Assignment Template
Assignment Template
Assignment Template
Due Date:
01 April 2020
1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1
3.0 CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................6
4.0 REFERENCE...........................................................................................................7
Nurses who are the practitioners of all levels of the health care
system (protection, improvement, treatment, care and rehabilitation of health) are
required to renew themselves in accordance with the scientific, technological,
economic, social and social changes and improvements in order to fulfil these
requirements (ICN 2009). Nursing education has become compulsory in order to
carry out entrepreneurship strategies to raise qualified nurses who are capable of
fulfilling the requirements in changes and improvements (Başar et al., 2015; Dil et
al., 2012; Şen et al., 2013).
In contrast to an entrepreneur, a nurse intrapreneur is a salaried
employee, often of a government run health service, who
develops, promotes, and delivers an innovative health or nursing service
within a health care setting, such as hospital or nurse-led clinic . Nurse
intrapreneurs develop innovative health practices from within the
organisational framework in which they work, and consequently share the
risks and benefits associated with this innovative practice with their
employer. Intrapreneurs are often motivated by the needs of their patients
to identify gaps in service that can be addressed through the determined
work of a health care team that may or may not include themselves.
Three paradigms encompass the health care services provided across the
continuum of care. An arrangement of preventive public health
services, primary care outpatient clinics, local general hospitals, and
regional hospitals with intensive and specialty care units is embedded in
the array of services. Within each of these health care sectors, there are a
range of services available both internally and, to a lesser
extent, externally to address community health and wellness
needs. Although many individuals access these services in one
setting, there are few populations which benefit from care across the three
settings in a short period of time.
2.7.1. Primary Care
Nurses play a vital role throughout the continuum of care and work in both
entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial roles to serve the primary care needs of
the community. In the context of global population aging, with increasing
numbers of older adults at greater risk of chronic, non-communicable
diseases, rapidly increasing demand for primary care services is expected
around the world. In primary care, intrapreneurial nurses work in the local
community as a first point of consultation, providing routine health
screening, preventive care, and health education to avoid the occurrence of
disease. In primary care, nurses with advanced or specialist qualifications
often provide care through nurse-led community health clinics.
This will thereby increase the efficiency and economy of this first
step in the health care system and subsequently reduce pressure on the
system at higher levels of care. One way that health care reform efforts in
multiple countries are moving toward this goal is through the introduction of
nurse practitioners to expand the primary care workforce. These initiatives
have been recognised as a feasible and effective solution to ease the
shortage of primary care physicians in many countries. An additional
consideration is that patients report more satisfaction with using primary
care practice settings than secondary care services to treat non-life
threatening conditions.
performed using a simple screening assessment completed by the primary
or triage nurse followed by an in-depth interview by a geriatric clinical
nurse specialist. Patients with unmet medical, social, or health needs are
referred to their primary physicians, to outpatient geriatric evaluation and
management centres, or to community agencies.
It seems obvious that entrepreneurial nursing roles are forging the way
for this type of partnership by examples of nurses conducting clinics in primary
and secondary care and as specialists to manage exacerbations of chronic
illness in tertiary care settings. Given the full potential scope of nurses' practice,
the success of health system reforms (such as those in the United States and
Australia) depend on a nursing workforce that is appropriately educated and
supported for innovative practice roles in multiple settings.
When the results of these studies are taken into account, the programs
regarding creativity and entrepreneurship in patient care should be included in
nursing education curricula for the development of entrepreneurship in nursing,
and it should be ensured by nursing education that students are provided with
the opportunity to develop the necessary knowledge and skills.
Culha, Yeliz, Karaman Turan, & Kaya, Hatice. (2017). Entrepreneurship in nursing
education. Pressacademia. 4. 50-53. 10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.516.
Wilson, A., Whitaker, N., Whitford, D. (May 31, 2012) "Rising to the Challenge of Health
Care Reform with Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Nursing Initiatives" OJIN: The
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17, No. 2, Manuscript 5. Retrieved from