Surface Integrity Analysis of Nitinol-60 Shape Memory Alloy in WEDM

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes

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Surface integrity analysis of Nitinol-60 shape

memory alloy in WEDM

Biplab Kumar Roy & Amitava Mandal

To cite this article: Biplab Kumar Roy & Amitava Mandal (2019) Surface integrity analysis
of Nitinol-60 shape memory alloy in WEDM, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 34:10,
1091-1102, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2019.1628256

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2019, VOL. 34, NO. 10, 1091–1102

Surface integrity analysis of Nitinol-60 shape memory alloy in WEDM

Biplab Kumar Roy and Amitava Mandal
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India


Nitinol-60, which belongs to the group of Nickel-Titanium based Shape Memory Alloys, offers remark- Received 13 November 2018
able properties like high wear resistance, high strength, shape memory, and super-elasticity; thereby Accepted 29 May 2019
making it convenient for use in aircraft and biomedical applications. However, these properties make KEYWORDS
Nitinol a ‘difficult-to-machine’ material during the traditional machining processes. Hence an experiment WEDM; Nitinol; SCD; RLT;
based study on Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Nitinol-60 has been executed based on the Monte-Carlo
parametric effects. This study attempts to provide the quantitative details of the machined surfaces in
terms of maximum peak to valley height, the average peak to valley height, recast layer thickness, and
surface crack density. In addition, Response Surface Methodological models of these surface parameters
along with the cutting rate have been developed. Monte Carlo simulation of the generated regression
equations is carried out to study the behavior of the models using randomly generated data. The results
show that the developed models are in agreement with the experimental data; which further indicates
that the optimal parameters are suitable for mass production.

Introduction Material removal in EDM is based on a controlled spark

erosion process in which an electrical spark is used to melt
Shape Memory Effect (SME) in Nickel-Titanium based alloys
and evaporate the work material. Analysis and modeling of
were first discovered by Buehler et al.[1] in 1965 and the alloy
EDM parameters using Cu tool and Deionized (DI) water as
was termed as NITINOL (for ‘Nickel-Titanium- Naval-
the dielectric fluid was performed by varying voltage, current,
Ordnance-Laboratory’). Although SME was discovered earlier
pulse on time (Ton), and pulse off time (Toff) and it was
in some alloys like Au- 47.5% Cd and in In-Tl,[2] they did not
concluded that peak current had a larger influence on
get much popularity as Ni-Ti based alloys get. Nitinol is
Material Removal Rate (MRR), tool corrosion, and SR.[6]
a binary, near equal-atomic alloy of Ni and Ti. Due to its
Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) is a type of
outstanding properties like high wear resistance, high
EDM process and uses a moving wire which serves as the tool
strength, super-elasticity; it is used in many fields like aero-
electrode. This wire is fed continuously from a spool at feed rates
space, biomedical, nuclear, micro-electro-mechanical systems
ranging from 1 m/min to 20 m/min. The material is removed by
(MEMS) etc.[3] But conventional machining of this alloy is
a series of repetitive sparks between the wire electrode and the
very difficult due to its low thermal conductivity which results
electrically conductive workpiece. As there is no contact between
in high strain hardening and high tool wear.[4] Therefore,
the work-piece and the wire electrode; mechanical stresses, vibra-
non-conventional machining processes like Laser Beam
tions and chatter problems are absent. Also, the mechanical
Machining (LBM), Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM),
properties of the work-piece do not affect the machinability of
and Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) are getting atten-
the machine as long as the work-piece is electrically conductive.
tion for machining of nitinol.[3] However, the surfaces pro-
Further, WEDM is best suited for precise machining. Guo et al.[7]
duced by AWJM are generally rough due to the effect of jet
conducted a study on the WEDM of insulating zirconia ceramics
drag. Also, the dimensional accuracy of surfaces produced by
using a conductive lacquer and a Cu tape and reported that
AWJM is inferior as compared to the surfaces produced by
optimal machining characteristics were obtained at Ton = 20µs.
EDM. The surfaces produced by laser machining consist of
The cutting speed increased initially and then decreased with
heat affected zones. Moreover, tapering is also a common
respect to the pulse on time. Experimental analysis of surface
problem encountered while laser machining with high aspect
finish of meso bevel and helical gears fabricated by WEDM was
ratios. Comparative study of the recast layer formed by EDM
performed and it was reported that roughness value increases with
and laser machining shows that the white layer formed with
an increment in peak current, pulse on time, servo gap voltage,
the laser machining is relatively more uniform than that
wire feed, wire tension and cutting speed.[8] Optimization on
formed with EDM, and the surface roughness (SR) of the
WEDM process parameters was studied individually by Dhobe
laser machined surfaces is poorer than that of EDMed
et al.[9] in AISI D2 steel, Mandal et al.[10] in Nimonic C-263, Nain
et al.[11] in Udimet L-605, and Thankachan et al.[12] in Cu-BN

CONTACT Amitava Mandal Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad 826004, India
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2019 Taylor & Francis

MMC’s; and it was concluded that the MRR was mainly affected utmost importance to check the surface integrity of the
by Ton whereas the SR was affected by both Ton and Toff. Mussada machined surfaces prior to further usage. Therefore, the
et al.[13] studied the hardenability of the surfaces machined by present work is focussed on the modeling and optimiza-
WEDM. The experiments were performed on die steel and it was tion of the WEDM on nitinol with respect to surface
reported that the wire speed and the servo feed greatly influenced crack density (SCD) and recast layer thickness (RLT). In
the recast layer and heat affected zone, and the hardness values this study, the objective is to minimize the average peak
gradually decreased from the recast layer to the base metal. The to valley height (Rz), maximum peak to valley height (Rt),
main factors that affect the roughness values are the formation of SCD, and RLT at the optimal cutting rate. Regression
recast layer, heat affected zone, irregular craters, wire vibrations models have been developed based on the response sur-
and non-uniform distribution of sparks.[8] face methodology (RSM) and Monte-Carlo simulation of
Experimental studies on WEDM of NiTi shape mem- the generated model has been carried out to study the
ory alloy reported that an increment in the pulse-on-time behavior of the models.
lead to an increment in the cutting rate but resulted in
poor surface roughness.[14] Also, the shape recovery effect
of WEDMed TiNiX alloys diminished slightly due to the Materials and methods
formation of the white layer and its thickness was found Material background
to be inversely proportional to the pulse duration.[15] Liu
et al.[16] investigated the composition, crystallography, The crystallography and metallurgical characteristics of NiTi
and properties of the white layer (WL) formed by alloy are discussed in this section. Laves and Wallbaum
WEDM of NiTi SMA and found that the WL is assumed that the structure of the equiatomic alloy Ni-Ti was
a crystalline structure which consisted of two different CsCl (B2) type.[22] However, subsequent research works in the
layers: the top layer consisted of Cu, Ni and Zn solid phase equilibrium area of Ni-Ti system proved that the struc-
solution and had FCC structure while the bottom layer ture is a large cubic cell consisting of 27 sub-cells of CsCl
consisted of nitinol austenite phase and Ti2O3. The grain structure and is stable at moderately elevated temperatures
structure of the white layer was found to be in random only. Nitinol exhibits austenite (parent phase) at higher tem-
order. The interrelation between the fatigue life and sur- peratures and martensite (product phase) at a lower tempera-
face integrity of Ni-Ti samples machined by WEDM ture. While the austenite phase (B2) is highly symmetric and
showed that the fatigue cracks tend to initiate from the has a bcc crystal structure, the martensite phase (B19ʹ) has low
micro-voids present in the recast layer which in turn symmetry and exists as a monoclinic crystal. The conversion
caused a lower fatigue life.[17] Sharma et al.[18] reported of the austenite phase to the martensite phase is based on
that the un-machined surface area and recast layer devel- diffusionless solid phase transformation which results in
oped in WEDM lead to the reduction in properties like shape memory effect.[23] During the conversion from auste-
pseudo-elasticity and shape memory of porous Ni-Ti nite to martensite, an intermediate phase may be observed
alloy. Changes in shape recovery ability and micro- which is termed as the R-phase. The crystal structure of this
hardness of WEDMed surface of Nitinol-60 SMA revealed phase is reported to be rhombohedral distortion. The various
that the white layer generated on the surface comprised of temperatures that define this transformation are As, Af, Ms,
Ti2Ni, CuZn, Cu2O, NiO metal oxides. The micro- and Mf. As or austenite start temperature is the temperature
hardness of the recast layer and the micro-hardness where martensite initiates to convert to austenite on heating
taken at a depth of 250 µm were several times more and Af or austenite finish temperature is the temperature
than that of the base alloy.[19] Mwangi et al.[20] studied where the conversion to austenite is 100% complete.
the suitability of micro-EDM in machining nitinol with Similarly, Ms is the temperature where austenite begins to
respect to steel and tungsten carbide. It was observed that convert to martensite on cooling and Mf is the temperature
nitinol was machinable by µ-EDM, but the Tool Wear where the formation of martensite is 100% complete. Apart
Rate (TWR) was high and the process was the slowest from these temperatures, there is another temperature Md,
as compared to steel and WC. In the study of machining which is the highest temperature where martensite cannot be
characteristics of Ti50Ni45Co5 alloy in the WEDM process, activated by stress and above this temperature, the alloy is
the presence of hard surface below the recast layer and permanently deformed.[24] One-way shape memory effect
the presence of compressive residual stresses on the (OWSME) is an important characteristic of Ni-Ti based
machined surface were observed.[21] SMA. In OWSME, Nitinol is in martensite form at lower
From the past literature, it can be concluded that temperatures, and due to martensitic shear, it can be
WEDM is suitable for precision machining of nitinol, deformed quite easily.[25] It retains its shape even after the
but the machined surfaces contain defects such as pores removal of the load due to residual strain and can revert back
and micro-cracks due to the high temperature generated to its original form by heating above its transformation
during the machining operation. The development of the temperature.[26]
recast layer and the heat affected zone can influence the
mechanical properties and the shape recovery properties
Experimental details
of nitinol. Since nitinol has applications in highly sensi-
tive components like morphing wings in the aerospace The work material selected for this study was Nitinol-60,
industry, stents, and implants in bio-medical; it is of which was in the form of cylindrical rods (ø = 8mm,

L = 100mm). The chemical composition of Nitinol-60 is transverse section of the specimen was diamond polished
Ni 60%, and Ti 40% (wt. %). The experiments were so as to obtain a mirror finish. The image obtained was
performed on “ELECTRA MAXICUT e 734” and Zn viewed with Image-J software (Fig. 2) at three distinct
coated brass of dia 250 µm was used as wire electrode. positions and the mean was calculated. Recast layer thick-
In this study, deionized water was used as a dielectric ness can be calculated by dividing the image area with the
fluid. image length (Eq. (3)).
Based on the trial experiments and machine limita-
Cutting Distance
tions, three process parameters at three levels were con- Cutting Rate ðCRÞ ¼ (1)
sidered for the study: duty factor (DF) at 0.575% (Ton Cutting Time
= 1.10 µs, Toff = 190 µs), 0.701% (Ton = 1.20 µs, Toff
= 170 µs), 0.892% (Ton = 1.35 µs, Toff = 150 µs); gap
voltage (GV) at 40, 50, 60 volts and deionised water Total Crack Length
Surface Crack Density ðSCDÞ ¼ (2)
dielectric flow rate (FR) at 2, 4, 6 Litres per minute Image Area
(LPM). The constant variables considered are wire feed:
1 mm/min and wire tension: 600 kgf. Each experimental
run was performed twice to find the mean values of the Image Area
responses. In each experiment run, the machining time Recast layer thickness ðRLTÞ ¼ (3)
Image Length
was noted using a stop-watch. The cutting rate was cal-
culated using Eq. (1). Surface roughness was measured
with a roughness tester (Mitutoyo SJ-210). The sampling Results and discussion
length was kept at 0.3 mm and cut-off length was kept at The data from the experiments are presented in Table 1
2.5 µm. Five readings were taken at different locations for and the ANOVA tables of the output parameters are
each specimen and the arithmetic average was taken for shown in Table 2. All the analyses were performed on
further analysis. The surface microstructure was studied Minitab 17 software. From the ANOVA table, it can be
from images taken by FESEM (SUPRA 55). Prior to the stated that all of the selected control parameters are sig-
FESEM test, the machined surfaces were etched. nificant as their p-values are below 0.05. The values of
A solution of 2ml HF, 6ml HNO3, and 92ml H2O was R-sq, R-sq (adj), and R-sq (pred) were tending to 100%,
used as the etchant (Kroll’s Reagent) to etch the speci- which is required for the fitness of the model. Higher p-
mens for 140–150 seconds and were cleaned with acetone. values of lack of fit verified that the regression models
For Surface Crack density (SCD), the FESEM images were generated were significant.
analyzed with the help of PDF-XChange Viewer software.
SCD is defined as the ratio of total crack length and the
image area (Eq. (2)).[27] Three images of each specimen Response surface outcomes
were taken and the average SCD was calculated. It should To determine the cause and effect with respect to the input
be noted that all the images should be taken at the same variables and output responses, Response Surface
magnification for SCD calculation as it is a relative mea- Methodology (RSM) is employed, which is a collection of
surement. A demonstration of calculation of SCD is statistical and mathematical techniques. RSM with Box-
shown in Fig. 1. Here, the total crack length sums to Behnken design was used for the design of experiments
3245.18 nm and the image area is (14655  9885.66) which contained a total of 15 experiments out of which
nm2. The corresponding SCD obtained is 2.24  10−5 nm/ eight were corner points, one central point, and six were
nm2 or 0.0224 µm/µm2 (Run no. 9 with DF = 0.892%, star points. Box-Behnken designs are based on three- level
GV = 30V, FR = 4 LPM). For the recast layer study, the incomplete factorials and are second order designs which

Figure 1. Demonstration for the calculation of SCD: a) original FESEM image and b) SCD calculated FESEM image.

Figure 2. Demonstration of calculation of RLT: a) original FESEM image with Recast Layer, Heat Affected Zone, and Base alloy b) area of the recast layer and c) length
of the recast layer.

Table 1. Experimental data. are rotatable or nearly rotatable.[28] Final regression models
CR SCD obtained using RSM is presented in Eqs. (4)–(8).
Run DF GV FR (mm/ Rz (µm/ RLT
Order (%) (Volts) (LPM) min) (µm) Rt (µm) µm2) (µm)
CR ¼ 5:483 þ 20:06DF  0:02211GV þ 0:1603FR
1 0.701 50 4 2.354 9.458 12.3540 0.0134 9.102
2 0.892 50 6 2.454 10.384 13.1962 0.0205 11.762  12:49DF2  0:000018GV2  0:01119FR2
3 0.701 30 6 2.405 9.803 12.6360 0.0154 9.801
4 0.701 50 4 2.288 9.566 12.3510 0.0137 8.913 þ 0:02225DF  GV  0:0935DF  FR
5 0.575 70 4 1.478 8.295 11.5991 0.0116 8.623 þ 0:000244GV  FR (4)
6 0.701 30 2 2.395 9.794 12.4635 0.0146 9.381
7 0.701 70 6 2.157 9.337 12.2610 0.0128 8.872
8 0.892 50 2 2.424 10.126 12.9236 0.0179 10.673
9 0.892 30 4 2.557 9.859 13.3912 0.0224 12.306
10 0.892 70 4 2.416 10.006 12.8420 0.0169 10.364 Rz ¼ 5:01 þ 13:86DF  0:0417GV  0:362FR
11 0.575 50 2 1.584 8.813 11.6321 0.0115 8.304
12 0.575 50 6 1.749 8.882 11.7030 0.0116 8.366  9:72DF2  0:000275GV2 þ 0:0302FR2
13 0.575 30 4 1.911 9.122 11.8116 0.0121 8.432
14 0.701 50 4 2.312 9.565 12.3620 0.0136 8.978 þ 0:078DF  GV þ 0:162DF  FR
15 0.701 70 2 2.108 9.227 12.1540 0.0126 8.675 þ 0:000631GV  FR (5)

Table 2. ANOVA table.

Model: F 128.27 76.55 7581.22 350.76 257.51
Model: P 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Linear: F 98.94 18.03 785.99 14.10 15.72
Linear: P 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.007 0.006
Square: F 79.82 16.62 332.71 29.56 31.32
Square: P 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.001 0.001
2-Way Interaction: F 5.87 14.19 216.28 55.97 50.87
2-Way Interaction: P 0.043 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000
Lack of Fit: F 1.39 2.01 2.57 2.87 1.02
Lack of Fit: P 0.444 0.349 0.292 0.269 0.529
S= 0.0371456 0.0786437 0.0040320 0.0022258 0.0966462
R-sq = 99.57% 99.28% 99.99% 99.84% 99.78%
R-sq(adj) = 98.79% 97.98% 99.98% 99.56% 99.40%
R-sq(pred) = 95.05% 90.31% 99.90% 97.89% 97.72%

Rt ¼ 5:607 þ 14:985DF  0:00963GV þ 0:1097FR checks whether a sample of data comes from a population
 6:79DF2 þ 0:000115GV2  0:00580FR2 with a specific distribution. If the p-value is less than 0.05 in
a normality test, it can be concluded with 95% confidence that
 0:01288DF  GV  0:0140DF  FR
the data does not follow the normal distribution. Figure 3
 0:000409GV  FR (6) shows the comparison of normality tests done for experimen-
tal values and Monte – Carlo simulation of experimental
generated values.
SCD ¼ 0:01537  0:02878DF þ 0:000151GV It can be observed from Fig. 3 that the output of both
 0:000971FR þ 0:04414DF2  0:000001GV2 the experimental values and Monte – Carlo simulated (M.
 0:000011FR2  0:000397DF  GV C.S) values of any of the responses do not follow a normal
distribution. From Fig. 3a, it can be observed that the
þ 0:002066DF  FR þ 0:000004GV  FR (7)
maximum cutting rates obtained were 2.5570 and
2.7559 mm/min for experimental values and M.C.S respec-
tively. The mean and standard deviations were 2.1728 and
RLT ¼ 11:15  14:86DF þ 0:608GV  0:449FR 0.3380 for experimental values and 2.1589 and 0.4448
þ 19:62DF2 þ 0:000424GV2 þ 0:0037FR2 for M.C.S. The values of maximum cutting rate, mean,
 0:1657DF  GV þ 0:836DF  FR and the standard deviations of the experimental data and
 0:00139GV  FR (8) the M.C.S data were close enough to claim that the regres-
sion models would predict precisely for any number of
samples. Similarly, the values of the experimental data and
the M.C.S data of other responses were also close enough to
Monte – Carlo analysis conclude that the regression models would fit in case of
An advantage of the Box- Behnken designs is that it a large number of samples.
requires a fewer number of experiment runs to be per-
formed. As a result, it is impossible to predict whether
the generated model will perform adequately when large Effect of process parameters on cutting rate
numbers of samples are to be considered as in the case of
the manufacturing sector. For this, it is important to use 3D plots of cutting rate vs. input parameters (Fig. 4) show that
a Monte- Carlo Simulation (MCS) which is based on ran- with an increment in duty factor and a decrement in gap
dom data. voltage, the cutting rate increases. As the duty factor increases,
To analyze the behavior of the regression model generated, the energy of the spark per pulse increases and also, the
MCS was performed. MCS involves the generation of a large frequency of the pulse increases which, in turn, removes
number of random data (X1, X2 … Xn) according to their more material from the sparking zone in a particular time
distribution and performing the experiments on the compu- interval, resulting in an increment in the cutting rate.
ter. The characteristics of the output model (Y = f(X)) are Mathematically,
analyzed and conclusions are made based on statistics. In this Ton Ton
study 100,000 random data of duty factor, gap voltage and Duty Factor ¼ ¼
Ton þ Toff Total Time of acycle
flow rate were generated according to a normal distribution.
¼ Ton  f (9)
These values were put into the regression equations and the
output values of cutting rate, Rz, Rt, SCD, and RLT were [Where, f = frequency = (Total time of a cycle)−1]
generated. These generated output values were compared The cutting rate increases initially, reaches a maximum at
with the experimental output values based on Anderson – 0.80% duty factor and then decreases with increasing duty
Darling normality tests. Anderson – Darling normality test factor. Gap voltage can be defined as the voltage between the

Figure 3. Analysis of Experimental data and Monte – Carlo Simulated data for a) Cutting Rate; b) Rz; c) Rt; d) SCD; e) RLT.

work-piece and the wire electrode. When the gap voltage as the flow rate increases, as an increment in flow rate leads to
increases, the voltage between the electrodes also increases, rapid flushing of debris formed after the melting of the work-
and hence, the sparking starts from a higher stand-off dis- piece and hence, the increment in cutting rate. By performing
tance, which reduces the spark intensity and results in lower single parameter optimization, the maximum cutting rate was
cutting rate. The cutting rate varies with the gap voltage in an found to be 2.6177 mm/min at a duty factor of 0.815%, gap
inversely-linear manner. The cutting rate improves marginally voltage of 30 V and a flow rate of 4.101 LPM.

Figure 4. Effect of process parameters on CR.

Effect of process parameters on surface roughness (Rz and affects the desired accuracy of the geometry. Hence, the
and Rt) flow rate should be kept at the optimal value. Using single
parameter optimization, it is found that the optimal condi-
In this study, Rz and Rt are preferred over Ra as Ra cannot
tions for Rz are DF = 0.575%, GV = 70 V, and FR = 3.6970
differentiate between peaks and valleys. Moreover, Rz and Rt
LPM and the optimal value was found to be 8.224 µm. Rt is
together can determine the quality of any surface. If the values
defined as the maximum peak to valley height and is very
of Rz and Rt are close to each other, then it can be concluded
sensitive to large irregularities from the reference line. The
that the surface is uniform. 3D plots of roughness Rz are
optimal conditions for Rt were DF = 0.575%, GV = 70 V, and
shown in Fig. 5a-b. Rz or average peak to valley height
FR = 2.0 LPM and the optimal value was 11.474 µm. The 3D
equalizes large irregularities that are not a part of the surface
plot of Rt is shown in Fig. 5c-d. From this analysis of different
finish. Roughness increases with an increment in duty factor
surface characteristics, it can be concluded that the flow rate
and flow rate, and a decrement in gap voltage. As the duty
plays an important role in determining the roughness of the
factor increases, the intensity of the spark increases which
surface as per the requirement (Rz or Rt).
leads to larger craters and deeper cracks resulting in higher
roughness. As the gap voltage increases, the stand-off distance
increases resulting in a reduction in spark intensity and hence
Effect of process parameters on SCD and RLT
improved surface finish. The flow rate plays a decisive role in
deducing the roughness of the surface. If the flow rate is too During the WEDM process, the temperatures generated are very
low, the dielectric fluid gets contaminated due to insufficient much higher than the melting point of the work-piece and is
flushing, leading to unfavorable spark conditions and result- followed by rapid quenching. As a result, large thermal stresses
ing in a rougher finish. At very high flow rates, the flushing are developed which exceed the fracture strength and thus,
conditions lead to large wire vibrations resulting in non- cracks are developed. Both the dimension and the severity
uniform sparking which in turn results in a rougher surface of the cracks are determined by the thermal properties of the

Figure 5. Effect of process parameters on (a, b) Rz and (c, d) Rt.

work-piece as well as the discharge energy input. 3D plots of The graph of DF vs. RLT shows an increasing trend. As the value
SCD are shown in Fig. 6a-b. The curve of DF vs. SCD shows an of DF increases from 0.5 to 0.9%, the value of RLT increases
increasing trend. From the fig., it can be observed that as DF from 8.5 to 10 µm. An increment in DF leads to an increment in
increases from 0.6 to 0.9%, SCD increases from 0.012 to energy per spark which leads to an increment in melting and
0.018 µm/µm2. This is due to the fact that an increment in DF evaporation rates. During this, the FR is not sufficient to flush
leads to an increment in discharge energy. This discharge energy away the debris from the machined zone. As a result, some of the
causes thermal residual stress in the work-piece which leads to debris gets solidified in the machined zone itself due to quench-
the formation of cracks. The graph of FR vs. SCD also shows an ing, thereby leading to the formation of recast layer. The graph of
increasing trend. As the FR increases from 2 to 6 LPM, the SCD GV vs. RLT shows a decreasing trend. As the GV is increased
also increases from 0.015 to 0.021 µm/µm2. An increment in the from 30 to 75 V, the RLT shows a reduction from 9.3 to 8.7 µm.
FR leads to faster quenching rates which tend to make the work- An increment in GV leads to a decrement in the spark intensity
piece brittle in nature. The graph of GV vs. SCD shows which further leads to lower melting and evaporation rates at the
a decreasing trend. The value of SCD decreases from 0.0145 to same FR and hence, the RLT decreases. Ideally, the graph of FR
0.0125 µm/µm2 when GV is increased from 30 to 75 V. An vs. RLT should be showing a decreasing trend. However, data
increment in the GV increases the voltage between the electrodes from the experiment shows that the graph is of increasing
but the spark intensity is reduced due to increment in stand-off nature. This can be attributed to the fact that even at a FR of 6
distance. This leads to lower thermal residual stresses and hence LPM, the flushing is not sufficient to remove the debris from the
lower cracks on the machined surface. From the single para- machined zone. However, due to faster quenching rates at higher
meter optimization, it is observed that the optimal value of SCD FR, the molten material gets solidified faster, thereby leading to
is 0.0113 µm/µm2 at DF = 0.575%, GV = 60.303 V and FR = 6 the formation of recast layer. The optimal value of RLT is found
LPM. 3D plots of RLT are shown in Fig. 6c-d. It can be observed to be 8.3337 µm at DF = 0.575%, GV = 48.585 V, and
that the graphs of SCD and RLT almost follow a similar trend. FR = 4.868 LPM.

Figure 6. Effect of process parameters on (a, b) SCD and (c, d) RLT.

Multi-objective optimization of process parameters

minimized. The optimal values of CR, Rz, Rt, SCD, and RLT
In single parameter optimization, only one parameter can be were found to be 1.7498 mm/min, 8.5799 µm, 11.7812 µm,
optimized at a time. Hence, a multi-objective optimization is 0.0118 µm/µm2, and 8.5493 µm respectively at DF = 0.6106%,
done to optimize all the responses at the same time. This was GV = 69.1919 V, and FR = 4.6667 LPM. Multi-objective
done by using desirability approach. In the desirability optimization is also performed by not considering the cutting
approach, the value 0 is assigned to a completely undesirable rate and minimizing the other responses to study the surface
characteristic, and a value of 1 is assigned to a completely characteristics. The optimal values of Rz, Rt, SCD, and RLT in
desirable characteristic. The composite desirability is calcu- this case were 8.2938 µm, 11.5747 µm, 0.0115 µm/µm2, and
lated by taking the geometric mean of all the individual 8.5178 µm respectively at DF = 0.575%, GV = 70 V, and
desirability values. In this study, the cutting rate was max- FR = 5.2323 LPM. The optimal values of the responses
imized and all the other responses were simultaneously along with the parametric settings are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Optimization table.

Multi-Objective Optimization
Response Single Parameter Optimization With CR Without CR
CR (mm/min) 2.6177 1.7498 Optimal Settings: - Optimal
(DF = 0.815%, GV = 30V, FR = 4.101 LPM) (d = 0.999) DF = 0.6106%, Settings: DF = 0.575%,
Rz 8.224 8.5799 GV = 69.1919V, 8.2938 GV = 70.00V,
(µm) (DF = 0.575%, GV = 70V, FR = 3.697 LPM) (d = 0.957) FR = 4.6667 LPM, (d = 1.000) FR = 5.2323 LPM,
Rt 11.474 11.7812 D = 0.9636 11.5747 D = 0.9802
(µm) (DF = 0.575%, GV = 70V, FR = 2.0 LPM) (d = 0.949) (d = 0.976)
SCD (µm/µm2) 0.0113 0.0118 0.0115
(DF = 0.575%, GV = 60.303 V, FR = 6 LPM) (d = 0.974) (d = 0.999)
RLT 8.3337 8.5493 8.5178
(µm) (DF = 0.575%, GV = 48.585V, FR = 4.868 LPM) (d = 0.938) (d = 0.946)

Microstructure and metallurgical characteristics vapors. These vapors have a tendency to come out resulting
in the formation of voids. From Fig. 7d it can be observed
A surface microstructure is studied with the help of FESEM
that at optimal conditions, severe cracks are eliminated
images taken at different magnifications. Figure 7a shows the
completely. Also, the sizes of the voids are reduced consid-
FESEM micrograph of the surface with the highest cutting
erably. The micro-cracks are observed only on the solidifica-
rate (DF = 0.81%, GV = 30 V, FR = 4.1 LPM) under 500X
tion layer and hence the presence of penetrating cracks is
magnification and Fig. 7b shows the optimal surface
(DF = 0.57%, GV = 70 V, FR = 5.2 LPM) at the same
magnification. It can be observed that a lot of white particles
of non-uniform size have been accumulated in the first case.
The accumulation of these particles in the machined zone
may be due to the material deposition from the wire and the The machining of Nitinol-60 has been performed success-
dielectric. The same surfaces with higher magnification fully by WEDM. Quantitative analyses of the surface char-
(20,000X) are shown in Fig. 7c-d. It can be observed from acteristics have been performed by considering three input
Fig. 7c that the surface exhibits both severe cracks and parameters viz. pulse-on-time, gap voltage and flow rate;
micro-cracks. Some of these cracks are penetrating in nature. and five output parameters viz. cutting rate, maximum
Penetrating cracks initiate from the recast layer and termi- peak to valley height (Rt), the average peak to valley
nate either in heat affected zone or base metal. These defects height (Rz), recast layer thickness (RLT), and surface
arise due to the higher discharge energy and improper flush- crack density (SCD). The relationship between the input
ing conditions which results in severe thermal stresses and factors and the responses were developed using RSM.
hence, the cracks are formed. Large voids are also observed Monte-Carlo simulation was performed to verify the effec-
in this parameter setting. The temperature during the tiveness of these models for a large number of runs.
WEDM process rise approximately up to 12,000 ᵒC and Surface integrity of the machined surface has been studied
a part of the molten material and the dielectric fluid gets with the help of FESEM images. The following conclusions
evaporated and gets trapped in the work-piece in the form of have been made from the present investigation.

Figure 7. FESEM micrographs of surfaces of a) Max CR Surface (500X) b) Optimal surface (500X) c) Max CR Surface (20,000X)) d) Optimal surface (20000X).

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