Fire-Fighting Agents: Manual
Fire-Fighting Agents: Manual
Fire-Fighting Agents: Manual
March 1991
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1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 CROSS REFERENCES............................................................................................. 5
1.4 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................ 6
1.5 TERMINOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 6
1.6 ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 8
2. FIRE-FIGHTING AGENTS ........................................................................................ 9
2.1 FOAM ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Functioning of foam ................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Limitations ................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.4 Expansion ratio of foam ........................................................................................... 11 Low expansion foam................................................................................................ 11 Medium expansion foam.......................................................................................... 11 High expansion (hi-ex) foam .................................................................................... 11
2.1.5 Travel distance of foam ........................................................................................... 11
2.1.6 Types of foam .......................................................................................................... 11 Protein foam ............................................................................................................ 11 Fluoro protein foam.................................................................................................. 12 Film forming fluoro protein foam .............................................................................. 12 Aqueous film forming foam ...................................................................................... 12 Aqueous film forming foam, alcohol type concentrate (AFFF-AR) ........................... 12 Fluoro protein alcohol resistant foam....................................................................... 13 Synthetic detergent foam ......................................................................................... 13
2.1.7 Application rate of foam ........................................................................................... 13
2.1.8 Properties of foam ................................................................................................... 14 Physical properties .................................................................................................. 14 Fuel tolerance .......................................................................................................... 14 Burnback resistance ................................................................................................ 14 Heat resistance ........................................................................................................ 14 Drainage time .......................................................................................................... 14 Critical shear stress ................................................................................................. 15 Shelf life ................................................................................................................... 15 Performance and quality .......................................................................................... 15
2.1.9 Compatibility ............................................................................................................ 15 Foam concentrates .................................................................................................. 15 Finished foam types ................................................................................................. 15 Foam and dry chemical powder ............................................................................... 16
2.1.10 Quantity of foam concentrate required..................................................................... 16
2.1.11 Storage of foam concentrate ................................................................................... 16 General .................................................................................................................... 16 Foam sampling ........................................................................................................ 16
2.1.12 Specification, testing and procurement of foam ....................................................... 16 Standards ................................................................................................................ 16 Testing ..................................................................................................................... 17 Procurement ............................................................................................................ 17
2.1.13 Safety and environmental effects of foam concentrates .......................................... 17
2.2 DRY CHEMICAL POWDER..................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 Fire classification ..................................................................................................... 18
2.2.2 Functioning of powder ............................................................................................. 18
2.2.3 Advantages and limitations of powder ..................................................................... 18
2.2.4 Types of dry chemical powder ................................................................................. 19 Sodium bicarbonate ................................................................................................. 19
This manual provides information and, where applicable, gives minimum requirements for
the various types of fire fighting agents, which should be used for the design and
engineering of fire protection and related facilities for application in onshore oil and gas
processing and petrochemical installations, storage facilities, jetties, terminals, loading and
unloading facilities.
Although primarily intended for new construction, the requirements of this manual can also
be applied for existing plants when the evaluation of safety audits indicates the need for
improvements to fire protection systems. When modifications and extensions to existing
plants are envisaged, fire protection shall always be considered and existing facilities
improved where necessary. In addition the updating of fire-fighting training grounds is
strongly recommended when they no longer provide the facilities for the required level of
Foams which suppress toxic vapours are not covered in this manual.
For matters not covered in this manual, the code of the 'National Fire Protection
Association' (NFPA) shall be consulted.
For the purpose of this manual, the following definitions shall hold:
Shall and Should - the word 'shall' is to be understood as mandatory and the word 'should'
as strongly recommended to comply with the requirements of this manual.
The Principal is the party which initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and
construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal
may also include a consultant or a contractor authorised to act for the Principal.
The Contractor is the party which carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction and commissioning for the project. The Principal may sometimes
undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party which manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) Concentrate - A synthetic foam concentrate
containing fluorocarbon surfactants that influence the physical properties of the foam
solution so that it can float and spread across the surface of a hydrocarbon fuel.
"Alcohol Resistant" Foam Concentrate (ARFC) - A specially formulated foam for use on
water miscible fuels, such as alcohols and other polar solvents.
Application Rate - The rate at which solution should be applied on a fire. This is normally
expressed in terms of a solution flow in dm3/min. per square metre.
Burnback Resistance - The ability of a foam blanket to resist direct flame contact such as
would be evident in a partially extinguished (petroleum) fire.
Critical Application Rate - The lowest application rate at which a foam will extinguish a
fire under laboratory conditions.
Critical Shear Stress - A measure of the stiffness of a foam.
Drainage Time - The rate at which foam solution liquid drains from an expanded foam (i.e.
a measure of the foam's stability and an indication of the foam's viscosity). It is normally
expressed as "25% Drainage Time" ("Quarter-Life"), which is the time (minutes) required to
drain 25% of the solution liquid contained in the foam sample.
Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) - A powder composed of small particles, with an
approximate size band between 20 and 100 micron, usually of sodium bicarbonate,
potassium bicarbonate, urea based potassium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, or
monoammonium phosphate with added particulate material supplemented by special
treatment to provide resistance to packing, resistance to moisture (caking) and to provide
the proper flow capabilities.
Dry Chemical Powder System - A supply system of dry chemical powder which can be
automatically or manually activated to discharge through a distribution system onto or into
the protected hazard by means of (hand) nozzles or monitors.
Expansion - The ratio of the volume of the expanded foam formed to the volume of the
foam solution used to generate that foam. Expansion can be categorised further into low,
medium or high expansion. There are no rigourous definitions of these terms but generally
they can be taken as follows:
- Low expansion - Up to 20 to 1,
- Medium expansion - Between 20 and 100 to 1,
- High expansion - Between 100 and 1000 to 1.
Fluoroprotein Foam (FP) - A protein based foam with additional selected fluorinated
surfactants which are loosely bonded to the protein to provide the foam with fuel resistance
Foam (Finished foam, expanded foam) - The product of mixing air with the foam solution
Foam branchpipe - A hand-held air aspirating foam nozzle.
Foam concentrate (Liquid) - The medium which is added to water to make a foam
solution. This solution mixed with air will form the expanded foam. Foam concentrates can
be purchased for mixing with water into solutions of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 percent by volume.
Foam concentrate is also called foam agent.
Foam generator - The device in which air is mixed with foam solution to form foam.
Suitable for back pressures of maximum 0.5 bar.
Foam premix - A liquid (foam solution) in which foam concentrate and water are already
mixed in the correct ratio; thus ready for immediate use in the appropriate foam generator.
Foam solution - The liquid formed when foam concentrate is mixed with water. This
solution, mixed with air, gives a (fire-fighting) foam.
Fuel resistance - The ability of foam to restrict fuel penetration between expanded air
bubbles, thus withstanding foam breakdown by fuel.
Fuel tolerance - The ability of a foam to withstand fuel pick-up so that the air-filled foam
bubble will not become saturated with fuel and thus supports flames.
Heat resistance - The ability of foam to withstand the effects of exposure to heat through
radiation or contact with a hot surface.
High Back Pressure Foam Generator (HBPG) - The device, used in selected foam
applications, in which air is mixed with foam solution. The max. allowable backpressure is
expressed as a percentage of the generator's inlet pressure. Min. inlet pressure 7 bar.
Inductor - A type of jet mixer operated by fire water, in which the foam concentrate, by
means of suction, is entrained with firewater thereby forming foam solution. Only at
specified flow is an inductor able to deliver foam solution of the required concentration.
Typical inductor pressure loss is 30 percent of the inlet pressure.
Knockdown - The ability of an agent to extinguish a fire.
Manned Area/Room - A space which will be normally occupied 24 hours per day or can be
reached by people within 10 minutes.
Monitor - A device, normally either portable, fixed, trailer-mounted or truck-installed, to
which a large throughput nozzle is attached to allow the operator to direct the fire fighting
agent as required.
Multipurpose Dry Chemical Powder - Usually ammonium phosphate-based. Effective on
fires involving both ordinary combustibles, such as wood or paper, and fires involving
flammable liquids.
Non-aspirated foam - A foam solution, discharged through a nozzle, in which no air is
entrained intentionally.
Pick-up rate - The percentage at which foam concentrate is proportioned into the water
flow. Normally this is either 3% or 6%, but may differ for certain types of fire, or type of
foam concentrate or depends on the viscosity of the concentrate.
Proportioner - The device in which foam concentrate and water are mixed to form a
solution. It is suitable for varying flow rates, e.g. between 10 - 100 percent, with a pressure
loss of 10 percent of the inlet pressure.
BS British Standard
EN European Norm
MESC Material and Equipment Standards and Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
UL Underwriters Laboratories Incorporated.
2.1 FOAM
2.1.1 General
Foam is medium which can be applied on a flat service to form a blanket. Foam is generally
used for suppressing and extinguishing pool fires, and as such it is called fire fighting foam.
However it can also be applied on non-ignited liquids to suppress vapour emission.
The currently used fire fighting foams are of the mechanical (physical), not chemical, foam
type. Foam concentrate is added to water in small quantities (between 1 and 6 percent) to
form a foam solution. This is mixed with air to form the final fire fighting foam. Thus
(expanded) foam is an aggregate of air filled bubbles and a small percentage of foam
Foams can be divided in three types: Low, medium and high expansion foam (Refer to
Prevention of a fire may be achieved by applying a foam blanket to fuel spills, reducing the
evaporation rate. Foam shall not be applied to water reactive products. Fire fighting foams
are particularly suited for extinguishing fires in storage tanks. They are also used for spill
fires, fires in process areas, at truck or rail car loading facilities and at jetties.
Commercially available fire fighting foams can be divided into two main groups:
- protein based foams,
- synthetic based foams.
Foam concentrates possessing components of both groups are available. See (2.1.6).
c) Refrigerated LPG/NGL
Pools of LPG/NGL will be at their (cold) atmospheric boiling point.
Water, resulting from foam drainage, would act as a heat source and it has the undesirable
effect of increasing vaporisation. As LPG/NGL vapours remain heavier than air the down
wind LPG/NGL concentrations would increase. Therefore foam shall not be applied on non-
ignited pools of LPG/NGL.
On an ignited (burning) pool of fuel distinction shall be made between:
a) hydrocarbon liquid fuels,
b) refrigerated LNG, NGL and LPG.
a) Hydrocarbon liquid fuels
Foam reduces the formation of vapour and reduces the intensity of the fire by:
(1) Forming an insulating layer between the flames and the fuel, thus reducing the heat
ingress, via the liquid surface, into the fuel; this results in a reduction of the flammable
vapour release which in turn decreases the size of the fire.
(2) Producing water (result of foam drainage), which will reduce the temperature of the
fuel surface (and adjacent materials) when the liquid fuel is above the water
(3) Water evaporation out of the foam, thus:
- keeping the temperature at the top of the foam layer to maximum 100 °C, which restricts
heat ingress into the fuel:
- forming steam, lowering the (relative) concentration of fuel vapour which reduces the
intensity of the fire, resulting in lower radiation levels.
b) Refrigerated LNG, NGL and LPG
Foam reduces the formation of vapour by forming an insulating layer between the flames
and the fuel, thus reducing the heat ingress from the fire, via the liquid surface, into the
refrigerated fuel. This results in a reduction of the flammable vapour release which in turn
decreases the size of the fire. For this purpose a thick (approx. 1.5 metres) foam blanket is
Water, resulting from foam drainage, will act as a heat source which will cause some
increase in vaporisation. Therefore special high expansion foams (refer to shall be
used, having long drainage times (typically 15 minutes or more), which limit free water
resulting in minimum increase of vaporisation.
As long as the foam blanket is present it will result in a smaller fire size (no extinguishment
will be achieved) with radiation levels reduced to 10 %.
2.1.3 Limitations
From the foregoing it can be concluded that not all types of fire fighting foams can be used
for any type of fuel fire.
Foams are not effective in extinguishing fires involving jetting or falling fuels and flowing
liquid fires.
From a release of pressurised LPG the formation of a liquid pool is unlikely, and anyhow its
presence of very short duration, due to flashing of the liquid. Therefore the use of foam is
not effective.
Foams have a limited throwing distance, due to their low density. Wind force and direction
may influence this distance as well.
Because foams have conductive properties, they shall not be used on live electrical
equipment unless specially approved. If the bulk temperature of the liquid is high (>100 °C)
this will restrict the use of foam, and may even cause violent frothing or slop-over.
The water required for producing foam should not be contaminated with water miscible
componants e.g. alcohols etc.
The foam concentrate shall not remain in permanent contact with mild steel as the
presence of iron ions will create a polymer film. The resulting sludge may block filters,
inductors etc.
AFFF-AR shall always be applied in a "gentle" manner, to avoid submersion, and to ensure
that the already formed film is not disturbed and thus remains effective. This implies that
AFFF-AR shall never be applied sub-surface; however it may be applied in a semi sub-
surface application.
AFFF-AR can also be applied on non-water-miscible (non-polar) fuels (e.g. normal
hydrocarbons), and as such it is called "Universal" type foam. Universal concentrate added
as a 6% addition is suitable for fires containing polar solvents. It can also be used on non
water miscible hydrocarbons, added as a 3% concentrate. On hydrocarbons it functions like
AFFF foam.
Only Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)-listed concentrates shall be used.
AFFF-AR, applied in medium and high expansion equipment for e.g. chemical warehouses,
shall only be used after actual tests of concentrate, equipment and fuel have proven
positive. (Test protocol to be agreed.)
Typical price: two times the price of fluoro protein foam of the same concentration.
The relation between extinguishing time and application rate depends on fuel, foam type
and method of application. For hydrocarbon products a standardised application rate is
used. Polar solvents and chemicals require individually confirmed application rates to be
obtained from the foam concentrate supplier.
The actual generated application rate is influenced by losses during throw. These losses
can be in the order of 50 to 100%. This phenomenon should be considered when
engineering fire fighting systems.
2.1.9 Compatibility General
Foam concentrate shall be stored in a dedicated storage tank, manufactured of a suitable
material; or in manufacturer's non-metallic drums. The manufacturer of the foam
concentrate shall be consulted for suitable foam concentrate resistant material.
Following materials are recommended for:
Fluoro Protein (slightly corrosive): Glass-Fibre Reinforced Polyester or Carbon
Steel with an internal amine cured epoxy
paint coating. Standards
Standardization organizations which deal with the quality of foam are:
National Fire Protection Association - NFPA,
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. - UL,
Factory Mutual - FM,
Their specifications and standards include requirements for foam concentrate and foam
The UL-162 test correlates to realistic fires in the oil and chemical industry and is SIPM's
preferred test method. Testing
Independent testing authorities, such as Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) are the
customers' guarantee that the foam concentrate manufacturer has demonstrated, through
extensive fire testing and evaluations, that the product complies with the rigid requirements
and specifications of the testing authority.
In addition a UL-listed manufacturing source will be checked at regular intervals to confirm
the quality of product and manufacturing process in the factory. Any deviation from these
standards can lead to the foam concentrate manufacturer being removed from the approval
Foam types and/or applications not covered in the UL standards shall be tested to an
agreed protocol before acceptance by the principal. Procurement
To obtain a high quality foam concentrate stock, fully UL-162 approved or listed foam
concentrates are recommended for purchase. The requisition shall describe that a
certification document is required stating that the particular batch conforms to UL listing.
Additionally, the requisition should stipulate that a condensed UL test is to be performed on
samples, taken from the manufactured batch, at the moment of delivery. This test shall
determine the following values: pH (acidity), viscosity, 25 percent drainage time and
specific gravity. Condensed test to be performed by manufacturer, and results to be
forwarded to purchaser.
The foam concentrate manufacturer or supplier shall guarantee that the foam concentrates
are biodegradable and non-toxic. For this purpose manufacturers shall supply data on
chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand.
It is recommended to include a "return" clause in any purchase order to dispose of
redundant/deteriorated foam concentrate stock.
extinguishing fires, provided they can reach all areas of the fire without interruption.
The use of dry chemical agents shall not be considered satisfactory protection for the
- chemicals containing their own oxygen supply, such as cellulose nitrate.
- combustible metals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, titanium, and zirconium.
- deep seated fires in ordinary combustibles where the dry powder cannot reach the point
of combustion.
Although dry chemical powders are electrically non-conductive, they should preferably not
be used for instrumentation and electrical equipment, due to the corrosion after being
exposed to moisture. Their use in fixed installations requires specialist's designs. They shall
be designed according to NFPA and the manufacturer's specifications. Dry chemical
powders do not cover and cool oil surfaces.
Dry chemical powders have limitations in extinguishing performance. Therefore the
appropriate powder shall be used for a particular fire (see 2.2.4).
Dry chemical powders do not cool the product on fire. After extinguishment a flash fire may
occur instantly; this can only be avoided by cooling with water.
equipment (Class C). As a result the fire extinguishing rating is better than of potassium
bicarbonate. Urea-based potassium bicarbonate particles have a larger volume than
potassium bicarbonate particles. The filling ratio of urea-based potassium bicarbonate to
potassium bicarbonate is 0.7. A nominal 12 kg portable extinguisher filled with 8 kg urea-
based potassium bicarbonate has the same extinguishing rating for B,C fires as when filled
with 12 kg potassium bicarbonate. Though more expensive, urea-based potassium
bicarbonate is the most powerful dry chemical powder on a weight basis and therefore the
preferred powder for use in our installations.
The urea-based dry chemical powders are not recommended for the extinguishment of
Class A fires. Flowability
In this context flowability is the ability of the dry chemical powder to pass through piping
systems (incl. hoses, fittings and nozzles) without blocking of the extinguishing system.
2.2.7 Compatibility Standards
Neither Royal Dutch /"Shell" Group nor Oil Industry specifications are available to specify
dry chemical powder.
Available USA specifications are:
Federal spec. O-D-1407 for potassium bicarbonate
and Federal spec. O-F-371B for sodium bicarbonate.
Specifications for other dry chemical powders require Principal's approval. Testing
Independent testing authorities, such as Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) are the
customer's assurance that the manufacturer of Dry Chemical Powder (systems) has
demonstrated through extensive fire testing and evaluations, that the product complies to
the rigid requirements and specifications of the testing authority.
In addition, a UL-listed manufacturing source will be checked at regular intervals to confirm
production quality in the factory. Any deviation from UL standards can lead to the
manufacturer being removed from the UL approval list.
When witnessing manufacturers' tests, the Dry Chemical Powder shall be applied with
standard equipment, i.e. with mass-produced equipment which is generally available to the
customer. Procurement
To obtain a high quality Dry Chemical Powder, only fully (e.g. UL) approved or listed Dry
Chemical Powder from reliable and reputable Dry Chemical Powder system manufacturers
are recommended for purchase. The requisition shall specify that a certification document
is required stating that the particular batch is suitable for the intended system. Only Dry
Chemical Powder with a test certificate (e.g. UL-299, Part 47: "Extinguishing agent test"),
shall be accepted. Such tests shall be performed by suitable, independent testing
2.3.1 General
Halons are bromo- (chloro-) fluorocarbons. Halon 1301 is a colourless, odourless,
electrically non-conductive gas. Halon 1211 is a colourless, faintly sweet-smelling,
electrically non-conductive vapourizing liquid. They are both effective media for
extinguishing fires and have become widely used because they are the only known agents
that do not cause agent damage to the protected area.
There has been increasing concern in recent years that the emission of halons into the
atmosphere results in the depletion of the earth's protective layer of stratospheric ozone.
The Royal Dutch /"Shell" Group supports international efforts to phase out Halon 1211 and
1301, which are listed in the Montreal Protocol.
For this reason, halons are not recommended as a fire fighting agent.
General guidance on Halon is provided below.
2.3.2 Functioning
The chemical mechanism by which halon extinguishes a fire is based on a chemical
reaction affecting the progress of the fire "anti-catalytically". Finely-distributed halon
interrupts the radical chain and branching reactions which maintain combustion; even small
amounts of halon rapidly produce these breakdown reactions. The extinguishing effect due
to cooling or dilution of oxygen or fuel vapour concentration is minor.
Halons are only effective at temperatures above 482 °C. Halon has a very good
extinguishing performance compared with other types of fire fighting agents.
2.3.3 Restrictions
Halon is not suitable for deep seated or smoldering fires where the temperature does not
exceed 482 °C.
It is mostly used in portable fire extinguishers and local application fire protection systems,
such as floating roof seals and gas turbine/compressor units.
Due to its boiling point of minus 4 °C and vapour pressure of 2.7 bar (ga) at a temperature
of 21 °C, it can be discharged in a directional manner, i.e. "thrown" at the target. Liquid
particles penetrate deep into the fire before evaporation.
The fundamental purpose of a local application system is to reach and hold the required
concentration for the required time around the hazard.
maintain the required extinguishing concentration for the required time in the protected
enclosed hazard area.
2.3.8 Storage
Halon is stored in transportable containers up to 130 litres, which shall be made according
to the required codes as dictated by country of destination (See MESC 96.13.10/001).
2.4.1 Advantages
Carbon dioxide is used as an inerting agent in specific hazards or equipment and in
areas/enclosures, where an inert electrically non conductive medium is essential and where
clean up of other agents presents a problem.
Some types of hazards and equipment that carbon dioxide gas may protect are electrical
hazards, rotating equipment and electronic equipment, engines utilising gasoline and other
flammable liquid fuels, unmanned computer rooms, ordinary combustibles such as paper,
wood and textiles.
2.4.2 Restrictions
The discharge of liquid carbon dioxide can produce electrical charges which, under certain
conditions, could create sparks. In addition, vaporizing carbon dioxide (atmospheric boiling
point minus 79° C) may damage sensitive equipment through cold shock on direct impact.
2.4.3 Safety
Carbon dioxide cylinders shall not be exposed to direct sunlight as the vapour pressure
rises sharply under rising temperature.
In enclosed areas the concentration of carbon dioxide as discharged from fire extinguishers
may create serious hazards to personnel, such as suffocation and reduced visibility during
and after the discharge period. A concentration of 30 percent is needed for fire
extinguishing, while a 12 percent concentration creates a risk to personnel.
Other personnel hazards are noise and cold burn.
2.4.4 Storage
Carbon dioxide shall be stored in rechargeable containers designed to hold pressurised
carbon dioxide in liquid form at atmospheric temperatures corresponding to a vapour
pressure of 58.6 bar (ga) at 21 °C. Containers for transport purposes, up to 130 litres, shall
be made according to required codes as stipulated by the country of destination (see
MESC 96.13.10/001).
Steam extinguishes fire by exclusion of air or reduction of the oxygen content of the
atmosphere in a manner similar to carbon dioxide or other inert gases.
Steam is generally used for fire fighting purposes in areas where it is readily available in
large quantities such as furnaces. The advantage of using steam in fighting furnace fires is
its lack of generating cold shock. Steam can be applied with the use of a steam lance in
furnace crossover header boxes etc.
Sometimes steam rings are used around flanged connections, in e.g. hydrogen service.
Possible injury from burns to personnel should be considered when steam is used. The use
of steam as a fire fighting agent has often been unsuccessful due to lack of understanding
that it is preventing the supply of oxygen.
2.6 SAND
Sand can be applied on small surface fires. It can also be used for fire prevention:
absorption, covering, directing of spills. At least 0.5 m3 of sand shall be available:
- in process units,
- in hazardous areas (e.g. pump houses, valve manifolds) of storage facilities,
- at (un)loading stations.
Sand shall be stored in non-metallic containers equipped with a cover. In each container
two scoops shall be readily available. Locations of the containers shall be shown in the fire
fighting system's master plan. For new projects, containers, inclusive sand fills and scoops,
shall form part of the project requirements.
2.7.1 General
Water is the most commonly used agent for:
- cooling adjacent equipment,
- controlling fires and vapour releases.
Water can be used for extinguishing certain fires. As such it is highly effective on fires of
solid materials (class "A" fires) such as wood, paper, natural rubber etc.
In office buildings and warehouses water can be applied by means of fixed installed
sprinkler systems.
Water can only be applied on fires of liquid materials if both the following conditions are
- the product, cooled down by the ambient water, has a high flash point,
- the bulk temperature of the liquid (on fire) is below 100 °C, thus avoiding steam
"explosions". Above 100 °C water shall be applied intermittantly and with low application
rate (typically: 2 dm3/min/m 2) to avoid frothing.
For these applications fixed systems are normally not used; water is applied by mobile
Water shall be applied on the target in spray form to obtain effective cooling and to avoid
splashing in case of a liquid fire. Water applied by a jet is only justified to cover long
distances when the water will reach the target in droplets. For cooling purposes of
equipment in an engulfed petrochemical fire a mininum design rate of 8.5 dm3/min/m 2
equipment surface area or 20 dm3/min/m 2 projected area is required for fixed installed
Water is also used for curtain systems, which are applied as a heat barrier between a fire
and the protected equipment. With a similar water curtain a non-ignited vapour cloud can
be diverted and large volumes of induced air will reduce the (relative) vapour concentration
In most cases water is more economic than other fire fighting agents.
2.7.2 Use
Atambient temperature, water can be used for:
- cooling (protection against exposure to fire)
- producing foam to cool fuel surfaces and to extinguish pool fires,
- extinguishing fires of liquid hydrocarbons with a flash point above 38 °C up to flash
points of 93 °C: NFPA Class II and IIIA,
- for directing pools of burning liquids,
- for dispersion of escaping gases and vapours,
- protection of personnel.
2.7.4 Vaporization
When water is converted from liquid to vapour, its volume at atmospheric pressure
increases about 1700 times. This large volume of water vapour (saturated steam) displaces
an equal volume of air surrounding a fire, thus reducing the volume of air (oxygen) available
to sustain combustion.
2.7.5 Restrictions
Water can increase corrosion rates particularly if it is salty or contaminated.
Since water is conductive, the use of water for electrical fires should be avoided. Factors
influencing the likelihood of shock from live electrical equipment are:
- electrical loading (voltage and current),
- distance separating water application equipment and live electrical equipment,
- dispersion of the water stream or spray, i.e. the electrical conductivity of the water
NFPA gives recommendations about safe distances between hose nozzles and electrical
equipment at different voltages.
2.7.6 Compatibility
Issued by:
National Fire Protection Association
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269
Issued by:
Underwriters Laboratories Incorporated
333, Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
issued by:
Federal Specifications
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402
Fire Classifications EN 2
issued by:
CEN (European Committee for Standardisation)
Brederostraat 2
B-1000 Brussels