Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade Level Standard: At the end of Grade 6, learners recognize that when mixed together, materials may not form new ones thus
these materials may be recovered using different separation techniques. They can prepare useful mixtures such as food, drinks and
herbal medicines. Learners understand how the different organ systems of the human body work together. They can classify plants
based on reproductive structures, and animals based on the presence or lack of backbone. They can design and conduct an
investigation on plant propagation. They can describe larger ecosystems such as rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps.
Learners can infer that friction and gravity affect how people and objects move. They have found out that heat, light, sound, electricity,
and motion studied earlier are forms of energy and these undergo transformation. Learners can describe what happens during
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and demonstrate what to do when they occur. They can infer that the weather follows a pattern
in the course of a year. They have learned about the solar system, with emphasis on the motions of the Earth as prerequisite to the
study of seasons in another grade level.
Strand: Earth and Space
Content Content Performanc Learning Code Teaching-Learning Assessment Resource Material Time Reference
Standards e Standards Competency Activities Table
1. Forces that affect The learners The The 1. Motivation 1. Formative • PowerPoint 1.MISOSA
changes on the demonstrate learners learners • Present pictures • Guided essay Presentation 6. Module
Earth’s surface understanding should be should be showing the with rubrics 30.
1.1. Earthquakes of the effects able to able to different effects based on the • Laptop 2.OHSP
of earthquakes design an describe the of natural demonstration Integrated
and volcanic emergency changes on phenomena and • Giving • Projector Science.
eruptions and the Earth’s students should examples Science 1.
preparedne surface as a thumbs up if the • Pre-test • Speaker Quarter 2.
ss plan and result of picture shows Module 5.
kit earthquake effect of an 2. Summative • Printed 3.MISOSA
s and earthquake and • Pencil and Pictures 6. Module
volcanic thumbs down if it paper test 13.
eruptions S6ESIV is not an effect of (MCQ)- 20 • Video 4 4.MISOSA
a-1 earthquake. items Presentation hours 6. Module
• Ask students the 27.
following 5.Science
questions: and
-What is the Technology
severity of the I: Integrated
effects? Science
-How does it Textbook.
affect the people? NISMED.
2012. pp.
2. Activity Technology
• Earthquake I: General
Video Science
Presentation Textbook
for First
3. Analysis Year.
• Earthquake Rabago,
Video Lilia M.,
Presentation Ph.D., et al.
a. Why does 1997. p.
earthquake 190. *
b. What happen
when a place is
hit by an
c. What are the
effects of
4. Abstraction
• Ask students the
-What is an
-What is
intensity and
-What are the
effects of an
• An earthquake is
the shaking of
the surface of the
Earth resulting
from a sudden
release of energy
in the Earth's
lithosphere that
creates seismic
• Magnitude meas
ures the energy
released at the
source of the
earthquake. It is
determined from
seismographs. In
tensity measures
the strength of
produced by the
earthquake at a
location. It is
determined from
effects on
people, human
structures, and
the natural
• The
primary effects
earthquakes are
ground shaking,
ground rupture,
tsunamis, and
Fires are
probably the
single most
secondary effect
of earthquakes.
5. Application
• Demonstration
on what to do
before, during,
and after an
2. Weather Patterns The learners The The 1. Motivation 1. Formative • PowerPoint 1. BEAM 3.
in the Philippines demonstrate learners learners • Go outside with • Pre-test Presentation Unit 6.
2.1. Weather understanding should be should be the students and • Question and Learning
patterns and of weather able to able to S6ESIV observe the answer method • Laptop 8 Guide.
Seasons in the patterns and design an describe the c-3 weather. • Giving hours Wearther
Philippines seasons in the emergency different • Ask students the examples • Projector we like it or
Philippines and seasons in following not. Module
preparedne the questions: 2. Summative • Printed 5. July
ss plan and Philippines -What can you say • Pencil and Pictures 2007. 2.
kit about the weather paper test Science and
today? (MCQ)- 10 • Tape Technology
-Does it change items I: Integrated
much compared • Bond paper Science
to the weather Textbook
yesterday? for First
• Pencil
2. Activity Villamil,
• Art materials
• Identify Me! Aurora M.,
• Arrange Me! Ed.D. 1998.
pp. 209-
3. Analysis 210. * 3.
• Identify Me! Science and
a. What have you Technology
observe in the , I:
picture? Integrated
b. Can you tell the Science
difference Textbook.
between each NISMED.
kind of weather? 2012. pp.
• Arrange Me! 289-290. 4.
a. What is the Science and
difference Technology
between climate I: General
and weather? Science
4. Abstraction for First
• Ask students the
following Rabago,
Lilia M.,
Ph.D., et al.
-What causes the
1997. pp.
changes in the
241-242. *
-What is the
between climate
and weather?
has three elements
namely sunshine,
water and air.
the earth light,
heat, and power.
WATER comes
from oceans, seas,
rivers, and lake.
AIR surrounds us
just as water
surrounds the fish
the live in it. We
live at the bottom
of an ocean of air
CLIMATE is the
average weather
condition in a
locality over a
long period of
time. In the
Philippines, two
general types of
conditions exist-
SEASON. During
the dry season or
summer, it is
generally bright
and sunny.
though, our
change from
sunny to dark in a
short time rain can
fall in the
• Weather is the
condition of the
atmosphere at a
particular place
over a short
period of time,
whereas climate r
efers to the
weather pattern,
using statistical
data, of a place
over a long
enough period to
yield meaningful
5. Application
• Draw the two
conditions in the
(Rainy and
3. Motions of the The learners The The 1. Motivation 1. Formative • Flashlight 1. BEAM 4.
Earth demonstrate learners learners • Show students the • Pre-test Unit 9.
3.1. Rotation and understanding should be should be Relief Globe and • Question and • Relief Globe Distance
revolution of the earth’s able to able to S6ESIV Sun-earth moon answer method 8 Learning
rotation and design an demonstrat e-f-5 model to explain based on the • Small ball (e.g. hours Modules.
revolution emergency e rotation the rotation and Rotation Styrofoam) DLP 59.
and and revolution. Activity 2. BEAM 4.
preparedne revolution • Ask students the • Giving example • Sun-earth Unit 9.
ss plan and of the Earth following • Drawing of the moon model Distance
kit using a questions: rotation and Learning
globe to -Why does the revolution of • PowerPoint Modules.
explain day Earth move the Earth Presentation DLP 60.
and night around its axis? 3. BEAM 4.
and the -How to 2. Summative • Bond paper Unit 9.
sequence of determine if the • Pencil and Distance
seasons Earth is moving? paper test • Pencil Learning
(MCQ)- 10 Modules.
2. Activity DLP 62.
items • Art materials
• Turn it! 4. Science
• Laptop for First
3. Analysis • Projector Year.
• Turn it! Villamil,
a. What happened Aurora M.,
to the other side of Ed.D. 1998.
the Earth if it is pp. 285-
night or day in the 289. *
Philippines? 5. Science
b. How does for Daily
rotation and Use 4.
revolution affect Lozada,
the Earth and its Buena A., et
people? al. 2011. pp.
234-235 and
4. Abstraction 238-240. *
• Ask students the 6. Science
following and
questions: Technology
-What is rotation? I: General
-What is Science
revolution? Textbook
• Earth's rotation is for First
the rotation of Year.
planet Earth Rabago,
around its own Lilia M.,
axis. Earth rotates Ph.D., et al.
eastward, in 1997. pp.
prograde motion. 283-285. *
As viewed from
the north pole star
Polaris, Earth
• Revolution is the
term used to
describe the path
(or orbit) of
Earth through
space. Earth's
revolution around
the sun is
responsible for
seasonal change
and leap years.
This path is
shaped like an
ellipse and has
points when Earth
is closer to the sun
and farther from
5. Application
• Draw the rotation
and revolution of
the Earth.
4. The Solar System The learners The The 1. Motivation 1. Formative • Solar system 1. EASE
4.1. Planets demonstrate learners learners • Solar System • Pre-test model Science I.
understanding should be should be Overview Video • Question and Module 15.
of able to able to S6ESIV Orientation answer method • PowerPoint 8 Lessons 1
characteristics design an compare g-h-6 • Ask students the • Drawing of the Presentation hours and 3.
of planets in emergency the planets following Solar System 2. MISOSA
the solar and of the solar questions: 2. Summative • Laptop 5. Module
system. preparedne system -How is the solar • Pencil and 26. Outer
ss plan and system like a paper test • Projector Planet.
kit neighborhood? (MCQ)- 20 3. MISOSA
-Why would it be items • Speaker 5. Module
bad to have two 25. Inner
suns? • Video Planets.
-How are Presentation
terrestrial and 1.Science
Jovian planets the and
• Art materials
same? Different? Technology
-Which planets I: Integrated
• Bond paper
have no moon? Science
Which of the Textbook
• Pencil
planets have for First
many moons? Year.
Why? Villamil,
Aurora M.,
2. Activity Ed.D. 1998.
• Human Solar pp. 279-
System 280. *
2. Science
3. Analysis for Daily
• Human Solar Use 5. Tan,
System Conchita T.
a. What is the role 2012. pp.
of axis? 251-252. *
b. Why does 3. Science
planets move? and
c. How can we Technology
differentiate the I: Integrated
planets? Science
4. Abstraction NISMED.
• Ask students the 2012. pp.
following 319-323.
questions: 4. Science
-What is Solar and
System and what Technology
objects can be I: General
found in it? Science
-What are the Textbook
names of the for First
planets? Year.
• The Solar System Rabago,
is the Lilia M.,
gravitationally Ph.D., et al.
bound system of 1997. p.
the Sun and the 296. *
objects that orbit
it, either directly
or indirectly. Of
the objects that
orbit the Sun
directly, the
largest are the
eight planets, with
the remainder
being smaller
objects, the dwarf
planets, dozens of
moons and
millions of
asteroids, comets,
and meteoroids
and small Solar
System bodies.
• The eight planets
are: Mercury,
Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune.
Pluto is
considered as a
dwarf planet.
5. Application
• Draw the Solar