Determinant Factors Audit Delay: Evidence From Indonesia
Determinant Factors Audit Delay: Evidence From Indonesia
Determinant Factors Audit Delay: Evidence From Indonesia
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F7560.038620 1088 & Sciences Publication
Determinant Factors Audit Delay: Evidence from Indonesia
Of the 632 companies that are required to submit financial and KAP size.
statements, only 519 companies have carried out according to [18] examined the relationship between audit delay with
the time requirements. There are 113 companies that have not several independent variables consisting of profitability,
submitted their first semester of 2018 financial statements. solvency of company size, firm size and age of the firm. [7]
IDX reports from a total of 113 companies, 44 companies examined the relationship between audit delay with several
reported to IDX to submit their financial statements, which independent variables consisting of profitability, leverage,
are currently being reviewed by public accountants and 33 operating complexity, KAP reputation and audit committee.
companies reported to submit financial statements audited by [19] examined the relationship between audit delay with
public accountants. Of the total 113 companies, 77 companies several independent variables consisting of auditor change
have reported company conditions, while 36 companies have from the audit organization to the private audit firm, auditor
not reported to the IDX. In accordance with IDX regulations, change from a private audit firm to another private audit firm,
the submission of financial statements for the first semester of profitability, financial leverage, firm size, and audit report
2018 or the period of 30 June at the latest 1 month after that. type. [5] examined the relationship between audit delay with
For those who are late in submitting financial statements will several independent variables consisting of the type of
be subject to warnings to fines. [11]. auditor, financial company, profitability, company size and
PT Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) temporarily leverage.
suspended securities (suspension) trading on the regular The number of studies that have been reviewed above are
market and cash market by 16 and IDX has suspended two like those who support and do not support audit delay.
issuers since July 31, 2017 including PT Energy Mega Research conducted by [18] examined the relationship
Persada Tbk and PT Steady Safe Tbk. The IDX also extended between audit delay with 5 independent variables, namely
the suspension of securities trading to 14 issuers namely PT profitability, solvency of company size, firm size and age of
Borneo Lumbung Energi and Metal Tbk, PT Berau Coal the company. The results of the study stated both
Energy Tbk, PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk, PT Eterindo simultaneously and partially that profitability, solvency of
Wahanatama Tbk, PT Citra Maharlika Nusantara Corpora company size, firm size and age of the company affect the
Tbk, PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk, PT Capitalinc Investment Tbk audit delay.
, PT Permata Prima Sakti Tbk, PT Skybee Tbk, PT Profitability ratios measure the ability of a company to
Sigmagold Intiperkasa Tbk, PT Evergreen Invesco Tbk, PT generate profitability at a certain level of sales, assets and
Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk, PT Merck Sharp Dohme Pharma share capital [20]. According to [21], the company will not
Tbk, and PT Zebra Nusantara Tbk. IDX is a suspension of 16 delay the delivery of information that contains good news.
issuers because as of July 29, 2017 has not submitted an Therefore, companies that are able to generate profits will
interim financial report as of March 31, 2017, and has not yet tend to experience a shorter audit delay, so that good news can
paid the fine for submitting the financial statements. [12]. be immediately conveyed to investors and other interested
According to [13], delays in the publication of financial parties, as a rationale that the profit rate is used as a way to
statements are very detrimental to investors because they can assess success company effectiveness, of course related to the
increase asymmetric information in the market, insider final results of various policies and decisions that have been
trading, and raise rumors that make the market uncertain. implemented by the company in the current period. Profitable
Seeing the importance of the time period for completing an companies have an incentive to inform the public of their
audit of financial statements as a factor influencing the superior performance by issuing annual reports quickly.
timeliness of financial statement submission as well as the Solvency or debt ratio is the ratio used to measure the
informative value of financial statements for users of financial extent of the company's assets financed by debt [8]. This
statements, the authors assume that audit delay is an object means that the large amount of debt used by companies to
that still needs further investigation. finance their business activities when compared with using
Many factors affect and do not affect audit delay in a their own capital. The research of [16], [5] shows that
company that has been studied by previous researchers, such solvency affects audit delay, whereas in [19] solvency does
as [14] who examine the relationship between audit delay not affect audit delay.
with several independent variables consisting of profitability, [22] states that companies that have larger total assets will
leverage, company size, auditor opinion and KAP size. [15] complete the audit longer than companies that have smaller
examined the relationship between audit delay with several total assets.
independent variables consisting of company size as a This is because the number of samples that must be taken is
moderating effect of auditor opinion, profitability, and debt to greater and more audit procedures must be taken. Property
equity ratio. owned by the company has a negative influence on audit
[16] examined the relationship between audit delay with delay, where this effect is indicated by the greater the value of
several independent variables consisting of company size, the assets of a company, the shorter the audit delay and vice
operating profit, solvency, and audit committee. [17] versa. [23] argue that large-scale companies tend to be timely
examined the relationship between audit delay with several in the delivery of financial statements, because the company is
independent variables consisting of company size, audit closely monitored by investors, employees, creditors and the
committee, implementation of the International Financial government so that large-scale
Reporting Standards and public ownership. [4] examine the companies tend to face higher
relationship between audit delay with several independent pressures to announce an
variables consisting of company size, subsidiaries, leverage
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1089 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-6, March 2020
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F7560.038620 1090 & Sciences Publication
Determinant Factors Audit Delay: Evidence from Indonesia
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1091 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-6, March 2020
ROA of 0.0221 with a standard deviation of 0.31574. Based on table 2 above, the results of the F Test above
show that the value of F count > F table where 61.556> 2.31
(df = 105 - 6 = 99; k = 6 - 1 = 5) and the significance value of
the above test amounted to 0,000 <0 .05 (α = 5%). This
The solvency variable (DAR) has a minimum value of 0.01 proves that the variables of profitability, solvency, company
and a maximum value of 8.31. The average value of DAR is size, audit opinion and KAP size simultaneously influence
0.9633 with a standard deviation of 1.49634. The company audit delay (H1 accepted).
size variable (SIZE) has a minimum value of 9.15 and a T Test (Partial)
maximum value of 17.75. SIZE value is 14.1518 with a The results of the t-test or partial test of the effect of
standard deviation value of 1.62011. profitability, solvency, company size, audit opinion and KAP
The audit opinion variable has a minimum value of 0.00 variables partially on audit delay are presented in Table 3
and a maximum value of 1.00. The average value of audit below:
opinion is 0.3143 with a standard deviation value of 0.46646. Table 3. Result t test
KAP variable has a minimum value of 0.00 and a maximum
value of 1.00. The average value of KAP is 0.4762 with a Unstandardized Standardized
standard deviation value of 0.50183. Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
B. Classic assumption test 1 (Constant) 5.463 .178 30.773 .000
The data normality test results with the p-plot normal graph ROA -.633 .063 -.570 -10.070 .000
test show that the data is spread around the diagonal line and DAR .053 .013 .229 4.272 .000
moves in the direction of the diagonal line, so it is said that the SIZE -.067 .012 -.308 -5.490 .000
residual data is normally distributed. Opini -.107 .041 -.143 -2.639 .010
Multicollinearity test results with the calculation of KAP -.118 .038 -.170 -3.124 .002
tolerance values show that all independent variables have a Source: Research Data
tolerance value of more than 0.10. The results of the The second hypothesis states that profitability affects audit
calculation of the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value also delay. Based on the results of the regression analysis in table
showed that all independent variables had a VIF value <10, so 4, the t-value of the profitability variable against audit delay is
it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity between -10,070 smaller than -t-table -1,98422 (df = 105 - 6 = 99; α =
the independent variables in the regression model. 5%) and the significance value is 0,000 <0.05 (α = 5%). These
Based on heteroskedasticity test with scatter plot, it is seen results explain that profitability (ROA) affects audit delay
that the points spread randomly and spread both above and (H2 received).
below the number 0 on the Y axis, so it can be concluded that Profitability has a negative effect on audit delay. This
there is no heteroskedasticity problem in the regression shows that if the company's profitability increases, the audit
model. delay will decrease. According to [21], the company will not
The autocorrelation test in this study can be seen by delay the delivery of information that contains good news.
looking at the DW value obtained of 0.647. DW value is Therefore, companies that are able to generate profits will
greater than value -2 and smaller than value +2 (-2 <DW <+2) tend to experience a shorter audit delay, so that good news can
[32], so it can be concluded that autocorrelation does not be immediately conveyed to investors and other interested
occur. parties.
The results of this study are supported by research [7], [33],
C. Hypothesis test
and [15], who found that the higher the profitability, the
F Test (Simultaneous) shorter the time needed by the auditor to publish the auditing
F test results of the effect of profitability, solvency, report. However, it is inversely proportional to the research of
company size, audit opinion and KAP size simultaneously on [14]
audit delay are presented in table 2 below: which states that profitability has no effect on audit delay.
The third hypothesis states that solvency affects audit
Table 2. Results of F Test delay.
ANOVAa The t-value of the solvability variable against audit delay is
Sum of Mean
4.272 greater than t-table 1.98422 (df = 105 - 6 = 99; α = 5%)
Model Squares df Square F Sig. and the significance value is 0.000 <0.05 (α = 5%). These
1 Regression results explain that solvency (DAR) affects audit delay (H3
9.647 5 1.929 61.556 .000b
Residual 3.103 99 .031
Solvency has a positive effect on audit delay. The solvency
Total 12.749 104
ratio is the company's ability to fulfill its liabilities. If the
a. Dependent Variable: Ln Audit Delay
company has a high solvency ratio, the risk of loss will
b. Predictors: (Constant), KAP, SIZE, Opinion, DAR, ROA increase. Therefore, to gain confidence in the company's
financial statements, the auditor will increase his prudence so
that the audit delay range will be
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F7560.038620 1092 & Sciences Publication
Determinant Factors Audit Delay: Evidence from Indonesia
The results of this study are in line with research conducted influences audit delay. This shows that the Big Four KAP
by [18] which shows that solvency affects audit delay. A high office requires a shorter time in completing the audit
solvency ratio will tend to have a longer time span of financial efficiently and has the flexibility of a higher time schedule to
statement presentation, so the information presented contains complete the audit on time besides they have more human
elements of good news or bad news from the financial resources and have more experience than other KAP.
statements. This is not in line with research conducted by [33] This is in line with the research by [33] which says that the
which states that solvency does not affect audit delay. size of the Public Accounting Firm influences audit delay.
The fourth hypothesis states that firm size influences audit The size of the KAP hired by the company to audit the
delay. The t-value of the firm size variable (SIZE) against financial statements will affect public confidence in the
audit delay of -5.490 is smaller than -t-table -1.98422 (df = credibility of the financial statements produced by the
105 - 6 = 99; α = 5%) and the significance value is 0.000 company because large KAPs have a stronger drive to
<0.05 (α = 5%). These results explain that company size complete the audit more quickly in order to maintain their
(SIZE) influences audit delay (H4 received). reputation. This is not in line with research conducted by [34]
Company size has a negative effect on audit delay. This showing that KAP size does not affect audit delay.
shows that the larger the size of the company, the shorter the
Coefficient of Determination
audit delay time. This is because the larger the company, the
company has a good internal control system so that it can From the determination test the adjusted R2 value is
reduce the error rate of financial statements so that auditing of obtained as can be seen in table 4 as follows:
financial statements can be done more quickly. In addition, Table 4. Result of Determinations
large companies are overseen by investors and government
capital supervisors, have more resources and can pay higher Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
audit fees to auditors so that audit reports can be completed 1 .870a .757 .744 .17704
faster [4]. Source: Research Data
The results of this study are consistent with Kartika's Table 4 above shows the results of the determination test
(2009) research, large-scale companies tend to be given that the R square value of 0.744 implies that 74.4% of the
incentives to speed up publishing their financial statements. amount of audit delay can be explained by profitability,
That is because large-scale companies are closely monitored solvency, company size, audit opinion and public accounting
by investors, creditors and the government so that they tend to firm size while the remaining 25.6% (Other 100% - 74.4%)
face higher external pressure to submit audited financial are explained by other variables outside the model, such as the
statements early. The results of this study are different from complexity of operations and audit committees [7], and public
the research by [33] which found that company size has no ownership [17].
effect on audit delay.
The fifth hypothesis states that audit opinion influences V. CONCLUSSION
audit delay. The t-value of the audit opinion variable against
audit delay of -2.639 is smaller than -t-table -1.98422 (df = Based on the results of an analysis of the effect of
105 - 6 = 99; α = 5%) and the significance value is 0.010 profitability, solvency, company size, audit opinion, and the
<0.05 (α = 5 %). These results explain that audit opinion size of public accounting firms on audit delay on transport
influences audit delay (H5 accepted). companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in
Audit opinion has a negative effect on audit delay. An audit 2013-2017,
opinion is a standard statement of the auditor's conclusions
obtained based on the conclusions of the audit process [24]. it can be concluded: Profitability, solvency, company size,
The audit report there are auditor findings that are expressed audit opinion and the size of the Public Accounting Firm
through the form of an audit opinion on the reasonableness of simultaneously and each partially influences the audit delay.
the financial statements. Audit opinion is the auditor's opinion This study has several limitations, namely: The use of a less
regarding the audited financial statements [26]. extensive sample, is only limited to the transportation
[25] shows that audit opinion influences audit delay. subsector so that the results of the study cannot be used as a
Companies that receive unqualified opinions have a faster reference for other sectors and the study period is only 5
audit time than companies that accept fair opinions with years, it is felt that it does not adequately describe the
qualified (qualified opinions). This is not in line with research influence of variables.
conducted by [33] which states that audit opinion has no Investors and creditors are expected to influence
effect on audit delay. management policies in accelerating the delivery of audited
The sixth hypothesis states that the KAP size affects audit financial statements so that important information does not
delay. The t-value of the variable size of the public accounting lose benefits. Investors and creditors are able to influence
firm against audit delay of -3,124 is smaller than t-table management policies through share ownership and debt
-1,98422 (df = 105 - 6 = 99; α = 5%) and the significance contracts with companies.
value is 0.002> 0.05 (α = 5%). These results explain that the Further researchers are expected to add other independent
KAP size affects audit delay (H6 received). variables related to audit delay such as the complexity of
The size of a public accounting firm has a negative effect operations and audit
on audit delay. This research is supported by [4] research committees [7], as well as
which states that the size of the Public Accounting Firm public ownership [17]. Future
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1093 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-6, March 2020
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Perusahaan, Solvabilitas dan Reputasi KAP Terhadap Audit Delay Scopus ID: 57196213859
pada Perusahaan Properti Dan Real Estate di Bursa Efek Indonesia.,”
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F7560.038620 1094 & Sciences Publication
Determinant Factors Audit Delay: Evidence from Indonesia
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7560038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1095 & Sciences Publication