Commands List, All Releases

IPv6 commands IPv6 Command Reference

Cisco IOS IPv6 features IPv6 Feature Mapping

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

RFCs for IPv6


Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for NAT-PT for IPv6

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 17: Feature Information for NAT-PT for IPv6

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT-PT: Support for DNS ALG 12.2(13)T IPv6 provides DNS ALG support.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Feature Information for NAT-PT for IPv6

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT-PT: Support for FTP ALG 12.3(2)T IPv6 provides FTP ALG support.

NAT-PT: Support for 12.3(2)T Packet fragmentation is enabled by

Fragmentation default when IPv6 is configured,
allowing IPv6 and IPv4 networks
to resolve fragmentation problems
between the networks.

NAT-PT: Support for Overload 12.3(2)T This feature allows a single IPv4
address to be used among multiple
sessions by multiplexing on the port
number to associate several IPv6
users with a single IPv4 address.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT-PT for IPv6
Feature Information for NAT-PT for IPv6

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

The NAT TCP SIP ALG Support feature allows embedded messages of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
passing through a device that is configured with Network Address Translation (NAT) to be translated and
encoded back to the packet. An application-layer gateway (ALG) is used with NAT to translate the SIP or
Session Description Protocol (SDP) messages.
This module describes the NAT TCP SIP ALG Support feature and explains how to configure it.
• Finding Feature Information, on page 215
• Prerequisites for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support, on page 215
• Restrictions for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support , on page 215
• Information About NAT TCP SIP ALG Support , on page 216
• How to Configure NAT TCP SIP ALG Support , on page 220
• Configuration Examples for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support , on page 221
• Additional Reference for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support, on page 221
• Feature Information for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support , on page 222

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and
feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To
find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each
feature is supported, see the feature information table.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

Layer 4 Forwarding (L4F) must be enabled for the feature to function.

Restrictions for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

• Network Address Translation (NAT) translates only embedded IPv4 addresses.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Information About NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

• NAT application-layer gateway (ALG) fixup for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) messages over TCP
is not done when Layer 4 Forwarding (L4F) functionality is disabled. In this case, SIP messages are
considered as TCP messages and only Layer 3 and Layer 4 fixups are done.
• As per RFC 5128, NAT TCP SIP ALG feature uses Endpoint-Independent mapping to perform address
translations. This combination allows incoming SIP traffic from any external endpoint on the public
network to a mapped public port. If you do not need Endpoint-Independent mapping, use ACL or
Zone-based Policy Firewall to limit the scope of incoming traffic.

Information About NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

NAT TCP SIP ALG Support Overview
The NAT TCP SIP ALG Support feature allows embedded messages of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
passing through a device that is configured with Network Address Translation (NAT) to be translated and
encoded back to the packet. An application-layer gateway (ALG) is used with NAT to translate the SIP or
Session Description Protocol (SDP) messages. The NAT TCP SIP ALG Support feature adds NAT ALG
support for fixing up TCP-based SIP messages.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an ASCII-based, application-layer control protocol that can be used to
establish, maintain, and terminate calls between two or more endpoints. SIP is a protocol developed by IETF
for multimedia conferencing over IP. SIP can be configured to operate over TCP-based transports. Cisco SIP
implementation enables supported Cisco platforms to signal the setup of voice and multimedia calls over IP
networks. SIP provides an alternative to H.323 within the VoIP internetworking software.
Like other VoIP protocols, SIP is designed to address functions of signaling and session management within
a packet telephony network. Signaling allows call information to be carried across network boundaries. Session
management provides the ability to control attributes of an end-to-end call.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) is a protocol that describes multimedia sessions. SDP can be used in SIP
message bodies to describe multimedia sessions used for creating and controlling multimedia sessions with
two or more participants.

SIP Messages
Entities that are present in a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) deployment communicate with each other by
using well-defined SIP messages that take the form of requests and responses. These SIP messages can contain
embedded IP address or port information that might belong to a private domain, and such messages must be
fixed up when they pass through a Network Address Translation (NAT) device. Fixup denotes the writing of
the translated IP address back into the packet. This fixup is normally performed by an application-layer gateway
(also called an application-level gateway) (ALG) module that resides on the NAT device.
By default, support for SIP is enabled on the standard TCP port 5060 to exchange SIP messages. You can
also configure nonstandard ports for SIP to operate. NAT ALG accepts and attempts fixup operations on all
TCP segments that originate from or are destined to the configured SIP port. SIP message processing involves
performing the fixup operation on a complete SIP message. A TCP segment may carry multiple SIP messages.
It is also possible that a SIP message is segmented and carried in two different TCP segments.
SIP messages are text based. Any adjustment that is made to the message as part of the ALG fixup can result
in the message to increase or decrease in size. A change in the message size means that the ALG must make

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

SIP Messages

adjustments to the TCP sequence or acknowledgment numbers and keep track of the same. There are cases
where the ALG must perform spoof acknowledgments and complete TCP retransmission.
TCP proxy is an essential component that terminates a TCP connection passing through NAT ALG and
regenerates the TCP connection. This connection allows NAT ALG to modify the TCP payload without any
TCP session handling issues.
The table below identifies the six available SIP request messages.

Table 18: SIP Request Messages

SIP Message Purpose

ACK Sent by calling party to confirm the receipt of a final response to INVITE.

BYE Sent by calling party or called party to end a call.

CANCEL Sent to end a call that has not yet been connected.

INVITE Request sent from a User Agent Client (UAC) to initiate a session.

OPTIONS Sent to query capabilities of UACs and network servers.

REGISTER Sent by the client to register the address with a SIP proxy.

The table below identifies the available SIP response methods.

Table 19: SIP Response Messages

SIP Message Purpose

1xx (Informational) • 100 = Trying

• 180 = Ringing
• 181 = Call Is Being Forwarded
• 182 = Queued
• 183 = Session Progress

2xx (Successful) • 200 = OK

3xx (Redirection) • 300 = Multiple Choices

• 301 = Moved Permanently
• 302 = Moved Temporarily
• 303 = See Other
• 305 = Use Proxy
• 380 = Alternative Service

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

SIP Messages

SIP Message Purpose

4xx (Request Failure) • 400 = Bad Request

• 401 = Unauthorized
• 402 = Payment Required
• 403 = Forbidden
• 404 = Not Found
• 405 = Method Not Allowed
• 406 = Not Acceptable
• 407 = Proxy Authentication Required
• 408 = Request Timeout
• 409 = Conflict
• 410 = Gone
• 411 = Length Required
• 413 = Request Entity Too Large
• 414 = Request URI Too Large
• 415 = Unsupported Media Type
• 420 = Bad Extension
• 480 = Temporarily Not Available
• 481 = Call Leg/Transaction Does Not
• 482 = Loop Detected
• 483 = Too Many Hops
• 484 = Address Incomplete
• 485 = Ambiguous
• 486 - Busy Here

5xx (Server Failure) • 500 = Internal Server Error

• 501 = Not Implemented
• 502 = Bad Gateway
• 503 = Service Unavailable
• 504 = Gateway Timeout
• 505 = SIP Version Not Supported

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

SIP Functionality

SIP Message Purpose

6xx (Global Failure) • 600 = Busy Anywhere

• 603 = Decline
• 604 = Does Not Exist Anywhere
• 606 = Not Acceptable

SIP Functionality
Users in a SIP network are identified by unique SIP addresses. A SIP address is similar to an e-mail address
and is in the format The userID can be either a username or an E.164 address. The
gateway can be either a domain (with or without a hostname) or a specific internet IP address.

Note An E.164 address is a telephone number with a string of decimal digits, which uniquely indicates the public
network termination point. This address contains all information that is necessary to route a call to a termination

Users register with a registrar server using their assigned SIP addresses. The registrar server provides SIP
addresses to the location server on request. The registrar server processes requests from user-agent clients
(UACs) for registration of their current locations.
When a user initiates a call, a SIP request is sent to a SIP server (either a proxy or a redirect server). The
request includes the address of the caller (in the From header field) and the address of the intended called
party (in the To header field).
A SIP end user might move between end systems. The location of the end user can be dynamically registered
with the SIP server. The location server can use one or more protocols (including Finger, RWhois, and
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP]) to locate the end user. Because the end user can be logged
in at more than one station and the location server can sometimes have inaccurate information, the location
server might return more than one address for the end user. If the request is coming through a SIP proxy
server, the proxy server tries each of the returned addresses until it locates the end user. If the request is coming
through a SIP redirect server, the redirect server forwards all the addresses to the caller available in the Contact
header field of the invitation response.

SIP Functionality with a Proxy Server

A proxy server receives Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) requests from a client and forwards them on the
client’s behalf. Proxy servers receive SIP messages and forward them to the next SIP server in the network.
Proxy servers can provide functions such as authentication, authorization, network access control, routing,
reliable request retransmission, and security.
SIP is a peer-to-peer protocol. The peers in a session are called user agents (UAs).
When communicating through a proxy server, the caller UA sends an INVITE request to the proxy server and
then the proxy server determines the path and forwards the request to the called party. The called UA responds
to the proxy server, which then forwards the response to the caller. When both parties respond with an
acknowledgment (SIP ACK message), the proxy server forwards the acknowledgments to their intended party

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

How to Configure NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

and a session, or conference, is established between them. The Real-time Transfer Protocol (RTP) is then
used for communication across the connection now established between the caller and called UA.

How to Configure NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

Specifying a Port for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support
Network Address Translation (NAT) support for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is enabled by default. SIP
uses the default TCP port 5060 to exchange messages. If required, you can configure a different port to handle
SIP messages.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat service sip tcp port port-number
4. end
5. debug ip nat sip


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat service sip tcp port port-number Specifies a port number other than the default port.
Device(config)# ip nat service sip tcp port 8000

Step 4 end Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged

EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Step 5 debug ip nat sip Displays SIP messages that NAT recognizes and the
embedded IP addresses contained in those messages.
Device# debug ip nat sip

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Configuration Examples for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

Configuration Examples for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

Example: Specifying a Port for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support
The following example shows how to configure the nonstandard port 8000:
Device(config)# ip nat service sip tcp port 8000

The following is sample output from the debug ip nat sip command:
Device# debug ip nat sip

May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-L4F:setting ALG_NEEDED flag in subblock for SIP message
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: lookup=0 l7_bytes_recd=509 appl_type=7
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: Complete SIP Message header of size: 376

May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: Message body length: 133

May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: Total SIP message length: 509
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: after state machine:
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: l7_bytes_recd=509
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: remaining_hdr_sz=0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: remaining_payl_sz=0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: tcp_alg_state=0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-ALG: complete_msg_len=509
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT-SIP-TCP: Number of SIP messages received: 1
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] processing INVITE message
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] register:0 door_created:0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] translated embedded address>
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] register:0 door_created:0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] translated embedded address>
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] register:0 door_created:0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] register:0 door_created:0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: Contact header found
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: Trying to find expires parameter
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] translated embedded address>
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] register:0 door_created:0
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: [0] message body found
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: Media Lines present:1
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: Translated global m=(, 6000) -> (,
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: NAT: SIP: old_sdp_len:133 new_sdp_len :130
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: l4f_send returns 497 bytes
May 23 14:11:17.243 IST: Complete buffer written to proxy

Additional Reference for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Feature Information for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

RFC 2543 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 20: Feature Information for NAT TCP SIP ALG Support

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT TCP SIP ALG Support 15.3(1)T The NAT TCP SIP ALG Support feature allows
embedded messages of the Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) passing through a device that is configured with
Network Address Translation (NAT) to be translated
and encoded back to the packet. An application-layer
gateway (ALG) is used with NAT to translate the SIP
or Session Description Protocol (SDP) messages.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support
The NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support feature enables you to configure a NAT routemap configuration
that allows IP sessions to be initiated from outside the network to inside the network.
This module explains how to configure the NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support feature.
• Restrictions for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support, on page 223
• Information About NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support, on page 223
• How to Enable NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support, on page 225
• Configuration Examples for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support, on page 226
• Additional References for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support, on page 226
• Feature Information for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support, on page 227

Restrictions for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support

• Only IP hosts that are part of a route map configuration will allow outside sessions.
• Outside-to-inside support is not available with Port Address Translation (PAT).
• Outside sessions must use an access list.
• Access lists with reversible route maps must be configured to match the inside-to-outside traffic.
• The match interface and match next-hop commands are not supported for reversible route maps.

Information About NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support

Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support Design
An initial session from the inside to the outside host is required to trigger a NAT. New translation sessions
can then be initiated from outside to the inside host that triggered the initial translation.
When route maps are used to allocate global addresses, the global address can allow return traffic, and the
return traffic is allowed only if the return traffic matches the defined route map in the reverse direction. The
outside-to-inside functionality remains unchanged (by not creating additional entries to allow the return traffic

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support
Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support Design

for a route-map-based dynamic entry) unless you configure the reversible keyword with the ip nat inside
source command.

Note • Access lists with reversible route maps must be configured to match the inside-to-outside traffic.
• Only IP hosts that are part of the route-map configuration will allow outside sessions.
• Outside-to-inside support is not available with PAT.
• Outside sessions must use an access list.
• The match interface and match ip next-hop commands are not supported for reversible route maps.
• Reversible route maps are not supported for static NAT.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask
4. ip nat inside source route-map name pool name reversible
5. exit


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.


Router(config)# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Defines a pool of network addresses for NAT.

Router(config)# ip nat pool POOL-A netmask

Step 4 ip nat inside source route-map name pool name Enables outside-to-inside initiated sessions to use route
reversible maps for destination-based NAT.

Router(config)# ip nat inside source route-map

MAP-A pool POOL-A reversible

Step 5 exit Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support
How to Enable NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support

Command or Action Purpose

Router(config)# exit

How to Enable NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support

Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support
The NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support feature enables you to configure a Network Address
Translation (NAT) route map configuration. It allows IP sessions to be initiated from the outside to the inside.
Perform this task to enable the NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support feature.

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask
4. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask
5. ip nat inside source route-map name pool name [reversible]
6. ip nat inside source route-map name pool name [reversible]
7. end


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: • Enter your password if prompted.
Device> enable

Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Device(config)# configure terminal

Step 3 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Defines a pool of network addresses for NAT.
Device(config)# ip nat pool POOL-A netmask

Step 4 ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip netmask netmask Defines a pool of network addresses for NAT.
Device(config)# ip nat pool POOL-B netmask

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support
Configuration Examples for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside Support

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 ip nat inside source route-map name pool name Enables outside-to-inside initiated sessions to use route
[reversible] maps for destination-based NAT.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source route-map
MAP-A pool POOL-A reversible

Step 6 ip nat inside source route-map name pool name Enables outside-to-inside initiated sessions to use route
[reversible] maps for destination-based NAT.
Device(config)# ip nat inside source route-map
MAP-B pool POOL-B reversible

Step 7 end (Optional) Exits global configuration mode and returns to

privileged EXEC mode.
Device(config)# end

Configuration Examples for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-inside

Example: Enabling NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support
The following example shows how to configure a route map A and route map B to allow outside-to-inside
translation for a destination-based Network Address Translation (NAT):
ip nat pool POOL-A netmask
ip nat pool POOL-B netmask
ip nat inside source route-map MAP-A pool POOL-A reversible
ip nat inside source route-map MAP-B pool POOL-B reversible

Additional References for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

Cisco IOS commands Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

NAT commands Cisco IOS <<Technology>> Command Reference

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support
Feature Information for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides

online resources to download documentation, software,
and tools. Use these resources to install and configure
the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical
issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to
most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation
website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 21: Feature Information for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support

Feature Name Releases Feature Information

NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside 12.3(14)T The NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support
Support feature enables you to configure a NAT route map
configuration that allows IP sessions to be initiated
from the outside to the inside.
The following command was introduced or modified:
ip nat inside.

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

NAT Routemaps Outside-to-Inside Support
Feature Information for NAT Route Maps Outside-to-Inside Support

IP Addressing: NAT Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T


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