Primary Science FPD 5es

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5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

TERM / WEEKS:  To capture student interest and find out what they know about soil TOPIC: Soil

T3/W1 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about soil
Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about
XXXXX. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Earth’s resources are Science Compare 2.4 INTRODUCTION
used in a variety of involves observation 4.1  When students are sitting quietly in a circle, pass around two containers
different ways observing, with those of 4.2 filled with soil either side of the circle, to ensure students aren’t waiting for Two containers filled with soil
asking others
(ACSSU032). 5.1 too long.
questions about, (ACSIS041)
and describing Represent and
5.2 o As students are doing this, ask them to have a think about what the
changes in, communicate soil looks like and what they know about soil
objects and observation and  Once all of the students have had a chance to look at the soil, students will
events ideas in a get into partners with one of the people next to them and participate in a
(ACSHE034) variety of ways think, pair, share to discuss their observations on the soil
(ACSIS042) o Students knees need to be touching and they need to be active
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:  We will then go around and share what students discussed in their pairs,
 Take a photo of three different locations of soil within the school what the soil looked like and what they know about soil
grounds  Explain to students this term we are going to be exploring soil and how it is
 Write one thing they know about soil and stick it onto our used in our school
knowledge house  We are also going to be doing a STEM Project as well
 Read ‘Jump into Science: Dirt’ by Steve Tomecek
Key Questions for the Book
‘Jump into Science: Dirt’ by
ASSESSMENT (DIAGNOSTIC)  Where have you seen dirt? Did it look different? Steve Tomecek
 I wonder how dirt could be important to our world?
Appendix 1:
 What do you think soil could be made up of?
 Checklist identify students three different locations of soil within
the school grounds  What lives in soil?
Appendix 2:  What do we use soil for in our school?
 Anecdotal records of observations made during discussions
 Scribe of what student’s wrote with their prior knowledge of soil Lesson Objectives
Today we are trying to achieve two things:
1. Take three photos of different locations of soil within the school
2. Write one fact you already know about soil

 In groups of three, you will be going out into the school to find three
different sources of soil and take a photo of each source with an Ipad Enough iPads for groups of
 What are some safety considerations we need to think about? three
o Use two hands when holding the Ipad
o No running, it is not a race to see who can take their three photos
the quickest
o Stay inside the school boundaries and get students to explain those
o Stay where myself and Miss Buckland (EA) can see you
o If you have an idea and need to go somewhere outside of where we
can see you, come and ask a teacher and we will come with you to
that source
 Before you make your groups have a think about who you will work well
with and we are only having groups of three. Once you have your group sit
down and I will give you a number.
Key Questions During Activity:
 Why do we use this soil?
 How is this soil different to another source of soil you found?
 What can you see in the soil?
 Why did you think of looking here?

 Once students have found their location, while sitting outside, they can
upload their photos to a google doc according to their group number which
will be on the back of their Ipad
o The instructions will be at the top of the page, but students need to ent/d/1YMndsQ6cZ66qTe5Xz8
upload each of their three photos they have to write some wKfZXEOqXaiLchiGStiaXHe-
information about it: 4/edit?usp=sharing
 Where it is located
 Anything interesting they saw
 Once back inside, students will be given a piece of brown paper cut to look
like a brick to write and draw a picture about what you already know about
 Once all the bricks are stuck up explain to the kids that these bricks are the
foundation of our knowledge house. We use our prior knowledge to learn Paper cut into bricks
more and answer questions we have about soil White paper cut into a triangle
 Brainstorm questions students have about soil in the roof of the house

Students can draw a picture and I can scribe for them about what they
know about soil
 Encourage students to write at least one other piece of information they
know about soil
 Record extra observations in the Google Doc about what the saw when
taking photos of their soil locations


5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide hands on, shared experiences of XXXXX TOPIC: Soil

T3/W2 Formative assessment
To support students to investigate and explore ideas about XXXXX

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Earth’s resources are Science Represent and 4.1 INTRODUCTION
involves communicate
used in a variety of observations and
4.2  Last week we explored different locations for soil in our school, what where
different ways observing, 5.1 some of the locations you can recall from last week?
ideas in a variety
(ACSSU032). of ways  Looking at those different locations were we using the soil for different
questions about, (ACSIS042)
and describing things or the same things?
Use a range of
changes in, methods to sort o For example, someone took a photo of the grass and someone took
objects and information, a photo of the worm farm, are we using the soil for the same
events including purpose? What are we using it for?
(ACSHE034) drawings and Sticky Notes
provided tables  What else do we use soil for? In partners I am going to give you a sticky
and through note and I want you to write something we use soil for and then stick it on
discussions, our brainstorm
compare  As we can see soil is used for thousands of different applications in the
observation with
predictions world. Soil is made up of four elements can anyone think what they are?
(ACSIS040) o As children are call out write out the correct answers
LESSON OBJECTIVES  So, soil is made up of:
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: o Air
 Match and order the sand, silt and clay with the corresponding o Water
sandpaper texture from smallest to largest o Organic matter meaning material from dead bugs
 Sort the soil into a different property, such as colour, and write a o Materials such as tiny pieces of rocks
sentence explaining how they have sorted their soil  Lots of different elements can make up the materials of soil
 One way we can classify soil is by its texture
o When we classify something what do we do with it? We group it
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE) according to a quality such as texture which is the size of the
materials mixed in the soil
Appendix 3  These minerals come in three different sizes: large, medium and small. The
 Observations recorded in anecdotal records template with photo names of the soil particles are Silt, Sand and Clay
of students order o Turn to the person next to you and you have 30 seconds to decide
 Observations recorded in anecdotal records of children’s sort and the smallest to biggest particle.
photo they took o In your pair turn to another pair and compare your order, you have
30 seconds.
o Hands up if you have the same order, hands up if you had a
different order
 Does a pair want to share their order? Does another pair have a different
 The order is sand is the largest, silt is medium, and clay is the smallest.
 Today we have three activities where you are able to explore texture

Lesson Objectives
We are going to achieve two things today:
1. Match the soil particles, sand, silt and clay, to the corresponding
sandpaper texter and order them from smallest to largest
2. Sort the soils into a different characteristic and write a sentence
explaining your sort

Activity 1 – Sandpaper Texturing (Teacher Directed)
 On the table will be three squares for each student of 1000, 220 and 60 grit
 Ask students to have a feel of each of the squares of paper and describe how
they feel:
 Large or small bumps
 Coarse
 Gritty 1000, 220 and 60 grit sandpaper
 Smooth cut into squares
 Ask students to order their sandpaper squares on the laminated templates
provided from smallest to largest coarseness Cups containing sand, silt and
 Then ask students to have a think about which mineral matches each piece clay textures with spoons
of sandpaper. Ask each student to share their predictions
 Give each student a piece of newspaper and a spoonful sand, silt and clay Newspapers
 Students will have the opportunity to explore the soil and compare textures
with the sandpaper. Students will then match the minerals to the appropriate Order template
Key Questions:
 How does each of the pieces of sandpaper feel on your fingers
 How does each material feel on your fingers
 Could you try holding one in each hand and see how they feel?
 Why have you matched them the way you have?
Activity 2 – Soil Sort (EA Activity)
 On the table will be different soils from different locations in containers
with spoons as well as a piece of news paper for each child
 Children can explore the different soils and sort them in however they deem
fit for example colour, texture, location of the soil
 Students then need to write on a strip of paper the rule of their sort and take
a photo of it on the Ipad.
Key Questions
 Just using your eyes, what do you see in the soils?
 Are the soils from the same place?
 Are they wet or dry? Containers with different soils,
 Why did you sort them in that particular locations written on the
order? containers
Activity 3 – Dirt Pudding
 Using different soils and sand dyed green, children Strip of paper for writing
can create their own layers in clear cups that show
the different layers of soil
 Students are to write their names on their cups and keep them

 When students have completed all of the activities ask students to come
down and share their findings from the activities:
o How did you order your sandpaper and your minerals? Different coloured soils and
o How did you sort the different soils? materials
 Before leaving students will complete an exit slip order the Materials from
smallest to largest White sand dyed green for the
Enabling Clear plastic cups
 Instead of writing sentence describing the sort students have to verbally
explain how they sorted the soil
 For students who don’t like textures they can use a magnifying glass to
see if they can identify the different textures with their eyes
Exit Slip
 Write, with a whiteboard marker, the names of the different material
(sand, silt and clay)
 Identify two ways to sort the soils and encourage them to look at the
four things that make up soils and sort them according to one of those
such as the materials
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of TOPIC: Soil
developing conceptual understandings
Formative assessment

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Earth’s resources are Science Participate in 1.4 INTRODUCTION
used in a variety of involves guided 4.1  Explain to students that this week we are going to be developing our
different ways observing, investigations 4.2 understanding of the different layers of soil
asking to explore and
(ACSSU032). 4.3  But before we do that, I want to see what you remembered from last week.
questions about, answer
and describing questions
5.1 Come up and collect two post it notes, a yellow and a pink, and a pencil. Pink and yellow post it notes
changes in, (ACSIS038). 5.2 Last week we looked at the four components of soil and categorised soil
objects and Use a range of according to its texture.
events methods to sort o On the yellow post it note write as many of the four components as
(ACSHE034) information, you can recall, make sure you write your name on the back and
including stick it on the board when you are done
drawings and
o We had small, medium and large particles of texture, write the
provided tables
and through names of the particles from smallest to largest and stick it on the
discussions, board when you are done
compare  Go through each of the components of soil asking students if they want to
observations share/can remember the components
with predictions o Repeat this process with the texture orders
 Read ‘Dirt: The Scoop on Soil’ by Mandy Ross
LESSON OBJECTIVES ‘Dirt: The Scoop on Soil’ By
Key Questions
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:  What are the five different layers you can see in the jar? Mandy Ross
 Draw and label a diagram of the five different layers of soil they  What materials did we learn about last week?
see in the experiment  What are the two new layers we haven’t learnt about yet?
 Write at least one sentence detailing an observation they made  Why do you think Humus or topsoil is best for planting?
from the experiment
 Today we are going to conduct the experiment they did in the book, looking
at different layers of the soil
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE)  What are the names of those layers again? There are five.
Appendix 4 o While kids are calling them out draw the different layers onto a jar,
 Worksheet for students to record their diagram and observations like the jar in the book, using arrows to label the different layers.
 Checklist with objectives  Rocks and pebbles
 Sand
 Silt
 Clay
 Humus
 When we are conducting this experiment, what are some safety things we
should take into consideration?
o When shaking the jar be mindful of the fact that some water may
leak out
o Do not shake the jar too hard or near anyone
o If you spill some water, let the teacher know and we can clean it up

Lesson Objective
Our objectives for today’s lesson are:
1. Draw and label your diagram of the five different layers of soil you see
in your jar
2. Write at least one sentence detailing an observation you made during
the experiment

 When we are labelling what do we use? Arrows.

 The names of the layers of soil will be on the board for spelling but it is up
to you to put them into the correct order
 We will be working in our science partners for this experiment so find your
partner and move to a bench

 Once students are settled at their tables ask them to identify partner one and
partner two
o Partner one come and collect two worksheets for recording answers
and a jug of water
o Partner two collect a jar, lid and put ¾ cup soil in the jar Worksheet
 Choose who is going to pour the water and who is going to shake the soil for
two minutes
 When you have poured your water in put your hands on your heads as we all
need to shake our water at the same time Soil with ¾ cup measure
 When the timer stops place your jar in the middle of your desk and observe Jug of water
the soil separate for 3 minutes
 As the groups are observing wonder around and ask some questions about Timer on smartboard
what students are observing
Key Questions
 Why do you think all of the layers separate?
 What makes up a certain layer?
 Why do you think shaking it allows us to see the layers?

 The three minutes is up so you can start to fill out your worksheets detailing
the different layers you can see. As we are drawing diagrams and labelling
make sure you use pencil for your work and a ruler to draw your arrows
Key Questions
 Are there clear lines between each of the layers?
 What layers can you see clearly?
 What layers are harder to see? Why?

 To pack away the experiment tip the contents of your jar into the sink and
then place your jar in the tray
 If you have any spills on your desk grab some paper towel from the back
and clean them up
 Once that is all done come and sit down on the mat with your worksheet
next to your science partner
 Turn to the group closest to you and share with them your observations you
made during the experiment. Do you have any post experiment reflections?
 I will choose three groups to share now.

 Help children to clearly see the layers on my diagram as well as in their
 The correct spelling of words will be at the top of each of the pages

 Asking harder questions such as of the four elements that make up soil,
that we covered last week, where do each of the layers go?
5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to TOPIC: Soil
additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills
Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Earth’s resources are Science Participate in 1.4 INTRODUCTION
used in a variety of involves guided 4.1  Ask students to come and sit on the mat with their science partner
different ways observing, investigations 4.2  Give each group a plastic bag containing the different layers of soil.
asking to explore and
(ACSSU032). 4.3 Students have two minutes to order them into the right order Soil layer puzzle pieces in
questions about, answer
and describing questions
5.1  Go through each layer as a class calling them out together as we go and then plastic bags
changes in, (ACSIS038). 5.2 review all together
objects and Use informal  Today we are going to need to use all of our prior knowledge to achieve our
events measurements lesson objectives. Let’s quickly brainstorm what we have learnt about soil
(ACSHE034) to collect and o Different layers
o Different components
using digital o What we use soil for
technologies as o Different kinds of soil
appropriate  Today you are going to make your own soil using all of your prior
(ACSIS039). knowledge and plant a seed in that soil to see how good your soil is
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Lesson Objectives
 Write and video record their own soil recipe using the iPad This experiment will be conducted over the next five weeks today you will:
 Record themselves explaining the different soil components they 1. Make your soil and record a video of yourself, using the iPad, detailing
used, any layers they identified and the controlled, independent your soil recipe
and dependent variables 2. Explain:
o The different soil components you use
o Any layers you created in your soil
o The controlled, independent and dependent variables
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Inquiry Skills)
Then over the next five weeks you will:
Appendix 5 3. Graph the results of your seed using a bar graph
 Worksheet with students recordings is all filled out
 Video of students  In order to make our experiment fair though who remembers what we need?
 Checklist detailing if objectives were met and observations Cows Moo Softly
o Change something
o Measure something
o Keep everything else the same
 When we change something that is called our independent variable. How
many things do we change? One
 The thing we measure is called our dependent variable. What are some ways
we can measure things?
 Everything else that we keep the same is our controlled variable
 Referring back to our lesson objectives what do you think our:
o Independent variable = the recipe you use for your soil
o Dependent variable = how big our seed grows
o Controlled variable = the seed, the cups, the location of the cups,
how much water we give them, when we measure them and how
we measure them
 Here is the worksheet to fill out as you go to help with your recording at the
o When you write down your recipe write it down as you go so you
remember exactly how many spoonful’s of each component you
 Tables can have up to four kids at each, in the middle are all the resources Recording worksheet
you need to make your soil. Do not flick any soil at anyone and if you spill
something that is okay as all of the tables are covered in newspaper so we
will just bunch that up and throw it in the bin at the end
 The first thing you need to do before you do anything else is write your
name on your cup in permanent marker Different kinds of soil eg. Sand,
 Transition children according to their faction, once everyone is seated, they clay, silt, plant matter in cups
can being with spoons
Plastic cups
BODY Jug of water
 As children are making their soils move around the classroom News paper
Key Questions Permanent makers
Pop sticks for mixing
 Why are you using more of soil X?
 Are you going to mix your materials together
 How do you know how much of each material to use?
 How much water are you going to use?
 Have you got all of the four elements of soil?

 I have noticed that a few students are finishing up their soil making and their
 Your worksheet has to be finished before you can start filming as this will
be your reference point of what you say
 When this is finished, and myself or Miss Buckland have checked it find a
partner and a quiet space inside or outside the classroom. Before you start Ipads
recording write the iPad number in the space on your worksheet. One of you
will speak while the other records and then swap over
 If you do not have time to finish that today that is fine, we can finish the
recording next week.

 For pack away make sure all materials are in the middle of your desk. Fold
up all of the newspaper so as to not spill anything on the floor and take it too
the bin. Bring your cups down to the mat.
 We are now going to plant our seeds. Take one seed and pass the bag on.
Use your finger to make a hole just like this and pop your seed in it. Cover it
over and put it on this table in the sun. I will water them after class with
exactly 1ml of water.
 Find a partner who you haven’t worked with today and share with them: Seeds and water measured out
o Something you thought you did well when making your soil so that it is fair
o Something you might have done differently

 Have them all sit together at a table and Miss Buckland scribe for them
 Have the controlled, independent and dependent variables there for
them to copy
 Students need to further justify their process when the teacher is
walking around asking questions


5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about XXXXX and represent TOPIC: Soil
T3/ W5-10 what they know about XXXXX
Summative assessment of science understanding e account of students’ existing ideas when planning
learning experiences

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Earth’s resources are Science Represent and 1.4 This lesson will cover what will be completed in the five weeks of graphing and
used in a variety of involves communicate 4.1 poster making as well as week 10 where students will present their posters.
different ways observing, observations 4.2 INTRODUCTION
asking and ideas in a
(ACSSU032). 4.3  Over the next five weeks in our science lessons the first thing we will do
questions about, variety of
and describing ways (ACSIS04
5.1 after our mat session is measure and record the growth of our seed and water
changes in, 2) 5.2 it followed by working on a keynote to present in week 10
objects and Use a range of 5.5  The keynote you will be making will detail your understanding of soil and
events methods to sort all of the things we have learnt about it
(ACSHE034) information,  There are some things that you must include:
drawings and
Lesson Objectives
provided tables
and through 1. The graph you work on each week
discussion, 2. Your soil recipe
compare 3. Information about our experiment (controlled, independent and
observations dependent variables)
with predictions 4. The layers of soil presented how you wish
5. At least two uses of soil in our school
Use informal
6. At least one picture, a title and the author
to collect and
record  If you are wanting to add more detail or information to your poster what else
observations, could you add? Brainstorm ideas
using digital  Before you can write or create your keynote you need to write a draft on this
technologies as sheet which we will edit and then you can start creating your keynote
 Before we get started on our keynote presentations, we need to set up our
graph. Come and collected a piece of graph paper, sit down at your table
LESSON OBJECTIVES with a lead pencil and a ruler. Cross your arms so I know you are ready. I
will model this with students as we go
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:  On the X axis write each week of term we will be measuring our seed,
 Create a keynote to present to the class including their bar graph, across two boxes. This week is week 5 so we will be going from week 5 to Graph paper
their soil recipe, the controlled, independent and dependent week 9 Pencil and Ruler
variables, Layers of soil and two uses of soil in the school o At the bottom call this the school weeks
 Graph the growth of their seeds using a bar graph  On the Y axis across two boxes write the numbers one all the way up to ten
o On the side call this growth in cm
 At the top title our graph ‘How Good is My Soil?’
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Understanding)  Now take your ruler and make sure the zero is at the top of the soil and read
Appendix 6 how many cm your seed has grown
 Rubric and copy of presentation slides o If your seed has grown half a cm this is how you do it
o If your seed has grown one cm this is how you do it and so on
 Colour in your box once you have drawn it
 Put your bar graph loosely into your science book

 When that is done come and collect a worksheet, an iPad and a pair of
headphones. I have uploaded all of the recordings into our class file your
recording is called your name. You need to scan one of these QR codes to
access the file
 Watch through your video as many times as you need to gain the
information you need to fill out the worksheet. Where else could you find
extra information?
o Knowledge house Work Sheet
o Science books with previous lessons Ipads
o Miss Boyes or Miss Buckland
 I will be walking around helping in whatever capacity needed
Key Questions
 How are you going to present your recipe?
 What were your ingredients and what was your method?
 Can you think of any other controlled variables that we have been
needing to keep the same?
 How many layers of soil are there and what are there order?
 What was the layers of soil experiment we conducted?
 Where were your photos taken in the school?
 How are you going to present your keynote?

 At the end of each lesson students will come down and reflect on their seed
growth why or why not it is growing and how they are tracking with their
keynote and what they want to achieve next week
 This will be done in a variety of different ways such as:
o Think, pair, shares
o Exit slips
o Google docs
o Two stars and a wish

 Students will get into small groups of four and present their keynote
presentation to their group
 At the end of each presentation each member, including the person who
presented, will complete two stars and a wish form about the students
presentation and their work
 Once everyone is presented students will find a quiet spot in the
classroom by themselves and read through their feedback
 Presentations will be uploaded into a file on the google drive

 Children can record themselves saying their information and put it into
the slides
 Miss Buckland can help with research and recording initial information
 Ask children to choose some extra information to add such as:
o The textures of the soils we covered
o The decomposers that live in the soil
o Why the soil is different in different locations

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