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ATA 29

Fundamentals Of Hydraulics

 Fluid Flow
When a fluid flows through a tube, it rubs
against the walls of the tube. This holds some
of the liquid back by resistance. Whenever
there is a resistance, there is a loss of
energy. As the velocity of a moving liquid
increases, the resistance also increases.
There are two kinds of fluid flow:
1. Laminar and 2. Turbulent.
 when a liquid is forced through constant diameter tube at low
velocity, the flow is smooth and even and the fluid’s particle tend to
move in a parallel stream. The portion of liquid that touches the
walls of tube is slowed down because of friction. However, as long
as the velocity remains low, the flow will continue smooth because
of the low resistance.
 Resistance to a moving liquid is proportional to its velocity.
When the velocity passes a critical point, the resistance increases
until turbulent flow results.
 The velocity of a liquid in a tube is inversely proportional to the
pressure in the tube. Should the liquid pass around a bend or
through an orifice, or restrictor, or should the tube’s diameter
suddenly decrease, the pressure decreases and the velocity
increases. This increased velocity, in turn, can increase the
resistance until turbulent flow results.

 The basic principle of hydraulics is expressed in

Pascal's Law. This law states that a confined body
of fluid exerts equal pressure at every point and in
every direction in the fluid, and it acts at right angles
to the enclosing walls of the container, with any
increase in the pressure.
 Pressure exerted on a fluid in an enclosed
container is transmitted equally and undiminished to
all parts of the container and acts at right angles to
the enclosing walls.
Relationship between force,
pressure, and area F=P·A
Relationship between volume,
area, and distance V= A·D

 The pressure exerted by a column of fluid is

determined by the density of the fluid and by
the height of the top of the fluid above the
bottom of the container.
 Note:- It independent of its shape, size, and
volume of the container holding the liquid.
Mechanical Advantage of hydraulic
system- Multiplication of force
 An application of Pascal's law shows the
mechanical advantage in a hydraulic system. To
briefly review the principle of mechanical advantage,
look at the balance in Figure.
 Figure is a simple hydraulic jack. The work done
by the small piston is 10 inches times 10 pounds, or
100 inch-pounds. The work done by the large piston
is also 100 inch-pounds (1 inch x 100 pounds).
Hydraulic systems are quite efficient, and we do not
usually consider system losses in the study of
practical hydraulic systems.
Characteristics Of Liquids

 For all practical purposes, liquids are

regarded as being incompressible. This
means that the volume of a given quantity of
a liquid will remain constant even though it is
subjected to high pressure. It has been
proven that a force of 15 pounds on a cubic
inch of water will decrease its volume by only
1/20,000. It would take a force of 32 tons to
reduce it 10 percent.
Relationship Of Pressure, Force, and
 F = P X A, therefore P = F / A
 A=F/P
If two piston are used in a fluid power system, the
force acting on each is directly proportional to its area,
and the magnitude of each force is the product of the
pressure and its area. Another consideration is the distance
the pistons move, and the volume of fluid displaced.
Desirable characteristic Of hydraulic
 Viscosity
One of the most important properties of any hydraulic fluid is
its viscosity. Viscosity is internal resistance to flow. A liquid
such as gasoline that has a low viscosity flows easily, while a
liquid such as tar that has a high viscosity flows slowly. Viscosity
increases as temperature decreases. A satisfactory liquid for a
given hydraulic system must have enough body to give a good
seal at pumps, valves, and pistons, but it must not be so thick
that it offers resistance to flow, leading to power loss and higher
operating temperatures. These factors add to the load and to
excessive wear of parts. A fluid that is too thin also leads to rapid
wear of moving parts or of parts that have heavy loads. The
instruments used to measure the viscosity of a liquid are
known as viscometers or viscosimeters.
 chemical stability
Chemical stability is the liquid’s ability to resist oxidation
and deterioration for long periods.
All liquids tend to undergo unfavorable chemical changes
under severe operating conditions. This is the case, for example,
when a system operates for a considerable period of time at high
temperatures. Excessive temperatures have a great effect on the life
of a liquid. It should be noted that the temperature of the liquid in the
reservoir of an operating hydraulic system does not always
represent a true state of operating conditions. Localized hot spots
occur on bearings, gear teeth, or at the point where liquid under
pressure is forced through a small orifice. Continuous passage of a
liquid through these points may produce local temperatures high
enough to carbonize or sludge the liquid, yet the liquid in the
reservoir may not indicate an excessively high temperature. Some
metals, such as zinc, lead, brass, and copper, have an undesirable
chemical reaction on certain liquids. These chemical processes
result in the formation of sludge, gums, and carbon or other deposits
that clog openings, cause valves and pistons to stick or leak, and
give poor lubrication to moving parts. The liquid usually becomes
darker in color, higher in viscosity, and acids are formed.
 Flash point
Flash point is the temperature at which a
liquid gives off vapor in sufficient quantity to
ignite momentarily or flash when a flame is
applied. A high flash point is desirable for hydraulic
liquids because it indicates good resistance to
combustion and a low degree of evaporation at
normal temperatures.
 Fire point
Fire point is the temperature at which a
substance gives off vapor in sufficient quantity
to ignite and continue to burn when exposed to
a spark or flame. Like flash point, a high fire point
is required of desirable hydraulic liquids.
 There are many different types of contamination which are
harmful to hydraulic fluids. These classes of contamination
are as follows:
 1. Abrasives, including such as core sand, machine chips,
and rust.
 2. Non-abrasive, including those resulting from soft
particles worn, or shredded from seal and other organic
components. The origin of contamination can be traced to
four major areas as follows
 (a) Particles originally contained in the system from
fabrication and storage of system components;
 (b) Particles introduced from outside sources, such as
reservoir or breather vents, or opening;
 (c) Particles created within the system during operation,
such as frictional wear or contact in components, pumps,
cylinders, etc.
 (d) Particles introduced by foreign liquids. One of the most
common is water which normally settle to the bottom of the
Contamination Control
 System filters provide adequate control of
the contamination problem. During normal
hydraulic system operations, precaution must
be taken to ensure that contamination is held
to a minimum during service and
Types of Hydraulic Fluids

 The four principal categories of hydraulic

fluids are:
 1. Vegetable base (MIL-H-7644)
 2. Minerals base(MIL-H-5606 & MIL-H-6083)
 3. Polyalphaolefins(Synthetic base type)
 4. Phosphate esters (Skydrol) (MIL-H-8446)
Vegetable base
 This fluid is castor oil and alcohol, and is used primarily in older
aircraft. Although similar to automotive brake fluid, it is not
interchangeable, and is dyed blue for identification. Natural rubber
seals are used with this fluid. It is contaminated with petroleum
base, or phosphate easter base fluids, the seals will swell, break
down and block the system. The system may be flushed with
alcohol. Vegetable base fluids are flammable.
 Note:- Not used in in modern aircraft, but may be found in older
independent brake systems and pneumatic shock struts. Unstable
due to alcohol evaporation. It has pungent odor (alcohol content)
 Disadvantage:- Highly Flammable.
 SEAL & PACKING:- Natural Rubber Only With Metal Crush
 Base:- Castor oil and alcohol
 Color:- Blue, or Blue-Green, or Almost Clear White
 Flushing Agent:- Either With Same Fluid Or Alcohol
Minerals base
 MIL-H-5606 is the most widely used hydraulic fluid in
general aviation aircraft today. It is quite stable chemically
and has very little viscosity change with temperature.
 Advantage:- Wide operating temperature range/Chemical
Stability, Excellent lubricating and anti-erosion/Corrosion
 Disadvantage:- Flammable especially when
 SEAL & PACKING:- Neoprene Rubber + Leather back up
rings With Metal Crush washers
 Base:- Petroleum Base
 Color:- Red
 Flushing Agent:- Naptha, Varsol, or Stoddard Solvent
 Hose:- Neoprene seals and hoses may be used with MIL-
H-5606 fluid.
Minerals base
 MIL-H-6083 is the most widely used hydraulic fluid in
general aviation aircraft today. It is quite stable chemically
and has very little viscosity change with temperature.
 Advantage:- Wide operating temperature range/Chemical
Stability,. It is hydraulic components and system
preservative fluid.
 Disadvantage:- Flammable especially when
 SEAL & PACKING:- Buna-N Rubber + Teflon back up
rings With Metal Crush washers
 Base:- Varsol solvent Naptha
 Color:- Slightly darker red
 Flushing Agent:- Preferred Stoddard Solvent (Dry cleaning
Polyalphaolefins(Synthetic base type)
 It is fire resistance and high chemical stable synthetic fluid (Non-
petroleum base) for use in high performance piston engine and
turbine powered aircraft.(MIL-H-83282)
 Advantage:- Fire resistant.
 Disadvantage:- Can be irritating to skin/eyes/breathing.
Use skin and eye contains tricresyl phosphate (tcp)
 SEAL & PACKING:- Neoprene Rubber + Leather back up
rings With Metal Crush washers
 Base:- Synthetic Base
 Color:- Slightly darker red
 Flushing Agent:- Either with same fluid or Mixture 50%
Benzene and 50% Nitrate Dope Lacquer Thinner
Phosphate esters base(Skydrol)
 The most commonly used fluid of this type is
SKYDROL(MIL-H-8446)( a registered trade name of
the Monsanto Chemical Co.). It is slightly heavier than
water. It sustains operation at a wide range of
operating temperatures, from approximately -65`F to
more than 225`F. Currently there are three grades of
skydrol in use; Skydrol 500B4(1.057) , Skydrol LD-4,
and Skydrol 5. Skydrol LD-4 (1.009) has a lower
density and offers some advantage in jumbo jet
transport aircraft where weight is a prime factor.
Skydrol 5 is more compatible with painted surfaces
than the other two.
 Types:- Skydrol 7000(Light Green), Skydrol 500(Amber), Skydrol
500A(Light Purple), Skydrol 500B(Light Purple), Skydrol 500C(Light
Purple), Skydrol “LD” (Light Purple)
 SEAL & PACKING:- Skydrol 7000+Skydrol 500+Skydrol 500A
Butyl Rubber
Skydrol 500B+Skydrol 500C+Skydrol “LD”
Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR Seal)
This both seal is used with Teflon back up Rings
 Base:- Phosphate Easter (Synthetic)
 Flushing Agent:- Trichloroethylene(P-D-680), Compatible with any
kind of skydrol fluid.
 Advantage:-Non Flammable, Wide operating Range-65`F to
+225`F,Need no special preservatives fluid for “spares” or stored
All Skydrol fluids can be intermixed in A/C with no special precautions
or maintenance (flushing, etc). In fact, addition of 500C or 500LD to
system using 500B will improve stability.
 Disadvantage:- Irritating to skin/eyes/breathing. Attacks many plastics
and all paints except epoxy and polyurethane. Readily absorbs
contaminating moisture from atmosphere.
 Note:- Permissible to replace “Old” butyl rubber seal with newer
ethylene propylene seals, not vice versa.
Types Of Seal
 Hydraulic seal used throughout the aircraft hydraulic systems to
minimize internal and external leakage of hydraulic fluid, thereby
preventing the loss of system pressure. A seal may consist of more
than one components, such as O ring and a backup ring, or possibly
an O ring and two backup rings. Hydraulic seal used internally on a
sliding or moving assembly are called “Packings”. Hydraulic seal
used between two non-moving fittings and bosses are normally called
 Types of Packings:-
 a) O-ring, b) T-ring, c) U-ring, and d) V-ring or Chevron
 All of these packing get their name from their shape.
 O-ring and T-ring provides a seal or stop the flow of fluid in both
directions. This means that they will stop the flow of fluid in both
directions. However, U-ring and V-ring provides a seal or stop the
flow of fluid in one direction only. This means that they will stop the
flow of fluid in one direction only. To prevent fluid flow in both
directions using V- or U-ring seal, two set of seal must be installed.
 The sets of seals are installed with spreaders and backup units
between the seal with accompanying adjusting nut. The apex or
point of the seal rests in the groove of a metal or Teflon back
up ring and when the adjusting nut is tightened, the seals are
spread against the wall of the actuating cylinder, forming a seal. The
direction of fluid flow must be toward the open end of the V- or U-
ring seal. The apex is point away from the fluid pressure.
 Hydraulic O-rings were originally designed under AN (Air force
Navy) specification numbers (6227, 6230, 6290) for use in MIL-H-
5606 petroleum based fluids at operating temperature range from -
65`F to +160`F. Recently, newer compound were developed under
MS (Military Standard) which raised the operating temperature up to
+275`F without scarifying lower operating temperature. Superior
material were adopted in the MS-28775 O-ring, which is replacing
AN6227 and AN6230 O-rings, and the MS28778 O-ring which is
replacing the AN6290 O-ring. These O-rings are now standard for
MIL-H-5606 series system where the operating temperature may
vary from -65`F to +275. Selection of preferred rings is to use the
exact part numbers of the seal specified in the manufacturers
service manual. Particular attention should be paid to the part
number and the cure date. The cure date is the date of
manufactured and is stated in the year and quarter year. Normally,
rubber goods cure date is considered expired after 24 months.
Color Code Identification for O-rings.
 Blue dot or strip-----Air or MIL-H-5606
hydraulic fluid
 Red dot or strip----- Fuel
 Yellow dot ----- Synthetic engine oil
 White strip ----- Petroleum base engine oil or
 Whit dot ------- Non standard ring
 Green Dash -------- Skydrol Fluid
 The color coding system does not identify sizes, but only system fluid or
vapor compatibility and, in some cases, the manufacturer.
 When O-rings are used in system which have operating pressure
above 1,500 psi, backup rings are used to support the O-rings and to
prevent O-ring deformation and resultant leakage. The high pressure of
these systems has a tendency to extrude the O-ring into the groove
between the two mating surfaces. To prevent this extrusion, backup rings,
also called anti-extrusion devices, should be used. There are two types of
backup rings are used in modern aircraft: Teflon (Single and double spiral)
and chrome retained leather. Teflon backup rings are generally used with
both packing and gaskets. However, leather backup rings may be used
with gasket type seal in systems operating up to 1500 psi.
Installation Of O-ring and backup
 Before installing leather backup ring, soften it by soaking it in the fluid
the ring will be used with it. Spiral Teflon backup rings are used for
pressure higher than 1,500 psi. The ends of the Teflon rings are
scarfed, and It is possible for the ring to spiral in such direction that the
scarfs will be on the wrong side, and the ring will be damaged. Tool
used to install O-ring and Backup rings is called “Spatula”
 These tools are usually made of brass and are polished so that there
are no sharp edges that could nick the seal. When installing an O-ring
over a sharp edge, cover the edge with paper, aluminum foil, brass
shim stock, or a piece of plastic.
 O-rings and chevron seal do not seal around the shaft completely,
enough fluid is allowed to leak to lubricate shaft, and this lubricant
attract dust. A felt wiper is usually installed in a counter bore around the
shaft to keep the seals from being damaged when the shaft is retracted
into the cylinder. This seal from being damaged when the shaft is
retracted into the cylinder. This wiper removes any dirt or dust without
restricting the movement of the shaft.
Basic hydraulic system- hand pump & Power Pump

 A basic system
consists of a
pump, reservoir,
directional valve,
check valve,
pressure relieve
valve, selector
valve, actuator,
and filter.
Open Centre Hydraulic System
Open Centre Hydraulic System
Close Centre Hydraulic System
Close Centre Hydraulic System
 An open center system is one having fluid flow, but no pressure
in the system when the actuating mechanisms are idle. The pump
circulates the fluid from the reservoir, through the selector valves, and
back to the reservoir. The open center system may employ any
number of subsystems, with a selector valve for each subsystem.
Unlike the closed center system, the selector valves of the open
center system are always connected in series with each other. In this
arrangement, the system pressure line goes through each selector
valve. Fluid is always allowed free passage through each selector
valve and back to the reservoir until one of the selector valves is
positioned to operate a mechanism.
 When one of the selector valves is positioned to operate an
actuating device, fluid is directed from the pump through one of the
working lines to the actuator. With the selector valve in this position,
the flow of fluid through the valve to the reservoir is blocked. The
pressure builds up in the system to overcome the resistance and
moves the piston of the actuating cylinder; fluid from the opposite end
of the actuator returns to the selector valve and flows back to the
 In the closed-center system, the fluid is under pressure whenever the
power pump is operating. The three actuators are arranged in parallel and
actuating units B and C are operating at the same time, while actuating unit
A is not operating. This system differs from the open-center system in that
the selector or directional control valves are arranged in parallel and not in
series. The means of controlling pump pressure varies in the closed-center
system. If a constant delivery pump is used, the system pressure is
regulated by a pressure regulator. A relief valve acts as a backup safety
device in case the regulator fails. If a variable displacement pump is used,
system pressure is controlled by the pump’s integral pressure mechanism
compensator. The compensator automatically varies the volume output.
When pressure approaches normal system pressure, the compensator
begins to reduce the flow output of the pump. The pump is fully
compensated (near zero flow) when normal system pressure is attained.
When the pump is in this fully compensated condition, its internal bypass
mechanism provides fluid circulation through the pump for cooling and
lubrication. A relief valve is installed in the system as a safety backup. An
advantage of the open-center system over the closed-center system is that
the continuous pressurization of the system is eliminated. Since the pressure
is built up gradually after the selector valve is moved to an operating
position, there is very little shock from pressure surges. This action provides
a smoother operation of the actuating mechanisms. The operation is slower
than the closed-center system, in which the pressure is available the
moment the selector valve is positioned. Since most aircraft applications
require instantaneous operation, closed-center systems are the most widely
Hydraulic system components and their
 1. Reservoir 2. Engine Driven Pump
 3. Hand Pump or Power Pump 4. Accumulator
 5. Flow Control Valve
 a) Selector Valve, b) Check Valve, c) Sequence Valve, d) Priority Valve,
 e) Quick Disconnect Valve or Line Disconnect Valve, f) Hydraulic Fuse
 7. Pressure Control Valve
 a) Unloading valve or Pressure Regulator, b) Pressure relief Valve
 c) Pressure Reducer, d) Shuttle Valve (Isolation Valve), e) Metering Valve
 f) Restrictor
 i) Fixed Restrictor, ii) Variable Restrictor
 g) Orifice Check Valve
 h) Thermal Relief Valve
 8. Filters
 9. Heat Exchangers
 10. Actuator
 11. Lines
 The reservoir is a tank in which an adequate supply of fluid
for the system is stored. Fluid flows from the reservoir to the
pump, where it is forced through the system and eventually
returned to the reservoir. The reservoir not only supplies the
operating needs of the system, but it also replenishes fluid
lost through leakage. Furthermore, the reservoir serves as
an overflow basin for excess fluid forced out of the system
by thermal expansion (the increase of fluid volume caused
by temperature changes), the accumulators, and by piston
and rod displacement.
 The reservoir also furnishes a place for the fluid to
purge itself of air bubbles that may enter the system.
Foreign matter picked up in the system may also be
separated from the fluid in the reservoir or as it flows
through line filters. Reservoirs are either pressurized or
 Basically Reservoir is classified into two categories:
 1. Inline Reservoir ,2. Integral Reservoir
 Inline Reservoir is again classified into two
 1. Non-pressurized Reservoir 2. Pressurized
Reservoir. Pressurized reservoir is pressurized by
aspirator, Engine bleed air, Hydraulic pressure itself.
 (1) In-Line--this type has its own housing, is complete
within itself, and is connected with other components in
a system by tubing or hose.
 (2) Integral-this type has no housing of its own but is
merely a space set aside within some major
component to hold a supply of operational fluid. A
familiar example of this type is the reserve fluid space
found within most automobile brake master cylinders.
 Baffles and/or fins are incorporated in most reservoirs to keep
the fluid within the reservoir from having random movement, such as
vortexing (swirling) and surging. These conditions can cause fluid to
foam and air to enter the pump along with the fluid. Many reservoirs
incorporate strainers in the filler neck to prevent the entry of foreign
matter during servicing. These strainers are made of fine mesh
screening and are usually referred to as finger strainers because of
their shape. Finger strainers should never be removed or punctured
as a means of speeding up the pouring of fluid into the reservoir.
 Most aircraft have emergency hydraulic systems that take over
if main systems fail. In many such systems, the pumps of both
systems obtain fluid from a single reservoir. Under such
circumstances, a supply of fluid for the emergency pump is ensured
by drawing the hydraulic fluid from the bottom of the reservoir. The
main system draws its fluid through a standpipe located at a higher
level. With this arrangement, should the main system’s fluid supply
become depleted, adequate fluid is left for operation of the
emergency system.
 The engine-driven pump (EDP) is not able to draw fluid any
more if the reservoir gets depleted below the standpipe. The
alternating current motor-driven pump (ACMP) still has a supply of
fluid for emergency operations.
Integral Reservoir
Nonpressurized Reservoir
Nonpressurized reservoirs
are used in aircraft that are not
designed for violent maneuvers,
do not fly at high altitudes, or in
which the reservoir is located
in the pressurized area of the
aircraft. nonpressurized reservoirs
use a visual gauge to indicate the
fluid quantity. Gauges
incorporated on or in the
reservoir may be a direct
reading glass tube-type or a float-
rod that is visible through a
transparent dome.
Pressurized Reservoirs
 Reservoirs on aircraft
designed for high-
altitude flight are
usually pressurized.
Pressurizing assures
a positive flow of fluid
to the pump at high
altitudes when low
pressures are
encountered. On
some aircraft, the
reservoir is
pressurized by bleed
air taken from the
compressor section of
the engine. On others,
the reservoir may be
pressurized by
hydraulic system
pressure, aspirator.
Pressurized Reservoirs
Hydraulic Reservoir
 A filter is a screening or straining device used to clean
the hydraulic fluid, preventing foreign particles and
contaminating substances from remaining in the system. If
such objectionable material were not removed, the entire
hydraulic system of the aircraft could fail through the
breakdown or malfunctioning of a single unit of the system.
 The hydraulic fluid holds in suspension tiny particles of
metal that are deposited during the normal wear of selector
valves, pumps, and other system components. Such minute
particles of metal may damage the units and parts through
which they pass if they are not removed by a filter. Since
tolerances within the hydraulic system components are quite
small, it is apparent that the reliability and efficiency of the
entire system depends upon adequate filtering.
 Filters may be located within the reservoir, in the
pressure line, in the return line, or in any other location the
designer of the system decides that they are needed to
safeguard the hydraulic system against impurities. Most
filters used in modern aircraft are of the inline type. The
inline filter assembly is comprised of three basic units: head
assembly, bowl, and element. The head assembly is
secured to the aircraft structure and connecting lines. Within
the head, there is a bypass valve that routes the hydraulic
fluid directly from the inlet to the outlet port if the filter
element becomes clogged with foreign matter. The bowl is
the housing that holds the element to the filter head and is
removed when element removal is required.
 The element may be a micron, porous metal, or magnetic
type. The micron element is made of a specially treated
paper and is normally thrown away when removed. The
porous metal and magnetic filter elements are designed to
be cleaned by various methods and replaced in the system.
Micron-Type Filters
 A typical micron-type filter assembly utilizes an
element made of specially treated paper that is formed in
vertical convolutions (wrinkles). An internal spring holds
the elements in shape. The micron element is designed
to prevent the passage of solids greater than 10 microns
(0.000394 inch) in size. In the event that the filter
element becomes clogged, the spring-loaded relief valve
in the filter head bypasses the fluid after a differential
pressure of 50 psi has been built up. Hydraulic fluid
enters the filter through the inlet port in the filter body
and flows around the element inside the bowl. Filtering
takes place as the fluid passes through the element into
the hollow core, leaving the foreign material on the
outside of the element.
Maintenance of Filters
 Maintenance of filters is relatively easy. It mainly
involves cleaning the filter and element or cleaning the filter
and replacing the element. Filters using the micron-type
element should have the element replaced periodically
according to applicable instructions. Since reservoir filters
are of the micron type, they must also be periodically
changed or cleaned. For filters using other than the micron-
type element, cleaning the filter and element is usually all
that is necessary. However, the element should be
inspected very closely to ensure that it is completely
undamaged. The methods and materials used in cleaning
all filters are too numerous to be included in this text.
Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for this information.
When replacing filter elements, be sure that there is no
pressure on the filter bowl.
 Protective clothing and a face shield must be used to
prevent fluid from contacting the eye. Replace the
element with one that has the proper rating.
 After the filter element has been replaced, the system
must be pressure tested to ensure that the sealing
element in the filter assembly is intact.
 In the event of a major component failure, such as a
pump, consideration must be given to replacing the
system filter elements, as well as the failed component.
Hand Pump Or Emergency Pump
 The hydraulic hand pump is used in some older aircraft for the
operation of hydraulic subsystems and in a few newer aircraft systems
as a backup unit. Hand pumps are generally installed for testing
purposes, as well as for use in emergencies. Hand pumps are also
installed to service the reservoirs from a single refilling station. The
single refilling station reduces the chances for the introduction of fluid
contamination. Several types of hand pumps are used: single action,
double action, and rotary. A single action hand pump draws fluid into
the pump on one stroke and pumps that fluid out on the next stroke. It
is rarely used in aircraft due to this inefficiency. Double-action hand
pumps produce fluid flow and pressure on each stroke of the handle.
The double-action hand pump consists essentially of a housing that
has a cylinder bore and two ports, a piston, two spring-loaded check
valves, and an operating handle. An O-ring on the piston seals against
leakage between the two chambers of the piston cylinder bore. An O-
ring in a groove in the end of the pump housing seals against leakage
between the piston rod and housing.
 It is broadly classified into two types:-
 1) Single Action
 2) Double Action
Double Action Hand Pump
Power Pump Or Main Pump
 Power-driven pumps are the primary source of energy
and may be either engine driven, electric motor driven,
or air driven. As a general rule, electrical motor pumps
are installed for use in emergencies or during ground
operations. Some aircraft can deploy a ram air turbine
(RAT) to generate hydraulic power.
 It is necessary to create the flow of fluid. It may be
hand operated, engine driven or electric motor driven.
Classification of Pumps
 All pumps may be classified as either positive
displacement or non-positive displacement. Most pumps
used in hydraulic systems are positive displacement. A non-
positive displacement pump produces a continuous flow.
However, because it does not provide a positive internal
seal against slippage, its output varies considerably as
pressure varies. Centrifugal and propeller pumps are
examples of non-positive-displacement pumps. If the output
port of a non-positive-displacement pump was blocked off,
the pressure would rise and output would decrease to zero.
Although the pumping element would continue moving, flow
would stop because of slippage inside the pump. In a
positive displacement pump, slippage is negligible
compared to the pump’s volumetric output flow. If the output
port were plugged, pressure would increase instantaneously
to the point that the pump pressure relief valve opens.
Classification of Pumps
 Pump used in hydraulic system of modern aircraft
are of positive displacement type. Positive
displacement type pump is again classified into two
 1) Constant displacement type pump
Constant displacement type pump is also used
along with unloading valve or pressure regulator to
relieve excess pressure to prevent bursting line and
different valve.
 2) Variable displacement type pump
 A variable-displacement pump has a fluid output
that is varied to meet the pressure demands of the
system. The pump output is changed automatically
by a pump compensator within the pump.
Constant-Displacement Pumps
 A constant-displacement pump, regardless of pump
rotations per minute, forces a fixed or unvarying quantity
of fluid through the outlet port during each revolution of
the pump. Constant-displacement pumps are
sometimes called constant-volume or constant-
delivery pumps. They deliver a fixed quantity of fluid
per revolution, regardless of the pressure demands.
Since the constant-delivery pump provides a fixed
quantity of fluid during each revolution of the pump,
the quantity of fluid delivered per minute depends
upon pump rotations per minute. When a constant
displacement pump is used in a hydraulic system in
which the pressure must be kept at a constant value, a
pressure regulator is required.
Types Of Constant Displacement
 1) Spur Gear Type Pump
 2) Ge-rotor type pump
 3) Vane type pump
 4) Axial inline type multiple piston pump
 5) Bent axis type multiple piston pump
Spur Gear Type Pump
Spur Gear Type Pump

 A gear-type power pump is a constant-

displacement pump. It consists of two meshed gears
that revolve in a housing. The driving gear is driven
by the aircraft engine or some other power unit. The
driven gear meshes with, and is driven by, the
driving gear. Clearance between the teeth as they
mesh and between the teeth and the housing is very
small. The inlet port of the pump is connected to the
reservoir, and the outlet port is connected to the
pressure line. When the driving gear turns, as
shown in Figure, it turns the driven gear. Fluid is
carried by the teeth as they pass the inlet, and it
travels around the housing and exits at the outlet.
Ge-rotor type pump
Ge-rotor type pump
 A ge-rotor-type power pump consists essentially of a
housing containing an eccentric-shaped stationary liner, an
internal gear rotor having seven wide teeth of short height, a
spur driving gear having six narrow teeth, and a pump cover
that contains two crescent-shaped openings. One opening
extends into an inlet port and the other extends into an outlet
port. During the operation of the pump, the gears turn
clockwise together. As the pockets between the gears on the
left side of the pump move from a lowermost position toward
a topmost position, the pockets increase in size, resulting in
the production of a partial vacuum within these pockets.
Since the pockets enlarge while over the inlet port crescent,
fluid is drawn into them. As these same pockets (now full of
fluid) rotate over to the right side of the pump, moving from
the topmost position toward the lowermost position, they
decrease in size. This results in the fluid being expelled from
the pockets through the outlet port crescent.
Vane type pump
Vane type pump
 The vane-type power pump is also a constant-displacement
pump. It consists of a housing containing four vanes (blades), a
hollow steel rotor with slots for the vanes, and a coupling to turn the
rotor. The rotor is positioned off center within the sleeve. The
vanes, which are mounted in the slots in the rotor, together with the
rotor, divide the bore of the sleeve into four sections. As the rotor
turns, each section passes one point where its volume is at a
minimum and another point where its volume is at a maximum. The
volume gradually increases from minimum to maximum during the
first half of a revolution and gradually decreases from maximum to
minimum during the second half of the revolution. As the volume of
a given section increases, that section is connected to the pump
inlet port through a slot in the sleeve. Since a partial vacuum is
produced by the increase in volume of the section, fluid is drawn
into the section through the pump inlet port and the slot in the
sleeve. As the rotor turns through the second half of the revolution
and the volume of the given section is decreasing, fluid is displaced
out of the section, through the slot in the sleeve aligned with the
outlet port, and out of the pump.
Axial inline type multiple piston pump
Axial inline type multiple piston pump
 The simplest type of axial piston pump is the swash
plate design in which a cylinder block is turned by the
drive shaft. Pistons fitted to bores in the cylinder block
are connected through piston shoes and a retracting
ring so that the shoes bear against an angled swash
plate. As the block turns, the piston shoes follow the
swash plate, causing the pistons to reciprocate. The
ports are arranged in the valve plate so that the pistons
pass the inlet as they are pulled out, and pass the
outlet as they are forced back in. In these pumps,
displacement is determined by the size and number of
pistons, as well as their stroke length, which varies with
the swash plate angle.
Bent axis type multiple piston pump
Bent axis type multiple piston pump

 The angular housing of the pump causes a corresponding

angle to exist between the cylinder block and the drive shaft plate to
which the pistons are attached. It is this angular configuration of the
pump that causes the pistons to stroke as the pump shaft is turned.
When the pump operates, all parts within the pump (except the outer
races of the bearings that support the drive shaft, the cylinder
bearing pin on which the cylinder block turns, and the oil seal) turn
together as a rotating group. At one point of rotation of the rotating
group, a minimum distance exists between the top of the cylinder
block and the upper face of the drive shaft plate. Because of the
angled housing at a point of rotation 180° away, the distance
between the top of the cylinder block and the upper face of the drive
shaft plate is at a maximum. At any given moment of operation,
three of the pistons are moving away from the top face of the
cylinder block, producing a partial vacuum in the bores in which
these pistons operate. This occurs over the inlet port, so fluid is
drawn into these bores at this time.
Bent axis type multiple piston pump

 On the opposite side of the cylinder block,

three different pistons are moving toward the
top face of the block. This occurs while the
rotating group is passing over the outlet port
causing fluid to be expelled from the pump by
these pistons. The continuous and rapid
action of the pistons is overlapping in nature
and results in a practically nonpulsating pump
Types Of Variable Displacement
 There are generally two types of variable
displacement pump used in modern aircraft
hydraulic system are:

 1) Vickers variable displacement pump

 2) stratopower variable displacement pump
Vickers variable displacement pump

The following paragraph discusses a two-

stage Vickers variable displacement
pump. The first stage of the pump consists
of a centrifugal pump that boosts the
pressure before the fluid enters the piston
Vickers variable displacement pump
Yoke Angle
Stratopawer Variable Displacement
 Internal features of the variable displacement
pump are shown in figure. This pump operates
similarly to the fixed displacement, fixed angle
multiple piston type pump, however this pump
provides the additional feature of automatically
varying the volume output.
 This function is controlled by the pressure in the
hydraulic system. For example, let us take a pump
rated at 3,000 psi and providing flow to 3,000 psi
system. As system pressure approaches, say 2850
psi, the pump begins to unload (deliver less flow to
the system) and is fully unloaded (zero flow) at
3,000 psi.
To be continue
 The pressure regulation and flow are controlled by
internal bypasses that automatically adjust fluid
delivery to system demands.
 The bypass system is provided to supply self-
lubrication, particularly when the pump is in non-flow
operation. The ring of bypass holes in the piston are
aligned with the bypass passage each time a piston
reaches the very end of its forward travel. This
pumps a small quantity of fluid out of the bypass
passage back to supply reservoir and provides a
constant changing of fluid in the pump. The bypass
is designed to pump against a considerable back
pressure for use with pressurized reservoirs.
Accumulator purposes
 Absorb the shocks due to rapid pressure variation in a hydraulic
 Dampen pressure surges in the hydraulic system caused by actuation of
a unit and the effort of the pump to maintain pressure at a preset level.
 Aid or supplement the power pump when several units are operating at
once by supplying extra power from its accumulated, or stored, power.
 Store power for the limited operation of a hydraulic unit when the pump is
not operating.
 Help maintain a constant pressure within the hydraulic system.
 Help the hydraulic pump under peak pressure loads.
 It is an emergency source of power (Some braking system have their
own accumulator)
 In order to store fluid (incompressible) under pressure, a compressible
substance must be used.
 A gas is used to maintain fluid pressure in the accumulator. (usually
nitrogen or dry air)
 This compressed gas exert a force on the hydraulic fluid, holding it
under pressure when the rest of the system is unbalanced.
Types of Accumulators

 There are two general types of accumulators used in

aircraft hydraulic systems: spherical and cylindrical.
 There are two common types of spherical accumulator
used in aircraft hydraulic system:
 Bladder type accumulator
 Diaphragm type accumulator (Most commonly used)
 There are one common types of cylindrical
accumulator used in aircraft hydraulic system:
 Piston type accumulator
 The bladder-type accumulator operates on the same
principle as the diaphragm type. It serves the same
purpose, but varies in construction. This unit consists of a
one-piece metal sphere with a fluid pressure inlet at the
top. There is an opening at the bottom for inserting the
bladder. A large screw-type plug at the bottom of the
accumulator retains the bladder and also seals the unit.
The high-pressure air valve is also mounted in the retainer
plug. A round metal disc attached to the top of the
bladder prevents air pressure from forcing the bladder
out through the pressure port. As fluid pressure rises, it
forces the bladder downward against the air charge, filling
the upper chamber with fluid pressure. The broken lines in
figure show the approximate shape of the bladder when
the accumulator is charged.
Bladder type accumulator
Diaphragm type Accumulator
 Diaphragm type accumulators consist of two hollow
half-ball metal sections fastened together at the centerline.
One of these halves has a fitting for attaching the unit to
the system; the other half is equipped with an air valve for
charging the unit with compressed air. Mounted between
the two halves is a synthetic rubber diaphragm which
divides the tank into two compartments. A screen covers
the outlet on the fluid side of the accumulator.
 This prevents a part of the diaphragm from being
pushed up into the system pressure port and being
damaged. This could happen whenever there is an air
charge in the unit and no balancing fluid pressure. In
some units, a metal disc attached to the center of the
diaphragm is used in place of the screen.
 The piston-type accumulator also serves the same
purpose and operates much like the diaphragm and
bladder accumulators. As shown in figure this unit is a
cylinder (B) and piston assembly (E) with openings on
each end. System fluid pressure enters the top port (A),
and forces the piston down against the air charge in the
bottom chamber ED). A high-pressure air valve (C) is
located at the bottom of the cylinder for servicing the
unit. There are two rubber seals (represented by the
black dots) which prevent leakage between the two
chambers (D and G). A passage (F) is drilled from the
fluid side of the piston to the space between the seals.
This provides lubrication between the cylinder walls and
the piston.
Piston type accumulator
Maintenance of Accumulators

 Maintenance consists of inspections, minor repairs,

replacement of component parts, and testing. There is
an element of danger in maintaining.
 Failure to release the air could result in serious
injury to the mechanic. (Before making this check.
however. he certain you know the type of high-pressure
air valve used.) When you know that all air pressure has
been removed, go ahead and take the unit apart. Re
sure. though, that you follow manufacturer's instructions
for the specific unit you have.
High Pressure Air Charging Valve

 Air valves used in accumulators may be one of three

types. The most simple is the AN812 valve in Figure.
This valve seals the air inside the accumulator with a
high-pressure core that is similar in appearance, but
different in construction from the valve core that is used
in tires. The valve core used in an accumulator air valve
is identified by the letter H embossed on the end of the
 To deflate an accumulator equipped with an AN812
valve, do not depress the valve stem, but loosen the
valve body in the accumulator. The bleed hole in the side
of the valve allows the air to leak past the loosened
 Both AN6287-1 and MS28889 valves seal the air inside the
accumulator with a steel-against-steel seal. The AN6287-1 valve has a
valve core similar to the one used in the AN8l2 valve, but it has a
swivel nut around the stem. To charge an accumulator equipped with
an AN6287-1 valve, remove the protective cap from the valve, attach
the charging hose to the valve, and loosen the swivel nut for one turn.
Loosening the swivel nu backs the valve body off enough to allow air to
pass into the accumulator. To deflate an accumulator fitted with this
valve, remove the protective cap, loosen the swivel nut one turn, and
depress the stem of the valve core.
 The MS28889 valve does not use a valve core. It depends entirely on
the metal-to-metal seal to hold air in the accumulator. To charge an
accumulator equipped with this valve, remove the protective cap, install
the charging hose on the valve, loosen the swivel nut, and allow air to
flow into the accumulator. To discharge the accumulator, remove the
protective cap and loosen the swivel nut.
 The MS28889 and AN6287-1 valves are similar in appearance,
except that there is no valve core in the MS28889 valve, and its swivel
nut is the same size as the body of the valve. (The swivel nut on the
AN6287-1 valve is smaller than the valve body). Another difference is
that the MS28889 valve has a roll pin in its body that prevents the stem
of the valve being screwed too far into the body.
High Pressure Air Charging Valve

 Flow control valves control the speed

and/or direction of fluid flow in the hydraulic
system. They provide for the operation of
various components when desired and the
speed at which the component operates.
 Types Of Flow control Valves:-
 selector valves, check valves, sequence
valves, priority valves, shuttle valves, quick
disconnect valves, Hydraulic fuse and
Metering Valve.
Selector Valves
 A selector valve is used to control the direction of
movement of a hydraulic actuating cylinder or similar
device. It is used to direct the flow of fluid. It may be
manually operated directly or indirectly through the
mechanical linkage, or may be actuated by the solenoid.
 There are two main types of selector valves:
 (1) open-center and (2) closed-center.
 1) An open center valve allows a continuous flow of
system hydraulic fluid through the valve even when the
selector is not in a position to actuate a unit.
 A type of selector valve that functions as an
unloading valve as well as a selector valve.
 2) A closed-center selector valve blocks the flow of
fluid through the valve when it is in the NEUTRAL or
OFF position.
 Selector valves may be poppet-type, spool-type, or piston-type,
rotary-type, or plug-type. Most selector valves are mechanically
controlled by a lever or electrically controlled by solenoid or servo.
 Rotary-type, or Plug-type:-

 The four ports on a four-way selector valve always have the

same function. One port receives pressurized fluid from the system
hydraulic pump. A second port always returns fluid to the reservoir.
The third and forth ports are used to connect the selector valve to
the actuating unit. There are two ports on the actuating unit. When
the selector valve is positioned to connect pressure to one port on
the actuator, the other actuator port is simultaneously connected to
the reservoir return line through selector valve. Thus, the unit
operates in a certain direction. When the selector valve is positioned
to connect pressure to the other port on the actuating unit, the
original port is simultaneously connected to the return line through
the selector valve and the unit operates in the opposite direction.
Rotary-type, or Plug-type close centre
selector valve:-
Flow through plug type or rotary type
close centre selector valve:-
Poppet-type close centre selector valve:-
Flow through poppet type close centre
selector valve:-
Flow through poppet type open centre
selector valve:-
Spool-type, or piston-type close centre
selector valve:-
Installation of spool type selector valve
in system
Check Valve
 A check valve allows fluid to flow unimpeded in one direction, but
prevents or restricts fluid flow in the opposite direction. A check
valve may be an independent component situated in-line
somewhere in the hydraulic system or it may be built-in to a
 When part of a component, the check valve is said to be an
integral check valve.
 A typical check valve consists of a spring loaded ball and seat
inside a housing. The spring compresses to allow fluid flow in the
designed direction. When flow stops, the spring pushes the ball
against the seat which prevents fluid from flowing in the opposite
direction through the valve. An arrow on the outside of the
housing indicated the direction in which fluid flow is permitted. A
check valve may also be constructed with spring loaded flapper
or coned shape piston instead of a ball.
 There are two most common type of check valve used in
aircraft hydraulic system:-
 1) Orifice type
 2) In-Line type
Orifice-Type Check Valve
 Some check valves allow full fluid flow in one direction and
restricted flow in the opposite direction. These are known as orifice-
type check valves, or damping valves. The valve contains the same
spring, ball, and seat combination as a normal check valve but the
seat area has a calibrated orifice machined into it. Thus fluid flow is
unrestricted in the designed direction while the ball is pushed off of its
seat. The downstream actuator operates at full speed. When fluid
back flows into the valve, the spring forces the ball against the seat
which limits fluid flow to the amount that can pass through the orifice.
The reduced flow in this opposite direction slows the motion, or
dampens, the actuator associated with the check valve.
 An orifice check valve may be included in a hydraulic landing gear
actuator system. When the gear is raised, the check valve allows full
fluid flow to lift the heavy gear at maximum speed. When lowering the
gear, the orifice in the check valve prevents the gear from violently
dropping by restricting fluid flow out of the actuating cylinder.
In-Line Check Valve
Orifice type Check Valve
Types of Check Valve
Orifice type Check Valve
Installation of orifice check valve in
landing gear system:-
Sequence Valves

 Sequence valves control the sequence of operation between

two branches in a circuit; they enable one unit to automatically
set another unit into motion. An example of the use of a
sequence valve is in an aircraft landing gear actuating system. In
a landing gear actuating system, the landing gear doors must
open before the landing gear starts to extend. Conversely, the
landing gear must be completely retracted before the doors
close. A sequence valve installed in each landing gear actuating
line performs this function. A sequence valve is somewhat similar
to a relief valve except that, after the set pressure has been
reached, the sequence valve diverts the fluid to a second
actuator or motor to do work in another part of the system. There
are various types of sequence valves. Some are controlled by
pressure, some are controlled mechanically, and some are
controlled by electric switches.
Mechanically Operated Sequence Valve
 The mechanically operated sequence valve is operated
by a plunger that extends through the body of the valve.
The valve is mounted so that the plunger is operated by
the primary unit. A check valve, either a ball or a poppet, is
installed between the fluid ports in the body. It can be
unseated by either the plunger or fluid pressure. Port A
and the actuator of the primary unit are connected by a
common line. Port B is connected by a line to the actuator
of the secondary unit. When fluid under pressure flows to
the primary unit, it also flows into the sequence valve
through port A to the seated check valve in the sequence
valve. In order to operate the secondary unit, the fluid
must flow through the sequence valve. The valve is
located so that the primary unit moves the plunger as it
completes its operation. The plunger unseats the check
valve and allows the fluid to flow through the valve, out
port B, and to the secondary unit.
Mechanically Operated Sequence Valves
Pressure controlled Sequence Valve
 The opening pressure is obtained by adjusting the
tension of the spring that normally holds the piston in the
closed position. (Note that the top part of the piston has a
larger diameter than the lower part.) Fluid enters the valve
through the inlet port, flows around the lower part of the
piston and exits the outlet port, where it flows to the
primary (first) unit to be operated. This fluid pressure also
acts against the lower surface of the piston. When the
primary actuating unit completes its operation, pressure in
the line to the actuating unit increases sufficiently to
overcome the force of the spring, and the piston rises. The
valve is then in the open position. The fluid entering the
valve takes the path of least resistance and flows to the
secondary unit. A drain passage is provided to allow any
fluid leaking past the piston to flow from the top of the
valve. In hydraulic systems, this drain line is usually
connected to the main return line.
Pressure controlled Sequence Valve
Priority Valves
 A priority valve is similar to a sequence valve except
that it is opened by hydraulic pressure rather than by
mechanical contact. Priority valves get their name from
the fact that they control the sequence of operation of
landing gear retraction and wheel-well door actuation by
allowing the units that require the least pressure to have
priority, or to actuate first. Figure 5-41 shows the landing
gear selector valve in the GEAR-DOWN position. Fluid
flows to the wheel-well door actuator to open the doors,
but it cannot flow to the main landing gear actuator,
because it is shut off by the main landing gear priority
 Figure 5-42 shows the principle on which the priority
valve operates. Figure 5-42A shows the valve in the
position it is in before the wheel-well doors are fully
open. As soon as the doors are fully open, pressure
builds up in the gear-down line and moves the poppet
inside the priority valve to the right, as seen in Figure 5-
 A pin on the poppet forces the spool valve off its
seat and allows fluid to flow to the main landing gear
actuator. When the landing gear selector valve is placed
in the GEAR -UP position, return fluid from the main
landing gear actuator flows through the priority valve in
the reverse direction as seen in Figure 5-42C. The fluid
moves the seat to the left so that it opens the spool valve
and allows fluid to flow through the selector valve to the
 Figure 5-41 shows a wheel-well door priority valve in
the close-door line to the wheel-well door actuator. When
the landing gear selector is placed in the GEAR-UP
position, fluid flows into the main landing gear actuator to
raise the gear. When the gear is up, the pressure builds
up high enough to shift the poppet inside the wheel-well
door priority valve. The poppet opens the spool valve
and fluid flows into the wheel-well door cylinder to close
Priority Valves
Shuttle Valve or Isolation Valve

 In certain fluid power systems, the supply of fluid to a

subsystem must be from more than one source to meet
system requirements. In some systems, an emergency
system is provided as a source of pressure in the event
of normal system failure. The emergency system usually
actuates only essential components. The main purpose
of the shuttle valve is to isolate the normal system from
an alternate or emergency system. It is small and simple;
yet, it is a very important component. The housing
contains three ports—normal system inlet, alternate or
emergency system inlet, and outlet. A shuttle valve used
to operate more than one actuating unit may contain
additional unit outlet ports.
Shuttle Valve or Isolation Valve
 Enclosed in the housing is a sliding part called the
shuttle. Its purpose is to seal off one of the inlet ports.
There is a shuttle seat at each inlet port. When a
shuttle valve is in the normal operation position, fluid
has a free flow from the normal system inlet port,
through the valve, and out through the outlet port to
the actuating unit. The shuttle is seated against the
alternate system inlet port and held there by normal
system pressure and by the shuttle valve spring. The
shuttle remains in this position until the alternate
system is activated. This action directs fluid under
pressure from the alternate system to the shuttle valve
and forces the shuttle from the alternate system inlet
port to the normal system inlet port. Fluid from the
alternate system then has a free flow to the outlet port,
but is prevented from entering the normal system by
the shuttle, which seals off the normal system port.
 The shuttle may be one of four types:
 1. Sliding plunge
 2. Spring-loaded piston
 3. Spring-loaded ball
 4. Spring-loaded poppet
 In shuttle valves that are designed with a
spring, the shuttle is normally held against
the alternate system inlet port by the spring.
Quick Disconnect Valves or Line
Disconnect Valves
 Quick disconnect valves are installed in
hydraulic lines to prevent loss of fluid when units are
removed. Such valves are installed in the pressure
and suction lines of the system immediately
upstream and downstream of the power pump. In
addition to pump removal, a power pump can be
disconnected from the system and a hydraulic test
stand connected in its place. These valve units
consist of two interconnecting sections coupled
together by a nut when installed in the system. Each
valve section has a piston and poppet assembly.
These are spring loaded to the closed position when
the unit is disconnected.
Quick Disconnect Valves or Line
Disconnect Valves
Hydraulic Fuses
 A hydraulic fuse is a safety device. Fuses may be
installed at strategic locations throughout a hydraulic
system. They detect a sudden increase in flow, such as
a burst downstream, and shut off the fluid flow. By
closing, a fuse preserves hydraulic fluid for the rest of
the system. Hydraulic fuses are fitted to the brake
system, leading edge flap and slat extend and retract
lines, nose landing gear up and down lines, and the
thrust reverser pressure and return lines. One type of
fuse, referred to as the automatic resetting type, is
designed to allow a certain volume of fluid per minute to
pass through it. If the volume passing through the fuse
becomes excessive, the fuse closes and shuts off the
flow. When the pressure is removed from the pressure
supply side of the fuse, it automatically resets itself to the
open position. Fuses are usually cylindrical in shape,
with an inlet and outlet port at opposite ends.
Hydraulic Fuses
Hydraulic Fuse
Metering Valve or One way Restrictor

 A metering check valve, sometimes called a one way restrictor,

serve the same purpose as an orifice check valve. However, the
metering check valve is adjustable, whereas an orifice check
valve is not.
 This unit has a housing, a metering pin, and a check valve
assembly. The pin is adjusted to hold the ball slightly off its seat.
When fluid enters port B, it forces the ball away from its seat and
then flows out through port A to the actuating cylinder flows
through the tiny opening between the ball and its seat, thus
restricting the flow. By adjusting pin in or out with a screwdriver,
the rate at which the fluid can return from the actuating cylinder is
controlled, because the position of the metering pin changes the
width of the opening between the ball and its seat. This valve is
used in landing gear system to increase the extensions time of
landing gear.

See the page No. 365 in AMR

Flap Overload Valve

 It is very important that wing flaps not be lowered

when the airspeed is too high, and if the airspeed
becomes too high when they are lowered, they must
be raised. An excessive air load on the flaps can
cause structural damage or unwanted pitching
 A flap overload valve can be installed in the wing
flap hydraulic system to prevent the flaps from being
lowered at too high an airspeed. If they are down
when the airspeed increases, the valve allows them
to raise automatically until the air load is within safe
 When the flap selector valve is placed in the
FLAPS-DOWN position, fluid flows through the
overload valve from ports P to F and into the flaps
down side of the actuator. If they are being lowered
when the airspeed is too high, the air loads on the
flaps will require more pressure than the overload
valve will allow. The valve shifts, returning the fluid
from the overload valve back into the reservoir
through port R, the check valve, and the selector
valve. As soon as the air load decreases to an
allowable level the overload valve allows fluid to flow
into the actuator to continue lowering the flaps.
Flow Equalizer Valve
 Some airplanes use a flow equalizer between the main landing
gear actuating cylinders to cause the two landing gears to extend
and retract evenly.
 When the landing gear handle is placed in the GEAR-DOWN
position, fluid flows through the selector valve and the flow equalizer
valve on its way to the gear-down side of the two main-gear actuator
cylinders. The fluid divides inside the flow equalizer and flows
through two internal passages that are connected by a free-floatig
metering piston. If the right gear binds slightly, more fluid flows into
the left actuator than to the right, and the metering piston moves
over and restricts the flow to the left cylinder, forcing more fluid to
flow into the right cylinder, keeping the flow to the two cylinders the
 When the selector valve is moved to the GEAR-UP position,
return fluid from the two actuators flows through the flow equalizer.
The metering piston moves to whichever side is necessary to restrict
the flow from the actuator that is moving fastest, and forces them to
retract at the same speed.
Landing Gear Cross-flow Valve or
metering valve
 When a heavy landing gear is released from its uplocks, it pulls
the actuator piston out faster than fluid from the selector valve can
fill the down-side of the cylinder. A cross-flow valve allows fluid to
flow directly from the up-side of the actuator to the down-side until
the system fluid can catch up with the demands of the actuator.
 When the landing gear selector is placed in the GEAR-DOWN
position, fluid releases the uplock and the landing gear drops down.
The weight of the gear pulls the piston out of the cylinder, and fluid
from the up-side of the actuator flows through the cross-flow valve
from port A, out through port C directly to the down-side of the
actuator. This allows the gear to fall smoothly and evenly. As soon
as the pump catches up with the demands for fluid in the down-side
of the actuator, the cross-flow valve shuts off port C and fluid returns
to the reservoir through port B and the selector valve.
 When the gear selector is placed in the GEAR-UP position, fluid
flows through the cross-flow valve from port B to A with no
appreciable restriction.
Landing Gear Cross-flow Valve or
metering valve:-
Pressure Control Valves

 The safe and efficient operation of fluid power systems,

system components, and related equipment requires a
means of controlling pressure. There are many types of
automatic pressure control valves. Some of them are an
escape for pressure that exceeds a set pressure; some
only reduce the pressure to a lower pressure system or
subsystem; and some keep the pressure in a system
within a required range.
 Types Of Pressure control Valves:-
 Pressure Regulator or unloading valve, Pressure Relief
valves (PRV), Pressure Reducer, Thermal Relief valves
(TRV), Fixed Orifice Restrictor, Variable Restrictor,
Shuttle Valve, and hydraulic fuses.
Pressure Regulator or unloading

 The term "pressure regulator" is applied to a device

used in hydraulic systems that are pressurized by
constant-delivery type pumps. One purpose of the
pressure regulator is to manage the output of the pump
to maintain system operating pressure within a
predetermined range. The other purpose is to permit the
pump to turn without resistance (termed unloading the
pump) at times when pressure in the system is within
normal operating range.
 The pressure regulator is so located in the system
that pump output can get into the system pressure circuit
only by passing through the regulator. The combination
of a constant-delivery type pump and the pressure
regulator is virtually the equivalent of a compensator-
controlled, variable-delivery type Pump.
 The pressure regulator used in aircraft hydraulic
system are classified into two types:-
 1) Manual type pressure regulator, and
 2) Automatic type pressure regulator.
Manual type pressure regulator
Automatic type pressure regulator
Automatic Pressure Regulator or
unloading valve


 Pressure manifold:- The portion of a fluid power
system from which the se lector valves receive their
pressurized fluid .
 Return manifold:- The portion of a fluid power
system through which the fluid is returned to the
 Kick-in pressure:- The pressure at which an
unloading valve causes a hydraulic pump to direct
its fluid into the system manifold.
 Kick-out pressure:- The pressure at which an
unloading valve shuts off the flow of fluid into the
system pressure manifold and directs it back to the
reservoir under a much reduced pressure.
Pressure Relief valves (PRV)
 The simplest type of pressure control valve is the relief valve. In
practical systems, however, a relief valve is used primarily as a backup
device to prevent high pressure from damaging the system rather than as
a pressure control device. When a relief valve relieves pressure, heat is
generated and power is lost.
 The system pressure relief valve opens and relieves any pressure
above that which is maintained by the system pressure regulator. Only in
the event of a malfunction of the regulator will the relief valve be required
to function.
 There are typically a number of pressure control valves in a hydraulic
system with a wide range of relief pressures. To adjust any of the relief
valves, you must temporarily adjust the pressure regulator to a pressure
above that of the highest relief valve. Adjust the relief valve with the
highest setting first, and then adjust the other valves in descending order
of their relief pressure. When you have adjusted all of the relief valves,
adjust the system pressure regulator to its correct pressure.
Two-port pressure relief valve
Pressure Reducer
 Pressure reducing valves are used in hydraulic systems
where it is necessary to lower the normal system operating
pressure by a specified amount. Pressure reducing valves
provide a steady pressure into a system that operates at a
lower pressure than the supply system. A reducing valve
can normally be set for any desired downstream pressure
within the design limits of the valve. Once the valve is set,
the reduced pressure is maintained regardless of changes
in supply pressure (as long as the supply pressure is at
least as high as the reduced pressure desired) and
regardless of the system load, if the load does not exceed
the designed capacity of the reducer.
Thermal Relief valves (TRV)
 Pressure can build up in parts of a hydraulic system
where fluid is trapped in a line between the actuator and its
selector valve. The trapped fluid gets hot and expands, and if
there is no way to relieve the pressure, it can rupture a line or
damage some of the components.
 A thermal relief valve is a pressure relief valve that is
installed between the portion of the system in which the
pressure is trapped and the system return manifold. Thermal
relief valves relieve pressure above the setting of the
normal system pressure relief valve before it builds up
high enough to do any damage. They do not interfere with
normal system operation.
 A thermal relief valve in a hydraulic system that relieves
pressure that builds up in an isolated part of the system
because of heat. Thermal relief valves are set at a higher
pressure than the system pressure relief valve.
Fixed Orifice Restrictor
Variable Restrictor
 Restrictors are a type of control valve used in
pneumatic systems as well as in hydraulic system.
Figure illustrates an orifice-type restrictor with a large
inlet port and a small outlet port. The small outlet port
reduces the rate of airflow and the speed of operation
of an actuating unit.
 Another type of speed-regulating unit is the variable
restrictor. It contains an adjustable needle valve, which
has threads around the top and a point on the lower
end. Depending on the direction turned, the needle
valve moves the sharp point either into or out of a
small opening to decrease or increase the size of the
opening. Since air entering the inlet port must pass
through this opening before reaching the outlet port,
this adjustment also determines the rate of airflow
through the restrictor.
Hydraulic Filters
 Hydraulic fluid must be kept clean. As many of the solid contaminants as
possible must be removed from the fluid. These contaminants can damage
the pumps, valves, and actuators in a hydraulic system.
 The filtering capability of a hydraulic filter is measured in microns. One
micron is one millionth of a meter, or 39 millionths of an inch (0.000 039
inch). The unaided human eye can see contaminants as small as 40
microns, and an effective filter should be able to remove contaminants
larger than 5 microns.
 Two basic types of filters are used in aircraft hydraulic systems: surface
filters and edge filters. Surface filters trap the contaminants on the surface
of the element, which may be made of sintered metal or a specially treated
cellulose material. These filters usually have a bypass valve built into them
that opens to allow the fluid to bypass the element if it should become
clogged. Wire mesh and some sintered metal filter elements may be
cleaned and reused, but others are non-cleanable and are discarded on a
regular scheduled basis.
 Some of the latest filter elements are known as 5-micron
non-cleanable elements. These elements are made of a
combination of organic and inorganic fibers integrally bonded
with epoxy resin and faced with metallic mesh on both sides
for protection and added mechanical strength. These elements
should never be cleaned , but are replaced on a regular
maintenance schedule.
 Another new type of 5-micron filtering element is made of
layers of very fine stainless steel fibers drawn into a random
but controlled matrix. The matrix is then processed by
compressing it and bonding all of the wires at their crossing
points into a very thin layer. This type of filtering element is
made in both cleanable and non-cleanable forms.
 The filter assembly in Figure is typical of modern system
filters. The filter head is installed in the hydraulic system either
in the pressure side of the pump or in the return line to the
reservoir. The filter bowl can be unscrewed from the head to
remove the filter element. When the bowl is removed, the
shut-off diaphragm closes to prevent the loss of any fluid that
is in the system downstream of the filter.
 A bypass poppet valve is installed in this filter assembly to
allow fluid to flow through the system in the event the filter
element clogs. If the element clogs, there will be a large
pressure drop across it, and the inlet fluid will force the valve
off its seat. Unfiltered fluid will flow through the system.
When enough pressure builds up across the filter to unseat
the bypass valve, the red differential-pressure indicator
button pops up to inform the maintenance technician that the
filter element is clogged and has bypassed fluid. This
indicator may also be connected to a switch to give an
electrical signal to the maintenance computer that the filter is
 Edge filters, often called Cuno filters, are made up of stacks
of thin metal disks with scrapers between them. All of the
fluid flows between the disks, and contaminants are stopped
on the edges of the disks. The degree of filtration is
determined by the thickness of the separators between the
disks. Cuno filters are cleaned by turning the shaft that
rotates the disks and scrapes the contaminants from
between them into the outer housing, where they can be
removed by draining the filter bowl.
External View of a hydraulic filter

 Sintered metal:- A porous material made by fu

sing powdered metal under heat and pressure.
 Cuno tilter:- The registered trade name for a
particular style of edge-type fluid filter.
 Cuno filters are made up of a stack of thin metal
disks that are separated by thin scraper blades.
Contaminants collect on the edge of the disks, and
they are periodically scraped out and allowed to
collect in the bottom of the filter case for future
Hydraulic Actuators

 The ultimate function of a hydraulic or

pneumatic system is to convert the pressure
in the fluid into work. In order to do this, there
must be some form of movement, and this
movement takes place in the actuator.
 The hydraulic actuators are of two types:-
 1) Linear Actuators,
 2) Rotary Actuators, and
 3) Servo Actuators.
Linear Actuators
 Linear actuators are made up of a cylinder and a piston.
The cylinder is usually attached to the aircraft structure, and
the piston is connected to the component that is being
 The rate of movement of the piston in a Linear actuator
can be controlled by restricting the fluid flowing into or out
of the cylinder.
 The two most common type linear actuator used in
hydraulic system are:-
 1) Single-acting actuator, and
 2) Double-acting actuator.
 Double-acting actuator are again classified into two types
 a) Double-acting balanced actuator, and
 b) Double-acting unbalanced actuator.
Single-acting actuator

A single-acting actuator has a piston that is moved in

one direction by hydraulic fluid , and is returned by a spring.
Double-acting balanced actuator
A double-acting actuator uses hydraulic fluid to move the
piston in both directions, a double-acting balanced actuator
has piston rods extending from both sides of the piston. A
balanced actuator has a shaft on both sides of the piston, so
the area is the same on each side, and the same amount of
force is developed in each direction. Balanced actuators are
commonly used for hydraulic servos used with automatic
Double-acting unbalanced actuator
An unbalanced, double-acting actuator has a piston rod extending from
only one side of the piston. Unbalanced actuators have more area on one side
of the piston than on the other because of the area that is taken up by the piston
rod. As much force as possible is needed to raise the landing gear, so the fluid
pushes against the full area of the piston. Not as much force is needed to lower
the landing gear because of the weight of the struts and wheels, so the fluid is
directed into the end of the actuator that has the piston rod. The fluid pushes on
only the portion of the piston that is not taken up by the rod.

 Hydraulic actuator:- The component in a hydraulic system that

converts hydraulic pressure into mechanical force. The two main
types of hydraulic actuators are linear actuators (cylinders and
pistons) and rotary actuators (hydraulic motors).
 Linear actuator:- A fluid power actuator that uses a piston
moving in side a cylinder to change pressure into linear. or
straight line, motion.
 Balanced actuator:- A hydraulic or pneumatic actuator that has
the same area on both s ides of the piston.
 Unbalanced actuator:- A hydraulic or pneumatic actuator that
has a greater area on one side of the piston than on the other.
Internal Lock unbalance double acting actuator
 Linear actuators may have features that adapt them to
special jobs. Figure illustrates a landing gear actuator that has
internal locks to hold the landing gear down. The actuator is
locked with the piston retracted all the way into the cylinder
until hydraulic pressure releases it. In Figure, the piston is
retracted, and the landing gear is down and locked by the
locking balls that are forced into the groove in the end of the
piston by the locking pin.
 When the landing gear selector is placed in the GEAR-UP
position, fluid flows into the cylinder and forces the locking pin
to the right, which allows the balls to drop down and release
the piston. The spring forces the collar to the left to hold the
balls against the locking pin. Movement of the locking pin
pulls the check valve back and allows fluid to flow into the
cylinder, extending the piston and raising the gear.
 When the landing gear selector is placed in the
GEAR-DOWN position, fluid moves the actuator
piston into the cylinder, and the fluid on the gear-up
side of the piston forces the check valve back. The
fluid leaves the actuator. As the piston reaches its
fully retracted position, it forces the collar back, and
the spring behind the locking pin pushes it to the left
and forces the balls into the groove at the end of the
piston, locking it in place.
Rotary Actuators
 Rotary actuator:- A fluid power actuator whose output is
rotational. A hydraulic motor is a rotary actuator.

 There are two types of rotary actuators most commonly used:-

 1) Rack-and-pinion actuator, and 2) Hydraulic motor.
 Rack-and-pinion actuator:- A form of rotary actuator where the
fluid acts on a piston on which a rack of gear teeth is cut. As the
piston moves, it rotates a pinion gear which is mated with the
teeth cut in the rack.
 Hydraulic motor:- A hydraulic actuator that converts fluid
pressure into rotary motion . Hydraulic motors have an
advantage in aircraft installations over electric motors, because
they can operate in a stalled condition without the danger of a
Rack-and-pinion actuator

The efficient rack-and-pinion actuator is used on the single-

engine Cessna airplanes to retract their landing gear. A piston
with rack teeth cut onto its shaft rotates the pinion as the piston
moves in or out of the cylinder. Rotation of the pinion gear raises
or lowers the landing gear.
Hydraulic motors

 Hydraulic motors are used to maintain continued

rotation. Hydraulic motors are similar to hydraulic pumps
except for certain design detail differences. Piston
motors have many applications on larger aircraft where a
considerable amount of power with good control is
needed. The advantages of hydraulic motors over
electric motors are its ability to instantaneously reverse
the direction of rotation and its lack of fire hazard in the
event of a stalled rotor.
 Vane-type hydraulic motors that have provisions for
balancing the load on the shaft are al so used. Some of
the pressure is directed to both sides of the motor, as is
seen in the balanced-vane-type motor in Figure.
Balanced- vane- type hydraulic
Servo Actuators:-
 Heavy, high-performance airplanes require so much
force to move the control surfaces that the pilot is
assisted by hydraulically boosted controls. Rather than
moving the control surface itself, the cockpit controls
move flow control valves connected to servo actuators
that move the surfaces. Movement of the pilot 's control
causes the flow control valve to direct hydraulic fluid to
the proper side of the actuating piston to move the flight
control surface in the correct direction. As the actuator
piston moves to the position called for by the pilot's
control, the internal linkage moves the flow control valve
back to a neutral position and stops the flow of hydraulic
fluid, and thus the movement of the piston.
 Many modern high-performance aircraft incorporate a fly-
by-wire system in which there is no mechanical
connection between the cockpit control and the control
surfaces. Electrical input signals are generated by the
position and force applied to the cockpit control, the
position of the control surface, the air load on the surface
and other parameters chosen by the aircraft manufacturer.
These signals are fed into a computer that controls electro-
hydraulic servo actuators that move the surface the correct
direction to produce the desired flight attitude change.
Feedback transducers signal the computer when the
desired change has been made to stop the action.

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