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Procedia CIRP 68 (2018) 405 – 410
19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining, 23-27 April 2018, Bilbao, Spain
Multi-axis Electrical Discharge machining has become a feasible solution in the manufacturing of complex geometry parts of the
aerospace and energy industry. In EDM, the final work piece is principally affected by electrode wear and gap width. The machine
tool manufacturers provide limited information concerning both features, in which they do not consider the electrode geometry and
electrode path. Thus, nowadays, previous highly time and cost consuming trial-and-error strategies are necessary for the machining
of complex free form geometries. It is believed that a further understanding of electrode wear and gap width distribution patterns
related with electrode geometry and machining path could enhance the electrode design and improve the process efficiency. Hence,
the present work proposes easy-to-put in practice electrode wear and gap indicators, for those cases in which the average definition
of wear is not enough. Furthermore, the proposed indicators have been tested in an experimental study of electrode wear and gap
width in the EDM manufacturing of a shrouded blisk.
2018TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published B.V. This
by Elsevier is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility ofthe scientific committee of the 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining
Keywords: EDM; shrouded blisk; electrode wear; gap
2212-8271 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining
406 O. Flaño et al. / Procedia CIRP 68 (2018) 405 – 410
Point 1 Point 39
Furthermore, if machining parameters are not appropriated, Point 38
as Itoh and Meadows [10] and Klocke et al. [11] described, this
layer, also known as material build-up, is likely to appear on the
edges and the corners of graphite electrodes. At this point it
Point 7
must be mentioned that recently, EDM machine manufactures
have implemented zero wear strategies and specific features to Ewa (mm2)
reduce electrode wear in their machines. Point 17
Moreover, Sohani et al. [12] and Khan et al. [13] also X Point 19 Y
Point 21 Point 1' Point 7'
observed by a series of experiments that electrode wear is 2
largely dependent on geometry. For instance, higher rounded 1,5
Ell (mm)
Ewd (mm)
edges were observed in sharp corner. As explained in the work 1
of Kunieda et al. [14], this is caused because discharge occurs 0,5
more often per unit surface area at the edges than at flat 0 0
surfaces. 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 1' 3' 5' 7'
Another source of inaccuracy is the lack of knowledge of i (Profile point) j (Profile point)
gap dimensions, especially when machining complex Fig. 1. Proposal of functions for representing the electrode wear.
geometries. Gap width is not only conditioned by machining
parameters, but also by discharge area and gap conditions [14, Wear indicators have been proposed as shown in Fig.1.
15]. - Ewa (wa: wear area): Worn electrode cross-sectional).
Former works and industrial practice show the influence of This indicator evaluates the wear along different
process parameters, electrode geometry and time dependence sections of the electrode over the time. It is an
on electrode wear, however, the influence of machining path enhancement of the usual volumetric wear value and
has not been studied yet. This last is a critical factor in high- it can be obtained by measuring Ewa in different time
added value sectors such as aerospace & energy turbine frames of the complete EDM sequence.
manufacturing, in which components are characterized by very - Ell(j) (ll: lost length): Profile of the worn electrode
complex geometries and multi-axis operations. In those cases,
projected on the YZ reference plane (see Fig.1). This
the average definition of wear commonly found on EDM
technology is not enough. Hence, the present work proposes an indicator provides the electrode wear at different
experimental study on the influence of electrode wear and gap points of the electrode profile (taking as reference the
width by the use of easy to put in practice indicators. initial electrode geometry) for a specific time frame.
Furthermore, an experimental analysis of electrode wear and - Ewd(i) (wd: wear distribution): Profile of the worn
gap evolution in the EDM’ing of a shrouded blisk was carried electrode projected on the ZX reference plane (see
out. Fig.1).
The evaluation of Ewa and Ewd(i) starts measuring the section
2. Determination of electrode wear and gap width in of the electrode before and after EDM’ing. Then, that obtained
multi-stage EDM information is processed using a CAD software, for instance.
For determination of Ell(j), the observation of electrode length
Usually, the available wear information is very generic and is required. Z axis coordinates of different points of the bottom
limited. Manufacturers of EDM machine and electrode section of the electrode are compared before and after
materials use to specify the volumetric wear, front wear and EDM’ing.
corner wear [16]. Although this data could be enough for a first Optimum electrode design not only requires previous
approach in many standard EDM jobs, when the application knowledge of wear patterns, an accurate knowledge of the gap
requires complex electrode shapes and trajectories, it becomes width distribution is needed as well.
difficult to convert that wear information into useful criteria for The measurement of the electrode profile after EDM’ing and
the electrode design process. Thus, in the present work it is the final geometry of the EDM’ed cavity defines a new
proposed to consider the multi-stage EDM process as a whole indicator for gap representation: Gw. When the direct
in order to record wear and gap information taking into account: observation of the cavity is not possible, it is proposed to extract
- The integral electrode geometry, not only front and a slice. The data obtained must then be processed. Gw is a
corner wear. function that represents the gap value in different points of
- The complete EDM sequence. Applications in electrode for each time frame. An example is shown in Fig. 2
aerospace & energy gas turbine components usually The main challenge for an accurate Gw measurement, is the
involve different electrode shapes and trajectories. correct positioning of both profiles on the XZ plane. For this
This composition of movements must be analyzed in matter, the setting up adequate references in the work piece and
several time frames. in the electrode is required. Those references will depend on
- EDM technology strategy. Consecutive operations of electrode geometry, measuring equipment and EDM’ing path.
roughing, semi finishing and finishing are used to be
planned in the proposed applications for turbine
components. Hence, wear and gap data should be
required for each of them.
O. Flaño et al. / Procedia CIRP 68 (2018) 405 – 410 407
EDM’ed cavity
Gw (mm)
i1 in Table 1. Parameter settings of the test.
. VDI 28 VDI 32 VDI 36 VDI 39
Measuring points 0 Ra 2.5 µm Ra 4 µm Ra 6.3 µm Ra 9 µm
0 4 8 12 16 20
Profile point
Discharge current, I (A) 6 18 18 36
X Gap width value Open voltage, U0 (V) 200 160 160 120
Pulse on-time, ton (µs) 50 25 100 200
Fig. 2. Proposal of functions for representing the gap width value. Preset pulse off-time, toff (µs) 6.4 5 13 25
Servo voltage, S (V) 30 30 30 20
Furthermore, when working with symmetric geometries, or
when sparking process is taking place in both sides of the
electrode, only a reference for the positioning of Z axis is Step 1 Step 2
indicators were carried out following the methodology A Points use for defined X axis
proposed in Section 2.
Data required for gap width distribution were obtained by Results for the electrode lost length Ell are plotted in Fig.7.
comparing the worn electrode (central section measured using Two diagrams have been represented in order to facilitate the
a coordinate measuring machine) and a 0.5 mm thick slice of visualization of the results. Results are presented as average
the final EDM’ed cavity, which was measured on a 3D optical values together with the standard deviation, so that scattering
surface metrology system LEICA DCM 3D. of results can be known. When the standard deviation is smaller
The Z axis was set up using external references. For step 4, than 0.04 mm the deviation bar has not been drawn.
Gw value was defined by symmetry in all points. For steps 1, 2,
VDI 32
and 3, Gw was calculated by symmetry at the points where 2
R² = 0,972
symmetry theory can be applied. Values of Gw were then used
to position X axis. Fig. 5 shows an example of this method.
Ell (mm)
VDI 39 .
R² = 0,945 VDI 36
4. Discussion of results .
R² = 0,812
4.1. Wear pattern indicators 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Ell (mm)
the average of the three measured sections (step 1, 2, 3 and 4).
25 2
VDI 32
20 .
R² = 0,999
Ewa (mm 2 )
0 500 1000 1500 2000
EDM'ing time (min)
R² = 0,916 VDI 36
Fig. 7. Ellv (mm) as a function of machining time and EDM parameter setting.
R² = 0,974
30 on the tip of the electrode, but for the case of VDI 36 electrode
wear is distributed along the profile. For the case of VDI 39
electrode wear lost length per min is of 6.6 µm and for VDI 36
10 the reduction is to 2.4 µm. In terms of electrode wear area, for
VDI 39 is of 0.007 mm2/min and for VDI 36 0.023 mm2/min.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 This means, that if the objective is to obtain a depth cut on the
EDM'ing time (min) workpiece VDI 36 is more suitable. Nevertheless, if the
Fig. 6. Ewa (mm2) as a function of machining time and EDM parameter objective is to obtain better results in the profile without
setting. considering the tip of the electrode, VDI 39 is more suitable.
Moreover, deviation results show that highest values are
Analyzing the results, it is observed that Ewa follows a linear observed with finishing parameters, VDI 24.
trend with R2 higher than 0.9 for the four EDM parameter The objective of analyzing Ewd(i) is to understand the parts
settings. The first result to be noticed is related to the absolute of the electrode that suffer more during the erosion. A high
value of Ewa. When looking at roughing parameters, it can be value of Ewd means that at that point the electrode has suffered
observed that, for a similar operation time, higher wear is more degradation than at those in which the value of Ewd is
related to lower energy set of parameters (VDI 32). For lower.
instance, after 150 min operation, Ewa increases from 1.004 Fig. 8 show the results of electrode wear distribution
mm2 in the case of VDI 39 up to 10.164 mm2 in the case of VDI obtained for VDI 24 for each machined path. Check Fig. 3 for
32, which means a growth of as much as ten times. In the profile points (i) definition. For better understanding only
experiments, pulse on-time in VDI 32 is 25 µs, taking a value results of VDI 24 have been represented. Results of the other
of 200 µs for VDI 39. This result is sound with the well-known parameter settings show the same trend with different values.
fact that higher on-time is related to less electrode wear, already From Fig. 8 it has been concluded that electrode wear
commented in Section 1. distribution is conditioned by the EDM’ing path and its value
for the machining parameters. This is because the discharge
O. Flaño et al. / Procedia CIRP 68 (2018) 405 – 410 409
probability along electrode is dependent on the electrode However, even though the most prominent electrode region
geometry as well as the erosion path. Those results, highlight for material build-up is the tip of the electrode, in other regions
the interest of defining the sparking region in order to foresee material build-up was also observed. Fig. 10 shows an example
electrode wear distribution and consider in the electrode design in which the initial electrode profile and the worn electrode
phase. profile have been compared. In this case, grey colour represents
Step 1
electrode wear and red material build-up.
As shown in Fig. 10, two regions (A and B) were observed.
Step 2
The former is due to the effect of the wedge and the latter is
Ewd (mm)
2 Step 3
due to debris concentration, because due to the electrode path
Step 4
debris that was generated in the upper profile may tend to
gather in that area. When analysing the results, for the case of
VDI 36 material build-up occurred in region B after the erosion
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
path (steps 1, 2 and 3). For the case of VDI 39, material build-
Prof ile points (i) up occurred in both regions also after machining steps 1, 2 and
Fig. 8. Ewd for VDI 28. Results show the value after each erosion path studied. 3. This is related with the long pulse on-time.
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