Term 2 Week 3: 5E's-ENGAGE (1-2 Lessons)

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5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

TERM / WEEKS:  To capture student interest and find out what they know about day and night TOPIC

Term 2 Week 3 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about day and night
Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about day Earth and Space Science
and night. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Earth’s rotation on its axis Introduction (10 mins): T.R = Teachers Resource.
causes regular changes, 1. Word wall activity – students will receive either a term or a definition. Must find corresponding
including night and partner and place the term and definition on the board.
day (ACSSU048) 2. Have a discussion about the terms and definitions. White board, laminated and cut out
3. Provide students with these questions as they discuss the terms and definition: terms and definitions, blue tack,
i. How does the definition printed differ to your personal definition of the term? discussion questions, word wall terms
ii. Why would the terms anticlockwise and clockwise be included in the word wall? and definitions.
LESSON OBJECTIVES iii. Extend: What factors cause night? What happens to Earth in order for it to be night? T.R – rating scale
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
o Match terms and definitions in the way of a word wall. Body (40 mins):
KTP – Teaching focus is on the Earth’s rotation on its axis and how this creates day and night.
 Create a recreation of Earth spinning on its axis demonstrating day and night.
Discussion is based on this before a visual representation using the resources.
1. Students will be in pairs.
2. Students will watch teacher demonstrate activity then complete themselves
3. Using a balloon, straw, sticky note and torch students will demonstrate how Earth spins on its
ASSESSMENT (DIAGNOSTIC) 4. Whilst completing activity students need to think and discuss the following questions:
i. Does the Sun (torch) move at all?
Teacher will complete a rating scale in a checklist form. ii. What way does Earth rotate on its axis? Balloons, straws, sticky notes, torches,
Diagnostic iii. When Australia (the sticky note) is not in light from the Sun (the torch) what does this discussion questions.
o Were students able to match term and definition as well as justify their choice? mean? T.R – rating scale.
o Were students able to understand the Earth rotates whilst the Sun stays in one iv. Extend: What happens when only part of Australia is in the sun and part is in the dark?
position? Does this happen?
o Were students able to identify the difference between day and night AND why
this occurs? Conclusion:
A rating scale will be used to record each students achievement. 1. Discuss the questions from the activity giving each pair a chance to answer at least one
question. Students are able to do a ‘think-pair-share’ if they didn’t have time to discuss
questions whilst doing the activity.

Enable: Students that need enabling will be given a term and a student with similar abilities will be
given the definition. These students will work together with teacher guidance and support. Discussion questions
Extend: Students with extending abilities will be placed in pairs with students of similar abilities and T.R – rating scale.
be given the extra discussion questions.


5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide hands on, shared experiences of earth’s rotation. TOPIC

Term 2 Week 4 Formative assessment
To support students to investigate and explore ideas about earth’s rotation.
Earth and Space Science
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Earth’s rotation on its axis Introduction (10 mins):
causes regular changes, 1. Review the concept that Earth rotates which causes day and night. T.R – discussion questions, checklist.
including night and 2. Discussion questions to get students remembering and thinking:
day (ACSSU048) i. What do you see in the sky?
ii. What rotates on an axis? What does this cause?


KTP – Teaching focus is on the Earth’s rotation whilst it is orbiting the Sun as well as the
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Moon orbiting the Earth.
 Understand and explain that the moon rotates on its axis and revolves around Earth. 1. Take students out to the large concreted undercover area and split into threes.
 Explain the motion of the Sun, Earth and Moon are constantly repeated. 2. Students need to pick who is going to be student A, student B and student C. Give them 10 Chalk for each group of three in all
seconds to do this. three colours, large undercover area.
3. Student A is going to use the blue chalk to draw the Earth.
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE) 4. Student B is to use the red chalk and draw the Sun. T.R – checklist.
5. Student C is to then use the white chalk and draw the Moon.
Science books will be collected, and teacher will complete a checklist. 6. Using the Earth’s chalk (blue) draw a circle around the sun to show how the Earth orbits the
Teacher will ask themselves: sun. Then use the Moons chalk (white) to orbit the Earth.
o Were students able to create a well-designed diagram of their movement activity? 7. Now we are going to represent this using our bodies.
o Were students able to demonstrate Earth’s rotation on its axis whilst orbiting the 8. Student A is the Earth, student B is the Sun and student C is the Moon. The Earth needs to
Sun? rotate on its axis (spin in circles) whilst moving around the Sun (student B). The Moon
o Were students able to explain this in their labelling? (student C) needs to orbit the Earth (student A).
A checklist of these objectives will be used to record student achievement. 9. Move class back into the classroom.

1. Students will have their science books on their class they need to draw using their coloured
crayons what their group human movement looked like from a bird’s eye view. Science books, pencil cases, spare
2. The diagram needs to be labelled and correctly drawn. crayons.
T.R – checklist.

Enable: Students will be grouped with those of a similar ability and have teacher support and
Extend: Students will be grouped with those of similar ability and be expected to extend on their
labelling and description in their science books. Pre organised groups.
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make TOPIC
Term 2 Week 5 Formative assessment
representations of developing conceptual understandings
Earth and Space Science
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


(Year 1 & 2
Science Understanding Science as Science Inquiry Skills OUTCOM
a Human
Earth’s rotation on With guidance, identify Introduction (10 mins): discuss previous lesson and read text.
questions in familiar contexts 1. Students will use the school Ipads to open the ‘Solar Walk’ application. Students will use this School Ipads, Solar Walk application on
its axis causes
regular changes, that can be investigated app to look through the solar system in particular the Earth, Moon and Sun. ipads, quesiotns on board.
scientifically and make 2. Make an emphasis for students to observe the size of each of these.
including night and predictions based on prior 3. Present the app on the interactive whiteboard. T.R – checklist.
day (ACSSU048) knowledge (ACSIS053) 4. Ask students the following questions:
i. What observations did you find whilst on the app?
LESSON OBJECTIVES ii. What did you notice about the size of the Earth, Moon and Sun?
iii. What did you observe about the distance between the Earth, Sun and Moon?
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Body (40 mins): Students creating ipad video project
 Compare the size of the Earth, Moon and Sun and demonstrate
1. Students need to look through the Solar Walk application noticing the size comparison of the
this using sporting equipment. Earth, Moon and Sun.
 Justify their choice of size comparison using scientific language. 2. Using a basketball, tennis ball and a golf ball. Students need to work in groups of three to
 Present their observations through the use of ICT (ipads). recreate what they have observed from the app.
3. Students need to explain which ball is representing the Earth, Moon and Sun and justify their Sporting equipment for each group,
choice. basketballs, tennis balls, golf balls,
4. Students then need to show how the Earth rotates on its axis whilst orbiting the Sun and then Ipads with imovie downloaded.
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE) the Moon orbiting Earth. T.R – checklist.
5. Students need to create a video using the iMovie application.
Teacher will be using a checklist to assess students videos.
Teacher will ask themselves: Conclusion:
o Were students able to choose the correct size ball comparison?  Students will present their video to the class which will include their justification of why they
o Were students able to justify their choice using scientific language? chose the sizes.
o Were students able to present their observations and findings in an engaging way? Interactive whiteboard.
A checklist of the above objectives will be used to record and assess student achievement. LEARNER DIVERSITY T.R – checklist.
Enable: Student who need enabling will be placed in pairs with those of students with extending
ability. This will allow peers to assist and teach students who are struggling.
Extend: Students who need extending will be placed with students who need enabling. This will
extend them as they will be assisting those students who need enabling.
5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make TOPIC
Term 2 Week 6
connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills Earth and Space Science
Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


ON (Year 1 &
2 only)
Science Science as a Human Science Inquiry Skills OUTCOMES
Understanding Endeavour
Earth’s rotation on Science involves With guidance, identify Introduction: Shadow discussion
its axis causes making predictions and questions 1. Show the youtube video of the Earth rotating on its axis. Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
regular changes, describing patterns and in familiar contexts that can 2. Class discussion on shadows and anticlockwise movement. v=tO1VLpVpu1g
including night and relationships (ACSHE0 be investigated scientifically i. Does Earth rotate on its axis clockwise or anticlockwise? Discussion questions.
day (ACSSU048) 50) and make predictions based ii. How are shadows created? T.R – rubric.
on prior iii. Can we use the sun to estimate the time of day? How
knowledge (ACSIS053) could we do this?
Body (40 mins): Activity in groups of 3
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Teacher will put students into groups of three.
o Develop an understanding of how shadows and the Sun can determine the time of day. 2. Students will create a sundial using a paper plate, straw, ruler, Paper plates, straws, rulers, thumbtack, crayons,
o Provide details answers to the discussion questions posed. thumbtack and crayons. outdoor sunny area.
3. Following the teachers demonstration students will work together to T.R – rubric, discussion questions.
o Create a sundial and explain its purpose. create their group sundial. Students are free to decorate their plate as
they please.
4. Once the sundial is completed the class will go outside and stick
them to the concrete in a sunny area.
5. Students to discuss the following questions with each other and write
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Inquiry Skills) their answers in their science books:
Teacher will collect science books and use observation to complete a rubric. i. What do you think will happen to the shadow caused by
the sundial?
Teacher will ask themselves: ii. What could the shadow tell us about the time of day?
o Were students able to construct a working sundial to complete their investigation? Extend:
o Were students able to provide detailed answers to the discussion questions posed? iii. What are our independent variables in this experiment?
o Were students able to justify how time of day can be worked out using a sundial and iv. What are we predicting?
1. Take students back outside and see what has happened to the shadow
of the sundials. Science books, pencil case.
2. Discussion questions: T.R – rubric.
i. How was the result different to your prediction?
ii. What has the result told us about the time of day?
iii. Can we easily work out the time of day by looking at the

Enable: Students will be grouped with students of similar ability and be given
further guidance and direction when completing the investigation.
Extend: Students will be grouped with students of similar ability and have
extension discussion questions they need to answer.
5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about earth and TOPIC
Term 2 Week 7 space science and represent what they know about earth and space science.
Summative assessment of science understanding e account of students’ existing ideas when planning Earth and Space Science
learning experiences

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Science as a Human Science Inquiry Skills OUTCOMES
Understanding Endeavour
Earth’s rotation on Science involves making With guidance, identify questions Introduction (10 mins):
its axis causes predictions and describing in familiar contexts that can be 1. Read the text “My Place in Space” by Robin and Sally Hirst. “My Place in Space” by Robin and
regular changes, patterns and investigated scientifically and 2. Design bried for the lesson. Sally Hirst.
including night and relationships (ACSHE050) make predictions based on prior 3. Display on the interactive whiteboard an ‘email’ you have received from
day (ACSSU048) knowledge (ACSIS053) NASA. T.R – email created to show
4. Read the email to students about astronaut Dave. students.
LESSON OBJECTIVES 5. Astronaut Dave is having to travel into space for a NASA assignment
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: project. He needs help gathering as much information about the Earth,
Moon and Sun as he can. This means calling on students to write him a
o Identify numerous facts about the Earth, Moon and Sun. letter explaining everything they know so he has no surprises when he is
o Extend on these facts giving details on each fact. there.
o Write an engaging and exciting letter that flows with correct grammar and spelling of scientific words.
Body (40 mins): Students write letter to astronaut about what they have learnt.
1. Students will have a piece of paper on their desks which they will use to Lined paper, pencil cases, crayons,
write their letter to astronaut Dave. copy of design brief.
2. Remind students of the following content:
i. Earth rotating on its axis and orbiting the Sun
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Understanding) ii. The Moon orbiting Earth
Teacher will collect students’ letters and complete a rubric. iii. The size comparison of the Earth, Moon and Sun
Teacher will ask themselves: iv. How shadows work to tell time.
o Were students able to identify facts about the Earth, Moon and Sun? Extend:
o Were students able to extend on these facts and give details? v. What direction the Earth rotates on its axis and how we
o Were students able to write a letter to astronaut Dave that flows and uses correct grammar and spelling know this?
vi. Does the Earth always rotate the same way and how do we
on scientific words?

Conclusion: ‘Post letters’

1. Students will decorate and fold their letter up ready for the teacher to
post after school. T.R - rubric
2. If some students want to read their letter out, they are more than
welcome too.
Enable: Students who need enabling will have additional teacher guidance to ensure
their work is completed.
Extend: Students needing extending will also include the extension reminders to
encourage more critical thinking.

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