Itpl Summary
Itpl Summary
Itpl Summary
The World Trade Organization or WTO June 2001, petitioner British American
was established in Marrakesh, Morocco in Tobacco introduced and sold Lucky
1995. The Philippines, one of its founding Strike, Lucky Strike Lights and Lucky
members, joined the Agreement as it Strike Menthol Lights cigarettes w/ SRP P
would greatly benefit their economy 9.90/pack - Initial assessed excise tax: P
because they would enjoy access to 8.96/pack (Sec. 145 [c])
foreign markets, and reduction of tariffs
February 17, 2003: RR 9-2003: Periodic
on exports. President Fidel V. Ramos
review every 2 years or earlier of the
also saw numerous opportunities in
current net retail price of new brands and
joining the Agreement such as new
variants thereof for the purpose of the
opportunities for the services sector, the
establishing and updating their tax
reduction of costs and uncertainty
associated with exporting, and the
attraction of more investments into the March 11, 2003: RMO 6-2003: Guidelines
country. On April 15, 1994, Rizalino and procedures in establishing current net
Navarro, DTI Secretary, signed in retail prices of new brands of cigarettes
Marrakesh, Morocco, the Final Act and alcohol products
Embodying the Results of the Uruguay
Round of Multilateral Negotiations. On August 8, 2003: RR 22-2003: Implement
December 14, 1994, the Senate the revised tax classification of certain
concurred in the ratification of the new brands introduced in the market after
President of the Philippines of the January 1, 1997 based on the survey of
Agreement Establishing the WTO which their current net retail prices. This
includes various agreements and increased the excise tax to P13.44 since
associated legal instruments. On the average net retail price is above P
December 16, 1994,the President signed 10/pack.
the Instrument of Ratification.
Does the Agreement ratifying the WTO 1. Does the order pertaining to the
contravene the provisions of the classification of goods violate the
Philippine Constitution? provisions of the GATT?
Does the ratification of the Agreement 2. Does the classification warrant the
impair the exercise of sovereignty and resort to dispute settlement mechanisms
other inherent powers (legislative, judicial) before the WTO?
of the Philippines as a state?